Items where Author is "Holdaway, S"

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Number of items: 102.

Journal article

HOLDAWAY, S., 2017. The re-professionalization of the police in England and Wales. Criminology & Criminal Justice, 17 (5), pp. 588-604. ISSN 1748-8958

HOLDAWAY, S., 2015. What do we know? Lessons from the history of race relations within constabularies. Policing, 9 (1), pp. 5-14. ISSN 1752-4512

HOLDAWAY, S., 2010. Understanding 'trust' and 'confidence': problems within and out with constabularies. Policing, 3 (4), pp. 258-264.

HOLDAWAY, S. and O'NEIL, M., 2007. Examining 'window dressing': the views of black police associations on recruitment and training. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 33 (3), pp. 483-500.

HOLDAWAY, S. and O'NEIL, M., 2007. Police views of institutional racism after Macpherson. Policing and Society, 16 (4), pp. 349-369.

HOLDAWAY, S. and O'NEIL, M., 2007. Where has all the racism gone? Views of racism in constabularies after Macpherson. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 30 (3), pp. 317-415.

HOLDAWAY, S., 2006. Ethnicity and culture: thinking about police ethnicity. British Journal of Sociology, 57 (3), pp. 483-502.

HOLDAWAY, S., 2004. The development of black police associations: changing articulations of race in the British police. British Journal of Criminology, 44 (6), pp. 854-865.

HOLDAWAY, S., 2003. Police race relations in England and Wales: theory, policy and practice. Police and Society, 7 (1), pp. 49-75.

HOLDAWAY, S., 2003. Victimization with constabularies in England and Wales: the legacy of immigration. International Review of Victimology, 10 (2), pp. 137-156.

HOLDAWAY, S., 2003. The final warning: appearance and reality. Journal of Criminal Justice, 3 (4), pp. 351-368.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1999. Officiers de police et minorities ethniques dons les commissariats anglais. Les Annales de la Recherche Urbaine (8384), pp. 31-39.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1999. The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry: some sociological observations. Sociological Research Online, 4 (1).

HOLDAWAY, S., 1998. Police race relations in England: a history of policy. International Journal of Inter-Cultural Studies, 22 (3), pp. 329-349.

HOLDAWAY, S. and PARKER, S.K., 1998. Policing women police: unequal opportunities for uniform patrol, promotion and representation in the CID. British Journal of Criminology, 38 (1), pp. 40-60.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1998. The fish rots from the head: race relations in Toronto Metropolitan Police. The British Journal of Canadian Studies, 12 (1), pp. 239-256.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1997. Constructing and sustaining 'race' in the police work force. British Journal of Sociology, 48 (1), pp. 19-34.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1997. Responding to racialised divisions in the work force - the experience of Black and Asian officers' in England. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 20 (1), pp. 69-90.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1997. Some recent approaches to the study of race in criminological research: race as social process. British Journal of Criminology, 37 (3), pp. 383-400.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1995. Culture, race and policy: some themes of the sociology of the police. Policing and Society, 5, pp. 109-120.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1995. Exploring non-custodial sanctions: criminological research on probation. The International Review of Criminal Justice, 5 (3), pp. 72-95.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1994. Modernity, rationality and the baguette: cooperation and management of policing in Europe. The European Journal of Criminal Policy and Research, 1 (4), pp. 53-70.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1992. Governing the probation service: probation committees and policy-making. The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 31 (2), pp. 120-132.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1991. Race relations and police recruitment. British Journal of Criminology, 31 (4), pp. 72-102.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1990. Coming to terms with policing. Social Policy and Administration, 24 (1), pp. 84-89.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1987. Themes and issues in police/race relations policy. New Community (12), pp. 142-150.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1986. The Holloway incident. Some sociological enquiries. Policing, 2 (2), pp. 101-113.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1986. Police and social work relations: problems and possibilities. British Journal of Social Work, 16, pp. 137-160.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1985. Sustaining the traditions of police work: a sociological analysis. Lore and Language, 4 (2), pp. 25-35.

HOLDAWAY, S., SPENCER, C.P. and WILSON, D., 1984. Black police in the UK. Policing, 1 (1), pp. 20-30.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1983. Police accountability. Public Law, pp. 675-679.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1983. Policing in a plural society. The Modern Churchman (3), pp. 30-39.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1982. Police accountability - a current issue. Public Administration, 60 (1), pp. 84-91.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1982. Some sociological aspects of The Scarman Report. New Community, 3, pp. 366-370.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1982. The police - an issue of trust. Audenshaw Papers, 85, pp. 1-3.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1981. Some common-sense understandings of policing in Britain. New Community, 1, pp. 120-126.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1980. The police station. Urban Life and Culture, 1, pp. 79-100.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1979. Die Polizei in Grossbritannien: ein Beitrag zum Verstandis inrer Verhaltensweisen. Kriminologisches Journal, 11 (3), pp. 192-210.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1978. The reality of police, race relations: towards an effective community relations policy. New Community, 6 (3), pp. 258-267.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1977. Changes in urban policing. British Journal of Sociology (2), pp. 119-137.

Authored book

HOLDAWAY, S., 2009. Black police associations: an analysis of race and ethnicity within constabularies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

HOLDAWAY, S., DAVIDSON, N. and DIGNAN, J., 2000. New strategies to address youth offending. London: HMSO.

HOLDAWAY, S. and ROCK, P., 1998. Thinking about criminology. London: UCL Press.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1997. Resigners?: The experience of black and Asian police officers. Basingstoke: Macmillan.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1996. The racialisation of British policing. Basingstoke; New York: Macmillan; St Martin's Press.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1991. Recruiting a multi-racial police. London: HMSO.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1988. Crime and deviance. London: Macmillan.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1983. Inside the British police: a force at work. Oxford: Blackwell.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1980. The British police. New York: Sage.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1979. The British police. London: Edward Arnold.

Chapter in book

HOLDAWAY, S., 2010. Die integration ethnischer Minderheiten in die britische Polizei. In: D. HUNALD, D. KLIMKE, R. BEHR and R. LAUTMANN, eds., Fremde als Ordnungshüter? Berlin: VS Verlag Für Sozialwissenschaften, pp. 187-192. ISBN 9783531171715

HOLDAWAY, S., 2010. Paul Rock's sociology: a critique of themes in contemporary criminology. In: D. DOWNES, D. HOBBS and T. NEWBURN, eds., The eternal recurrence of crime and control: essays in honour of Paul Rock. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

HOLDAWAY, S., 2009. Black police associations and the police occupational culture. In: M. O'NEIL, M. MARKS and A. SINGH, eds., Police occupational culture: new debates and directions. London: Elsevier, pp. 253-276.

HOLDAWAY, S., 2009. Migration and crime. In: J. RATH and M. MARTINELLO, eds., International migration and immigrant incorporation: the dynamics of globalization and ethnic diversity in European life. Amsterdam: IMINICO.

HOLDAWAY, S., 2008. Black police associations and the Lawrence Report. In: M. ROWE, ed., Policing beyond Macpherson. Columpton: Willan, pp. 67-87.

HOLDAWAY, S., 2003. Ethnicity, crime, and policing. In: M. HOLBORN, ed., Developments in sociology. Causeway Press, pp. 15-29.

HOLDAWAY, S., 2000. From theory to method. In: D. BURTON, ed., Social research methods for postgraduates. London: Sage, pp. 156-166.

HOLDAWAY, S., 2000. Migration, crime and the city. In: S. BODY-GENDROT and M. MARTINELLIO, eds., Minorities in European cities: the dynamics of social integration and social exclusion at the neighbourhood level. Basingstoke: Macmillan, pp. 190-202.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1997. Ethnicity in criminal justice. In: I. MCKENZIE, ed., Power and justice in comparative perspective. Boston: Greenwood, pp. 71-92.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1996. Changes in urban policing. In: R. REINER, ed., The international library of criminology. Aldershot: Dartmouth, pp. 433-452.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1995. Changing the probation service: a role for policy? In: A. VASS and T. MAY, eds., Working with offenders: scenes and perspectives. London: Sage, pp. 116-134.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1995. Modernity and rationality in European policing. In: J.P. BRODEUR, ed., Comparison in policing. Aldershot: Avebury, pp. 145-160.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1994. On the beat: some academic whistle blowing. In: G. VINTEN, ed., Whistle blowing: subversion or corporate citizenship. London: Chapman, pp. 174-192.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1994. Recruitment, resignation and the police sub-culture. In: M. STEVENS and S. BECKER, eds., Care and control in the police service. Basingstoke: Macmillan, pp. 67-84.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1993. Modernité, rationalité et baguette du pain: quelques propos sur la gestion de la police en Europe. In: E. CHALUMEAU and C. GORGEON, eds., Systèmes de police compares et cooperation. Paris: IHESI, pp. 21-36.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1993. Organising the probation service: a perspective on policy-making. In: K. BOTTOMLEY, T. FOWLES and R. REINER, eds., Criminal justice: theory and practice. London: British Society of Criminology, pp. 204-225.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1993. Race issues policy and practice. In: P. SENIOR, ed., Race and social work. Sheffield: Joint Centre for Social Work Training, pp. 9-14.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1992. Policy on probation: the work of probation committees. In: P. CARTER, T. JEFFS and M. SMITH, eds., Social work and social welfare yearbook. Milton Keynes: Open University Press, pp. 203-214.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1991. Race issues policy in the probation service. In: J. ANTHONY, ed., Anti-racism policy in the probation service. London: The Association of Chief Officers of Probation, pp. 7-18.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1989. Discovering structure. Studies of the British police occupational culture. In: M. WEATHERITT, ed., Police research: some future prospects. Aldershot: Gower, pp. 55-76.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1988. Blue jokes: a sociological analysis of police humour. In: G. PATEN and C. POWELL, eds., Humour in society. Basingstoke: Macmillan, pp. 106-122.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1988. Researching the police: methodology and constraints. In: Crime, justice and society. London: The Open University Press, pp. 30-36.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1986. Crime. In: J. MACQUARRIE and J. CHILDLESS, eds., A new dictionary of Christian ethics. London; New York: SCM Press; Westminster Press, pp. 137-139.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1986. Juvenile delinquency. In: J. MACQUARRIE and J. CHILDLESS, eds., A new dictionary of Christian ethics. London; New York: SCM Press; Westminster Press, p. 334.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1982. The police and race relations. In: Ethnic minorities and community relations. London: The Open University Press, pp. 59-69.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1980. Police-black relations: the professional solution (as Daniel James). In: The British police. Beverley Hills: Sage, pp. 66-82.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1980. An inside job: a case study of covert research on the police. In: M. BULMER, ed., Social research ethics. London: Macmillan, pp. 59-79.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1979. The British police: an introduction. In: S. HOLDAWAY, ed., The British police. Beverley Hills: Sage, pp. 1-13.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1979. The British police: an introduction. In: S. HOLDAWAY, ed., The British police. London: Edward Arnold, pp. 1-13.

Conference contribution

HOLDAWAY, S., 1993. Reform of Criminal Justice Agencies through rational planning: the case of the English probation service. In: Proceedings of 11th International Congress on Criminology, Budapest.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1978. Police patrolling. In: The Cranfield Papers: the proceedings of the 1978 Cranfield Conference on the Prevention of Crime in Europe.

Research report for external body

HOLDAWAY, S., 2005. Neighbourhood policing teams in Barnsley. South Yorkshire Police.

HOLDAWAY, S. and WILSON, A., 2005. Safer neighbourhood teams in South Yorkshire Police Barnsley District: a research assessment. Barnsley Council.

HOLDAWAY, S., 2004. The national evaluation of the Youth Justice Board's Final Warning Schemes. Youth Justice Board.

HOLDAWAY, S., 2003. Evaluation of the Street Crime Initiative. Report to South Yorkshire Police. South Yorkshire Police.

HOLDAWAY, S., 2000. Equality and fairness in Lincolnshire Police revisited: report of an equality survey. UNSPECIFIED.

HOLDAWAY, S., 2000. Youth Justice pilot's evaluation: report to the Home Office. Home Office.

HOLDAWAY, S., 2000. The use of stop and search by South Yorkshire police officers: a report to South Yorkshire Police Authority. South Yorkshire Police.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1999. Youth Justice pilot's evaluation: report to the Home Office. Home Office.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1998. Police, race relations. Position paper for The Commission on the Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain, May 1999. The Commission on the Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1997. Equality and fairness in Lincolnshire Police: a survey of the workforce. Lincolnshire Police.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1996. The Sheffield TEN Project: equal opportunities in small companies. Sheffield TEC.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1995. Equal opportunities for women officers in South Yorkshire Police. South Yorkshire Police.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1995. A survey of sentencers' views of Greater Manchester Probation Service. Greater Manchester Probation Service.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1993. The resignation of black and Asian officers from the police service. The Home Office.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1990. Ethnic minority recruitment into the British police: a summary of research findings. The Home Office.

HOLDAWAY, S. and ALLAKER, J., 1990. Race issues in the probation service: a review of policy. Association of Chief Officers of Probation.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1990. Supervision and punishment in the community: a submission to the Home Office, 1990. The Home Office.


HOLDAWAY, S., 1998. Expert witness statement on behalf of The Commission for Racial Equality, inquiry in the police investigation of the murder of Stephen Lawrence, June 1998. The Commission for Racial Equality.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1998. Submission about the recruitment of ethnic minorities into the police service. House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee, December 1998. House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1981. Written evidence to the enquiry by Lord Scarman into the Brixton disorders, 10-12 April 1981, May 1981. The Treasury Solicitor.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1979. Written evidence to the Royal Commission on Criminal Procedure, EV June 1979. The Home Office.

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