Items where Author is "Chen, T"
Journal article
KONG, M., HAN, T., YIN, H., XU, X., ZHANG, T., CHEN, T., PAN, G., SHI, W. and WEI, D., 2022. Algal settlement inactivates lanthanum/aluminum comodified attapulgite: implications for phosphorus control in shallow lakes. ACS ES & T Water. ISSN 2690-0637
CHEN, T., SU, P., SHEN, Y., CHEN, L., MAHMUD, M., ZHAO, Y. and ANTONIOU, G., 2022. A dominant set-informed interpretable fuzzy system for automated diagnosis of dementia. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16: 867664. ISSN 1662-4548
KAISER, M.S., MAHMUD, M., NOOR, M.B.T., ZENIA, N.Z., MAMUN, S.A., ABIR MAHMUD, K.M., AZAD, S., MANJUNATH ARADHYA, V.N., PUNITHA, S., STEPHAN, T., KANNAN, R., HANIF, M., SHARMEEN, T., CHEN, T. and HUSSAIN, A., 2021. iWorkSafe: towards healthy workplaces during COVID-19 with an intelligent pHealth app for industrial settings. IEEE Access.
VAZQUEZ, D., WU, X., NGUYEN, B., KENT, A., GUTIERREZ, A. and CHEN, T., 2020. Investigating narrative involvement, parasocial interactions, and impulse buying behaviours within a second screen social commerce context. International Journal of Information Management, 53: 102135. ISSN 0268-4012
CHEN, T., HE, J., CHEN, G. and YAO, X., 2020. Choosing selection pressure for wide-gap problems. Theoretical Computer Science, 411 (6), pp. 926-934. ISSN 0304-3975
CHEN, T., BAHSOON, R. and YAO, X., 2019. A survey and taxonomy of self-aware and self-adaptive cloud autoscaling systems. ACM Computing Surveys, 51 (3): 61. ISSN 0360-0300
CHEN, T., LI, K., BAHSOON, R. and YAO, X., 2018. FEMOSAA: Feature guided and knEe driven Multi-Objective optimization for Self-Adaptive softwAre. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 27 (2): 5. ISSN 1049-331X
CHEN, T., MA, K., BIAN, X., ZHENG, C. and DEVLIN, J., 2018. Is high recovery more effective than expected recovery in addressing service failure? — a moral judgment perspective. Journal of Business Research, 82, pp. 1-9. ISSN 0148-2963
CHEN, T. and BAHSOON, R., 2017. Self-adaptive trade-off decision making for autoscaling cloud-based services. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 10 (4), pp. 618-632. ISSN 1939-1374
CHEN, T. and BAHSOON, R., 2017. Self-adaptive and online QoS modeling for cloud-based software services. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 43 (5), pp. 453-475. ISSN 0098-5589
CHEN, T. and BAHSOON, R., 2015. Toward a smarter cloud: self-aware autoscaling of cloud configurations and resources. Computer, 48 (9), pp. 93-96. ISSN 0018-9162
LEWIS, P.R., CHANDRA, A., FANIYI, F., GLETTE, K., CHEN, T., BAHSOON, R., TORRESEN, J. and YAO, X., 2015. Architectural aspects of self-aware and self-expressive computing systems: from psychology to engineering. Computer, 48 (8), pp. 62-70. ISSN 0018-9162
HE, J., CHEN, T. and YAO, X., 2015. On the easiest and hardest fitness functions. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 19 (2), pp. 295-305. ISSN 1089-778X
ABDEL-FATAH, T.M.A., MIDDLETON, F.K., ARORA, A., AGARWAL, D., CHEN, T., MOSELEY, P.M., PERRY, C., DOHERTY, R., CHAN, S., GREEN, A.R., RAKHA, E., BALL, G., ELLIS, I.O., CURTIN, N.J. and MADHUSUDAN, S., 2015. Untangling the ATR-CHEK1 network for prognostication, prediction and therapeutic target validation in breast cancer. Molecular Oncology, 9 (3), pp. 569-585. ISSN 1574-7891
CHEN, T., BAHSOON, R. and TAWIL, A.-R.H., 2014. Scalable service-oriented replication with flexible consistency guarantee in the cloud. Information Sciences, 264, pp. 349-370. ISSN 0020-0255
CHEN, T., BAHSOON, R. and THEODOROPOULOS, G., 2013. Dynamic QoS optimization architecture for cloud-based DDDAS. Procedia Computer Science, 18, pp. 1881-1890. ISSN 1877-0509
Chapter in book
CHEN, T., LI, M. and YAO, X., 2018. On the effects of seeding strategies: a case for search-based multi-objective service composition. In: Proceedings of GECCO ’18: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 15–19 July 2018, Kyoto, Japan. New York: Association for Computing Machinery. ISBN 9781450356183 (Forthcoming)
LI, M., CHEN, T. and YAO, X., 2018. A critical review of "A practical guide to select quality indicators for assessing Pareto-based search algorithms in search-based software engineering": essay on quality indicator selection for SBSE. In: Proceedings of ICSE-NIER’18: 40th International Conference on Software Engineering: New Ideas and Emerging Results Track, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden, 27 May - 3 June 2018. New York: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). ISBN 9781450356626
CHEN, T., BAHSOON, R., WANG, S. and YAO, X., 2018. To adapt or not to adapt? Technical debt and learning driven self-adaptation for managing runtime performance. In: Proceedings of ICPE ’18: 9th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering, Berlin, Germany, 9–13 April 2018. New York: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), pp. 48-55. ISBN 9781450350952
CHEN, T. and BAHSOON, R., 2017. Bridging ecology and cloud: transposing ecological perspective to enable better cloud autoscaling. In: I. MISTRIK, R. BAHSOON, N. ALI, M. HEISE and B. MAXIM, eds., Software architecture for big data and the cloud. Cambridge, MA: Morgan Kaufmann, pp. 91-102. ISBN 9780128054673
CHEN, T. and BAHSOON, R., 2014. Symbiotic and sensitivity-aware architecture for globally-optimal benefit in self-adaptive cloud. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems - SEAMS 2014, Hyderabad, India, 31 May - 7 June 2014. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): New York NY, pp. 85-94. ISBN 9781450328647
CHEN, T. and BAHSOON, R., 2013. Self-adaptive and sensitivity-aware QoS modeling for the cloud. In: M. LITOIU and J. MYLOPOULOS, eds., Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems - SEAMS 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA, 20-21 May 2013. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 43-52. ISBN 9781479903443
Conference contribution
KUMAR, S., BAHSOON, R., CHEN, T., LI, K. and BUYYA, R., 2018. Multi-tenant cloud service composition using evolutionary optimization. In: IEEE ICPADS 2018: 24th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Sentosa, Singapore, 11-13 December 2018.