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AINSWORTH, S., UNDERWOOD, J. and GRIMSHAW, S., 1999. Formatively evaluating REDEEM - an authoring environment for intelligent tutoring systems. In: S. LAJOIE and M. VIVET, eds., Artificial intelligence in education - open learning environments. Amsterdam, pp. 93-100.

AIREY, D. and SHACKLEY, M., 1999. Bukhara (Uzbekistan) a former oasis town on the Silk Road. In: M. SHACKLEY, ed., Visitor management; case studies from world heritage sites. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, pp. 10-25.

AMIN, N. and SU, D., 1999. Development of Internet-based approach for optimising gear design in a multi-user environment. In: P.K. CHAWDHRY, ed., Advances in concurrent engineering. Pennsylvania: Technomic, pp. 368-374.


BARNETT, Y., KING, C., BRISTOW-CRAIG, H., WARNOCK, C., HYLAND, P., GILLESPIE, E., REA, M., MIDDLETON, D., CURRAN, M., PAWELEC, G. and BARNETT, C., 1999. Age-related increases in DNA damage and mutations in T cells in vivo and in vitro: contributors to alterations in T cell-mediated immune responses. In: G. PAWELEC, ed., EUCAMBIS: immunology and ageing in Europe. IOS Press, pp. 54-66. ISBN 9051994346

BARTLETT, D., CORRIGAN, P., DIBBEN, P., FRANKLIN, S., JOYCE, P., MCNULTY, T. and ROSE, A., 1999. Preparing for best value. In: Managing local services: from CCT to best value. London: Cass.

BELBIN, D., 1999. Rehearsal. In: Peacemaker and other stories. London: Heinemann Educational, pp. 48-66.

BLACK, G., 1999. Developing the concept for the Thackray Medical Museum. In: A. LEASK and I. YEOMAN, eds., Heritage visitor attractions: an operations management perspective. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 251-259. ISBN 0304702927


CHILTON, J.C., 1999. Space structures: computer aided learning (CAL) material developed by students. In: M. VOYATZAKI, ed., Architecture and Engineering: the Teaching of Architecture for Multidisciplinary Practice, European Association for Architectural Education, 1999 [conference proceedings]. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 489-491. ISBN 2930301007

CHILTON, J.C., 1999. Tension and membrane structures in the design studio. In: M. VOYATZAKI, ed., Architecture and Engineering: the Teaching of Architecture for Multidisciplinary Practice, European Association for Architectural Education, 1999 [conference proceedings]. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 369-375. ISBN 2930301007

CHILTON, J.C. and PARKINSON, A., 1999. Form and geometry of inflated fabric sculptures. In: R. ASTUDILLO and A.J. MADRID, eds., Shells and Spatial Structures from Recent Past to the Next Millennium, CEDEX, Madrid, 1999 [conference proceedings]. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 8477903425

CHING, J., 1999. Interim injunctions, freezing injunctions and search orders. In: C. PLANT and W. ROSE, eds., Blackstone's guide to the civil procedure rules. London: Blackstone Press, pp. 145-159. ISBN 1854319221

CHING, J., 1999. Interim injunctions, freezing injunctions and search orders. In: C. PLANT and W. ROSE, eds., Blackstone's guide to the civil procedure rules. London: Blackstone Press, pp. 145-159. ISBN 1854319914

CHING, J., 1999. Offers to settle. In: C. PLANT and W. ROSE, eds., Blackstone's guide to the civil procedure rules. London: Blackstone Press, pp. 263-284. ISBN 1854319221

CHING, J., 1999. Offers to settle. In: C. PLANT and W. ROSE, eds., Blackstone's guide to the civil procedure rules. 2nd ed. London: Blackstone Press, pp. 263-284. ISBN 1854319914

CORDLE, D., 1999. Resisting decadence: literary criticism as a corrective to low culture and high science in the work of I.A. Richards. In: J. ST, ed., Romancing decay: ideas of decadence in European culture. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 171-182. ISBN 18401464745


DALETSKII, A., 1999. Stochastic analysis on (infinite-dimensional) product manifolds. In: H. CRAUEL and M. GUNDLACH, eds., Stochastic Dynamics. Springer, pp. 339-370.

DANDEKER, C. and MASON, D., 1999. Diversity in the UK armed forces: the debate about representation of women and minority ethnic groups. In: J. SOETERS and J. MEULEN, eds., Managing diversity in the armed forces: the experience of nine countries. Tilburg: Tilburg University Press.

DARLISON, M.G. and RICHTER, D., 1999. The 'chicken and egg' problem of co-evolution of peptides and their cognate receptors: which came first? In: D. RICHTER, ed., Regulatory peptides and cognate receptors. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 1-11.

DINGWALL, R., 1999. Divorce mediation as a social movement. In: L. VAN and A. VAN, eds., 60 maal recht en 1 maal wijn: rechtssociologie, sociale problemen en justitieel beleid. Liber Amicorum prof. Dr. Jean van Houtte. Leuven: Acco, pp. 361-370.

DINGWALL, R., MURPHY, E.M., GREATBATCH, D., WATSON, P. and PARKER, S., 1999. On the non-negotiable in sociological life. In: B. GLASSNER and R. HERTZ, eds., Qualitative sociology as everyday life. Beverly Hills: Sage, pp. 215-225.


EDWARDS, D., GOLDING, P., HOWITT, D., MCLACHLAN, S. and MACMILLAN, K., 1999. An audit of democracy: media monitoring, citizenship and public policy. In: K. NORDENSTRENG and M.S. GRIFFIN, eds., International media monitoring. Hampton Press communication series . London: Hampton Press. ISBN 9781572731837

EVANS, R.M.L., FAIRHURST, D.J. and POON, W.C.K., 1999. Phase equilibria of polydisperse colloids. In: F. KREMER and G. LAGALY, eds., Trends in colloid and interface science XIII. Berlin: Springer, pp. 172-176. ISBN 3540658106


GALBRAITH, D. and TORRANCE, M., 1999. Conceptual processes in writing: from problem solving to text production. In: M. TORRANCE and D. GALBRAITH, eds., Knowing what to write: conceptual processes in text production. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University, pp. 1-12.

GOODRIDGE, J., 1999. E.P. Thompson (1924-1993), historian and political activist. In: C. ROJEK and E. CASHMORE, eds., UNSPECIFIED London: Edward Arnold, pp. 450-452. ISBN 340645490

GOODRIDGE, J., 1999. Rowley's ghost: a checklist of creative works inspired by Thomas Chatterton's life and writings. In: N. GROOM, ed., Thomas Chatterton and romantic culture. London: Macmillan, pp. 262-292. ISBN 333725867

GOODRIDGE, J., 1999. Shulamith Firestone (b. 1945), feminist theorist. In: C. ROJEK and E. CASHMORE, eds., The dictionary of cultural theorists. London: Edward Arnold, pp. 152-154. ISBN 340645490

GREATBATCH, D. and DINGWALL, R., 1999. Professional neutralism in family mediation. In: S. SARANGI and C. ROBERTS, eds., Talk, work and institutional order: discourse in medical, mediation and management settings. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 271-292.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1999. Other publication outlets: is there life after refereed journals? In: P. HILL, ed., Publish or perish. Dereham: Peter Francis, pp. 117-130.

GUTIÉRREZ ALMARZA, G. and BELTRÁN, F., 1999. La enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras y la formación de los docentes de lenguas en el siglo XXI dentro de un contexto europeo. In: F. CEREZAL, ed., Enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas modernas e interculturalidad. Madrid: Talasa Ediciones, pp. 37-48. ISBN 8488119771


HACKNEY, C., HULME, J., LAWTON, M. and FURNESS, D., 1999. Immunocytochemical clues to the handling of excitatory neurotransmitters in the cochlea. In: Cochlear pharmacology and noise trauma. London: Noise Research Network. ISBN 9781901747003

HANNON-FLETCHER, M., HUGHES, C., O'KANE, M.J., MOLES, K.W., BARNETT, C.R. and BARNETT, Y.A., 1999. An investigation of in vivo antioxidant status and DNA damage in patients with IDDM. In: T.K. BASU, N.J. TEMPLE and M.L. GARG, eds., Antioxidants in human health. Oxon: CABI Publishing, pp. 259-269.

HAYES, N., 1999. An 'English war', wartime culture and 'millions like us'. In: N. HAYES and J. HILL, eds., Millions like us: British culture in the Second World War. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, pp. 1-32.

HAYES, N., 1999. More than 'music-while-you-eat'? Factory and hostel concerts, 'good culture' and the workers. In: N. HAYES and J. HILL, eds., Millions like us: British culture in the Second World War. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, pp. 209-235.

HEALEY, N., 1999. The case for European monetary union. In: M. BAIMBRIDGE, B. BURKITT and P. WHYMAN, eds., The impact of the euro. Macmillan, pp. 19-42.

HEALEY, N., LEKSIN, V. and SVETSOV, A., 1999. The social impact of economic restructuring and privatisation in Russia: the problem of enterprise-owned ‘social assets’. In: M. SZREDER, ed., East European enterprises in the process of transformation to a market economy. Nova Science, pp. 37-70.

HILL, J., TRACEY, S.V., WILLIS, M., JONES, L. and ELLIS, A.D., 1999. Yeast culture: its role in equine nutrition. In: T.P. LYONS and K.A. JACQUES, eds., Proceedings of Alltech's 17th Annual Symposium. Nottingham: Nottingham University Press.

HOWARTH, M., 1999. Großbritannien und die DDR - Beziehungen und Nicht-Beziehungen, in Die DDR - Erinnerung an einen untergegangenen Staat. In: H. TIMMERMAN, ed., Verlag Duncker und Humblot. Berlin: UNSPECIFIED, pp. 509-526.

HOWARTH, M. and HEAD, D., 1999. Vickers victorious? The sale of Rolls Royce cars and changing media perceptions of the impact of Germany on the UK business environment. In: S. GILES and P. GRAVES, eds., From classical shades to Vickers Victorious:shifting perspectives in British German Studies. Berne: UNSPECIFIED, pp. 237-253.

HOWARTH, M. and LOTFI, A., 1999. Adaptive fuzzy control of solder paste printing: the identification of deposit defects. In: Twenty-Fourth IEEE/CPMT Electronics Manufacturing Technology Symposium, Austin, Texas, USA, October, 1999. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 102-107. ISBN 964345641


INKSTER, I., 1999. Inertia and technological change: an elementary typology. In: P. BYE and D. HAYTON, eds., Industrial history and technological development in Europe. Luxembourg: European Commission, pp. 343-348.


JOYCE, P. and WOODS, A., 1999. The social responsibility of businesses: to empower employees by listening and responding. In: J.J. QUINN and W.F. DAVIES, eds., Ethics and empowerment. London: Macmillan.


KAMOCHE, K., 1999. Human resource management within a resource-capability view of the firm. In: R.S. SCHULER and S.E. JACKSON, eds., Strategic Human Resource Management. Oxford: Blackwell.

KAMOCHE, K., 1999. Knowledge creation and learning in international HRM. In: M. POOLE, ed., Human resource management: critical perspectives in business and management. Routledge.

KAMOCHE, K., 1999. Toward a model of HRM for Africa. In: M. POOLE, ed., Human resource management: critical perspectives in business and management. Routledge.

KAMOCHE, K. and CUNHA, M.P., 1999. Teamwork, knowledge-creation and improvisation. In: M.P. CUNHA and C.A. MARQUES, eds., Readings on Organization Science. ISPA.

KIRK, S. and LEOPOLD, J., 1999. Employee involvement, particpation and communication. In: J. LEOPOLD, L. HARRIS and T. WATSON, eds., Strategic human resourcing: principles, perspectives and practice in HRM. London: Financial Times/Prentice Hall. ISBN 9780273631644


LIDDLE, J. and OVERTON, M., 1999. Partnerships, participation and power: evaluating inter-authority environmental health partnerships in the NE of England (the Air Quality Management Initiative). In: L. MONTANHEIRO, B. HIGH, D. MORRIS and M. LINEHAM, eds., Public and private sector partnerships: furthering developments. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam Press, pp. 315-334. ISBN 0863398650

LOTFI, A., 1999. Learning fuzzy rule-based systems. In: M. RUSSO and L.C. JAIN, eds., Fuzzy learning and applications. CRC Press, pp. 206-222.


MASON, D., 1999. The continuing significance of race? Teaching ethnic and racial studies in sociology. In: M. BULMER and J. SOLOMOS, eds., Racial and ethnic studies today. London: Routledge.

MEDJDOUB, B., 1999. Interactive 2D constraint-based geometric construction system. In: G. AUGENBROE and C. EASTMAN, eds., Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 7-8 June 1999. Kluwer Academic, pp. 197-212. ISBN 0792385365

MONTEITH, S., 1999. America's domestic aliens: African Americans and the issue of citizenship in the Thomas Jefferson/Sally Hemings story. In: D. CARTMELL, I.Q. HUNTER, H. KAYE and I. WHELEHAN, eds., Alien identities: exploring difference in film and fiction. London: Pluto Press, pp. 31-48. ISBN 9780745314006

MONTEITH, S., 1999. Revisiting the 1960s in contemporary fiction: "where do we go from here?". In: P.J. LING and S. MONTEITH, eds., Gender and the civil rights movement. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 215-238. ISBN 9780815330790

MURPHY, M., 1999. In a time of violence: boredom and the representation of history in six improvisations on the river. In: H. NICKAS, ed., Dimitris Tsaloumas: a voluntary exile. Melbourne: Owl Publishing.


NOLLE, L., WALTERS, M., ARMSTRONG, D.A. and WARE, J.A., 1999. Optimum finishing mill set-up in the hot rolling of wide steel strip using simulated annealing. In: Proceedings of the 5th International MENDEL Conference on Soft Computing. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 100-105. ISBN 8021411317


PAINTER-MORLAND, M.J., 1999. On preventing and combating corruption. In: D. BALIA and V. MAVUSO, eds., Fighting corruption: invitation to ethics management. Pretoria: UNISA Press.

PERRY, C.C., 1999. Biogenic silica: a model of amorphous structure control. In: B. JAMTVEIT and P. MEAKIN, eds., Growth, dissolution, and pattern formation in geosystems. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, pp. 237-252.

PETTIFORD, L., 1999. Simply a matter of luck? Why Costa Rica remains a democracy. In: P. BURNELL and P. CALVERT, eds., The resilience of democracy: persistent practice, durable idea. London: Frank Cass, pp. 87-104. ISBN 0714649651


RAYNER, A., HINE, R.C., LLOYD, T., SMITH, V.H. and ACKRILL, R., 1999. The European Union Common Agricultural Policy under the GATT. In: J.M. ANTLE and V.H. SMITH, eds., The economics of world wheat markets. Wallingford: CABI Publishing, pp. 221-251. ISBN 851993605


SENEVIRATNE, M., 1999. The case for social and economic rights. In: I.D. CAMPBELL and N.D. LEWIS, eds., Promoting participation: law or politics. Cavendish.

SHACKLEY, M., 1999. Ninstints (Canadana). A deserted Haida village in Gwaii Hanaas National Park reserve, Queen Charlotte Islands. In: M. SHACKLEY, ed., Visitor management; case studies from world heritage sites. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, pp. 182-193.

SHACKLEY, M., 1999. The cultural landscape of Rapa Nui. In: M. SHACKLEY, ed., Visitor management; case studies from world heritage sites. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, pp. 62-82.

SU, D., WAKELAME, M., HENTHORN, K.S. and JAMBUNATHAN, K., 1999. A software package for evolutionary optimisation of gear design. In: P. BENTLEY, ed., Evolutionary design by computers. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. ISBN 155860605X

SUTTON, M. and SCHNEIDER, J.L., 1999. Theft, stolen goods and the market reduction approach: Operation Radium and Operation Heat. In: T. ALLAN and B. SOLE, eds., Problem oriented policing: crime specific problems, critical issues and making POP work. Washington D.C.: Police Executive Research Forum.


TALBOT, M., 1999. Choosing to refuse to be a victim: 'power feminism' and the intertextuality of victimhood and choice. In: S. WERTHEIM, A.C. BAILEY and M. CORSTON-OLIVER, eds., Engendering communication : proceedings of the fifth Berkeley Women and Language conference, April 1998. Berkeley, California, U.S.A.: Berkeley Women and Language Group.

TALBOT, M., 1999. Feminism and language. In: S. GAMBLE, ed., The Icon critical dictionary of feminism. London: Icon Books.

TANSLEY, C., 1999. Human resource planning: strategies, systems and processes. In: J. LEOPOLD, L. HARRIS and T.J. WATSON, eds., Strategic human resourcing. London: Financial Times/Pitman.

TORRANCE, M. and JEFFERY, G.C., 1999. Writing processes and cognitive demands. In: M. TORRANCE and G.C. JEFFERY, eds., The cognitive demands of writing: processing capacity and working memory effects in text production. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 1-14.


UNDERWOOD, J.D.M. and UNDERWOOD, G., 1999. Effective collaboration with classroom computers. In: K. LITTLETON and P. LIGHT, eds., Explorations of computer based learning. London: Routledge, pp. 10-24. ISBN 415142865


WEBB, D., 1999. A balance of possibilities: some concluding notes on rights, risks and mentally disordered offenders. In: D. WEBB and R. HARRIS, eds., Mentally disordered offenders: managing people nobody owns. London: Routledge, pp. 156-167. ISBN 415180090

WEBB, D. and HARRIS, R., 1999. Introduction. In: D. WEBB and R. HARRIS, eds., Mentally disordered offenders: managing people nobody owns. London: Routledge, pp. 1-9. ISBN 415180090

WHITEHEAD, G., RAWSON, D. and LUTHRA, M., 1999. The challenges of counselling in a multicutural society. In: S. PALMER and P. LAUNGANI, eds., Counselling in a multicultural society. London: Sage.

WILDE, L., 1999. The contradictions of revolutionary strategy. In: T. CARVER and M. STEGER, eds., Engels after Marx. Pittsburgh: Penn State University Press, pp. 197-214.

WILLIAMS, P., 1999. Fanon: the routes of writing. In: S. HAIGH, ed., Carribean francophone literature. Oxford: Berg.

WOODS, G., 1999. André Gide. In: E. CASHMORE and C. ROJEK, eds., Dictionary of cultural theorists. London; New York: Arnold; Oxford University Press, pp. 191-193.

WOODS, G., 1999. Gay theory and criticism. In: Encyclopedia of literary critics and criticism. London: Fitzroy Dearborn, pp. 432-435.

WOODS, G., 1999. The art of friendship in Roderick Hudson. In: J.R. BRADLEY, ed., Henry James and homo-erotic desire. Basingstoke: Macmillan, pp. 69-77. ISBN 333732170

WRIGHT, C.Y., 1999. Le chercheur et son objet de recherche: un exemple personnel. In: A. VASQUEZ and I. MARTINEZ, eds., Recherches ethnographiques en Europe et en Amérique du Nord. Paris: Anthrops. ISBN 9782717837803

WRIGHT, P., 1999. Trafficking in history. In: D. BOSWELL and J. EVANS, eds., Representing the nation: a reader: histories, heritage and museums. London: Routdedge, pp. 115-150.

WRIGHT, P., 1999. A conversation with Patrick Keiller. In: P. KEILLER, ed., Robinson in space. London: Reaktion Books, pp. 223-235.


ZHANG, W., 1999. Competition and cooperation: globalisation in a techno-economic framework with special reference to the UK and East Asia. In: R. WILKINSON, ed., The political economy of globalisation and regionalisation: Asia and Europe. Sheffield University Management School. ISBN 0951898558

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