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Number of items: 87.

WRIGHT, P., 1985. Age of dead statues. .

WRIGHT, P., 1985. Agnes Heller - a socialist in exile. .

FORSYTHE, S.J. and PARKER, D.S., 1985. Ammonia-Nitrogen Turnover in the Rabbit Cecum and Exchange with Plasma Urea-N. British Journal of Nutrition, 54 (1), pp. 285-292. ISSN 0007-1145

SU, D. and HONGYE, W.U., 1985. Analysis of contacting point parameters of worm gearing. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Advancement in Mechanical Engineering, Harbin, China.

BREACH, M., 1985. Azimuth by the method of multiple timed observations of a gyrotheodolite without electronic registration. Bulletin Geodesique, 59 (3), pp. 221-232. ISSN 0007-4632

GREENWOOD, K. and CORK, C.R., 1985. Ballistic impact resistance. In: Symposium on High Performance Fibres, Textiles and Composites, UMIST, Manchester, June 1985, Manchester.

WRIGHT, P., 1985. Beauty trade. .

GRIME, G.W., WATT, F., MANN, S., PERRY, C.C., WEBB, J. and WILLIAMS, R.J.P., 1985. Biological applications of the Oxford scanning proton microprobe. Trends in Biological Sciences, 10, pp. 6-11.

BARNES, P., 1985. Building a better future together. .

BARNES, P., 1985. Building societies - stronger material needed for new act. .

JOYCE, P. and WOODS, A., 1985. Business education: knowledge and relevance. Business Education, 6 (2), pp. 10-17.

DINGWALL, R., 1985. Caring for health: history and diversity. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.

SHACKLEY, M., KOMURA, K., HAYESHI, T., IKEYA, M., MATSU'URA, S. and UETA, N., 1985. Chronometric dating of bone from Namib IV Acheulean site, south west Africa/Namibia. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo, 1, pp. 6-12.

GUEST, J.R., DARLISON, M.G., SPENCER, M.E., WILDE, R.J. and WOOD, D., 1985. Cloning and sequence analysis of citric acid cycle genes of E. coli. In: Third European Bioenergetics Conference.

HOUSECROFT, C.E., SNAITH, R., MOSS, K., MULVEY, R.E., O'NEILL, M. and WADE, K., 1985. Cluster bonding and energetics of the borane anions BnHn2-(n=5-12). A comparative study using bond length/bond enthalpy relationships and molecular orbital index calculations. Polyhedron, 4 (1875).

BAXTER, M.J., 1985. Contribution to the discussion of the paper 'Spatial structure and spatial interaction: modelling approaches to the statistical analysis of geographical data', by R.J. Bennett and R.P. Haining. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 148, p. 30.

FORSYTHE, S.J., 1985. Correction. British Journal of Nutrition, 53 (3). ISSN 0007-1145

BREACH, M., 1985. Criticism of 'First order positioning by three-dimensional EDM' by Prof S.H. Laurila. Surveying & Mapping (USA), pp. 272-279.

SIMMONDS, S.H. and STRANGE, P.G., 1985. D2-dopamine receptors in anterior pituitary: characterisation and investigation of mechanism. Journal of Neurochemistry (4476).

WRIGHT, P., 1985. Dissidents. .

TIVERS, J., 1985. Distant relatives and the poor cousin: geography in university and adult education. Area, 19 (3), pp. 207-213.

WRIGHT, P., 1985. Dreams of escaping. .

SIMMONDS, S.H. and STRANGE, P.G., 1985. Effect of D2-dopamine receptors on inositol phospholipid metabolism in anterior pituitary. British Journal of Pharmacology (84).

SHACKLEY, M., 1985. Ethnography and experiment in the interpretation of quartz artifact assemblages from Namibia: an optimistic attempt. Lithic Technology, 14 (2), pp. 95-98.

PYATT, F.B., WINSTON, D., JONES, V. and SOOD, S., 1985. Expedition report of the vegetation of the Husafell region of Iceland. Island, 37, pp. 7-9.

WOODFIELD, R., 1985. Gombrich on language and meaning. British Journal of Aesthetics, 25 (4), pp. 389-393.

WOODFIELD, R., 1985. [Guest editor - Harold Osborne's festschrift]. UNSPECIFIED.

CANNIFF, J.P., BATCHELOR, J.R., DODI, I.A. and HARVEY, W., 1985. Hla-Typing in Oral Submucous Fibrosis. Tissue Antigens, 26 (2), pp. 138-142. ISSN 0001-2815

INKSTER, I., 1985. Hypotheses: patterns in the economic and social history of steam intellect prior to 1914. In: I. INKSTER, ed., Steam intellect societies: essays on culture, education & industry, circa 1820-1914. Nottingham: University of Nottingham, Department of Adult Education. ISBN 9780000000000

WRIGHT, P., 1985. Ideal homes. .

WHITELAM, G.C., ANDERSON, M.L., BILLETT, E.E. and SMITH, H., 1985. Immunoblot analysis of cross-reactivity of monoclonal-antibodies against oat phytochrome with phytochrome from several plant-species. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 42 (6), pp. 793-796.

SIMMONDS, S.H. and STRANGE, P.G., 1985. Inhibition of inositol phospholipid breakdown by D2-dopamine receptors in dissociated bovine anterior pituitary cells. Neuroscience Letters (60), pp. 267-272.

BARNES, P., 1985. Investor protection - a finger in the dyke. .

WRIGHT, C.Y., 1985. Learning environment or battleground. Multi-cultural Teaching, 4 (1), pp. 11-17.

BAXTER, M.J., 1985. Misspecification in Spatial Interaction Models - Further Results. Environment and Planning A, 17 (5), pp. 673-678. ISSN 0308-518X

MULLER, R., WALLIS, J.D. and VONPHILIPSBORN, W., 1985. N-15-Nmr Spectroscopy .14. Direct Structural Proof for the Pentazole Ring-System in Solution by N-15-Nmr Spectroscopy. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition in English, 24 (6), pp. 513-515. ISSN 0570-0833

FORSYTHE, S.J. and PARKER, D.S., 1985. Nitrogen-Metabolism by the Microbial-Flora of the Rabbit Cecum. Journal of Applied Bacteriology, 58 (4), pp. 363-369. ISSN 0021-8847

BOWEN, R., 1985. Nottingham CDT primary project. Designing and Making, 2 (1).

SU, D. and HONGYE, W.U., 1985. Numerical method to search the extreme value of a physical quantity of worm gearing. In: 1st National Conference on CAD/CAM, SA Sco, Harbin, China, 1985, Harbin, China.

WRIGHT, P., 1985. On living in an old country: the national past in contemporary Britain. London: Verso.

SHACKLEY, M., 1985. Palaeolithic archaeology in the Mongolian People's Republic; a report on the state of the art. In: Proceeedings of the Prehistoric Society.

SHACKLEY, M., 1985. Palaeolithic archaeology of the Central Namib Desert. Windhoek, Namibia: State Museum.

TOTTERDILL, P.J., 1985. Planning policy and capital re-structuring. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

INKSTER, I., 1985. Popularised culture and steam intellect, 1820-1850s. In: I. INKSTER, ed., Steam intellect societies: essays on culture, education & industry, circa 1820-1914. Nottingham: University of Nottingham, Department of Adult Education. ISBN 9780000000000

GILBERTSON, D.D., KENT, M. and PYATT, F.B., 1985. Practical ecology for geography and biology: survey, mapping and data analysis. London: Hutchinson. ISBN 009162651X

DALETSKII, A., 1985. Quantum moment problem. , pp. 7-19.

BAXTER, M.J., 1985. Quasi-Likelihood Estimation and Diagnostic Statistics for Spatial Interaction Models. Environment and Planning A, 17 (12), pp. 1627-1635. ISSN 0308-518X

BARNES, P., 1985. Raper - a rough ride for regulators. .

GRAHAM, P.J., DINGWALL, R. and WOLKIND, S., 1985. Research issues in child abuse. Social Science and Medicine, 21 (11), pp. 1217-1228.

DINGWALL, R., 1985. Review of N Fielding, 'Probation practice - client support under social control'. British Journal of Criminology, 25 (2), pp. 196-198.

DINGWALL, R., 1985. Review of R Fitzpatrick, J Hinton, S Newman, G Scambler and J Thompson, 'The experience of illness'. Sociology, 19 (3), pp. 473-474.

WOODFIELD, R., 1985. Review: Norman Peterson 'Photographic art: media and disclosure'. British Journal of Aesthetics, 25 (3), pp. 292-293.

BOULÉ, J.-P., 1985. Sartre en question. Modern and Contemporary France, 21.

INKSTER, I., 1985. Science and the 'colonial model': Australian experience in historical perspective. Social Studies of Science, 15, pp. 677-704.

LUNGLEY, G.D.G., 1985. Selection of automated production methods: towards a decision process model. MPhil, Nottingham Trent University.

GREENWOOD, J.R., HOLT, D.A. and HERRICK, G.W., 1985. Shallow slips in highway embankments constructed of overconsolidated clay. In: ICE International Symposium on Earthwork Failures, 06-07 March, 1985.

PERRY, C.C., 1985. Silicification in biological systems. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

WOODFIELD, R., 1985. Some notes on Roland Barthes' photographic message. Trent Occasional Papers in Photography.

SANDHU, G.K., GUPTA, R., SANDHU, S.S., MOSS, K. and PARISH, R.V., 1985. Studies in organotin-leucinates and N-acylated leucinates. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 279 (373).

HOLDAWAY, S., 1985. Sustaining the traditions of police work: a sociological analysis. Lore and Language, 4 (2), pp. 25-35.

BARNES, P., 1985. UK building societies - a study of the gains from merger. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 12 (1), pp. 75-91. ISSN 0306-686X

FORSYTHE, S.J. and PARKER, D.S., 1985. Urea Turnover and Transfer to the Digestive-Tract in the Rabbit. British Journal of Nutrition, 53 (1), pp. 183-190. ISSN 0007-1145

SHACKLEY, M., 1985. Using environmental archaeology. London: Batsford.

PYATT, F.B., 1985. Vegetation of cave systems. In: Field Conference, Creswell Crags Centre, 1985.

WRIGHT, P., 1985. Way to the top. .

GREENWOOD, J.R., 1985. Wedge analysis of embankment instability during construction of the M25 motorway. In: ICE International Symposium on Earthwork Failures, 06-07 March, 1985.

WRIGHT, P. and LANDRY, C., 1985. What a way to run a railroad: an analysis of radical failure. Comedia.

WRIGHT, C.Y., 1985. Who succeeds at school - and who decides. Multi-cultural Teaching, 4 (1), pp. 17-24.

PERRY, C.C. and HIGHFIELD, R., 1985. Why a late lunch gives a sheep a mouthful of trouble. .

TIVERS, J., 1985. Women attached: the daily lives of women with young children. Croom-Helm.

LEDWITH, S., HAYES, M., JOYCE, P. and GULATI, A., 1985. Women in SOGAT: report of a research project into the role of women in the union carried out by an independent research team from the Polytechnic of North London. Hadleigh: SOGAT '82.

WOODFIELD, R., 1985. Words and pictures. In: British Society of Aesthetics Conference, 1985.

SHACKLEY, M., 1985. Xhing-xhais; an early Holocene stoneworking site from the central Namib Desert. Medoqua, 13 (4), pp. 271-279.

JOYCE, P. and WOODS, A., 1985. The challenge of communication. Industrial Society, 67, pp. 12-15.

SU, D. and HONGYE, W.U., 1985. A computer program to calculate contact stresses between a wormwheel and its worm generated by a disk cutter. In: National Conference on CAD and Microcomputer Technique, Chengdu, China, October, 1985, Chengdu, China.

INKSTER, I., 1985. The context of steam intellect in Britain. In: I. INKSTER, ed., Steam intellect societies: essays on culture, education & industry, circa 1820-1914. Nottingham: University of Nottingham, Department of Adult Education. ISBN 9780000000000

JOYCE, P., WOODS, A. and HAYES, M., 1985. The corporate response to YTS - part 2: empirical research in the South East of England. Journal of European Industrial Training, 9 (4), pp. 3-8.

HENDERSON-SELLERS, A., WILSON, M.F. and THOMAS, G., 1985. The effect of spatial resolution on archives of land cover type. Climatic Change, 7 (4), pp. 391-402. ISSN 1573-1480

CARTWRIGHT, I.J., POCKLEY, A.G., GALLOWAY, J.H., GREAVES, M. and PRESTON, F.E., 1985. The effects of dietary omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on erythrocyte membrane phospholipids, erythrocyte deformability and blood viscosity in healthy volunteers. Atherosclerosis, 55, pp. 267-281.

FOX, S. and DINGWALL, R., 1985. An exploratory study of variations in social workers' and health visitors' definitions of child mistreatment. British Journal of Social Work, 15, pp. 467-477.

FEATHERSTONE, M., 1985. The fate of modernity: an introduction. Theory, Culture & Society, 2 (3), pp. 1-5. ISSN 0263-2764

FEATHERSTONE, M. and HEPWORTH, M., 1985. The history of the male menopause 1848-1936. Maturitas, 7 (3), pp. 249-257.

DINGWALL, R. and STRONG, P.M., 1985. The interactional study of organizations: a critique and reformulation. Urban Life, 14 (2), pp. 205-231.

FEATHERSTONE, M. and HEPWORTH, M., 1985. The male menopause, lifestyle and sexuality. Maturitas, 7 (3), pp. 235-246.

JACKSON, J.F., BEESON, D.M.W., COCKCROFT, V.B., DARLISON, M.G., CONTI-TRONCONI, B.M., BELL, L.D. and BARNARD, E.A., 1985. The molecular biology of acetylcholine receptors from the vertebrate peripheral and central nervous systems. In: R. LEVI-MONTALCINI, ed., Molecular aspects of neurobiology. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 66-74.

INKSTER, I., 1985. The steam intellect societies: essays on culture, education and industry, 1820-1914. Nottingham: University of Nottingham Press. ISBN 1850410089

PYATT, F.B., 1985. The vegetation of selected sites in North and North East Iceland. Proceedings of the Institution of Environmental Sciences, 6, pp. 37-50.

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