Items where Author is "Cox, T"
HASSARD, J., TEOH, K., VISOCKAITE, G., DEWE, P. and COX, T., 2018. The cost of work-related stress to society: a systematic review. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 23 (1), pp. 1-17. ISSN 1076-8998
HASSARD, J., TEOH, K.R.H., VISOCKAITE, G., DEWE, P. and COX, T., 2017. The financial burden of psychosocial workplace aggression: a systematic review of cost-of-illness studies. Work & Stress. ISSN 0267-8373
HASSARD, J., TEOH, K. and COX, T., 2017. Organizational uncertainty and stress among teachers in Hong Kong: work characteristics and organizational justice. Health Promotion International, 32 (5), pp. 860-870. ISSN 0957-4824
COX, T., POSTAVARU, G.I., MUNIR, F., HASSARD, J. and MACLENNAN, S., 2017. Cancer survivorship, cancer-Related PTSD, and positive change. In: C.L. COOPER and J.C. QUICK, eds., The handbook of stress and health: a guide to research and practice. Chichester: John Wiley, pp. 472-484. ISBN 9781118993774
COX, T., MARZAK, M., TEOH, K. and HASSARD, J., 2017. New directions in intervention: cyber-bullying, schools and teachers. In: T.M. MCINTYRE, S.E. MCINTYRE and D.J. FRANCIS, eds., Educator stress: an occupational health perspective. New York: Springer. ISBN 9783319530512
COX, T., KARANIKA, M., GRIFFITHS, A. and HOUDMONT, J., 2015. Evaluating organisational-level work stress interventions: beyond traditional methods. In: S. PALMER and K. GYLLENSTEN, eds., Psychological stress. Vol. 3, The management of stress. SAGE library in mental health . London: Sage, pp. 235-252. ISBN 9781473908000
KARANIKA-MURRAY, M., BARTHOLOMEW, K.J., WILLIAMS, G.A. and COX, T., 2015. Leader-Member Exchange across two hierarchical levels of leadership: concurrent influences on work characteristics and employee psychological health. Work & Stress, 29 (1), pp. 57-74. ISSN 0267-8373
TEOH, K., HASSARD, J. and COX, T., 2015. A systematic review of the impact of doctors' working conditions on quality of care provided. York: Centre Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, University of York.
AMPONSAH-TAWIAH, K., LEKA, S., JAIN, A., HOLLIS, D. and COX, T., 2014. The impact of physical and psychosocial risks on employee well-being and quality of life: the case of the mining industry in Ghana. Safety Science, 65, pp. 28-35. ISSN 0925-7535
HASSARD, J., TEOH, K., COX, T., DEWE, P., COSMAR, M., GRÜNDLER, R., FLEMMING, D., COSEMANS, B. and VAN DEN BROEK, K., 2014. Calculating the cost of work-related stress and psychosocial risks. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
AMPONSAH-TAWIAH, K., JAIN, A., LEKA, S., HOLLIS, D. and COX, T., 2013. Examining psychosocial and physical hazards in the Ghanaian mining industry and their implications for employees’ safety experience. Journal of Safety Research: a Safety and Health Research Forum, 45, pp. 75-84. ISSN 0022-4375
HASSARD, J., AITKENHEAD, A. and COX, T., 2013. Evaluation of interventions targeting the psychosocial work environment. Bilbao, Spain: EU-OSHA (European Agency for Safety & Health at Work).
HASSARD, J. and COX, T., 2013. Healthy organisations: definitions, models, empirical evidence. Bilbao, Spain: EU-OSHA (European Agency for Safety & Health at Work).
HASSARD, J., TEOH, K. and COX, T., 2013. Job insecurity. Bilbao, Spain: EU-OSHA (European Agency for Safety & Health at Work).
HASSARD, J., TEOH, K. and COX, T., 2013. Job satisfaction: evidence for impact on reducing psychosocial risks. Bilbao, Spain: EU-OSHA (European Agency for Safety & Health at Work).
HASSARD, J., TEOH, K. and COX, T., 2013. Job satisfaction: theories and definitions. Bilbao, Spain: EU-OSHA (European Agency for Safety & Health at Work).
HASSARD, J., TEOH, K. and COX, T., 2013. Managing psychosocial risks in HORECA. Bilbao, Spain: EU-OSHA (European Agency for Safety & Health at Work).
LEKA, S., JAIN, A., HASSARD, J. and COX, T., 2013. Managing psychosocial risks: drivers and barriers. Bilbao, Spain: EU-OSHA (European Agency for Safety & Health at Work).
TEOH, K., HASSARD, J. and COX, T., 2013. Worker participation - Malta. Bilbao, Spain: EU-OSHA (European Agency for Safety & Health at Work).
TEOH, K., HASSARD, J. and COX, T., 2013. Worker participation - Switzerland. Bilbao, Spain: EU-OSHA (European Agency for Safety & Health at Work).
HASSARD, J. and COX, T., 2013. The physical work environment and work-related stress: mechanisms and consequences. Bilbao, Spain: EU-OSHA (European Agency for Safety & Health at Work).
HASSARD, J., WANG, D., COX, T., FLINTROP, J., CLAUSEN, T. and MUYLAERT, K., 2012. Motivation for employees to participate in workplace health promotion: literature review. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
HASSARD, J., WANG, D., COX, T., MUYLAERT, K., NAMYSŁ, A., KAZENAS, A., FLASPÖLER, E. and PODNIECE, Z., 2012. Motivation for employers to carry out workplace health promotion: literature review. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
HASSARD, J., JONES, C. and COX, T., 2012. OSH system at national level - Malta. Bilbao, Spain: EU-OSHA (European Agency for Safety & Health at Work).
HASSARD, J., COX, T. and JONES, C., 2012. Positive occupational health psychology. Bilbao, Spain: EU-OSHA (European Agency for Safety & Health at Work).
HASSARD, J., DAN WANG, D., COX, T., BUFFET, M.-A., GERVAIS, R., BELL, N. and KUDÁSZ, F., 2012. Worker participation practices: a review of EU-OSHA case studies. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
COX, T., HASSARD, J. and HASSARD, T., 2011. Identifying and describing databases relevant to health and safety at work. Bootle: HSE Books.
DEN BESTEN, H., RICHTER, J., BAKHUYS ROOZEBOOM, M., KWANTES, J.-H., EECKELAERT, L., DE MEYER, S., JOHNSON, P., BUTLER, C., GERVAIS, R., LÓPEZ NUNES, I., FARIN, K., PECILLO, M., MŁODZKA-STYBEL, A., JACHOWICZ, M., KUDÁSZ, F., HASSARD, J., COX, T., PAPALE, A., WILLIAMS, A., WILHELM, H., LAAMANEN, I. and ELSLER, D., 2011. Innovative solutions to safety and health risks in the construction, healthcare and HORECA sectors. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
COPSEY, S., ROMMEL, A., CLEAL, Y., KÄRMENIEMI, P., STENGÅRD, J., BLOBNER, K., SCHMITZ-FELTEN, E., KOUKOULAKI, T., LIDDLE, M., KOUVONEN, A., WONG, V., FELTEN, C., KUDÁSZ, F., BUDAVÖLGYI, A., PAPALE, A., VAN DER BEEK, D., SYE, T., STARREN, A., DRUPSTEEN, L., NUNES, I., CABEÇAS, J.M.M., ŁUCZAK, A., PLATON, S.N., COX, T., HASSARD, J. and TAYLOR, T.N., 2011. Managing risks to drivers in road transport. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
HASSARD, J. and COX, T., 2011. Mental health at work. Bilbao, Spain: EU-OSHA (European Agency for Safety & Health at Work).
HASSARD, J., COX, T., MURAWSKI, S., DE MEYER, S., MUYLAERT, K., FLINTROP, J. and PODNIECE, Z., 2011. Mental health promotion in the workplace – a good practice report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
HASSARD, J. and COX, T., 2011. Work-related stress: nature and management. Bilbao, Spain: EU-OSHA (European Agency for Safety & Health at Work).
KARANIKA-MURRAY, M. and COX, T., 2010. The use of artificial neural networks and multiple linear regression in modeling work-health relationships: translating theory into analytical practice. European Journal of Work and Organisational Psychology, 19 (4), pp. 461-486. ISSN 1359-432X
COX, T., KARANIKA-MURRAY, M., GRIFFITHS, A., WONG, Y.Y.V. and HARDY, C., 2009. Developing the management standards approach within the context of common health problems in the workplace: a Delphi study (RR687). Sudbury: HSE Books.
KARANIKA-MURRAY, M., ANTONIOU, A.S., MICHAELIDES, G. and COX, T., 2009. Expanding the risk assessment methodology for work-related health: a technique for incorporating multivariate curvilinear effects. Work and Stress, 23 (2), pp. 99-119.
LEKA, S., VARTIA, M., HASSARD, J., PAHKIN, K., SUTELA, S., COX, T. and LINDSTROM, K., 2008. Best practice interventions for the prevention and management of work-related stress and workplace violence and bullying. In: S. LEKA and T. COX, eds., European framework for psychosocial risk management: PRIMA-EF. Nottingham: University of Nottingham Publications, pp. 136-173. ISBN 9780955436529
KARANIKA-MURRAY, M., MELLOR, N. and COX, T., 2008. First line vs. senior managers: concurrent influences on job characteristics and employee work-related outcome. In: 8th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, University of Valencia, Spain, 12-14 November 2008, Valencia.
KARANIKA-MURRAY, M., MICHAELIDES, G. and COX, T., 2008. Incorporating linear and curvilinear relationships in risk assessment for work-related health and well-being. In: Institute of Work Psychology International Conference: Work, Well-being and Performance: New Perspectives for the Modern Workplace, Sheffield, 18-20 June 2008, Sheffield.
LEKA, S., HASSARD, J., JAIN, A., MAKRINOV, N., COX, T., ERTEL, M., HALLSTEN, L., IAVIVOLI, S., LINDSTROM, K. and ZWETSLOOT, G., 2008. Towards the development of a European framework for psychosocial risk management at the workplace. Nottingham: Institute of Work, Health and Organisations. ISBN 9780955436536
KARANIKA-MURRAY, M., KHAN, S., COX, T. and GRIFFITHS, A., 2008. Work Organisation Assessment - report to Howden Global UK Companies. Nottingham: Institute of Work, Health & Organisations, University of Nottingham.
MELLOR, N., KARANIKA-MURRAY, M. and COX, T., 2008. The impact of perceived line and senior managers' behaviours on job-related outcomes. In: British Psychological Society Division of Occupational Psychology Annual Conference, Stratford-Upon-Avon, 8-12 January 2008, Stratford-Upon-Avon.
COX, T., KARANIKA, M., GRIFFITHS, A. and HOUDMONT, J., 2007. Evaluating organisational-level work stress interventions: beyond traditional methods. Work & Stress: an International Journal of Work, Health & Organisations, 21 (4), pp. 348-362. ISSN 0267-8373
COX, T., KARANIKA, M., MELLOR, N., LOMAS, L., HOUDMONT, J. and GRIFFITHS, A., 2007. Implementation of the management standards for work-related stress: process evaluation. Report to the Health & Safety Executive (SiP1 technical report T/6267). Nottingham: Institute of Work, Health & Organisations, University of Nottingham.
WIESEMES, R., KARANIKA, M. and COX, T., 2007. The cross-disciplinary research group: overcoming isolation, promoting communication and interdisciplinarity [tabled paper]. In: Creativity or Conformity? Building Cultures of Creativity in Higher Education Conference, Cardiff School of Art & Design, UWIC, in collaboration with the Higher Education Academy, Cardiff, 8-10 January 2007, Cardiff.
GRIFFITHS, A., COX, T., KARANIKA, M., KHAN, S. and TOMÁS, J.M., 2006. Work design and management in the manufacturing sector: development and validation of the Work Organisation Assessment Questionnaire. Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 63 (10), pp. 669-675. ISSN 1351-0711
KARANIKA, M. and COX, T., 2006. Artificial neural networks vs. regression: application to risk assessment for work and organisational issues? In: International Nonlinear Science Conference of the Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology & the Life Sciences, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 10-12 March 2006, Heraklion, Crete.
KARANIKA, M. and COX, T., 2006. Exploring non-linearity: connectionist vs. statistical models of work health. In: 7th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, Dublin, Ireland, 8-11 November 2006, Dublin.
KHAN, S., KARANIKA, M., GRIFFITHS, A. and COX, T., 2005. Assessing work stressors in the manufacturing sector: the Work Organisation Assessment Questionnaire. In: J. HOUDMONT and S. MCINTYRE, eds., 6th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology: Proceedings. 24-26 November 2004. Maia, Portugal: Ismai. ISBN 9729048150
KHAN, S., KARANIKA, M., COX, T. and GRIFFITHS, A., 2005. Assessment of precursors to work-related stress: the Work Organisation Assessment Questionnaire [poster paper]. In: Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Occupational Medicine, Manchester, 4-6 July 2005, Manchester.
KHAN, S., KARANIKA, M., COX, T. and GRIFFITHS, A., 2005. Why bother with stress? Use the Work Organisation Assessment Questionnaire instead [poster paper]. In: RCN (Royal College of Nursing) Society of Occupational Health Nursing Conference, Manchester, 30 November - 1 December 2005, Manchester.
KARANIKA, M., KHAN, S., COX, T. and GRIFFITHS, A., 2005. Work and Organisation Assessment Survey - report to Pressworks plc. Nottingham: Institute of Work, Health & Organisations, University of Nottingham.
KARANIKA, M., KHAN, S., COX, T. and GRIFFITHS, A., 2005. Work and Organisation Assessment Survey - report to Siemens Flow Instruments Ltd. Nottingham: Institute of Work, Health & Organisations, University of Nottingham.
KARANIKA, M., COX, T. and GRIFFITHS, A., 2005. Work and Well-being Study - report to Saint-Gobain Pipelines plc. Nottingham: Institute of Work, Health & Organisations, University of Nottingham.
KHAN, S., KARANIKA, M., GRIFFITHS, A. and COX, T., 2004. Assessing work stressors in the engineering sector: the Work Organisation Assessment Questionnaire. In: 6th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, Oporto, Portugal, 24-26 November 2004, Oporto.
KARANIKA, M., KHAN, S., GRIFFITHS, A. and COX, T., 2004. Work Organisation Assessment Questionnaire: development of an instrument for the assessment of work stressors in manufacturing [keynote presentation]. In: Managing Health & Safety Conference of the Institute of Occupational Safety & Health, London, 12-14 October 2004, London.
COX, S., COX, T. and PRYCE, J., 2000. Work-related reproductive health: a review. Work and Stress, 14 (2), pp. 171-180. ISSN 0267-8373