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Number of items: 47.


BARNES, P., 1985. UK building societies - a study of the gains from merger. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 12 (1), pp. 75-91. ISSN 0306-686X

BAXTER, M.J., 1985. Contribution to the discussion of the paper 'Spatial structure and spatial interaction: modelling approaches to the statistical analysis of geographical data', by R.J. Bennett and R.P. Haining. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 148, p. 30.

BAXTER, M.J., 1985. Misspecification in Spatial Interaction Models - Further Results. Environment and Planning A, 17 (5), pp. 673-678. ISSN 0308-518X

BAXTER, M.J., 1985. Quasi-Likelihood Estimation and Diagnostic Statistics for Spatial Interaction Models. Environment and Planning A, 17 (12), pp. 1627-1635. ISSN 0308-518X

BOULÉ, J.-P., 1985. Sartre en question. Modern and Contemporary France, 21.

BOWEN, R., 1985. Nottingham CDT primary project. Designing and Making, 2 (1).

BREACH, M., 1985. Azimuth by the method of multiple timed observations of a gyrotheodolite without electronic registration. Bulletin Geodesique, 59 (3), pp. 221-232. ISSN 0007-4632

BREACH, M., 1985. Criticism of 'First order positioning by three-dimensional EDM' by Prof S.H. Laurila. Surveying & Mapping (USA), pp. 272-279.


CANNIFF, J.P., BATCHELOR, J.R., DODI, I.A. and HARVEY, W., 1985. Hla-Typing in Oral Submucous Fibrosis. Tissue Antigens, 26 (2), pp. 138-142. ISSN 0001-2815

CARTWRIGHT, I.J., POCKLEY, A.G., GALLOWAY, J.H., GREAVES, M. and PRESTON, F.E., 1985. The effects of dietary omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on erythrocyte membrane phospholipids, erythrocyte deformability and blood viscosity in healthy volunteers. Atherosclerosis, 55, pp. 267-281.


DALETSKII, A., 1985. Quantum moment problem. , pp. 7-19.

DINGWALL, R., 1985. Review of N Fielding, 'Probation practice - client support under social control'. British Journal of Criminology, 25 (2), pp. 196-198.

DINGWALL, R., 1985. Review of R Fitzpatrick, J Hinton, S Newman, G Scambler and J Thompson, 'The experience of illness'. Sociology, 19 (3), pp. 473-474.

DINGWALL, R. and STRONG, P.M., 1985. The interactional study of organizations: a critique and reformulation. Urban Life, 14 (2), pp. 205-231.


FEATHERSTONE, M., 1985. The fate of modernity: an introduction. Theory, Culture & Society, 2 (3), pp. 1-5. ISSN 0263-2764

FEATHERSTONE, M. and HEPWORTH, M., 1985. The history of the male menopause 1848-1936. Maturitas, 7 (3), pp. 249-257.

FEATHERSTONE, M. and HEPWORTH, M., 1985. The male menopause, lifestyle and sexuality. Maturitas, 7 (3), pp. 235-246.

FORSYTHE, S.J., 1985. Correction. British Journal of Nutrition, 53 (3). ISSN 0007-1145

FORSYTHE, S.J. and PARKER, D.S., 1985. Ammonia-Nitrogen Turnover in the Rabbit Cecum and Exchange with Plasma Urea-N. British Journal of Nutrition, 54 (1), pp. 285-292. ISSN 0007-1145

FORSYTHE, S.J. and PARKER, D.S., 1985. Nitrogen-Metabolism by the Microbial-Flora of the Rabbit Cecum. Journal of Applied Bacteriology, 58 (4), pp. 363-369. ISSN 0021-8847

FORSYTHE, S.J. and PARKER, D.S., 1985. Urea Turnover and Transfer to the Digestive-Tract in the Rabbit. British Journal of Nutrition, 53 (1), pp. 183-190. ISSN 0007-1145

FOX, S. and DINGWALL, R., 1985. An exploratory study of variations in social workers' and health visitors' definitions of child mistreatment. British Journal of Social Work, 15, pp. 467-477.


GRAHAM, P.J., DINGWALL, R. and WOLKIND, S., 1985. Research issues in child abuse. Social Science and Medicine, 21 (11), pp. 1217-1228.

GRIME, G.W., WATT, F., MANN, S., PERRY, C.C., WEBB, J. and WILLIAMS, R.J.P., 1985. Biological applications of the Oxford scanning proton microprobe. Trends in Biological Sciences, 10, pp. 6-11.


HENDERSON-SELLERS, A., WILSON, M.F. and THOMAS, G., 1985. The effect of spatial resolution on archives of land cover type. Climatic Change, 7 (4), pp. 391-402. ISSN 1573-1480

HOLDAWAY, S., 1985. Sustaining the traditions of police work: a sociological analysis. Lore and Language, 4 (2), pp. 25-35.

HOUSECROFT, C.E., SNAITH, R., MOSS, K., MULVEY, R.E., O'NEILL, M. and WADE, K., 1985. Cluster bonding and energetics of the borane anions BnHn2-(n=5-12). A comparative study using bond length/bond enthalpy relationships and molecular orbital index calculations. Polyhedron, 4 (1875).


INKSTER, I., 1985. Science and the 'colonial model': Australian experience in historical perspective. Social Studies of Science, 15, pp. 677-704.


JOYCE, P. and WOODS, A., 1985. Business education: knowledge and relevance. Business Education, 6 (2), pp. 10-17.

JOYCE, P. and WOODS, A., 1985. The challenge of communication. Industrial Society, 67, pp. 12-15.

JOYCE, P., WOODS, A. and HAYES, M., 1985. The corporate response to YTS - part 2: empirical research in the South East of England. Journal of European Industrial Training, 9 (4), pp. 3-8.


MULLER, R., WALLIS, J.D. and VONPHILIPSBORN, W., 1985. N-15-Nmr Spectroscopy .14. Direct Structural Proof for the Pentazole Ring-System in Solution by N-15-Nmr Spectroscopy. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition in English, 24 (6), pp. 513-515. ISSN 0570-0833


PYATT, F.B., 1985. The vegetation of selected sites in North and North East Iceland. Proceedings of the Institution of Environmental Sciences, 6, pp. 37-50.

PYATT, F.B., WINSTON, D., JONES, V. and SOOD, S., 1985. Expedition report of the vegetation of the Husafell region of Iceland. Island, 37, pp. 7-9.


SANDHU, G.K., GUPTA, R., SANDHU, S.S., MOSS, K. and PARISH, R.V., 1985. Studies in organotin-leucinates and N-acylated leucinates. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 279 (373).

SHACKLEY, M., 1985. Ethnography and experiment in the interpretation of quartz artifact assemblages from Namibia: an optimistic attempt. Lithic Technology, 14 (2), pp. 95-98.

SHACKLEY, M., 1985. Xhing-xhais; an early Holocene stoneworking site from the central Namib Desert. Medoqua, 13 (4), pp. 271-279.

SHACKLEY, M., KOMURA, K., HAYESHI, T., IKEYA, M., MATSU'URA, S. and UETA, N., 1985. Chronometric dating of bone from Namib IV Acheulean site, south west Africa/Namibia. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo, 1, pp. 6-12.

SIMMONDS, S.H. and STRANGE, P.G., 1985. D2-dopamine receptors in anterior pituitary: characterisation and investigation of mechanism. Journal of Neurochemistry (4476).

SIMMONDS, S.H. and STRANGE, P.G., 1985. Effect of D2-dopamine receptors on inositol phospholipid metabolism in anterior pituitary. British Journal of Pharmacology (84).

SIMMONDS, S.H. and STRANGE, P.G., 1985. Inhibition of inositol phospholipid breakdown by D2-dopamine receptors in dissociated bovine anterior pituitary cells. Neuroscience Letters (60), pp. 267-272.


TIVERS, J., 1985. Distant relatives and the poor cousin: geography in university and adult education. Area, 19 (3), pp. 207-213.


WHITELAM, G.C., ANDERSON, M.L., BILLETT, E.E. and SMITH, H., 1985. Immunoblot analysis of cross-reactivity of monoclonal-antibodies against oat phytochrome with phytochrome from several plant-species. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 42 (6), pp. 793-796.

WOODFIELD, R., 1985. Gombrich on language and meaning. British Journal of Aesthetics, 25 (4), pp. 389-393.

WOODFIELD, R., 1985. Some notes on Roland Barthes' photographic message. Trent Occasional Papers in Photography.

WRIGHT, C.Y., 1985. Learning environment or battleground. Multi-cultural Teaching, 4 (1), pp. 11-17.

WRIGHT, C.Y., 1985. Who succeeds at school - and who decides. Multi-cultural Teaching, 4 (1), pp. 17-24.

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