Items where Division is "Nottingham Business School" and Year is 1998

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Number of items: 65.


ABBOTT, J., 1998. 'Not like the rest': practical and theoretical implications from Southeast Asia's economic development. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

ACKRILL, R., HINE, R.C. and RAYNER, A., 1998. CAP reform and implications of Member States: budget and trade effects. In: K. INGERSENT, A.J. RAYNER and R.C. HINE, eds., The reform of the Common Agricultural Policy. Basingstoke: Macmillan, pp. 104-131. ISBN 033368771X

AL-HAJJI, O., EDGAR-NEVILL, D. and CASTELL, A.M., 1998. Decision support systems in profit making and non-profit making institutions. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of the UK Academy for Information Sciences, Lincoln.


BARNES, P., 1998. Can takeover targets be identified by statistical techniques? Some UK evidence. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series D (The Statistician), 47 (4), pp. 573-591. ISSN 0039-0526

BARNES, P., 1998. Foul play. .

BARNES, P., 1998. Why do bidders do badly out of mergers? Some empirical evidence from the UK. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 25 (5-6), pp. 571-594. ISSN 0306-686X

BARNES, P. and FIRMAN, R., 1998. The development of the nineteenth and early twentieth century gypsum, brick and associated industries of Newark. The East Midlands Historian.

BARNES, P. and SHARP, D., 1998. No place for complacency. .

BARNES, P., SHARP, D. and ALLEN, S., 1998. The ACFE fraud survey. .


CASTELL, A.M., 1998. Participation and design behaviour in information systems design: emerging issues. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Systems Science and Sytems Engineering, Beijing, China.

CASTELL, A.M. and GREGORY, A.J., 1998. Critical reflections on participation in decision-making and design. In: Proceedings of the 14th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, Vienna, Austria.

CAVEN, V., 1998. Building on the middle ground: alternatives to polarisation in women's professional employment. In: Gender, Work and Organisation Conference, Manchester, UK, 1998, Manchester, UK.

CAVEN, V., 1998. Flexibility in professional employment: gendered choice or constraint? In: Work, Employment and Society Conference, Cambridge, UK, 1998.

CLARK, I., 1998. Competitive pressures and engineering process plant contracting. Human Resource Management Journal, 8 (2), pp. 14-28. ISSN 0954-5395

COOKE, A. and CHAPPLE, W., 1998. Guilty by association? The case of the Karin B Scare. European Journal of Law and Economics, 5 (1), pp. 5-12. ISSN 0929-1261


DE LEEUW, S. and ANDERSON, M.A., 1998. New vehicle supply and stocking systems in the USA. MIT/Babson College: International Car Distribution Programme.

DE LEEUW, S., VAN DONSELAAR, K.H. and DE KOK, A.G., 1998. Forecasting techniques in logistics. In: J. VAN NUNEN, M. SPERANZA, P. STÄHLY and B. FLEISCHMAN, eds., Advances in distribution logistics. Berlin: Springer, pp. 481-500.

DOBSON, S. and GODDARD, J.A., 1998. Performance and revenue in professional league football: evidence from Granger causality tests. Applied Economics, 30 (12), pp. 1641-1651.

DOBSON, S. and GODDARD, J.A., 1998. Performance, revenue and cross-subsidisation in the Football League, 1927-94. Economic History Review, 51 (4), pp. 763-785.


HAY, A., 1998. Work relationships and change: a case study. In: Postgraduate Occupational Psychology Conference, Hertfordshire, 10-11 September 1998, Hertfordshire.

HEALEY, N., LEKSIN, V. and SVETSOV, A., 1998. Privatisation and enterprise-owned assets. The Russian Economic Barometer (2), pp. 18-38.

HEARNSHAW, H., ROBINSON, E. and BAKER, R., 1998. Developing the role of primary care audit group leads. Education in General Practice, 9 (2).

HEMANS, E., 1998. A new perspective: younger Asian housing needs research project. Analysis of key findings report. UNSPECIFIED.

HOLDAWAY, S. and ROCK, P., 1998. Thinking about criminology. London: UCL Press.


JOHNSON, J.E.V. and BRUCE, A.C., 1998. Risk strategy under task complexity: a multivariate analysis of behaviour in a naturalistic setting. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 11 (1), pp. 1-17. ISSN 0894-3257

JOYCE, P., 1998. Management and innovation in the public services. Strategic Change, 7 (1), pp. 19-30.


KAMOCHE, K., 1998. A critique and a proposed reformulation of strategic human resource management. In: C. MABEY, G. SALAMAN and J. STOREY, eds., Strategic human resource management: a reader. Sage/Open University Press.

KAMOCHE, K., CUNHA, J.V. and CUNHA, M.P., 1998. The challenges of managing people in Thailand. In: Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business, Southeast Asia Region, Nanning, China, October, 1998, Nanning.

KAMOCHE, K. and MUELLER, F., 1998. HRM: an appropriation-learning perspective. Human Relations, 51 (8), pp. 1033-1060.


LEVERMENT, Y., ACKERS, P. and PRESTON, D., 1998. Professionals in the NHS; a case study of business process re-engineering. New Technology Work and Employment, 13 (2), pp. 129-139.

LIDDLE, J., 1998. Developing public service managers for a changed 'public/private sector world'. Teaching Public Administration, pp. 60-75.

LIDDLE, J., 1998. Is BPR an analytical straightjacket? Pushing the boundaries outwards and upwards to a regional level. In: Institute of British Business Process Re-engineering Conference, Winchester Guildhall, Winchester, 24 March 1998, Winchester.

LIDDLE, J., 1998. Promoting partnerships and fostering enterprise in regional regeneration: the case of Visual Arts UK 1997. In: International Conference on Public/Private Partnerships, Lublijana, Slovenia, May 1998, Lublijana.

LIDDLE, J., 1998. Promoting partnerships and fostering enterprise in regional regeneration: the case of Visual Arts UK 1997. In: L. MONTANHEIRO, B. HAIGH, D. MORRIS and N. HROVATIN, eds., Public and private sector partnerships: fostering enterprise. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam Press, pp. 253-278. ISBN 0863397883

LIDDLE, J., DIXON-DAWSON, J., MAGUIRE, J., LENNON, J. and STEEL, G., 1998. From CCT to best value: a synthesis of markets and bureaucracy? In: Cardiff Business School Public Service Research Unit Annual Conference, Cardiff, 31 March 1998, Cardiff.

LIU-SMITH, Y.-L., 1998. Research into Taiwanese pupils’ creativity and the relationships between their creativity and school learning ethos. In: PROGRESS Conference, The University of Nottingham, 27 March 1998.

LIU-SMITH, Y.-L., 1998. Research into Taiwanese pupils’ creativity and the relationships between their creativity and school learning ethos. In: British Educational Research Association (BERA) Research Student Conference, Queen’s University, Belfast, 26-27 August 1998.

LOAN-CLARKE, J., BOOCOCK, J.G., SMITH, A.J. and WHITTAKER, J., 1998. Competence-based management development in small businesses: a mlti-stakeholder analysis. Loughborough: Loughborough University Business School.

LOAN-CLARKE, J., BOOCOCK, J.G., SMITH, A.J. and WHITTAKER, J., 1998. Management standards and management National Vocational Qualifications - awareness, attitudes and activity in small businesses. In: British Psychological Society Occupational Psychology Conference, Eastbourne, 1998.


MACKAY, C., 1998. Early retirement: the empty space. In: Standing Conference Organisational Symbolism, Warsaw, Poland, 1998, Warsaw, Poland.

MACKAY, C. and CURRIE, G., 1998. Not what the doctor ordered. In: International Conference on Organisational Symbolism, Brazil, 1998, Brazil.


OTT, U.F., 1998. Splitting the pie or bargaining over ownership shares in an international joint venture: the influence of cultural issues on the negotiation process of a local and a foreign firm. In: 24th Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy (EIBA), Jerusalem, Israel, 13-15 December 1998.

OTT, U.F., 1998. A game-theoretical bargaining model in the international context: the influence of cultural issues on the negotiation process between an exporter and an importer. In: 24th Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy (EIBA), Jerusalem, Israel, 13-15 December 1998.


RENWICK, D., 1998. 'Neither rhetoric nor reality' a comment on Turnbull and Wass. Industrial Relations Journal, 29 (3), pp. 247-251. ISSN 0019-8692

ROWSON, W.H. and LUCAS, R.E., 1998. The role of pay structures and labour costs in business success and failure with particular reference to small hotels. In: Paper presented at the 6th CHME Annual Conference 1998, Glasgow, UK.


SAMBROOK, S.A., 1998. Models and concepts of human resource development: academic and practitioner perspectives. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

SHACKLEY, M., 1998. Cultural tourism and the world heritage designation on Easter Island. In: C. STEVENSON and G. LEE, eds., Easter Island in its Pacific context. Easter Island Foundation, pp. 178-193.

SHACKLEY, M., 1998. Designating a protected area at Karanambu Ranch, Rupununi Savannah, Guyana; resource management and indigenous communities. Ambio, 27 (3), pp. 207-210.

SHACKLEY, M., 1998. Hot springs and glazed flints. A controversial phenomenon observed on spring-mound artefacts in the Near East. Levant, 20, pp. 119-126.

SHACKLEY, M., 1998. Social impact of the camel safari industry of Jaisalmer, Thar Desert (Rajastan). Tourism Management, 17 (3), pp. 213-219.

SHACKLEY, M., 1998. Tourism and the management of cultural resources in the Pays Dogon, Mali. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 3 (1), pp. 17-27.

SHACKLEY, M., 1998. Visitors to the world's oldest cities - Aleppo and Damascus (Syria). In: D. TYLER, M. ROBERTSON and Y. GUERRIER, eds., Managing tourism in cities. London: Wiley, pp. 183-197.

SHIPTON, H. and SHACKLETON, V., 1998. Management development within the construction industry: building on success? International Journal of Training and Development, 2 (4), pp. 276-287. ISSN 1468-2419

SHIPTON, H., SHACKLETON, V. and GILLESPIE, M., 1998. Tarmacademy. People Management, 4 (1), p. 40.

SMITH, A.J., 1998. Learning Technologies and the Issues for Management Education. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 22 (2), pp. 201-210. ISSN 0309-877X

SMITH, A.J., LOAN-CLARKE, J., WHITTAKER, J. and BOOCOCK, J.G., 1998. IIP and SMEs: benefits and barriers. In: 1998 British Academy of Management Conference, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, 14-16 September 1998.

SMITH, A.J. and WHITTAKER, J., 1998. Management development in SMEs: what needs to be done? Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 5 (2), pp. 176-185. ISSN 1462-6004

SMITH, A.J., WHITTAKER, J., LOAN-CLARKE, J. and BOOCOCK, J.G., 1998. Competence based management development provision to SMEs and the providers' perspective. In: 21st ISBA National Small Firms Policy and Research Conference, Durham, November 1998.

SMITH, D. and WILLIAMS, D., 1998. Entry mode decisions of multinational enterprises and their impact on regional economic development. In: S. HILL and B. MORGAN, eds., Inward investment, business finance and economic growth. Basingstoke: Macmillan, pp. 65-79. ISBN 333668278


TANSLEY, C. and MINTON, N., 1998. Human resource strategy: from blueprint to reality. In: Computers in Personnel Conference, Barbican, London, 1998, London, UK.

TANSLEY, C. and WATSON, T., 1998. Managers, strategies and information technologies in international human resource management. In: Sixth International Conference on International Human Resource Management, University of Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany, 23 June 1998, Paderborn, Germany.

TANSLEY, C. and WATSON, T., 1998. Visions and vision making in practical managerial and leadership discourse. In: Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management, East Midlands Conference Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK, 14-16 September 1998, Nottingham, UK.

TUCKMAN, A. and FINNERTY, C., 1998. Individual contracts, collective bargaining and trade unionism: a case for the union voice. Personnel Review, 27 (6), pp. 448-459.

TYLECOTE, A., CHO, Y. and ZHANG, W., 1998. National technological styles explained in terms of stakeholding patterns, enfranchisement and cultural differences. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 10 (4), pp. 423-435.


YOUNGER, N., 1998. Optimising use of the x-chart. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

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