Items where Division is "Nottingham Business School" and Year is 2000

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ACKRILL, R.W., 2000. CAP reform 1999: a crisis in the making? Journal of Common Market Studies, 38 (2), pp. 343-353. ISSN 0021-9886

ACKRILL, R.W., 2000. The Common Agricultural Policy. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press. ISBN 1841271268

ACKRILL, R.W., 2000. EU enlargement. In: G.B.J. ATKINSON, ed., Developments in economics: an annual review. Ormskirk: Causeway Press, pp. 13-33.

ACKRILL, R.W., 2000. The European Union budget, the balanced budget rule and the development of common European policies. Journal of Public Policy, 20 (1), pp. 1-19. ISSN 0143-814X

ALLAN, S. and CHUDRY, F., 2000. The internet — a fad or a fundamental for relationship marketing. Journal of Database Marketing and Customer Strategy Management, 8 (1), pp. 73-86. ISSN 1741-2439

ANDRIOTIS, K., VAUGHAN, D.R. and WILKES, K., 2000. The characteristics of tourism employment: the case of Crete. In: 7th ATLAS International Conference: North-South: Contrasts and Connections in Global Tourism, Savonlinna, Finland, 18-21 June 2000.

ANIE, A., BRUEGEL, I., FENTON, M., JONES, A. and JOYCE, P., 2000. Varieties of experience - the graduate labour market in London: summary report. HMSO.


BARNES, P., 2000. Predicting takeover targets: logit 'versus' linear discriminant analysis and raw financial ratios 'versus' industry-relative ratios: an empirical study. International Review of Financial Analysis, 9, pp. 147-162.

BARNES, P., 2000. UK fraud manual. Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.

BARNES, P., 2000. The identification of U.K. takeover targets using published historical acounting data: some empirical evidence comparing logit with linear discriminant analysis and raw financial ratios with industry-relative ratios. International Review of Financial Analysis, 9 (2), pp. 147-162. ISSN 1057-5219

BARTON, H. and DELBRIDGE, R., 2000. 'Feeding the beast': a perspective on the changing roles of workers and supervisors in first tier automotive component suppliers in the US and UK. In: American Academy of Management, 2005.

BARTON, H. and DELBRIDGE, R., 2000. 'Feeding the beast': worker and supervisor views on their changing roles in first tier automotive component suppliers within the US and UK. In: 15th Annual Employment Research Unit Conference, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff, September, 2000, Cardiff.

BARTON, H. and DELBRIDGE, R., 2000. Human resource management for the learning factory. In: Lean Production and Labour Force in the Automobile Industry: The Forms of Implementation of an Epoch-Making Model [international workshop], University of Calabria, Rende, Italy, March, 2000, Rende.

BARTON, H. and DELBRIDGE, R., 2000. Worker and supervisor views on their changing roles in first tier automotive component suppliers within the US and UK. Management Research News, 23. ISSN 0140-9174

BRITTAIN, P. and COX, R., 2000. Retail management. Pitman Publishing.

BRUCE, A.C. and JOHNSON, J.E.V., 2000. Investigating the roots of the favourite–longshot bias: an analysis of decision making by supply‐ and demand‐side agents in parallel betting markets. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 13 (4), pp. 413-430. ISSN 0894-3257

BRYSON, C. and TANSLEY, C., 2000. An evaluation of virtual seminars in an undergraduate setting. In: 11th International Conference on Teaching and Learning, Jacksonville, Florida, 11-13 April 2000, Jackson, FL, USA.

BUGLEAR, J., 2000. Stats to go. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.


CAVEN, V., 2000. Women's career orientations and commitment in professional employment. In: British Academy of Management Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 2000, Edinburgh, UK.

CAVEN, V. and ROWLINSON, M., 2000. Gender and mainstream organisation theory. In: British Academy of Management Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 2000, Edinburgh, UK.

CLARK, I., 2000. The productivity race: British manufacturing in historical perspective, 1850-1990. Historical Studies in Industrial Relations (9), pp. 133-146. ISSN 1362-1572

CLEWES, D., 2000. Service quality in higher education - the consumer's expectations and evaluation of experience. MPhil, Nottingham Trent University.

COCKERILL, T., LIDDLE, J. and SOUTHERN, A., 2000. Changes to the North East region - local dynamic: new forms of governance from traditional public sector structures? In: Annual Public Administration Committee Conference, University of Durham, Durham, 4-6 September 2000, Durham.

COCKERILL, T., LIDDLE, J. and SOUTHERN, A., 2000. Changes to the North East region - local dynamic: new forms of governance from traditional public sector structures? Public Policy and Administration, 15 (2), pp. 110-126.

COCKERILL, T., LIDDLE, J. and SOUTHERN, A., 2000. Developing sub-regional partnerships to deliver RDA strategies: the case of One North East. In: L. MONTANHEIRO and M. LINEHAM, eds., Public and private sector partnerships: the enabling mix. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam Press, pp. 155-172. ISBN 0863398952

COOKE, A. and CHAPPLE, W., 2000. Merger activity in the waste disposal industry: the impact and implications of the Environmental Protection Act. Applied Economics, 32, pp. 749-755.

COOKE, A., CHAPPLE, W., GALT, V. and PATON, D., 2000. Voluntary investment in environmental standards in the UK manufacturing sector. Global Business and Economics Review, pp. 371-379.

CORRIGAN, P. and JOYCE, P., 2000. Reconnecting to the public. Urban Studies, 37 (10), pp. 1771-1780.


DELBRIDGE, R. and BARTON, H., 2000. Crossing boundaries in the learning factory: evidence of cross-functional and inter-organizational knowledge transfer in the auto components industry. In: R. VAN DIERDONCK and A. VEREECKE, eds., Operations management: crossing borders and boundaries: the changing role of operations. Academia Press, pp. 182-190. ISBN 9038202466

DOBSON, S., DAWSON, P. and GERRARD, B., 2000. Estimating coaching efficiency in professional team sports: evidence from English association football. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 47 (4), pp. 399-421.

DOBSON, S., DAWSON, P. and GERRARD, B., 2000. Stochastic frontiers and the temporal structure of managerial efficiency in English soccer. Journal of Sports Economics, 1 (4), pp. 341-362.

DOBSON, S. and GERRARD, B., 2000. Testing for monopoly rents in the market for playing talent: evidence from English professional football. Journal of Economic Studies, 27 (3), pp. 142-164.

DOBSON, S., GERRARD, B. and HOWE, S., 2000. The determination of transfer fees in English non-league football. Applied Economics, 32 (9), pp. 1145-1152.

DOBSON, S. and PALFREMAN, S., 2000. Grundlaggande national ekonomi. Liber Ekonomi. ISBN 9147063645


EARL, R., THOMAS, G. and BLACKMORE, B.S., 2000. The potential role of GIS in autonomous field operations. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 25 (12), pp. 107-120. ISSN 0168-1699

EASAW, J. and GARRATT, D., 2000. Elections and UK government expenditure cycles in the 1980s: an empirical analysis. Applied Economics, 32 (3), pp. 381-391.

ELKAN, R., KENDRICK, D., HEWITT, M., ROBINSON, J.J.A., TOLLEY, K., BLAIR, M., DEWEY, M., WILLIAMS, D. and BRUMMELL, K., 2000. The effectiveness of domiciliary health visiting: a systematic review of international studies and a selective review of the British literature. Health Technology Assessment, 4 (13), pp. 1-339. ISSN 1366-5278


FOSTER, C., 2000. Managing staff diversity in the retailing sector. In: AM2000 Academy of Marketing Conference, Derby University, Derby, July, 2000, Derby University.


GARRATT, D., 2000. Consumer confidence and UK house price inflation. Housing Finance, 46.

GARRATT, D., 2000. The housing market and the new macroeconomic framework. Housing Finance, 48, pp. 31-39.


HAGEN, R., 2000. Globalization: pressures for university transformation and economic regeneration: an exemplar of public/private sector strategic alliances and the role of heuristic knowledge. In: 6th International Conference on Public and Private Sector Partnerships: The Enabling Mix, Cork, Ireland, 24-27 May 2000.

HEALEY, N., 2000. European monetary union: one money, one Europe? In: P. LYNCH, N. NEUWAHL and W. REES, eds., Reforming the European Union: from Maastricht to Amsterdam. Longman, pp. 87-107.

HEALEY, N., DIMOV, I., SNOWDON, B. and VANE, H., 2000. Macroeconomics. Abagar Press.

HEALEY, N., GONAY-HOUEL, A., KASHIN, V. and MISIKHINA, S., 2000. Social targeting in Russia: problems and recommendations. Society and Economy in Central and Eastern Europe (1), pp. 156-179.

HEALEY, N. and ILIEVA, J., 2000. Central bank independence in selected transition economies. Slovo, 12, pp. 87-103.

HEALEY, N. and ILIEVA, J., 2000. Central banking and economic transition. Mamara Journal of European Studies, 8 (12), pp. 183-204.

HEWITT, M., 2000. Reviewing the literature. In: M. SAKS, M. WILLIAMS and B. HANCOCK, eds., Developing research in primary care. Abingdon: Radcliffe Medical Press. ISBN 9781857753974

HOLDAWAY, S., DAVIDSON, N. and DIGNAN, J., 2000. New strategies to address youth offending. London: HMSO.


IBRAHIM, G., 2000. The structural responses of Romanian industries to transition from a planned to market economy. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.


JOYCE, P., 2000. Developing the capacity for modernisation. SOLACE Journal, pp. 18-19.

JOYCE, P., 2000. Strategy in the public sector: a guide to effective change management. Chichester: Wiley.


KAMOCHE, K., 2000. Developing managers: the functional, the symbolic, the sacred and the profane. Organization Studies, 21 (4), pp. 749-776.

KAMOCHE, K., 2000. From boom to bust: the challenges of managing people in Thailand. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 11 (2), pp. 452-468.

KAMOCHE, K., 2000. Sociological paradigms and human resources: an African context. Aldershot: Ashgate.

KAMOCHE, K., 2000. The social-philosophical rationale underpinning human resource strategies in turbulent times: Thailand and Vietnam. In: International Industrial Relations Association (IRRA), 12th World Congress, Tokyo, Japan, May/June, 2000, Tokyo.

KAMOCHE, K., CUNHA, M.P. and CUNHA, J.V., 2000. The age of emergence: toward a new organizational mindset. In: Society for the Advancement of Management International Conference, St. Augustine, Florida, USA, March/April, 2000, St. Augustine.

KENDRICK, D., ELKAN, R., HEWITT, M., DEWEY, M., BLAIR, M., ROBINSON, J., WILLIAMS, D. and BRUMMELL, K., 2000. Does home visiting improve parenting and the quality of the home environment? A systematic review and meta analysis. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 82 (6), pp. 443-451. ISSN 0003-9888

KENDRICK, D., HEWITT, M., DEWEY, M., ELKAN, R., BLAIR, M., ROBINSON, J., WILLIAMS, D. and BRUMMELL, K., 2000. The effect of home visiting programmes on uptake of childhood immunization: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Public Health Medicine, 22 (1), pp. 90-98. ISSN 0957-4832

KNIGHT, C., 2000. Western educational intervention in former Soviet Union higher education: the case of Uzbekistan. Education in Russia, the Independent States and Eastern Europe, 18 (1), pp. 9-25.

KNOX, K.T., 2000. Contemporary issues in Asia Pacific tourism in 1997 and 1998: a thematic perspective. The International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 1 (2).


LASHLEY, C. and ROWSON, B., 2000. Is there breath on the mirror? Selecting and supporting tenants and lessees in licensed retailing. In: Paper presented at the British Institute of Innkeeping Trades Forum 2000, Wolverhampton.

LASHLEY, C. and ROWSON, W., 2000. Wasted millions: staff turnover in licensed retailing. In: Paper presented to the 9th Annual CHME Research Conference 2000, Huddersfield.

LIDDLE, J., 2000. Educating public service managers in a changing local and regional governance framework. Teaching Public Administration (2), pp. 14-26.

LIDDLE, J., 2000. Newcastle versus Sunderland: competing, collaborating or simply reconciling city-wide and regional objectives? In: Two Speed Cities? Cities and Urban Development in the New Millennium. RSA Conference, 2000. Seaford: RSA, pp. 34-39. ISBN 1897721145

LIDDLE, J. and OVERTON, M., 2000. Partnerships, participation and power: evaluating inter-authority environmental health partnerships in the NE of England (The Air Quality Management Initiative). International Journal of Public Private Partner Partnerships, 2 (1), pp. 173-196.

LIDDLE, J. and STEVENS, C., 2000. Managing the North-South divide within a region: can the regeneration of sub-regions be achieved without a democratic settlement? A comparison of Tyneside and Teesside. In: Regeneration Management Research Workshop, University of Durham Business School, Durham, 15 November 2000, Durham.

LOAN-CLARKE, J., BOOCOCK, J.G., SMITH, A.J. and WHITTAKER, J., 2000. Competence-based management development in small and medium-sized enterprises: a multi-stakeholder analysis. International Journal of Training and Development, 4 (3), pp. 176-195. ISSN 1360-3736


MASSEY, M.L., 2000. An investigation into apparel and textile supply chain developments. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

MCELWEE, G. and HOLMES, G., 2000. Entrepreneurship: a theory full of holes. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 1 (1), pp. 4-6. ISSN 1465-7503

MCELWEE, G. and SCOTT, I., 2000. Planning for a successful teaching quality assessment exercise in business and management: a case study. Quality Assurance in Education, 8 (3), pp. 147-152.

MCELWEE, G. and WARREN, L., 2000. Investor-entrepreneur relations: past research and future challenges. In: RENT XIV, Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Prague, Czech Republic, 23-24 November 2000, Prague.

MCELWEE, G. and WARREN, L., 2000. The relationship between total quality management and human resource management in growing organisations. Journal of Strategic Change, 9 (7), pp. 427-435.

MCLACHLAN, S. and GOLDING, P., 2000. Tabloidization in the British press: a quantitative investigation into changes within British newspapers from 1952-1997. In: C. SPARKS and J. TULLOCH, eds., Tabloid tales: global debates over media standards. London: Hampton Press, pp. 75-90. ISBN 9780847695713

MILLER, S. and HAGEN, R., 2000. Managing in a multiculturally diverse world: a paradigm Shift in management education [guest presenter]. In: European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Finland, June 2000.

MILLER, S. and HAGEN, R., 2000. The nature of academic praxis. In: EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies) Colloquium 2000, Helsinki, Finland. (Unpublished)

MOLTHAN, P., 2000. Ethical investment: how to set up an ethical/environmental investment strategy in a newly formed responsible Shareholding Unit? Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

MURPHY, P., 2000. First Options Review: Inspectorate review an opportunity for radical agenda. Planning Newspaper.

MURPHY, P., PERCIVAL, R. and MOORE, K., 2000. A guide to best value and planning. Aylesbury: Planning Officers Society.


OTT, U.F., 2000. International joint ventures: a common agency game. In: Games 2000: First World Congress of the Game Theory Society, Basque Country University and Fundacion B.B.V., Bilbao, Spain, 24-28 July 2000.

OTT, U.F., 2000. International joint ventures: a common agency problem. Global Business & Economics Review, 2 (1), pp. 67-84. ISSN 1097-4954

OTT, U.F., 2000. Termination and endgame scenarios in international joint ventures. Global Business & Economics Review, 2 (2), pp. 172-184. ISSN 1097-4954


PHILP, B., 2000. Game theory, Marxism and the foundations of collective action. Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, 11 (1), pp. 77-94.

PROWLE, M.J., 2000. The development of costing systems in the public sector. Accounting and Business.


RENWICK, D., 2000. HR‐line work relations: a review, pilot case and research agenda. Employee Relations: the International Journal, 22 (2), pp. 179-201. ISSN 0142-5455

ROBINSON, E., 2000. What is feminism? [book review]. Journal of European Area Studies, 8 (1).

ROCKWELL, L.A., HANNON, P.D. and SMITH, A.J., 2000. Beyond functional competence: a competence based approach to developing entrepreneurialism. In: 2000 Small Business and Enterprise Development Conference, University of Manchester, Manchester, 10-11 April 2000.

ROWSON, W., 2000. Much ado about nothing: the impact on small hotels of the national minimum wage. Hospitality Review, 2 (1), pp. 15-17. ISSN 1464-9101


SOLACE, I&DEA [IMPROVEMENT and DEVELOPMENT AGENCY] and LGA [LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION], 2000. Best value and sustainability: checklist. London: SOLACE (Society of Local Authority Chief Executives).

SAMRA-FREDERICKS, D., 2000. Doing 'boards-in-action' research - an ethnographic approach for the capture and analysis of directors and senior managers' interactive routines. Corporate Governance: an International Review, 8 (3), pp. 244-257. ISSN 0964-8410

SAMRA-FREDERICKS, D., 2000. An analysis of the behavioural dynamics of corporate governance: a talk-based ethnography of a UK manufacturing 'board-in-action'. Corporate Governance: an International Review, 8 (4), pp. 311-325.

SHACKLEY, M., 2000. Flagship species; case studies in wildlife tourism management. Vermont: Ecotourism Society.

SMITH, D., 2000. Risk simulation and the appraisal of investment projects. Computers in Higher Education Economics Review, 14 (1), pp. 5-14. ISSN 1358-5363

STRATTON, R., TRANFIELD, G., DISNEY, J. and MCCOLLIN, C., 2000. Operations management. London: Financial Times Knowledge. ISBN 0273636677


TANSLEY, C., 2000. Creating a knowledge community to develop IT across the faculty. In: 8th Learning and Teaching Conference, Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK, 6 July 2000, Nottingham, UK.

TANSLEY, C., 2000. The vexed relationship between ontology, epistemology and methodology - a reflection on ethnographic practice. In: European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS) Conference: Organisational Praxis, Helsinki, Finland, 2-4 July 2000, Helsinki, Finland.

TANSLEY, C. and BRYSON, C., 2000. Virtual seminars - a viable substitute for traditional approaches? Innovations in Education and Training International, 37 (4), pp. 335-345. ISSN 1355-8005

TANSLEY, C. and BRYSON, C., 2000. Virtual seminars: an evaluation of processes and outcomes. In: 7th Teaching and Learning Conference, Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK, 2000, Nottingham, UK.

TANSLEY, C. and NEWELL, S., 2000. Creating project comminities: the importance of selection and socialization. In: 1st Knowledge Management: Concepts and Controversies Conference, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, 10-11 February, 2000.

THOMAS, G., SANNIER, C.A.D. and TAYLOR, J.C., 2000. Mapping systems and GIS: a case study using the Ghana National Grid. The Geographical Journal, 166 (4), pp. 306-311. ISSN 0016-7398

THOMAS, R., LASHLEY, C., ROWSON, B., XIE, Y., JAMESON, S., EAGLEN, A., LINCOLN, G. and PARSONS, D., 2000. The national survey of small tourism and hospitality firms: 2000, skills demands and training practices. Leeds: Leeds Metropolitan University.


WHYSALL, P., 2000. Addressing ethical issues in retailing: a stakeholder perspective. International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 10 (3), pp. 305-318. ISSN 0959-3969

WHYSALL, P., 2000. The Marketing Review. UNSPECIFIED.

WHYSALL, P., 2000. Retailing and the Internet: a review of ethical issues. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 28 (11), pp. 481-489. ISSN 0959-0552

WHYSALL, P., 2000. Stakeholder mismanagement in retailing: a British perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 23 (1), pp. 19-28. ISSN 0167-4544

WOODALL, T. and KERBY, S., 2000. Customer relations management [distance learning workbook]. London: Financial Times Knowledge Ltd.. ISBN 0273636634


ZHANG, M., 2000. Learning to innovate: can China's automotive industry become a 'pillar' industry? In: 11th CEA (Chinese Economic Association UK) Annual Conference, Middlesex University, London, 17-18 April 2000, London.

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