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AGG, P.J., ARCUS, A., BLACKWOOD, D., FITZGERALD, P.L., HOLTOM, G.J. and ROSEVEAR, A., 1996. Gas generation from low level radioactive waste: a comparison of model derived and experimental data. In: Proceedings of NATO Advanced Workshop on Microbial Degradation Processes in Radioactive Waste and Nuclear Fuel Storage Areas, Budapest, Hungary.
AHMAD, S.I., STOCKENHUBER, C., BARI, M. and KIRK, S.H., 1996. Generation of superoxide anions and singlet oxygen from near UV photolysis of aromatic biological compounds and its effects on living organisms. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Congress of Photobiology: Abstracts.
AIRAPETOV, E.L., SU, D. and HULL, J.B., 1996. Analysis of the length of contact lines of worm gearing. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Gearing, Izhevsk, Russia.
ARMSTRONG, D.A., WALTERS, M., NOLLE, L., BEALE, R. and BEVERLEY, I., 1996. Accurate measurement and analysis of roll profiles. In: Proceedings of the Rolls 2000 Conference on Control of Profile and Flatness, Birmingham.
BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 1996. The Mosques of Manah: form, location and meaning. In: 5th International IASTE Conference, Berkeley, USA, 14-17 December 1996, Berkeley, USA.
BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M. and LIYANAGE, I.G., 1996. Construction on the information highway. In: CIB W78 Working Commission on Information Technology in Construction, University of Ljublajana, Bled, Slovenia, 1996, Bled.
BREEDON, P.J., BALANDRAN, V. and SIVAYOGANATHAN, K., 1996. Towards multi axis neurofuzzy control for an industrial robot. In: Twelfth International Conference on CAD/CAM Robotics and Factories of the Future, Middlesex University, Middlesex, UK, 14-16 August 1996, Middlesex, UK.
BREEDON, P.J., BALANDRAN, V. and SIVAYOGANATHAN, K., 1996. Towards the design and implementation of a neurofuzzy control system for an industrial robot. In: 12th National Conference on Manufacturing Research, University of Bath, Bath, UK, 9-11 September 1996, Bath, UK.
BROWN, D.J. and STEWART, D.S., 1996. An emergent methodology for the design, development and implementation of virtual learning environments. In: European Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technology, 1996.
CARTES, I., CHILTON, J.C. and SCOFFHAM, E.R., 1996. Biodiversity and sustainable neighbourhoods through water conservation. In: Proceedings of the Fifth Interdisciplinary Research Network on the Environment and Society (IRNES) Conference, Centre for Science Studies and Science Policy, Lancaster University, September, 1996, Lancaster.
CARTES, I., CHILTON, J.C. and SCOFFHAM, E.R., 1996. Diseño urbano, espacios publicos y lugares para la gente. In: UIA Barcelona 96: Proceedings of XIX Congress, International Union of Architects, PO31, 16 July, 1996.
CARTES, I., CHILTON, J.C. and SCOFFHAM, E.R., 1996. Tradition, appropriate modernity and local architecture in the South of Chile. In: Traditions and Modernity: Proceedings of International Conference, Mercu-Buana University, Jakarta, Indonesia, 9-11 December, 1996, Jakarta.
CARTES, I., CHILTON, J.C. and SCOFFHAM, E.R., 1996. The 're-design' of sustainable neighbourhoods and the recovery of inner city areas [abstract]. In: 21st Design History Society Conference, Middlesex University, 13-15 December, 1996.
CHARYSZYN, S.M., CRISP, A.R. and ELMER, K.E., 1996. Integrated risk assessment with product development. In: Risk Management in a Regulated Environment Symposium, Institute of Measurement and Control, London, 27 November, 1996, London.
CHILTON, J.C., 1996. Who decides? The influence of the education system on conceptual design of structures. In: Conceptual Design of Structures: Proceedings of the IASS International Symposium, Stuttgart, 6-11 October, 1996, Stuttgart.
COOL, H.E.M. and BAXTER, M.J., 1996. Quantifying glass assemblages. In: Annales du 13e Congrès de l'Association Internationale pour l'Histoire du Verre.
COOPER, T., 1996. Reducing electronics waste by increasing product life spans. In: International Symposium on Eco-Efficient Concepts for the Electronics Industry, Frankfurt, November 1996, Frankfurt.
COOPER, T., 1996. Take it back: an assessment of EU proposals to reduce electrical and electronic waste. In: Proceedings of the European Environment Conference, Leeds.
COOPER, T., 1996. The re-use of consumer durables in the UK: obstacles and opportunities. In: Proceedings of the First International Working Seminar on Reuse, Eindhoven.
CORDEN, R., 1996. Pupils' perceptions of learning contexts: the effect on interaction and use of spoken language in small groups. In: BERA Conference, Lancaster University, 12-15 September, 1996.
CORDEN, R., 1996. Talking into literacy [keynote speaker]. In: UKRA Conference, Northumbria University University, 07 July, 1996.
CORDEN, R., 1996. Teachers' perspectives on their learning experiences as students: changing roles & relationships in teacher education. In: Pan - European Collaborative Projects in Teacher Education, Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic, 02-04 July, 1996, Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic.
CRESSEY, M., GRATTAN, J.P., GILBERTSON, D.D. and PYATT, F.B., 1996. Towards an air pollution history of Sheffield. In: Peat Bog Archives of Heavy Metal Deposition [conference], University of Berne, Switzerland, 1996, Berne, Switzerland.
CRISP, A.R., CHARYSZYN, S.M. and SOLOMONIDES, I.P., 1996. Measuring progress towards sustainable development. In: Proceedings of the Forum for Environmental Engineering Education Conference.
CRISP, A.R., CHARYSZYN, S.M. and SOLOMONIDES, I.P., 1996. Towards sustainability; implications for undergraduate education in occupational health and safety management. In: Proceedings of Environmental Training in Engineering Education Conference.
DARKWA, K., 1996. Road transport and pollution control. In: 29th International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation (ISATA), 1996, Florence, Italy, Florence, Italy.
DIAS, T., 1996. Neue Technologien der Fadenzufuhr an Flachstrickmaschinen. In: International Conference '3. Dresdener Textiltagung '96', Dresden, 'June 1996, Dresden.
DINGWALL, R., 1996. [Conference chair]. In: 18th Couch-Stone Symposium of the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, Nottingham, July 1996, Nottingham.
DINGWALL, R., 1996. [Invited plenary speaker]. In: ISA Working Group 02 Conference, Occupations and Professions, September 1996.
DINGWALL, R., 1996. Teaching methods [poster session]. In: Law and Society Association Conference, Glasgow, July 1996, Glasgow.
EVANS, J.P.O., GODBER, S.X. and ROBINSON, M., 1996. Derivation of 2.5D image models from one-dimensional x-ray image sensors. In: SPIE: Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology, San Jose, CA, USA, 10 April 1996.
EVANS, J.P.O., GODBER, S.X. and ROBINSON, M., 1996. The derivation of 21/2-D image models from one-dimensional x-ray image sensors. In: Conference on Stereoscopic Displays and Applications VII/Complementary Conference - The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality 1996, San Jose, CA, USA, 30 January - 2 February 1996, San Jose, CA.
FISHER, T., 1996. The culture of design. In: Design Management Institute Education and Research Forum, Barcelona, Spain, November, 1996, Barcelona, Spain.
GODBER, S.X., EVANS, J.P.O., ROBINSON, M., MURRAY, N.C., MASON, P. and LACEY, D., 1996. From stereoscopic x-ray images to 2.5-D volume visualization. In: SPIE: Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology, San Jose, CA, USA, 8 March 1996.
GOODHEW, S.M.R., BIRD, P.A.D. and MURRAY, P.E.M., 1996. The effects of natural ventilation on radon concentrations within an existing dwelling. In: Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Construction and Building Research Conference (COBRA 96), London.
GOODHEW, S.M.R., GRINDLEY, P.C. and PROBERT, S.D., 1996. Thermal performance of a west country cob cottage. In: Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Construction and Building Research Conference (COBRA '95), Heriott Watt University, September, 1995.
GRATTAN, J.P., GILBERTSON, D.D. and PYATT, F.B., 1996. EDMA determination of the geochemical archives of Holocene environmental change in Scotland. In: Peat Bog Archives of Atmospheric Metal Deposition [conference], University of Berne, Switzerland, 1996, Berne, Switzerland.
GREENWOOD, J.R., 1996. Vegetation for stability and green facing. In: Proceedings of the 1st European Geosynthetics Conference, Maastricht, Netherlands.
HENHAM, R., 1996. Protective sentences: ethics, rights and sentencing policy. In: Human Rights 2000 Conference, Leicester University, September 1996, Leicester.
HENHAM, R., 1996. Recidivist sentencing in the United States: the implications for UK sentencing policy. In: Socio-Legal Studies Association Conference, Southampton University, April 1996, Southampton.
HENHAM, R., 1996. Sentencing policy after the 1996 white paper. In: Centre for the Study of Public Order, Leicester University, September 1996, Leicester.
JAMBUNATHAN, K., WAKELAM, M., HENTHORN, K. and SU, D., 1996. Integration of multimedia, artificial neural networks and rule based systems for gear design. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Gearing, Izhevsk, Russia.
KEENAN, W.J.F., 1996. Religious multimedia. In: Multimedia Conference, University of Birmingham, 11 March 1996, Birmingham.
KEENAN, W.J.F., 1996. Strange habits: the profanization of sacred iconography: a multi-media presentation. In: Staff Seminar, Department of Social Sciences, Nottingham Trent University, 15 November 1996, Nottingham.
KIRK, S.H., STOCKENHUBER, C. and AHMAD, S.I., 1996. Sensitisers of near UV light implicated in induction of DNA damage, mutation and cancer. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Congress of Photobiology: Abstracts.
LAPTALI, E., BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M. and WILD, S., 1996. Linear programming for time and cost optimisation. In: The Organisation and Management of Construction, CIB W65 Commission on Organisation and Management of Construction, Glasgow, 1996, Glasgow.
LAPTALI, E., BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M. and WILD, S., 1996. An integrated computer model for time and cost optimisation. In: ARCOM 96, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, September 1996, Sheffield.
LAUNGANI, P. and WILLIAMS, G., 1996. Patient focused care: job stress among UK community health professionals. In: 26th International Congress of Psychology, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 12-15 August 1996, Montreal.
LIANG, H., 1996. A multi-wavelength analysis of matter distribution in clusters of galaxies. In: Astrophysical Applications of Gravitational Lensing: 173rd Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Melbourne, Australia, 9-14 July 2005.
LIDDLE, J., 1996. Adapting urban regime theory to the Northern region: some reflections on regional regeneration. In: 26th Annual Public Administration Conference, University of Northumbria, Newcastle, 2-4 September, 1996, Newcastle.
LIDDLE, J., 1996. Researching in the Northern region and linkages to cybernetics. In: Business Cybernetics Research Day. King Alfred's College of Higher Education, Winchester, 25 June, 1996, Winchester.
LIDDLE, J., 1996. A regional regime in the North East? In: PPSG Research Breviate, St. Chads, University of Durham, Durham, 22 October, 1996, Durham.
LOTFI, A., HOWARTH, M. and THOMAS, P.D., 1996. Non-interactive model for fuzzy rule-based systems. In: Fourth European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing (EUFIT'96), Aachen, Germany, September, 1996, Aachen, Germany.
MEDJDOUB, B. and YANNOU, B., 1996. ARCHiPLAN: a new tool for conceptual design in architecture. In: ITCSED '96: Information Technology in Civil and Structural Engineering Design, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, 14-16 August 1996.
MEDJDOUB, B. and YANNOU, B., 1996. ARCHiPLAN: un outil de conception fonctionnel en implantation industrielle. In: IDMME'96: Integrated Design and Manufacturing in Mechanical Engineering Conference, Nantes, France, 15–17 April 1996.
MOHAMMAD, F.A., AL-NAGEIM, H.K., LESLEY, L. and POUNTNEY, D., 1996. A theoretical analysis of LR55 track system as multilayer beams on elastic foundations: an analytical approach. In: International Symposium on Theories and Applications of Traffic and Transportation Systems Engineering, Beijing, China, 12-13 July 1996, Beijing, China.
ODDEY, A., 1996. Devising autobiography [keynote paper]. In: Drama Education Conference, Reading University, Reading, 1996.
ODDEY, A., 1996. What shall I do with my Amstrad? In: University College, Scarborough, Standing Conference of University Drama Departments (SCUDD), 1996.
PASQUIRE, C.L., 1996. Environmental cost management. In: RICS Environmental Research Conference, Great George Street, London, November 1996, London.
PASQUIRE, C.L., 1996. Invitation lecture - quantity surveyors and the environment. In: RICS, Leics/Northants RICS, CPD Seminar, Market Harborough, 1996, Market Harborough.
PASQUIRE, C.L., 1996. Value and competition in the construction industry. In: RICS Research Meeting, Loughborough University, April 1996, Loughborough.
PASQUIRE, C.L. and COLLINS, S., 1996. The effect of competitive tendering of value. In: COBRA Conference, Bristol, 1996, Bristol.
PASQUIRE, C.L. and SWAFFIELD, L.M., 1996. Assessing the quality of M&E services using a value engineering approach: implications for budget estimating and cost management. In: COBRA Conference, Bristol, 1996, Bristol.
PASQUIRE, C.L. and SWAFFIELD, L.M., 1996. Defining the quality of M&E services during the early design stages: a value engineering approach. In: Proceedings of ARCOM Conference, Sheffield.
PEPPER, A., 1996. Holography on the Internet: a useful resource or expensive distraction? In: SPIE Proceedings, San Jose, California.
PRATT, M., 1996. French AIDS autobiographies and cultures of self. In: Fifth Conference for the Study of European Ideas, Utrecht, The Netherlands, August, 1996, Utrecht, Netherlands.
PRATT, M., 1996. French AIDS autobiographies and cultures of self. In: Autobiographies, Strategies for Survival, Warwick University, Warwick, October, 1996, Warwick.
PRATT, M., 1996. Homosexuality and AIDS prevention in France. In: EC Inter-governmental Conference, 'Why Europe?: Problems of Culture and Identity ', Keele University, Staffs, September, 1996, Keele, Staffs.
PRATT, M., 1996. A walk along the side of the motorway. In: Research in French Studies Seminar Series, Keele University March, Keele, Staffs, 1996, Keele, Staffs..
PRATT, M., 1996. A walk along the side of the motorway. In: Centre Régionale d'Information et de Prevéntion du Sida, Paris, France, March, 1996., Paris, France.
PYATT, F.B., 1996. Fen and loch sediment geochemistry: climatic and environmental changes over 12,000 years on the western seaboard of Britain - EDMA approaches and solutions. In: La storia del clima e dell'ambiente dall'antichita ad oggi. Centro Universitario Europeo per i Beni Culturali, Ravello, Italy, 1996, Ravello, Italy.
PYATT, F.B. and GRATTAN, J.P., 1996. Biogeochemistry of a 10000 year old core from South Uist [poster presentation]. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Biogeochemistry of Wetlands, New Orleans.
PYATT, F.B. and GRATTAN, J.P., 1996. An initial biogeochemical investigation at Cors Goch, Anglesey (North Wales, UK). In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Biogeochemistry of Wetlands, New Orleans, USA.
SALE, C., MACLAREN, D., NEVILL, A. and HOWE, T., 1996. The assessment of high and low frequency fatigue following treadmill running at 60% and 70% VO2max. In: BASES Student Conference, Wolverhampton, 1996, Wolverhampton.
SHEN, Q., ZHOU, C.X., SU, D. and LAU, W.L., 1996. Optimum design of worm gears with controllable point-contact conjugate tooth surfaces. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Gearing, Izhevsk, Russia.
SU, D., 1996. Concurrent design of power transmission systems. In: Proceedings of the Drives and Controls Conference, Telford.
SU, D., 1996. Development of artificial neural networks for conceptual design of a power transmission system. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Adaptive Computing in Engineering Design and Control, Plymouth.
SU, D., 1996. A computer aided general approach for loading-capacity analysis of cylindrical worm gears. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Gearing, Izhevsk, Russia.
SU, D., 1996. A prototype information system for gear strength analysis. In: Proceedings of the Drives and Controls Conference, Telford.
SU, D. and DUDÁS, I., 1996. Development of an intelligent integrated system approach for the design and manufacture of worm gears. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Tools, Miskolc, Hungary.
TALBOT, M., 1996. Embracing otherness in SF. In: Speaking Science Fiction Conference, University of Liverpool, 11-13 July, 1996, Liverpool.
TALBOT, M., 1996. The acceptable face of feminism in contemporary advertising. In: 11th Sociolinguistics Symposium, University of Wales, Cardiff, 5-7 September, 1996, Cardiff.
THOMAS, C.B., STEVENS, R. and CRANTON, W.M., 1996. Laterally emitting TFEL for head-mounted displays. In: SID International Symposium, 1996.
TIVERS, J., 1996. Artificial ski landscapes. In: RGS-IBG Annual Conference, 1996.
TIVERS, J., 1996. Landscapes of computer games. In: RGS-IBG Annual Conference, 1996.
WAKELAM, M. and SU, D., 1996. Knowledge representation incorporating artificial neural networks for mechanical power transmission system design. In: Proceedings of the IEE Colloquium on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, London.
WALLACE, R.G., 1996. Negotiation and peer assessment in the organic laboratory. In: Variety in Chemistry Teaching Meeting, York, September 1996, York.
WHITE, P., BUTCHER, D.P. and LABADZ, J.C., 1996. Reservoir sedimentation rates in the United Kingdom: an appraisal of original capacity estimates. In: Proceedings of the international conference on reservoir sedimentation.
WILLIAMS, G., 1996. Video link and videotaped communication in child abuse trials. In: 54th Annual Convention of the International Council of Psychologists, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 24-28 July 1996, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
WOODFIELD, R., 1996. Gombrich on semiotics and psychology. In: Annual Conference of the Nordic Association of Aesthetics, Lund, 1996, Lund.
WOODFIELD, R., 1996. Gombrich's project. In: University of East Anglia World Art Research Seminar, 1996.
WOODFIELD, R., 1996. Images coming to life: art and ontology. In: Conference on Virtual Reality, Beeld & Universiteit, Brussels, 1996, Brussels.
WOODFIELD, R., 1996. Virtual reality, videogames and the story of art. In: Oxford University Department of Art History, 1996, Oxford.
ZHOU, C.X., SU, D. and HULL, J.B., 1996. Analysis of design parameters of a ball-end mill with double inlaid carbide blades. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Tools, Miskolc, Hungary.