Items where Author is "Vickers, T"

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Number of items: 91.

Journal article

GEE, R., VICKERS, T., HUTCHINGS, S., NUNN, K. and OZVERI, B., 2025. Can critical pedagogy resist the conservative employability agenda – how are academics implicated and how are they to manoeuvre? Critical Studies in Education. ISSN 1750-8487

VICKERS, T., 2020. Activist conceptualisations at the migration-welfare nexus: racial capitalism, austerity and the hostile environment. Critical Social Policy. ISSN 0261-0183

CLARK, I., LAWTON, C., STEVENSON, C., VICKERS, T. and DAHILL, D., 2020. A 'place based' approach to work and employment: the end of reciprocity, ordinary working families and 'giggers' in a place. Economic and Industrial Democracy. ISSN 0143-831X

CHAN, C.K., BARNARD, A. and VICKERS, T., 2020. Meaning through caregiving: a qualitative study of the experiences of informal carers. British Journal of Social Work, 50 (3), pp. 682-700. ISSN 0045-3102

CLAYTON, J. and VICKERS, T., 2019. The contingent challenges of purposeful co-production: researching new migrant employment experiences in the North East of England. Area, 51 (3), pp. 396-404. ISSN 0004-0894

VICKERS, T., CLAYTON, J., DAVISON, L., CAÑADAS, M.A., BIDDLE, P. and LILLEY, S., 2019. Dynamics of precarity among 'new migrants': exploring the worker-capital relation through mobilities and mobility power. Mobilities. ISSN 1745-011X

CLAYTON, J. and VICKERS, T., 2018. Temporal tensions: EU citizen migrants, asylum seekers and refugees navigating dominant temporalities of work in England. Time & Society. ISSN 0961-463X

VICKERS, T. and RUTTER, A., 2016. Disposable labour, passive victim, active threat: migrant/non-migrant othering in three British television documentaries. European Journal of Cultural Studies. ISSN 1367-5494

VICKERS, T., 2016. Opportunities and Limitations for Collective Resistance Arising from Volunteering by Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Northern England. Critical Sociology, 42 (3), pp. 437-454. ISSN 0896-9205

VICKERS, T., 2016. Geflüchtete, Kapitalismus und der Staat: Die Wurzeln der Unterdrückung von Flüchtlingen und Schlussfolgerungen für die politische Aktion. Marxistische-Blätter (1-16), pp. 58-66. ISSN 0542-7770

VICKERS, T. and DOMINELLI, L., 2015. Students' involvement in international humanitarian aid: learning from student responses to the 2004 tsunami in Sri Lanka. British Journal of Social Work, 45 (6), pp. 1905-1922. ISSN 0045-3102

VICKERS, T., 2015. Grappling with power and inequality in humanitarian interventions. International Social Work, 58 (5), pp. 625-627. ISSN 0020-8728

VICKERS, T., 2014. Developing an independent anti-racist model for asylum rights organizing in England. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 37 (8), pp. 1427-1447. ISSN 0141-9870

VICKERS, T., CRAIG, G. and ATKINSON, K., 2013. Addressing Ethnicity in Social Care Research. Social Policy & Administration, 47 (3), pp. 310-326. ISSN 1467-9515

BANKS, S. and VICKERS, T., 2006. Empowering communities through active learning: challenges and contradictions. Journal of Community Work and Development, 8, pp. 83-104. ISSN 1475-9047

Authored book

VICKERS, T., 2019. Borders, migration and class in an age of crisis: producing immigrants and workers. Bristol: Bristol University Press. ISBN 9781529201819

VICKERS, T., 2012. Refugees, capitalism and the British state: implications for social workers, volunteers and activists. Farnham: Ashgate. ISBN 9781409441526

Chapter in book

VICKERS, T., 2019. Imperialism and immigration. In: I. NESS and Z. COPE, eds., The Palgrave encyclopedia of imperialism and anti-imperialism. 2nd ed. London: Palgrave Macmillan, -.

VICKERS, T., 2019. Marxist social work: an international and historical perspective. In: S.A. WEBB, ed., Routledge handbook of critical social work. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 24-34. ISBN 9781138578432

VICKERS, T., 2015. Marxist approaches to social work. In: J. WRIGHT, ed., International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences, 2nd ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 663-669. ISBN 9780080970868

VICKERS, T., CRAIG, G. and ATKIN, K., 2015. Tom Vickers, Gary Craig and Karl Atkin (2013), ‘Addressing Ethnicity in Social Care Research’, Social Policy and Administration, 47 (3), June, 310–26. In: J. PHILLIMORE, ed., Migration and social policy. International library of studies on migration (19). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. ISBN 9781783471041

VICKERS, T., 2015. The contribution of UK asylum policy 1999-2010 to conditions for the exploitation of migrant labour. In: L. WAITE, G. CRAIG, H. LEWIS and K. SKRIVANKOVA, eds., Vulnerability, exploitation and migrants: insecure work in a globalised economy. Migration, diasporas and citizenship . London: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781137460400

VICKERS, T. and DOMINELLI, L., 2014. Humanitarian aid in times of disasters: lessons from responses to the 2004 tsunami in Sri-Lanka. In: S. HESSLE, ed., Environmental change and sustainable social development. Social work-social development (II). Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 49-52. ISBN 9781472416377

VICKERS, T., 2014. Migration, political engagement and the State: a case study of immigrants and communists in 1930s South Tyneside in the UK. In: L. DOMINELLI and M. MOOSA-MITHA, eds., Reconfiguring citizenship: social exclusion and diversity within inclusive citizenship practices. Contemporary social work studies . Farnham: Ashgate. ISBN 9781409448983

Conference contribution

VICKERS, T., 2021. Borders, migration and class in an age of crisis: producing immigrants and workers. In: The Society for the Study of Social Problems 71st Virtual Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA [virtual], 4-7 August 2021.

VICKERS, T., 2021. Mobility struggles in the platform economy: the case of private hire drivers in England. In: International Sociological Association Forum of Sociology (IV ISA), Porto Alegre, Brazil [virtual], 23-28 February 2021.

VICKERS, T., 2019. Borders, migration and class in an age of crisis: producing immigrants and workers. In: University of Nottingham Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice Seminar Series, University of Nottingham, Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice, Nottingham, 7 October 2019.

VICKERS, T., 2019. Borders, migration and class in an age of crisis: producing immigrants and workers. In: Warwick Sociology Seminar Series, Department of Sociology, University of Warwick, Coventry, 16 October 2019.

VICKERS, T., 2019. Borders, migration and class in an age of crisis: producing immigrants and workers. In: European Sociological Association Annual Conference (ESA 2019), Manchester, 1 August 2019.

VICKERS, T., 2019. What does the sustainable development goal 'decent work for all' mean in the platform economy? The case of Uber in Nottingham. In: NTU Sustainable Futures Showcase, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 1 July 2019.

VICKERS, T., 2019. Rights at work in Nottingham: the case of Uber. In: Rights Workshop, Nottingham, 3 June 2019.

VICKERS, T., 2019. Borders, migration and class in an age of crisis: producing immigrants and workers. In: British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2019 - Challenging Social Hierarchies and Inequalities, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, 24-26 April 2019.

VICKERS, T., 2019. Borders, migration and class in an age of crisis: producing immigrants and workers. In: SOAS Centre for Migration and Diaspora Studies Seminar Series, SOAS Centre for Migration and Diaspora Studies, London, 20 February 2019.

VICKERS, T., 2018. Good work Nottingham. In: CIPD Applied Research Conference, Nottingham, 1 December 2018.

VICKERS, T., 2018. Producing immigrants and workers: borders, migration and class in an age of crisis. In: XIX International Sociological Association (ISA) World Congress of Sociology, Toronto, Canada, 15-21 July 2018. (Forthcoming)

VICKERS, T., 2018. The changing British state in an age of crisis: implications for welfare claimants and welfare rights advisors. In: National Association of Welfare Rights Advisors (NAWRA) Annual Conference, Nottingham Law School, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 1 June 2018.

VICKERS, T., 2018. Migration and asylum justice forum: life in Britain's hostile environment. In: Hostile Environments: The Politics of Un(Belonging), Tate Modern, London, 25 May 2018.

VICKERS, T., 2018. Forgotten histories of anti-racism in Newcastle upon Tyne. In: British Sociological Association (BSA) Annual Conference 2018, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, 10-12 April 2018. (Forthcoming)

VICKERS, T., 2018. States of precarity among 'new migrants' in North East England: the role of mobility in the worker-capital relation. In: British Sociological Association (BSA) Annual Conference 2018, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, 10-12 April 2018. (Forthcoming)

VICKERS, T., 2017. The roots of refugees' oppression and implications for education. In: Education Beyond Borders: Resisting Immobilities and Intellectual Impossibility in Universities in Post-Brexit-Vote Britain and Beyond, University of East London, London, 19 June 2017.

VICKERS, T., 2017. Public sociology and practice. In: Public Sociology as Pedagogy, Research and Practice: Threats and Opportunities Today, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 29 June 2017.

VICKERS, T., CLAYTON, J., DAVISON, H., HUDSON, L. and ROMERO, M.A.C., 2016. The position and experiences of 'new migrants' in the North East England workforce. In: BSA Annual Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, 6-8 April 2016.

VICKERS, T., 2016. [Plenary speaker]. In: Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum Conference: Changing Narratives of Asylum: Media, Legislation, and Refugee Support, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum (NNRF), Nottingham, 8 January 2016.

VICKERS, T., 2015. Who is the archive for? Knowledge, power and the (re)production of legacies of community, oppression and struggle. In: Democratic Access or Privileged Exclusion? A Workshop on the Preservation of and Access to Refugee Archives, University of East London, London, 13 July 2015.

VICKERS, T., 2015. Developing the theory of the reserve army of labour to understand increasing conditionality in the UK migration and welfare regimes. In: Seminar, University of Dundee, Dundee, February 2015.

VICKERS, T., 2015. Critical migration academics and political organisation: drawing attention to the silence. In: Critical Migration and Border Studies Conference: Politics, Practices, and Discourses of Mobility, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, 8-10 January 2015.

VICKERS, T., 2015. The reserve army of labour and international migration to Britain: developing a conceptual model. In: Glasgow Refugee, Asylum and Migration Network Seminar, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, January 2015.

VICKERS, T., 2014. The reserve army of labour and international migration to Britain: developing a conceptual model. In: Centre for Research on Migration, Refugees and Belonging Seminar, University of East London, London, December 2014.

VICKERS, T., 2014. Applying the Marxist theory of crisis to understand increasing conditionality in the UK migration and welfare regimes. In: Contested Migration Regimes: European Perspectives and Beyond, Mid-Term Conference of the ESA Research Network 35: Sociology of Migration, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 13-14 November 2014.

VICKERS, T., 2014. Refugees, asylum policy and the working class. In: Migrant Work Futures Symposium, University of Southampton, Southampton, August 2014.

CLAYTON, J. and VICKERS, T., 2014. Researching new migrant experiences in the North East of England: dimensions and challenges of purposeful co-production. In: RGS/IBG Annual International Conference 2014, RGS-IBG, London, 26-29 August 2014.

VICKERS, T., 2014. Can participatory video research achieve change beyond the local? Reflections on research with 'new migrants' in North East England. In: Visual In-Sights: Theory, Method, Practice Conference, Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, 26-27 June 2014.

VICKERS, T., 2014. The role of UK immigration policy 1999-2014 in stratifying the working class and enforcing precarity and exploitation. In: Migrating In, Migrating Out: How to (Re)think "Migrants'" Struggles Conference, New Left Perspectives and Social Center "Xaspel", Sofia, Bulgaria, 8-9 May 2014.

VICKERS, T. and RUTTER, A., 2014. Fostering divisions in a cold climate: depictions of immigrants and the working class on British television in 2014. In: Social Work Action Network Annual Conference, Durham University, Durham, April 2014.

VICKERS, T., 2014. Theorising the intersection between local labour processes in North East England and international divisions of labour. In: BSA Annual Conference, University of Leeds, Leeds, 23-25 April 2014.

VICKERS, T., CRAIG, G. and ATKIN, K., 2014. Research with black and minority ethnic people using social care services. In: NIHR and INVOLVE Webinar, January 2014.

VICKERS, T. and CLAYTON, J., 2013. Migrants and refugees in and out of work: what do we know and what do we need to know? In: Racial Equality, Diversity and Public Policy in the North East Region Conference, Durham University, Durham, November 2013.

ASHUTOSH, I. and VICKERS, T., 2013. The politics of asylum in contemporary empire: state exclusion and delegations of migration management in the UK. In: Race, Migration, Citizenship Conference, Birmingham Midland Institute, Birmingham, 4-5 July 2013.

VICKERS, T., 2013. Developing an independent anti-racist model for asylum rights organizing in England. In: CERES Conference 2013: Racism and Anti-Racism Through Education and Community Practice: An International Exchange, Centre for Education for Racial Equality in Scotland, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, 26-28 June 2013.

VICKERS, T., 2013. Using participatory video methods to understand the lived experience of migrants in North East England. In: BSA Annual Conference, Grand Connaught Rooms, London, 3-5 April 2013.

VICKERS, T., 2013. The role of UK asylum policy reinforcing discipline in the international reserve army of labour 1999-2010. In: Migration: Global Development, New Frontiers Conference, University College London, London, 10-13 April 2013.

VICKERS, T., 2012. The contribution of UK asylum policy to conditions for the exploitation of migrant labour. In: Vulnerable Workers, Forced Labour, Migration and Ethical Trading Conference, University of Leeds, Leeds, 14 December 2012.

VICKERS, T., 2012. The contribution of UK asylum and welfare policies to managing the oppression of refugees, and the potential for a radical social work response. In: Social Work Action Network National Conference, School of Health and Social Care, Teesside University, Middlesborough, 17 November 2012.

Newspaper or popular journal contribution

VICKERS, T. and HOLLAND, D., 2021. The human impact of automation: lessons from Amazon. Futures of Work, N/D 21 (20).

WRIGHT, E., GEE, R., AXLER, M., LUNDY, C., HUTCHINGS, S. and VICKERS, T., 2021. The future of working from home. Futures of Work, Aug 21 (19).

VICKERS, T., PICKFORD, R. and DAHILL, D., 2021. Supreme Court rules that Uber drivers are workers. Futures of Work, Mar 21 (18).

VICKERS, T., 2020. Caring times. So Fi Zine (8), pp. 37-46. ISSN 2209-3028

VICKERS, T., 2020. Protecting private hire and taxi drivers in the Covid-19 pandemic. Futures of Work, 2020 (16).

VICKERS, T., SHIPTON, H. and WONG, W., 2020. Greencore factory: timeline of a coronavirus outbreak shows staff must be listened to. The Conversation.

VICKERS, T., 2020. How local authorities could help their private hire and taxi drivers. LocalGov.

VICKERS, T. and HUTCHINGS, S., 2020. Precarity, precarious work and Covid-19: insights from Nottingham. Discover Society.

VICKERS, T., 2020. Uber supreme court battle: even if drivers win, they need new laws to protect them. The Conversation.

VICKERS, T., 2018. The British public aren’t as polarised on immigration as you might think. The Conversation.

VICKERS, T., 2013. The trauma of refugees is compounded by UK system. Lincolnshire Echo. ISSN 0962-5003

VICKERS, T. and DOMINELLI, L., 2012. Humanitarian projects can benefit students and universities. University World News (206). ISSN 1756-297X

VICKERS, T. and BATES, D., 2012. Exiled from the Big Society. Runnymede Bulletin (370), p. 13. ISSN 2045-404X

Research datasets and databases

VICKERS, T., 2024. Work futures data archive. [Dataset]

Research report for external body

VICKERS, T., O’NIONS, H., KELLEZI, B., ACHA, E., ALICI, N., SACCHETTI, I., DURDIYEVA, S. and OCRAN, B.E., 2024. Fighting asylum destitution through quality legal advice: evaluation of the Hope Projects (West Midlands) legal service. Final report. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

VICKERS, T., O'NIONS, H., KELLEZI, B., ACHA, E. and DURDIYEVA, S., 2022. Providing legal advice to destitute asylum seekers who have exhausted appeal rights. Evaluation of the Hope Projects (West Midlands) Legal Service: Report 1, December 2021. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

HOLLAND, D. and VICKERS, T., 2021. Unfulfilled? Evidence review on work, labour and employment in Amazon’s fulfilment centres. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

VICKERS, T., DAHILL, D. and HOLLAND, D., 2020. Decent and good work in the platform economy: private hire and taxi work in Nottingham. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

WAKEFIELD, J.R.H., GRIGOLO, M., VICKERS, T., HUTCHINGS, S. and BOWE, M., 2019. Economic and social rights in Nottingham: work, housing, food. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

CHAN, C.-K., BARNARD, A., VICKERS, T. and HOLLAND, D., 2017. Research on carers within seldom-heard communities: final report. Nottingham: School of Social Sciences, Nottingham Trent University.

VICKERS, T., 2013. Refugees, capitalism and the British State: the roots of refugees’ oppression and implications for action. Newcastle upon Tyne: Northumbria University.

VICKERS, T., CRAIG, G. and ATKIN, K., 2012. Research with black and minority ethnic people using social care services. London: School for Social Care Research.


VICKERS, T., 2015. Book Review Symposium: Michael Burawoy (ed.), Precarious Engagements: Combat in the Realm of Public Sociology. Sociology, 49 (4), pp. 788-790. ISSN 0038-0385

Website content

VICKERS, T., 2020. Expert Blog: New developments in the private hire and taxi sector raise questions for workers' rights. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

VICKERS, T., 2015. Academics speak out against the UK Immigration Bill. London: Campaign for Social Science.

VICKERS, T., 2014. Academics speak out against the UK Immigration Bill. openDemocracy.

CLAYTON, J. and VICKERS, T., 2014. Academics speak out against the UK Immigration Bill. openDemocracy.

Working paper

VICKERS, T., CLAYTON, J., DAVISON, H., HUDSON, L., CAÑADAS, M.A., BIDDLE, P., LILLEY, S., FLETCHER, G. and CHANTOWSKI, M., 2016. 'New migrants' in the North East workforce: final report. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

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