Items where Author is "Allin, S"
Journal article
MELL, I., ALLIN, S., REIMER, M. and WILKER, J., 2017. Strategic green infrastructure planning in Germany and the UK: a transnational evaluation of the evolution of urban greening policy and practice. International Planning Studies. ISSN 1356-3475
WALSH, C. and ALLIN, S., 2012. Strategic spatial planning: responding to diverse territorial development challenges: towards an inductive comparative approach. International Planning Studies, 17 (4), pp. 377-395.
WALSH, C. and ALLIN, S., 2011. Towards a comparative understanding of strategic spatial planning practices in Europe. Regions Magazine, 284 (1), pp. 25-27.
ALLIN, S., 2011. A new understanding of formal land use plans in Germany. International Journal of Sustainable Society. ISSN 1756-2538
ALLIN, S. and STEINEBACH, G., 2007. Verfahrenslagen zur Weiterentwicklung der Flächennutzungsplanung [English translation of title: Application of living conditions approach to the further development of land use planning]. Zeitschrift für angewandte Umweltforschung (Journal of Environmental Research), 18 (1), pp. 36-48.
ALLIN, S., 2006. [Review in German of] 'Stadtmanagement: Strategien zur Modernisierung der Stadt(-Region)' by Heidi Sinning, Dortmunder Vertrieb - Verlag für Architektur, Bau- und Planungsliteratur, Dortmund, 2006. Raumforschung und Raumordnung, 64 (6), pp. 530-531. ISSN 0034-0111
ALLIN, S., GANSER, R. and OVERHAGEBÖCK, N., 2004. Wohnungsbau als Motor der Urban Renaissance? [English translation of title: Housing developments to promote urban renaissance]. RaumPlanung (Spatial Planning), 117, pp. 257-261.
Chapter in book
ALLIN, S., STEINEBACH, G. and GANSER, R., 2008. Employing information and communication systems in planning processes to increase efficiency in sustainable urban development. In: Local sustainable urban development in a globalized world. London: Ashgate Publishing Limited, pp. 19-32.
Conference contribution
MELL, I., KESKIN, B., HEHL-LANGE, S., ALLIN, S. and HENNEBERRY, J., 2012. Estimating the value of green infrastructure: a contingent valuation approach. In: Proceedings of the European Real Estate Society (ERES) Annual Conference.
ALLIN, S. and WALSH, C., 2011. Towards a comparative understanding of strategic spatial planning practices in Europe. In: Regional Studies Association Annual Conference 2011 'Regional Development and Policy - Challenges, Choices and Recipients', Newcastle-upon-Tyne, April 2011, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
ALLIN, S., 2011. A critical review of housing market and urban development polices in the city of Erfurt. In: ERES Annual Conference 2011, Eindhoven, Netherlands, June 2011, Eindhoven.
ALLIN, S., HENNEBERRY, J., KESKIN, B., MELL, I. and HEHL-LANGE, S., 2011. The economic value of green infrastructure - an application of the Contingent Valuation Method. In: ERES Annual Conference 2011, Eindhoven, Netherlands, June 2011, Eindhoven.
ALLIN, S., HENNEBERRY, J. and KESKIN, B., 2010. Critical analysis of economic valuation tools for environmental policy and decision making in Europe. In: Proceedings of the Regional Studies Association Annual Winter Conference, London, November 2010, London.
ALLIN, S., 2010. Trapped between space and time: contemporary and future challenges to land use planning in Germany. In: Proceedings of the 24th AESOP Annual Conference, Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Finland, July 2010, Finland.
ALLIN, S., HENNEBERRY, J. and KESKIN, B., 2010. Valuing attractive landscapes in the urban economy: specific challenges of two UK case studies in the context of climate change. In: Proceedings of the 24th AESOP Annual Conference, Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Finland, July 2010, Finland.
ALLIN, S., 2009. A new model for the Flächennutzungsplan? In: Proceedings of the 8th Symposium of the International Urban Planning and Environment Association (IUPEA) 2009, Kaiserslautern, Germany.
ALLIN, S., 2009. A new understanding of the contents of formal land use plans. In: Proceedings of the Annual Planning Research Conference 2009, Newcastle.
ALLIN, S., 2008. Furthering the flexibility of contents of German formal urban development plans. In: Proceedings of the UK-Ireland Planning Research Conference 2008, Belfast.
ALLIN, S., STEINEBACH, G. and STEPPER, H., 2007. Furthering sustainable urban development through increased effectiveness of formal planning processes by means of modern information and communication systems. In: Conference on The City and the Time Scales of Urban Development, PIDUD, Paris, 2007, Paris.
ALLIN, S., STEINEBACH, G., HAGEN, H. and SCHELER, I., 2007. Objective function to generate a planning alternative. In: 7th Symposium of the International Urban Planning and Environment Association (IUPEA) 2007. World Class Cities: Environmental Impacts and Planning Opportunities? Bangkok, Thailand, 2007, Bangkok.
ALLIN, S., 2006. Furthering the flexibility of contents of formal urban development plans. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop of Environmental Modeling and Visualization, Kaiserslautern, 2006, Kaiserslautern.
ALLIN, S. and STEINEBACH, G., 2005. Dynamisierung von Plan- und Beteiligungsverfahren durch moderne Informations- und Kommunikationssysteme: am Beispiel des Portals FNPinform. In: Proceedings of the Conference of the Competence Center of Urban and Regional Planning (CORP) 2005, Vienna.
ALLIN, S., STEINEBACH, G. and GANSER, R., 2004. Furthering sustainable urban development through increased effectiveness of formal planning processes by means of modern information and communication systems. In: Proceedings of the 6th Symposium of the International Urban Planning and Environment Association (UPEA) 2004, Louisville, Kentucky.
Edited book
ALLIN, S., STEINEBACH, G. and LINGNER, S., 2007. Gesellschaftliche Randbedingungen der Virtualisierung urbaner Lebenswelten [English translation of title: Social frameworks of the virtualisiation of urban living conditions] [text in German]. Europäische Akademie zur Erforschung von Folgen wissenschaftlich-technischer Entwicklungen Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler GmbH.
Research report for external body
ALLIN, S. and HENNEBERRY, J., 2010. Baseline analysis of existing economic valuation tools for application to green infrastructure investments: final action 1.2 report. UNSPECIFIED.
ALLIN, S., HENNEBERRY, J. and KESKIN, B., 2010. A review of qualitative research methods: focus groups and their conduct. UNSPECIFIED.
ALLIN, S. and HENNEBERRY, J., 2009. Overview of existing economic valuation techniques: summary report. UNSPECIFIED.
ALLIN, S. and HENNEBERRY, J., 2009. Stated preferences techniques in combination with virtual reality technologies (VR) and visualisations: a literature and practice review. UNSPECIFIED.
ALLIN, S. and HENNEBERRY, J., 2009. Stated preferences techniques in combination with virtual reality technologies and visualisations: a review of International case studies. UNSPECIFIED.
ALLIN, S. and HENNEBERRY, J., 2009. Stated preferences techniques in combination with visualisations: an initial literature and practice review. UNSPECIFIED.
ALLIN, S., 2009. Flexibilisierung von Inhalten formeller Pläne der Stadtentwicklung: im Anwendungsfeld des Flächennutzungsplanes [English translation of title: Furthering the flexibility of contents of formal urban development plans] [in German with an English summary]. UNSPECIFIED, Nottingham Trent University.
ALLIN, S., 2001. Rahmenmasterplanung Großwohnsiedlungen: am Beispiel Erfurt [English translation of title: Masterplanning concept for the sustainable development of large scale housing estates in Eastern Germany] [in German]. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_name_diploma' not defined], Nottingham Trent University.
Working paper
ALLIN, S. and WALSH, C., 2010. Strategic spatial planning in European city-regions: parallel processes or divergent trajectories? National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis (NIRSA), National University of Ireland.