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Number of items: 26.


BARNARD, E.A., BEESON, D.M.W., DARLISON, M.G., MOSS, S.J., RANDALL, W.R. and TSIM, K.M.W., 1989. Regulation of acetylcholine receptors and acetylcholinesterase in the innervation of skeletal muscle. In: L.C. SELLIN, R. LIBELIUS and S. THESLEFF, eds., Neuromuscular junction. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 499-514.

BARNARD, E.A., BURT, D.R., DARLISON, M.G., FUJITA, N., LEVITAN, E.S., SCHOFIELD, P.R., SEEBURG, P.H., SQUIRE, M.D. and STEPHENSON, F.A., 1989. Molecular biology of the GABAA receptor. In: E.A. BARNARD and E. COSTA, eds., Allosteric modulation of amino acid receptors: therapeutic implications. New York: Raven Press, pp. 19-30.

BARNARD, E.A., DARLISON, M.G., MARSHALL, J. and SATTELLE, D.B., 1989. Structural characteristics of cation and anion channels directly operated by agonists. In: D. KEELING and C. BENHAM, eds., Ion transport (Smith Kline and French Research Symposium). London: Academic Press, pp. 159-181.


CRABBE, A., 1989. Featurelength films. In: C. BLOOM and G. DAY, eds., Perspectives on pornography. London: MacMillan.


DARLISON, M.G., BARNARD, E.A., BATESON, A.N., GLENCORSE, T.A., HARVEY, R.J., HICKS, A.A., HUNT, S.P., MORRIS, B.J., VALLEJO, M., VREUGDENHIL, E. and WISDEN, W., 1989. The structure and expression of the GABAA receptor as deduced by molecular genetic studies. In: A. MAELICKE, ed., Molecular biology of neuroreceptors and ion channels. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 83-99.

DINGWALL, R., 1989. Labelling children as abused or neglected. In: R. STAINTON, D. HEVEY and E. ASH, eds., Child abuse: an introduction. London: Batsford, pp. 158-164.

DINGWALL, R., 1989. Medicine and law: a theoretical approach. In: R. DINGWALL, ed., Socio-legal aspects of medical practice. London: Royal College of Physicians, pp. 71-77.

DINGWALL, R., 1989. Some problems about predicting child abuse and neglect. In: O. STEVENSON, ed., Child abuse: public policy and professional practice. Brighton: Wheatsheaf, pp. 28-53.


GILLETT, C.A., GRIFFITHS, M.D. and DAVIES, P., 1989. The hypnotic suppression of conditioned electrodermal responses. In: D. WAXMAN, D. PEDERSON and I. WIKIE, eds., Hypnosis. London: Whurr, pp. 60-66.

GUTIÉRREZ ALMARZA, G., 1989. Investigación en el aula de inglés. In: Aspectos Didácticos del Inglés. Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación (ICE), University of Zaragoza.


HAMPSON, T.M.M., BOWLEY, R.M. and MCHALE, G., 1989. Spin-polarized He3-He4 mixtures. In: S. STRINGARI, ed., Spin-polarized quantum systems. World Scientific, pp. 165-168. ISBN 9971508788

HOLDAWAY, S., 1989. Discovering structure. Studies of the British police occupational culture. In: M. WEATHERITT, ed., Police research: some future prospects. Aldershot: Gower, pp. 55-76.


MCHALE, G., 1989. Spin-polarized helium. In: S. STRINGARI, ed., Spin-polarized quantum systems. World Scientific, pp. 324-327. ISBN 9971508788


OWERS-BRADLEY, J.R., BOWLEY, R.M. and MCHALE, G., 1989. Measurements in He3-He4. In: S. STRINGARI, ed., Spin-polarized quantum systems. World Scientific, pp. 169-172. ISBN 9971508788


PEPPER, A., 1989. Display holography in the UK: an overview. In: Holographie-Jahrbuch/Holography-Yearbook 1989-90. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 1-65.

PERRY, C.C., 1989. Biogenic silica. In: S. MANN, J. WEBB and R.J.P. WILLIAMS, eds., Biomineralisation, chemical and biochemical perspectives. VCH, pp. 223-256.

POCKLEY, A.G., BARRATT, C.L.R. and BOLTON, A.E., 1989. Placental protein 14 (PP14) content and immunosuppressive activity of human cervical mucus. In: E. CHANTLER and N.A. RATCLIFFE, eds., Mucus and related topics. Cambridge: Company of Biologists Ltd., pp. 317-323.


STRONG, P.M. and DINGWALL, R., 1989. Romantics and stoics. In: D. SILVERMAN and J. GUBRIUM, eds., The politics of field research. London: Sage, pp. 49-69.


WEBB, J. and PERRY, C.C., 1989. Proton beam analysis in studies of composite biominerals. In: S. MANN, J. WEBB and R.J.P. WILLIAMS, eds., Biomineralisation, chemical and biochemical perspectives. VCH, pp. 461-490.

WILDE, L., 1989. The early development of Marx's concept of contradiction. In: M. COWLING and L. WILDE, eds., Approaches to Marx. Buckingham: Open University Press, pp. 33-48.

WILLIAMS, P., 1989. Cultural coherence and contradiction in Yeats. In: D. MURRAY, ed., Literary theory and poetry: extending the canon. London: Batsford.

WILLIAMS, P., 1989. Difficult subjects: black British women poets. In: D. MURRAY, ed., Literary theory and poetry: extending the canon. London: Batsford.

WILLIAMS, P., 1989. Kim and orientalism. In: P. MALLETT, ed., Kipling considered. Basingstoke: Macmillan.

WOODS, G., 1989. A helping hand. In: D. REES and P. ROBINS, eds., The freezer counter: stories by gay men. Third House, pp. 143-151.

WRIGHT, P., 1989. Die Telefonzelle als Zeichen der Zeit. In: B. VON, ed., Der eiserne Besen. Berlin: Wagenbach, pp. 14-26.

WRIGHT, P., 1989. Heritage and danger; the English past in the era of the welfare state. In: T. BUTLER, ed., Memory; history, culture and the mind. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 151-182.

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