Items where Author is "Gee, R"
Journal article
GEE, R., VICKERS, T., HUTCHINGS, S., NUNN, K. and OZVERI, B., 2025. Can critical pedagogy resist the conservative employability agenda – how are academics implicated and how are they to manoeuvre? Critical Studies in Education. ISSN 1750-8487
GEE, R., LUNDY, C., OLDRIDGE, L. and BROWN, S.D., 2023. Paradoxes of 'career' and 'progress' in the neoliberal university: a self-critique and deconstruction. International Journal of HRD: Practice, Policy and Research. ISSN 2397-4583 (Forthcoming)
GEE, R., 2022. Compelled by an emotional economy of care: explorations of the youth justice student ‘career’. Youth Justice. ISSN 1473-2254
GEE, R. and BARNARD, A., 2022. Exploring the practice of thesis construction via the lens of the life career and paradox. Work Based Learning e-Journal, 11 (1), pp. 43-55. ISSN 2044-7868
GEE, R., 2022. A critical exploration of the “agile career”: a means of exposing the politics and economy of precarity via the lens of dromology. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling. ISSN 0306-9885
GEE, R. and BARNARD, A., 2020. Reflective practice via the lens of the life career and paradox: a contemplation of being and becoming a social worker. Reflective Practice, 21 (2), pp. 210-221. ISSN 1462-3943
GEE, R. and TOWERS, C., 2016. The place of group work practice within the lecture theatre: promoting self-directed learning, student reflection and orbital communication via the entwined endeavours of teaching, role play and facilitation. Group Work, 26 (2), pp. 9-33.
Chapter in book
GEE, R., 2022. Critical ‘employability’ within the realms of sociology – a movement toward ‘social justice’. In: T. BROADLEY, Y. CAI, M. FIRTH, E. HUNT and J. NEUGEBAUER, eds., The Sage handbook of graduate employability. London: Sage. ISBN 9781529771848
Conference contribution
GEE, R., 2021. "Graduate outcomes" a fair race? Or do they reveal structural inequalities? In: TILT Supporting Learning for Employability Group Coffee O'Clock series, Nottingham Trent University, 16 March 2021.
GEE, R., 2021. Post-phenomenology. In: Designing research: methodologies, conceptual frameworks and “ologies” workshop series, for professional doctorial students, Nottingham Trent University, 29 January 2021.
GEE, R., 2020. Researching change and continuity of the 'life-career'; the trials, tribulations, and benefits of doing longitudinal case study. In: School of Social Science research methods seminar series, Nottingham Trent University, 29 March 2020.
GEE, R., 2019. Explorations of ‘employability’: a longitudinal study exploring the transitional experiences of widening participation students. In: International Academic Forum on Education, London, 19-21 July 2019.
GEE, R., 2018. Exploring ‘career’ via Virilio’s paradigm of speed – dromology: a means of critiquing the career literature's rhetoric of agility and progress within the 21st century. In: iCeGS 20th Anniversary Conference 2018, University of Derby, 23-24 May 2018.
GEE, R., 2018. Evoking paradox: exploring post-graduate ‘careers’ via sociological, political and philosophical notions of duality. In: BSA Annual Conference 2018: identity, community and social solidarity, Northumbria University, 10-12 April 2018.
GEE, R., 2017. Evoking paradox; exploring 'career' via sociological, political and philosophical notions of duality. In: BSA Annual Conference 2017 - recovering the social: personal troubles and public issues, University of Manchester, 04-06 April 2017.
GEE, R., 2016. Exploring the subjectivities of pro-longed youth, focusing on anticipations of 'career' post-graduation. In: Nordic Youth Research Symposium: YOUTH MOVES - voices - spaces - subjectivities, Trollhättan, Sweden, 15-17 June 2016.
GEE, R., 2014. Alternative visions of employability: the role of critical pedagogy. In: SRHE Annual Research Conference 2014, Newport, South Wales, 10-12 December 2014.
FERRIS, G. and GEE, R., 2014. Adoption of professional identity as playing a role and entering a group. In: Association of Law Teachers 49th Annual Conference, Leeds, 13-15 April 2014.
Newspaper or popular journal contribution
WRIGHT, E., GEE, R., AXLER, M., LUNDY, C., HUTCHINGS, S. and VICKERS, T., 2021. The future of working from home. Futures of Work, Aug 21 (19).
GEE, R., 2019. Exploring career via the lens of paradox: a longitudinal study of the transitional experiences of a small group of graduates. DSocPrac, Nottingham Trent University.
Website content
GEE, R., 2022. Co-constructing knowledge to inform our understanding of career – a social justice approach. Career Guidance for Social Justice.
GEE, R., 2022. Technological progress and its implications for career education and guidance.
GEE, R., 2022. ‘Critical employability’ – a sociological exploration to move beyond the metric. Career guidance for social justice.