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Number of items: 45.

ACKRILL, R., HINE, R.C. and RAYNER, A., 1998. CAP reform and implications of Member States: budget and trade effects. In: K. INGERSENT, A.J. RAYNER and R.C. HINE, eds., The reform of the Common Agricultural Policy. Basingstoke: Macmillan, pp. 104-131. ISBN 033368771X

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 1998. Iconography, ideogram and the 'Intentio Auctoris': the recent work of Charles Correa. In: Invocations of tradition in pedagogy. Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 17-42.

BARNETT, Y.A., 1998. Ageing. In: M.J. SADLER, B. CABALLERO and J. STRAIN, eds., Encyclopedia of human nutrition. New York: Academic Press, pp. 29-35.

BELMONTE, M.K. and CARPER, R.A., 1998. Neuroanatomical and neurophysiological clues to the nature of autism. In: B. GARREAU, ed., Neuroimaging in child neuropsychiatric disorders. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 157-171. ISBN 9783642958489

BOWEN, R., 1998. Quality teaching in primary school design and technology. In: BBC Learning Support design and technology accreditation handbook. London: BBC Learning Support.

BROWN, D.J., 1998. The development of the Virtual City: a user centred approach. In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technology. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 1-9. ISBN 0704911418

BROWN, D.J., STANDEN, P.J. and COBB, S.V.G., 1998. Virtual environments, special needs and evaluative methods. In: G. RIVA, B.K. WIEDERHOLD and E. MOLINARI, eds., Virtual environments in clinical psychology and neuroscience: methods and techniques in advances in patient- therapist interaction. IOS Press, pp. 91-102. ISBN 9789051994292

BURKE, T., 1998. Ann Yearsley and the distribution of genius in early romantic culture. In: T. WOODMAN, ed., Early romantics: perspectives in British poetry, Pope to Wordsworth. Basingstoke: Macmillan.

CHILTON, J.C., CHOO, B.S. and WILKINSON, D., 1998. A parametric analysis of the geometry of retractable reciprocal frame structures. In: R. HOUGH and R. MELCHERS, eds., Lightweight Structures in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, Sydney, October, 1998 [conference proceedings]. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 547-555. ISBN 958606501

DALETSKII, A., 1998. Stochastic evolution on product manifolds. In: I. ANTONIOU and Y. KONDRATIEV, eds., Hyperfunctions, operator theory and dynamical systems. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 274-298.

DE LEEUW, S., VAN DONSELAAR, K.H. and DE KOK, A.G., 1998. Forecasting techniques in logistics. In: J. VAN NUNEN, M. SPERANZA, P. STÄHLY and B. FLEISCHMAN, eds., Advances in distribution logistics. Berlin: Springer, pp. 481-500.

DE VIVO, B., BONI, M., MARCELLO, A., COSTABILE, S., DI BONITO, M. and RUSSO, A., 1998. Cartografia geochimica della Sardegna. In: B. DE VIVO, F. RICCOBONO and G. SABATINI, eds., Cartografia geochimica ambientale. Primi esempi di applicazione: Calabria, Peloritani, Sardegna e Toscana Meridionale. Roma: Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, pp. 97-106. ISBN 9788824036832

EVANS, J.P.O., ZHU, C. and ROBINSON, M., 1998. Line-scan imaging using an area array camera. In: The 5th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, Singapore, 1998. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 1471-1475. ISBN 9810403186

FEATHERSTONE, M., 1998. Lifestyle and consumer culture. In: The challenge of the external environment. Open University Business School.

GREATBATCH, D. and DINGWALL, R., 1998. Talk and identity in divorce mediation. In: C. ANTAKI and S. WIDDICOMBE, eds., Identities in talk. London: Sage, pp. 121-135.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1998. Against the odds: an overview of gambling addiction. In: M. BLOOR and F. WOODS, eds., Addictions and problem drug use: issue in behaviour, policy and practice. London: Jessica Kinglsey, pp. 49-65.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1998. Internet addiction: does it really exist? In: J. GACKENBACH, ed., Psychology and the Internet: intrapersonal, interpersonal and transpersonal applications. New York: Academic Press, pp. 61-75.

GRIFFITHS, M.D. and SHARPE, R., 1998. The use of handouts in psychology teaching. In: J. RADFORD, L. VAN and D. ROSE, eds., Innovations in psychology teaching. Birmingham: Staff and Educational Development Association, pp. 63-73.

GUEDES, O., 1998. Audience studies, ethnography and globalization. In: A. RUBIM, ed., Production and reception of mediated meanings. Rio de Janeiro: Vozes Press, pp. 107-127.

HOLLOWS, J. and MILESTONE, K., 1998. Welcome to Dreamsville: a history and geography of northern soul. In: A. LEYSHON, ed., The place of music. Guilford Press.

KAMOCHE, K., 1998. A critique and a proposed reformulation of strategic human resource management. In: C. MABEY, G. SALAMAN and J. STOREY, eds., Strategic human resource management: a reader. Sage/Open University Press.

KEENAN, W.J.F., 1998. Multiple simultaneous communication ('jamming'): sweet talk in academic settings. In: S.M. NATALE, ed., The management of values: organizational and educational issues. New York: University Press of America, pp. 177-197.

KIRK, E. and TOOZE, J.A., 1998. Women and water law: from theory to practice. In: C. MCGLYNN, ed., Legal feminisms: theory and practice. Dartmouth books, pp. 135-149. ISBN 1855219271

KIRK, S.H. and LIU, D., 1998. Papilloma viruses. In: J.R. STEPHENSON and A. WARNES, eds., Diagnostic virology protocols. Totowa, N.J., USA: Humana Press Inc., pp. 159-171.

LAMBERT-HURLEY, S., 1998. Sir Jadunath Sarkar. In: A global encyclopedia of historical writing. New York: Garland.

LAMBERT-HURLEY, S., 1998. Zahir Al-Din Babur. In: A global encyclopedia of historical writing. New York: Garland.

LIANG, H., 1998. A multi-facet analysis of cluster mass distribution and cosmological parameters. In: Y.I. BYUN and K.W. NG, eds., Astronomical Society of the Pacific. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 53-63. ISBN 1886733716

LIDDLE, J., 1998. Promoting partnerships and fostering enterprise in regional regeneration: the case of Visual Arts UK 1997. In: L. MONTANHEIRO, B. HAIGH, D. MORRIS and N. HROVATIN, eds., Public and private sector partnerships: fostering enterprise. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam Press, pp. 253-278. ISBN 0863397883

LOTFI, A. and HOWARTH, M., 1998. Intelligent learning control of stencil printing. In: World Automation Congress (WAC98), Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 1998. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 323-328. ISBN 1889335096

LOTFI, A. and HULL, J.B., 1998. Interpretation preservation of fuzzy systems. In: 13th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence Workshop on Synthesis of Intelligent Agent Systems from Experimental Data, Brighton, August, 1998. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 471984310

MEDJDOUB, B. and YANNOU, B., 1998. Topological enumeration heuristics in constraint based space layout planning. In: J.S. GERO and F. SUDWEEKS, eds., Artificial Intelligence in Design '98. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, pp. 271-290. ISBN 9780792351597

MURPHY, E. and DINGWALL, R., 1998. Qualitative methods in health services research. In: N. BLACK, J. BRAZIER, R. FITZPATRICK and B. REEVES, eds., Methods for health care services research. London: BMJ Publications, pp. 129-138.

NOLLE, L., ARMSTRONG, D.A. and WARE, J.A., 1998. Optimisation of work roll profiles in a 2-high rolling mill stand by means of computational intelligence. In: Proceedings of the 4th International MENDEL Conference on Genetic Algorithms, Optimization Problems, Fuzzy Logic, Rough Sets. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 277-248. ISBN 8021411996

ODDEY, A., 1998. Devising (women's) theatre as meeting the needs of changing times. In: L. GOODMAN and G. DE, eds., The Routledge reader in gender and performance. Routledge, pp. 118-124. ISBN 0415165830

ODDEY, A., 1998. In the beginning…the making of the theatrical space. In: Telling tales: a fragment. Leeds: Alumnus Press, pp. 91-94. ISBN 1901439011

PERRY, C.C., 1998. Biomaterials. In: M. HAMPDEN-SMITH and L. INTERRANTE, eds., Chemistry of advanced materials. Wiley, pp. 499-562.

PRATT, M., 1998. 'A walk along the side of the motorway?' AIDS and the spectacular body of Hervé Guibert. In: O. HEATHCOTE, A. HUGHES and J.S. WILLIAMS, eds., Gay signatures. Gay and lesbian theory. Fiction and film in France, 1945-1995. New York: Oxford, pp. 151-172.

SABA, J., MCINTYRE, C.A., REES, R.C. and MURRAY, A.K., 1998. Recognition of melanoma-associated peptides by peripheral blood mononuclear cells of ocular melanoma patients. In: P. WALDEN, U. TREFZER, W. STERRY, F. FARZANEH and P. ZAMBON, eds., Gene therapy of cancer. Boston, MA: Springer. ISBN 9781461374442

SHACKLEY, M., 1998. Cultural tourism and the world heritage designation on Easter Island. In: C. STEVENSON and G. LEE, eds., Easter Island in its Pacific context. Easter Island Foundation, pp. 178-193.

SHACKLEY, M., 1998. Visitors to the world's oldest cities - Aleppo and Damascus (Syria). In: D. TYLER, M. ROBERTSON and Y. GUERRIER, eds., Managing tourism in cities. London: Wiley, pp. 183-197.

SMITH, D. and WILLIAMS, D., 1998. Entry mode decisions of multinational enterprises and their impact on regional economic development. In: S. HILL and B. MORGAN, eds., Inward investment, business finance and economic growth. Basingstoke: Macmillan, pp. 65-79. ISBN 333668278

TALBOT, M., 1998. Relevance. In: J. MEY, ed., Concise encyclopedia of pragmatics. Pergamon.

WETHERELL, M. and EDLEY, N., 1998. Gender practices: steps in the analysis of men and masculinities. In: C. HENWOOD, C. GRIFFIN and A. PHOENIX, eds., Standpoints and differences. London: Sage, pp. 157-173.

WILLIAMS, P., 1998. 'Men performing badly...': masculinity in J.G.Farrell's novels of Empire. In: R. CRANE, ed., Critical essays on J.G. Farrell. Dublin: Four Courts Press.

WRIGHT, P., 1998. An encroachment too far. In: A. BARNETT and R. SCRUTON, eds., Town and country. London: Cape, pp. 18-33.

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