Items where Author is "Tu, W"
TU, W., 2012. Efficient resource utilization for multi-flow wireless multicasting transmissions. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 30 (7), pp. 1246-1258.
TU, W., 2012. Efficient resource utilization for multi-flow wireless transmissions. In: 2012 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2012), Paris, 1-4 April 2012, Paris.
TU, W., 2012. Efficient resource utilization for wireless multimedia multicasting [invited talk]. In: University College Cork, 2012, Cork.
TU, W., SREENAN, C.J., CHOU, C.T., MISRA, A. and JHA, S., 2012. Resource-aware video multicasting via access gateways in wireless mesh networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 11 (6), pp. 881-895. ISSN 1536-1233
TU, W., GROUT, V., CHOU, C.T. and EXCELL, P., 2011. Performance evaluation of the split transmission in multihop wireless networks. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 54 (3), p. 589.
WANG, Y., TU, W. and GROUT, V., 2011. A survey of energy-efficient routing protocols in wireless sensor networks. In: Seventh Collaborative Research Symposium on Security, E-Learning, Internet and Internet (SEIN 2011), Furtwangen, Germany, 27-29 October 2011, Furtwangen, Germany.
TU, W., 2009. Advanced network and wireless technology [invited talk]. In: The Henan University of Finance and Economics, 2009.
JIN, X., TU, W. and CHEN, S.H.G., 2009. Challenges and advances in using IP multicast for overlay data delivery. IEEE Communications Magazine, 47 (6), pp. 157-163.
LIAO, R., TU, W., EXCELL, P. and GROUT, V., 2009. Cross-layer wireless QoS support. In: 3rd International Conference on Internet Technologies and Applications (ITA'09), Wales, September 2009, Wales.
TU, W. and EXCELL, P., 2009. Performance analysis for overlay multimedia multicast on r-ary tree and m-D mesh topologies. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 11 (4), pp. 696-706.
TU, W. and GROUT, V., 2009. Performance evaluation of the split transmission in multihop wireless networks. In: Second IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Future Multimedia Networking (FMN'09), Coimbra, Portugal, 22-23 June 2009, Coimbra, Portugal.
LIAO, R., TU, W., EXCELL, P. and GROUT, V., 2009. QoS analysis models for wireless networks. In: Fifth Collaborative Research Symposium on Security, E-Learning, Internet and Networking (SEIN 2009), Darmstadt, Germany, November 2009, Darmstadt, Germany.
ZHANG, L. and TU, W., 2009. Six degrees of separation in online society. In: 2009 Web Science, Greece, March 2009, Greece.
TU, W. and SREENAN, C.J., 2008. Adaptive split transmission for video streams in wireless mesh networks. In: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Las Vegas, 31 March - 3 April 3 2008, Las Vegas.
TU, W., 2008. Multimedia communications in wired and wireless networks [invited talk]. In: T-Labs, 2008.
TU, W., JIN, X., SREENAN, C.J. and O'BRIEN, M., 2008. Performance analysis for overlay multicast on tree and m-D mesh topologies (II). In: IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2008), Beijing, May 2008, Beijing.
TU, W., SREENAN, C.J., CHOU, C., MISRA, A. and JHA, S., 2008. Resource-aware video multicasting via access gateways in wireless mesh networks. In: IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP 2008), Orlando, Florida, 19-23 October 2008, Orlando, Florida.
JIN, X., TU, W. and CHEN, S.H.G., 2008. Scalable and efficient end-to-end network topology inference. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 19 (6), pp. 837-850.
SUN, W., TU, W. and SREENAN, C.J., 2008. Study of QoS guaranteed video transmission algorithm in WMN. In: 8th Information Technology and Telecommunication Conference, Galway, October 2008, Galway.
JIN, X., TU, W. and CHAN, S.-H.G., 2008. Traceroute-based topology inference with no network coordinate estimation. In: IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2008), Beijing, May 2008, Beijing.
TU, W., MUPPALA, J.K. and ZHUYGE, H., 2007. Distributed end host multicast algorithms for the knowledge grid. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 19 (15), pp. 2013-2029.
TU, W., 2007. End host multicast algorithms for overlay networks [invited talk]. In: The University of New South Wales, 2007, New South Wales.
ZHANG, L., MUPPALA, J.K. and TU, W., 2007. Exploiting proximity in cooperative download of large files in peer-to-peer networks. In: Second International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW'07), Morne, Mauritius, 13-17 May 2007, Morne, Mauritius.
TU, W., 2007. Performance analysis for overlay multicast on tree and m-D mesh topologies. In: IEEE ICC 2007, Glasgow, 24-28 June 2007, Glasgow.
TU, W., SREENAN, C.J. and JIA, W., 2007. Worst-case delay control in multi-group overlay networks. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 18 (10), pp. 1407-1419.
TU, W., 2006. Proximity in peer-to-peer networks [invited talk]. In: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2006, Hong Kong.
TU, W., 2006. QoS-guaranteed end host multicast algorithms [invited talk]. In: Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, 2006.
TU, W., 2006. Worst-case delay control in multi-group networks. In: 35th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2006), Columbus, Ohio, 14-18 August 2006, Columbus, Ohio.
JIA, W., WANG, H., TU, W. and ZHAO, W., 2006. A new delay control method for real-time flows. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 12, pp. 127-149.
JIA, W., TU, W. and WU, J., 2005. APB: an adaptive playback buffer scheme for wireless streaming media. IEICE Transactions on Communications, 88 (10), pp. 4030-4039.
TU, W. and JIA, W., 2005. Distributed end host multicast algorithms for irregular overlay mesh. In: 1st International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid (SKG 2005), November 2005.
JIA, W., TU, W. and WU, J., 2005. Distributed hierarchical multicast tree algorithms for application layer mesh networks. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 89 (2), pp. 654-662.
JIA, W. and TU, W., 2005. Hierarchical multicast tree algorithms for application layer mesh networks. In: 2005 International Conference on Computer Networks and Mobile Computing (ICCNMC 2005), 2-4 August 2005.
JIA, W., TU, W. and ZHAO, W., 2005. Multi-shared-trees based multicast routing control protocol using anycast selection. The International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, 20 (1), pp. 69-84.
TU, W. and JIA, W., 2005. An end host multicast protocol for peer-to-peer systems. In: 30th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2005), November 2005.
TU, W. and JIA, W., 2004. Adaptive playback buffer for wireless streaming media. In: IEEE International Conference on Networks 2004 (ICON 2004), Singapore, 16-19 November 2004, Singapore.
JIA, W., DONG, X., TU, W., LIN, L. and ZHAO, W., 2004. Distributed admission control for anycast flows. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 15 (8), pp. 673-686.
TU, W. and JIA, W., 2004. End host multicast for peer-to-peer systems. In: Third International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC 2004), 21-24 October 2004.
TU, W. and JIA, W., 2004. A scalable and efficient end host multicast for peer-to-peer systems---DSCT. In: IEEE Global Telecommunication Conference 2004 (Globecom 2004), Dallas, Texas, 29 November - 3 December 2004, Dallas, Texas.
JIA, W., ZHANG, C., LIN, L., TU, W. and JIAO, J., 2003. Effective real-time anycast flow connection algorithm and delay analysis. In: 2003 International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP03), Taiwan, August 2003, Taiwan.
JIA, W., TU, W. and LIN, L., 2003. Efficient distributed admission control for anycast flows. In: 2003 International Conference on Computer Networks and Mobile Computing (ICCNMC-03), Shanghai, August 2003, Shanghai.
TU, W. and QIU, H., 2003. Research on the video stream’s QoS guarantee technology in end systems over IP network based on RTP [in Chinese]. ACTA Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sun Yat-seni, 42 (5), pp. 8-14.
HU, Y., ZHANG, G. and TU, W., 2002. RAAR: a TCP-friendly congestion control mechanism of transporting multimedia traffic in Internet. In: 2002 ICS Program of Workshop on Computer Networks, Taiwan, December 2002, Taiwan.
TU, W. and QIU, H., 2001. Survey on the distributed multimedia synchronization technology [in Chinese]. Graduate Journal of Sun Yat-Sen University (Edition for Natural Science), pp. 22-28.
TU, W. and QIU, H., 2001. The research on the smoothing technology in the distributed multimedia end systems [in Chinese]. In: 7th National Youth Communication Conference, Nanjing, China, October 2001, Nanjing, China.