Items where Author is "Godber, SX"

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Number of items: 51.

Journal article

SHEVCHUK, A., EVANS, J.P.O., DICKEN, A.J., ELARNAUT, F., DOWNES, D., GODBER, S.X. and ROGERS, K.D., 2019. Combined X-ray diffraction and absorption tomography using a conical shell beam. Optics Express, 27 (15), pp. 21092-21101. ISSN 1094-4087

DICKEN, A.J., EVANS, J.P.O., ROGERS, K.D., PROKOPIOU, D., GODBER, S.X., ELARNAUT, F., SHEVCHUK, A., DOWNES, D. and WILSON, M., 2019. Confocal energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction tomography employing a conical shell beam. Optics Express, 27 (14), pp. 19834-19841. ISSN 1094-4087

ELARNAUT, F., EVANS, J.P.O., DOWNES, D., DICKEN, A.J., GODBER, S.X. and ROGERS, K.D., 2017. Sporadic absorption tomography using a conical shell X-ray beam. Optics Express, 25 (26), pp. 33029-33042. ISSN 1094-4087

DICKEN, A.J., EVANS, J.P.O., ROGERS, K.D., PROKOPIOU, D., GODBER, S.X. and WILSON, M., 2017. Depth resolved snapshot energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction using a conical shell beam. Optics Express, 25 (18), pp. 21321-21328. ISSN 1094-4087

EVANS, J.P.O., GODBER, S.X., ELARNAUT, F., DOWNES, D., DICKEN, A.J. and ROGERS, K.D., 2016. X-ray absorption tomography employing a conical shell beam. Optics Express, 24 (25), p. 29048. ISSN 1094-4087

DICKEN, A.J., EVANS, J.P.O., ROGERS, K.D., STONE, N., GREENWOOD, C., GODBER, S.X., CLEMENT, J.G., LYBURN, I.D., MARTIN, R.M. and ZIOUPOS, P., 2016. Classification of fracture and non-fracture groups by analysis of coherent X-ray scatter. Scientific Reports, 6, p. 29011. ISSN 2045-2322

DICKEN, A., EVANS, J.P.O., ROGERS, K.D., GREENWOOD, C., GODBER, S.X., PROKOPIOU, D., STONE, N., CLEMENT, J.G., LYBURN, I., MARTIN, R.M. and ZIOUPOS, P., 2015. Energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction using an annular beam. Optics Express, 23 (10), pp. 13443-13454. ISSN 1094-4087

DICKEN, A.J., EVANS, J.P.O., ROGERS, K.D., STONE, N., GREENWOOD, C., GODBER, S.X., PROKOPIOU, D., CLEMENT, J.G., LYBURN, I.D., MARTIN, R.M. and ZIOUPOS, P., 2015. X-ray diffraction from bone employing annular and semi-annular beams. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 60 (15), pp. 5803-5812. ISSN 0031-9155

EVANS, J.P.O., ROBINSON, M. and GODBER, S.X., 1998. Pseudo-tomographic x-ray imaging for use in aviation security. Ieee Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, 13 (7), pp. 25-30. ISSN 0885-8985

EVANS, J.P.O., ROBINSON, M. and GODBER, S.X., 1997. 3D Xray image modelling - latest developments. ECOS 97, London, April, 1997, 437, pp. 1-4. ISSN 0537-9989

ROBINSON, M., EVANS, J.P.O. and GODBER, S.X., 1996. A 3D (stereoscopic) X-ray imaging technique based on linear array detectors. IEE Colloquium on Digital Mammography, March, 1996, 199607. ISSN 0963-3308

EVANS, J.P.O., ROBINSON, M. and GODBER, S.X., 1996. Identification of volume elements in a 3-D X-ray imaging system. Electronics Letters, 32 (7), pp. 644-645. ISSN 0013-5194

EVANS, J.P.O., ROBINSON, M. and GODBER, S.X., 1996. A new stereoscopic X-ray imaging technique using a single X-ray source: Theoretical analysis. NDT AND E International, 29 (1), pp. 27-35. ISSN 0963-8695

GODBER, S.X., ROBINSON, M. and EVANS, J.P.O., 1995. Line-scan sensor - an alternative sensor modality for the extraction of 3-dimensional coordinate information. Optical Engineering, 34 (10), pp. 3044-3054. ISSN 0091-3286

EVANS, J.P.O., ROBINSON, M., GODBER, S.X. and MURRAY, N., 1995. Solid image models derived from security X-ray equipment. ECOS European Conference on Security and Detection, Brighton, May, 1995, 408, pp. 306-309. ISSN 0537-9989

GODBER, S.X., PETTY, R., ROBINSON, M. and EVANS, P., 1994. Line-scan vision systems using rotational movement. ISPRS Commission V Intercongress Symposium: Close Range Imaging Systems and Their Performance, Melbourne, Australia, March, 1994, pp. 109-113. ISSN 0256-1840

GODBER, S.X., EVANS, P. and ROBINSON, M., 1994. Three-dimensional X-ray imaging techniques. ISPRS Commission V Intercongress Symposium: Biostereometrics and Medical Imaging, Melbourne, Australia, March, 1994, pp. 114-117. ISSN 0256-1840

GODBER, S.X., ROBINSON, M. and EVANS, P., 1993. A versatile robot vision system using line-scan sensors. OE/Aerospace Science and Sensing, Intelligent Information Systems, Applications of AI XI: Machine Vision and Robotics, Orlando, USA, April, 1993, 1964, pp. 159-169. ISSN 1019-0716

GODBER, S.X., ROBINSON, M. and EVANS, P., 1992. Stereoscopic vision using line-scan sensors. XVII ISPRS Congress, Commission V, Washington D.C., USA, August, 1992, pp. 618-627. ISSN 0256-1840

Chapter in book

ZOGRAPHOS, A.N., EVANS, J.P.O., GODBER, S.X. and ROBINSON, M., 1997. Line-scan system for all-round inspection of objects. In: S.F. EL-HAKIM, ed., Proceedings SPIE 3174: Videometrics V. Bellingham, Washington: SPIE. ISBN 0819425966

PETTY, R.S., GODBER, S.X., EVANS, J.P.O. and ROBINSON, M., 1996. 3-D line-scan imaging system for robotic measurement. In: M.R. DESCOUR, K.G. HARDING and D.J. SVETKOFF, eds., Three-dimensional and unconventional imaging for industrial inspection and metrology. Bellingham, WA: SPIE, pp. 129-140. ISBN 081941963X

GODBER, S.X., EVANS, J.P.O., ROBINSON, M., MURRAY, N., MASON, P. and LACEY, D., 1996. From stereoscopic X-ray images to 2 1/2-D volume visualisation. In: G.G. GRINSTEIN and R.F. ERBACHER, eds., Visual data exploration and analysis III. Bellingham, WA: SPIE, pp. 2-11. ISBN 819420301

EVANS, J.P.O., GODBER, S.X. and ROBINSON, M., 1996. The derivation of 21/2-D image models from one-dimensional x-ray image sensors. In: M.T. BOLAS, S.S. FISHER and J.O. MERRITT, eds., Stereoscopic displays and virtual reality systems III. Bellingham, WA: SPIE, pp. 189-193. ISBN 819420271

GODBER, S.X., PETTY, R.S., EVANS, J.P.O. and ROBINSON, M., 1995. 3-D line-scan image acquisition from a rotating platform. In: W.G. FISHELL, A.A. ANDRAITIS and P.A. HENKEL, eds., Airbourne reconnaissance XIX. San Diego: SPIE, pp. 135-144. ISBN 819419141

EVANS, J.P.O., ROBINSON, M., GODBER, S.X. and PETTY, R.S., 1995. The development of 3D (stereoscopic) imaging systems for security applications. In: 29th IEEE International Carnahan Conference, Sanderstead, Surrey, October, 1995. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 505-511. ISBN 078032627X

PETTY, R.S., GODBER, S.X., EVANS, J.P.O. and ROBINSON, M., 1995. A rotating 3D line-scan imaging system for co-ordinate measurement. In: ISPRS Conference on Optical 3D Measurement Techniques, Vienna, October, 1995. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 372-381. ISBN 3879072752

GODBER, S.X., PETTY, R.S., ROBINSON, M. and EVANS, P., 1994. One-dimensional sensors for robotics control. In: International Dedicated Conference on Robotics, Motion and Machine Vision, Aachen, Germany, November, 1994. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 345-352. ISBN 0947719695

EVANS, J.P.O., GODBER, S.X. and ROBINSON, M., 1994. Three-dimensional X-ray imaging techniques. In: Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology: Stereoscopic Displays and Applications V, California, U.S.A., February, 1994. SPIE, pp. 161-165. ISBN 0819414727

GODBER, S.X., ROBINSON, M. and EVANS, P., 1994. Versatile stereoscopic line-scan imaging systems. In: Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology: Cameras, Scanners and Image Acquisition Systems II, California, U.S.A., February, 1994. SPIE, pp. 189-194. ISBN 0819414689

GODBER, S.X., PETTY, R., ROBINSON, M. and EVANS, P., 1994. A panoramic line-scan imaging system for teleoperator control. In: Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology: Stereoscopic Displays and Applications V, California, U.S.A., February, 1994. SPIE, pp. 247-257. ISBN 0819414727

ROBINSON, M., GODBER, S.X. and EVANS, P., 1993. 3D X-ray image manipulation. In: Substance Identification Technologies: Signal and Image Processing for Detection Systems, Innsbruck, Austria, October 1993. SPIE, pp. 483-487. ISBN 0819413666

GODBER, S.X., ROBINSON, M. and EVANS, P., 1993. Line-scan inspection systems for the manufacturing environment. In: Ninth National Conference on Manufacturing Research, Bath, September, 1993. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 341-345. ISBN 0185790007

GODBER, S.X., ROBINSON, M. and EVANS, P., 1993. Stereoscopic line-scan systems for robotic control. In: Intelligent Autonomous Systems: IAS3, Pittsburgh, USA, February, 1993. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 2-13. ISBN 9051991223

GODBER, S.X., ROBINSON, M. and EVANS, P., 1991. Three-dimensional machine vision using line-scan sensors. In: Industrial Vision Metrology, Winnipeg, Canada, July, 1991. SPIE, pp. 170-189. ISBN 0819406546

Conference contribution

GODBER, S.X., PETTY, R.S., EVANS, J.P.O. and ROBINSON, M., 2008. 3-D line-scan image acquisition from a rotating platform. In: Airborne Reconnaissance XIX Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, 11-12 July 1995, San Diego, CA, USA.

GODBER, S.X., EVANS, J.P.O., ROBINSON, M., MURRAY, N., MASON, P. and LACEY, D., 2008. From stereoscopic X-ray images to 2 1/2-D volume visualisation. In: Conference on Visual Data Exploration and Analysis III, San Jose, CA, USA, 31 January - 2 February 1996, San Jose, CA, USA.

ZOGRAPHOS, A., ROBINSON, M., GODBER, S.X. and EVANS, J.P.O., 1997. A system for the inspection of rotating objects. In: SPIE Videometrics V, San Diego, June, 1997, San Diego.

EVANS, J.P.O., GODBER, S.X. and ROBINSON, M., 1996. Derivation of 2.5D image models from one-dimensional x-ray image sensors. In: SPIE: Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology, San Jose, CA, USA, 10 April 1996.

GODBER, S.X., EVANS, J.P.O., ROBINSON, M., MURRAY, N.C., MASON, P. and LACEY, D., 1996. From stereoscopic x-ray images to 2.5-D volume visualization. In: SPIE: Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology, San Jose, CA, USA, 8 March 1996.

EVANS, J.P.O., GODBER, S.X. and ROBINSON, M., 1996. The derivation of 21/2-D image models from one-dimensional x-ray image sensors. In: Conference on Stereoscopic Displays and Applications VII/Complementary Conference - The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality 1996, San Jose, CA, USA, 30 January - 2 February 1996, San Jose, CA.

PETTY, R.S., GODBER, S.X., EVANS, J.P.O. and ROBINSON, M., 1995. 3-D line-scan imaging system for robotic measurement. In: Conference on Three-Dimensional and Unconventional Imaging for Industrial Inspection and Metrology, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 23-25 October 1995, Philadelphia, PA, USA,.

PETTY, R.S., GODBER, S.X., ROBINSON, M. and EVANS, J.P.O., 1995. 3D vision systems using rotating 1-D sensors. In: IEE Colloquium on 'The Application of Machine Vision', London, May, 1995, London.

ROBINSON, M., EVANS, J.P.O. and GODBER, S.X., 1995. Advanced 3D imaging techniques applied to security X-ray systems. In: ONDCP International Technology Symposium on Counter-Drug Law Enforcement: Applied Technology for Improved Operational Effectiveness, 10-1, Nashua, New Hampshire, USA, October, 1995, Nashua, New Hampshire.

GODBER, S.X., PETTY, R.S., EVANS, J.P.O. and ROBINSON, M., 1995. Novel stereoscopic line-scan image production. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Stereoscopic and Three-Dimensional Imaging, Greece.

EVANS, J.P.O., ROBINSON, M. and GODBER, S.X., 1994. Stereoscopic imaging systems for both robotic use and the decommissioning of nuclear power plants. In: ETAR '94: Emerging Technologies in Advanced Robotics, Windermere, September, 1994, Windermere.

GODBER, S.X., ROBINSON, M. and EVANS, P., 1993. Line-scan vision systems. In: International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Device Engineering: Computer Vision for Industry, Munich, Germany, June, 1993, Munich.

GODBER, S.X., ROBINSON, M. and EVANS, P., 1993. Panoramic viewing using a 3D line-scan camera technique. In: Tactical Technologies and Wide Area Surveillance International Symposium, Chicago, U.S.A., November 1993, Chicago.

EVANS, J.P.O., GODBER, S.X. and ROBINSON, M., 1993. Stereoscopic X-ray systems for airport security applications. In: 4th European Workshop on Three-Dimensional TV, Rome, Italy, October, 1993, Rome.

GODBER, S.X., PETTY, R., ROBINSON, M. and EVANS, P., 1993. Stereoscopic line-scan systems using rotational movement. In: 4th European Workshop on Three-Dimensional TV, Rome, Italy, October, 1993, Rome.


GODBER, S.X., 2014. Annular beam X-ray imaging. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

GODBER, S.X., 1991. The development of novel stereoscopic imaging sensors. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

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