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AKÇALI, E., ÇAKIRLAR, C. and GÜÇLÜ, Ö., 2022. Mustang: translating willful youth. Cinema and Youth Cultures . London: Routledge. ISBN 9780367543136 (Forthcoming)
ARRIMADA, M., FIDALGO, R. and TORRANCE, M., 2022. ¿Cómo prevenir las dificultades de aprendizaje en escritura? La respuesta a la intervención como marco de referencia. Madrid: Pirámide. ISBN 9788436847185
BLAJ-WARD, L., 2022. Academic literacies provision for international students: evaluating impact and quality. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9783031115028
BRABER, N., 2022. Lexical variation of an East Midlands mining community. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9781474455541
COCKER, E., BLACKWELL, A., COX, G., MAGNUSSON, T. and MCLEAN, A., 2022. Live coding: a user's manual. Massachusetts: The MIT Press. ISBN 9780262544818
DAVEY, R., 2022. Leonard McComb. Nottingham: Beam Editions. ISBN 9781739986568
DAVIS, S., 2022. Queer and trans people of colour in the UK: possibilities for intersectional richness. London: Routledge. ISBN 9780429437694
FANTONI, G., 2022. Storia della Brigata ebraica: gli ebrei della Palestina che combatterono in Italia nella Seconda Guerra mondiale. Einaudi storia (98). Turin: Einaudi. ISBN 9788806250997
FUGGLE, S., 2022. France's memorial landscape: views from Camp des Milles. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. (Forthcoming)
HANDFORTH, R., 2022. Belonging, gender and identity in the doctoral years: across time and space. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9783031119491
HINDLEY, D., 2022. parkrun: an organised running revolution. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9780367640613
HOWARD, F., 2022. Global perspectives on youth arts programs how and why the arts can make a difference. Bristol: Policy Press. ISBN 9781447357100
KING, S., JONES, P., CARTER, N., BEARDMORE, C. and CARTER, P., 2022. In their own write: contesting the New Poor Law, 1834–1900. McGill-Queen's University Press. ISBN 9780228014331
KUKSA, I., FISHER, T. and KENT, T., 2022. Understanding personalisation: new aspects of design and consumption. Kidlington: Chandos Publishing. ISBN 9780081019870
MAIER, D., LEE, J., BROWN, A. and STEVENS, C., 2022. Re-turning. Stoke-on-Trent: Topographies of the Obsolete Publications. ISBN 9780992693115
MANTEL, H., MILES, B. and MILES, G., 2022. The Wolf Hall picture book. London: Fourth Estate. ISBN 9780008530341
MCCALLUM, J., 2022. Exploring emotion in Reformation Scotland: the emotional worlds of James Melville, 1556-1614. Palgrave pivot . Cham: Palgrave MacMillan. ISBN 9783031157370
MUNK, T., 2022. The rise of politically motivated cyber attacks: actors, attacks and cybersecurity. Routledge studies in crime and society . Publisher: Routledge, pp. 1-282. ISBN 9781003126676
NURSE, A., 2022. Cleaning up greenwash: corporate environmental crime and the crisis of capitalism. Lexington Books. ISBN 9781793600547
O'SHAUGHNESSY, M., 2022. Looking beyond neoliberalism: French and francophone Belgian cinema and the crisis. Political cinemas . Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9781474448628
SCOTT, D., 2022. Digital learning, teaching and assessment for HE and FE practitioners. Northwich: Critical Publishing. ISBN 9781914171178 (Forthcoming)
SCOTT, S., OZBEN, T., RAMPI, V., GRUSON, D., GAMMIE, A., LOPEZ, J., MARQUES, M., BRENNAN, W., JOVICNIC, S., SAGIN, F. and STANKOVIC, S., 2022. EFLM guidelines for green and sustainable medical laboratories. [Milan, Italy]: European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. ISBN 9791221018141
VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, L., 2022. Probability, choice, and reason. Abingdon: CRC Press. ISBN 9780367538934
ZHAO, J., 2022. Derivative actions and corporate governance in China. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. ISBN 9781784719104