Items where Author is "Kirk, E"
KIRK, E., 2016. Whose job is it to protect the Arctic? The Conversation.
KIRK, E., 2016. The role of non-state actors in treaty regimes for the protection of marine biodiversity. In: M. BOWMAN, P. DAVIES and E. GOODWIN, eds., Research handbook on biodiversity and law. Research handbooks in environmental law . Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, pp. 95-122. ISBN 9781781004784
BEBBINGTON, J., KIRK, E. and LARRINAGA, C., 2012. The production of normativity: A comparison of reporting regimes in Spain and the UK. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 37 (2), pp. 78-94. ISSN 0361-3682
KIRK, E., 2012. Marine Governance, Adaptation, and Legitimacy. Yearbook of International Environmental Law, 22 (1), pp. 110-139. ISSN 0965-1721
LIU, N., KIRK, E. and PATERSON, A., 2012. People's Republic of China: water and soil conservation law. IUCN Academy of Environmental Law (1), pp. 69-74. ISSN 1929-6088
KIRK, E. and BLACKSTOCK, K.L., 2011. Enhanced Decision Making: Balancing Public Participation against 'Better Regulation' in British Environmental Permitting Regimes. Journal of Environmental Law, 23 (1), pp. 97-116. ISSN 0952-8873
KIRK, E. and REEVES, A.D., 2011. Regulatory Agencies and Regulatory Change: Breaking Out of the Routine. Environmental Law Review, 13 (3), pp. 155-168. ISSN 1461-4529
FERRIS, G. and KIRK, E., 2008. Fundamental legal conceptions by Wesley Newcomb Hohfeld. Nottingham Law Journal, 17 (1), pp. 39-43. ISSN 0965-0660
KIRK, E., 2008. I. CASE CONCERNING TERRITORIAL AND MARITIME DISPUTE BETWEEN NICARAGUA AND HONDURAS IN THE CARIBBEAN SEA ( Nicaragua v Honduras), JUDGMENT OF 8 OCTOBER 2007. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 57 (03), pp. 701-709. ISSN 0020-5893
KIRK, E., 2008. Noncompliance and the Development of Regimes Addressing Marine Pollution from Land-Based Activities. Ocean Development & International Law, 39 (3), pp. 235-256. ISSN 0090-8320
IVEY, M., SANDERS, E.B., LI, Y., KIRK, E., RICKETTS, I., STEVENSON, L. and O'CONNOR, M., 2007. Giving voice to equitable collaboration in participatory design. İzmir, Turkey: İzmir University of Economics.
KIRK, E., REEVES, A. and BLACKSTOCK, K., 2007. Path dependency and the implementation of environmental regulation. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 25 (2), pp. 250-268. ISSN 0263-774X
ARTHURTON, R., BARKER, S., RAST, W., HUBER, M., ALDER, J., CHILTON, J., GADDIS, E., PIETERSEN, K., ZOCKLER, C., AL-DROUBI, A., DYHR-NIELSEN, M., FINLAYSON, M., FORTNAM, M., KIRK, E., HEILEMAN, S., RIEU-CLARKE, A., SCHAFER, M., SNOUSSI, M., TANG, L.D., THARME, R., VADAS, R., WAGNER, G. and ASHTON, P., 2007. Water. In: Global environment outlook 4: environment for development (GEO-4). United Nations Environment Programme. ISBN 9789280728729
REEVES, A.D., KIRK, E. and BLACKSTOCK, K.L., 2007. The limitations of regulatory science in the effective control of diffuse pollution. Law, Science and Policy: an International Journal, 3 (2).
KIRK, E. and SILFVERBERG, H., 2006. Harmonisation in the Baltic Sea Region. The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 21 (2), pp. 235-258. ISSN 0927-3522
VINOGRADOV, S., KIRK, E. and EMESEH, E., 2006. Implementation of the GPA at regional level: the role of regional seas conventions and their protocols. UNEP/GPA.
BLACKSTOCK, K., KIRK, E., CHANG, Y. and DAVIDSON, G., 2006. Public participation and consultation in SEPA regulatory regimes. Aberdeen: Macaulay Institute.
BLACKSTOCK, K.L., KIRK, E. and REEVES, A.D., 2005. Sociology, science and sustainability: developing relationships in Scotland. Sociological Research Online, 10 (2). ISSN 1360-7804
KIRK, E., 2004. Controlling the clergy of the Church of England: 19th century to the present day. Nottingham Law Journal, 13 (2), pp. 20-37. ISSN 0965-0660
SHERLOCK, K.L., KIRK, E. and REEVES, A., 2004. Just the usual suspects? Partnerships and environmental regulation. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 22 (5), pp. 651-666. ISSN 0263-774X
KIRK, E., REEVES, A. and SHERLOCK, K.L., 2004. SUDS law: Non-State actors and the haphazard route to implementation of international obligations. Non-State Actors and International Law, 4 (2), pp. 87-109. ISSN 1567-7125
KIRK, E. and REEVES, A.D., 2003. Disciplinary interactions: ontological commitments and environmental standard setting. In: Law and geography. Current legal issues . Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 557-573. ISBN 9780199260744
BEBBINGTON, J., GRAY, R., HIBBITT, C. and KIRK, E., 2001. Full cost accounting: an agenda for action. ACCA research report (73). Glasgow: Certified Accountants Educational Trust. ISBN 1859083528
KIRK, E., 1999. Maritime Zones and the Ecosystem Approach: A Mismatch? Review of European Community and International Environmental Law, 8 (1), pp. 67-72. ISSN 0962-8797
BARKER, C.R., KIRK, E. and SAH, M., 1998. Gender perceptions and the law. Aldershot: Ashgate. ISBN 0855219271
KIRK, E. and TOOZE, J.A., 1998. Women and water law: from theory to practice. In: C. MCGLYNN, ed., Legal feminisms: theory and practice. Dartmouth books, pp. 135-149. ISBN 1855219271
KIRK, E., 1997. Marine issues. In: C.T. REID, ed., Environmental Law in Scotland. Edinburgh: W Green, pp. 207-221. ISBN 9780414011823