Items where Division is "School of Architecture, Design and the Built Environment" and Year is 2020

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Number of items: 111.


ABDELMONEM, M.G. and ARGANDOÑA, A., 2020. Home and care in a changing society. In: M.G. ABDELMONEM and A. ARGANDOÑA, eds., People, care and work in the home. Advanced Studies in Sociology . New York: Routledge, pp. 1-16. ISBN 9780367422998

ABDELMONEM, M.G. and ARGANDOÑA, A., 2020. People, care and work in the home. Routledge advances in sociology . Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9780367422998

ADAMS, D., ANDRES, L., DENOON-STEVENS, S.P. and MELGAÇO, L., 2020. Challenges, opportunities and legacies: experiencing the internationalising of UK planning curricula across space and time. Town Planning Review, 91 (5), pp. 515-534. ISSN 0041-0020

ADEBAYO, A., 2020. Retail property market performance of cities: an investigation of the relationships between spatial configuration of consumer movement and changes in retail stock and value in Leeds, Newcastle and York. PhD, Northumbria University Newcastle.

AKINYEMI, A., SUN, M. and GRAY, A., 2020. Data integration for offshore decommissioning waste management. Automation in Construction, 109: 103010. ISSN 0926-5805

AKOTIA, J., MANU, E., OPOKU, A. and SACKEY, E., 2020. The role of built environment practitioners in driving the socio-economic sustainability aspects of sustainable regeneration. Construction Economics and Building, 20 (2), pp. 89-108. ISSN 2204-9029

AL-FADHLI, H.M. and AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2020. SWOT analysis for the current and future utilisation of solar energy technologies in Kuwait. In: The 12th International Conference on Applied Energy, Bangkok, Thailand (virtual), 1-10 December 2020.

AL-HABAIBEH, A., BOATENG, A. and LEE, H., 2020. Innovative strategy for addressing the challenges of monitoring off-shore wind turbines for condition-based maintenance. In: [Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Energy and Sustainable Futures (ICESF 2020)]. Springer.

AL-HABAIBEH, A., HAMADEH, S., ALJAHDALI, K. and AKIB, S., 2020. Towards enhancing sustainability: a novel approach for reducing carbon emission during the transportation of Zamzam water by pilgrims during Hajj and Umrah. Research in Transportation Business and Management: 100523. ISSN 2210-5395

AL-HABAIBEH, A., POKUBO, D., FIATI, K., AGYEKUM-MENSAH, G., DANIEL, S.H. and MASSOUD, H., 2020. An investigation into the sustainability of the current fuels used for cooking in Ghana to inform future energy policies. In: The 12th International Conference on Applied Energy, Bangkok, Thailand (virtual), 1-10 December 2020.

AL-HABAIBEH, A., SEN, A. and CHILTON, J., 2020. Evaluation tool for the thermal performance of retrofitted buildings using an integrated approach of deep learning artificial neural networks and infrared thermography. Energy and Built Environment. ISSN 2666-1233

ALMAHADIN, G., LOTFI, A., ZYSK, E., SIENA, F.L., CARTHY, M.M. and BREEDON, P., 2020. Parkinson's disease: current assessment methods and wearable devices for evaluation of movement disorder motor symptoms - a patient and healthcare professional perspective. BMC Neurology, 20 (1): 419.

ALHARBI, F., 2020. Critical delay factors in housing construction projects in Saudi Arabia: assessment and solutions. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

ALKURDI, N.M., MOHAMMAD, F.A. and KLALIB, H.A., 2020. Mechanical properties and direct tensile strength of waste toner foamed concrete. Journal of Advanced Civil Engineering Practice and Research, 11, pp. 10-20. ISSN 2550-1933

ALMAKKAS, A.A., 2020. The role of activity in shaping identity of place. The case of the Lace Market. Nottingham. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

AMARO-MELLADO, J.L., ANTÓN, D., PÉREZ-SUÁREZ, M. and MARTÍNEZ-ÁLVAREZ, F., 2020. Game-based student response system applied to a multidisciplinary teaching context. In: F. MARTÍNEZ ÁLVAREZ, A. TRONCOSO LORA, J.A. SÁEZ MUÑOZ, H. QUINTIÁN and E. CORCHADO, eds., International Joint Conference: 12th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems (CISIS 2019) and 10th International Conference on EUropean Transnational Education (ICEUTE 2019): Seville, Spain, May 13th-15th. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (951). Cham: Springer, pp. 329-339. ISBN 9783030200046

ANDRIASYAN, M., MOYANO, J., NIETO-JULIÁN, J.E. and ANTÓN, D., 2020. From point cloud data to building information modelling: an automatic parametric workflow for heritage. Remote Sensing, 12 (7): 1094. ISSN 2072-4292

ANTÓN, D., 2020. St Barnabas Cathedral, Nottingham, UK - 3D model virtual tour (flythrough and walkaround animation). [Digital or Visual Media]

ASHFAQ, A., 2020. Implementation of low temperature district heating in existing buildings. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

ASHLEY, C. and ANTONITES, A., 2020. Art and the everyday: gold, ceramics and meaning in thirteenth-century Mapungubwe. In: C. WINGFIELD, J. GIBLIN and R. KING, eds., The pasts and presence of art in South Africa : technologies, ontologies and agents. Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge, pp. 159-168. ISBN 9781913344016


BARDUNIAS, P.M., CALOVI, D.S., CAREY, N., SOAR, R., TURNER, J.S., NAGPAL, R. and WERFEL, J., 2020. The extension of internal humidity levels beyond the soil surface facilitates mound expansion in Macrotermes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 287 (1930): 20200894. ISSN 0962-8452

BEZAI, N., MEDJDOUB, B., FADLI, F., CHALAL, M. and AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2020. Autonomous vehicles and smart cities- future directions of ownership vs shared mobility. In: 56th ISOCARP Virtual World Planning Congress: Post-Oil City, Planning for Urban Green Deals, Doha, Qatar, 8 November 2020 - 4 February 2021.

BEZAI, N.E., MEDJDOUB, B., AL-HABAIBEH, A., CHALAL, M.L. and FADLI, F., 2020. Future cities and autonomous vehicles: analysis of the barriers to full adoption. Energy and Built Environment. ISSN 2666-1233

BLAJ-WARD, L. and HANLEY, C., 2020. Colouring outside the lines: using design thinking and (reverse) mentoring to develop critically confident academic writers. In: Pandemic Partnerships and Power (RAISE Partnership SIG), University of Chester, UK [virtual], 02 September 2020.

BORAH, S., AL-HABAIBEH, A., KROMANIS, R. and KAVEH, B., 2020. The resilience of vision-based technology for bridge monitoring: measuring and analysing resilience of interdependent STE systems resilient sensing systems for infrastructure monitoring. In: S. BORAH, ed., Proceedings of the Joint International Resilience Conference 2020. Interconnected: resilience innovations for sustainable development goals. Enschede: 4TU Centre for Resilience Engineering / Future Resilience Systems - SEC.

BREEDON, P., 2020. Additive manufacturing technologies and functionally graded materials for applications in medical device design. In: International Conference on Aspects of Materials Science and Engineering (ICAMSE 2020), Panjab University, Chandigarh, India, 29-30 May 2020.

BULL, R., DOOLEY, K., MAZHAR, M. and PRESTON, S., 2020. Digitally engaged? Reflections and recommendations for engaging citizens in smart cities. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 588 (2): 022002. ISSN 1755-1307

BYROM, B., BREEDON, P., TULKKI-WILKE, R. and PLATKO, J., 2020. Meaningful change: defining the interpretability of changes in endpoints derived from interactive and mHealth technologies in healthcare and clinical research. Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering, 7. ISSN 2055-6683


CASAMAYOR, J.L. and SU, D., 2020. Assessment of the environmental impact of lighting product. In: D. SU, ed., Sustainable product development: tools, methods and examples. Cham: Springer, pp. 271-291. ISBN 9783030391485

CASAMAYOR, J.L. and SU, D., 2020. Integrated approach for eco-lighting product development. In: D. SU, ed., Sustainable product development: tools, methods and examples. Cham: Springer, pp. 313-349. ISBN 9783030391485

CASAMAYOR, J.L. and SU, D., 2020. Review of directives, regulations and standards related to sustainable product design and manufacture. In: D. SU, ed., Sustainable product development: tools, methods and examples. Cham: Springer, pp. 15-37. ISBN 9783030391485

CHALAL, M.L., MEDJDOUB, B., BEZAI, N. and SHRAHILY, R., 2020. Big Data to support sustainable urban energy planning: the EvoEnergy project. Frontiers of Engineering Management. ISSN 2096-0255

CHALAL, M.L., MEDJDOUB, B., BULL, R., SHRAHILY, R., BEZAI, N. and CUMBERBATCH, M., 2020. From discovering to delivering: a critical reflection on eco-feedback, application design, and participatory research in the United Kingdom. Energy Research & Social Science, 68: 101535. ISSN 2214-6296

COOPER, T., SHAPLEY, M. and COLE, C., 2020. Mobile phones in a circular economy. In: R. LING, L. FORTUNATI, G. GOGGIN, S. SUN LIM and Y. LI, eds., The Oxford handbook of mobile communication and society. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780190864385

CUCCA, G. and IANAKIEV, A., 2020. Assessment and optimisation of energy consumption in building communities using an innovative co-simulation tool. Journal of Building Engineering: 101681. ISSN 2352-7102

CUMBERS, A., MCMASTER, R., CABAÇO, S. and WHITE, M., 2020. Reconfiguring economic democracy: generating new forms of collective agency, individual economic freedom and public participation. Work, Employment and Society, 34 (4), pp. 678-695. ISSN 0950-0170


DAO, T., COOPER, T. and WATKINS, M., 2020. Sufficiency-driven business model through product repairability: a study on potential value to business stakeholders. In: N. CORNELISSENS, ed., Proceedings 5th International Online Conference on New Business Models. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9789083078700

DEVILAT, B., 2020. 3D-laser-scanning record as an alternative form of digital heritage for earthquake affected areas in Chile. In: 5th Association of Critical Heritage Studies Biennial Conference book of abstracts and virtual conference programme book. London: Association of Cultural Heritage Studies, pp. 226-227.

DEVILAT, B., 2020. Re-construction and record: exploring alternatives for heritage areas after earthquakes in Chile. London: The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London, pp. 54-55.

DEVILAT, B. and LANUZA, F., 2020. 3D for heritage India: a sustainable re-construction method for seismic-prone heritage areas of Kutch, based on advanced recording technologies. Nottingham Trent University.

DEVILAT, B. and LANUZA, F., 2020. Drawing (on) the context: scanning, designing, building. In: M. SØBERG and A. HOUGAARD, eds., The artful plan. Copenhagen: Birkhäuser, pp. 138-155. ISBN 9783035618747

DEVILAT, B., LANUZA, F., ABDELMONEM, G., DESAI, J. and JIGYASU, R., 2020. Launch seminar: '3D for Heritage India' research project. In: '3D for Heritage India' Research Project, India, 11 December 2020.


EVANS, R. and NASEER, S., 2020. Stability analysis of slopes using limit equilibrium and finite element methods. In: 2nd Conference on Sustainability in Civil Engineering: proceedings book. Islamabad: Capital University of Science and Technology, pp. 364-371. ISBN 9789692334419


FERRANTI, E., ANDRES, L., DENOON-STEVENS, S.P., MELGAÇO, L., OBERLING, D. and QUINN, A., 2020. Operational challenges and mega sporting events legacy: the case of BRT systems in the Global South. Sustainability, 12 (4): 1609. ISSN 2071-1050


GALADANCI, A.S., 2020. Building energy investigation framework. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

GAO, H., MEDJDOUB, B., LUO, H., ZHONG, H., ZHONG, B. and SHENG, D., 2020. Building evacuation time optimization using constraint-based design approach. Sustainable Cities and Society, 52: 101839. ISSN 2210-6707

GREENHALGH, P., KING, H., MULDOON-SMITH, K., ADEBAYO, A. and ELLIS, J., 2020. Using GIS to explore the potential of business rating data to analyse stock and value change for land administration: a case study of York. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9 (5): 321.

GUBMAN, Y., FLEISHMAN, L. and KOBLYAKOVA, A., 2020. Valuation modelling within thin housing markets case study: Arab housing market in Israel. Journal of Housing Research, 29 (1), pp. 34-53. ISSN 1052-7001

GURBUZ, I.B. and ÖZKAN, G., 2020. What is your level of nomophobia? An investigation of prevalence and level of nomophobia among young people in Turkey. Community Mental Health Journal, 56 (5), pp. 814-822. ISSN 0010-3853

GUTHRIE, J., DOMINGUES, A.R., MANES-ROSSI, F. and ORELLI, R.L., 2020. Integrated reporting and sustainable development goals in universities. In: C. DE VILLIERS, P.-C.K. HSIAO and W. MAROUN, eds., The Routledge handbook of integrated reporting. Routledge international handbooks . London: Routledge, pp. 419-439. ISBN 9780367233853


HAWAS, A. and AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2020. An innovative approach towards enhancing energy conservation in buildings via public engagement using DIY infrared thermography surveys. Energy and Built Environment.

HUANG, H., SU, D., PENG, W. and WU, Y., 2020. Development of a mobile application system for eco-accounting. Sustainability, 12 (22): 9675.


IANAKIEV, A., 2020. Decarbonising heat in residential homes. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

IANAKIEV, A., 2020. Retrofit social housing report - better homes improve lives. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

IANAKIEV, A., GALADANCI, A.S., KROMANIS, R. and ROBINSON, J., 2020. Energy Investigation Framework: understanding buildings from an energy perspective view. Journal of Building Engineering, 28: 101046. ISSN 2352-7102

IRHOMA, A., SU, D. and HIGGINSON, M., 2020. An analysis and evaluation of the environmental impacts of ‘upstream’ petroleum operations. In: D. SU, ed., Sustainable product development: tools, methods and examples. Cham: Springer, pp. 221-247. ISBN 9783030391485

ISMAIL, M.R., SUN, M. and BOWLES, G., 2020. A risk-oriented tender evaluation system for construction projects in Malaysia. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. ISSN 0969-9988


JINDAL, P., JUNEJA, M., BAJAJ, D., SIENA, F.L. and BREEDON, P., 2020. Effects of post-curing conditions on mechanical properties of 3D printed clear dental aligners. Rapid Prototyping Journal. ISSN 1355-2546

JINDAL, P., WORCESTER, F., SIENA, F.L., FORBES, C., JUNEJA, M. and BREEDON, P., 2020. Mechanical behaviour of 3D printed vs thermoformed clear dental aligner materials under non-linear compressive loading using FEM. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 112: 104045. ISSN 1751-6161


KARACA, F., GUNEY, M., KUMISBEK, A., KASKINA, D. and TOKBOLAT, S., 2020. A new stakeholder opinion-based rapid sustainability assessment method (RSAM) for existing residential buildings. Sustainable Cities and Society, 60: 102155. ISSN 2210-6707

KILLIP, G., 2020. A reform agenda for UK construction education and practice. Buildings and Cities, 1 (1), pp. 525-537. ISSN 2632-6655

KNIGHT, A., 2020. Professional ethics and a call for philosophical literacy. Think, 19 (54), pp. 37-47. ISSN 1477-1756


MANU, E. and OGBUOKIRI, A., 2020. Cities like Lagos need building designs that don't just copy global styles. The Conversation.

MARÍN-GARCÍA, D., MOYANO-CAMPOS, J.J., BIENVENIDO-HUERTAS, D. and ANTÓN, D., 2020. Methodology to determine the adequacy of indoor enclosures to use infrared thermography cameras and their application to medical emergency services. Infrared Physics and Technology, 106: 103261. ISSN 1350-4495

MENDOZA RAMOS, M. and DEL CUETO RUIZ-FUNES, J.I., 2020. Preservation and conservation of Felix Candela's historic concrete shell: Los Manantiales restarurant. In: J.W.P. CAMPBELL, N. BAKER, K. DRAPER, M. DRIVER, M. HEATON, Y. PAN, N. RUAMSANITWONG and D. YEOMANS, eds., Iron, steel and buildings, studies in the history of construction. Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Conference of the Construction History Society. Annual Conference of the Construction History Society (7). Cambridge: Construction History Society, pp. 577-586. ISBN 9780992875169

MENDOZA RAMOS, M., ESPONDA, M., CORDER, L. and MENDEZ, V., 2020. The Cosmic Rays Pavilion: the first hypar concrete shell in Latin-America, constructed at Ciudad Universitaria campus, Mexico City (UNESCO World Heritage Site). In: J.W.P. CAMPBELL, N. BAKER, K. DRAPER, M. DRIVER, M. HEATON, Y. PAN, N. RUAMSANITWONG and D. YEOMANS, eds., Iron, steel and buildings: studies in the history of construction. Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Conference of the Construction History Society. Cambridge: Construction History Society, pp. 587-598. ISBN 9780992875169

MILEV, G. and AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2020. If all cars were electric, UK carbon emissions would drop by 12%. The Conversation.

MILEV, G., HASTINGS, A. and AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2020. The environmental and financial implications of expanding the use of electric cars - a case study of Scotland. Energy and Built Environment. ISSN 2666-1233

MORTON, A., REEVES, A., BULL, R. and PRESTON, S., 2020. Empowering and engaging European building users for energy efficiency. Energy Research and Social Science, 70: 101772. ISSN 2214-6296

MOYANO, J., NIETO-JULIÁN, J.E., ANTÓN, D., CABRERA, E., BIENVENIDO-HUERTAS, D. and SÁNCHEZ, N., 2020. Suitability study of Structure-from-Motion for the digitisation of architectural (heritage) spaces to apply divergent photograph collection. Symmetry, 12 (12): 1981.


NANDASIRI, G.K., IANAKIEV, A. and DIAS, T., 2020. Hyperelastic properties of platinum cured silicones and its applications in active compression. Polymers, 12 (1): 148. ISSN 2073-4360

NIETO-JULIÁN, J.E., ANTÓN, D. and MOYANO, J.J., 2020. Implementation and management of structural deformations into historic building information models. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 14 (9), pp. 1384-1397. ISSN 1558-3058

NWANKWO, N.F., 2020. Exploring the effectiveness of the design-led intervention in reducing screen time and enhancing exercise for children in the home environment. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.


ONOLAJA, O.A., 2020. The nexus of informal trading and the built environment, a case study of Lagos, Nigeria. MPhil, Nottingham Trent University.


PENG, W., WU, Y. and SU, D., 2020. Application of information and communication technologies for eco-accounting. In: D. SU, ed., Sustainable product development: tools, methods and examples. Cham: Springer, pp. 85-126. ISBN 9783030391485

PRESTON, S., USMAN MAZHAR, M. and BULL, R., 2020. Citizen engagement for co-creating low carbon smart cities: practical lessons from Nottingham City Council in the UK. Energies, 13 (24): 6615.


REN, Z. and SU, D., 2020. Genetic algorithm for sustainable product design optimisation. In: D. SU, ed., Sustainable product development: tools, methods and examples. Cham: Springer, pp. 167-190. ISBN 9783030391485


SALIM, S. and AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2020. How often do you open your house windows when heating is ON? An investigation of the impact of occupants' behaviour on energy efficiency of residential buildings. In: [Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Energy and Sustainable Futures (ICESF 2020)]. Springer.

SEN, A. and AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2020. The effect of Covid-19 pandemic on energy demand, carbon emission and household budget of households in England due to working from home. In: ICAE2020: 12th International Conference on Applied Energy, Bangkok, Thailand (virtual), 1-10 December 2020.

SEN, A. and AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2020. A novel approach for U-value estimation of buildings' multi-layer walls using infrared thermography and artificial intelligence. In: [Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Energy and Sustainable Futures (ICESF 2020)]. Springer.

SHAKMAK, B., WATKINS, M. and AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2020. How clean is the air you breathe? Air quality during commuting using various transport modes in Nottingham. In: [Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Energy and Sustainable Futures (ICESF 2020)]. Springer.

SHIN, D.H. and AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2020. Coronavirus: how to reduce your children's screen time – and make them more active. The Conversation.

SHIN, D.H. and AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2020. How to reduce your child's screen time and get them moving. The Independent. ISSN 1741-9743

SHRAHILY, R., MEDJDOUB, B., KLALIB, H., CHALAL, M. and ALWETAISHI, M., 2020. Managing construction site communication using the responsibility assignment matrix (RAM) system. International Journal of Construction Management. ISSN 1562-3599

SIENA, F., VERNON, M., WATTS, P., CRUNDALL, D., BYROM, B., MOWLEM, F. and BREEDON, P., 2020. PMH6 deriving clinical outcome measures from expression and speech: results of a proof of concept study. Value in Health, 23 (Supp 1), S200-S201. ISSN 1098-3015

SIENA, F.L., VERNON, M., WATTS, P., BYROM, B., CRUNDALL, D. and BREEDON, P., 2020. Proof-of-concept study: a mobile application to derive clinical outcome measures from expression and speech for mental health status evaluation. Journal of Medical Systems, 44 (12): 209. ISSN 0148-5598

SIMPSON, K., JANDA, K.B. and OWEN, A., 2020. Preparing ‘middle actors’ to deliver zero-carbon building transitions. Buildings and Cities, 1 (1), pp. 610-624. ISSN 2632-6655

SIMPSON, K. and OWEN, A., 2020. Reflections from engaging a network of local stakeholders in discussing training needs for sustainable renovation. Frontiers in Built Environment, 6: 142. ISSN 2297-3362

SIMPSON, K., WHYTE, J. and CHILDS, P., 2020. Data-centric innovation in retrofit: a bibliometric review of dwelling retrofit across North Western Europe. Energy and Buildings, 229: 110474. ISSN 0378-7788

SIZER, N.D., SIENA, F.L., BOSZCZYK, B. and BREEDON, P., 2020. Monitoring and alleviating the effects of pressure related injuries for spinal surgery–a need for improvement? The Journal of Health Design, 5 (2), pp. 280-292. ISSN 2206-785X

SU, D., 2020. Introduction and sustainable product development. In: D. SU, ed., Sustainable product development: tools, methods and examples. Cham: Springer, pp. 1-12. ISBN 9783030391485

SU, D., 2020. Sustainable product development: tools, methods and examples. Cham: Springer. ISBN 9783030391485

SU, D. and PENG, W., 2020. Eco-accounting infrastructure. In: D. SU, ed., Sustainable product development: tools, methods and examples. Cham: Springer, pp. 73-84. ISBN 9783030391485

SU, D. and REN, Z., 2020. Gearbox life cycle assessment. In: D. SU, ed., Sustainable product development: tools, methods and examples. Cham: Springer, pp. 193-219. ISBN 9783030391485

SU, D., REN, Z. and WU, Y., 2020. Guidelines for selection of life cycle impact assessment software tools. In: D. SU, ed., Sustainable product development: tools, methods and examples. Cham: Springer, pp. 57-70. ISBN 9783030391485

SU, D., SMITH, J., WU, Y. and REN, Z., 2020. Environmental impact assessment of farming with combined methods of life cycle assessment and farm carbon calculator. In: D. SU, ed., Sustainable product development: tools, methods and examples. Cham: Springer, pp. 249-270. ISBN 9783030391485

SU, D., WU, Y., PENG, W., WANG, S., ZHU, S. and ZHANG, Q., 2020. Integrated approach for sustainable flooring product development. In: D. SU, ed., Sustainable product development: tools, methods and examples. Cham: Springer, pp. 351-369. ISBN 9783030391485

SUNG, K., COOPER, T., OEHLMANN, J., SINGH, J. and MONT, O., 2020. Multi-stakeholder perspectives on scaling up UK fashion upcycling businesses. Fashion Practice. ISSN 1756-9370


TOKBOLAT, S., KARACA, F., DURDYEV, S. and CALAY, R.K., 2020. Construction professionals' perspectives on drivers and barriers of sustainable construction. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 22 (5), pp. 4361-4378. ISSN 1387-585X

TOKBOLAT, S., NAIZABEKOV, Y. and MARIANI, S., 2020. The impacts of different façade types on energy use in residential buildings. In: 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020), Tallinn, Estonia, 6-9 September 2020.

TOKBOLAT, S., NAZIPOV, F., KIM, J.R. and KARACA, F., 2020. Evaluation of the environmental performance of residential building envelope components. Energies, 13 (1): 174.


WANG, S., SU, D., WU, Y. and CHAI, Z., 2020. Application of life-cycle assessment to the eco-design of LED lighting products. Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration, 5 (2): 41. ISSN 2365-7448

WANG, S., SU, D., ZHU, S. and ZHANG, Q., 2020. Comparative life cycle assessment of raised flooring products. In: D. SU, ed., Sustainable product development: tools, methods and examples. Cham: Springer, pp. 293-310. ISBN 9783030391485

WATTS, P., BREEDON, P., NDUKA, C., NEVILLE, C., VENABLES, V. and CLARKE, S., 2020. Cloud computing mobile application for remote monitoring of Bell's palsy. Journal of Medical Systems, 44 (9): 149. ISSN 0148-5598

WU, Y. and SU, D., 2020. Life cycle inventory management. In: D. SU, ed., Sustainable product development: tools, methods and examples. Cham: Springer, pp. 153-166. ISBN 9783030391485

WU, Y. and SU, D., 2020. Review of life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) methods and inventory databases. In: D. SU, ed., Sustainable product development: tools, methods and examples. Cham: Springer, pp. 39-55. ISBN 9783030391485

WU, Y. and SU, D., 2020. Social life cycle assessment. In: D. SU, ed., Sustainable product development: tools, methods and examples. Cham: Springer, pp. 127-152. ISBN 9783030391485


YE, K., LUO, H., KANG, J. and WU, S., 2020. Indoor sound environments and visual media displays: a case study on canteens. Building and Environment, 176: 106831. ISSN 0360-1323


ZHANG, J., SU, D., ZHUANG, Y. and QIU, F., 2020. Study on cognitive load of OM interface and eye movement experiment for nuclear power system. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 52 (1), pp. 78-86. ISSN 1738-5733

ZHONG, H., 2020. Study on available energy of capillary heat exchanger in coastal areas. In: S. RIFFAT, Y. SU, N. ISMAIL and M. IDAYU AHMAD, eds., Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, SET 2019, 20-22 August 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia : volume 2. Nottingham: University of Nottingham, pp. 570-580. ISBN 9780853583318

ZHOU, W., OYEGOKE, A.S., SUN, M. and ZHU, H., 2020. Older clients' pathway through the adaptation system for independent living in the UK. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (10): 3640.

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