Items where Author is "Zecca, M"
VAGNETTI, R., CAMP, N., STORY, M., AIT-BELAID, K., MITRA, S., FOWLER DAVIS, S., MEESE, H., ZECCA, M., DI NUOVO, A. and MAGISTRO, D., 2024. Social robots and sensors for enhanced aging at home: mixed methods study with a focus on mobility and socioeconomic factors. JMIR Aging, 7, e63092. ISSN 2561-7605
VAGNETTI, R., CAMP, N., STORY, M., AIT-BELAID, K., MITRA, S., ZECCA, M., DI NUOVO, A. and MAGISTRO, D., 2024. Instruments for measuring psychological dimensions in human-robot interaction: systematic review of psychometric properties. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 26: e55597. ISSN 1439-4456
VAGNETTI, R., CAMP, N., STORY, M., AIT-BELAID, K., BAMFORTH, J., ZECCA, M., DI NUOVO, A., MITRA, S. and MAGISTRO, D., 2023. Robot companions and sensors for better living: defining needs to empower low socio-economic older adults at home. In: A. AL ALI, J.-J. CABIBIHAN, N. MESKIN, S. ROSSI, W. JIANG, H. HE and S.S. GE, eds., Social Robotics: 15th International Conference, ICSR 2023, Doha, Qatar, December 3–7, 2023, Proceedings, Part I. Lecture notes in computer science (14453). Singapore: Springer Singapore, pp. 373-383. ISBN 9789819987146
CAMP, N., JOHNSTON, J., LEWIS, M.G.C., ZECCA, M., DI NUOVO, A., HUNTER, K. and MAGISTRO, D., 2022. Perceptions of in-home monitoring technology for activities of daily living: semistructured interview study with community-dwelling older adults. JMIR Aging, 5 (2): e33714. ISSN 2561-7605
MAGISTRO, D., CARLEVARO, F., MAGNO, F., SIMON, M., CAMP, N., KINRADE, N., ZECCA, M. and MUSELLA, G., 2021. Effects of 1 year of lifestyle intervention on institutionalized older adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (14): 7612. ISSN 1661-7827
CAMP, N., LEWIS, M., HUNTER, K., JOHNSTON, J., ZECCA, M., DI NUOVO, A. and MAGISTRO, D., 2021. Technology used to recognize activities of daily living in community-dwelling older adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (1): 163. ISSN 1661-7827
MAGISTRO, D., PIUMATTI, G., CARLEVARO, F., SHERAR, L.B., ESLIGER, D.W., BARDAGLIO, G., MAGNO, F., ZECCA, M. and MUSELLA, G., 2020. Psychometric proprieties of the Test of Gross Motor Development–Third Edition in a large sample of Italian children. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. ISSN 1440-2440
TAKEUCHI, H., MAGISTRO, D., KOTOZAKI, Y., MOTOKI, K., NEJAD, K.K., NOUCHI, R., JEONG, H., SATO, C., SESSA, S., NAGATOMI, R., ZECCA, M., TAKANISHI, A. and KAWASHIMA, R., 2020. Effects of simultaneously performed dual-task training with aerobic exercise and working memory training on cognitive functions and neural systems in the elderly. Neural Plasticity, 2020: 3859824, pp. 1-17. ISSN 2090-5904
MA, J., HOGERVORST, E., MAGISTRO, D., CHOULIARAS, V.A. and ZECCA, M., 2018. Development of sensorised resistance band for objective exercise measurement: activities classification trial. In: 40th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Honolulu, Hawaii, 17-21 July 2018. (Forthcoming)
MAGISTRO, D., PIUMATTI, G., CARLEVARO, F., SHERAR, L.B., ESLIGER, D.W., BARDAGLIO, G., MAGNO, F., ZECCA, M. and MUSELLA, G., 2018. Measurement invariance of TGMD-3 in children with and without mental and behavioral disorders. Psychological Assessment. ISSN 1939-134X
MAGISTRO, D., SESSA, S., KINGSNORTH, A.P., LOVEDAY, A., SIMEONE, A., ZECCA, M. and ESLIGER, D.W., 2018. A novel algorithm for determining the contextual characteristics of movement behaviors by combining accelerometer features and wireless beacons: development and implementation. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 6 (4): e100. ISSN 2291-5222
BRUSTIO, P.R., MAGISTRO, D., ZECCA, M., LIUBICICH, M.E. and RABAGLIETTI, E., 2018. Fear of falling and activities of daily living function: mediation effect of dual-task ability. Aging & Mental Health, 22 (6), pp. 856-861. ISSN 1360-7863
MA, J., MAGISTRO, D. and ZECCA, M., 2018. Synchronizing connection-oriented distributed sensor network using Bluetooth low energy with unmodified android device. In: L. MASIA, S. MICERA, M. AKAY and J.L. PONS, eds., Converging clinical and engineering research on neurorehabilitation III: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation (ICNR2018), Pisa, Italy, 16-20 October 2018. Biosystems & biorobotics, 21 . Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 321-325. ISBN 9783030018443
WEBBER, S., MAGISTRO, D., BRUSTIO, P.R., IVALDI, M., ESLIGER, D.W., ZECCA, M., RAINOLDI, A. and BOCCIA, G., 2018. Validation of the ADAMO Care Watch for step counting in older adults. PLoS ONE, 13 (2): e0190753. ISSN 1932-6203
PIUMATTI, G., MAGISTRO, D., ZECCA, M. and ESLIGER, D.W., 2017. The mediation effect of political interest on the connection between social trust and wellbeing among older adults. Ageing and Society. ISSN 0144-686X
LÓPEZ LLUCH, G., BRUSTIO, P.R., MAGISTRO, D., ZECCA, M., RABAGLIETTI, E. and LIUBICICH, M.E., 2017. Age-related decrements in dual-task performance: comparison of different mobility and cognitive tasks. A cross sectional study. PLOS ONE, 12 (7), e0181698. ISSN 1932-6203
KONG, W., WANNING, L., SESSA, S., ZECCA, M., MAGISTRO, D., TAKEUCHI, H., KAWASHIMA, R. and TAKANISHI, A., 2017. Step sequence and direction detection of four square step test. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2 (4), pp. 2194-2200. ISSN 2377-3766
DEOLA, S., CUGNO, C., COMOLI, P., GUIDO, I., RUBERT, L., ZECCA, M., ZANOLINI, D., FOLLENZI, A., LANGES, M., NEGRI, G., TAUBER, M., PUSCEDDU, I., CAVATTONI, I., SVALDI, M., GRIGOLEIT, G.U., BAUMEISTER, E., WANG, E., RUTELLA, S. and MARINCOLA, F.M., 2016. Evidence for CD19B–CD8T cell interactions in blood and tissues from patients with GvHD. Bone Marrow Transplantation. ISSN 0268-3369
ZHANG, D., SESSA, S., KONG, W., COSENTINO, S., MAGISTRO, D., ISHII, H., ZECCA, M. and TAKANISHI, A., 2015. Development of subliminal persuasion system to improve the upper limb posture in laparoscopic training: a preliminary study. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 10 (11), pp. 1863-1871. ISSN 1861-6410
LOCATELLI, F., MASETTI, R., RONDELLI, R., ZECCA, M., FAGIOLI, F., ROVELLI, A., MESSINA, C., LANINO, E., BERTAINA, A., FAVRE, C., GIORGIANI, G., RIPALDI, M., ZIINO, O., PALUMBO, G., PILLON, M., PESSION, A., RUTELLA, S. and PRETE, A., 2015. Outcome of children with high-risk acute myeloid leukemia given autologous or allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation in the aieop AML-2002/01 study. Bone Marrow Transplantation, 50 (2), pp. 181-188. ISSN 0268-3369
FOLGIERO, V., GOFFREDO, B.M., FILIPPINI, P., MASETTI, R., BONANNO, G., CARUSO, R., BERTAINA, V., MASTRONUZZI, A., GASPARI, S., ZECCA, M., TORELLI, G.F., TESTI, A.M., PESSION, A., LOCATELLI, F. and RUTELLA, S., 2014. Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1) activity in leukemia blasts correlates with poor outcome in childhood acute myeloid leukemia. Oncotarget, 5 (8), pp. 2052-2064. ISSN 1949-2553
PESSION, A., MASETTI, R., RIZZARI, C., PUTTI, M.C., CASALE, F., FAGIOLI, F., LUCIANI, M., LO NIGRO, L., MENNA, G., MICALIZZI, C., SANTORO, N., TESTI, A.M., ZECCA, M., BIONDI, A., PIGAZZI, M., RUTELLA, S., RONDELLI, R., BASSO, G. and LOCATELLI, F., 2013. Results of the AIEOP AML 2002/01 multicenter prospective trial for the treatment of children with acute myeloid leukemia. Blood, 122 (2), pp. 170-178. ISSN 0006-4971