Items where Author is "Kamoche, K"
Journal article
KAMOCHE, K. and SIEBERS, L.Q., 2015. Chinese management practices in Kenya: toward a post-colonial critique. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26 (21), pp. 2718-2743. ISSN 0958-5192
SIEBERS, L.Q., KAMOCHE, K. and LI, F., 2015. Transferring management practices to China: a Bourdieusian critique of ethnocentricity. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26 (5), pp. 551-573. ISSN 0958-5192
KAMOCHE, K., SIEBERS, L.Q., MAMMAN, A. and NEWENHAM-KAHINDI, A., 2015. The dynamics of managing people in the diverse cultural and institutional context of Africa. Personnel Review, 44 (3), pp. 330-345. ISSN 0048-3486
KAMOCHE, K., KANNAN, S. and SIEBERS, L.Q., 2014. Knowledge-sharing, control, compliance and symbolic violence. Organization Studies, 35 (7), pp. 989-1012. ISSN 0170-8046
MAGUIRE, K., HODGSON, P., KAMOCHE, K., LONG, M. and LOVE, K., 2012. 'We've stood on that precipice': police, organisation, and the anomalous Child Protection Unit. Social Work and Social Sciences Review, 16 (1), pp. 19-33. ISSN 0953-5225
KAMOCHE, K., PANG, M. and WONG, A., 2011. Career development and knowledge appropriation: a genealogical critique. Organization Studies.
KAMOCHE, K., 2011. Contemporary developments in the management of human resources in Africa. Journal of World Business, 46 (1).
KAMOCHE, K. and MAGUIRE, K., 2011. Pit sense: appropriation of practice-based knowledge in a UK coalmine. Human Relations, 64 (5), pp. 725-744.
CUNHA, M.P., REGO, A. and KAMOCHE, K., 2009. Improvisation in service recovery. Managing Service Quality, 19, pp. 657-669.
PINNINGTON, A.H., KAMOCHE, K. and SUSENO, Y., 2009. Property in knowledge work: an appropriation-learning perspective. Employee Relations, 31 (1), pp. 57-80.
KAMOCHE, K. and CUNHA, M.P., 2008. Improvisation and knowledge: the challenge of appropriation. Management Research, 6, pp. 93-106.
KAMOCHE, K. and HARVEY, M., 2006. Knowledge diffusion in the African context: an institutional theory perspective. Thunderbird International Business Review, 48, pp. 157-181.
KAMOCHE, K., 2006. Managing people in turbulent economic times: a knowledge-creation and appropriation perspective. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 44, pp. 25-45.
CUNHA, M.P., CLEGG, S.R. and KAMOCHE, K., 2006. Surprises in management and organization: concept, sources and a typology. British Journal of Management, 17 (4), pp. 317-329. ISSN 1045-3172
HARVEY, M. and KAMOCHE, K., 2004. Managing knowledge, time and learning in African organizations. Journal of African Business, 5 (2), pp. 9-38. ISSN 1522-8916
CUNHA, M.P., KAMOCHE, K., MARZILIANO, N. and CUNHA, J.V., 2004. Minimal networks: a contribution to the understanding of control in trust-based organizations. International Studies of Management and Organization, 33, pp. 94-120.
KAMOCHE, K., CUNHA, M.P. and CUNHA, R., 2003. Improvisation in organizations [Preface]. International Studies of Management and Organization, 33 (1), pp. 3-9. ISSN 0020-8825
CUNHA, M.P., KAMOCHE, K. and CUNHA, R., 2003. Organization improvisation and leadership: a field study in two computer-mediated settings. International Studies of Management and Organization, 33 (1).
CUNHA, J.V., KAMOCHE, K. and CUNHA, M.P., 2003. Organizational improvisation: a contextual approach. International Review of Sociology, 13 (3), pp. 567-589.
KAMOCHE, K., 2003. Riding the typhoon: the HR response to the economic crisis in Hong Kong. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 14 (2), pp. 199-221. ISSN 0958-5192
KAMOCHE, K., CUNHA, M.P. and CUNHA, J.V., 2003. Towards a theory of organizational improvisation: looking beyond the jazz metaphor. Journal of Management Studies, 40 (8), pp. 2023-2051.
KAMOCHE, K., 2002. Human resource management in Africa [Introduction]. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 13 (7), pp. 993-997. ISSN 0958-5192
HORWITZ, F.M., KAMOCHE, K. and CHEW, I.K.H., 2002. Looking East: diffusing high performance work practices in the southern Afro-Asian context. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 13 (7), pp. 1019-1041.
KAMOCHE, K., 2001. Human resources in Vietnam: the global challenge. Thunderbird International Business Review, 43 (5), pp. 625-650. ISSN 1096-4762
KAMOCHE, K. and CUNHA, M.P., 2001. Minimal structures: from jazz improvisation to product innovation. Organization Studies, 22 (5), pp. 733-764. ISSN 0170-8406
KAMOCHE, K., 2000. Developing managers: the functional, the symbolic, the sacred and the profane. Organization Studies, 21 (4), pp. 749-776.
KAMOCHE, K., 2000. From boom to bust: the challenges of managing people in Thailand. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 11 (2), pp. 452-468.
CUNHA, M.P., CUNHA, J.V. and KAMOCHE, K., 1999. Organizational improvisation: what, when, how, and why. International Journal of Management Reviews, 1 (3), pp. 299-341.
KAMOCHE, K. and MUELLER, F., 1998. HRM: an appropriation-learning perspective. Human Relations, 51 (8), pp. 1033-1060.
KAMOCHE, K., 1997. Competence-creation in the African public sector. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 10 (4), pp. 268-278.
KAMOCHE, K., 1997. Knowledge creation and learning in international HRM. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 8 (2), pp. 213-225.
KAMOCHE, K., 1997. Managing human resources in Africa: strategic, organizational and epistemological issues. International Business Review, 6 (5), pp. 537-558.
KAMOCHE, K., 1996. Strategic human resource management within a resource-capability view of the firm. Journal of Management Studies, 33 (2), pp. 213-233.
KAMOCHE, K., 1996. The integration-differentiation puzzle: a resource-capability perspective in international HRM. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 7 (1), pp. 230-244.
KAMOCHE, K., 1995. Rhetoric, ritualism and totemism in HRM. Human Relations, 48 (4), pp. 367-385.
KAMOCHE, K., 1994. A critique and a proposed reformulation of strategic HRM. Human Resource Management Journal, 4 (4), pp. 29-43. ISSN 0954-5395
KAMOCHE, K., 1992. HRM: an assessment of the Kenyan case. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 3 (3), pp. 497-521.
KAMOCHE, K., 1991. Human resource management: a multi-paradigmatic analysis. Personnel Review, 20 (4), pp. 3-14.
Authored book
KAMOCHE, K., 2001. Understanding human resource management. Buckingham: Open University Press.
KAMOCHE, K., 2000. Sociological paradigms and human resources: an African context. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Chapter in book
KAMOCHE, K., 2008. Organizational literature, African. In: S.R. CLEGG and J.R. BAILEY, eds., International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies. London: Sage.
KAMOCHE, K., 2007. Strategy, knowledge, appropriation and ethics in HRM. In: A. PINNINGTON, R. MACKLIN and T. CAMPBELL, eds., Human resource management: ethics and employment. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
KAMOCHE, K., NYAMBEGERA, S.M. and MULINGE, M., 2003. Managing human resources in Kenya. In: K. KAMOCHE, Y.A. DEBRAH and F.M. HORWITZ, eds., Managing human resources in Africa. London: Routledge.
KAMOCHE, K., DEBRAH, Y.A., HORWITZ, F.M. and MUUKA, G.N., 2003. Preface. In: K. KAMOCHE, Y.A. DEBRAH, F.M. HORWITZ and G.N. MUUKA, eds., Managing human resources in Africa. London: Routledge.
KAMOCHE, K., 2001. Human resource management in Kenya: the 21st century challenge. In: P.S. BUDHWAR and Y.A. DEBRAH, eds., HRM in developing countries. London: Routledge.
KAMOCHE, K., 1999. Human resource management within a resource-capability view of the firm. In: R.S. SCHULER and S.E. JACKSON, eds., Strategic Human Resource Management. Oxford: Blackwell.
KAMOCHE, K., 1999. Knowledge creation and learning in international HRM. In: M. POOLE, ed., Human resource management: critical perspectives in business and management. Routledge.
KAMOCHE, K. and CUNHA, M.P., 1999. Teamwork, knowledge-creation and improvisation. In: M.P. CUNHA and C.A. MARQUES, eds., Readings on Organization Science. ISPA.
KAMOCHE, K., 1999. Toward a model of HRM for Africa. In: M. POOLE, ed., Human resource management: critical perspectives in business and management. Routledge.
KAMOCHE, K., 1998. A critique and a proposed reformulation of strategic human resource management. In: C. MABEY, G. SALAMAN and J. STOREY, eds., Strategic human resource management: a reader. Sage/Open University Press.
KAMOCHE, K. and MAMMAN, A., 1997. Novel working practices: theoretical propositions and directions for research. In: C. ARMISTEAD and J. KIELY, eds., Effective organizations: new directions and perspectives. London: Cassell.
KAMOCHE, K., 1996. From human resources to resourcefulness: an agenda for the 21st century. In: I. BEARDWELL, ed., Contemporary developments in human resource management. Editions ESKA.
KAMOCHE, K., 1993. Toward a model of HRM for Africa. In: J.B. SHAW, P.S. KIRKBRIDE and K.M. ROWLAND, eds., Research in personnel and human resources management. JAI Press.
Conference contribution
NYAMBEGERA, S.M., KAMOCHE, K. and SIEBERS, L.Q., 2015. Integrating Chinese and African culture into human resource management policy practice to enhance employee job satisfaction. In: The 4th International Conference on HRM and the Management of Organisations in Africa, Daystar University, Nairobi, Kenya, 26–28 August 2015, Nairobi.
SIEBERS, L.Q. and KAMOCHE, K., 2014. Socialisation and transmission of culture and values: Chinese practices in Africa. In: 14th European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference, Valencia, Spain, 4-7 June 2014, Valencia.
SIEBERS, L.Q. and KAMOCHE, K., 2013. Chinese management practices in Kenya: implications to dynamics of post-colonial theory. In: 13th European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 26-29 June 2013, Istanbul.
SIEBERS, L.Q. and KAMOCHE, K., 2013. Cultural values and its impact on management practices in Africa’s private sector. In: 3rd International Conference on Management in Africa, University of Manchester, Manchester, 5–6 September 2013, Manchester.
SIEBERS, L.Q. and KAMOCHE, K., 2012. Chinese management practices in Kenya: a preliminary investigation. In: 2nd International Conference on HRM and the Management of Organizations in Africa, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, 6-7 September 2012, Nottingham.
KAMOCHE, K. and SIEBERS, L.Q., 2012. Human resources and knowledge management in China’s retail sector. In: 6th International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2012), Shanghai, China, 10-12 August 2012, Shanghai.
SIEBERS, L.Q. and KAMOCHE, K., 2012. Managing human resources in retail MNEs in China. In: British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference, Cardiff, Wales, 11-13 September 2012., Cardiff.
WANG-COWHAM, C., KAMOCHE, K., TANSLEY, C. and ILES, P., 2012. The relationship between knowledge management and talent management. In: British Academy of Management 26th Annual Conference. Management Research Revisited: Prospects for Theory and Practice, Cardiff University, 11-13 September 2012, Cardiff.
KAMOCHE, K. and NEWENHAM-KAHINDI, A., 2010. MNCs and knowledge appropriation in Africa. In: First International Symposium on HRM in Africa and the Creation of Effective Organizations, Nottingham Business School, September 2010, Nottingham.
KAMOCHE, K. and MAGUIRE, K., 2010. Pit sense and technologies of self. In: British Academy of Management, Sheffield, September 2010, Sheffield.
KAMOCHE, K., PANG, M. and WONG, A., 2009. Knowledge appropriation, turbulent careers and power. In: EURAM, Liverpool, May 2009, Liverpool.
LAU, T., KWONG, F.C. and KAMOCHE, K., 2009. Knowledge management, organizational capabilities and performance in high-tech SMEs. In: 35th European International Business Academy Meeting, Valencia, December, 2009, Valencia.
KAMOCHE, K. and TANSLEY, C., 2009. Talent management as knowledge management: towards a new theoretical framework for managing high potential people. In: British Academy of Management, Brighton, September 2009, Brighton.
KAMOCHE, K. and BEISE-ZEE, R., 2008. Knowledge appropriation and intellectual property rights. In: EURAM (European Academy of Management) 2008 Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 14-17 May 2008, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
KAMOCHE, K. and KANNAN, S., 2008. Knowledge appropriation: diffusion, power and identity. In: British Academy of Management Conference (BAM2008), Majestic Hotel, Harrogate, 9-11 September 2008, Harrogate.
KAMOCHE, K., PINNINGTON, A.H. and SUSENO, Y., 2008. Property and knowledge work. In: EURAM (European Academy of Management) 2008 Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 14-17 May 2008, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
KAMOCHE, K., PINNINGTON, A.H. and SUSENO, Y., 2008. Property in knowledge work: an appropriation-learning perspective. In: Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference [Practice, Profession and Ethics subject section], London School of Economics, London, 15-18 September 2008, London.
PANG, M., WONG, A. and KAMOCHE, K., 2008. The pull of entrepreneurship for the Chinese. In: ANZAM, New Zealand, 2008, New Zealand.
KAMOCHE, K. and MAMMAN, A., 2007. Toward a new theoretical perspective for understanding management innovations in Africa. In: International Academy of African Business and Development, London, May-June, 2007, London.
KAMOCHE, K. and MAMMAN, A., 2006. The modification of management innovations in a context of organizational and structural change. In: AIB South East Asian Regional Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, December, 2006, Bangkok, Thailand.
KAMOCHE, K. and PANG, M., 2006. The paradox of appropriating knowledge while ignoring worker well-being. In: ACREW (Australian Centre for Research in Employment and Work), Prato, Italy, July, 2006, Prato, Italy.
KAMOCHE, K. and PANG, M., 2005. Career development and appropriation. In: 21st EGOS Colloquium, Berlin, Germany, June, 2005, Berlin, Germany.
KAMOCHE, K., CLEGG, S. and CUNHA, M.P., 2005. The concept of organizational surprises. In: Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, Cape Town, South Africa, June, 2005, Cape Town, South Africa.
KAMOCHE, K., CUNHA, M.P., CUNHA, R., FAIA-CORREIA, M. and BATISTA, M.G., 2004. Improvisation and the Austrian School. In: Centre for Innovation Management, City University of Hong Kong, June, 2004, Hong Kong.
KAMOCHE, K. and PINNINGTON, A., 2004. SHRM and knowledge management: an agenda for the innovative organization. In: ANZIBA Conference, Canberra, Australia, November, 2004, Canberra, Australia.
KAMOCHE, K. and CUNHA, M.P., 2003. Improvisation, knowledge and the challenge of appropriation. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA, August, 2003, Seattle.
KAMOCHE, K., 2003. Knowledge, improvisation and appropriation. In: XIth European Congress on Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), Lisbon, Portugal, May, 2003, Lisbon.
KAMOCHE, K., 2003. Organizational spirituality: toward a critical analysis. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA, August, 2003, Seattle.
KAMOCHE, K. and CUNHA, M.P., 2003. The emergence and appropriation of improvisational knowledge. In: 19th EGOS Colloquium, Copenhagen, Denmark, July, 2003, Copenhagen.
KAMOCHE, K., 2002. Managing people in turbulent economic times: restructuring the knowledge creation and appropriation regime. In: 3rd Asian Academy of Management Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, December, 2002, Bangkok.
KAMOCHE, K., HORWITZ, F.M. and CHEW, I.K.H., 2002. The diffusion of high performance work practices across the southern Afro-Asian context. In: 3rd IIRA African Regional Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, March, 2002, Cape Town.
KAMOCHE, K., 2001. Beyond formal mechanisms: human resource management in Thailand and Vietnam. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, August, 2001, Washington.
KAMOCHE, K. and MUUKA, G.N., 2001. Human resource management in Africa: the challenge for the new millennium. In: International Academy of African Business and Development, Washington, DC, USA, April 2001, Washington DC.
KAMOCHE, K., CUNHA, J.V. and CUNHA, M.P., 2001. Indian music, therapy and the real-world: new directions in organizational improvisation. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, August, 2001, Washington.
KAMOCHE, K., CUNHA, M.P. and CUNHA, J.V., 2001. Knowledge, improvisation and appropriation. In: European Academy of Management, Barcelona, Spain, April, 2001, Barcelona.
KAMOCHE, K., 2001. Riding the typhoon: human resource management in Hong Kong hotels. In: Hawaii Conference on Business, Hawaii, USA, June, 2001, Hawaii.
KAMOCHE, K., CUNHA, M.P. and CUNHA, J.V., 2001. Shopping for new glasses: looking beyond jazz in the study of organizational improvisation. In: Hawaii Conference on Business, Hawaii, USA, June, 2001, Hawaii.
KAMOCHE, K., HORWITZ, F.M. and CHEW, I.K.H., 2001. The diffusion of high performance work practices across the southern Afro-Asian context. In: Asia-Pacific Researchers in Organizations, Baptist University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, December, 2001, Hong Kong.
KAMOCHE, K., CUNHA, M.P. and CUNHA, J.V., 2001. A grounded model of organizational improvisation. In: First International Symposium on Organizational Improvisation, Lisbon, Portugal, June, 2001, Lisbon.
KAMOCHE, K., CUNHA, M.P., CUNHA, J.V. and CUNHA, R.C., 2001. A prospectus for researching organizational improvisation. In: First International Symposium on Organizational Improvisation, Lisbon, Portugal, June, 2001, Lisbon.
KAMOCHE, K., CUNHA, M.P. and CUNHA, J.V., 2000. The age of emergence: toward a new organizational mindset. In: Society for the Advancement of Management International Conference, St. Augustine, Florida, USA, March/April, 2000, St. Augustine.
KAMOCHE, K., 2000. The social-philosophical rationale underpinning human resource strategies in turbulent times: Thailand and Vietnam. In: International Industrial Relations Association (IRRA), 12th World Congress, Tokyo, Japan, May/June, 2000, Tokyo.
KAMOCHE, K., CUNHA, J.V. and CUNHA, M.P., 1999. Minimal networks: a contribution to the deconstruction of organizations. In: Strategic Management Society, 19th Annual International Conference, Berlin, Germany, October, 1999, Berlin.
KAMOCHE, K., CUNHA, J.V. and CUNHA, M.P., 1999. Teoria organizacional e estrategia: tese, antitese e sintese. In: First International Conference of Iberoamerican Academy of Management, Madrid, Spain. December, 1999, Madrid.
KAMOCHE, K., 1999. A critical analysis of the role of Vietnam in global HRM. In: 3rd International Symposium on Multinational Business Management: the 21st century global corporation, Nanjing, China, December, 1999, Nanjing.
KAMOCHE, K., CUNHA, J.V. and CUNHA, M.P., 1998. The challenges of managing people in Thailand. In: Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business, Southeast Asia Region, Nanning, China, October, 1998, Nanning.
KAMOCHE, K. and MUELLER, F., 1997. HRM and appropriation. In: 13th EGOS Colloquium, Budapest, Hungary, July, 1997, Budapest.
KAMOCHE, K. and MAMMAN, A., 1997. Novel working practices: theoretical propositions and directions for research. In: International Research Symposium on Effective Organizations, Bournemouth University, September, 1997, Bournemouth.
KAMOCHE, K. and CUNHA, M.P., 1997. Teamwork, knowledge-creation and improvisation. In: International Workshop on Teamworking, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, September, 1997, Nottingham.
KAMOCHE, K., 1995. From human resources to resourcefulness: an agenda for the 21st century. In: International Colloquium of HRM, Sup de Co, Montpellier, France, October, 1995, Montpellier.
KAMOCHE, K. and MUELLER, F., 1995. HRM and appropriation. In: Strategic HRM Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, November, 1995, Nottingham.
KAMOCHE, K., 1995. Knowledge-creation and learning in international HRM. In: 10th World Congress, IIRA, Washington DC, USA, May/June,1995, Washington DC.
KAMOCHE, K., 1994. Strategic human resource management within a resource-capability view of the firm. In: [Seminars], Chulalongkorn and Thai Chamber of Commerce Universities, Bangkok, Thailand, July, 1994, Bangkok.
KAMOCHE, K., 1994. Strategic human resource management within a resource-capability view of the firm. In: BUIRA HRM study group, Templeton College, Oxford, January, 1994, Oxford.
KAMOCHE, K., 1994. The integration-differentiation puzzle: a resource-capability perspective in international HRM. In: 4th Conference on IHRM, Gold Coast, Australia, July, 1994, Gold Coast.
KAMOCHE, K., 1992. Toward a model of HRM for Africa. In: 3rd Conference on IHRM, Ashridge College, Ashridge, July, 1992, Ashridge.
KAMOCHE, K., 1991. HRM: an assessment of the Kenyan case. In: Development Studies Association Annual Conference, University of Wales, Swansea, September, 1991, Swansea.
Edited book
KAMOCHE, K., DEBRAH, Y.A., HORWITZ, F.M. and MUUKA, G.N., 2003. Managing human resources in Africa. London: Routledge.
KAMOCHE, K., CUHNA, M.P. and CUNHA, J.V., 2002. Organizational improvisation. London: Routledge.
Journal editorship
KAMOCHE, K., 2011. Introduction [guest editor]. UNSPECIFIED.
KAMOCHE, K., CUNHA, M.P. and CUNHA, R., 2003. Preface: Improvisation in organizations [guest editors]. UNSPECIFIED.
KAMOCHE, K., 2002. Introduction: Human resource management in Africa [guest editor]. UNSPECIFIED.