Items where Division is "School of Education" and Year is 2002

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Number of items: 55.


BOULTON, H., 2002. [Conference presentation]. In: Utilising the Virtual Learning Portal: My Reflections, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, June 2002, Nottingham.

BOWEN, R., 2002. [Conference presentation]. In: International Design and Technology Association Conference, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 2002, Columbus, Ohio, USA.

BOWEN, R., 2002. The nature of design and technology in the primary curriculum [Introductory chapter]. In: G. OWEN-JACKSON, ed., Aspects of teaching design and technology: perspectives on practice. Routledge-Falmer.

BRADSHAW, P., CHAPMAN, C. and GEE, A., 2002. NCSL Programmes report. NCSL.

BRADSHAW, P., GEE, A. and POWELL, S., 2002. Virtual communities and professional learning across a distributed remote membership. In: VCI Workshop, University of Navarra, Barcelona, Spain, December 2002, University of Navarra, Barcelona.

BRADSHAW, P., POWELL, S. and TERRELL, I., 2002. Online communities - vehicles for professional learning? In: BERA 2002, September 2002.

BRADSHAW, P., POWELL, S. and TERRELL, I., 2002. Online communities - vehicles for professional learning? In: Online Conference for Technology Colleges Trust, October 2002.


CHETCUTI, D. and GRIFFITHS, M., 2002. The implications for student self-esteem of ordinary differences in schools: the cases of Malta and England. British Educational Research Journal, 28 (4), pp. 529-549. ISSN 0141-1926

CORDEN, R., 2002. Developing narrative writing 7-13. Blackwell.

CORDEN, R., 2002. Developing reflective writers in primary schools: findings from partnership research. Educational Review, 54 (3), pp. 249-276. ISSN 0013-1911

CORDEN, R., 2002. Learning from Leon: texts as models for children's writing. In: IRA Annual International Conference, Edinburgh, 2002, Edinburgh.

CORDEN, R., 2002. Narrative writing. Literacy Today (31), p. 21. ISSN 1367-8825

CORDEN, R., 2002. Progress through partnership: a university-schools project to develop the teaching of writing in primary schools. Education Through Partnership, 5 (1), pp. 45-59. ISSN 13644203

COTTON, T., 2002. Joining the club: identity and inclusion in mathematics classrooms and in mathematics education research. In: Proceedings of the 10th annual SAARMSTE conference, Durban.

COTTON, T., 2002. What is it really like? Developing the use of participant voice in research. In: Proceedings of the 10th annual SAARMSTE conference, Durban.

COTTON, T., 2002. The club that rejects me is the club I want to join: identity, mathematics learning and mathematics education research. In: Proceedings of the third international mathematics education and society conference, Helsingore, Denmark.

CROSS, F.B., 2002. An historical investigation of girls educational experience in a village school 1863-1969. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.


DISNEY, A. and HAMMOND, A., 2002. Using historical maps in the primary classroom. Primary History, 2002 (23).

DRANSFIELD, R., 2002. Human resource management for higher awards. Heinemann.

DRANSFIELD, R., 2002. Motivating and developing people. Heinemann.


GALEA, S., 2002. Symbolising the maternal: a genealogical study of Maltese women educators. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.


HARRIS, T., 2002. Hababoom! [Composition]

HARRIS, T., 2002. Joanna. Suite for solo piano. [Composition]

HASTINGS, N. and CHANTREY, W., 2002. Re-organising primary classroom learning. Milton Keynes: Open University Press. ISBN 0335207308

HASTINGS, N. and CHANTREY WOOD, K., 2002. Group seating in primary schools: an indefensible strategy? In: British Education Research Association Conference, Exeter University, Exeter, UK, September 2002, Exeter University.

HINDLEY, D., 2002. Evaluating the utility of the concept of governance in understanding the management and policy process of sports organisations. In: 1st Conference of Sport Management and Economics of the Sport Sciences, Higher School of Rio Maior, Portugal, July 2002.

HINDLEY, D., 2002. Whose game is it anyway? An examination of the key stakeholders in the governance of English Football. In: 12th Commonwealth International Sport Conference, Manchester, July 2002.


IRESON, G.P., 2002. Physics through the medium of sport. In: Physics in New Fields and Modern Applications, Lund, Sweden, 2002, Lund, Sweden.

IRESON, G.P., 2002. Review of Cummings, K., Laws, P.W., Reddish E.F. and Cooney P.J.: 'Understanding physics, part 1'. Physical Sciences Educational Reviews, 3 (1), p. 20. ISSN 1756-9524

IRESON, G.P., 2002. Review of Cummings, K., Laws, P.W., Reddish E.F. and Cooney P.J.: 'Understanding physics, part 2'. Physical Sciences Educational Reviews, 3 (2), p. 22. ISSN 1756-9524


MACKINTOSH, C., GERRARD, K. and EADY, J., 2002. National Rugby League facilities strategy. Bury: Knight, Kavanagh and Page/Rugby Football League.


NEEDHAM, D., 2002. The 'cogs of cognition': developing a model for learners within a business classroom that raises their levels of response. In: International Learning and Literacy Conference in Education, Beijing, July, 2002., Beijing.

NEEDHAM, D. and DRANSFIELD, R., 2002. The Times 100. London: MBA Publishing.


OSLER, A., STREET, C., LALL, M. and VINCENT, K., 2002. Not a problem? Girls and exclusion from school. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

OSLER, A. and VINCENT, K., 2002. Citizenship and the challenge of global education. Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham.

OVENS, P., 2002. Evidence based teaching in primary school science: the Nottingham EBT project. Topic, 28 (7).

OVENS, P., 2002. Evidence based teaching in primary science - a case of teacher action research. In: International Conference on Teacher Research, University of Patras, Greece, 2002, University of Patras, Greece.

OVENS, P., 2002. Patchwork texts for the assessment of becoming scientific. In: Society for Research in Higher Education Annual Conference, University of Glasgow, Scotland, 2002, University of Glasgow.


PALAIOLOGOU, I., 2002. A case study of children's literacy learning in pre-school setting. In: 4th Warwick International Early Years Conference, March, 2002, Warwick.


RICHARDS, G., 2002. Are we all prepared for inclusion? (A study of initial teacher education in further education). The Skill Journal, 74, pp. 24-31.

RICHARDS, G., 2002. Count me in FE. In: LSDA Conference, University of Warwick, 2002.

RICHARDS, G., 2002. Inclusive education: radical ideas from Canada. In: Research Conference, University of Wolverhampton, 2002.

ROTHWELL, F., 2002. Your flexible friends: sessional lecturers in the UK further education sector, commitment, quality and service delivery. Journal of Further & Higher Education,, 26 (4), pp. 363-375.

ROTHWELL, F. and ROTHWELL, A., 2002. The two-way brand dilemma. In: British Academy of Management, Middlesex, September 2002.


SOOD, K., 2002. Marketing and initial teacher training in higher education: moving from rhetoric to practice [poster presentation]. In: BERA Annual Conference, University of Exeter, 12-14 September 2002, Exeter.


WALLACE, S., 2002. Can the FENTO standards be used to encourage reflective practice? In: National Conference on On-line Training for FE, Chester, 2002.

WALLACE, S., 2002. Managing behaviour and motivating students in further education. Exeter: Learning Matters. ISBN 1903300495

WALLACE, S., 2002. Metaphors of power in the conduct of the British PhD examination. In: UKCGE Symposium on Research Degree Examining, 2002.

WALLACE, S., 2002. No good surprises: intending lecturers' preconceptions and initial experiences of further education. British Educational Research Journal, 28 (1), pp. 79-93. ISSN 0141-1926

WALLACE, S., 2002. Searching for a motive: student-teacher experiences of attitudes to learning in ten colleges of Further Education. In: LSRN Regional Conference, 2002.

WALLACE, S., 2002. Student behaviour and motivation in FE classrooms. Learning and Skills Research Journal.

WALLACE, S., 2002. The conduct of the British PhD viva. In: UK Council for Graduate Education Symposium: Examining Research Degrees, London, 2002.

WALLACE, S. and VANHEGAN, S., 2002. ICT for FE teacher training: a case study. In: M. MONTEITH, ed., ICT for curriculum enhancement. Intellect Books, pp. 120-141. ISBN 1841500615

WOOD, K.C., 2002. Hearing voices: the early years practitioner's tale. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

WRIGHT, G., 2002. Basil Kennett and Janus Vitalis. Notes and Queries, 49 (3), pp. 357-360. ISSN 0029-3970

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