Items where Author is "Niven, B"
NIVEN, B., 2019. Zur Rezeption von Nackt unter Wölfen in Westdeutschland. In: H. PEITSCH, K. BAEHRENS, I. DIEDRICH, C. ERNST, C. KAPP, J. PANZER, U. SCHNEIDER and F. VOIGT, eds., Nachkriegsliteratur als öffentliche Erinnerung: Deutsche Vergangenheit im europäischen Kontext. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, pp. 407-416. ISBN 9783050058573
NIVEN, B., 2018. Hitler and film: the Führer's hidden passion. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press. ISBN 9783050058573
NIVEN, B., 2017. Das Ende der Schuld? Die öffentliche Erinnerung an die zwei Weltkriege und die Befreiung der Konzentrationslager in Deutschland. In: I. ESCHEBACH, G. HAMMERMANN and T. RAHE, eds., Repatriierung in Europa 1945. Berlin: Metropol, pp. 137-152. ISBN 9783863313210
NIVEN, B., 2017. Generation war and post-didactic memory: the Nazi past in contemporary Germany. In: P. FINNEY, ed., Remembering the second world war. Remembering the modern world . London: Routledge, pp. 30-45. ISBN 9781138808140
NIVEN, B., 2015. Die Neuverfilmung von Nackt unter Wölfen und ältere Verfilmungen im Vergleich. In: S. GÖTZE, ed., Verfolgt – Bejubelt – Vergessen: Zum Leben und Werk von Bruno Apitz. Leipzig: Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, pp. 99-112. ISBN 9783000446078
NIVEN, B., 2015. Jewish exile in German memory. In: I. WALLACE, ed., Voices from exile: essays in memory of Hamish Ritchie. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur neueren Germanistik (85). Leiden: Brill, pp. 276-288. ISBN 9789004296381
NIVEN, B., 2015. Das Ende der Schuld. In: E.O. BRÄUNCHE and J. SCHUHLADEN-KRÄMER, eds., Der Zweite Weltkrieg: Last oder Chance der Erinnerung? Widerspruch gegen das Ehrenmal der 35. Infanterie-Division in Karlsruhe; Symposium am 6. November 2014 in der Erinnerungsstätte Ständehaus. Karlsruhe: Info Verlag, pp. 73-82. ISBN 9783881908238
SCHOLZ, S., RÖGER, M. and NIVEN, B., 2015. Die Erinnerung an Flucht und Vertreibung. Ein Handbuch der Medien und Praktiken. Paderborn: Schoeningh. ISBN 9783506772664
NIVEN, B., 2015. From countermonument to combimemorial: developments in German memorialisation. In: I. ROEBLING-GRAU and D. RUPNOW, eds., "Holocaust”- Fiktion: Kunst jenseits der Authentizität. Munich: Wilhelm Fink, pp. 183-198. ISBN 9783770555055
NIVEN, B., 2015. Svajonių laivas "Wilhelm Gustloff". Vilnius: Briedis.
NIVEN, B., 2014. Representations of flight and expulsion in East German prose works. Studies in German literature linguistics and culture . Rochester: Camden House. ISBN 9781571135353
BERGER, S. and NIVEN, B., 2014. Writing the history of memory. Writing history . London: Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9780340991886
LANGENBACHER, E., NIVEN, B. and WITTLINGER, R., 2013. Dynamics of memory and identity in contemporary Europe. New York: Berghahn. ISBN 9780857455772
NIVEN, B., 2011. Die Wilhelm Gustloff: Geschichte und Erinnerung eines Untergangs. Halle: Mitteldeutscher Verlag. ISBN 9783898127813
NIVEN, B., 2011. German victimhood discourse in comparative perspective. In: H. SCHMITZ and A. SEIDEL-ARPACI, eds., Narratives of trauma: discourses of German wartime suffering in national and international perspective. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 163-180.
NIVEN, B. and PAVER, C., 2010. Memorialization in Germany since 1945. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230207035
NIVEN, B., 2010. The sideways gaze: the Cold War and memory of the Nazi past, 1949-1970. In: T. HOCHSCHERF and C. LAUCHT, eds., Divided but not disconnected: German experiences of the cold war. New York: Berghahn, pp. 49-62.
NIVEN, B., 2009. The GDR, Weimar classicism and resistance at Buchenwald. Témoigner entre histoire et mémoire (104), pp. 175-190. ISSN 0772-652X
NIVEN, B., LANGENBACHER, E. and WITTLINGER, R., 2009. The dynamics of memory in today's Germany [special issue]. UNSPECIFIED.
NIVEN, B., 2009. The figure of the soldier as resister: German film and the difficult legacy of Claus Schenck Graf von Stauffenberg. Journal of War and Culture Studies, 2 (2), pp. 181-193. ISSN 1752-6272
NIVEN, B., 2008. Das Buchenwaldkind. Halle: Mitteldeutscher Verlag.
NIVEN, B., 2008. Intertextual references in Berhard Schlink's 'Der Vorleser'. In: H. RASCHE and C. SCHÖNFELD, eds., Denkbilder: Festschrift für Eoin Bourke. Würzburg: Königshausen and Neumann, pp. 277-285.
NIVEN, B., 2008. On the problems and pitfalls of collective memory. German History.
NIVEN, B., 2008. [Special issue on the subject of memorialisation in Europe since 1945]. UNSPECIFIED.
NIVEN, B., 2008. Today's Germany and the Nazi past. Deutsch Lehren und Lernen (37), pp. 8-11.
NIVEN, B., 2008. War memorials at the intersection of politics, culture and memory. Journal of War and Culture Studies, 1 (1), pp. 39-45.
NIVEN, B., 2007. The Buchenwald child: truth, fiction and propaganda. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer. ISBN 9781571133397
NIVEN, B., 2007. Implicit equations in constructions of German suffering. In: H. SCHMITZ, ed., A nation of victims? Representations of German wartime suffering. Rodopi, pp. 105-123.
NIVEN, B., 2007. Representations of the Nazi past 1: Perpetrators. In: S. TABERNER, ed., Contemporary German fiction: writing in the Berlin republic. Cambridge University Press, pp. 125-141.
NIVEN, B., 2006. Germans as victims: remembering the past in contemporary Germany. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 1403990433
NIVEN, B., 2006. Remembering the Holocaust: representation, neglect and instrumentalisation. European History Quarterly (36), pp. 279-291.
NIVEN, B., 2005. 'Der not gehorchend, nicht dem eignen triebe, ich tu's der Werbung nur zuliebe!' - The genesis of Bruno Apitz's 'Nackt unter Wolfen'. German Studies Review, 28 (2), pp. 265-283. ISSN 0149-7952
NIVEN, B. and CLARKE, D., 2004. Beyond Ostalgie: East and West German identity in contemporary German culture [special theme issue]. UNSPECIFIED.
NIVEN, B., 2004. Questions of responsibility in past and present: new research into the Holocaust. German Politics, 13 (1), pp. 132-146.
NIVEN, B., 2004. The globalisation of memory and the rediscovery of German suffering. In: S. TABERNER, ed., German literature in the age of globalisation. Birmingham: Birmingham University Press, pp. 229-246.
NIVEN, B., 2003. Bernhard Schlink's 'Der 'Vorleser' and the problem of shame. Modern Language Review, 98 (2), pp. 381-396. ISSN 0026-7937
NIVEN, B., 2003. Martin Walser's 'Tod eines Kritiker' and the issue of anti-Semitism. German Life and Letters, 56 (3), pp. 299-311. ISSN 0016-8777
NIVEN, B. and JORDAN, J., 2003. Politics and culture in 20th Century Germany. Rochester [New York]: Camden House.
NIVEN, B., 2002. Facing the Nazi past: united Germany and the legacy of the Third Reich. London: Routledge. ISBN 041526281X
NIVEN, B. and CLARKE, D., 2000. Christopher Hein. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
NIVEN, B. and THOMANECK, J.K.A., 2000. Dividing and uniting Germany. London: Routledge.
NIVEN, B., 1998. The procreative male: male images of masculinity and femininity in right-wing German literature of the 1918-1945 period. Forum for Modern Language Studies, (3), pp. 226-236.
NIVEN, B., 1997. Verb-noun combinations in machine translation. Web Journal of Modern Language Linguistics (2). ISSN 1461-4499
NIVEN, B., 1997. The green 'Bildungsroman'. In: C. RIORDAN, ed., Green thought in German culture: historical and contemporary perspectives. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 198-209.
NIVEN, B., 1995. Apocalyptic elements in National Socialist 'Thingspiele' and in drama of the Weimar Republic. German Life and Letters (2), pp. 170-183.
NIVEN, B., 1995. Das Geld ist nicht der Gral: Christoph Hein and the 'Wende'. Modern Language Review, 90 (3), pp. 688-706.
NIVEN, B., 1995. Machine-friendly German and reader-friendly German: coterminous or contrasting concepts? Language International, 7 (6), pp. 4-11.
NIVEN, B., 1995. The reception of Steven Spielberg's 'Schindlers List' in the German media. Journal of European Studies, 25 (2), pp. 165-189.
NIVEN, B., 1992. The vanquished self: Christoph Hein's 'Drachenblut' and 'Der Tangospieler'. Journal of European Studies, pp. 127-141.
NIVEN, B., 1991. Ernst Wiechert and his role between 1933 and 1945. New German Studies,, 16 (1), pp. 2-20.
NIVEN, B., 1987. Hans Zöberlein's Der Befehl des Gewissens and the National Socialist female ideal. New German Studies, 14 (1), pp. 21-35.
NIVEN, B., 1986. The literary treatment of the Upper Silesian and Rhenish crises during the Weimar Republic. German Life and Letters (1), pp. 34-39.
NIVEN, B., 1984. The reception of Friedrich Hebbel in Germany in the era of national socialism. Stuttgart: Hans-Dieter Heinz Verlag. ISBN 3880991464