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6, P., 2005. Information risks and joined-up government. In: Essays on risk and trust in the Internet era: issues for governance, democracy and regulation. Amsterdam: IOS Press.

6, P., 2005. Joined-up government in the west beyond Britain: a provisional assessment. In: V. BOGDANOR, ed., Joined-up government. Oxford: Oxford University Press for the British Academy, pp. 43-106. ISBN 9.7802E+12

6, P., 2005. The governance of technology. In: C. LYALL and J. TAIT, eds., New modes of governance: developing an integrated poicy approach to science, technology, risk and the environment. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 19-44. ISBN 754641643

6, P., 2005. The personal information economy: trends and prospects for consumers. In: S. LACE, ed., The glass consumer. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 17-44.

6, P. and PECK, E., 2005. The role of organisational development in policy implementation in healthcare. In: E. PECK, ed., Organisational development in healthcare: approaches, innovations, achievements. Abingdon: Radcliffe Medical, pp. 27-42. ISBN 185775896X


ABDELMONEM, M.G. and SELIM, G., 2005. Rehabilitation of historical buildings: evaluation of policies and project outcomes in the Middle East, case of Egypt. In: C.A. BREBBIA, ed., Structural studies, repairs and maintenance of heritage architecture. IX. WIT transactions on the built environment (83). Southampton: WIT Press, pp. 421-431. ISBN 9781845640217

ABDUL-REDAH, T., CHATZIDIMITRIOU-DREISMANN, C.A., FILLAUX, F., KARLSSON, E.B., KRZYSTYNIAK, M., MAYERS, J., NAUMANN, H. and STENHOLM, S., 2005. Schrödinger's cat states of protons in condensed matter. In: V.M. AKULIN, A. SARFATI, G. KURIZKI and S. PELLEGRIN, eds., Decoherence, entanglement and information protection in complex quantum systems. Springer, pp. 439-444. ISBN 9781402032820

ABDUL-REDAH, T., KRZYSTYNIAK, M. and CHATZIDIMITRIOU-DREISMANN, C.A., 2005. Quantum entanglement and decoherence due to electrons-protons coupling. In: V.M. AKULIN, A. SARFATI, G. KURIZKI and S. PELLEGRIN, eds., Decoherence, entanglement and information protection in complex quantum systems. Springer, pp. 469-482. ISBN 9781402032820

ACKRILL, R.W., 2005. Common Agricultural Policy. In: D. VAN, ed., Handbook of public administration and policy in the European Union. Boca Raton: CRC Press, pp. 435-487. ISBN 824759141

ACKRILL, R.W., 2005. EU enlargement. In: W.P. MAUNDER, ed., Developments in economics: an annual review. Ormskirk: Causeway Press, pp. 1-17.

AGAFONOV, E. and BARGIELA, A., 2005. A methodology for accurate link travel time estimation. In: UK SIM 2003: Sixth National Conference of the United Kingdon Simulation Society, Cambridge, UK, 9 April 2003. Nottingham: UK Simulation Society, pp. 188-193. ISBN 1842330888

AL-DABASS, D., EVANS, D. and REN, M., 2005. A new hybrid methodology for intelligent Chinese character recognition. In: Proceedings - HIS'04: 4th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems. Piscataway, NJ, US: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society, pp. 104-109. ISBN 0769522912

AL-DABASS, D., EVANS, D. and REN, M.L., 2005. Observability in hybrid multi agent recurrent nets for natural language processing. In: N. NEDJAH, L.M. MOURELLE, M.M.B. VELLASCO, A. ABRAHAM and M. KOPPEN, eds., 5th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 6-9 November 2005. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society, pp. 506-508. ISBN 0769524575

AL-HABAIBEH, A. and PARKIN, R.M., 2005. An evaluation of a heat transfer process using sensor fusion of thermocouples and infrared thermography. In: Proceedings of the international conference on condition monitoring systems 2005. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 229-233. ISBN 0190189182

AL-HABAIBEH, A., PARKIN, R.M., OTHMAN, F.M. and ALBAR, O., 2005. Intelligent buildings using integrated and autonomous condition monitoring systems. In: Proceedings of the international conference on condition monitoring systems 2005. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 0190189182

ALLISON, D., MEDJDOUB, B. and WILSON, R., 2005. Toward quantitative aerial thermal infrared thermography for energy conservation in the built environment. In: G.R. PEACOCK, D.D. BURLEIGH and J.J. MILES, eds., Thermosense XXVII. Proceedings of SPIE (5782). SPIE, pp. 133-144. ISBN 9780819457677

ALLWOOD, G., 2005. Citizenship, gender and identity in France. In: V. TOLZ and S. BOOTH, eds., Nation and gender in contemporary Europe: exploring the East West divide. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 24-37. ISBN 719068568

APPIAH, K. and HUNTER, A., 2005. A single-chip FPGA implementation of real-time adaptive background model. In: 2005 IEEE International Conference on Field Programmable Technology, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 11-14 December 2005. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), pp. 95-102. ISBN 0780394070

ASHFORTH-FROST, S., CHEONG, B.C.Y., IRELAND, P.T. and LING, J.C.P.W., 2005. Flow and heat transfer characteristics of an impinging jet in crossflow at low nozzle-to-plate spacings. In: Proceedings ASME turbo expo 2005 power for land, sea and air. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 601-618. ISBN 0791847268


BAILEY, O.G. and HARINDRANATH, R., 2005. Racialized 'othering'; the representation of asylum seekers in news media. In: S. ALLEN, ed., Journalism: critical issues. Maidenhead: Open University Press, pp. 274-286.

BANCROFT, M., CANT, R.J., LANGENSIEPEN, C. and AL-DABASS, D., 2005. A game engine for mobile phones. In: CGAMES 2005, Angoulême, France, 28-30 November, 2005 [conference proceedings]. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 89-95. ISBN 954901626

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 2005. Diversity in unity: an analysis of settlement structure of Harat al-'Aqr, Nizwa (Oman). In: Proceedings of the seminar for Arabian studies. London: International Association for the Study of Arabia, pp. 19-36. ISBN 2503506321

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 2005. Problematic aspect of synthesis and interpretation in the study of traditional Omani built environment. In: T. SHAKUR, ed., Cities in transition: transforming the global built environment. Altrincham: Open House Press, pp. 15-30. ISBN 0954446313

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 2005. The deconstructed courtyard: dwellings of Central Oman. In: B. EDWARDS, ed., Courtyard housing: past, present and future. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis, pp. 109-121. ISBN 0415262720

BARGIELA, A., NAKASHIMA, T. and PEDRYCZ, W., 2005. Iterative gradient descent approach to multiple regression with fuzzy data. In: Nafips 2005 - 2005 Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, Detroit, USA, 26-28 June 2005. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 304-309. ISBN 078039187X

BARGIELA-CHIAPPINI, F., 2005. Face. In: The encyclopedia of language and linguistics. Elsevier.

BARGIELA-CHIAPPINI, F., 2005. In memory of the business letter: multimedia, genres and social action in a banking website. In: P. GILLEARTS and M. GOTTI, eds., Genre variation in business letters. Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 99-122. ISBN 3039106740

BARGIELA-CHIAPPINI, F., 2005. The language of work. In: The encyclopedia of language and linguistics. Elsevier.

BARNES, A., 2005. Mapping meaning - redrawing the geo/graphic landscape. In: 2nd International Conference on Information Design, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 8-10 September 2005. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 8589879038

BARNES, P., 2005. A Victorian financial crisis: the scandalous implications of the case of Overend Gurney. In: J. ROWBOTHAM and K. STEVENSON, eds., Criminal conversations: Victorian crimes, social panic and moral outrage. Ohio State University Press.

BARNETT, Y., 2005. Aging. In: B. CABALLERO, L. ALLEN and A. PRENTICE, eds., Encyclopedia of human nutrition. Elsevier, pp. 40-48. ISBN 121501108

BARTON, H. and DELBRIDGE, R., 2005. Managing HR in the 'learning factory': reality or rhetoric? In: 8th International HRM Conference, University of Cairns, Queensland, Australia, 2005. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 0646449060

BELBIN, D., 2005. Reversal. In: J. URQUHART, ed., Sunday night and Monday morning. Nottingham: Five Leaves, pp. 113-122.

BELLAMY, C., 6, P. and RAAB, C., 2005. Personal data in the public sector: reconciling necessary sharing with confidentiality. In: S. LACEY, ed., The glass consumer: life in a surveillance society. Bristol: National Consumer Council and Policy Press, pp. 131-151. ISBN 1861347359

BELLAMY, C., RAAB, C. and 6, P., 2005. Multi-agency working in British social policy: risk, information sharing and privacy. In: V. BEKKERS, ed., Essays on risk and trust in the internet era: issues for governance, democracy and regulation. Amsterdam: IOS. ISBN 1586035975

BENNETT, M., 2005. Stuart Britain. In: K. LAYBOURN, ed., Annual bulletin of historical literature. Oxford: Blackwell for The Historical Association.

BEYNON, M. and BARTON, H., 2005. The identification of performance improvement of UK police forces using PROMOTHEE. In: British Academy of Management, 2005. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 0954960815

BILLING, J. and CORDINGLEY, T., 2005. Some kind of analogtivity: anti-simulation through design. In: 3AD Third International Conference on Appliance Design 2005. The Appliance Design Network, pp. 44-47. ISBN 0954746015

BIRRINGER, J., 2005. New environments for interactive dance. In: G. GIANNACHI and N. STEWART, eds., Performing nature: explorations in ecology and the arts. Oxford;New York: Lang. ISBN 082047584X

BIRRINGER, J., 2005. Preface. In: J. NEWLING and A. NEWLING, eds., Writings 1995-2005; Essays 1995-2004 Bk. 1. SWPA Limited.

BIRRINGER, J. and DANJOUX, M., 2005. Wearable futures: the telematic dress: evolving garments and proprioception in streaming media and fashion performance. In: Hybrid Culture in the Design and Development of Soft Technology, University of Wales, Newport, Wales, 14-16 September, 2005. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9781899274345

BONNER, P.L.R., 2005. The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in molecular science student centred learning: a developmental approach. In: C. MCLOUGHLIN and A. TAJI, eds., Teaching in life sciences: Learner centred approaches. Haworth, pp. 27-42. ISBN 1560222638

BOYES, S., 2005. Law, regulation and the 'Europeanisation' of a global game. In: J. MAGEE, A. BAIRNER and A. TOMLINSON, eds., The bountiful game? Football identities and finance. Meyer & Meyer, pp. 230-247. ISBN 1841261785

BRADY, G., 2005. ADHD, diagnosis and identity. In: C. NEWNES and N. RADCLIFFE, eds., Making and breaking children's lives. Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books, pp. 49-59. ISBN 9781898059707

BYFORD, J.T., 2005. Distinguishing 'Anti-Judaism' from 'Antisemitism': Denial of anti-Semitism in Serbian Orthodox Christian culture. In: Religion, State and Society. UNSPECIFIED.

BYFORD, J.T., 2005. 'Serbs never hated the Jews': literal denial of anti-Semitism in contemporary Serbian religious discourse. In: Patterns of Prejudice. UNSPECIFIED.

BYRON, C., 2005. Glass poet. In: P. DAVIES, ed., Wheel and water grind an edge: nine glass artists and one glass poet. Sunderland: Northern Art Editions.

BYRON, C., 2005. The winter husband. In: J. LUCAS, ed., Take five 05. Nottingham: Shoestring, pp. 1-12. ISBN 1904886175


CANT, R.J., CHURCHILL, J. and AL-DABASS, D., 2005. A hybrid artifical intelligence approach with application to games. In: World Congress on Computational Intelligence (2002-WCCI), IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN02), 12 May 2002. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 1575-1580. ISBN 0780372786

CAPORN, S.J.M., EDMONDSON, J., CARROLL, R.N., CRESSWELL, N. and PRICE, E.A.C., 2005. Long-term impacts of enhanced and reduced nitrogen deposition on semi-natural vegetation. In: Interim Progress Report of UK, DEFRA Terrestrial Umbrella: eutrophication and acidification of terrestrial ecosystems in the UK. (Work Package 2, Task 4). UNSPECIFIED.

CHATZIDIMITRIOU-DREISMANN, C.A., ABDUL-REDAH, T., KRZYSTYNIAK, M. and VOS, M., 2005. Attosecond effects in scattering of neutrons and electrons from protons. In: V.M. AKULIN, A. SARFATI, G. KURIZKI and S. PELLEGRIN, eds., Decoherence, entanglement and information protection in complex quantum systems. Springer, pp. 483-498. ISBN 9781402032820

CHILTON, J.C. and VELASCO, R., 2005. Application of textile composites in the construction industry. In: A. LONG, ed., Design and manufacture of textile composites. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing, pp. 424-435. ISBN 1855737442

CHMURA, T., PITZ, T. and SCHRECKENBERG, M., 2005. Minority game - experiments and simulations. In: S.P. HOOGENDOORN, S. LUDING, P.H.L. BOVY, M. SCHRECKENBERG and D.E. WOLF, eds., Traffic and granular flow ’03. Berlin: Springer, pp. 305-315. ISBN 9783540258148

CHURCHILL, J., CANT, R.J. and AL-DABASS, D., 2005. Genetic search techniques for line of play generation in the game of GO. In: Game-on 2003, 4th International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation, Savoy Place, London, 19 November 2003. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9077381058

COLEMAN, S., 2005. Variance decomposition of macroeconomic shocks in the Franc Zone and other Sub-Saharan African countries. In: D. FIELDING, ed., Macroeconomic policy in the Franc Zone. Palgrave Macmillan.

COOK, B., BUCKBERRY, G., SCOWCROFT, I., MITCHELL, J. and ALLEN, T., 2005. Indoor location using trilateration characteristics. In: Proceedings London Communications Symposium. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 0953226352

CORDEN, R., 2005. The talking classroom. In: A. LAMBIRTH, ed., Primary English reflective reader. Exeter: Learning Matters.

COTTON, T., 2005. What can I say, and what can I do: archaeology, narrative and mathematics education research. In: L. BURTON, ed., Poststructuralist ideas informing practice in mathematics education. Greenwich, US: Information Age Publishing.

COURT, P., PASQUIRE, C.L., GIBB, A.G.F. and BOWER, D., 2005. Lean as and antidote to labour cost escalation on complex mechanical and electrical projects. In: R. KENLEY, ed., Proceedings of 13th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 3-11. ISBN 1877040347

CZARDYBON, M., SCHAEFER, G. and NOLLE, L., 2005. NTUNE - an educational neural network simulator. In: Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, ECMS 2005. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 97-102. ISBN 1842331124


DENBY, A., LANGENSIEPEN, C., POLIAKOFF, J. and SHERKAT, N., 2005. Use of edge models to guide optimal 3D scanning. In: 8th International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation, Oxford, UK, 6 April 2005. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 144-148. ISBN 1842331116

DENONCOURT, J., 2005. Australian design law. In: J. SYKES, ed., Intellectual property in designs. London: LexisNexis Butterworths. ISBN 0406976252

DICKINSON, P., APPIAH, K., HUNTER, A. and ORMSTON, S., 2005. An FPGA-based infant monitoring system. In: 2005 IEEE International Conference on Field Programmable Technology, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 11-14 December 2005. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), pp. 315-316. ISBN 0780394070

DINGWALL, R. and HOBSON-WEST, P., 2005. Law and medicine. In: J. GABE, D. KELLEHER and G. WILLIAMS, eds., Challenging medicine. London: Routledge, pp. 40-61.

DINGWALL, R. and STRANGLEMAN, T., 2005. Organizational culture. In: E. FERLIE, L.E. LYNN and C. POLLITT, eds., Oxford handbook of public management. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 468-490.

DRAKE, D., 2005. Sartre, le gauchisme et le conflit israélo-arabe. In: I. GALSTER, ed., Sartre et les Juifs. La Découverte, pp. 225-233.


EADIE, P. and PETTIFORD, L., 2005. The natural environment. In: J. HAYNES, ed., Development studies. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 181-200. ISBN 1403916357


FEATHERSTONE, M., 2005. Automobilities: an introduction. In: M. FEATHERSTONE, N. THRIFT and J. URRY, eds., Autombilities. London: Sage, pp. 1-24. ISBN 9.78141E+12

FERRIS, G., 2005. Larceny: debating the 'boundless region of dishonesty'. In: J. ROWBOTHAM and K. STEVENSON, eds., Criminal conversations: Victorian crimes, social panic, and moral outrage. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, pp. 70-86. ISBN 814209734

FEWKES, A., 2005. The technology, design and utility of rainwater catchment systems: a literature review. In: D. BUTLER and F.A. MEMON, eds., Water demand management. London: IWA Publishing. ISBN 1843390787

FOSTER, C. and HARRIS, L., 2005. From equal opportunities to diversity management. In: J. LEOPOLD, L. HARRIS and T.J. WATSON, eds., The strategic managing of human resources. Harlow: Prentice Hall, pp. 116-139. ISBN 273674307

FROSTEGÅRD, J. and POCKLEY, A.G., 2005. Heat shock protein release and naturally-occurring, exogenous heat shock proteins. In: B. HENDERSON and A.G. POCKLEY, eds., Molecular chaperones and cell signalling. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 195-219.


GARWOOD-GOWERS, A., 2005. Apectos basicos de la capacidad y la responsabilidad de menores en el derecho civil y criminal ingles, (Key aspects of capacity and responsibility of juveniles under English civil and criminal law with Kay Wheat. In: I. RUIZ-GALLARDON and P. DE, eds., Los Menores Ante El Derecho: Responsibilidad capacidad y autonomia de los menores de edad. Madrid: Estudio de Derecho Comparado, Universidad Complutense, pp. 171-206.

GARWOOD-GOWERS, A., 2005. The proper limits for medical intervention that harms the therapeutic interests of incompetents. In: A. GARWOOD-GOWERS, K. WHEAT and J. TINGLE, eds., Contemporary issues in healthcare law and ethics. Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd.. ISBN 750688327

GOLDSTEIN, J. and RAESSENS, J., 2005. The therapeutic value of videogames. In: J. GOLDSTEIN and J. RAESSENS, eds., Handbook of computer game studies. Cambridge, Mass.;London: MIT Press. ISBN 262182408

GREENWOOD, J.R., 2005. Site and ground investigation. In: R.C. SELLEY, L.R.M. COCKS and I.R. PILMER, eds., Encyclopaedia of geology. Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 580-594.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2005. Internet abuse and addiction in the workplace. In: M. KHOSROW-POUR, ed., Encyclopedia of information science and technology. Hershey, Pa.; London: Idea Group Reference, pp. 1623-1628. ISBN 159140553X

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2005. Remote gambling: psychosocial aspects. In: Remote Gambling. London: Westminster eForum, pp. 11-20. ISBN 1905029128

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2005. The therapeutic value of videogames. In: J. GOLDSTEIN and J. RAESSENS, eds., Handbook of computer game studies. Boston: MIT, pp. 161-171. ISBN 262182408

GRIFFITHS, M.D. and DAVIES, M.N.O., 2005. Videogame addiction: does it exist? In: J. GOLDSTEIN and J. RAESSENS, eds., Handbook of computer game studies. Boston: MIT, pp. 359-368. ISBN 262182408


HAGGLUND, B., 2005. Sarah Murray. In: H.C.G. MATTHEW and B. HARRISON, eds., Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. UNSPECIFIED.

HALL, D.A., 2005. Representations of spectral coding in the human brain. In: M.S. MALMIERCA and D.R.F. IRVINE, eds., Auditory spectral processing. San Diego: Elsevier, pp. 331-369.

HALL, D.A., 2005. Sensitivity to the spectral and temporal properties of sound stimuli across the human non-primary auditory cortex measured using functional magnetic resonance imaging. In: R. KÖNIG, P. HEIL, E. BUDINGER and H. SCHEICH, eds., Auditory cortex: a synthesis of human and animal research. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp. 51-76.

HARRIS, L., 2005. Employment law and human resourcing strategies. In: J. LEOPOLD, L. HARRIS and T.J. WATSON, eds., The strategic managing of human resources. London: Financial Times/Prentice Hall. ISBN 273674307

HARRIS, L., 2005. Reward strategies and paying for contributions. In: J. LEOPOLD, L. HARRIS and T.J. WATSON, eds., The strategic managing of human resources. London: Financial Times/Prentice Hall. ISBN 273674307

HARRIS, P., STANIER, W. and ELLIS, A.D., 2005. Effect of exercise and diet on the incidence of developmental orthopaedic disease. In: V. JULLIAND and W. MARTIN-ROSSET, eds., The growing horse: nutrition and prevention of growth disorders. Second European Workshop on Equine Nutrition, ENESAD, Dijon, France. Wageningen Academic Press, pp. 273-291.

HARTLEY, J.K., 2005. Efficiency vs. correctness of a travel information system. In: Proceedings of UKSIM 2003. Nottingham: United Kingdom Simulation Society, pp. 214-219. ISBN 1842330888

HAWKESFORD, M.J., BUCHNER, P., HOWARTH, J.R. and LU, C., 2005. Understanding the regulation of sulfur nutrition – from sulfate transporter genes to the field. In: K. SAITO, L.J. DE KOK, I. STULEN, M.J. HAWKESFORD, E. SCHNUG, A. SIRKO and H. RENNENBERG, eds., Sulfur transport and assimilation in plants in the post genomic era. Leiden: Backhuys Publishers. ISBN 9057821664

HAYER, T., GRIFFITHS, M.D. and MEYER, G., 2005. The prevention and treatment of problem gambling in adolescence. In: T.P. GULLOTTA and G. ADAMS, eds., Handbook of adolescent behavioral problems: evidence-based approaches to prevention and treatment. New York: Springer, pp. 467-486.

HEALEY, N., 2005. Economic and monetary union. In: F. MCDONALD and S. DEARDON, eds., European economic integration. Addison-Wesley, pp. 99-124.

HEALEY, N., 2005. Macroeconomic policy analysis. In: F. MCDONALD and S. DEARDON, eds., European economic integration. Addison-Wesley, pp. 75-98.

HENHAM, R., 2005. Theorising the penality of sentencing in international criminal trials. In: N. LARSEN and R. SMANDYCH, eds., Global criminology and criminal justice: current issues and perspectives. Calgary, AB: Broadview Press.

HENRICH, C., POLIAKOFF, J.F. and ORTON, P.A., 2005. Simulation of 2D cutter paths for CNC machines controlled by stepper motors. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation. Nottingham: United Kingdom Simulation Society, pp. 132-137. ISBN 1842331116

HOLLOWS, J. and BELL, D., 2005. Making sense of ordinary lifestyles. In: D. BELL and J. HOLLOWS, eds., Ordinary lifestyles. Open University Press, pp. 1-18.

HOWARTH, M., 2005. The pipes of peace. Protecting 'Scottishness' to the GDR. In: S. BERGER and N. LAPORTE, eds., The other Germany: Perceptions and influences in British-East German relations 1945-1990. Augsburg: Wissner-Verlag, pp. 107-122. ISBN 3896394851


IRESON, G.P., 2005. Giving physics the elbow. In: E. MECHLOVA, ed., Teaching and learning physics in new contexts. Ostrava: University of Ostrava, pp. 77-79. ISBN 8070423781


JARMAN, J., MACDONALD, C. and KARIA, C., 2005. Commercial court pleadings: technical requirements and effective communication. In: C. MACDONALD and C. KARIA, eds., Butterworths commercial court and arbitration pleadings. London: Tottel. ISBN 1845920368

JENNINGS, D., 2005. Case study: PowerGen. In: W. DE and R. MEYER, eds., Strategy, process, content, context: An international perspective. Thomson. ISBN 1861529643

JENNINGS, D., 2005. Case study: Thorntons plc.: Corporate and business strategy. In: G. JOHNSON, K. SCHOLES and R. WHITTINGTON, eds., Exploring corporate strategy. Prentice Hall. ISBN 273687344

JENNINGS, D., CHANG, J., CHAN, S. and WONG, C., 2005. Strategic management: an evaluation of the use of three learning methods in China. In: Developments in business simulation and experiental learning. UNSPECIFIED.

JORDAN, J., 2005. Bau Beziehungen / Building relations. In: A. NASRIN, ed., Türmer Babylons: Sehnsucht nach Bewohnbarer Sprache / Towers of Babel: the longing for a habitable language. Cologne: Romiosini, pp. 74-79. ISBN 3929889684

JORDAN, J., 2005. Der Turmbau in Bildern / Construction of the towers in images. In: A. NASRIN, ed., Türmer Babylons: Sehnsucht nach Bewohnbarer Sprache / Towers of Babel: the longing for a habitable language. Cologne: Romiosini, pp. 160-168. ISBN 3929889684

JORDAN, J., 2005. Der dritte Turm / The third tower. In: A. NASRIN, ed., Türmer Babylons: Sehnsucht nach Bewohnbarer Sprache / Towers of Babel: the longing for a habitable language. Cologne: Romiosini, pp. 105-108. ISBN 3929889684

JORDAN, J., 2005. Die Endlösung / The final solution. In: A. NASRIN, ed., Türmer Babylons: Sehnsucht nach Bewohnbarer Sprache / Towers of Babel: the longing for a habitable language. Cologne: Romiosini, pp. 96-100. ISBN 3929889684

JORDAN, J., 2005. Die Sprache de Sprache / The language of language. In: A. NASRIN, ed., Türmer Babylons: Sehnsucht nach Bewohnbarer Sprache / Towers of Babel: the longing for a habitable language. Cologne: Romiosini, pp. 135-139. ISBN 3929889684

JORDAN, J., 2005. Doppelgänger / Double. In: A. NASRIN, ed., Türmer Babylons: Sehnsucht nach Bewohnbarer Sprache / Towers of Babel: the longing for a habitable language. Cologne: Romiosini, pp. 147-149. ISBN 3929889684

JORDAN, J., 2005. Für bessere Zeiten / For better times. In: A. NASRIN, ed., Türmer Babylons: Sehnsucht nach Bewohnbarer Sprache / Towers of Babel: the longing for a habitable language. Cologne: Romiosini, pp. 62-66. ISBN 3929889684

JORDAN, J., 2005. Schristzeichen / characters. In: A. NASRIN, ed., Türmer Babylons: Sehnsucht nach Bewohnbarer Sprache / Towers of Babel: the longing for a habitable language. Cologne: Romiosini, pp. 52-55. ISBN 3929889684

JORDAN, J., 2005. Student aus Deutschland / A student from Germany. In: A. NASRIN, ed., Türmer Babylons: Sehnsucht nach Bewohnbarer Sprache / Towers of Babel: the longing for a habitable language. Cologne: Romiosini, pp. 86-90. ISBN 3929889684

JOWITT, C., 2005. The island princess and race. In: P. CHENEY, A. HADFIELD and G.A. SULLIVAN, eds., Early modern English drama: a critical companion. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 287-297.


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KHALIL, M., PEYTCHEV, E. and AL-DABASS, D., 2005. A computing environment for urban traffic systems. In: IEEE 7th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, Phoenix Park, Korea, 21 February 2005. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 807-812. ISBN 8955191243

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