Items where Division is "Nottingham Law School" and Year is 2017
Journal article
ARIMORO, A., 2017. Legal reflections for wealth managers in Nigeria. Ebonyi State University Law Journal, 8 (2), pp. 161-173. ISSN 0794-926X
ARIMORO, A.E., 2017. Administration of Public-Private Partnerships in Nigeria: lessons from India. Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) Journal of Public Law, 1 (1), pp. 145-169. ISSN 2616-1257
BERRY, E., 2017. When is a partner/LLP member not a partner/LLP member? The interface with employment and worker status. Industrial Law Journal. ISSN 0305-9332
BOYES, S., 2017. Sport in court: assessing judicial scrutiny of sports governing bodies. Public Law (July), pp. 363-381. ISSN 0033-3565
CHADWICK, E. and SAMUEL, K., 2017. In faint praise of the derogating will: The UK, ECHR derogation, and Smith v. MOD. Nottingham Law Journal (26), pp. 87-102. ISSN 0965-0660
COEN, M. and DOAK, J., 2017. Embedding explained jury verdicts in the English criminal trial. Legal Studies, 37 (4), pp. 786-806. ISSN 0261-3875
DANIELE, L., 2017. Enforcing illegality: Israel’s military justice in the West Bank. Questions of International Law, 44, pp. 21-40. ISSN 2284-2969
DANIELE, L., 2017. Negazionismo e libertà di espressione: dalla sentenza Perinçek c. Svizzera alla nuova aggravante prevista nell'ordinamento italiano. Diritto Penale Contemporaneo (10), pp. 79-104. ISSN 2039-1676
DOAK, J. and DOAK, L., 2017. Non-verbal victims in the adversarial criminal process: communication, competency, and credibility. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 68 (4), pp. 451-468. ISSN 0029-3105
FERRIS, G. and JOHNSON, N., 2017. Should lawyers acknowledge whom they represent in public discourse? Legal Ethics, 20 (2), pp. 174-200. ISSN 1460-728X
GANT, J.L.L., 2017. Convergence of social policy, employment and labour: the European equation. Nottingham Insolvency and Business Law e-Journal, 4 (2). ISSN 2053-1648
GANT, J.L.L. and KASTRINOU, A., 2017. The impact of austerity in the framework of corporate rescue and the rights of workers in the EU: a road to recovery? International Insolvency Review, 26 (2), pp. 176-203. ISSN 1180-0518
KEAY, A. and ZHAO, J., 2017. Accountability in corporate governance in China and the impact of Guanxi as a double-edged sword. Brooklyn Journal of Corporate, Financial & Commercial Law, 11 (2): 5, pp. 377-415. ISSN 1934-2497
MAHARG, P., 2017. The Gordian knot: regulatory relationship and legal education. Asian Journal of Legal Education, 4 (2), pp. 79-94. ISSN 2322-0058
MAHARG, P., 2017. Let's get digital. Paul Maharg explores the potential for AI and legal education. New Law Journal, 167 (7731), p. 20. ISSN 0306-6479
ONG, D.M., 2017. The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: bringing 'Asian values' to global economic governance? Journal of International Economic Law, 20 (3), pp. 535-560. ISSN 1369-3034
ONG, D.M., 2017. Prospects for transitional environmental justice in the socio-economic reconstruction of Kosovo. Tulane Environmental Law Journal, 30 (2), pp. 217-272. ISSN 1047-6857
ROBSON, J., 2017. A fair hearing? The use of voice identification parades in criminal investigations in England and Wales. Criminal Law Review (1), pp. 36-50. ISSN 0011-135X
SJÖLIN, C., 2017. The need to kill off zombie law: indecent assault, where it went wrong and how to put it right. Journal of Criminal Law, 81 (1), pp. 50-65. ISSN 0022-0183
WALTERS, A.J., 2017. United States' bankruptcy jurisdiction over foreign entities: exorbitant or congruent. The Journal of Corporate Law Studies, 17 (2), pp. 367-404. ISSN 1473-5970
ZHAO, J., 2017. Promoting more socially responsible corporations through a corporate law regulatory framework. Legal Studies: the Journal of the Society of Legal Scholars, 37 (1), pp. 103-136. ISSN 0261-3875
ZHARIKOV, A., 2017. Double liability of banks: case study of Ukraine. International Company and Commercial Law Review, 28 (11), pp. 400-406. ISSN 0958-5214
Ó NÉILL, C., 2017. Jehovah’s Witnesses and Blood Transfusions: An Analysis of the Legal Protections Afforded to Adults and Children in European/English Human Rights Contexts. European Journal of Health Law. ISSN 0929-0273
Authored book
GANT, J.L.L., 2017. Balancing the protection of business and employment in insolvency - an Anglo-French perspective. European and International Insolvency Law Studies, 4 . The Hague: Eleven International Publishing. ISBN 9789462367555
HOMEWOOD, M.J., BERRY, E. and BOGUSZ, B., 2017. Complete EU law: text, cases, and materials. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198790976
O'BRIEN, N. and SENEVIRATNE, M., 2017. Ombudsmen at the crossroads: the legal services ombudsman, dispute resolution and democratic accountability. London: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781137584458
O'MAHONEY, D. and DOAK, J., 2017. Reimagining restorative justice. Oxford: Hart. ISBN 9781849460569
Chapter in book
ADAMIDIS, V., 2017. Solon the lawgiver: inequality of resources and equality before the law. In: D.A. FRENKEL, ed., Role of law, human rights and social justice, justice systems, commerce, and law curriculum: selected issues. Athens: ATINER, pp. 121-138. ISBN 9789605981044
BARRETT, D., 2017. The future of the right to education in the UK: the challenge of anti-radicalisation measures. In: C.-M. SMYTH and R. LANG, eds., The future of human rights in the UK. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 50-70. ISBN 9781443895132
BRISON, N.T. and BOYES, S., 2017. Athlete image rights in the US and UK. In: M. DODDS, K. HEISEY and A. AHONEN, eds., Routledge handbook of international sport business. Routledge international handbooks . Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9781138891548
DENONCOURT, J., 2017. IP debt finance and SMEs: trends and initiatives from around the world. In: T. KONO, ed., Security interests in intellectual property in a global context. Singapore: Springer, pp. 1-38. ISBN 9789811054143
DENONCOURT, J., 2017. Intellectual property rights. In: D. KELLY, R. HAMMER and J. HENDY, eds., Business law. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 557-615. ISBN 9781138848023
FABÓK, Z., 2017. "Wrongful trading" in England and Hungary: a comparative study. In: J.L.L. GANT, ed., Harmonisation of European insolvency law. Nottingham: INSOL Europe, pp. 83-111. ISBN 9780993189753
FERRIS, G., 2017. How should a system of registered title to property respond to fraud and sharp practice? In: H. CONWAY and R. HICKEY, eds., Modern studies in property law. Vol. 9. Oxford: Hart, pp. 217-235. ISBN 9781782257547
GANT, J.L.L., 2017. Constitutions and crises: balancing insolvency and social policy through the lens of comparative legal history. In: J.L.L. GANT, ed., Harmonisation of insolvency law in Europe. Nottingham: INSOL Europe.
GARWOOD-GOWERS, A. and OLSENA, S., 2017. Informed consent. In: A. DEN EXTER, ed., European health law. Antwerp: Maklu, pp. 245-272. ISBN 9789046607251
GARWOOD-GOWERS, A. and PEREIRA, A., 2017. Organ and tissue human-human transplantation. In: A. DEN EXTER, ed., European health law. Antwerp: Maklu, pp. 391-418. ISBN 9789046607251
KASTRINOU, A. and JACOBS, L., 2017. An overview of the pre-insolvency procedures in the United Kingdom and South Africa. In: J. ADRIAANSE and J.-P. VAN DER REST, eds., Turnaround management and bankruptcy. Routledge advances in management and business studies . Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9781138828742
KIRK, E.A., 2017. UNDP and ocean governance. In: D.J. ATTARD and M. FITZMAURICE, eds., Comprehensive study on effective and sustainable global ocean governance: UN specialized agencies and global ocean governance. Malta: IMO/IMLI.
KIRK, E.A., POPATTANACHAI, N. and IBE, C., 2017. Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution 1992. In: M. FITZMAURICE, A. TANZI and A. PAPANTONIOU, eds., Multilateral environmental treaties. Elgar encyclopedia of environmental law . Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. ISBN 9781783477203
KIRK, E.A. and SAENEEWONG NA AYUDHAYA, N., 2017. The Black Sea Biodiversity and Landscape Conservation Protocol. In: M. FITZMAURICE, A. TANZI and A. PAPANTONIOU, eds., Multilateral environmental treaties. Elgar encyclopedia of environmental law . Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. ISBN 9781783477203
LEWIS, T., 2017. At the deep end of the pool: religious offence, debate speech and the margin of appreciation before the European Court of Human Rights. In: J. TEMPERMAN and A. KOLTAY, eds., Blasphemy and freedom of expression: comparative, theoretical and historical theoretical reflections after the Charlie Hebdo massacre. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 259-293. ISBN 978108416917
MAHARG, P., 2017. The Periclean plumber: simulation and legal education. In: B. BERGMANS, ed., Jahrbuch der Rechtsdidaktik 2016/Yearbook of legal education 2016. Berlin: BWV Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, pp. 187-212. ISBN 9783830537755
MAHARG, P., 2017. Shared space and the regulation of legal education. In: R. LEVY, M. O'BRIEN, S. RICE, P. RIDGE and M. THORNTON, eds., New directions for law in Australia: essays in contemporary law reform. Canberra: Australian National University Press. ISBN 9781760461416
ONG, D., 2017. Litigation against multinational oil companies in their home state jurisdictions: an alternative legal response to pollution damage in foreign jurisdictions? In: C. TAN and J. FAUNDEZ, eds., Natural resources and sustainable development: international economic law perspectives. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 278-297. ISBN 9781783478378
WHITE, N.D. and DAVIES-BRIGHT, A., 2017. Drone strikes: a remote form of self-defence? In: J.D. OHLIN, ed., Research handbook on remote warfare. Research handbooks in international law . Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 213-245. ISBN 9781784716981
YOUNG, T. and TRICKETT, L., 2017. Gang girls: agency, sexual identity and victimisation 'on road'. In: K. GILDART, A. GOUGH-YATES, S. LINCOLN, B. OSGERBY, L. ROBINSON, J. STREET, P. WEBB and M. WORLEY, eds., Youth Culture and Social Change. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 231-259. ISBN 9781137529107
Conference contribution
ARIMORO, A., 2017. Law as a catalyst for stimulating investor sentiments among low to middle-income individuals in the development of infrastructure in Nigeria. In: Law and Development Conference 2017, University of Cape Town, South Africa, 7-8 September 2017.
CHING, J., 2017. Let’s not be beastly to the Irish. In: Brexit and the Law School, Keele University, Keele, 30 June 2017.
CHING, J. and JARMAN, J., 2017. "Put yourself in my place...". Vulnerability theory and ethical dilemmas in a fractured legal sector. In: Workshop on Professionalism and Vulnerability, University of Leeds, Leeds, 27-28 October 2017.
DENONCOURT, J., 2017. The English dual registration system: security over patents and the pathway to reform. In: Academic Forum of INSOL EUROPE Conference 2017, Warsaw, Poland, 4-5 October 2017.
FABÓK, Z., 2017. International insolvency law in the new Hungarian PIL code - a window of opportunity to enact the UNCITRAL model law on cross-border insolvency? In: Modernizing International Trade Law to Support Innovation and Sustainable Development, Vienna International Centre, Vienna, Austria, 4-6 July 2017.
HOMEWOOD, M.J., 2017. Extending learning spaces using social media. In: NLS Centre For Legal Education Conference - Legal Education, Legal Practice and Technology, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 16-17 June 2017.
HOMEWOOD, M.J., 2017. Facilitating online, peer support student study networks using a number of social media solutions. In: Global Legal Skills Conference, Monterrey, Mexico, 15-17 March 2017.
HOMEWOOD, M.J., 2017. Using social media for meaningful student collaboration and peer learning. In: Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 14 December 2017.
HOMEWOOD, M.J., 2017. Using social media to develop study support networks. In: University of Leeds Institute of Teaching Excellence Conference, Leeds, United Kingdom, 26 April 2017.
HOMEWOOD, M.J. and ELLICOTT, D., 2017. The DELITe project: an institutional approach to increasing interactivity to enhance student engagement, belonging, retention and success. In: HEA What Works? Conference, London, United Kingdom, 11 April 2017.
HOMEWOOD, M.J. and ELLICOTT, D., 2017. When the going gets TEF ... The teaching needs to get interactive! In: TILT Festival of Learning, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 27-29 June 2017.
ROBSON, J., 2017. A fair "hearing": voice identification, parades and PACE. In: Advancing Advocacy Conference: Challenges Ahead in Criminal Evidence and Procedure, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 23 June 2017.
WILSON, G. and WILSON, S., 2017. Exploring interactions between law and sustainability in Britain through the prism of 'inclusive finance'. In: Law and Money 3rd Annual Conference: Law, Finance and Sustainability, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, 11 September 2017.
WILSON, G. and WILSON, S., 2017. Financial crime and 'business history' explored through the complexities surrounding perpetration and enforcement: the 'case study' of the City of Glasgow Bank trial 1878-1879. In: Association of Business Historians Conference, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, 1 July 2017.
WILSON, G. and WILSON, S., 2017. Law and financial marketplace values in twenty-first century Britain: a role for religion in the search for a new rationality for post-crisis recovery? In: UK IVR Annual Conference: Law, Rationality and the Market, Halifax Hall, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, 17-18 November 2017.
Ó NÉILL, C., 2017. The appropriateness of conscientious objection to abortion in English medical law from a Gewirthian perspective. In: Law and Religion Scholars Network (LARSN) Conference 2017, VU (Vrije Universiteit) Amsterdam, Netherlands, 19 May 2017.
Confidential report for external body
CHING, J., CUMMINS, H.A. and WATSON, N., 2017. Final report on Survey of Legal Education in CARICOM Member States. Barbados: Caribbean Law Institute Centre.
Edited book
GANT, J.L.L., 2017. Harmonisation of European insolvency law. Nottingham: INSOL Europe. ISBN 9780993189753
LIU, N., KIRK, E.A. and HENRIKSEN, T., 2017. The European Union and the Arctic. Publications on ocean development, 85 . Leiden: Brill. ISBN 9789004349162
Journal editorship
DENONCOURT, J., 2017. Nottingham Law Journal. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham Law School.
Newspaper or popular journal contribution
DANIELE, L., 2017. Penal populism and the BDS movement after Security Council Res. 2334. Open Democracy. ISSN 1476-5888
KIRK, E.A., 2017. The Ross Sea MPA: a herald of better conservation efforts? The Environment.
KIRK, E.A., 2017. UN Ocean Conference: can the law protect our ocean ecosystems? The Ecologist.
ROBSON, J., 2017. EU wildlife laws should be celebrated – and retained – not treated as red tape. The Conversation.
ROBSON, J., 2017. Is the era of advocacy dead? Lawyer 2B.
Ó NÉILL, C., 2017. Blood transfusion refusals – why new guidelines aren’t up to scratch. The Conversation.
Professional or trade journal contribution
IRETON, E., 2017. The Grenfell Tower public inquiry: managing expectations. Solicitors Journal. ISSN 0038-1047
DENONCOURT, J., 2017. Intellectual property law and graffiti: glorified vandalism or a legitimate cultural movement? Nottingham Law Journal, 26, pp. 127-128. ISSN 0965-0660
OTABOR-OLUBOR, I., 2017. A critical appraisal of secured transactions over personal property in Nigeria: legal problems and a proposal for reform. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.
YAMBO, O.N., KIRK, E.A. and ONG, D.M., 2017. Report of the inaugural workshop to launch the Centre for Marine Ecological Resilience and Geological Resources (MERGeR) Wednesday 3rd May 2017. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.