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CARBAYO-ABÉNGOZAR, M., 2000. De la intra-historia a la propia-historia. Lidiando con la historia y la literatura en María Zambrano y Carmen Martín Gaite. In: Escribir mujer. Narradoras españolas hoy: Congreso de literatura española contemporánea,, Malaga, 2000. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 305-315. ISBN 8492191929
CARBAYO-ABÉNGOZAR, M., 2000. Feminism in Spain: a history of love and hate. In: L. TWOMEY, ed., Women into the new Millennium: perspectives on the woman of the nineties in Spain and France. Exeter: Intellect. ISBN 1841500402
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COCKERILL, T., LIDDLE, J. and SOUTHERN, A., 2000. Developing sub-regional partnerships to deliver RDA strategies: the case of One North East. In: L. MONTANHEIRO and M. LINEHAM, eds., Public and private sector partnerships: the enabling mix. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam Press, pp. 155-172. ISBN 0863398952
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DALETSKII, A., ALBEVERIO, S. and KONDRATIEV, Y., 2000. De Rham complex over product manifolds: Dirichlet forms and stochastic dynamics. In: S. ALBEVERIO and P. BLANCHARD, eds., Mathematical Physics and Stochastic Analysis (in Honour of L. Streit). World Scientific.
DALETSKII, A., ALBEVERIO, S. and LYTVYNOV, E., 2000. Laplace operators and diffusions in tangent bundles over Poisson spaces. In: P. CLEMENT, H. DEN and N. VAN, eds., Infinite dimensional stochastic analysis. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 25-39.
DELBRIDGE, R. and BARTON, H., 2000. Crossing boundaries in the learning factory: evidence of cross-functional and inter-organizational knowledge transfer in the auto components industry. In: R. VAN DIERDONCK and A. VEREECKE, eds., Operations management: crossing borders and boundaries: the changing role of operations. Academia Press, pp. 182-190. ISBN 9038202466
DINGWALL, R., 2000. Law, society and the new genetics. In: M. FREEMAN and A. LEWIS, eds., Current legal issues 3: Law and medicine. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 159-176.
DINGWALL, R., 2000. Risk society: the cult of theory and the millennium. In: N. MANNING and I. SHAW, eds., New risks, new welfare: signposts for social policy. Oxford: Blackwell.
DINGWALL, R. and KING, M.D., 2000. Herbert Spencer and the professions: occupational ecology reconsidered. In: J. OFFER, ed., Herbert Spencer: critical assessments. London: Routledge, pp. 645-659.
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FEATHERSTONE, M., 2000. [Various sections]. In: J. BENYON and D. DUNKERLEY, eds., Globalization: the reader. London: Athlone.
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FRASER, I. and BURNS, T., 2000. Introduction: An historical survey of the Hegel-Marx connection. In: T. BURNS and I. FRASER, eds., The Hegel-Marx connection. Macmillan.
GILL-BROWN, V., 2000. Tupperware ladies - a story of women and Tupperware. In: P. POLKEY and A. DONNELL, eds., Representing lives. London: Macmillan. ISBN 978-0312226671
GILLESPIE, T., 2000. Virtual violence?: Pornography and violence against women on the Internet. In: J. RADFORD, M. FRIEDBERG and L. HARNE, eds., Women, violence and strategies for action. Buckingham: Open University Press.
GOODRIDGE, J., 2000. Further reading: a chronological survey of Clare criticism, 1970-2000. In: J. GOODRIDGE and S. KÖVESI, eds., John Clare: new approaches. Helpston: John Clare Society, pp. 202-250. ISBN 952254166
GRAHAM, D.J. and MIDGLEY, N.G., 2000. Moraine-mound formation by englacial thrusting: the Younger Dryas moraines of Cwm Idwal, North Wales. In: A.J. MALTMAN, B. HUBBARD and M.J. HAMBREY, eds., Deformation of glacial materials. London: Geological Society, pp. 321-336. ISBN 186239072X
GRIFFIN, M. and VERDERIO, E., 2000. Tissue transglutaminase in cell death. In: J.A. BRYANT, S.G. HUGHES and J.M. GARLAND, eds., Programmed cell death in animals and plants. BIOS Scientific, pp. 223-240.
GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2000. Esiste la dipendenza da Internet e da computer. In: T. CANTELMI, M. TALLI and A. D'ANDREA, eds., La mente in Internet. Padova: Piccin Editore, pp. 96-113.
GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2000. Sex on the Internet: issues, concerns and implications. In: F. VON and U. CARLSSON, eds., Children in the new media landscape: games, pornography, perceptions. [Sweden]: UNESCO, pp. 169-184.
GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2000. Videogame violence and aggression: a review of research. In: F. VON and U. CARLSSON, eds., Children in the new media landscape: games, pornography, perceptions. [Sweden]: UNESCO, pp. 31-33.
GÖTZ, I. and WITTEL, A., 2000. Ethnographische Arbeitsforschung–zur Einführung. In: I. GÖTZ and A. WITTEL, eds., Arbeitskulturen im Umbruch: zur Ethnographie von Arbeit und Organisation. Münster: Waxmann, pp. 7-15. ISBN 3893258825
HEALEY, N., 2000. European monetary union: one money, one Europe? In: P. LYNCH, N. NEUWAHL and W. REES, eds., Reforming the European Union: from Maastricht to Amsterdam. Longman, pp. 87-107.
HEWITT, M., 2000. Reviewing the literature. In: M. SAKS, M. WILLIAMS and B. HANCOCK, eds., Developing research in primary care. Abingdon: Radcliffe Medical Press. ISBN 9781857753974
HOLDAWAY, S., 2000. From theory to method. In: D. BURTON, ed., Social research methods for postgraduates. London: Sage, pp. 156-166.
HOLDAWAY, S., 2000. Migration, crime and the city. In: S. BODY-GENDROT and M. MARTINELLIO, eds., Minorities in European cities: the dynamics of social integration and social exclusion at the neighbourhood level. Basingstoke: Macmillan, pp. 190-202.
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HOWARTH, M., 2000. La politique occidentale de la RDA 1966-1989; entre le renforcement international et l'offensive idéologique. In: U. PFEIL, ed., La RDA et l'Occident 1949-90. Asnières: UNSPECIFIED, pp. 99-116.
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JAYNE, M., 2000. Local taxation. In: W.H. REES and R.E.H. HAYWARD, eds., Valuation: principles into practice: a handbook for advanced students and practitioners. London: Estates Gazette. ISBN 728203472
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LEONARD, P., 2000. Divine horizons: Levinas, Derrida and kenotic transcendence. In: P. LEONARD, ed., Trajectories of mysticism in theory and literature. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 219-238. ISBN 9780333722909
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MCHALE, G., NEWTON, M.I., BANERJEE, M.K. and ROWAN, S.M., 2000. An acoustic technique for the monitoring dynamic wetting behavior. In: J. DRELICH, J.S. LASKOWSKI and K.L. MITTAL, eds., Apparent and microscopic contact angles. Zeist, Netherlands: VSP, pp. 487-496. ISBN 9067643211
MCHALE, G., ROWAN, S.M., NEWTON, M.I. and KAB, N.A., 2000. Estimation of contact angles on fibers. In: J. DRELICH, J.S. LASKOWSKI and K.L. MITTAL, eds., Apparent and microscopic contact angles. Zeist, Netherlands: VSP, pp. 319-331. ISBN 9067643211
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