Items where Division is "Nottingham Law School" and Year is 2004

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Number of items: 40.


BELL, S., 2004. Sentencing for water pollution offences: R v Anglian Water Services. Journal of Water Law, pp. 72-89.

BELL, S. and ETHERINGTON, L., 2004. Environmental Law Reports. Sweet & Maxwell.

BERRY, E., 2004. The EU and human rights: never the twain shall meet? In: Global Governance and the Search for Justice, University of Sheffield, 2003, Sheffield.

BOGUSZ, B., 2004. Developing an EU immigration policy and the need for effetive control: what role for the open method of co-ordination. In: B. BOGUSZ, R. CHOLEWINSKI and A. CYGAN, eds., Irregular migration and human rights: theoretical, European and international perspectives. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff. ISBN 9004140115

BURDETTE, D., 2004. Some initial thoughts on the development of a modern and effective business rescue model for South Africa [part 1]. Mercantile Law Journal, 16 (2), pp. 241-263. ISSN 1015-0099

BURDETTE, D., 2004. Some initial thoughts on the development of a modern and effective business rescue model for South Africa [part 2]. Mercantile Law Journal, 16 (3), pp. 409-447. ISSN 1015-0099

BURDETTE, D. and CALITZ, J., 2004. The appointment of insolvency practitioners in South Africa: time for change. Journal of South African Law (4), pp. 721-751. ISSN 0257-7747


CHADWICK, E., 2004. The second death of Ilya Pavlovitch Bjuscheff: the legal position of prisoners, spies and deserters during World War 1. Nottingham Law Journal, 13 (2), pp. 1-19. ISSN 0965-0660

CHADWICK, E., 2004. A tale of two courts: the 'creation' of a jurisdiction? Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 9 (1), pp. 71-101. ISSN 1467-7954


DEARDS, E., 2004. The Partnership Bill: under starter's orders. Company Lawyer, 25 (2), pp. 41-48. ISSN 0144-1027

DUXBURY, R. and MORTON, S., 2004. Statutes on environmental law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0199273049


FERRIS, G., 2004. Aspirations for law in the university [review of book: Conversations, choices and chances: the liberal law school in the twenty-first century, by Anthony Bradney]. Nottingham Law Journal, 13 (2), pp. 67-72. ISSN 0965-0660

FERRIS, G., 2004. Why the rule in Milroy v Lord? In: Paper given at the 5th Biennial Conference of the Centre for Property Law.

FERRIS, G., 2004. The position of Milroy v Lord in the nineteenth century legal transformation of property law. In: Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference 2004, Sheffield, 13-16 September 2004, Sheffield.

FERRIS, G. and WILLIAMS, C., 2004. A fruitful parent of injustice: unilateral service of notice to quit by a joint tenant. Web Journal of Current Legal Issues, 3. ISSN 1360-1326


GARWOOD-GOWERS, A., 2004. Contemporary issues in the regulation of artificial reproduction and embryology in the UK. Law and the Human Genome Review, 21, pp. 67-101.


HEATON, R., 2004. Current topic principals? No principles! Criminal Law Review, pp. 463-467. ISSN 0011-135X

HENHAM, R., 2004. Conceptualising access to justice and victims' rights in international sentencing. Social and Legal Studies, 13 (1), pp. 27-55. ISSN 0964-6639

HENHAM, R., 2004. Procedural justice and human rights in international sentencing. International Criminal Law Review, 4, p. 185.

HENHAM, R., 2004. Promoting and rewarding research in a university law school. In: Kingston University Law School Research Day, January 2004, Kingston-upon-Thames.

HENHAM, R., 2004. Some reflections on the role of victims in the international criminal trial process. International Review of Victimology, 11, p. 1.

HENHAM, R., 2004. Theorising the penality of sentencing in international criminal trials. Theoretical Criminology, 8 (4), pp. 429-463. ISSN 1362-4806

HENHAM, R., 2004. A philosophical perspective on international criminal justice. In: Third International Conference on International Criminal Justice: A Transatlantic Dialogue, organised by the Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Faculty of Law and Northwestern University School of Law at the European Parliament and the Royal Flemish Academy, Brussels.

HENHAM, R., 2004. The role of victims in international criminal trials. In: International Criminal Justice Short Course, Human Rights Law Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, February, 2004, Nottingham.

HUXLEY-BINNS, R., 2004. The Criminal Justice Act 2003 and teaching ELS and evidence. The Law Teacher, 38 (2), pp. 259-263.


KIRK, E., 2004. Controlling the clergy of the Church of England: 19th century to the present day. Nottingham Law Journal, 13 (2), pp. 20-37. ISSN 0965-0660

KIRK, E., REEVES, A. and SHERLOCK, K.L., 2004. SUDS law: Non-State actors and the haphazard route to implementation of international obligations. Non-State Actors and International Law, 4 (2), pp. 87-109. ISSN 1567-7125


LEWIS, T., 2004. Democracy, free speech and TV: the case of the BBC and the ProLife Alliance. Web Journal of Current Legal Issues (5). ISSN 1360-1326


MORTON, S., 2004. A little of what you fancy does you...harm. In: J. ROWBOTHAM and K. STEVENSON, eds., Criminal conversations: Victorian crimes, social panic and moral outrage. UNSPECIFIED.


O'MAHONY, D. and DOAK, J., 2004. Restorative justice: is more better? Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 43 (5), pp. 484-505.


PARRY, R., 2004. Introduction. In: B. GROMEK and R. PARRY, eds., Corporate rescue in Europe: an overview of recent developments from selected countries in Europe. Aalphen aanden Rijn, Netherlands: Kluwer, pp. 1-18. ISBN 9041121234

PEYSNER, J., 2004. Predictability and budgeting. Civil Justice Quarterly, 22. ISSN 0261-9261


SENEVIRATNE, M., 2004. Policing the police in the United Kingdom. Policing and Society, 14 (4), pp. 329-347.

SHERLOCK, K.L., KIRK, E. and REEVES, A., 2004. Just the usual suspects? Partnerships and environmental regulation. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 22 (5), pp. 651-666. ISSN 0263-774X


THORNTON, J., WALD, R., GREKO, M., TROMANS, S., ETHERINGTON, L., BELL, S. and NASH, M., 2004. Environmental Law Bulletin. UNSPECIFIED.


WALTERS, A., 2004. Liquidation expenses and floating charges: the unbearable rightness of Buchler v Talbot. In: Staff Seminar at the Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK, 2004.

WALTERS, A., 2004. Personal insolvency law after the Enterprise Act. In: Paper presented to the Insolvency Lawyers' Association annual conference 2004, Paris.

WALTERS, A., 2004. Personal insolvency, the Enterprise Act and the consumer bankruptcy phenomenon. In: Staff Seminar at the University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, 2004, Sheffield.

WALTERS, A., 2004. Review of 'Insolvency law: corporate and personal' by A. Keay and P. Walton. Cambridge Law Journal, 63 (03), pp. 784-785.

WALTERS, A., 2004. Section 236 of the Insolvency Act and directors' disqualification. Company Lawyer, 25 (3), pp. 90-92. ISSN 0144-1027

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