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Number of items: 81.

UNSPECIFIED 1999. Victims of economic crime and the criminal process. In: R. HENHAM, P. BEHRENS, L. DE KOKER, B.A.K. RIDER and J.J. HENNING, eds., Victims of economic crime. Centre for Business Law, Faculty of Law, University of the Free State, Republic of South Africa.

AINSWORTH, S., UNDERWOOD, J. and GRIMSHAW, S., 1999. Formatively evaluating REDEEM - an authoring environment for intelligent tutoring systems. In: S. LAJOIE and M. VIVET, eds., Artificial intelligence in education - open learning environments. Amsterdam, pp. 93-100.

AIREY, D. and SHACKLEY, M., 1999. Bukhara (Uzbekistan) a former oasis town on the Silk Road. In: M. SHACKLEY, ed., Visitor management; case studies from world heritage sites. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, pp. 10-25.

AMIN, N. and SU, D., 1999. Development of Internet-based approach for optimising gear design in a multi-user environment. In: P.K. CHAWDHRY, ed., Advances in concurrent engineering. Pennsylvania: Technomic, pp. 368-374.

BARNETT, Y., KING, C., BRISTOW-CRAIG, H., WARNOCK, C., HYLAND, P., GILLESPIE, E., REA, M., MIDDLETON, D., CURRAN, M., PAWELEC, G. and BARNETT, C., 1999. Age-related increases in DNA damage and mutations in T cells in vivo and in vitro: contributors to alterations in T cell-mediated immune responses. In: G. PAWELEC, ed., EUCAMBIS: immunology and ageing in Europe. IOS Press, pp. 54-66. ISBN 9051994346

BARTLETT, D., CORRIGAN, P., DIBBEN, P., FRANKLIN, S., JOYCE, P., MCNULTY, T. and ROSE, A., 1999. Preparing for best value. In: Managing local services: from CCT to best value. London: Cass.

BELBIN, D., 1999. Rehearsal. In: Peacemaker and other stories. London: Heinemann Educational, pp. 48-66.

BLACK, G., 1999. Developing the concept for the Thackray Medical Museum. In: A. LEASK and I. YEOMAN, eds., Heritage visitor attractions: an operations management perspective. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 251-259. ISBN 0304702927

CHILTON, J.C., 1999. Space structures: computer aided learning (CAL) material developed by students. In: M. VOYATZAKI, ed., Architecture and Engineering: the Teaching of Architecture for Multidisciplinary Practice, European Association for Architectural Education, 1999 [conference proceedings]. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 489-491. ISBN 2930301007

CHILTON, J.C., 1999. Tension and membrane structures in the design studio. In: M. VOYATZAKI, ed., Architecture and Engineering: the Teaching of Architecture for Multidisciplinary Practice, European Association for Architectural Education, 1999 [conference proceedings]. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 369-375. ISBN 2930301007

CHILTON, J.C. and PARKINSON, A., 1999. Form and geometry of inflated fabric sculptures. In: R. ASTUDILLO and A.J. MADRID, eds., Shells and Spatial Structures from Recent Past to the Next Millennium, CEDEX, Madrid, 1999 [conference proceedings]. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 8477903425

CHING, J., 1999. Interim injunctions, freezing injunctions and search orders. In: C. PLANT and W. ROSE, eds., Blackstone's guide to the civil procedure rules. London: Blackstone Press, pp. 145-159. ISBN 1854319221

CHING, J., 1999. Interim injunctions, freezing injunctions and search orders. In: C. PLANT and W. ROSE, eds., Blackstone's guide to the civil procedure rules. London: Blackstone Press, pp. 145-159. ISBN 1854319914

CHING, J., 1999. Offers to settle. In: C. PLANT and W. ROSE, eds., Blackstone's guide to the civil procedure rules. London: Blackstone Press, pp. 263-284. ISBN 1854319221

CHING, J., 1999. Offers to settle. In: C. PLANT and W. ROSE, eds., Blackstone's guide to the civil procedure rules. 2nd ed. London: Blackstone Press, pp. 263-284. ISBN 1854319914

CORDLE, D., 1999. Resisting decadence: literary criticism as a corrective to low culture and high science in the work of I.A. Richards. In: J. ST, ed., Romancing decay: ideas of decadence in European culture. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 171-182. ISBN 18401464745

DALETSKII, A., 1999. Stochastic analysis on (infinite-dimensional) product manifolds. In: H. CRAUEL and M. GUNDLACH, eds., Stochastic Dynamics. Springer, pp. 339-370.

DANDEKER, C. and MASON, D., 1999. Diversity in the UK armed forces: the debate about representation of women and minority ethnic groups. In: J. SOETERS and J. MEULEN, eds., Managing diversity in the armed forces: the experience of nine countries. Tilburg: Tilburg University Press.

DARLISON, M.G. and RICHTER, D., 1999. The 'chicken and egg' problem of co-evolution of peptides and their cognate receptors: which came first? In: D. RICHTER, ed., Regulatory peptides and cognate receptors. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 1-11.

DINGWALL, R., 1999. Divorce mediation as a social movement. In: L. VAN and A. VAN, eds., 60 maal recht en 1 maal wijn: rechtssociologie, sociale problemen en justitieel beleid. Liber Amicorum prof. Dr. Jean van Houtte. Leuven: Acco, pp. 361-370.

DINGWALL, R., MURPHY, E.M., GREATBATCH, D., WATSON, P. and PARKER, S., 1999. On the non-negotiable in sociological life. In: B. GLASSNER and R. HERTZ, eds., Qualitative sociology as everyday life. Beverly Hills: Sage, pp. 215-225.

EDWARDS, D., GOLDING, P., HOWITT, D., MCLACHLAN, S. and MACMILLAN, K., 1999. An audit of democracy: media monitoring, citizenship and public policy. In: K. NORDENSTRENG and M.S. GRIFFIN, eds., International media monitoring. Hampton Press communication series . London: Hampton Press. ISBN 9781572731837

EVANS, R.M.L., FAIRHURST, D.J. and POON, W.C.K., 1999. Phase equilibria of polydisperse colloids. In: F. KREMER and G. LAGALY, eds., Trends in colloid and interface science XIII. Berlin: Springer, pp. 172-176. ISBN 3540658106

GALBRAITH, D. and TORRANCE, M., 1999. Conceptual processes in writing: from problem solving to text production. In: M. TORRANCE and D. GALBRAITH, eds., Knowing what to write: conceptual processes in text production. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University, pp. 1-12.

GOODRIDGE, J., 1999. E.P. Thompson (1924-1993), historian and political activist. In: C. ROJEK and E. CASHMORE, eds., UNSPECIFIED London: Edward Arnold, pp. 450-452. ISBN 340645490

GOODRIDGE, J., 1999. Rowley's ghost: a checklist of creative works inspired by Thomas Chatterton's life and writings. In: N. GROOM, ed., Thomas Chatterton and romantic culture. London: Macmillan, pp. 262-292. ISBN 333725867

GOODRIDGE, J., 1999. Shulamith Firestone (b. 1945), feminist theorist. In: C. ROJEK and E. CASHMORE, eds., The dictionary of cultural theorists. London: Edward Arnold, pp. 152-154. ISBN 340645490

GREATBATCH, D. and DINGWALL, R., 1999. Professional neutralism in family mediation. In: S. SARANGI and C. ROBERTS, eds., Talk, work and institutional order: discourse in medical, mediation and management settings. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 271-292.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1999. Other publication outlets: is there life after refereed journals? In: P. HILL, ed., Publish or perish. Dereham: Peter Francis, pp. 117-130.

GUTIÉRREZ ALMARZA, G. and BELTRÁN, F., 1999. La enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras y la formación de los docentes de lenguas en el siglo XXI dentro de un contexto europeo. In: F. CEREZAL, ed., Enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas modernas e interculturalidad. Madrid: Talasa Ediciones, pp. 37-48. ISBN 8488119771

HACKNEY, C., HULME, J., LAWTON, M. and FURNESS, D., 1999. Immunocytochemical clues to the handling of excitatory neurotransmitters in the cochlea. In: Cochlear pharmacology and noise trauma. London: Noise Research Network. ISBN 9781901747003

HANNON-FLETCHER, M., HUGHES, C., O'KANE, M.J., MOLES, K.W., BARNETT, C.R. and BARNETT, Y.A., 1999. An investigation of in vivo antioxidant status and DNA damage in patients with IDDM. In: T.K. BASU, N.J. TEMPLE and M.L. GARG, eds., Antioxidants in human health. Oxon: CABI Publishing, pp. 259-269.

HAYES, N., 1999. An 'English war', wartime culture and 'millions like us'. In: N. HAYES and J. HILL, eds., Millions like us: British culture in the Second World War. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, pp. 1-32.

HAYES, N., 1999. More than 'music-while-you-eat'? Factory and hostel concerts, 'good culture' and the workers. In: N. HAYES and J. HILL, eds., Millions like us: British culture in the Second World War. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, pp. 209-235.

HEALEY, N., 1999. The case for European monetary union. In: M. BAIMBRIDGE, B. BURKITT and P. WHYMAN, eds., The impact of the euro. Macmillan, pp. 19-42.

HEALEY, N., LEKSIN, V. and SVETSOV, A., 1999. The social impact of economic restructuring and privatisation in Russia: the problem of enterprise-owned ‘social assets’. In: M. SZREDER, ed., East European enterprises in the process of transformation to a market economy. Nova Science, pp. 37-70.

HILL, J., TRACEY, S.V., WILLIS, M., JONES, L. and ELLIS, A.D., 1999. Yeast culture: its role in equine nutrition. In: T.P. LYONS and K.A. JACQUES, eds., Proceedings of Alltech's 17th Annual Symposium. Nottingham: Nottingham University Press.

HOWARTH, M., 1999. Großbritannien und die DDR - Beziehungen und Nicht-Beziehungen, in Die DDR - Erinnerung an einen untergegangenen Staat. In: H. TIMMERMAN, ed., Verlag Duncker und Humblot. Berlin: UNSPECIFIED, pp. 509-526.

HOWARTH, M. and HEAD, D., 1999. Vickers victorious? The sale of Rolls Royce cars and changing media perceptions of the impact of Germany on the UK business environment. In: S. GILES and P. GRAVES, eds., From classical shades to Vickers Victorious:shifting perspectives in British German Studies. Berne: UNSPECIFIED, pp. 237-253.

HOWARTH, M. and LOTFI, A., 1999. Adaptive fuzzy control of solder paste printing: the identification of deposit defects. In: Twenty-Fourth IEEE/CPMT Electronics Manufacturing Technology Symposium, Austin, Texas, USA, October, 1999. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 102-107. ISBN 964345641

INKSTER, I., 1999. Inertia and technological change: an elementary typology. In: P. BYE and D. HAYTON, eds., Industrial history and technological development in Europe. Luxembourg: European Commission, pp. 343-348.

JOYCE, P. and WOODS, A., 1999. The social responsibility of businesses: to empower employees by listening and responding. In: J.J. QUINN and W.F. DAVIES, eds., Ethics and empowerment. London: Macmillan.

KAMOCHE, K., 1999. Human resource management within a resource-capability view of the firm. In: R.S. SCHULER and S.E. JACKSON, eds., Strategic Human Resource Management. Oxford: Blackwell.

KAMOCHE, K., 1999. Knowledge creation and learning in international HRM. In: M. POOLE, ed., Human resource management: critical perspectives in business and management. Routledge.

KAMOCHE, K., 1999. Toward a model of HRM for Africa. In: M. POOLE, ed., Human resource management: critical perspectives in business and management. Routledge.

KAMOCHE, K. and CUNHA, M.P., 1999. Teamwork, knowledge-creation and improvisation. In: M.P. CUNHA and C.A. MARQUES, eds., Readings on Organization Science. ISPA.

KIRK, S. and LEOPOLD, J., 1999. Employee involvement, particpation and communication. In: J. LEOPOLD, L. HARRIS and T. WATSON, eds., Strategic human resourcing: principles, perspectives and practice in HRM. London: Financial Times/Prentice Hall. ISBN 9780273631644

LIDDLE, J. and OVERTON, M., 1999. Partnerships, participation and power: evaluating inter-authority environmental health partnerships in the NE of England (the Air Quality Management Initiative). In: L. MONTANHEIRO, B. HIGH, D. MORRIS and M. LINEHAM, eds., Public and private sector partnerships: furthering developments. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam Press, pp. 315-334. ISBN 0863398650

LOTFI, A., 1999. Learning fuzzy rule-based systems. In: M. RUSSO and L.C. JAIN, eds., Fuzzy learning and applications. CRC Press, pp. 206-222.

MASON, D., 1999. The continuing significance of race? Teaching ethnic and racial studies in sociology. In: M. BULMER and J. SOLOMOS, eds., Racial and ethnic studies today. London: Routledge.

MEDJDOUB, B., 1999. Interactive 2D constraint-based geometric construction system. In: G. AUGENBROE and C. EASTMAN, eds., Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 7-8 June 1999. Kluwer Academic, pp. 197-212. ISBN 0792385365

MONTEITH, S., 1999. America's domestic aliens: African Americans and the issue of citizenship in the Thomas Jefferson/Sally Hemings story. In: D. CARTMELL, I.Q. HUNTER, H. KAYE and I. WHELEHAN, eds., Alien identities: exploring difference in film and fiction. London: Pluto Press, pp. 31-48. ISBN 9780745314006

MONTEITH, S., 1999. Revisiting the 1960s in contemporary fiction: "where do we go from here?". In: P.J. LING and S. MONTEITH, eds., Gender and the civil rights movement. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 215-238. ISBN 9780815330790

MURPHY, M., 1999. In a time of violence: boredom and the representation of history in six improvisations on the river. In: H. NICKAS, ed., Dimitris Tsaloumas: a voluntary exile. Melbourne: Owl Publishing.

NOLLE, L., WALTERS, M., ARMSTRONG, D.A. and WARE, J.A., 1999. Optimum finishing mill set-up in the hot rolling of wide steel strip using simulated annealing. In: Proceedings of the 5th International MENDEL Conference on Soft Computing. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 100-105. ISBN 8021411317

PAINTER-MORLAND, M.J., 1999. On preventing and combating corruption. In: D. BALIA and V. MAVUSO, eds., Fighting corruption: invitation to ethics management. Pretoria: UNISA Press.

PERRY, C.C., 1999. Biogenic silica: a model of amorphous structure control. In: B. JAMTVEIT and P. MEAKIN, eds., Growth, dissolution, and pattern formation in geosystems. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, pp. 237-252.

PETTIFORD, L., 1999. Simply a matter of luck? Why Costa Rica remains a democracy. In: P. BURNELL and P. CALVERT, eds., The resilience of democracy: persistent practice, durable idea. London: Frank Cass, pp. 87-104. ISBN 0714649651

RAYNER, A., HINE, R.C., LLOYD, T., SMITH, V.H. and ACKRILL, R., 1999. The European Union Common Agricultural Policy under the GATT. In: J.M. ANTLE and V.H. SMITH, eds., The economics of world wheat markets. Wallingford: CABI Publishing, pp. 221-251. ISBN 851993605

SENEVIRATNE, M., 1999. The case for social and economic rights. In: I.D. CAMPBELL and N.D. LEWIS, eds., Promoting participation: law or politics. Cavendish.

SHACKLEY, M., 1999. Ninstints (Canadana). A deserted Haida village in Gwaii Hanaas National Park reserve, Queen Charlotte Islands. In: M. SHACKLEY, ed., Visitor management; case studies from world heritage sites. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, pp. 182-193.

SHACKLEY, M., 1999. The cultural landscape of Rapa Nui. In: M. SHACKLEY, ed., Visitor management; case studies from world heritage sites. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, pp. 62-82.

SU, D., WAKELAME, M., HENTHORN, K.S. and JAMBUNATHAN, K., 1999. A software package for evolutionary optimisation of gear design. In: P. BENTLEY, ed., Evolutionary design by computers. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. ISBN 155860605X

SUTTON, M. and SCHNEIDER, J.L., 1999. Theft, stolen goods and the market reduction approach: Operation Radium and Operation Heat. In: T. ALLAN and B. SOLE, eds., Problem oriented policing: crime specific problems, critical issues and making POP work. Washington D.C.: Police Executive Research Forum.

TALBOT, M., 1999. Choosing to refuse to be a victim: 'power feminism' and the intertextuality of victimhood and choice. In: S. WERTHEIM, A.C. BAILEY and M. CORSTON-OLIVER, eds., Engendering communication : proceedings of the fifth Berkeley Women and Language conference, April 1998. Berkeley, California, U.S.A.: Berkeley Women and Language Group.

TALBOT, M., 1999. Feminism and language. In: S. GAMBLE, ed., The Icon critical dictionary of feminism. London: Icon Books.

TANSLEY, C., 1999. Human resource planning: strategies, systems and processes. In: J. LEOPOLD, L. HARRIS and T.J. WATSON, eds., Strategic human resourcing. London: Financial Times/Pitman.

TORRANCE, M. and JEFFERY, G.C., 1999. Writing processes and cognitive demands. In: M. TORRANCE and G.C. JEFFERY, eds., The cognitive demands of writing: processing capacity and working memory effects in text production. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 1-14.

UNDERWOOD, J.D.M. and UNDERWOOD, G., 1999. Effective collaboration with classroom computers. In: K. LITTLETON and P. LIGHT, eds., Explorations of computer based learning. London: Routledge, pp. 10-24. ISBN 415142865

WEBB, D., 1999. A balance of possibilities: some concluding notes on rights, risks and mentally disordered offenders. In: D. WEBB and R. HARRIS, eds., Mentally disordered offenders: managing people nobody owns. London: Routledge, pp. 156-167. ISBN 415180090

WEBB, D. and HARRIS, R., 1999. Introduction. In: D. WEBB and R. HARRIS, eds., Mentally disordered offenders: managing people nobody owns. London: Routledge, pp. 1-9. ISBN 415180090

WHITEHEAD, G., RAWSON, D. and LUTHRA, M., 1999. The challenges of counselling in a multicutural society. In: S. PALMER and P. LAUNGANI, eds., Counselling in a multicultural society. London: Sage.

WILDE, L., 1999. The contradictions of revolutionary strategy. In: T. CARVER and M. STEGER, eds., Engels after Marx. Pittsburgh: Penn State University Press, pp. 197-214.

WILLIAMS, P., 1999. Fanon: the routes of writing. In: S. HAIGH, ed., Carribean francophone literature. Oxford: Berg.

WOODS, G., 1999. André Gide. In: E. CASHMORE and C. ROJEK, eds., Dictionary of cultural theorists. London; New York: Arnold; Oxford University Press, pp. 191-193.

WOODS, G., 1999. Gay theory and criticism. In: Encyclopedia of literary critics and criticism. London: Fitzroy Dearborn, pp. 432-435.

WOODS, G., 1999. The art of friendship in Roderick Hudson. In: J.R. BRADLEY, ed., Henry James and homo-erotic desire. Basingstoke: Macmillan, pp. 69-77. ISBN 333732170

WRIGHT, C.Y., 1999. Le chercheur et son objet de recherche: un exemple personnel. In: A. VASQUEZ and I. MARTINEZ, eds., Recherches ethnographiques en Europe et en Amérique du Nord. Paris: Anthrops. ISBN 9782717837803

WRIGHT, P., 1999. Trafficking in history. In: D. BOSWELL and J. EVANS, eds., Representing the nation: a reader: histories, heritage and museums. London: Routdedge, pp. 115-150.

WRIGHT, P., 1999. A conversation with Patrick Keiller. In: P. KEILLER, ed., Robinson in space. London: Reaktion Books, pp. 223-235.

ZHANG, W., 1999. Competition and cooperation: globalisation in a techno-economic framework with special reference to the UK and East Asia. In: R. WILKINSON, ed., The political economy of globalisation and regionalisation: Asia and Europe. Sheffield University Management School. ISBN 0951898558

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