Items where Division is "Nottingham Business School" and Year is 2007

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AL-HAMADI, A.B., BUDHWAR, P.S. and SHIPTON, H., 2007. Management of human resource in Oman. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18 (1), pp. 100-113. ISSN 1466-4399

ANDRIOTIS, K., 2007. Male visitors' experience to a sacred shrine. In: Extraordinary Experiences Conference, Bournemouth, UK, 3-4 September 2007.

ANDRIOTIS, K., 2007. Sources of liability: tourism operators facing lawsuits. In: International Conference of Trends, Impacts and Policies on Tourism Development, Heraklion, Greece, 15-18 June 2007.

ANDRIOTIS, K., 2007. A framework for the tourism planning process. In: A. RAJ, ed., Sustainability, profitability and successful tourism. New Delhi, India: Kanishka Publishers. ISBN 8173919194

ANDRIOTIS, K., AGIOMIRGIANAKIS, G. and MIHIOTIS, A., 2007. Tourist vacation preferences: the case of mass tourists to Crete. Tourism Analysis, 12 (12), pp. 51-63.

ANTILL, L., 2007. Towards active based learning in IS. International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies, 1, pp. 146-158.

ARLETT, C., SMITH, A.J. and TOLLEY, H., 2007. An evaluation of the impact of small-scale funding on the professional practices of engineering academics. Engineering Education, 2 (1), pp. 13-22. ISSN 1750-0044


BARNES, P., 2007. Minsky's financial instability hypothesis: information asymmetry and accounting information: events surrounding the UK financial crises of 1966 and 1987. Accounting History, 12 (1), pp. 7-27. ISSN 1032-3732

BARNES, P., 2007. UK fraud manual. Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.

BARNES, P. and WEBB, J., 2007. Organisational susceptibility to fraud and theft: organisational size and the effectiveness of management controls. Managerial and Decision Economics, 28 (3), pp. 181-193. ISSN 1099-1468

BARTON, H. and BEYNON, M., 2007. Targeted criteria performance improvement: a comparison of two 'most similar' police forces. In: British Academy of Management, 2007. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 0954960831

BARTON, H. and TENG, W., 2007. An initial exploration of the extent and influence of guanxi on the process of HR selection within the Chinese public sector. In: 9th International HRM Conference in Talinn, Estonia, 2007. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 0978998589

BOLMAN, C., LECHNER, L. and VAN DIJKE, M.H., 2007. Question order in the assessment of misperception of physical activity. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 4, p. 42. ISSN 1479-5868

BRINDLEY, C.S. and RITCHIE, B., 2007. Supply chain risk management and performance: a guiding framework for future development. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 27 (3), pp. 303-322. ISSN 0144-3577

BRINDLEY, C.S. and RITCHIE, B., 2007. An emergent framework for supply chain risk management and performance measurement. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 58 (11), pp. 1398-1411. ISSN 0160-5682

BRYSON, C. and HAND, L., 2007. The role of engagement in inspiring teaching and learning. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 44 (4), pp. 349-362. ISSN 1470-3300


CETIN, R. and ACKRILL, R., 2007. Foreign investment and the export behaviour of foreign and local firms: an analysis of Turkish manufacturing. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

CHAMPION, D., 2007. Managing action research: the PEArL framework. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 20 (6), pp. 455-465. ISSN 1094-429X

CHAPPLE, W. and MOON, J., 2007. CSR agendas for Asia. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 14 (4), pp. 183-188. ISSN 1535-3958

CHEAH, E.T., CHAN, W.L. and CHIENG, C.L.L., 2007. The corporate social responsibility of pharmaceutical product recalls: an empirical examination of U.S. and U.K. markets. Journal of Business Ethics, 76 (4), pp. 427-449. ISSN 0167-4544

CHENG, R., HINES, T. and GRIME, I., 2007. The desired identity and perceived identity of fashion retailers. In: British Academy of Management Conference, Warwick, 11-13 September, 2007, Warwick.

CHMURA, T., KAISER, J. and PITZ, T., 2007. Simulating complex social behaviour with the genetic action tree kernel. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 13 (4), pp. 355-377. ISSN 1381-298X

CHMURA, T., KAISER, J., PITZ, T., BLUMBERG, M. and BRÜCK, M., 2007. Effects of advanced traveller information systems on agents' behaviour in a traffic scenario. In: A. SCHADSCHNEIDER, T. PÖSCHEL, R. KÜHNE, M. SCHRECKENBERG and D.E. WOLF, eds., Traffic and granular flow '05. Berlin: Springer, pp. 657-666. ISBN 9783540476405

CHMURA, T. and PITZ, T., 2007. An extended reinforcement algorithm for estimation of human behaviour in experimental congestion games. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 10 (2), pp. 1-20. ISSN 1460-7425

CHMURA, T., PITZ, T. and FEI, F., 2007. Minority game - experiments and simulations. Journal of Systems and Management, 16 (6), pp. 585-590.

CHMURA, T., PITZ, T. and SCHRECKENBERG, M., 2007. Laboratory experiments with Nagel-Schreckenberg Algorithm. In: A. SCHADSCHNEIDER, T. PÖSCHEL, R. KÜHNE, M. SCHRECKENBERG and D.E. WOLF, eds., Traffic and granular flow '05. Berlin: Springer, pp. 437-444. ISBN 9783540476405

CHONDROLEOU, G., ELCOCK, H., LIDDLE, J. and OIKONOMOPOULOS, I., 2007. Re-organisation: panacea or delusion? Local government reform in England and Greece. In: T. BOVAIRD and E. LOEFFLER, eds., Rural Governance in Europe. London: Edward Elgar.

CLARK, I., 2007. Private equity and HRM in the British business system. Human Resource Management Journal, 17 (3), pp. 218-226. ISSN 0954-5395

COOKE, P.N.C., 2007. Automotive components industry: evolve, associate, and migrate to survive and prosper. KPMG, pp. 1-28.

COOKE, P.N.C., 2007. The BEN book of numbers (an automotive industry statistical handbook). BEN, pp. 1-90.

COOKE, P.N.C., 2007. Business car expectations: fleet survey 2000. HSBC, pp. 1-90.

COOKE, P.N.C., 2007. Business car perceptions. Bearing Point Ltd., pp. 1-105.

COOKE, P.N.C., 2007. Rethinking used business vehicle disposal strategy. BCA Vehicle Remarking, pp. 1-32.


DAWSON, P., DOBSON, S., GODDARD, J.A. and WILSON, J., 2007. Are football referees really biased and inconsistent? Evidence on the incidence of disciplinary sanction in the English Premier League. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 170 (1), pp. 231-250. ISSN 0964-1998

DAWSON, P., DOBSON, S., GODDARD, J.A. and WILSON, J., 2007. Are football referees really biased and inconsistent? Evidence on the incidence of disciplinary sanction in the English Premier League. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 170 (1), pp. 231-250. ISSN 0964-1998

DE CREMER, D., VAN DIJKE, M.H. and BOS, A.E.R., 2007. When leaders are seen as transformational: the effects of organizational justice. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 37 (8), pp. 1797-1816. ISSN 1559-1816

DIAMOND, J., LIDDLE, J., ROWE, M. and SOUTHERN, A., 2007. Building castles in the sky? Regions Magazine, 265 (1), p. 3.

DIAMOND, J., LIDDLE, J., ROWE, M. and SOUTHERN, A., 2007. Regeneration management skills [editorial]. Public Money and Management, 27 (3), pp. 167-168.

DIAMOND, J., LIDDLE, J., SOUTHERN, A. and TOWNSEND, A.R., 2007. Context: marking the transition. In: J. DIAMOND, J. LIDDLE, A. SOUTHERN and A.R. TOWNSEND, eds., Managing the city. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 9-15.

DIXON, R., RITCHIE, J. and SIWALE, J., 2007. Loan officers and loan 'delinquency' in microfinance: a Zambian case. Accounting Forum, 31 (1), pp. 47-71. ISSN 0155-9982

DOBSON, S. and GODDARD, J.A., 2007. Forecasting scores and results and testing the efficiency of the fixed-odds betting market in Scottish league football. In: J. ALBERT and R. KONING, eds., Statistical thinking in sports. Ann Arbor: CRC Press, pp. 91-110.

DOUGHTY, D. and BARTON, H., 2007. The Russia house: an exploration of the increasing professionalisation of the role of HR in Russia. In: 9th International HRM Conference in Talinn, Estonia, 2007. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 0978998589

DWIVEDI, Y.K., KHOUMBATI, K., WILLIAMS, M.D. and LAL, B., 2007. Factors affecting consumers' behavioural intention to adopt broadband in Pakistan. Transforming Government People, Process and Policy, 1 (3), pp. 285-297.

DWIVEDI, Y.K., KHOUMBATI, K., WILLIAMS, M.D., LAL, B. and GHARAVI, H., 2007. Examining the role of attitudinal, normative and control factors influencing behavioural intention to adopt broadband in Pakistan. In: Pre-ECIS 2007 e-DIGIT Workshop, St. Gallen, Switzerland, June 5 2007, St. Gallen, Switzerland.

DWIVEDI, Y.K. and LAL, B., 2007. Examining the socio-economic determinants of broadband adoption in the United Kingdom. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 107 (5), pp. 654-671.

DWIVEDI, Y.K., LAL, B., IRANI, Z. and WILLIAMS, M.D., 2007. A logistic regression analysis to examine factors affecting broadband adoption in UK households. In: 15th European Conference on Information Systems: ECIS 2007, St. Gallen, Switzerland, June 6-9 2007, St. Gallen, Switzerland.

DWIVEDI, Y.K., LAL, B. and KHOUMBATI, K., 2007. Content validity of a survey instrument. In: Y.K. DWIVEDI, A. PAPAZAFEIROPOULOU and J. CHOUDRIE, eds., Handbook of research in global diffusion of broadband data transmission. Hershey, Philadelphia: IGI Global.

DWIVEDI, Y.K., WILLIAMS, M.D., LAL, B. and BHATT, S., 2007. Consumer adoption of broadband in India: a pilot study. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on E-Governance, Hyderabad, India.

DWIVEDI, Y.K., WILLIAMS, M.D., LAL, B. and BHATT, S., 2007. Understanding factors affecting consumer adoption of broadband in India: a pilot study. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on E-governance, Hyderabad, India.

DE, W., MCELWEE, G. and SCHOORLEMMER, H., 2007. The European farm entrepreneur? A comparative perspective. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 4 (6), pp. 679-692.


ENG TUCK CHEAH, J., 2007. Baldrige Award announcement and long memory in shareholder wealth. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 18 (1-2), pp. 209-218. ISSN 1478-3363

EROTOKRITAKIS, K. and ANDRIOTIS, K., 2007. Residents' perceptions towards tourism in a rural Cretan community. In: International Conference of Trends, Impacts and Policies on Tourism Development, Heraklion, Greece, 15-18 June 2007.


FATTORUSSO, J., SKOVORODA, R., BUCK, T. and BRUCE, A., 2007. UK executive bonuses and transparency - a research note. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 45 (3), pp. 518-536. ISSN 0007-1080

FELSTEAD, A., FULLER, A., JEWSON, N., KAKAVELAKIS, K. and UNWIN, L., 2007. Grooving to the same tunes?: Learning, training and productive systems in the aerobics studio. Work, Employment and Society, 21 (2), pp. 189-208. ISSN 0950-0170

FOSTER, C. and TANSLEY, C., 2007. Attracting talent: the employer branding dimension. In: 3rd Annual Colloquium of the Academy of Marketing's Brand, Corporate Identity and Reputation SIG, Brunel University, London, September 2007., London.

FOSTER, C., WHYSALL, P. and HARRIS, L., 2007. Employee loyalty: a study of staff commitment levels towards retailing, the retailer and the store. In: 14th EAERCD International Conference, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany, July, 2007, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany.

FOSTER, C., WHYSALL, P. and HARRIS, L., 2007. Female career progression in retailing. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 35 (12), pp. 975-981. ISSN 0959-0552

FRANSOO, J.C. and DE LEEUW, S., 2007. Supply chain challenges in the electronics industry. Boston: Moduslink.

FRITH, K. and MCELWEE, G., 2007. An emergent entrepreneur? A story of a drug-dealer in a restricted entrepreneurial environment. Society and Business Review, 3 (2), pp. 270-286.

FULLER, A., UNWIN, L., FELSTEAD, A., JEWSON, N. and KAKAVELAKIS, K., 2007. Creating and using knowledge: an analysis of the differentiated nature of workplace learning environments. British Educational Research Journal, 33 (5), pp. 743-759. ISSN 0141-1926

FURLOTTI, M., 2007. Planning for risk or planning for performance? Managing resource requirements and coordination concerns in technology alliance agreements. In: EMNet 2007 - International Conference on Economics and Management of Networks, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 28-30 June 2007.

FURLOTTI, M., 2007. There is more to contracts than incompleteness: a review and assessment of empirical research on inter-firm contract design. Journal of Management and Governance, 11 (1), pp. 61-99. ISSN 1385-3457

FURLOTTI, M., 2007. An empirical taxonomy of technology alliance contracts. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 3-8 August 2007.


GOODERHAM, P., FENTON-O'CREEVY, M. and NORDHAUG, O., 2007. Human resource management in US subsidiaries in Europe and Australia: Centralisation or autonomy? [Electronic publication]. Journal of International Business Studies. ISSN 0047-2506


HMT–OGC [HM TREASURY - OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT COMMERCE], 2007. The Enabling Savings programme for the Department of Works and Pensions: a strategic assessment. London: Department of Works and Pensions.

HMT–OGC [HM TREASURY - OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT COMMERCE], 2007. National Policing Improvement Agency: review of business case. London: Home Office.

HMT–OGC [HM TREASURY - OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT COMMERCE], 2007. Review of strategic assessment and investment decision: National Policing Improvement Agency. London: Home Office.

HAGEN, R., 2007. Managing in a multiculturally diverse world: a paradigm Shift in management education [guest presenter]. In: 18th International Conference of the European SPACE Network 2007, 21-24 March 2007.

HAGEN, R., 2007. Managing in a multiculturally diverse world: a paradigm Shift in management education [guest presenter]. In: 2007 Guest External Annual Lecture at Konstanz University of Appplied Science, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, Konstanz University of Appplied Science, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 11 June 2007.

HAGEN, R. and LIDDLE, J., 2007. Changing strategic direction for executive development in the public sector: opportunities for top business schools? International Journal of Public Sector Management, 20 (4), pp. 325-340. ISSN 0951-3558

HARRADINE, D., 2007. Accounting for negotiated order: a case study of a National Health Service hospital. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

HARRIS, L., FOSTER, C. and WHYSALL, P., 2007. Maximising women's potential in the UK's retail sector. Employee Relations, 29 (5), pp. 492-505. ISSN 0142-5455

HARRIS, L., FOSTER, C. and WHYSALL, P., 2007. Maximising women's potential in the UK's retail sector. Employee Relations, 29 (5), pp. 492-505. ISSN 0142-5455

HARRISON, B., HAKES, D. and VYMYATNINA, Y., 2007. Study guide to accompany 'Economics' by N. Gregory Mankiw and Mark P. Taylor. UNSPECIFIED.

HARRISON, B. and PATON, D., 2007. Do fat tails matter in GARCH estimation? Testing market efficiency in two transition economies. Economic Issues, 12 (2), pp. 15-26.

HARRISON, B. and VYMYATNINA, Y., 2007. Currency substitution in a de-dollarising economy: the case of Russia. Bank of Finland Institute.

HARRISON, B. and VYMYATNINA, Y., 2007. Demand for money during transition: the case of Russia. Department of Economics, European University at St Petersburg.

HAY, A.J., 2007. International action learning: a vehicle for developing criticality? In: Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, 3-8 August 2007, Philadelphia, USA.

HAY, A.J., 2007. On the challenges of using research to enhance teaching. In: Improving University Teaching Conference, Jaen, Spain, 4-7 July 2007, Jaen, Spain.

HEALEY, N., 2007. Globalisation, technology and demographics: the challenges for higher education [opening address]. In: QS Asia-Pacific Professional Leaders in Education (QS-APPLE) 3rd Annual Conference, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, July 2007, Hong Kong.

HEALEY, N., 2007. The multinational corporation. In: A. GRIFFITHS and S. WALL, eds., Applied economics. Addision-Wesley, pp. 114-137.

HEALEY, N. and TODD, S., 2007. The future of higher education in a globalised world: a public university perspective. In: European Association of International Education 19th Annual Conference, Trondheim, September 2007, Trondheim.

HEMANS, E., 2007. A strategic analysis and review of the organisation: NTCG Nottingham. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

HINES, T., CHENG, R. and GRIME, I., 2007. Fashion retail identities. In: T. HINES and M. BRUCE, eds., Fashion marketing: contemporary Issues. Oxford: Elsevier. ISBN 0309-0566

HOLDEN, N. and TANSLEY, C., 2007. Culturally-distinctive manifestations in international knowledge management - an historical perspective. International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication, 1 (4), pp. 313-327.

HOLDEN, N. and TANSLEY, C., 2007. 'Talent' in European languages: philological analysis of semantic confusions in managment discourse. Stream: managment and philology: perspectives on languages. In: Critical Management Studies Conference, Manchester Business School, 11-13 July 2007, Manchester, UK.

HU, M.C., ZHENG, C. and LAMOND, D.A., 2007. Recruitment and retention of ICT skills among MNCs in Taiwan. Chinese Management Studies, 1 (2), pp. 78-92.

HURST, A., HODGKINSON, M. and MUTCH, A., 2007. Construction managers - an underdeveloped resource? In: Built Environment Education Conference - BEECON 2007, London, 12-13 September 2007, London.

HURST, A., HODGKINSON, M. and MUTCH, A., 2007. The complexity of the nature of the relationship between construction industry employees and recruitment to higher education construction courses. In: CIB-TG62 2nd International Conference on Built Environment Complexity, Cape Town, South Africa, 14-19 May 2007, Cape Town.

HURST, A., HODGKINSON, M. and MUTCH, A., 2007. The implementation of continuing professional development for construction managers. In: 7th International Postgraduate Research Conference In The Built And Human Environment, Salford, 28-29 March 2007, Salford.

HURST, A., HODGKINSON, M. and MUTCH, A., 2007. The implementation of continuing professional development for construction managers. In: CIB-TG62 2nd International Conference on Built Environment Complexity, Cape Town, South Africa, 14-19 May 2007, Cape Town.

HYASAT, A., 2007. The influence of an unstable political situation upon tourism development in Jordan. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.


JIMURA, T., 2007. The impact of World Heritage Site designation on local communities - a comparative study of Ogimachi (Japan) and Saltaire (UK). Volume 1. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

JONES, M., 2007. How to do a DBA - outline of a proposed doctoral study into local government strategic turnaround. In: ACIPFAL (Association of CIPFA Lecturers) Annual Conference, Durham, June 2007, Durham.

JOYCE, P., 2007. The integration of performance management into the London Borough of Lewisham. In: F. LONGO and D. CROISTOFOLI, eds., Strategic change management in the public sector: an EFMD case book. J. Wiley and Sons, pp. 285-309. ISBN 9.78047E+12


KAMOCHE, K., 2007. Strategy, knowledge, appropriation and ethics in HRM. In: A. PINNINGTON, R. MACKLIN and T. CAMPBELL, eds., Human resource management: ethics and employment. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

KAMOCHE, K. and MAMMAN, A., 2007. Toward a new theoretical perspective for understanding management innovations in Africa. In: International Academy of African Business and Development, London, May-June, 2007, London.

KAY, A. and ACKRILL, R., 2007. Financing social and cohesion policy in an enlarged EU: plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose? Journal of European Social Policy, 17 (4), pp. 361-374. ISSN 0958-9287

KAY, A. and ACKRILL, R., 2007. Financing social and cohesion policy in an enlarged EU: plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose? Journal of European Social Policy, 17 (4), pp. 361-374. ISSN 0958-9287

KHATRI, N., SHIPTON, H., RATHERT, C., RONDEAU, K., SANDERS, K. and SCULLY, J., 2007. Strategic HRM in health-care: challenges and opportunities. In: Academy of Management Annual Conference 2007, Philadelphia, USA, 3-8 August 2007, Philadelphia.

KHOUMBATI, K., DWIVEDI, Y.K., LAL, B. and CHEN, H., 2007. Broadband adoption in Pakistan. Electronic Government: an International Journal,, 4 (4), pp. 451-465.

KHOUMBATI, K., LAL, B. and CHEN, H., 2007. Consumer adoption of broadband in Pakistan. In: Proceedings of the 13th Americas Conference on Information Systems, Keystone, Colorado.

KING, D., 2007. (Nearly) 40 years on: assessing the impact of the student protests on CMS. In: Critical Management Studies, Manchester, July 2007, Manchester.

KNOX, K.T., 2007. The notion of information. In: InSITE (Informing Science and Information Technology Education) Conference, Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 22-25 June, 2007, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

KNOX, K.T., 2007. The various and conflicting notions of information. Journal of Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology (IISIT), 4, pp. 675-689.


LAMOND, D.A., 2007. Corporate social responsibility: making trade work for the poor. Management Decision, 45 (8), pp. 1200-1207.

LASHLEY, C. and ROWSON, B., 2007. Trials and tribulations of hotel ownership in Blackpool: highlighting the skills gap of owner managers. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 7 (2), pp. 122-130. ISSN 1742-9692

LAURING, J. and BJERREGAARD, T., 2007. Language use and international business: what can we learn from anthropology? Hermes: Journal of Language and Communication in Business (38), pp. 105-117. ISSN 0018-0777

LEE, L.W. and HAYES, D., 2007. Joint tourism Olympic strategy for British Columbia, Vancouver, Whistler, and Canada. Vancouver: Strategex Consulting Group.

LI, F., WANG, X. and ZHANG, L.Q., 2007. An introduction to retail internationalisation in China. In: 14th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing (EIRASS), San Francisco, July 2007, San Francisco.

LIDDLE, J., 2007. The International Brigade Command Course (IBCC) for Fire and Rescue Services (FRS) : is it fit for purpose in response to the complex and paradoxical environments of new public service delivery? In: (New) Talent Management Agenda: a Response to Complexity and Paradox in Public Services: EFMD Conference on Public Sector Management Development, EOI BUsiness School, Madrid, Spain, 21-22 June, 2007, Madrid.

LIDDLE, J., 2007. Leadership and regional well being. In: Regions in Focus, University of Lisbon, Portugal, 02-05 April, 2007. International Regional Studies Association, p. 66. ISBN 1897721345

LIDDLE, J., 2007. Leading in multi-sector contexts: the case of UK neighourhood management and renewal. In: Leading the Future of the Public Sector: The Third Transatlantic Dialogue. ASPA/EGPA Transatlantic Dialogue: American Society for Public Administration and European Group of Public Administration Conference, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, USA,, Newark.

LIDDLE, J., 2007. Leading the public sector: the need for new skills? Imagine (4), pp. 20-21.

LIDDLE, J., 2007. Reflections on regeneration management skills research. Public Money and Management, 27 (3), pp. 189-192.

LIDDLE, J., 2007. Report on the changing demography of the East Midlands. Regions' Newsletter (267200), pp. 26-27.

LIDDLE, J., 2007. Sharing learning across public sector. In: Public Sector Skills: The 2007 National Conference, Queen Elizabeth 2nd Conference Centre, London, 03 December, 2007, London.

LIDDLE, J. and BROWN, B., 2007. Evaluating the robustness of partnership as a delivery mechanism for delivering the New Labour's ideological and economic aspirations. In: 7th Regeneration Management Research Network, University of Manchester, Manchester, 27 June, 2007, Manchester.

LIDDLE, J. and DIAMOND, J., 2007. Regeneration [special issue]. UNSPECIFIED.

LIDDLE, J. and DIAMOND, J., 2007. Regeneration management [special issue]. UNSPECIFIED.

LIDDLE, J. and OIKONOMOPOULOS, I., 2007. Change processes in Megara municipality, Greece. In: D. CRISTOFOLI and F. LONGO, eds., Strategic change management in the public sector: an EFMD European casebook. New York: John Wiley. ISBN 9780000000000

LIDDLE, J. and SMITH, S., 2007. Evaluating or disconnecting the disenfranchised from those who would enfranchise them? In: J. DIAMOND, J. LIDDLE, A. SOUTHERN and A.R. TOWNSEND, eds., Managing the city. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 116-130.


MANGENA, M. and CHAMISA, E., 2007. Corporate governance and incidences of listing suspension by the JSE Securities Exchange of South Africa: an empirical analysis. In: British Accounting Association (BAA) Conference, London, April 2007, London.

MANGENA, M., KINMAN, R. and CITRON, D., 2007. Investment analysts' perception of disclosure in UK interim financial reports. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 8 (3), pp. 145-185.

MANGENA, M. and TAURINGANA, V., 2007. Corporate compliance with non-mandatory best practice statements: the case of the ASB statement on interim reports. European Accounting Review, 16 (2), pp. 399-427.

MANGENA, M. and TAURINGANA, V., 2007. Disclosure, corporate governance and foreign share ownership on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, 18 (2), pp. 53-85.

MARAVANYIKA, D., 2007. The impact of the internet on distribution strategies of airlines in Southern Africa. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

MCELWEE, G., 2007. Farmers and strategic plans. What's the problem? In: The 5th Rural Entrepreneurship Conference University of Lincoln, February 2007, Lincoln.

MCELWEE, G., 2007. Framing the rural enterprise economy. In: The 5th Rural Entrepreneurship Conference University of Lincoln, February 2007, Lincoln.

MCELWEE, G., 2007. Perspectives on entrepreneurship: cultures and contexts? In: Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University, Scotland, 13 September 2007, Aberdeen.

MCELWEE, G. and ATHERTON, A., 2007. Framing the rural enterprise economy. In: ISBE, Glasgow, Scotland, 7-9 November 2007, Glasgow.

MOLTHAN-HILL, P.I., 2007. Managerial orientations towards environmental issues: a comparative study of British and German managers. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

MORGAN, A., RAIDÉN, A.B. and NAYLOR, G., 2007. Unlocking potential in construction skills: the case of the mislaid key. In: 8th International Conference on Human Resource Development Research & Practice across Europe, Oxford Brookes University, 27-29 June 2007, Oxford.

MUTCH, A., 2007. National identity and popular music: questioning the 'Celtic'. Scottish Studies Review, 8 (1), pp. 116-129. ISSN 1475-7737

MUTCH, A., 2007. Reflexivity and the institutional entrepreneur: a historical exploration. Organization Studies, 28 (7), pp. 1123-1140. ISSN 0170-8046


NEGRU, I., 2007. Institutions, markets and gift: neoclassical, institutionalist and Austrian perspectives. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

NEWELL, S., HUANG, J. and TANSLEY, C., 2007. Project social capital, leadership and trust: a study of human resource information systems development. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 22 (4), pp. 350-368.


PAINTER-MORLAND, M.J., 2007. Investigations. In: Minimum anti-corruption guidelines. Department of Public Service and Administration, South African Public Service.

PAINTER-MORLAND, M.J., 2007. Redefining accountability in a network society. Business Ethics Quarterly, 17 (3), pp. 515-534. ISSN 1052-150X

PAINTER-MORLAND, M.J. and HARTMAN, L.P., 2007. Exploring the global reporting initiative as a model as for triple bottom-line reporting. African Journal of Business Ethics, 2 (1), pp. 49-57. ISSN 1817-7417

PAINTER-MORLAND, M.J. and PISTORIUS, C., 2007. Tegnologie en morele heropbou. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 47 (2), pp. 135-141. ISSN 0041-4751

PALERMO, O. and BISIGNANO, A., 2007. Understanding team creativity in entrepreneurship programmes. National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship.

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