Items where Author is "Woods, G"

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Number of items: 88.

Journal article

WOODS, G., 2012. Je est beaucoup d’autres: Hide/Seek. PN Review 204, 38 (4), pp. 55-56.

WOODS, G., 2008. Alla ricerca del camp italiano. Riga, 27, pp. 589-596.

WOODS, G., 2008. Modernism, homosexuality and speech. Meridian: The La Trobe University English Review, 19 (1), pp. 39-56.

WOODS, G., 2007. Queer London in literature. Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education, 14 (3), pp. 257-270.

WOODS, G., 2004. The AIDS epidemic in American crime fiction, 1981-2001. Comparative American Studies, 2 (4), pp. 487-504. ISSN 1477-5700

WOODS, G., 2003. Other avenues: the state of gay and lesbian poetry in Britain. Magma, 27, pp. 22-26. ISSN 1352-9269

WOODS, G., 2003. The 'conspiracy' of the 'homintern'. The Gay and Lesbian Review Worldwide, 10 (3), pp. 11-13. ISSN 1532-1118

WOODS, G., 2003. The sodomitic reputation of Weimar Berlin. Gragoatá: Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras, 14, pp. 9-27. ISSN 1413-9073

WOODS, G., 2002. Educationally queer: teaching lesbian and gay studies in higher education. Changing English: Studies in Reading and Culture, 9 (1), pp. 47-58. ISSN 1358-684X

WOODS, G., 1999. Teach yourself lesbian and gay studies. The European English Messenger, 8 (1), pp. 29-34.

WOODS, G., 1999. The sniff of the real. Agenda, 37, pp. 92-97.

WOODS, G., 1998. Literary historiography and the gay common reader. Nordlit, 4, pp. 131-145.

WOODS, G., 1998. The house. Literature Review, pp. 13-19.

WOODS, G., 1996. Desert island desires. The Geographical Magazine, 68 (1), pp. 36-37.

WOODS, G., 1995. From solitary vice to circle jerk: masturbation scenes in French gay fiction. PerVersions: The International Journal of Gay and Lesbian Studies, 5, pp. 113-127.

WOODS, G., 1994. Ashbery's abnormalcy. PN Review, 99, pp. 70-71.

WOODS, G., 1994. Poems of black African manhood. PerVersions: The International Journal of Gay and Lesbian Studies, 1, pp. 22-37.

WOODS, G., 1993. Gay re-readings of the Harlem Renaissance poets. Journal of Homosexuality, 26, pp. 127-142.

WOODS, G., 1993. James Kirkup and gay poetry. PN Review, 92, p. 11.

WOODS, G., 1992. Body, costume and desire in Christopher Marlowe. Journal of Homosexuality, 23, pp. 69-84.

WOODS, G., 1992. Epidemiology of American psycho. Over Here: Reviews in American Studies, 12 (2), pp. 10-19.

WOODS, G., 1992. The internal exile of Yannis Ritsos. European Gay Review, 39699, pp. 88-98.

WOODS, G., 1991. Beyond creative writing. PACE: SCEPCHE Newsletter, 4, pp. 8-9.

WOODS, G., 1988. Robert Duncan: poet with double vision. European Gay Review, 4, pp. 60-67.

WOODS, G., 1986. Tre battaglie: archetipi di omoerotismo nella letteratura di guerra. Sodoma: Rivista Omosessuale di Cultura, 3, pp. 77-79.

WOODS, G., 1986. The gay sensibility in the arts. European Gay Review, 1, pp. 17-24.

Authored book

WOODS, G., 2016. The myth of the last taboo: queer subcultural studies. Trent essays . Nottingham: Trent Editions. ISBN 9781842331606

WOODS, G., 2012. Very soon I shall know. Nottingham: Shoestring. ISBN 9781907356544

WOODS, G., 2011. An ordinary dog. Manchester: Carcanet. ISBN 9781847770783

WOODS, G., 2007. Quidnunc. Manchester: Carcanet. ISBN 1857549465

WOODS, G., 2002. The district commissioner's dreams. Manchester: Carcanet. ISBN 1857545966

WOODS, G., 2001. Historia de la literature gay: la tradición masculina. Madrid: Ediciones Akal. ISBN 8446011964

WOODS, G., 1998. May I say nothing. Manchester: Carcanet. ISBN 185754384X

WOODS, G., 1998. A history of gay literature: the male tradition. New Haven: Yale University Press. ISBN 0300072015

WOODS, G., 1994. This is no book: a gay reader. Nottingham: Mushroom Books. ISBN 0907123260

WOODS, G., 1992. We have the melon. Manchester: Carcanet.

WOODS, G., 1987. Articulate flesh: male homo-eroticism and modern poetry. New Haven: Yale University Press. ISBN 0300047525

Chapter in book

WOODS, G., 2012. British homosexuality, 1920-1939. In: A. SHARPE, ed., W.H. Auden in context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 89-98. ISBN 9780521196574

WOODS, G., 2012. Nothing metaphysical. In: H. IVORY and G. SZIRTES, eds., In their own words: contemporary poets on their poetry. Cromer: Salt, pp. 149-152. ISBN 1907773215

WOODS, G., 2012. Novels of same-sex desire. In: R.L. CASERIO and C. HAWES, eds., The Cambridge history of the English novel. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 791-806. ISBN 9780521194952

WOODS, G., 2011. Foreword. In: P. SEEL, ed., I, Pierre Seel, homosexual deportee: a memoir of Nazi terror. New York: Basic Books. ISBN 0465045006

WOODS, G., 2010. Roger Peyrefitte, 'The exile of Capri' [book review]. In: T. CARDAMONE, ed., The lost library: gay fiction rediscovered. New York: Haiduk Press, pp. 151-158. ISBN 9780971468634

WOODS, G., 2009. Edith Piaf: a share of pain. In: M. MONTLACK, ed., My diva: 65 gay men on the women who inspire them. Madison, Wisconsin; London: Terrace Books [University of Wisconsin Press], pp. 69-72.

WOODS, G., 2009. Something for everyone: lesbian and gay 'magazine' programming on British television, 1980-2000. In: G. DAVIS and G. NEEDHAM, eds., Queer TV: theories, histories, politics. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 108-120.

WOODS, G., 2007. Altered people. In: R. LABONTÉ and L. SCHIMEL, eds., First person queer: who we are (so far). Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp, pp. 176-180.

WOODS, G., 2006. It's my nature: AIDS narratives and the moral re-branding of queerness in the mid-1990's. In: R. GRIFFITHS, ed., British Queer Cinema. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 171-182.

WOODS, G. and FRANKS, T., 2006. Music, film and post-stonewall gay identity. In: I. CONRICH and E. TINCKNELL, eds., Film's musical moments. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 158-168.

WOODS, G., 2006. Pedophilia. In: G. BROLOTTE and J. PHILLIPS, eds., Encyclopedia of erotic literature. New York and London: Routledge, pp. 1003-1005.

WOODS, G., 2006. W.H. Auden. In: G. BROLOTTE and J. PHILLIPS, eds., Encyclopedia of erotic literature. New York and London: Routledge, pp. 92-93.

WOODS, G., 2005. Holidays of a lifestyle: representations of pleasure in gay and lesbian holiday promotions. In: D. BELL and J. HOLLOWS, eds., Ordinary lifestyles: popular media, consumption and taste. London and New York: Open University Press, pp. 143-157.

WOODS, G., 2004. Gay approaches to the Romantic period. In: C.J. MURRAY, ed., Encyclopedia of the Romantic era, 1760-1850. New York & London: Fitzroy Dearborn, pp. 404-405. ISBN 1579584233

WOODS, G., 2004. Homosexuality. In: C.J. MURRAY, ed., Encyclopedia of the Romantic era, 1760-1850. New York & London: Fitzroy Dearborn, pp. 521-522. ISBN 1579584233

WOODS, G., 2003. Gay and lesbian literature. In: M. DRABBLE, ed., The concise Oxford companion to English literature. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 252-253. ISBN 198605595

WOODS, G., 2002. We're here, we're queer and we're not going catalogue shopping. In: W. BROOKER and D. JERMYN, eds., The audience studies reader. New York and London: Routledge, pp. 117-125. ISBN 415254345

WOODS, G., 2000. Allen Ginsberg. In: G.E. HAGGERTY, ed., Gay histories and cultures: an encyclopedia. New York & London: Garland, pp. 404-405.

WOODS, G., 2000. Autobiographical writing. In: G.E. HAGGERTY, ed., Gay histories and cultures: an encyclopedia. New York & London: Garland, pp. 85-86.

WOODS, G., 2000. Henry de Montherlant. In: G.E. HAGGERTY, ed., Gay histories and cultures: an encyclopedia. New York & London: Garland.

WOODS, G., 2000. James Schuyler. In: G.E. HAGGERTY, ed., Gay histories and cultures: an encyclopedia. New York & London: Garland, pp. 780-781.

WOODS, G., 2000. John Ashbery. In: G.E. HAGGERTY, ed., Gay histories and cultures: an encyclopedia. New York & London: Garland.

WOODS, G., 2000. Roger Peyrefitte. In: G.E. HAGGERTY, ed., Gay histories and cultures: an encyclopedia. New York & London: Garland, pp. 683-684.

WOODS, G., 2000. Sandro Penna. In: G.E. HAGGERTY, ed., Gay histories and cultures: an encyclopedia. New York & London: Garland.

WOODS, G., 2000. Umberto Saba. In: G.E. HAGGERTY, ed., Gay histories and cultures: an encyclopedia. New York & London: Garland, p. 761.

WOODS, G., 1999. André Gide. In: E. CASHMORE and C. ROJEK, eds., Dictionary of cultural theorists. London; New York: Arnold; Oxford University Press, pp. 191-193.

WOODS, G., 1999. Gay theory and criticism. In: Encyclopedia of literary critics and criticism. London: Fitzroy Dearborn, pp. 432-435.

WOODS, G., 1999. The art of friendship in Roderick Hudson. In: J.R. BRADLEY, ed., Henry James and homo-erotic desire. Basingstoke: Macmillan, pp. 69-77. ISBN 333732170

WOODS, G., 1995. Ernest Hemingway. In: C.J. SUMMERS, ed., The gay and lesbian literary heritage: a reader's companion to the writers and their works, from antiquity to the present. Henry Holt, pp. 362-363.

WOODS, G., 1995. Fantasy islands: popular topographies of marooned masculinity. In: G. VALENTINE and D. BELL, eds., Mapping desire: geographies of sexualities. London: Routledge. ISBN 415111633

WOODS, G., 1995. Gay male poetry. In: C.J. SUMMERS, ed., The gay and lesbian literary heritage: a reader's companion to the writers and their works, from antiquity to the present. Henry Holt, pp. 554-560.

WOODS, G., 1995. Hart Crane. In: C. BLOOM and B. DOCHERTY, eds., American poetry: the modernist ideal. Macmillan & St. Martin's Press, pp. 47-61.

WOODS, G., 1995. Marcel Proust. In: C.J. SUMMERS, ed., The gay and lesbian literary heritage: a reader's companion to the writers and their works, from antiquity to the present. Henry Holt, pp. 569-574.

WOODS, G., 1995. Pier Paolo Pasolini. In: C.J. SUMMERS, ed., The gay and lesbian literary heritage: a reader's companion to the writers and their works, from antiquity to the present. Henry Holt, pp. 535-536.

WOODS, G., 1995. Sandro Penna. In: C.J. SUMMERS, ed., The gay and lesbian literary heritage: a reader's companion to the writers and their works, from antiquity to the present. Henry Holt.

WOODS, G., 1995. T.S. Eliot. In: C.J. SUMMERS, ed., The gay and lesbian literary heritage: a reader's companion to the writers and their works, from antiquity to the present. Henry Holt, pp. 219-220.

WOODS, G., 1995. Umberto Saba. In: C.J. SUMMERS, ed., The gay and lesbian literary heritage: a reader's companion to the writers and their works, from antiquity to the present. Henry Holt, pp. 618-619.

WOODS, G., 1995. We're here, we're queer and we're not going catalogue shopping. In: P. BURSTON and C. RICHARDSON, eds., A queer romance: lesbians, gay men and popular culture. London: Routledge. ISBN 415096170

WOODS, G., 1995. A blind man looks at a boy. In: The forward book of poetry 1996. London: Forward Publishing.

WOODS, G., 1994. The other other of more of the same? Women's representations of homosexual men. In: G. GRIFFIN, ed., Difference in view: women and modernism. London: Taylor & Francis, pp. 27-36. ISBN 748401350

WOODS, G., 1993. Easy ride: episodes in a British academic career. In: S. MCCONNELL-CELI, ed., Twenty-first century challenge: lesbians and gays in education, bridging the gap. Red Bank, New Jersey: Lavender Crystal Press, pp. 12-19.

WOODS, G., 1993. Gay re-readings of the Harlem Renaissance poets. In: E.S. NELSON, ed., Critical essays: gay and lesbian writers of color. New York: Haworth Press, pp. 127-142.

WOODS, G., 1993. High culture and high camp: the case of Marcel Proust. In: D. BERGMAN, ed., Camp grounds: style and homosexuality. Boston: University of Massachusetts Press, pp. 121-133. ISBN 870238779

WOODS, G., 1993. William Seward Burroughs. In: E.S. NELSON, ed., Contemporary gay American novelists: a bio-bibliographical critical sourcebook. Westport, Connecticut: Green wood Press, pp. 37-45.

WOODS, G., 1993. The injured sex: Hemingway's voice of masculine anxiety. In: J. STILL and M. WORTON, eds., Textuality and sexuality: reading theories and practices. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 160-172. ISBN 719036046

WOODS, G., 1992. AIDS to remembrance: the uses of elegy. In: E.S. NELSON, ed., AIDS: the literary response. Boston: Twayne, pp. 155-166. ISBN 805790292

WOODS, G., 1992. Body, costume and desire in Christopher Marlowe. In: Homosexuality in Renaissance and Enlightenment England: literary representations in historical context. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 69-84.

WOODS, G., 1992. 'Still on my lips': Walt Whitman in Britain. In: R.K. MARTIN, ed., The continuing presence of Walt Whitman: the life after the life. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, pp. 129-140. ISBN 877453667

WOODS, G., 1990. 'Absurd! Ridiculous! Disgusting!' Paradox in poetry by gay men. In: M. LILLY, ed., Lesbian and gay writing. London: Macmillan, pp. 175-198. ISBN 333475003

WOODS, G., 1989. A helping hand. In: D. REES and P. ROBINS, eds., The freezer counter: stories by gay men. Third House, pp. 143-151.

BROADBENT, J. and WOODS, G., 1975. Lycidas. In: J. MILTON, ed., Odes, pastorals, masques. Cambridge University Press, pp. 183-237.

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