Items where Division is "School of Architecture, Design and the Built Environment" and Year is 2014

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Number of items: 135.


ABDELMONEM, M.G., 2014. Cairene homes of modernity: the changing architecture of the home in early 20th century Cairo. International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments (IASTE), pp. 1-20.

ABDELMONEM, M.G., 2014. Homes of modernity: European influences on the architecture of home in Cairo at the turn of twentieth century. In: 48th Annual Meeting of the Middle Eastern Studies Association (MESA), Washington DC, United States, 22-25 November 2014.

ABDELMONEM, M.G., 2014. Spaces that revolt: narratives of everyday revolution in Cairo. In: 4th World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 18-22 August 2014.

ABDELMONEM, M.G., 2014. Transcending boundaries of creativity: active learning in the design studio. International Journal of Architectural Engineering Technology, 1 (1), pp. 38-49. ISSN 2409-9821

ABELA, A., 2014. Energy certification of residential buildings in the Mediterranean climate. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

ABOAGYE-NIMO, E., RAIDÉN, A. and KING, A., 2014. Understanding the role of local safety groups in managing safety practices between micro construction firms and principal contractors. In: A.B. RAIDÉN and E. ABOAGYE-NIMO, eds., Proceedings of the 30th Annual ARCOM Conference, Portsmouth, 1-3 September 2014. United Kingdom: Association of Researchers in Construction Management, pp. 381-390. ISBN 9780955239083

ABOU ELFADL, B.R. and ABDELMONEM, M.G., 2014. Revolting arts or spatial democracy: performances of popular arts during the Egyptian revolution? GAU Journal of Social and Applied Sciences, 6 (10), pp. 444-470.

AHMADI, M., 2014. Analyzing the impact of double skin façade on building energy performance. In: A. BILAL, A. RATNAYAKA, A. ZOBENBULLER, C. COINTOT, D. HARBIDGE, D. WHATMAN, E. MBISE, F. AL-HASHIMI, G. MARTÍNEZ-ARELLANO, G. ROGERS, I. GOSTAUTAS, J. TAYLOR, K. TRYTKO, L. PISCICELLI, M. AHMED, M. ALASHAB, M. MAHMOOD, S. WILSON, T. ELFAYEZ and Y. LIAO, eds., Breaking Boundaries 2014: First Annual Professional Research Practice Conference, Nottingham Trent University, 15 May 2014. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University: Graduate School, pp. 168-173. ISBN 9780992995706

AHMED, M.S. and MOHAMMAD, F.A., 2014. Theoretical modal analysis of freely and simply supported RC slabs. International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering, 8 (12), pp. 2042-2046.

AKIB, S., JAHANGIRZADEH, A. and BASSER, H., 2014. Local scour around complex pier groups and combined piles at semi-integral bridge. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 62 (2), pp. 108-116. ISSN 0042-790X

AKIB, S., LIANA MAMAT, N., BASSER, H. and JAHANGIRZADEH, A., 2014. Reducing local scouring at bridge piles using collars and geobags. The Scientific World Journal, 2014: 128635. ISSN 2356-6140

AKIB, S., MOHAMMADHASSANI, M. and JAHANGIRZADEH, A., 2014. Application of ANFIS and LR in prediction of scour depth in bridges. Computers & Fluids, 91, pp. 77-86. ISSN 0045-7930

AL-ABRĪ, H.N.S., 2014. Urban pattern and architecture of traditional Omani foothill settlements: al-Ḥamrā and Birkat al-Mawz. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

AL-HABAIBEH, A., BAKHTYARI-NEJAD-ESFAHANI, A. and STEAD, T.D., 2014. Fluid vessel communication device [JP 2014514016 A]. PCT/GB2012/050530.

AL-THAHAB, A., MUSHATAT, S. and ABDELMONEM, M.G., 2014. Between tradition and modernity: determining spatial systems of privacy in the domestic architecture of contemporary Iraq. ArchNet-IJAR, 8 (3), pp. 238-250. ISSN 1938-7806

ALI, A., SHARMA, R.K., GANESAN, P. and AKIB, S., 2014. Turbulence model sensitivity and scour gap effect of unsteady flow around pipe: a CFD Study. The Scientific World Journal, 2014: 412136. ISSN 2356-6140

ANKRAH, N.A. and MANU, E., 2014. Communication strategy tool user guide. Wolverhampton: University of Wolverhampton.

ANKRAH, N.A., MANU, E., HAMMOND, F., BAFFOUR-AWUAH, K., HINGORANI, N. and WOOD, P., 2014. The valuation tool user guide: monetizing Cradle to Cradle®. Wolverhampton: University of Wolverhamton.

ARIVAZHAGAN, A., WANG, S. and WEIDONG, L., 2014. A cloud based feature recognition system to support collaborative and adaptive process planning. In: ASME 2014 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, collocated with the JSME 2014 International Conference on Materials and Processing and the 42nd North American Manufacturing Research Conference, Detroit, Michigan, 9 June 2014. ASME. ISBN 9780791845806

ARTHUR, L., 2014. Over a cuppa... Short stories about design #3. Lumber Creatives.

ARTHUR, L., 2014. The latest link in a happy chain. The Journal of the Institution of Engineering Designers, 2021.

ARTHUR, L. and MARSH, P., 2014. Pedagogy: leading technology. In: International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands, 4-5 September 2014.

ASHRAF, M.A., AHMAD, M., AKIB, S., BALKHAIR, K.S. and ABU BAKAR, N.K., 2014. Chemical species of metallic elements in the aquatic environment of an ex-mining catchment. Water Environment Research, 86 (8), pp. 717-728. ISSN 1061-4303

ASHRAF, M.A., AKIB, S., MAAH, M.J., YUSOFF, I. and BALKHAIR, K.S., 2014. Cesium-137: radio-chemistry, fate, and transport, remediation, and future concerns. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 44 (15), pp. 1740-1793. ISSN 1064-3389


BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 2014. Keynote presentation: achieving success at the doctoral level. In: CADBE Doctoral Student Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 9-10 June 2014, Nottingham.

BARTRAM, A., EL-BIZRI, N. and GITTENS, D., 2014. Recto verso: redefining the sketchbook. Ashgate studies in architecture . Farnham: Ashgate. ISBN 9781409468660

BASSER, H., AKIB, S., CHERAGHI, R., KARAMI, H., JAHANGIRZADEH, A., AMIRMOJAHEDI, M. and NAJI, S., 2014. Experimental and numerical investigation of scour phenomena at rectangular bridge abutment. In: 7th International Conference on Scour and Erosion (ICSE 2014), Perth, Western Australia, Australia, 2-4 December 2014.

BASSER, H., KARAMI, H., SHAMSHIRBAND, S., JAHANGIRZADEH, A., AKIB, S. and SABOOHI, H., 2014. Predicting optimum parameters of a protective spur dike using soft computing methodologies – a comparative study. Computers & Fluids, 97, pp. 168-176. ISSN 0045-7930

BATOOL, S., AKIB, S., AHMAD, M., BALKHAIR, K.S. and ASHRAF, M.A., 2014. Study of modern nano enhanced techniques for removal of dyes and metals. Journal of Nanomaterials, 2014: 864914. ISSN 1687-4110

BILAL, A., RATNAYAKA, A., ZOBENBULLER, A., COINTOT, C., HARBIDGE, D., WHATMAN, D., MBISE, E., AL-HASHIMI, F., MARTÍNEZ-ARELLANO, G., ROGERS, G., GOSTAUTAS, I., TAYLOR, J., TRYTKO, K., PISCICELLI, L., AHMED, M., ALASHAB, M., MAHMOOD, M., WILSON, S., ELFAYEZ, T., LIAO, Y. and TURNBULL, N., 2014. Breaking Boundaries 2014: First Annual Professional Research Practice Conference, Nottingham Trent University, 15 May 2014. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University: Graduate School. ISBN 9780992995706

BIRKBECK, D. and KRUCZKOWSKI, S., 2014. The sign of a good place to live: building for life 12. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University: CADBE. ISBN 9780957600959

BREEDON, P., RUSSELL, A., LOGAN, P., NEWELL, O., O'BRIEN, B., BAINES, D., HALL, P. and EDMANS, J., 2014. First for Stroke: Using the Microsoft 'Kinect' as a facial paralysis stroke rehabilitation tool. In: International Digital Health and Care Congress: Improving Health Through the Use of Technology, The King's Fund, London, 10-12 September 2014.

BREEDON, P., RUSSELL, A., LOGAN, P., NEWELL, O., O'BRIEN, B., EDMANS, J., BAINES, D. and HALL, P., 2014. First for stroke: using the Microsoft ‘Kinect’ as a facial paralysis stroke rehabilitation tool. International Journal of Integrated Care, 14 (8). ISSN 1568-4156

BULL, R., LEMON, M., FLEMING, P., STUART, G. and EVERITT, D., 2014. Digitally engaging and empowering employees for energy demand reduction. A new approach for the next generation? In: 2014 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficieny in Buildings Conference Proceedings, Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, California, United States, 17-24 August 2014. Washington, D.C.: American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, pp. 57-69.


CHALAL, M.L. and BALBO, R., 2014. Framing digital tools and techniques in built heritage 3D modelling: the problem of level of detail in a simplified environment. The International Journal of the Constructed Environment, 4 (2), pp. 39-52. ISSN 2154-8587

COLE, C., OSMANI, M., QUDDUS, M., WHEATLEY, A. and KAY, K., 2014. Towards a zero waste strategy for an English local authority. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 89, pp. 64-75. ISSN 0921-3449

COLE, C., OSMANI, M., QUDDUS, M.A. and WHEATLEY, A.D., 2014. Moving towards zero waste in a UK local authority area: challenges to the introduction of separate food waste collections. In: ICEWM 2014: 16th International Conference on Environment and Waste Management, Copenhagen, Denmark, 12-13 June 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark.

COLE, C., QUDDUS, M., WHEATLEY, A., OSMANI, M. and KAY, K., 2014. The impact of local authorities’ interventions on household waste collection: a case study approach using time series modelling. Waste Management, 34 (2), pp. 266-272. ISSN 0956-053X

CUI, J.M., 2014. A study of energy-related occupancy activities in a sample of monitored domestic buildings in the UK. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.


DANIEL, E.I., PASQUIRE, C. and AMEH, O.J., 2014. The magic of the Last Planner® System for Nigerian construction. In: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, IGLC-22, Oslo, Norway, June 2014. Norway: IGLC/Akademika Forlag, pp. 605-616. ISBN 9788232104611

DANIEL, E.I., PASQUIRE, C. and DICKENS, G., 2014. Social perspective of planning in construction: the UK experience. In: Proceedings of the 30th Annual ARCOM Conference, Portsmouth, UK, 1-3 September 2014, Portsmouth.

DEVILAT, B., 2014. 3D laser scanning of heritage areas after earthquakes: San Lorenzo de Tarapacá, Chile. Opticon1826 (16), pp. 1-4.

DEVILAT, B., 2014. Re-construction and record: exploring alternatives for heritage areas after earthquakes in Chile. Lobby (1), pp. 87-89. ISSN 2056-2977

DEVILAT, B. and GAGE, S., 2014. The role of the record and the paradox of the original: implications for the re-construction of historic buildings affected by earthquakes in Chile. In: N. GU, S. WATANABE, H. ERHAN, M.H. HAEUSLER, W. HUANG and R. SOSA, eds., Rethinking comprehensive design: speculative counterculture: proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2014). Hong Kong: Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA), pp. 317-326. ISBN 9789881902658

DIAS, L.C. and DOMINGUES, A.R., 2014. On multi-criteria sustainability assessment: Spider-gram surface and dependence biases. Applied Energy, 113, pp. 159-163. ISSN 0306-2619


EDMANS, J., LOGAN, P., RUSSELL, A., CHILDS, P., O'BRIEN, B., NEWELL, O., HALL, P. and BREEDON, P., 2014. Use of a service user group in the development of a rehabilitation system. In: UK Stroke Forum 2014, Harrogate International Conference Centre, Harrogate, 2-4 December 2014.

ELMANSORI, E., 2014. Fostering innovation and entrepreneurship in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) through business incubators in the Arab world. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

EVANS, R.D., MORROW, R. and NASH, J., 2014. The use of ground penetrating radar to investigate a Churchyard Burial Plot. In: S. LAMBOT, A. GIANNOPOULOS, L. PAJEWSKI, F. ANDRÉ, F. SLOB and C. CRAEYE, eds., Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR 2014), Square Brussels Meeting Centre, Brussels, Belgium, 30 June - 4 July 2014. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 45-49. ISBN 9781479967896


FEWKES, A., 2014. The verification of a behavioural model for simulating the hydraulic performance of rainwater harvesting systems. In: F.A. MEMON and S. WARD, eds., Alternative water supply systems. London: IWA Publishing, pp. 47-62. ISBN 9781780405506

FU, F., LUO, H., ZHONG, H. and HILL, A., 2014. Development of a carbon emission calculations system for optimizing building plan based on the LCA framework. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014, p. 653849. ISSN 1024-123X


GAMLIN, A., BREEDON, P. and BENACHIR, M., 2014. Virtual reality simulation deployment in a lean manufacturing environment. In: Interactive Technologies and Games Conference, ITAG 2014, The Council House, Nottingham, 16-17 October 2014.

GAMLIN, A., BREEDON, P. and MEDJDOUB, B., 2014. Immersive Virtual Reality Deployment in a Lean Manufacturing Environment. In: Interactive Technologies and Games (iTAG), 2014 International Conference, The Council House, Nottingham, 16-17 October 2014.

GARNETT, K. and COOPER, T., 2014. Effective dialogue: Enhanced public engagement as a legitimising tool for municipal waste management decision-making. Waste Management, 34 (12), pp. 2709-2726. ISSN 0956-053X

GHAFOORIPOUR, A., NEZAMIFAR, E., OGWUDA, O. and SUN, M., 2014. The effectiveness of sustainable floating structures in the Gulf Region (Middle East). In: W.P. DE WILDE, S. HERNÁNDEZ and C.A. BREBBIA, eds., High performance and optimum design of structures and materials. WIT transactions on the built environment, 137 . Southampton: WIT Press, pp. 653-664. ISBN 9781845647742

GITTENS, D., 2014. The design sketchbook: between the virtual and the actual. In: A. BARTRAM, N. EL-BIZRI and D. GITTENS, eds., Recto verso: redefining the sketchbook. Ashgate studies in architecture . Farnham: Ashgate. ISBN 9781409468660

GLAZZARD, M., 2014. Re-addressing the role of knitted textile design knowledge: auxetic textiles from a practice-led, designer-maker perspective. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

GLAZZARD, M., KETTLEY, S., ACTI, T.M. and HARRIGAN, K., 2014. Experiential collaborations from garment to costume: play and the thing as design outcome. Craft + Design Enquiry (6), pp. 137-157. ISSN 2200-6931


HACKETT, V., PASQUIRE, C., STRATTON, R. and KNIGHT, A., 2014. Use of a pilot study to assess the development of Virtual First Run Studies (VFRS. In: 22nd Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, Oslo, Norway, 2014.


IBRAHIM, R., MUSHATAT, S. and ABDELMONEM, M.G., 2014. Authenticity, identity and sustainability in post-war Iraq: reshaping the urban form of Erbil city. Journal of Islamic Architecture, 3 (2), pp. 58-68. ISSN 2086-2636

IMANSHOAR, F., JAHANGIRZADEH, A., BASSER, H., AKIB, S., KAMALI, B., TABATABAEI, M.R.M. and KAKOUEI, M., 2014. Reservoir sedimentation based on uncertainty analysis. Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2014: 367627. ISSN 1085-3375

IRHOMA, A., 2014. Analysis of environmental sustainability issues at the Libyan petroleum industry. In: Life Beyond PhD Conference, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, 26-29 August 2014, Windsor.

IRHOMA, A., 2014. Life cycle assessment of Libyan crude oil. In: Annual College Research Conference and Festival, Nottingham, 20 June 2014, Nottingham.

IRHOMA, A., 2014. An analysis of environmental impacts at the midstream petroleum operations. In: A. BILAL, A. RATNAYAKA, A. ZOBENBULLER, C. COINTOT, D. HARBIDGE, D. WHATMAN, E. MBISE, F. AL-HASHIMI, G. MARTÍNEZ-ARELLANO, G. ROGERS, I. GOSTAUTAS, J. TAYLOR, K. TRYTKO, L. PISCICELLI, M. AHMED, M. ALASHAB, M. MAHMOOD, S. WILSON, T. ELFAYEZ and Y. LIAO, eds., Breaking Boundaries 2014: First Annual Professional Research Practice Conference, Nottingham Trent University, 15 May 2014. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University: Graduate School, pp. 160-167. ISBN 9780992995706

IRHOMA, A., SU, D. and HIGGINSON, M., 2014. Life cycle assessment of Libyan crude oil. International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technologies (ISSST), 19-21 May 2014, 2. ISSN 2329-9169

IRZOOKI, R.H., AKIB, S.M. and FAYYADH, M.M., 2014. Experimental study of characteristics of flow over weirs with semicircular openings. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 39 (11), pp. 7599-7608. ISSN 1319-8025


JAHANGIRZADEH, A., AKIB, S., BASSER, H., KIMIAEI, K. and KARAMI, H., 2014. Effect of collar shapes in reduction of local scour around the bridge piers. In: 7th International Conference on Scour and Erosion (ICSE 2014), Perth, Western Australia, Australia, 2-4 December 2014.

JAHANGIRZADEH, A., SHAMSHIRBAND, S., AGHABOZORGI, S., AKIB, S., BASSER, H., ANUAR, N.B. and KIAH, M.L.M., 2014. A cooperative expert based support vector regression (Co-ESVR) system to determine collar dimensions around bridge pier. Neurocomputing, 140, pp. 172-184. ISSN 0925-2312

JAJARMIZADEH, M., HARUN, S., AKIB, S. and SHAH BIN SABARI, N., 2014. Derivative discharge and runoff volume simulation from different time steps with a hydrologic simulator. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 8 (9), pp. 1125-1131. ISSN 2040-7459

JAJARMIZADEH, M., HARUN, S., SHAHID, S., AKIB, S. and SALARPOUR, M., 2014. Impact of direct soil moisture and revised soil moisture index methods on hydrologic predictions in an arid climate. Advances in Meteorology, 2014: 156172. ISSN 1687-9309

JOHNSON, C.T. and EVANS, R.D., 2014. Non-destructive assessment of the rate of hydration and strength gain of concrete. In: S. LAMBOT, A. GIANNOPOULOS, L. PAJEWSKI, F. ANDRÉ, F. SLOB and C. CRAEYE, eds., Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR 2014), Square Brussels Meeting Centre, Brussels, Belgium, 30 June - 4 July 2014. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 893-898. ISBN 9781479967896


KAVARNOU, D. and NANDA, A., 2014. Which attributes influence the housing markets across the Greek islands? Journal of Real Estate Literature, 22 (2), pp. 233-260. ISSN 0927-7544

KEATS, R.J., 2014. An exploration of how professional associations advance innovation and promote innovation pedagory. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

KERR, H.-Y., 2014. Consuming leisure, consuming lifestyle: women's access to the Bubble through the lifestyle magazine, Hanako, in the Japanese Bubble Economy (1986-1991). In: 3rd Japan Foundation/BAJS Post-Graduate Workshop, London, 6 February 2014.

KHOSROWSHAHI, F., GHODOUS, P. and SARSHAR, M., 2014. Visualization of the modeled degradation of building flooring systems in building maintenance. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 29 (1), pp. 18-30. ISSN 1093-9687

KIAN MANESH RAD, E. and SUN, M., 2014. Taxonomy of project complexity indicators in energy megaprojects. In: International Scientific Conference: People, Buildings And Environment 2014 (PBE2014), Kroměříž, Czech Republic, 15-17 October 2014.

KING, D. and BREEDON, P., 2014. Cooperative Object Recognition: Behaviours of a Artificially Evolved Swarm. In: M. DORIGO, M. BIRATTARI, S. GARNIER, H. HAMANN, M. MONTES DE OCA, C. SOLNON and T. STÜTZLE, eds., Swarm Intelligence: 9th International Conference, ANTS 2014, Brussels, Belgium, September 10-12, 2014. Proceedings. Lecture notes in computer science (8667). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International, pp. 214-221. ISBN 9783319099514

KING, D. and BREEDON, P., 2014. Cooperative object recognition: behaviours of an artificially evolved swarm. In: Ants 2014, 9th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence, Brussels, Belgium, 10-12 September 2014.

KOBLYAKOVA, A., HUTCHISON, H. and TIWARI, P., 2014. Regional differences in mortgage demand and mortgage instrument choice in the UK. Regional Studies, 48 (9), pp. 1499-1513. ISSN 0034-3404

KROMANIS, R. and KRIPAKARAN, P., 2014. Predicting thermal response of bridges using regression models derived from measurement histories. Computers & Structures, 136, pp. 64-77. ISSN 0045-7949

KUMAR, A., KAMAL, K., ARSHAD, M.O., MATHAVAN, S. and VADAMALA, T., 2014. Smart irrigation using low-cost moisture sensors and XBee-based communication. In: Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC 2014), San Jose/Silicon Valley, California, USA, 10-13 October 2014. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 333-337. ISBN 9781479971930

KUMAR, V., EAKAMBARAM, A. and ARIVAZHAGAN, A., 2014. FEM analysis to optimally design end mill cutters for milling of Ti-6Al-4V. In: 12th Global Congress On Manufacturing and Management, GCMM, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, India, 8-10 December 2014, Vellore.

KUMAR, V., EAKAMBARAM, A. and ARIVAZHAGAN, A., 2014. FEM analysis to optimally design end mill cutters for milling of Ti-6Al-4V. Procedia Engineering, 97, pp. 1237-1246. ISSN 1877-7058


LOGAN, P., BREEDON, P., HALL, P., NEWELL, O., CHILDS, B., RUSSELL, A., O'BRIEN, B., EDMANS, J. and WATTS, S., 2014. Face To face: an exploratory trial of a facial rehabilitation tool. In: UK Stroke Forum 2014, Harrogate International Conference Centre, Harrogate, 2-4 December 2014.


MAGAR, V., JAHANGIRZADEH, A., BASSER, H., AKIB, S., KARAMI, H., NAJI, S. and SHAMSHIRBAND, S., 2014. Experimental and numerical investigation of the effect of different shapes of collars on the reduction of scour around a single bridge pier. PLoS ONE, 9 (6): e98592. ISSN 1932-6203

MATHAVAN, S., RAHMAN, M., STONECLIFFE-JONES, M. and KAMAL, K., 2014. Pavement raveling detection and measurement from synchronized intensity and range images. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2457 (3), pp. 3-11. ISSN 0361-1981

MAZHAR, M.U., BULL, R., LEMON, M. and MALLABURN, P., 2014. The current state of strategic carbon management within the UK higher education sector: leading the way forward? In: L. BUTT and G.C. AVERY, eds., Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Sustainable Leadership 2014, Salzburg, Austria, 3-6 June 2014. Pymble, NSW, Australia: Institute for Sustainable Leadership, pp. 148-160. ISBN 9780987461841

MENEZES, A.C., CRIPPS, A., BUSWELL, R.A., WRIGHT, J. and BOUCHLAGHEM, D., 2014. Estimating the energy consumption and power demand of small power equipment in office buildings. Energy and Buildings, 75, pp. 199-209. ISSN 0378-7788

MOHAMMADHASSANI, M., AKIB, S., SHARIATI, M., SUHATRIL, M. and ARABNEJAD KHANOUKI, M.M., 2014. An experimental study on the failure modes of high strength concrete beams with particular references to variation of the tensile reinforcement ratio. Engineering Failure Analysis, 41, pp. 73-80. ISSN 1350-6307

MOMOH, J., 2014. The future of urban spaces: the role of sustainable urbanism in developing countries. In: A. BILAL, A. RATNAYAKA, A. ZOBENBULLER, C. COINTOT, D. HARBIDGE, D. WHATMAN, E. MBISE, F. AL-HASHIMI, G. MARTÍNEZ-ARELLANO, G. ROGERS, I. GOSTAUTAS, J. TAYLOR, K. TRYTKO, L. PISCICELLI, M. AHMED, M. ALASHAB, M. MAHMOOD, S. WILSON, T. ELFAYEZ and Y. LIAO, eds., Breaking Boundaries 2014: First Annual Professional Research Practice Conference, Nottingham Trent University, 15 May 2014. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University: Graduate School, pp. 46-51. ISBN 9780992995706

MORENO, M.A., LILLEY, D. and LOFTHOUSE, V., 2014. Presenting the SCL model: adding value to business strategy through UCD principles. In: E. BOHEMIA, A. RIEPLE, J. LIEDTKA and R. COOPER, eds., Proceedings of the 19th DMI: Academic Design Management Conference. Boston, MA: Design Management Institute, pp. 691-719. ISBN 9780615991528

MORENO, M.A., BRAITHWAITE, N. and COOPER, T., 2014. Moving beyond the circular economy. In: Going Green - CARE INNOVATION 2014, Vienna, Austria, 17-20 November 2014.

MORENO, M.A., PISCICELLI, L. and COOPER, T., 2014. Using the Values-Practice Framework to adopt lifetime optimising behaviours: the case of maintenance. In: SCORAI Europe Workshop, Royal Society of Arts, London, 30 September - 2 October 2014, London.

MULHOLLAND, C., ABDELMONEM, M.G. and SELIM, G., 2014. Narratives of spatial division: the role of social memory in shaping urban space in Belfast. Journal of Civil Engineering & Architecture, 8 (6), pp. 746-760. ISSN 1934-7359

MULHOLLAND, C., ABDELMONEM, M.G. and SELIM, G., 2014. Negotiating spatiality: potential of border areas for intergroup mixing in divided cities. GAU Journal of Social and Applied Sciences, 6 (10), pp. 428-441.


OGUNSOLA, S.A., 2014. Social sustainability: a tool for urban development and practice in Abuja, Nigeria. In: A. BILAL, A. RATNAYAKA, A. ZOBENBULLER, C. COINTOT, D. HARBIDGE, D. WHATMAN, E. MBISE, F. AL-HASHIMI, G. MARTÍNEZ-ARELLANO, G. ROGERS, I. GOSTAUTAS, J. TAYLOR, K. TRYTKO, L. PISCICELLI, M. AHMED, M. ALASHAB, M. MAHMOOD, S. WILSON, T. ELFAYEZ and Y. LIAO, eds., Breaking Boundaries 2014: First Annual Professional Research Practice Conference, Nottingham Trent University, 15 May 2014. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University: Graduate School, pp. 57-63. ISBN 9780992995706

OU, X., ZHANG, X., XING, Y., ZHANG, Q. and ZHANG, X., 2014. China's energy-water nexus in 2009 by Sankey diagram. In: P.S. VARBANOV and N. DUIĆ, eds., Chemical engineering transactions. Milan: AIDIC: the Italian Association of Chemical Engineering, pp. 31-36. ISBN 9788895608334


PASTOR, M., 2014. Criticism in the absence of criticism. In: Critic-all. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Architectural Design & Criticis, Madrid, Spain, 12-14 June 2014. Madrid: Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, pp. 881-889. ISBN 9788469704240

PENG, W. and SU, D., 2014. Development of an online system for recycling consumer electronic products using the Internet, NFC and RFID technologies. Key Engineering Materials, 572, pp. 90-101. ISSN 1013-9826

PETKOVIĆ, D., SHAMSHIRBAND, S., ĆOJBAŠIĆ, Ž., NIKOLIĆ, V., ANUAR, N.B., SABRI, A.Q.M. and AKIB, S., 2014. Adaptive neuro-fuzzy estimation of building augmentation of wind turbine power. Computers & Fluids, 97, pp. 188-194. ISSN 0045-7930

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VON GEIBLER, J., WIESEN, K., MOSTYN, R.S., WERNER, M., RIERA, N., SU, D., BJÖRLING, S.E., DOMEN, T., SMITH, J., JENKINS, A. and KRESSE, S., 2014. Forming the nucleus of a novel ecological accounting system: the myEcoCost approach. Key Engineering Materials, 572, pp. 78-83. ISSN 1013-9826


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