Items where Division is "School of Architecture, Design and the Built Environment" and Year is 2018

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ABOAGYE-NIMO, E., COLLINSON, J., WOOD, H., JIN, R. and WYCHE, K., 2018. Women as construction professionals: modern day challenges. In: T.A. SAURIN, D. BASTOS COSTA, M. BEHM and F. EMUZE, eds., Joint CIB W099 and TG59 International Safety, Health, and People in Construction Conference: Coping with the Complexity of Safety, Health, and Wellbeing in Construction, Salvador, Brazil, 1-3 August 2018. Conference proceedings. Salvador: Marketing Aumentado, pp. 370-378. ISBN 9788567169118

ABOAGYE-NIMO, E., HARDING, J. and STEFANAKIS, A.I., 2018. A construction manager’s perception of a successful constructed wetland. In: A.I. STEFANAKIS, ed., Constructed wetlands for industrial wastewater treatment. Challenges in water management . Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, pp. 551-561. ISBN 9781119268413

AHMED, S.N., PASQUIRE, C. and MANU, E., 2018. Evaluating why quantity surveyors conflict with collaborative project delivery system. In: V.A. GONZÁLEZ, ed., Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC 2018), Chennai, India, 18-20 July 2018. International Group for Lean Construction, pp. 1272-1282.

AKINYEMI, A., SUN, M. and GRAY, A.J.G., 2018. An ontology-based data integration framework for construction information management. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Management, Procurement and Law, 171 (3), pp. 111-125. ISSN 1751-4304

AL-AMEEN, Y., IANAKIEV, A. and EVANS, R., 2018. Recycling construction and industrial landfill waste material for backfill in horizontal ground heat exchanger systems. Energy, 151, pp. 556-568. ISSN 0360-5442

AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2018. How the legacy of dirty coal could create a clean energy future. The Conversation.

AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2018. Should we turn the Sahara Desert into a huge solar farm? The Conversation.

AL-HABAIBEH, A., ATHRESH, A.P. and PARKER, K., 2018. Performance analysis of using mine water from an abandoned coal mine for heating of buildings using an open loop based single shaft GSHP system. Applied Energy, 211, pp. 393-402. ISSN 0306-2619

AL-HABAIBEH, A., SHAKMAK, B. and FANSHAWE, S., 2018. Assessment of a novel technology for a stratified hot water energy storage – the water snake. Applied Energy, 222, pp. 189-198. ISSN 0306-2619

AL-MARRI, W., 2018. An investigation of sustainability awareness and residential energy consumption in Qatar. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

AL-MARRI, W., AL-HABAIBEH, A. and WATKINS, M., 2018. An investigation into domestic energy consumption behaviour and public awareness of renewable energy in Qatar. Sustainable Cities and Society, 41, pp. 639-646. ISSN 2210-6707

ANKRAH, N.A., MANU, E., FULLEN, M., BENTRAR, J., COUSIN, A., MESS, M. and LEWALD, O., 2018. Implementation of Cradle to Cradle diversity principles in business site development schemes. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development. ISSN 1946-3138

ANTÓN, D., MEDJDOUB, B., SHRAHILY, R. and MOYANO, J.J., 2018. Accuracy evaluation of the semi-automatic 3D modeling for historical building information models. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 12 (5), pp. 790-805. ISSN 1558-3058

ASHFAQ, A. and IANAKIEV, A., 2018. Cost-minimised design of a highly renewable heating network for fossil-free future. Energy, 152, pp. 613-626. ISSN 0360-5442

ASHFAQ, A. and IANAKIEV, A., 2018. Features of fully integrated renewable energy atlas for Pakistan; wind, solar and cooling. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 97, pp. 14-27. ISSN 1364-0321

ASHFAQ, A. and IANAKIEV, A., 2018. Investigation of hydraulic imbalance for converting existing boiler based buildings to low temperature district heating. Energy, 160, pp. 200-212. ISSN 0360-5442

ASHLEY, C., 2018. (Re)making landscape and place: an archaeology of the Lake Ngami mission (1893–96), Khwebe Hills, Botswana. Journal of Southern African Studies, 44 (4), pp. 703-722. ISSN 0305-7070

ASRAR, M., AL-HABAIBEH, A., SHAKMAK, B. and SHAW, S.J., 2018. A device for improving the visual clarity and dimension of veins. British Journal of Nursing, 27 (19), S26-S36. ISSN 0966-0461


BARRETT, J., COOPER, T., HAMMOND, G.P. and PIDGEON, N., 2018. Industrial energy, materials and products: UK decarbonisation challenges and opportunities. Applied Thermal Engineering, 136, pp. 643-656. ISSN 1359-4311

BRAITHWAITE, N., 2018. Clothing rental could be key to a stylishly sustainable fashion industry. The Conversation.

BRAITHWAITE, N., 2018. Fashion, fantasy, power and mystery: interpreting shoes through the lens of visual culture. In: N. MCCREESH and F. CARLOTTO, eds., Engaging with fashion: perspectives on communication, education and business. At the interface / Probing the boundaries . Leiden: Brill | Rodopi, pp. 205-216. ISBN 9789004382428

BRAITHWAITE, N. and SCHLEMANN, A., 2018. Product service systems: a viable business model for fashion brands? In: C. BECKER-LEIFHOLD and M. HEUER, eds., Eco-friendly and fair: fast fashion and consumer behavior. Sustainability in textiles . Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 132-143. ISBN 9781783538201

BREEDON, P., COULTER, F. and RICHENS, D., 2018. Electroactive actuators (cardiac assist device). US1011195.

BREEDON, P., COULTER, F. and RICHENS, D., 2018. Electroactive actuators (cardiac assist device). EP3007742.

BREEDON, P., LOGAN, P., PEARCE, D., EDMANS, J., CHILDS, B. and O'BRIEN, R., 2018. Face to face: an interactive facial exercise system for stroke patients with facial weakness. Journal of Alternative Medicine Research, 10 (1), pp. 47-55. ISSN 1939-5868

BULL, R. and JANDA, K.B., 2018. Beyond feedback: introducing the 'engagement gap' in organizational energy management. Building Research & Information, 46 (3), pp. 300-315. ISSN 0961-3218

BULL, R., ROMANOWICZ, J., JENNINGS, N., LASKARI, M., STUART, G. and EVERITT, D., 2018. Competing priorities: lessons in engaging students to achieve energy savings in universities. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 19 (7), pp. 1220-1238. ISSN 1467-6370


CHALAL, M.L., 2018. A smart urban energy prediction system to support energy planning in the residential sector. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

CHAZA CHIMENO, M.R., RICO DELGADO, F. and ANTÓN, D., 2018. Registro del estado de conservación de elementos arquitectónicos singulares del Pabellón de Industrias, Manufacturas y Artes Decorativas de la Exposición Iberoamericana de Sevilla. In: A. GRACIANI GARCÍA and M. PONCE ORTIZ DE INSAGURBE, eds., Devenir y actualidad del legado de la Exposición Iberoamericana. Volumen I: conservación y divulgación, reflexiones, estudios, procesos, estrategias y experiencias. Seville: Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, pp. 43-56. ISBN 9788447228003

COLE, C., 2018. Four tough actions that would help fight the global plastic crisis. The Conversation.

COLE, C., 2018. Plastic crisis: divert foreign aid to dumpsites in developing countries. The Conversation.

COLE, C., 2018. Resource efficiency and lower carbon emissions through waste reduction. Leeds: Centre for Industrial Energy, Materials and Products (CIE-MAP).

COLE, C., GNANAPRAGASAM, A. and COOPER, T., 2018. Closing the loop: insights into the role of partnerships in facilitating reuse in the UK. In: 4th Symposium on Urban Mining and Circular Economy (SUM2018), Bergamo, Italy, 21-23 May 2018.

COLE, C., GNANAPRAGASAM, A., SINGH, J. and COOPER, T., 2018. Enhancing reuse and resource recovery of electrical and electronic equipment with reverse logistics to meet carbon reduction targets. Procedia CIRP, 69, pp. 980-985. ISSN 2212-8271

COOPER, T. and SALVIA, G., 2018. Fix it: barriers to repair and opportunities for change. In: R. CROCKER and K. CHIVERALLS, eds., Subverting consumerism: reuse in an accelerated world. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9781138189096


COULTER, F.B., COULTER, B.S., MARKS, J.R. and IANAKIEV, A., 2018. Production techniques for 3D printed inflatable elastomer structures: Part I — Fabricating air-permeable forms and coating with inflatable silicone membranes via spray deposition. 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, 5 (1), pp. 5-16. ISSN 2329-7662

COUTINHO, V., DOMINGUES, A.R., CAEIRO, S., PAINHO, M., ANTUNES, P., SANTOS, R., VIDEIRA, N., WALKER, R.M., HUISINGH, D. and RAMOS, T.B., 2018. Employee-driven sustainability performance assessment in public organisations: employee-driven sustainability assessment in public organisations. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 25 (1), pp. 29-46. ISSN 1535-3958


DAO, T.M., COOPER, T. and COLE, C., 2018. Commercial repair as a potential approach to sustainable business. In: The Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy and the Environment, Kobe, Japan, 8-10 June 2018.

DAO, T.M., COOPER, T., COLE, C. and SINGH, J., 2018. Might emotional attachment to products influence owners repair decisions? In: Third International Conference of the Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative (SCORAI), Copenhagen, Denmark, 27-29 June 2018.

DE MEDICI, S., RIGANTI, P. and VIOLA, S., 2018. Circular economy and the role of universities in urban regeneration: the case of Ortigia, Syracuse. Sustainability, 10 (11): 4305. ISSN 2071-1050

DEVILAT, B., 2018. Tracing back architectural spaces using the 3D laser scanning of ruins. In: 4th International Conference on Science and Engineering in Arts, Heritage and Archaeology (SEAHA), Institute for Sustainable Heritage, University College London, 4-6 June 2018.

DEVILAT, B. and LANUZA, F., 2018. 3D scan house: Devilat Lanuza Architects. Informa (11), pp. 110-114. ISSN 2637–7950

DOMINGUES, A.R., LOZANO, R. and RAMOS, T.B., 2018. Stakeholder-driven initiatives using sustainability indicators. In: S. BELL and S. MORSE, eds., Routledge handbook of sustainability indicators. Routledge international handbooks . London: Routledge, pp. 379-391. ISBN 9780367497552


ELAKOURI, K.M., 2018. The establishment of a training and development framework system for the Libya's oil industry. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.


FARHAN, S.L., ABDELMONEM, M.G. and NASAR, Z.A., 2018. The urban transformation of traditional city centres: holy Karbala as a case study. ArchNet-IJAR, 12 (3), pp. 53-67. ISSN 2631-6862

FIGUEIRA, I., DOMINGUES, A.R., CAEIRO, S., PAINHO, M., ANTUNES, P., SANTOS, R., VIDEIRA, N., WALKER, R.M., HUISINGH, D. and RAMOS, T.B., 2018. Sustainability policies and practices in public sector organisations: the case of the Portuguese Central Public Administration. Journal of Cleaner Production, 202, pp. 616-630. ISSN 0959-6526


GNANAPRAGASAM, A., 2018. Raising consumer demand for longer lasting products: challenges and opportunities. Leeds: Centre for Industrial Energy, Materials and Products (CIE-MAP).

GNANAPRAGASAM, A., COLE, C., SINGH, J. and COOPER, T., 2018. Consumer perspectives on longevity and reliability: a national study of purchasing factors across eighteen product categories. Procedia CIRP, 69, pp. 910-915. ISSN 2212-8271

GNANAPRAGASAM, A., COLE, C., SINGH, J. and COOPER, T., 2018. Consumer perspectives on longevity and reliability: a national study of purchasing factors across eighteen product categories. In: 25th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Copenhagen, Denmark, 30 April - 2 May 2018.


HEWSON, D., BEDWORTH, N., SPRINKS, J., BREEDON, P. and WORCESTER, F., 2018. Patient-maintained propofol sedation for orthopaedic surgery: patient variability in system use. In: International Conference on Ergonomics & Human Factors (CIEHF), Birmingham, 23-25 April 2018.


JIN, R., GAO, S., CHESHMEHZANGI, A. and ABOAGYE-NIMO, E., 2018. A holistic review of off-site construction literature published between 2008 and 2018. Journal of Cleaner Production, 202, pp. 1202-1219. ISSN 0959-6526


KAVEH, B., MAZHAR, M.U., SIMMONITE, B., SARSHAR, M. and SERTYESILISIK, B., 2018. An investigation into retrofitting the pre-1919 owner-occupied UK housing stock to reduce carbon emissions. Energy and Buildings, 176, pp. 33-34. ISSN 0378-7788

KERR, H.-Y., 2018. From office flowers to gym bunnies: how women used sporting leisure to redefine themselves in the Japanese Bubble Economy. In: CAA 106th Annual Conference 2018: Sport, Fitness and Wellbeing in Art History, LA Convention Center, Los Angeles, USA, 21 February 2018.

KERR, H.-Y., 2018. Sweet treats and foreign foods: Hanako Magazine and the internationalised women of the Japanese Bubble Economy. In: Shared Taste Conference – Food and Exchange in Asia and Europe, Leiden University, Netherlands, 28-30 June 2018.

KNIGHT, A., 2018. Theoretical justification for social value. In: A. RAIDÉN, A. KING, M. LOOSEMORE and C. GORSE, eds., Social value in construction. London: Routledge, pp. 60-68. ISBN 9781138295100

KROMANIS, R., 2018. Estimating deformations of laboratory structures subjected to loadings using images collected with phone cameras. Trends in Civil Engineering and Material Science, 1 (3).

KROMANIS, R. and LIANG, H., 2018. Condition assessment of structures using smartphones: a position independent multi-epoch imaging approach. In: 9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring Series (EWSHM), Manchester Hilton, Manchester, 10-13 July 2018.

KRUCZKOWSKI, S.L., 2018. Exploring the effectiveness of Building for Life in improving suburban residential design quality. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

KRUIPER, R., VINCENT, J., ABRAHAM, E., SOAR, R.C., KONSTAS, I., CHEN-BURGER, J. and DESMULLIEZ, M., 2018. Towards a design process for computer-aided biomimetics. Biomimetics, 3 (3): 14. ISSN 2313-7673


LAUTZ, J., 2018. Is the dream still alive? Tracking homeownership amid changing economic and demographic conditions. DRealEst, Nottingham Trent University.

LUGODA, P., DIAS, T., HUGHES-RILEY, T. and MORRIS, R., 2018. Refinement of temperature sensing yarns. Proceedings, 2 (3), p. 123. ISSN 2504-3900

LUGODA, P., HUGHES-RILEY, T., OLIVEIRA, C., MORRIS, R. and DIAS, T., 2018. Developing novel temperature sensing garments for health monitoring applications. Fibers, 6 (3): 46. ISSN 2079-6439


MA, Z., YANG, Z., LIU, S. and WU, S., 2018. Optimized rescheduling of multiple production lines for flowshop production of reinforced precast concrete components. Automation in Construction, 95, pp. 86-97. ISSN 0926-5805

MAHAJAN, D., COOPER, T., SMITH, D. and GNANAPRAGASAM, A., 2018. Quality discussion in management has come and gone! In: International Conference on Business, Economics and Sustainable Development, Delhi, India, 22-23 February 2018.

MATSANE, Z., ABOAGYE-NIMO, E. and AIGBAVBOA, C., 2018. Towards an understanding of contractor-subcontractor relationships in the South African construction: experiences from site. In: T.A. SAURIN, D. BASTOS COSTA, M. BEHM and F. EMUZE, eds., Joint CIB W099 and TG59 International Safety, Health, and People in Construction Conference: Coping with the Complexity of Safety, Health, and Wellbeing in Construction, Salvador, Brazil, 1-3 August 2018. Conference proceedings. Salvador: Marketing Aumentado, pp. 327-335. ISBN 9788567169118

MCGIBBON, S., ABDEL-WAHAB, M. and SUN, M., 2018. Towards a digitised process-wheel for historic building repair and maintenance projects in Scotland. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development. ISSN 2044-1266

MENDOZA, M., AVELLANEDA-LÓPEZ, O. and VILLAMIL-PEÑA, D., 2018. Learning by doing: fostering creativity in the teaching and learning of deployable structures in architectural education. In: C. MUELLER and S. ADRIAENSSENS, eds., Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposia: IASS 2018 Boston Symposium: Education of Architecture and Technology, Boston, Massachusetts, United States, 16-20 July 2018. Madrid: International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures.

MOHAMMAD, F.A. and AHMED, H.G., 2018. Optimum design of reinforced concrete cantilever retaining walls according Eurocode 2 (EC2). Athens Journal of Τechnology & Engineering, 5 (3), pp. 277-296. ISSN 2241-8237

MOMOH, J., BUTA, I.M. and MEDJDOUB, B., 2018. Urban development and housing demolition in Abuja city: the benefits of adopting the principles of sustainability. Journal of Good Governance and Sustainable Development in Africa, 4 (2), pp. 1-12. ISSN 2346-724X


NAMADI, S.A., PASQUIRE, C. and MANU, E., 2018. Positioning quantity surveyors in a collaborative production system. In: RICS COBRA 2018: The Construction, Building and Real Estate Research Conference of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, RICS HQ, London, 23-24 April 2018. London: Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. ISBN 9781783212842

NAZARIAN, M., PRICE, A., DEMIAN, P. and MALEKZADEH, M., 2018. Design lessons from the analysis of nurse journeys in a hospital ward. Health Environments Research and Design Journal, 11 (4), pp. 116-129. ISSN 1937-5867


OLIVA SALINAS, J.G., MENDOZA, M. and GONZÁLEZ MEZA, E., 2018. Reflections on Frei Otto as a promoter of sustainable architecture and his collaboration with Kenzo Tange and Over Arup in 1969. Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, 59 (195), pp. 87-100. ISSN 1996-9015


PAINTER, M., HIBBERT, S. and COOPER, T., 2018. The development of responsible and sustainable business practice: value, mind-sets, business-models. Journal of Business Ethics. ISSN 0167-4544

PAPASTAVROU, E., BREEDON, P. and FAIRHURST, D., 2018. Low-temperature deposition modeling of β-TCP scaffolds with controlled bimodal porosity. In: K. CHAWLA, ed., Biomaterials for tissue engineering: methods and protocols. Methods in molecular biology, 1758 . New York: Humana Press, pp. 41-54. ISBN 9781493977390

PASTOR, M., 2018. The stands of the Tor di Valle Hippodrome. Divisare, 148, pp. 8-17. ISSN 2532-523X

PICCIONI, D. and RIGANTI, P., 2018. Time, atemporality and the Trinitarian nature of God in Plato’s philosophical heritage. Agathos: An International Review Of The Humanities And Social Sciences, 9 (1), pp. 7-33. ISSN 2069-1025

PISCICELLI, L., LUDDEN, G.D.S. and COOPER, T., 2018. What makes a sustainable business model successful? An empirical comparison of two peer-to-peer goods-sharing platforms. Journal of Cleaner Production, 172, pp. 4580-4591. ISSN 0959-6526

PÉREZ-SUÁREZ, M. and ANTÓN, D., 2018. Sustainable social management: the case of co-operatives. In: A. LEAL-MILLAN, M. PERIS-ORTIZ and A.L. LEAL-RODRÍGUEZ, eds., Sustainability in innovation and entrepreneurship: policies and practices for a world with finite resources. Innovation, technology, and knowledge management . Cham: Springer, pp. 63-86. ISBN 9783319573175


RODRIGUES, A., 2018. Driving in the wrong lane: towards a change in paradigm for optimal passenger car lifespans. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.


SAEIDI, S., CHOKWITTHAYA, C., ZHU, Y. and SUN, M., 2018. Spatial-temporal event-driven modeling for occupant behavior studies using immersive virtual environments. Automation in Construction, 94, pp. 371-382. ISSN 0926-5805

SAGOO, A., CALAFIORE, S., SCOTT YOUNG, C., FARNES, K. and GHAREHBAGHI, K., 2018. Factors influencing subcontractor and main contractor relationships in Melbourne construction industry. In: RICS COBRA 2018: Construction, Building and Real Estate Research Conference of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, London 23-24 April 2018. London: RICS London. ISBN 9781783212729

SARHAN, S., 2018. Institutional waste within the UK construction industry: an exploratory study. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

SARHAN, S., PASQUIRE, C., KING, A. and MANU, E., 2018. Institutional waste within the UK construction procurement context: a conceptual framework. Engineering Project Organization Journal, 8, pp. 36-64. ISSN 2157-3727

SHANG, Z., WANG, M., SU, D., LIU, Q. and ZHU, S., 2018. Ontology based social life cycle assessment for product development. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 10 (11). ISSN 1687-8140

SHAPLEY, M., COLE, C., GNANAPRAGASAM, A. and COOPER, T., 2018. Community repair: how does attending pop-up repair events impact on individuals' understanding and behaviour toward repair? London: Nottingham Trent University for The Restart Project.

SHOOSHTARIAN, S., RAJAGOPALAN, P. and SAGOO, A., 2018. A comprehensive review of thermal adaptive strategies in outdoor spaces. Sustainable Cities and Society, 41, pp. 647-665. ISSN 2210-6707

SIENA, F., BREEDON, P., ARMSTRONG, J., WATTS, P., INKPIN, K., NORRIS, A. and MARSH, P., 2018. Utilising object tracking for the performance analysis of difficult airway equipment - a Shape Retention Testing System (SRTS). In: P.J. STANDEN, S. COBB, D. BROWN, P. GAMITO and K. APPIAH, eds., 12th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies in Collaboration with Interactive Technologies and Games (ITAG). Proceedings. Nottingham: ICDVRAT, pp. 173-180. ISBN 9780704915480

SIENA, F.L., BREEDON, P., ARMSTRONG, J., INKPIN, K., NORRIS, A. and WATTS, P., 2018. Performance analysis system for endotracheal tube introducers: standardising for success. Journal of Health Design, 3 (3), pp. 129-134. ISSN 2206-785X

SIENA, F.L., BREEDON, P., ARMSTRONG, J., WATTS, P., INKPIN, K. and NORRIS, A., 2018. Mechanical performance assessment system for endotracheal tube introducers using motion detection and object tracking. In: IADIS International Conference: Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing 2018, Madrid, Spain, 18-20 July 2018.

SIENA, F.L., BYROM, B., WATTS, P. and BREEDON, P., 2018. Usability assessment of facial tracking for use in clinical outcomes. In: IADIS International Conference: Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2018, Madrid, Spain, 18-20 July 2018.

SIENA, F.L., BYROM, B., WATTS, P. and BREEDON, P., 2018. Utilising the Intel RealSense camera for measuring health outcomes in clinical research. Journal of Medical Systems, 42 (3): 53. ISSN 0148-5598

SOUTO, A., 2018. Experiencing memory museums in Berlin. The Otto Weidt Workshop for the Blind Museum and the Jewish Museum Berlin. Museum & Society, 16 (1), pp. 1-27. ISSN 1479-8360

SOUTO GALVAN, A., 2018. Mapping Nottingham’s identity: a case study on critical pedagogy. In: J. SÁNCHEZ MERINA, ed., EURAU18 Alicante: 9th Congress European Research in Architecture and Urbanism: Retroactive Research, Alicante University, Alicante, Spain, 19-22 September 2018. Alicante: Alicante University. ISBN 9788413020037

SPRINKS, J., WORCESTER, F., BREEDON, P., HEWSON, D. and BEDWORTH, N., 2018. Patient-maintained propofol sedation: the anaesthetists' point of view. In: IADIS International Conference Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2018, Madrid, Spain, July 2018.

SUNG, K., COOPER, T. and KETTLEY, S., 2018. Emerging social movements for sustainability: understanding and scaling up upcycling in the UK. In: R. BRINKMANN and S. GARREN, eds., The Palgrave handbook of sustainability: case studies and practical solutions. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 299-312. ISBN 9783319713892


TOKBOLAT, S., KARACA, F., DURDYEV, S., NAZIPOV, F. and AIDYNGALIYEV, I., 2018. Assessment of green practices in residential buildings: a survey-based empirical study of residents in Kazakhstan. Sustainability, 10 (12): 4383. ISSN 2071-1050


WANG, J., KOBLYAKOVA, A., TIWARI, P. and CROUCHER, J.S., 2018. Is the Australian housing market in a bubble? International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis. ISSN 1753-8270

WANG, W., ZHANG, S. and PASQUIRE, C., 2018. Factors for the adoption of green building specifications in China. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 36 (3), pp. 254-267. ISSN 2398-4708

WARDLAW, J., SPRINKS, J., HOUGHTON, R., MULLER, J.-P., SIDIROPOULOS, P., BAMFORD, S. and MARSH, S., 2018. Comparing experts and novices in Martian surface feature change detection and identification. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 64, pp. 354-364. ISSN 1569-8432

WATKINS, M., 2018. Why don’t electric cars look like the future? The Conversation.

WATKINS, M., HIGGINSON, M. and CLARKE, P., 2018. Enhancing graduate employability in product design: a case study exploring approaches taken on a BSc Product Design course. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, 8 (1), pp. 80-93. ISSN 2042-3896

WATKINS, M.A., 2018. Collaborating with impact: increasing student attainment through higher order engagement. In: HEA STEM Conference 2018: Creativity in Teaching, Learning and Student Engagement, Centre for Life, Newcastle upon Tyne, 31 January - 1 February 2018.

WATKINS, M.A., 2018. Collaborating with impact: increasing student attainment through higher order engagement. In: TILT Festival of Learning 2018 - Scholarship, Pedagogy and Practice: Innovating since 1843, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 26 June 2018.

WATKINS, M.A. and CLARK, P., 2018. The consortium: an innovative approach to employability. In: 20th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College, London, 6–7 September 2018.

WHITE, M. and PAPASTAMOS, D., 2018. A regional analysis of house prices in Greece. Journal of European Real Estate Research, 11 (3), pp. 335-352. ISSN 1753-9269


XING, Y., BREWER, M., EL-GHARABAWY, H., GRIFFITH, G. and JONES, P., 2018. Growing and testing mycelium bricks as building insulation materials. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 121: 022032. ISSN 1755-1307

XING, Y., JONES, P., BOSCH, M., DONNISON, I., SPEAR, M. and ORMONDROYD, G., 2018. Exploring design principles of biological and living building envelopes: what can we learn from plant cell walls? Intelligent Buildings International, 10 (2), pp. 78-102. ISSN 1750-8975


YAO, L., 2018. House price appreciation and housing policy: a study of housing affordability and tenure choice in China. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

YU, A.T.W., JAVED, A.A., LAM, T.I., SHEN, G.Q. and SUN, M., 2018. Integrating value management into sustainable construction projects in Hong Kong. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 25 (11), pp. 1475-1500. ISSN 0969-9988

YILMAZ, E., YEL, S. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2018. The impact of heavy (excessive) video gaming students on peers and teachers in the school environment: a qualitative study. Addicta: the Turkish Journal on Addictions, 5 (2), pp. 147-161. ISSN 2148-7286

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