Items where Division is "Nottingham School of Art & Design" and Year is 2024
ADLAM, C., 2024. The Russian detective. London: Jonathan Cape. ISBN 9781787334724 (Forthcoming)
AGBIKI, T., ARM, R., HEWSON, D.W., ERDODY, S., NORRIS, A.M., CORREIA, R., KORPOSH, S., HAYES-GILL, B.R., SHAHIDI, A. and MORGAN, S.P., 2024. Fabrication and assessment of a bio-inspired synthetic tracheal tissue model for tracheal tube cuff leakage testing. BJA Open, 10: 100290. ISSN 2772-6096
ALI, I., ISLAM, M.R., YIN, J., EICHHORN, S.J., CHEN, J., KARIM, N. and AFROJ, S., 2024. Advances in smart photovoltaic textiles. ACS Nano. ISSN 1936-0851
ALI, I., KARIM, N. and AFROJ, S., 2024. Textile‐based triboelectric nanogenerators integrated with 2D materials. EcoMat. ISSN 2567-3173
AMANKWAH, A.M., APPIAH, E., FRIMPONG, C. and KENT, A., 2024. The role of developing countries in the global fashion industry sustainability discourse: Ghana in perspective - a narrative review. Sustinere: Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 8 (1), pp. 1-15. ISSN 2549-1245
ARLIANTI, I., JUNAIDY, D.W. and KANER, J., 2024. Historical study of the use of low seat dingklik in Java in the socioeconomic activities of the colonial era (1800-1900). Dutch Crossing. ISSN 0309-6564
ARM, R., SHAHIDI, A., PÎSLARU, A., MARASINGHE, K., BIBB, R. and HUGHES-RILEY, T., 2024. Mechanical behavior of oil-saturated silicone membranes for adipose tissue synthesis in clinical and theatrical prosthesis. Prosthesis, 6 (6), pp. 1340-1358. ISSN 2673-1592
ASPINALL, M. and TWIGGER HOLROYD, A., 2024. Fashion fictions: student experiences of designing sustainable fashion worlds. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education. ISSN 1754-3266
BENNETT, S., BRACEY, A. and MAIER, D., 2024. Controlled rummage approaches for Bummock: Tennyson Research Centre. Journal for Artistic Research (32). ISSN 2235-0225
BIBB, R., EGGBEER, D., PATERSON, A. and IQBAL MOHAMMED, M., 2024. Research applications case study 6—biomodeling with bio-inspired soft materials. In: Medical modeling: the application of advanced design and additive manufacturing techniques in medicine. Elsevier, pp. 743-763. ISBN 9780323957335
BRAITHWAITE, N., 2024. Dataset for the virtual shoe salon project. [Dataset]
BRAITHWAITE, N., 2024. Dizzy heights: a step into the exotic, exciting and sometimes surprising history of high heeled shoes. In: Tisbury History Society programme of talks and visits, Tisbury, 12 March 2024.
BRAITHWAITE, N., 2024. From fast fashion to excessive earrings, these trends might be harmful to your health. The Conversation.
BRAITHWAITE, N., 2024. High hemlines and maximum thigh exposure: a brief history of men's shorts. The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032
BRAITHWAITE, N., 2024. Mode masculine: une courte histoire du short. The Conversation. ISSN 2044-5032
BRAITHWAITE, N., 2024. Where's Wilma? Dementia Shorts, Online, 27 February 2024.
BRAITHWAITE, N. and TRENCHER, L., 2024. Building a student community for social change: how institutional collaboration and peer learning supports a strategy for embedding sustainability within fashion business education. In: T. WALL, L.V. TREVISAN, W.L. FILHO and A. SHORE, eds., Sustainability in business education, research and practices. World Sustainability Series . Cham, Switzerland: Springer. ISBN 9783031559952 (Forthcoming)
BRAITHWAITE, N. and TRENCHER, L., 2024. A green community for change, through sustainable development and entrepreneurship in the fashion business curriculum. In: L. TRENCHER, ed., North American and European perspectives on sustainability in higher education. Springer. (Forthcoming)
BRIGGS-GOODE, A., BAXTER, G., OUTTRAM, T. and CHILDS, J., 2024. Nottingham lace: stories of industrial decline and textile heritage. In: J. CIRKLOVÁ, ed., Prague - heritages: past and present - built and social. AMPS Proceedings Series (35.3). AMPS (Architecture, Media, Politics, Society), pp. 516-524.
BRIGGS-GOODE, A. and SEYMOUR, S., 2024. Reframing Nottingham lace: global connections and material journeys. In: Textile Society of America 2024 Symposium, Virtual, 12-17 November 2024.
BROWN, A., 2024. Soundwalking in contested space. In: V. ČERVIAKOV, ed., Walking is still honest. About being and moving together. Vilnius, Lithuania: Vilnius Academy of Arts Press, pp. 83-99. ISBN 9786094474040
BROWN, A., 2024. Soundwalking in space-time. Kaylla (3), pp. 71-88. ISSN 2955-8697
BROWN, K. and COCKER, E., 2024. Dorsal practices — towards a back-oriented being-in-the-world. Humanities, 13 (2): 63. ISSN 2076-0787
COCKER, E., 2024. Dorsal practices – voicing from/with the back. In: Creatical Idiolects: Exploring Creative-Critical Synergies, Lancaster University (Online), 6 December 2024.
COCKER, E., 2024. Ecologies of reading: an approach to language-based artistic research. In: Words and Worlds Languages and Ecologies Symposium, Royal Holloway, University of London, London, 22 March 2024.
COCKER, E., 2024. Soft letting of language: listening for emergent wor(l)ds. In: Listen for Beginnings, Gustav Mahler Private University for Music Klagenfurt, Austria, 27-29 June 2024.
COCKER, E. and WENDEL, N., 2024. Ecology of relation: the appearance of the more. In: Drawing Articulations: A Radical Drawing Symposium, Leeds School of Arts, Leeds Beckett University, 26 June 2024.
COOKE, S., 2024. Craft learning at home: experiences of learning to make clothes at home using on- and offline resources. FORMakademisk, 17 (1). ISSN 1890-9515
COOKE, S., 2024. Material encounters: fashion sustainability examined through beginners’ experiences of learning to sew clothes at home. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.
CROCCO, M. and MONETA, A., 2024. Investigating the “Altera Forma Urbis”, the secret structural urban form of ancient Rome, by applying a sustainable innovative architectural design methodology for the challenges of the contemporary built environment. IASTE Working Paper Series: Cities in transformation, 331 (331), pp. 34-55.
DANG, C., WANG, Z., HUGHES-RILEY, T., DIAS, T., QIAN, S., WANG, Z., WANG, X., LIU, M., YU, S., LIU, R., XU, D., WEI, L., YAN, W. and ZHU, M., 2024. Fibres—threads of intelligence—enable a new generation of wearable systems. Chemical Society Reviews, 53 (17), pp. 8790-8846. ISSN 0306-0012
FISHER, T., 2024. Might repairing things repair people? An idea of disorderly repair. Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology. ISSN 1091-8264 (Forthcoming)
GORDON, S., 2024. Policy paired with technology. In: K. NIINIMÄKI, ed., Recycling and lifetime management in the textile and fashion sector. Boca Raton: CRC Press, pp. 195-213. ISBN 9780367490836
HAMILTON KNIGHT, M., 2024. Photography for architects: effective use of images in your architectural practice. London: Routledge. ISBN 9781032189116
HUGHES-RILEY, T., SHAHIDI, A.M., MARASINGHE, K., RAHEMTULLA, Z., EHELAGASTHENNA, M., EBRAHIMI, P., ARM, R., OLIVEIRA, C., HOLMQUIST, L.E. and DIAS, T., 2024. Wearable electronic textiles for healthcare, wellbeing, and protective applications. In: CHI 24: extended abstracts of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York: ACM. ISBN 9798400703317
HUNT, K., 2024. Finding sunbeams in the darkness: Michel Serres’s analogical thinking and the ethics of listening in The Zone of Interest. Film-Philosophy. ISSN 1466-4615 (Forthcoming)
HUNT, K., 2024. Michel Serres’s sensorial philosophy and the importance of skin in Francis Bacon’s nudes. Body and Society. ISSN 1357-034X
HUNT, K., 2024. Multiple knowledges and the non-human in Leviathan: Michel Serres and the power of creative practice. Senses of Cinema (109). ISSN 1443-4059
HUNT, K., 2024. A world made of noise: Michel Serres’s atomism and the patterns of knowledge in Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer (2023). In: Film-Philosophy Conference 2024, 1-3 July 2024.
HUNT, K., HAMBLIN, F., BAXTER, O., CONROY, M., TEA, H. and ALLCOCK, R., 2024. Accessibility and art: innovative audio description for contemporary art. In: NTU Institute for Knowledge Exchange Practice (IKEP) Conference 2024, Clifton Campus, Nottingham Trent University, 27 June 2024.
HUNT, K., HAMBLIN, F. and GRAY, E., 2024. Art and accessibility: interpretive audio description for contemporary art. In: Nottingham School of Art & Design (NSAD) Research & Innovation Conference 2024, Broadway Media Centre, Hockley, Nottingham, 05-06 June 2024.
ISLAM, M.H., AFROJ, S. and KARIM, N., 2024. Graphene-based high-performance pseudo-ductile glass-carbon/epoxy composites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 180: 108086. ISSN 1359-835X
ISLAM, M.R., AFROJ, S., NOVOSELOV, K.S. and KARIM, N., 2024. Inkjet‐printed 2D heterostructures for smart textile micro‐supercapacitors. Advanced Functional Materials. ISSN 1616-301X
KAILL, N., MOHAMMED, M., BIBB, R., RAHIMIFARD, S., QURONFULEH, B. and MARDINA, Z., 2024. Investigating the impact of decontamination on recycled ABS viability in additive manufacturing. In: Proceedings of the 35th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF2024). Austin, Texas: University of Texas at Austin, pp. 991-999.
KANER, J. and EDWARDS, C., 2024. Conservation of twentieth-century furniture. Routledge Series in Conservation and Museology . Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9780750656023
KHAN, S. and XING, Y., 2024. An inter-disciplinary toolkit for exploring passive zero carbon transition pathways for Wren’s city churches. London: The Square Mile Churches.
KOBEISSE, S. and HOLMQUIST, L.E., 2024. Moving inside the box: interacting with interpretation of historical artefacts through tangible augmented reality. In: W.-H. CHENG, W.-T. CHU, J. LIU, M. KIM and W. ZHANG, eds., MMAsia '23: Proceedings of the 5th ACM International Conference on Multimedia in Asia. ACM. ISBN 9798400702051
KUKSA, I., KENT, A. and WEST, H., 2024. Pathways to green personalisation: reducing consumption through design. The Design Journal. ISSN 1460-6925
KUSHNIR, I. and KUKSA, I., 2024. Interview materials from the oral history project ‘Ukrainian Refugees in the English Higher Education Sector’. [Dataset]
KUSHNIR, I., KUKSA, I., CALABRIA, V. and RICHARDS, E., 2024. Oral History Archive: Ukrainian refugees in the English higher education sector.
LUGODA, P., ARM, R., WOOLER, A., BARNES, L., BUTT, A.T., OLIVEIRA, C., SHAHIDI, A. and NAVARAJ, W., 2024. HaptiYarn: development of an actuator yarn that can transform everyday textiles into haptic devices. IEEE Transactions on Haptics. ISSN 1939-1412
MAIER, D., BROWN, A., LEE, J. and STEVENS, C., 2024. Returns: back stitch methodology as a reflective approach to artistic research. Research in Arts and Education, 2024 (1), pp. 192-206. ISSN 2670-2142
MANCIC, I., 2024. Artistic practice-based/autoethnographic exploration into the issues of belongings, identity, loss, and trauma through photography: the Yugoslav case. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.
MARRONCELLI, R., 2024. The emotional durability of fast fashion: male and female perspectives. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.
MCKNIGHT, L.M., BIBB, R. and COOPER, F., 2024. Seeing is believing – the application of three-dimensional modelling technologies to reconstruct the final hours in the life of an ancient Egyptian crocodile. Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 34: e00356. ISSN 2212-0548
NEMETH, S. and HOLMQUIST, L.E., 2024. Conjoint control: a practical approach to implementing physical interfaces in real-world settings. In: UNSPECIFIED Berlin: Springer. (Forthcoming)
NIEDDERER, K., TOWNSEND, K. and POTTER, G., 2024. Craft in times of change: making as a response to crisis. Craft Research, 15 (1), pp. 3-11. ISSN 2040-4689
PEIRSON-SMITH, A. and CLAXTON, S., 2024. Waste not, want not: re-routing garment and textile waste streams to create circular fashion design eco-systems in Bangladesh and beyond. In: K. NIINIMÄKI, ed., Recycling and lifetime management in the textile and fashion sector. Abingdon: CRC Press, pp. 115-143. ISBN 9780367490836
PERERA, N., SHAHIDI, A.M., MARASINGHE, K., KANER, J., OLIVEIRA, C., WICKENDEN, R., DIAS, T. and HUGHES-RILEY, T., 2024. Exploring sustainable approaches for electronic textile products and prototypes. Sensors, 24 (17): 5472. ISSN 1424-8220
RASHID, A. and KENT, A., 2024. Personalisation and restored clothing: exploring emotional attachment and longevity. In: 2024 AMA Global Marketing SIG (GMSIG) Conference, Verona, Italy, 24-26 May 2024. (Forthcoming)
SHAHIDI, A.M., MARASINGHE, K., EBRAHIMI, P., WOOD, J., RAHEMTULLA, Z., JOBLING, P., OLIVEIRA, C., DIAS, T. and HUGHES-RILEY, T., 2024. Quantification of fundamental textile properties of electronic textiles fabricated using different techniques. Textiles, 4 (2), pp. 218-236. ISSN 2673-7248
SHAWGI, L., 2024. Designing healthy aesthetics: exploring ‘lived experiences’ of women with Raynaud’s Syndrome to inform fashionable knitwear that support agency and wellbeing. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.
STORY, I., 2024. A cinematic calling card: Preludio 11 and Cuban-GDR cultural dialogue. Studies in World Cinema, 4 (1), pp. 1-22. ISSN 2665-9883
TAPIA, F., PRADEL, P. and BIBB, R., 2024. A conceptual model of industrial design practice. In: J. MALMQVIST, M. CANDI, R.J. SÆMUNDSSON, F. BYSTRÖM and O. ISAKSSON, eds., DS 130: Proceedings of NordDesign 2024, Reykjavik, Iceland, 12th - 14th August 2024. [Glasgow]: The Design Society, pp. 626-634. ISBN 9781912254217
TOWNSEND, K., 2024. PPE refashioned: crafting the gown of care. ASBCI Yearbook, 2024, pp. 20-24.
TOWNSEND, K. and NIEDDERER, K., 2024. Embodied craft practices: mindful flow, creativity, and collaboration as drivers for wellbeing. In: N. NIMKULRAT and C. GROTH, eds., Craft and design practice from an embodied perspective. London: Routledge, pp. 66-79. ISBN 9781032356815
TWIGGER HOLROYD, A., 2024. Fashion Fictions Worlds 1-120 analysis. [Dataset]
TWIGGER HOLROYD, A., 2024. Fashion Fictions: expanding the possibility of sustainable fashion systems. In: 4th Virtual Conference of the Possibility Studies Network 2025, Online, 20-21 January 2025.
TWIGGER HOLROYD, A., 2024. Embodied enactment of mundane clothes practices from sustainable worlds. In: Anticipation 24: 5th Annual conference on Anticipation, Lancaster University, Lancaster, 11-14 September 2024.
TWIGGER HOLROYD, A., 2024. Fashion Fictions World Tour: prototyping post-growth worlds. In: 10th International Degrowth Conference and 15th Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, University of Vigo, Pontevedra, 18-21 June 2024.
TWIGGER HOLROYD, A., 2024. Finding solidarity in Fashion Fictions. In: D. BRUGGEMAN, ed., Practicing solidarity: critical fashion and agency that matters. Arnhem: ArtEZ Press.
TWIGGER HOLROYD, A., 2024. Writing sustainable fashion worlds. In: A. SCHRAMME and N. VERBOVEN, eds., Sustainability and the fashion industry: can fashion save the world? Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9781032659053
TWIGGER HOLROYD, A. and POLLEN, A., 2024. Long views and acts of translation: finding usable pasts for sustainable fashion. Fashion Studies, 3 (1): 1. ISSN 2371-3453
YU, X., CHEN, L., ZHANG, J., YAN, W., HUGHES-RILEY, T., CHENG, Y. and ZHU, M., 2024. Structural design of light-emitting fibers and fabrics for wearable and smart devices. Science Bulletin. ISSN 2095-9273
ZHAN, W., ZHOU, C., HE, C. and KANER, J., 2024. Furniture design considerations with using smart display tables for customer interactions. BioResources, 19 (3), pp. 5168-5181. ISSN 1930-2126
ZHOU, C., GUO, J., ZHANG, Y., HUANG, T. and KANER, J., 2024. A home health management app designed in the post-epidemic era using empirical evidence based on the demand collection of elderly users. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11: 619. ISSN 2662-9992
ZHOU, C., QIAN, Y. and KANER, J., 2024. A study on smart home use intention of elderly consumers based on technology acceptance models. PLOS ONE, 19 (3): e0300574. ISSN 1932-6203
ZHOU, C., YU, R. and KANER, J., 2024. Evaluating functional ability in older adults’ object retrieval behavior from kitchen furniture using OpenPose and REBA. Scientific Reports, 14: 25560. ISSN 2045-2322
ZHOU, C., ZHANG, X. and KANER, J., 2024. Examining the factors affecting sustained use in smart interactive cabinet design: a comparative analysis using SEM and fsQCA. Heliyon, 10 (21): e39715. ISSN 2405-8440
ZHOU, C., ZHANG, Z., HUANG, T., GU, W. and KANER, J., 2024. A bibliometric analysis of interaction interface aging research: from 2003 to 2022. Sage Open, 14 (3). ISSN 2158-2440