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BROWN, C. and RIDGWAY, M., 2022. Is play the new work? People Management.
CHING, J. and JARMAN, J., 2022. Accountancy age? The solicitor-accountant: two for one? Accountancy Daily.
CURRAN, L., 2022. Law centres: the comparative way ahead. Solicitors Journal. ISSN 0038-1047
DYMOKE, S., 2022. Finding poetry in the State Library Victoria. Writing in Education (88). ISSN 1361-8539
HARDY, A., 2022. Race in D&T. D&T Practice, 2022 (2).
MCLAIN, M. and HARDY, A., 2022. Emerging findings on D&T educational research. D&T Practice (1), p. 25.
NACHMIAS, S., 2022. It is time to change how we deal with childhood trauma in the workplace? HRZone.
PATEL, S., 2022. Olympic sport and gender? Solicitors Journal. ISSN 0038-1047
PILCHER, J. and DEAKIN-SMITH, H., 2022. Say my name right!: the pronunciation of students’ names in higher education. Everyday Society.
PRATLEY, C., 2022. Ancient forest, new approach. Interpretation Journal.
VAUGHAN, P., 2022. Brexit and IP law: the consequences for lawyers. Solicitors' Journal. ISSN 0038-1047
VAUGHAN, P., 2022. Increase in trademark application = increased risk. Startups Magazine.
VAUGHAN, P. and JARMAN, J., 2022. Teaching IP post Brexit. Law Society Gazette.
WHYSALL, Z., 2022. Diamond in the rough. Managing for Success.
WHYSALL, Z., 2022. To work or not to work when sick: how do employees decide? HRZone.