Items where Division is "School of Architecture, Design and the Built Environment" and Year is 2022

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Number of items: 106.


ABDELMONEM, G., 2022. Virtual Hawara. Exhibition as part of the Conservation, Analysis and Virtual Reconstruction of the Archaeological Site of Hawara Pyramid and Labyrinth Project, Grant Nile Tower Hotel, Cairo, Egypt, 28-30 March 2022.

ABDELMONEM, G., 2022. The afterlife of war: capturing the everyday of life and culture in Old Mosul, Iraq. Exhibition developed as part of the "Preserving the Disappearing Cultural Heritage of Post-War Mosul" collaborative research project, Djanogly Gallery 1A, Lakeside Museum, University of Nottingham Museum , Nottingham, 11 May - 21 June 2022.

ABDELMONEM, M.G., 2022. Fear in disguise: defensive architecture and façade permeability in shaping the urban experience of Belfast’s public spaces. arq: Architectural Research Quarterly, 26 (2), pp. 130-152. ISSN 1359-1355

AHMED, S.N., PASQUIRE, C. and MANU, E., 2022. Key factors affecting commercial actors in collaborative working within the UK construction industry. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction. ISSN 1366-4387

AL-ADHAMI, M., 2022. The development of a real-time energy prediction framework in domestic buildings. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2022. Air fryers and pressure cookers: how you can save money on your cooking bills. The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032

AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2022. Five human technologies inspired by nature - from velcro to racing cars. The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032

AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2022. Here’s one way to burn less fossil fuel – use human energy to heat buildings instead. The Conversation.

AL-HABAIBEH, A., SHAKMAK, B., ATHRESH, A., PARKER, K. and HAMZA, O., 2022. Extracting energy from flooded coal mines for heating and air-conditioning of buildings: opportunities and challenges. In: D. BIENVENIDO-HUERTAS and J. MOYANO-CAMPOS, eds., New technologies in building and construction: towards sustainable development. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (258). Singapore: Springer, pp. 353-365. ISBN 9789811918933

ALKHADASHI, A.E.M., 2022. Design optimisation of multi-story steel structures with single and multi-objective functions using three optimisation techniques. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

ALLISON, S. and WATKINS, M., 2022. Discussion paper: The missing morning commuter rides. Nottingham: Nottingham City Council.

ALMESHAIEI, E., AL-HABAIBEH, A., MINA, N. and AKIB, S., 2022. Rapid evaluation of the design and manufacture of cooling systems of photovoltaic solar panels. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing. ISSN 1955-2513

ANDRES, L., DENOON-STEVENS, S.P., BRYSON, J.R., BAKARE, H. and MELGAÇO, L., 2022. Planning for sustainable urban livelihoods in Africa. In: F. NUNAN, C. BARNES and S. KRISHNAMURTHY, eds., The Routledge handbook on livelihoods in the global South. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 335-344. ISBN 9780367856359

ANTONITES, A., ASHLEY, C., COUTU, A., O'CONNOR, S. and TILEY-NEL, S., 2022. Object biography of a decorated ivory artefact from Vryheid (MNR04), a late Iron Age site in the Limpopo valley of South Africa. South African Archaeological Bulletin, 77 (216), pp. 4-16. ISSN 0038-1969

ANTÓN, D., 2022. Realistic immersive virtual reality interactive experience: Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem, Nottingham, England's oldest pub (1189 AD). [Digital or Visual Media]

ANTÓN, D., CARRETERO-AYUSO, M.J., MOYANO-CAMPOS, J. and NIETO-JULIÁN, J.E., 2022. Laser scanning intensity fingerprint: 3D visualisation and analysis of building surface deficiencies. In: D. BIENVENIDO-HUERTAS and J. MOYANO-CAMPOS, eds., New technologies in building and construction: towards sustainable development. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (258). Singapore: Springer, pp. 207-223. ISBN 9789811918933

ANTÓN, D., 2022. 360/VR mobile devices - Beeston Parish Church (Nottingham) - rendered 3D model and 360 video tour. [Digital or Visual Media]

ANTÓN, D., 2022. Beeston Parish Church (Nottingham) - rendered 3D model and video tour. [Digital or Visual Media]

ANTÓN, D., 2022. Nottingham Caves - rendered fly-through exploration (3D scan data). [Digital or Visual Media]

ANTÓN, D., 2022. Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem, England's oldest pub (fly-through of VR immersive experience). [Digital or Visual Media]


BATHAEI JAVARESHK, M., WOODALL, T. and ALLISON, S., 2022. Headline insights from initial analysis of Wind-Link Nottingham e-scooter trial survey data. Nottingham: Nottingham City Council.

BEZAI, N.E., 2022. An adaptive urban planning framework to support autonomous car technologies. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

BORAH, S., AL-HABAIBEH, A. and KROMANIS, R., 2022. Measuring thermal response of bridges using vision-based technologies and LVDTs. In: European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring. Lecture notes in civil engineering . Springer. (Forthcoming)

BREEDON, P., HIGGINSON, M., SIENA, F.L. and VLOEBERGHS, M.H.J., 2022. The individual survival unit: transporting patients in a protective and stable environment in disaster scenarios – a case study. In: B. MALHEIRO and P. FUENTES-DURÁ, eds., Handbook of research on improving engineering education with the European Project Semester. IGI Global, pp. 262-280. ISBN 9781668423097

BRIDI, M.E., SOLIMAN-JUNIOR, J., GRANJA, A.D., TZORTZOPOULOS, P., GOMES, V. and KOWALTOWSKI, D.C.C.K., 2022. Living labs in social housing upgrades: process, challenges and recommendations. Sustainability, 14 (5): 2595. ISSN 2071-1050

BULL, R. and EADSON, W., 2022. Hot air or new energy: are we seeing signs of improved citizen engagement in district heating schemes? In: ECEEE 2022 Summer Study Proceedings. Stockholm: European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE), pp. 245-253. ISBN 9789198387889


CARRETERO-AYUSO, M.J., ANTÓN, D., FERNÁNDEZ-TAPIA, E. and PINHEIRO-ALVES, M.T., 2022. Using forensic reports to manage the probability of lawsuits being filed in relation to pitched roofs: the case of Madrid. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1101 (5): 052028. ISSN 1755-1307

CARRETERO-AYUSO, M.J., PINHEIRO-ALVES, M.T., ANTÓN, D. and FERNÁNDEZ-ALCONCHEL, M., 2022. Exterior brick walls: learning nonquality through failures and climate-pathological distribution. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 36 (5). ISSN 0887-3828

CASAMAYOR, J.L., SU, D. and WU, Y., 2022. Eco-redesign of lighting products. LEUKOS. ISSN 1550-2724

CHAI, Z., 2022. Sustainable lighting product development underpinned by online data mining and life cycle assessment. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

CHALAL, M.L., MEDJDOUB, B., BEZAI, N., BULL, R. and ZUNE, M., 2022. Visualisation in energy eco-feedback systems: a systematic review of good practice. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 162: 112447. ISSN 1364-0321

COOPER, T. and CLAXTON, S., 2022. Garment failure causes and solutions: slowing the cycles for circular fashion. Journal of Cleaner Production, 351: 131394. ISSN 0959-6526

CUMBERS, A., BILSLAND, K., MCMASTER, R., CABAÇO, S. and WHITE, M., 2022. The condition of European economic democracy: a comparative analysis of individual and collective employment rights. Economic and Industrial Democracy. ISSN 0143-831X


DAO, T., 2022. Enhancing product repairability through sustainable business models. An assessment of the 'consumer repair journey', business management and future legislation. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

DAVIES, J., BEETHAM, P. and FAIZI, K., 2022. Differential settlement and dynamic load effects across lime treated rail transition zones. In: Proceedings of the 7th World Congress On Civil, Structural, And Environmental Engineering (CSEE'22). Ontario, Canada: Avestia. ISBN 9781927877999

DENOON-STEVENS, S.P., ANDRES, L., JONES, P., MELGAÇO, L., MASSEY, R. and NEL, V., 2022. Theory versus practice in planning education: the view from South Africa. Planning Practice and Research, 37 (4), 509–525. ISSN 0269-7459

DENOON-STEVENS, S.P., ANDRES, L., NEL, V. and JONES, P., 2022. Unpacking planners' views of the success and failure of planning in post-apartheid South Africa. Cities, 130: 103867. ISSN 0264-2751

DEVILAT, B., 2022. Inside the buildings at Bela, India. [Digital or Visual Media]

DEVILAT, B. and LANUZA, F., 2022. Digital Bela, architectural heritage under a new light. Final event of the research project ‘A Sustainable Re-Construction Method for Seismic-Prone Heritage Areas of India Based on Advanced Recording Technologies’., Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 14-30 June 2022.

DEVILAT, B. and LANUZA, F., 2022. A sustainable re-construction methodology for seismic-prone heritage settlements of Gujarat, India, based on advanced recording technologies: a pilot study for Bela. In: School of Architecture, Design and the Built Environment Research Conference, Nottingham, UK, 07 July 2022.

DEVILAT, B., LANUZA, F., ABDELMONEM, M.G., DESAI, J. and JIGYASU, R., 2022. Digital Bela, architectural heritage under a new light. International seminar. In: Final event of the research project ‘A Sustainable Re-Construction Method for Seismic-Prone Heritage Areas of India Based on Advanced Recording Technologies’, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 14 June 2022.

DEVILAT, B., LANUZA, F., DESAI, J., MANE, M. and PITHAWALLA, Z., 2022. '3D for Heritage India' research project. Seminar and workshops. In: '3D for Heritage India' research project, Ahmedabad, India, 04-05 April 2022.

DEVILAT, B., LANUZA, F., DESAI, J., MANE, M., PITHAWALLA, Z., KHATRI, R., DESAI, A., SINGH, A., CHOUDHARI, T. and SEN, S., 2022. 3D for Heritage India. [Dataset]

DEVILAT, B., LANUZA, F., KANJI, R., DESAI, J., MANE, M., PITHAWALLA, Z., SINGH, A. and ACHARYA, M., 2022. A framework for earthquake assessment, re-construction and risk mitigation of buildings in historical settlements of Gujarat using advanced recording technologies. Nottingham Trent University.

DURDYEV, S., MOHANDES, S.R., TOKBOLAT, S., SADEGHI, H. and ZAYED, T., 2022. Examining the OHS of green building construction projects: a hybrid fuzzy-based approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 338: 130590. ISSN 0959-6526


FARR, W., MALE, I., MCGREVEY, S., SIENA, L. and BREEDON, P., 2022. TangiBall: development of a prototype tangible user interface for detection of speed and accuracy variation in pre-school autistic children. In: NIHR ARC KSS Research Week Symposium, 20-23 June 2022.

FARR, W., WEI, Y., MALE, I., MCGREVEY, S., SIENA, L. and BREEDON, P., 2022. Tangibility: development of a prototype tangible user interface for the detection of speed and accuracy variation in pre-school children at risk of autism. In: 14th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality & Associated Technologies (ICDVRAT 2022), Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal, 6-8 September 2022.

FORSSMAN, T., SEILER, T., ROSSOUW, A. and ASHLEY, C., 2022. Social landscapes of Euphorbia Kop: a K2 farmer settlement with a forager presence in Southern Africa. Journal of Field Archaeology, 47 (6), pp. 421-434. ISSN 0093-4690

FOULDS, C., ROYSTON, S., BERKER, T., NAKOPOULOU, E., BHARUCHA, Z.P., ROBISON, R., ABRAM, S., ANČIĆ, B., ARAPOSTATHIS, S., BADESCU, G., BULL, R., COHEN, J., DUNLOP, T., DUNPHY, N., DUPONT, C., FISCHER, C., GRAM-HANSSEN, K., GRANDCLÉMENT, C., HEISKANEN, E., LABANCA, N., JELIAZKOVA, M., JÖRGENS, H., KELLER, M., KERN, F., LOMBARDI, P., MOURIK, R., ORNETZEDER, M., PEARSON, P.J.G., ROHRACHER, H., SAHAKIAN, M., SARI, R., STANDAL, K. and ŽIVČIČ, L., 2022. An agenda for future social sciences and humanities research on energy efficiency: 100 priority research questions. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 9: 223. ISSN 2662-9992

FRYETT, G., SIENA, F.L., WATKINS, M. and BREEDON, P., 2022. Development of a bespoke 3D printed spinal brace for lumbar support. The Journal of Health Design, 7 (2), pp. 486-495. ISSN 2206-785X


GAITOV, R., TOKBOLAT, S., MUSTAFA, M. and CALAY, R.K., 2022. Effect of roof types on energy use in residential buildings in cold climates. In: P. MENDONÇA and N. DINIS CORTIÇOS, eds., Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Architecture, Materials and Construction. ICAMC 2021. Lecture notes in civil engineering (226). Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 361-368. ISBN 9783030945138

GBADEGESIN, J., MARAIS, L., VON MALTITZ, M., CLOETE, J., LENKA, M., RANI, K., CAMPBELL, M., DENOON-STEVENS, S., VENTER, A., KOETAAN, Q. and PRETORIUS, W., 2022. Student housing satisfaction at a South African university. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 59 (5), pp. 559-579. ISSN 1949-6591


HAMADEH, L. and AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2022. Towards reliable smart textiles: investigating thermal characterisation of embedded electronics in e-textiles using infrared thermography and mathematical modelling. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical: 113501. ISSN 0924-4247

HARGREAVES, S., BLAJ-WARD, L., XING, Y., HADLEY, A., MCCARTHY, B., STINSON, L., GILLAM, C. and THOMAS, K., 2022. Co-creating a university-wide funding scheme to facilitate student-led innovation in learning and teaching. In: RAISE 2022: Origins and Impact of Student as Producer, University of Lincoln, Lincoln, 7-8 September 2022.

HEUVEL, C., 2022. Practice and community: reconciling architectural practice development with involvement in community engagement projects. DArch, Nottingham Trent University.

HUANG, H., SU, D. and PENG, W., 2022. Novel mobile application system for implementation of an eco-incentive scheme. Sustainability, 14 (5): 3055.


JIGYASU, R., SEN, S., DEVILAT, B. and LANUZA, F., 2022. 3D Laser Scanning documentation for informing the post-earthquake recovery of heritage settlements: a practical guide. Nottingham Trent University.

JONES, P., ANDRES, L., DENOON-STEVENS, S. and MELGACO SILVA MARQUES, L., 2022. Planning out abjection? The role of the planning profession in post-apartheid South Africa. Planning Theory, 21 (1), pp. 35-55. ISSN 1473-0952


KHALID, U., 2022. Investigation into the development of a human reliability analysis framework for the safety management of construction projects. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

KOBEYEV, S., TOKBOLAT, S., NAZIPOV, F. and SATYANAGA, A., 2022. Design and modeling of an on-site greywater treatment system for a hotel building. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation.


MANU, E. and ANKRAH, N., 2022. Construction project economics. In: G. OFORI, ed., Research companion to construction economics. Elgar companions to the built environment series . Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 128 - 152. ISBN 9781839108228

MANU, E., ANKRAH, N.A. and BENTRAR, J., 2022. Transitioning from a linear to a circular construction supply chain. In: C. GORSE, L. SCOTT, C. BOOTH and M. DASTBAZ, eds., Climate emergency – managing, building , and delivering the sustainable development goals. Selected proceedings from the International Conference of Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design for Society (SEEDS) 2020. Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 33-44. ISBN 9783030794491

MASSEY, R.T. and DENOON-STEVENS, S.P., 2022. Health and wellbeing in urban South Africa: an overview. South African Geographical Journal, 104 (3), pp. 271-275. ISSN 0373-6245

MAZHAR, M., DOMINGUES, A.R., BULL, R. and O'BOYLE, S., 2022. Small and medium-sized enterprises: hard to reach, data-poor but rich in creative potential as agents of change for decarbonisation. In: eceee Summer Study proceedings. Stockholm: European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, pp. 145-153. ISBN 9789198387893

MAZHAR, M.U., DOMINGUES, A.R., BULL, R. and O'BOYLE, S., 2022. Small and medium-sized enterprises: hard to reach, data-poor but rich in creative potential as agents of change for decarbonisation. In: European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE) Summer Study proceedings. European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, pp. 145-153. ISBN 9789198827002

MCEWAN, K., XENIAS, D., HODGKINSON, S., HAWKINS, J., CLARK, S., XING, Y., ELLIS, C., CRIPPS, R., BROWN, J. and TITHERINGTON, I., 2022. Greener streets and behaviours, and green-eyed neighbours: a controlled study evaluating the impact of a sustainable urban drainage scheme in Wales on sustainability. Sustainable Water Resources Management, 8 (5): 143. ISSN 2363-5037


NASEER, S. and EVANS, R., 2022. Effect of rainfall intensity and duration on stability of natural slopes of unsaturated fine soils. In: M. SHAH, ed., CSCE 31st August 2022: proceedings book. Islamabad: Capital University of Science and Technology, pp. 405-411. ISBN 9789692334433

NWEKE, O.B., 2022. Developing a conceptual framework for adopting renewable energy in the domestic urban environment in the UK. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.


OBIECHEFU, C.B., 2022. Computer vision-based structural health monitoring and condition assessment for small to medium-span bridges. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

OTEUIL, A., ORALBEK, A., MUKHAMET, T., MOON, S.-W., KIM, J., TOKBOLAT, S. and SATYANAGA, A., 2022. Robust analysis and design of bored pile considering uncertain parameters. Indian Geotechnical Journal. ISSN 2277-3347


PEDÓ, B., FORMOSO, C.T., VIANA, D.D., TZORTZOPOULOS, P., BRANDALISE, F.M.P. and WHITELOCK-WAINWRIGHT, A., 2022. Visual management requirements to support design planning and control within digital contexts. Sustainability, 14 (17): 10989. ISSN 2071-1050

PENG, W. and SU, D., 2022. Novel ICT system for recycling and eco-shopping. Sustainability, 14 (13): 7687. ISSN 2071-1050


RAHMAN, M.A., BROWN, D.J., SHOPLAND, N., HARRIS, M.C., TURABEE, Z.B., HEYM, N., SUMICH, A., STANDEN, B., DOWNES, D., XING, Y., THOMAS, C., HADDICK, S., PREMKUMAR, P., NASTASE, S., BURTON, A., LEWIS, J. and MAHMUD, M., 2022. Towards machine learning driven self-guided virtual reality exposure therapy based on arousal state detection from multimodal data. In: M. MAHMUD, J. HE, S. VASSANELLI, A. VAN ZUNDERT and N. ZHONG, eds., Brain Informatics: 15th International Conference, BI 2022, Padua, Italy, July 15–17, 2022, Proceedings. Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 195-209. ISBN 9783031150364

RAIDEN, A., GRABHAM, S. and MANU, E., 2022. Reflections on the exploratory use of the SDGs in shifting Tier 2 and 3 subcontractors’ focus away from product invention and inspiring sustainable process innovation. In: 3rd TiLT Games in Learning Symposium, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 1 June 2022.

RAIDEN, A. and KING, A., 2022. Considering, creating and delivering social value - problematic polarisations. In: A. TUTESIGENSI and C.J. NEILSON, eds., Proceedings of the 38th Annual ARCOM Conference, Glasgow, 5-7 September 2022. London: Association of Researchers in Construction Management, pp. 701-710. ISBN 9780995546363

RAIDEN, A., POWELL, A., SANG, K., KING, A., GORSE, C., THOMSON, C., MCCARTHY, C. and WICKENDEN, B., 2022. CLC skills plan priority 2: routes into industry – HE. Construction Leadership Council.


SALIM, S., 2022. Assessing the effect of people's behaviour on energy consumption in buildings. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

SELIM, G., JAMHAWI, M., ABDELMONEM, M.G., MA’BDEH, S. and HOLLAND, A., 2022. The virtual living museum: integrating the multi-layered histories and cultural practices of Gadara's archaeology in Umm Qais, Jordan. Sustainability, 14 (11): 6721.

SEN, A., TALEBI, S., WU, S. and SHELBOURN, M., 2022. Towards detailed digital examination of masonry railway bridges using terrestrial laser scanner. In: S. PERERA and M. HARDIE, eds., Proceedings of the 45th AUBEA (Australasian Universities Building Education Association) Conference 2022: Global Challenges in a Disrupted World: Smart, Sustainable and Resilient Approaches in the Built Environment, Australia. Penrith, New South Wales, Australia: Western Sydney University, pp. 260-269.

SHAKMAK, B., WATKINS, M. and ALLISON, S., 2022. Analysis of Superpedestrain e-scooter journeys for November 2020 to October 2021. A management report for Nottingham City Council. Nottingham: Nottingham City Council.

SHIN, H.D., NWANKWO, F. and AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2022. Design-led intervention for active behaviour to tackle youth’s sedentary behaviour. She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation, 8 (3), pp. 387-414. ISSN 2405-8726

SIENA, F., DOMINGUES, A.R., BULL, R., JENSEN, P., CUTTS, A., PRICE, O. and FORBES, C., 2022. Embedding enterprise focussed sustainability teaching and learning: lessons from undergraduate student experiences in product design. In: Book of abstracts. The 28th annual conference, International Sustainable Development Research Society: “Sustainable development and courage. Culture, art and human rights”. International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS).

SIENA, F.L., FORBES, C. and TRUMAN, K., 2022. Democratic manufacturing: a student manufactured and operated 3D printer farm. In: E. BOHEMIA, L. BUCK and H. GRIERSON, eds., DS 117: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2022), London South Bank University in London, 8-9 September 2022. London: The Design Society. ISBN 9781912254163

SIENA, F.L., RUSSELL, S., MALCOLM, R., BROOK, E., CUTTS, A., MARTIN, L. and NAIK, K., 2022. Successes and challenges of supporting product design education for deaf and hard of hearing learners during a pandemic: a case study. In: E. BOHEMIA, L. BUCK and H. GRIERSON, eds., DS 117: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2022), London South Bank University in London, 8-9 September 2022. London: The Design Society. ISBN 9781912254163

SIENA, L., DOMINGUES, A.R., BULL, R., JENSEN, P., CUTTS, A., PRICE, O. and FORBES, C., 2022. Embedding enterprise focused education for sustainable development: lessons from undergraduate student experiences in product design. In: P. DOBERS, M. GAWELL, J. GÄRDE and S. SILFVERSKIÖLD, eds., Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference, International Sustainable Development Research Society: Sustainable Development and Courage: Culture, Art and Human Rights, Stockholm and online, Sweden, June 14-17 2022. Stockholm, Sweden: Södertörn University, pp. 196-217. ISBN 9789189504172

SIMPSON, K., COCKBILL, S. and CHILDS, P., 2022. Home energy renovation: UK owner-occupied householder uncertainties, information and data needs. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1085: 012046. ISSN 1755-1307

SOLIMAN-JUNIOR, J., TZORTZOPOULOS, P. and KAGIOGLOU, M., 2022. Designers’ perspective on the use of automation to support regulatory compliance in healthcare building projects. Construction Management and Economics, 40 (2), pp. 123-141. ISSN 0144-6193

SOUTO GALVAN, A., 2022. Ensuring the nation does not forget this shameful episode. Morning Star. ISSN 0307-1758

SOUTO GALVAN, A., 2022. Grenfell Tower: the difficult task of creating a fitting memorial to the tragedy. The Conversation.

SOUTO GALVAN, A., 2022. Mapping sacred landscapes. In: In Conversation with Dr Ana Souto: Mapping Sacredness, Culham St. Gabriel's Online, 9 February 2022.

SOUTO GALVAN, A., 2022. Students as research partners. International Journal for Students as Partners, 6 (2), p. 149. ISSN 2560-7367

SUNG, K., COOPER, T. and KETTLEY, S., 2022. Adapting Darnton’s Nine Principles framework for behaviour change: the UK upcycling case study. Sustainability, 14 (3): 1919. ISSN 2071-1050


TALEBI, S., WU, S., AL-ADHAMI, M., SHELBOURN, M. and SERUGGA, J., 2022. The development of a digitally enhanced visual inspection framework for masonry bridges in the UK. Construction Innovation. ISSN 1471-4175

TLEUKEN, A., TURKYILMAZ, A., SOVETBEK, M., DURDYEV, S., GUNEY, M., TOKAZHANOV, G., WIECHETEK, L., PASTUSZAK, Z., DRAGHICI, A., BOATCA, M.E., DERMOL, V., TRUNK, N., TOKBOLAT, S., DOLIDZE, T., YOLA, L., AVCU, E., KIM, J. and KARACA, F., 2022. Effects of the residential built environment on remote work productivity and satisfaction during COVID-19 lockdowns: an analysis of workers’ perceptions. Building and Environment: 109234. ISSN 0360-1323


WANG, S. and SU, D., 2022. Sustainable product innovation and consumer communication. Sustainability, 14 (14): 8395.

WANG, S., SU, D. and WU, Y., 2022. Environmental and social life cycle assessments of an industrial LED lighting product. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 95: 106804. ISSN 0195-9255

WATKINS, M.A. and BATHAEI JAVARESHK, M., 2022. Do as I do, not just as I tell you: taking students on a research journey. In: 24th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, London South Bank University, London, 7-9 September 2022.

WHITE, M. and PAPASTAMOS, D., 2022. Buyer behaviour and price expectations: a spatial analysis of the Athens residential market. Journal of European Real Estate Research, 15 (3), pp. 463-481. ISSN 1753-9269

WIDL, E., CRONBACH, D., SORKNÆS, P., FITÓ, J., MUSCHICK, D., REPETTO, M., RAMOUSSE, J. and IANAKIEV, A., 2022. Expert survey and classification of tools for modeling and simulating hybrid energy networks. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 32: 100913. ISSN 2352-4677

WINFIELD, K., SIZER, N. and SIENA, F., 2022. Design sprint methodologies transformed in a digital environment. In: E. BOHEMIA, L. BUCK and H. GRIERSON, eds., DS 117: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2022), London South Bank University in London, 8-9 September 2022. London: The Design Society. ISBN 9781912254163

WOODALL, T., BATHAEI JAVARESHK, M. and ALLISON, S., 2022. Interim analysis of NCC's Superpedestrian E-scooter survey questionnaire: a management report for Nottingham City Council. Nottingham: Nottingham City Council.

WOODALL, T., BATHAEI JAVARESHK, M. and ALLISON, S., 2022. Interim analysis of NCC’s e-scooter non-user survey questionnaire: a management report for Nottingham City Council. Nottingham: Nottingham City Council.

WU, S., SEN, A. and TALEBI, S., 2022. Digital examination of masonry bridge defects using point cloud. In: G. AOUAD, A. AL KHAJA, R. AL SHALABI and M. ALI, eds., Proceeding of the International Conference on the Leadership and Management of Projects in the Digital Age (IC:LAMP 2022). Bahrain: Applied Science Univeristy, pp. 119-128. ISBN 9789995808082


YE, K., LUO, H., ZHONG, H. and KANG, J., 2022. Physiological and psychological influence of multi-media in urban business districts. Sustainable Cities and Society, 77: 103546. ISSN 2210-6707


ZHONG, H., 2022. Proceedings of Smart City and Intelligent Construction 2021. Overseas specials . Beijing: Architecture and Building Press. ISBN 9787112269150

ZHONG, H., 2022. Study on the construction workforce management based on lean construction in the context of COVID-19. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. ISSN 0969-9988

This list was generated on Thu Feb 13 18:13:39 2025 UTC.