Items where Author is "Liddle, J"

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Number of items: 164.

Journal article

STUART, A., KATZ, D., STEVENSON, C., GOOCH, D., HARKIN, L., BENNASAR, M., LIDDLE, J., BENNACEUR, A., SANDERSON, L., LEVINE, M., MEHTA, V., WIJESUNDARA, A., TALBOT, C., BANDARA, A., PRICE, B. and NUSEIBEH, B., 2022. Loneliness in older people and COVID-19: applying the social identity approach to digital intervention design. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 6: 100179.

LIDDLE, J. and MURPHY, P., 2012. Public administration in an era of austerity. Public Money and Management, 32 (2), pp. 83-86. ISSN 0954-0962

LIDDLE, J., MCELWEE, G. and DISNEY, J., 2012. Rural transport and social inclusion: the DalesBus Initiative. Local Economy, 27 (1), pp. 3-18. ISSN 1470-9325

JONES, M. and LIDDLE, J., 2011. Implementing the UK Central Government's policy agenda for improved third sector engagement: reflecting on issues arising from third sector commissioning workshops. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 24 (2), pp. 157-171.

LIDDLE, J., 2010. 21st century public leadership: some reflections. Policy and Politics, 38 (4), pp. 657-664.

GOMES, R.C., LIDDLE, J. and GOMES, L.O.M., 2010. Cross-cultural analysis of stakeholder identification in municipal districts: a comparison of Brazil and England. Public Management Review, 12 (1), pp. 53-75.

GOMES, R.C. and LIDDLE, J., 2010. Stakeholders' cross-cultural analysis - who are the stakeholders in municipal districts? The case of Brazil and England. Public Management Review, 12 (1), pp. 53-75.

GOMES, R.C., LIDDLE, J. and GOMES, L.O.M., 2010. A five-sided model of stakeholder influence. Public Management Review, 12 (5), pp. 701-724.

GOMES, R.C., LIDDLE, J. and GOMES, L.O.M., 2009. Analisem exploratoria du percepcao de stakeholders acerca do desernpenho de servicos. Publicos, a caso de servicos de suade de urna prefitura de pequeno porte. Revista de Administração Pública.

LIDDLE, J., 2009. The Northern Way: a pan-regional associational network. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 22 (3), pp. 192-202. ISSN 0951-3558

LIDDLE, J., 2009. Regeneration and economic development in Greece: de-industrialisation and uneven development. Local Government Studies, 35 (3), pp. 335-354.

DIAMOND, J. and LIDDLE, J., 2009. Regeneration management and globalization: developing a synthesis. Local Government Studies, 35 (3), pp. 293-298.

LIDDLE, J., 2009. Regeneration management and the economic downturn. Regions' Newsletter.

GOMES, R.C., LIDDLE, J. and GOMES, L.O.M., 2009. Using stakeholder's expectations for measuring public services performance: the case of Health Care Services. MECOSAN.

GOMES, R.C. and LIDDLE, J., 2009. The balanced scorecard as a performance management tool for third sector organizations: the case of the Arthur Bernardes Foundation, Brazil. Brazilian Administration Review, 6 (4), pp. 354-366.

LIDDLE, J., 2008. Challenges to democratic legitimacy, scrutiny, accountability in the UK national and local state. Public Administration Quarterly, 31 (4), pp. 397-428.

DIAMOND, J., LIDDLE, J., ROWE, M. and SOUTHERN, A., 2007. Building castles in the sky? Regions Magazine, 265 (1), p. 3.

HAGEN, R. and LIDDLE, J., 2007. Changing strategic direction for executive development in the public sector: opportunities for top business schools? International Journal of Public Sector Management, 20 (4), pp. 325-340. ISSN 0951-3558

LIDDLE, J., 2007. Reflections on regeneration management skills research. Public Money and Management, 27 (3), pp. 189-192.

DIAMOND, J., LIDDLE, J., ROWE, M. and SOUTHERN, A., 2007. Regeneration management skills [editorial]. Public Money and Management, 27 (3), pp. 167-168.

LIDDLE, J., 2007. Report on the changing demography of the East Midlands. Regions' Newsletter (267200), pp. 26-27.

DIAMOND, J. and LIDDLE, J., 2006. Learning in regeneration [editorial]. Teaching Public Administration, 26 (22006), pp. 1-3.

THOMAS, P.T., LIDDLE, J. and MATTHEWS, J., 2006. Managerialism: a prescription for health: re-thinking the enhanced role of the professional manager in the public sector. Clinician in Management. ISSN 0965-5751

LIDDLE, J., 2006. Managing knowledge in regeneration. Regions' Newsletter, pp. 4-5.

LIDDLE, J., 2006. Managing knowledge within regeneration practice. Teaching Public Administration, 26 (22006), pp. 4-18.

LIDDLE, J. and LAFFIN, M., 2006. New perspectives on partnership [special issue]. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 19 (3), pp. 224-227.

LIDDLE, J., 2006. Synergising research with the immediacy of practitioner concerns: bridging the knowledge gap. Regions' Newsletter.

CHONDROLEOU, G., ELCOCK, H., LIDDLE, J. and OIKONOMOPOULOS, I., 2005. Reforming community leadership in Britain and Greece. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 18 (2), pp. 114-127.

BROWN, B. and LIDDLE, J., 2005. Service domains - the new communities: a case study of Peterlee Sure Start, UK. Local Government Studies, 31 (4), pp. 449-474.

LIDDLE, J. and DIAMOND, J., 2005. What are we learning from the partnership experience? [editorial]. Public Policy and Administration, 20 (3), pp. 1-3. ISSN 0952-0767

LIDDLE, J., 2004. Strategic leisure services as 'integrator and broker': best value as a stimulus to local regeneration? Northern Economic Review (352004), pp. 103-115.

LIDDLE, J., 2004. The significance of culture, tourism and leisure services in social and economic development in the NE of England. Teaching Public Administration, 23 (2), pp. 34-47.

LIDDLE, J. and TOWNSEND, A., 2003. Reflections on the development of local strategic partnerships: key emerging issues. Local Governance, 29, pp. 37-54.

DIAMOND, J. and LIDDLE, J., 2003. Regional governance: some resolved issues. Public Policy and Administration, 18 (2), pp. 106-117.

LIDDLE, J., 2001. RDAs, sub-regional partnerships and local regeneration. Local Economy, 16 (4), pp. 312-323.

COCKERILL, T., LIDDLE, J. and SOUTHERN, A., 2000. Changes to the North East region - local dynamic: new forms of governance from traditional public sector structures? Public Policy and Administration, 15 (2), pp. 110-126.

LIDDLE, J., 2000. Educating public service managers in a changing local and regional governance framework. Teaching Public Administration (2), pp. 14-26.

LIDDLE, J. and OVERTON, M., 2000. Partnerships, participation and power: evaluating inter-authority environmental health partnerships in the NE of England (The Air Quality Management Initiative). International Journal of Public Private Partner Partnerships, 2 (1), pp. 173-196.

LIDDLE, J., 1998. Developing public service managers for a changed 'public/private sector world'. Teaching Public Administration, pp. 60-75.

Authored book

DIAMOND, J. and LIDDLE, J., 2005. Management of regeneration: choices, challenges and dilemmas. Abingdon: Routledge.

Chapter in book

TRUEMAN, M., ALI, B., CORNELIUS, N. and LIDDLE, J., 2010. Doing good in a post industrial city: public policy communications and regeneration. In: G.J. ASHWORTH and M. KAVARATZIS, eds., Towards effective place brand management: branding European cities and regions. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

LIDDLE, J. and OIKONOMOPOULOS, I., 2009. Regeneration in Greece. In: J. DIAMOND, J. LIDDLE, A. SOUTHERN and P. OSEI, eds., Urban regeneration management: international perspectives. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9780415451932

LIDDLE, J. and OIKONOMOPOULOS, I., 2008. Greek case study on regeneration. In: J. DIAMOND, J. LIDDLE, P. OSEI and A. SOUTHERN, eds., Urban regeneration management: international perspectives. London: Routledge.

LIDDLE, J., 2008. Leading citizen-driven governance: collective regional and sub-regional leadership in the UK. In: Regional leadership in European peripheries, contesting regional peripheries through leadership: Central European experience. Cheltenham: Hungary University Press.

LIDDLE, J. and DIAMOND, J., 2008. Neighbourhood management in the UK: new forms of governance, institutions and networks. In: A.M. BISSESSAR, ed., Government and institutional re-engineering. Cambridge: Cambridge Educational Scholars.

LIDDLE, J. and OIKONOMOPOULOS, I., 2007. Change processes in Megara municipality, Greece. In: D. CRISTOFOLI and F. LONGO, eds., Strategic change management in the public sector: an EFMD European casebook. New York: John Wiley. ISBN 9780000000000

DIAMOND, J., LIDDLE, J., SOUTHERN, A. and TOWNSEND, A.R., 2007. Context: marking the transition. In: J. DIAMOND, J. LIDDLE, A. SOUTHERN and A.R. TOWNSEND, eds., Managing the city. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 9-15.

LIDDLE, J. and SMITH, S., 2007. Evaluating or disconnecting the disenfranchised from those who would enfranchise them? In: J. DIAMOND, J. LIDDLE, A. SOUTHERN and A.R. TOWNSEND, eds., Managing the city. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 116-130.

LIDDLE, J., 2007. Leadership and regional well being. In: Regions in Focus, University of Lisbon, Portugal, 02-05 April, 2007. International Regional Studies Association, p. 66. ISBN 1897721345

CHONDROLEOU, G., ELCOCK, H., LIDDLE, J. and OIKONOMOPOULOS, I., 2007. Re-organisation: panacea or delusion? Local government reform in England and Greece. In: T. BOVAIRD and E. LOEFFLER, eds., Rural Governance in Europe. London: Edward Elgar.

LIDDLE, J., 2006. Choice, voice, and invigorating local democratic processes in a UK context: worthy aspiration or flawed reality? In: Shaping EU Regional Policy: Economic, Social and Political Pressures, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 8-9 June, 2006. Regional Studies Association, pp. 38-39. ISBN 1897721293

LIDDLE, J., 2006. Regional governance und die Beteilgung der Zivilgesellschaft in Grobbritannien. In: R. KLEINFELD, H. PLAMPER and A. HUBER, eds., Regional governance: Steurung, Koordination und Kommunikation in regionalen Netwerken als neue Formen de Regierens, Veroffentlichung des Universitatsverlags. Göttingen: Osnabruk bei V und R Unipress, pp. 123-142.

LIDDLE, J., 2004. Culture, tourism and leisure services in the NE, UK. In: Europe at the Margins: EU Regional Policy, Peripherality and Rurality, Academic Conference, University of Angers, France, 15-16 April, 2004. Seaford: RSA International, pp. 38-39. ISBN 897721242

LIDDLE, J., TOWNSEND, A. and TULLY, J., 2004. The challenging relationship between community strategies and local development frameworks: a case study of two districts authorities. In: The Challenge of Localism. RSA Annual Conference, London, 2004. Seaford: Regional Studies Association, p. 57. ISBN 1897721269

LIDDLE, J., 2003. The business broker initiative: the UK business broker pilot initiative. Engaging the business community in neighbourhood renewal and social inclusion: early findings on the North East of England. In: Reinventing Regions in the Global Economy. RSA International Conference, Pisa Conference Centre, Pisa, Italy 12-15 April, 2003. Seaford: Regional Studies Association, pp. 172-173. ISBN 897721218

LIDDLE, J. and LLOYD, M., 2002. Building entrepreneurial capacity on County Durham: do local authorities still have a legitimate role in acting on behalf of communities? In: Building Entrepreneurial Capacity in the Regions. RSA Conference, 2002. Seaford: Regional Studies Association, pp. 40-44. ISBN 189772120X

LIDDLE, J., 2002. Local strategic partnerships: the UK experience of engaging stakeholders in identifying, implementing and evaluating community policies. In: Evaluation and EU Regional Policy: New Questions and New Challenges. RSA Conference, 2002. Seaford: Regional Studies Association, pp. 52-53. ISBN 1897721196

LIDDLE, J. and OIKONOMOPOULOS, I., 2002. The establishment and operation of a local development company: the experiences in Megara, SW Greece. In: L. MONTANHEIRO, S. BERGER and G. SKOMSØY, eds., Public and private sector partnerships: exploring co-operation. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam Press, pp. 263-276. ISBN 0863399797

LIDDLE, J., 2001. Public-private partnerships for business development: a comparison of South West Greece and North East England. In: L. MONTANHEIRO and M. SPIERING, eds., Public and private sector partnerships: the enterprise governance. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam Press, pp. 353-376. ISBN 0863399731

LIDDLE, J., 2001. Synthesis, symbiosis or simply stimulating another sounding board? Issues and practical problems in bringing together academics and practitioners: the experience of virtuality the Durham way. In: Regionalising the Knowledge Economy. RSA (Regional Studies Association) Conference, London Voluntary Sector Resource Centre, Holloway, London, 21 November, 2001. Seaford: Regional Studies Association, pp. 65-69. ISBN 1897721188

COCKERILL, T., LIDDLE, J. and SOUTHERN, A., 2000. Developing sub-regional partnerships to deliver RDA strategies: the case of One North East. In: L. MONTANHEIRO and M. LINEHAM, eds., Public and private sector partnerships: the enabling mix. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam Press, pp. 155-172. ISBN 0863398952

LIDDLE, J., 2000. Newcastle versus Sunderland: competing, collaborating or simply reconciling city-wide and regional objectives? In: Two Speed Cities? Cities and Urban Development in the New Millennium. RSA Conference, 2000. Seaford: RSA, pp. 34-39. ISBN 1897721145

LIDDLE, J. and OVERTON, M., 1999. Partnerships, participation and power: evaluating inter-authority environmental health partnerships in the NE of England (the Air Quality Management Initiative). In: L. MONTANHEIRO, B. HIGH, D. MORRIS and M. LINEHAM, eds., Public and private sector partnerships: furthering developments. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam Press, pp. 315-334. ISBN 0863398650

LIDDLE, J., 1998. Promoting partnerships and fostering enterprise in regional regeneration: the case of Visual Arts UK 1997. In: L. MONTANHEIRO, B. HAIGH, D. MORRIS and N. HROVATIN, eds., Public and private sector partnerships: fostering enterprise. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam Press, pp. 253-278. ISBN 0863397883

LIDDLE, J. and CORCORAN, J., 1997. Urban regime theory in practice. A regeneration regime in the NE? Inter-agency partnerships and the case of Siemens UK. In: Contemporary political studies. Vol. 1. Political Studies Association, pp. 198-219.

LIDDLE, J. and MARTIN, S., 1994. Managing enterprising local authorities: approaches to the europeanisation of UK local government. In: P. CURWEN, B. RICHARDSON, S. NWANKWO and L. MONTANHEIRO, eds., The public sector in transition. Sheffield: Pavic, pp. 153-162. ISBN 0863394590

Conference contribution

LIDDLE, J. and ROSSITER, W., 2017. The changing nature of accountability and governance for economic development and 'deal making' in England. In: Joint University Council Public Administration Committee Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 13-14 September 2017.

LIDDLE, J., MURPHY, P., JONES, M. and BOWDEN, A., 2016. Initial driving forces leading to local reform strategies in UK local government, and a tentative examination on whether or not they might contribute to better policies and services. In: European Group for Public Administration (EGPA) Annual Conference, Utrecht, Netherlands, 22-23 August 2016.

LIDDLE, J. and MURPHY, P., 2013. Horizon scanning, scenario planning and sense making with an LRF. In: Seventeenth Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM XVII), Prague, Czech Republic, 10-12 April 2013, Prague, Czech Republic.

LIDDLE, J., 2010. Auxiliary leadership. Dismantling the regional architecture and the Big Society in the UK. In: RSA International Research Network, University of Birmingham, 23-24 November 2010, Birmingham.

LIDDLE, J., VUORI, J. and KYLANEN, M., 2010. Can we ever reach the age of dialog in health care? Overcoming the endless 'battlefield' of the paradigms in medicine and organization science with the help of Socrates himself. In: EURAM, Rome, May 2010, Rome.

LIDDLE, J., 2010. Co-production of knowledge, organisational interventions and improving 'public value': the role of 21st century business schools in engaging with public, private and third sectors. In: 3rd World Universities Forum, Davos, Switzerland, 9-11 January 2010, Davos, Switzerland.

LIDDLE, J., 2010. Collective leadership in the East Midlands. In: International RSA Conference, Pecs, Hungary, 24-26 May 2010, Pecs, Hungary.

LIDDLE, J., 2010. Dismantling the regional architecture: the view from East Midlands. In: PAC Annual Conference, Nottingham Trent University, 6-8 September 2010, Nottingham.

LIDDLE, J. and THOMAS, P., 2010. Knowledge, culture and change in Wales, UK: towards a sustainable future? In: 10th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organisations, HEC Montreal, 26-29 July 2010, Montreal.

LIDDLE, J. and VUORI, J., 2010. New public management is orphan - who are the parents? The stricture against the scientific roots of multiple 'new' prefixes. In: 14th Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM). Working Across Boundaries: Barriers, Enablers, Tensions and Puzzles, Berne, Switzerland, 6-9 April 2010, Berne.

LIDDLE, J., 2010. Social regeneration and social enterprise. In: ESRC Workshop, ESRC Seminar Series - BME Communities, Voice and Agency, University of Bradford, 12 February 2010, Bradford.

LIDDLE, J., 2010. Working across boundaries: partnership working across traditional boundaries. In: 14th Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM). Working Across Boundaries: Barriers, Enablers, Tensions and Puzzles, Berne, Switzerland, 6-9 April 2010, Berne.

LIDDLE, J., 2009. Global changes to public management and the role of sport in regional & local regeneration. In: European Sports Development Network (ESDN) symposium, Bass Management Centre, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 3 September 2009, Nottingham.

JONES, M. and LIDDLE, J., 2009. Implementing the UK Central Government’s policy agenda for improved third sector engagement: reflecting on issues arising from third sector commissioning [workshops]. In: Nottingham Business School and University of Stockholm Business School Joint International Symposium, Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University, 5 May 2009, Nottingham.

LIDDLE, J., 2009. Managing health and social and community care in the UK: the mission impossible. In: 9th Congress of the European Nurse Directors Association (ENDA 2009), Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, Finland, 7-9 October 2009, Helsinki.

LIDDLE, J., 2009. Multi-spatial strategic partnerships in the UK: new forms of organisation and emerging issues. In: Local Governance Conference, Local Governance and Inter-governmental Relations in the Caribbean: Examining the Past, Assessing the Present and Predicting the Future, UWI, Mona, Jamaica, 8-9 January 2009.

MURPHY, P., GREENHALGH, K., LIDDLE, J. and BUCKLEY, J., 2009. Narrowing the gap - increasing the number of women in operational fire fighting roles: an early evaluation of an initiative by Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Services on behalf of the 5 East Midland services. In: Public Administration Committee (PAC) Conference, Glamorgan Business Centre, University of Glamorgan, Pontypridd, 7-9 September 2009, Pontypridd.

LIDDLE, J., 2009. Partnerships for sustainable public service delivery in England: choices, challenges, dilemmas and lessons learned. In: International Conference for Administrative Development: Towards Excellence in Public Sector Performance, King Faisal Hall for Conferences, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1-4 November 2009, Riyadh.

LIDDLE, J., 2008. Business, state and non-state governance in city-regional policy: a comparison of the North East and East Midlands. In: RSA Annual International Conference: Regions: The Dilemmas of Integration and Competition? University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic, 27-29 May, 2008, Prague.

LIDDLE, J., 2008. Co-development and co-delivery in citizen driven governance in the UK: collective leadership and the tools for engaging stakeholders in creating public value. In: 2008 EFMD Conference: Empowering the Public: Management Development Implications of Further Public Services Reforms in Personalising Services, and Applying New Management Tools to Create Public Value, Irish Management Institute, Dublin, Ireland, 29-30 May, Dublin.

GOMES, R. and LIDDLE, J., 2008. Depicting determinant factors of local government performance in Brazil: is there a way out of the labyrinth? In: EnAPG 2008 Conference, Brazilian Academy of Management, Salavdor, Brazil, 12-14 November 2008, Salvador, Brazil.

LIDDLE, J. and TENG, W., 2008. Developing senior leaders and managers in public sector: MPA programmes for Chinese local government officials. In: 2008 PAC Conference, New Directions in the Study and Practice of Public Administration, Alcuin Research Resource Centre, University of York, York, 1-3 September 2008, York.

LIDDLE, J., 2008. Leading citizen-driven governance: collective regional and sub-regional leadership in the UK. In: Regional Leadership in European Peripheries: First International Regional Studies Research Network Seminar, Cornivus University, Budapest, Hungary, 22-23 February, 2008, Budapest.

GOMES, R. and LIDDLE, J., 2008. Multi-spatial, collective leadership: the case of the East Midlands, UK. In: 48th Congress of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA 2008), Culture, Cohesion and Competitiveness: Regional Perspectives, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, 27-31 August 2008, Liverpool.

LIDDLE, J., 2008. Partnership then and now - 30 Years on. In: Regeneration is 30 Conference, Lace Centre, Liverpool, 30 January, 2008, Liverpool.

GOMES, R., LIDDLE, J. and VELOSO, R., 2008. Performance appraisal in Brazilian small-scale municipalities: using the balanced scorecard as a feasible tool. In: EnAPG 2008 Conference, Brazilian Academy of Management, Salavdor, Brazil, 12-14 November 2008, Salvador, Brazil.

GOMES, R.C., LIDDLE, J. and VELOSO, R.C.L., 2008. Performance appraisal of local government: devising performance indicators based on the perceptions of key stakeholders. In: EGPA Conference 2008, Innovation in the Public Sector, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 3-6 September 2008, Rotterdam.

GOMES, R. and LIDDLE, J., 2008. Performance indicators based upon key-stakeholders' perceptions: can it be applied to local governments? In: EnAPG 2008 Conference, Brazilian Academy of Management, Salavdor, Brazil, 12-14 November 2008, Salvador, Brazil.

TRUEMAN, M., CORNELIUS, N. and LIDDLE, J., 2007. City branding with hard to reach communities in a post industrial city. In: EUGEO Conference, Amsterdam, 20-23 August, 2007, Amsterdam.

LIDDLE, J. and BROWN, B., 2007. Evaluating the robustness of partnership as a delivery mechanism for delivering the New Labour's ideological and economic aspirations. In: 7th Regeneration Management Research Network, University of Manchester, Manchester, 27 June, 2007, Manchester.

LIDDLE, J., 2007. The International Brigade Command Course (IBCC) for Fire and Rescue Services (FRS) : is it fit for purpose in response to the complex and paradoxical environments of new public service delivery? In: (New) Talent Management Agenda: a Response to Complexity and Paradox in Public Services: EFMD Conference on Public Sector Management Development, EOI BUsiness School, Madrid, Spain, 21-22 June, 2007, Madrid.

LIDDLE, J., 2007. Leading in multi-sector contexts: the case of UK neighourhood management and renewal. In: Leading the Future of the Public Sector: The Third Transatlantic Dialogue. ASPA/EGPA Transatlantic Dialogue: American Society for Public Administration and European Group of Public Administration Conference, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, USA,, Newark.

LIDDLE, J., 2007. Sharing learning across public sector. In: Public Sector Skills: The 2007 National Conference, Queen Elizabeth 2nd Conference Centre, London, 03 December, 2007, London.

HAGEN, R. and LIDDLE, J., 2006. Executive education for the public sector: a mutually sustaining crisis: time for a radical rethink. In: International Conference on Executive Education, IMD, Lausanne, Switzerland, 3-4 July, 2006, Lausanne.

LIDDLE, J., 2006. Knowledge, learning and skills: a framework for regeneration practice. In: British Academy of Management Annual Conference, University of Ulster and Queens University Belfast, 12-14 September, 2006, Belfast.

LIDDLE, J., 2006. Neighbourhood management in the UK: new forms of government, institutions and networks. In: Conference on Government, Institutions and Networks, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, 18-22 October, 2006, St. Augustine.

LIDDLE, J., 2006. Shaping the future of local governance: an examination and assessment of 'local strategic partnerships: shaping their future - a consultation paper'. In: 10th International Research Symposium on Public Management X (IRSPM X), Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, 10-12 April, 2006, Glasgow.

LIDDLE, J., 2006. The future of local governance: management or governance? In: New Regional Management: ESRC London Conference, London, 22 November, 2006, London.

LIDDLE, J., 2005. Business networks in NE regional and local governance. In: Sustainable Regions: Making Regions Work. RSA Annual Conference, London, 24 November, 2005, London.

LIDDLE, J., 2005. Democratic renewal and community engagement NE style? In: RSA Annual Conference 2005: Sustainable Regions: Making Regions Work, London, 24 November, 2005, London.

LIDDLE, J., ANDERSON, A., DRUMMOND, T., ANDERSON, E., JACKLING, O. and SMITH, B., 2005. Dialogue and collaboration: building sustainable communities. In: Centre for Theology and Public Issues (CTPI) Annual International Conference, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, 4-7 September, 2005, Edinburgh.

LIDDLE, J., 2005. Regeneration and accountability: new enlarged spaces for collective action. In: International Research Symposium on Public Management IX (IRSPM IX), University of Bocconi, Milan, Italy, 6-8 April 2005, Milan.

LIDDLE, J., 2004. Deliberate or emergent strategy: UK local strategic partnerships and regeneration in a changed strategic context. In: International Research Symposium on Public Management VIII (IRSPM VII), Department of Economics and Public Administration, University of Budapest, Budapest, Hungary , 5-7 April 2004, Budapest.

LIDDLE, J. and SMITH, S., 2004. Evaluating or disconnecting the disenfranchised from those who would enfranchise them? In: IVth Annual Regeneration Management Research Workshop, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, 18 June 2004, Liverpool.

CHONDROLEOU, G., ELCOCK, H., LIDDLE, J. and OIKONOMOPOULOS, I., 2004. Reorganisation: panacea or delusion? Local government reform in England and Greece. In: European Group of Public Administration, Oerias, Portugal, September, 2003, Oerias.

CHONDROLEOU, G., ELCOCK, H., LIDDLE, J. and OIKONOMOPOULOS, I., 2004. What can we learn from comparing governments? Some issues in English and Greek local government. In: Annual Politics Studies Association Conference, University of Lincoln, Lincoln, April, 2004, Lincoln.

LIDDLE, J., 2003. Local strategic partnerships as experimental forms of governance: key emerging issues. In: University of Staffordshire Economics Research Seminar, University of Staffordshire, Stoke-on-Trent, 20 February 2003, Stoke-on-Trent.

LIDDLE, J., 2003. Regional governance and eGovernment in the North East. In: Manchester Centre for eGovernment Seminar Series, Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, Manchester, 8 May 2003, Manchester.

LIDDLE, J., 2002. Community inclusion: breaking the barriers. In: CLES (Centre for Local Economic Strategies) Annual Conference, Manchester, 17 September 2002, Manchester.

LIDDLE, J., 2002. Implementing and evaluating UK regional policies at the sub-regional and local levels: how joined-up is governance? In: International Research Symposium on Public Management VI (IRSPM VI), University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, 8-10 April 2002, Edinburgh.

LIDDLE, J., 2002. Local strategic partnerships: one policy experiment too far? Empirical data on local regeneration in the NE of England, UK. In: The European Group for Organisational Studies Conference, Barcelona, Spain 4-6 July 2002, Barcelona.

LIDDLE, J., 2002. Local strategic partnerships: reflections on the first year. In: Centre for Regional Development Research Seminar Series, University of Northumbria, Carlisle Campus, 11 December 2002, Carlisle.

LIDDLE, J., 2002. Reflections on the development of local strategic partnerships: key emerging issues. In: British Academy of Management Conference, London, September 2002, London.

LIDDLE, J., 2002. Women and politics. In: Northern Labour Women's Forum, Newcastle, 29 June 2002, Newcastle.

LIDDLE, J. and OIKONOMOPOULOS, I., 2002. The establishment and operation of a local development company: the experience of Megara, SW Greece. In: 8th International Conference on Public and Private Partnerships, Exploring Cooperation, Karlstad, Sweden, June 2002, Karlstad.

APOSTOLAKIS, C. and LIDDLE, J., 2001. Assessing the development of sub-regional and local strategic partnerships: a comparison of Leicester, and Durham and Northumberland. In: Second Research Management Research Workshop, UDBS and the International Centre for Regional Regeneration and Development, Van Mildert College, University of Durham, Durham, 7 November 2001, Durham.

LIDDLE, J., 2001. Public/private agencies for business development and support: a comparison of SW Greece and NE England. In: VIIth International Conference on Public Private Partnerships: the Enterprise Governance, University of Twente, Enschede, Holland, 6-9 June 2001, Enschede.

LIDDLE, J., 2001. Public/private partnerships for business development: a comparison of South West Greece and North East England. In: VIIth International Conference on Public Private Partnerships - The Enterprise Governance, University of Twente, Netherlands, 06-09 June, 2001.

LIDDLE, J., 2001. RDAs, SRPs and LSPs and regeneration in the NE. In: University of Sunderland Research Seminar Series, St Peter's Campus, University of Sunderland Business School, Sunderland, 14 November 2001, Sunderland.

LIDDLE, J., 2001. Research on local strategic partnerships: participant observation. In: Durham Business School Doctoral Colloquium, Durham, August 2001, Durham.

LIDDLE, J., 2001. Sub-regional partnerships as a vehicle for delivering an economic strategy. In: RTPI Northern Branch Seminar, Civic Centre, Sunderland, 13 June 2001, Sunderland.

LIDDLE, J., 2001. An analysis of the new competences required by public servants in a changing local and regional governance: the case of the North East of England. In: 31st Annual Conference of the Public Administration Committee, Civil Service College, Sunningdale, 3-5 September 2001, Sunningdale.

COCKERILL, T., LIDDLE, J. and SOUTHERN, A., 2000. Changes to the North East region - local dynamic: new forms of governance from traditional public sector structures? In: Annual Public Administration Committee Conference, University of Durham, Durham, 4-6 September 2000, Durham.

LIDDLE, J. and STEVENS, C., 2000. Managing the North-South divide within a region: can the regeneration of sub-regions be achieved without a democratic settlement? A comparison of Tyneside and Teesside. In: Regeneration Management Research Workshop, University of Durham Business School, Durham, 15 November 2000, Durham.

LIDDLE, J. and SIMPSON, G., 1999. The North East Constitutional Convention: grass roots reaction to the New Managerialism. In: International Conference on Public Participation and Innovation in Community Governance, University of Gotenberg, Gothenberg, Sweden, 24-26 June, 1999, Gothenberg.

LIDDLE, J. and OVERTON, M., 1999. Partnerships, participation and power: evaluating inter-authority environmental health partnerships in the NE of England (the Air Quality Management Initiative). In: Vth International Conference of Public/Private Partnerships: Fostering Development, Cork, Ireland, 1999, Cork.

HILL, R. and LIDDLE, J., 1999. Towards April 2000 and the need for collaborative responses to the changing youth justice agenda: the case of County Durham probation services and lesson drawing for probation services in England and Wales. In: Annual Public Administration Committee (Joint University Council) Conference, Civil Service College, Sunningdale, 4-6 September 1999, Sunningdale.

LIDDLE, J., DIXON-DAWSON, J., MAGUIRE, J., LENNON, J. and STEEL, G., 1998. From CCT to best value: a synthesis of markets and bureaucracy? In: Cardiff Business School Public Service Research Unit Annual Conference, Cardiff, 31 March 1998, Cardiff.

LIDDLE, J., 1998. Is BPR an analytical straightjacket? Pushing the boundaries outwards and upwards to a regional level. In: Institute of British Business Process Re-engineering Conference, Winchester Guildhall, Winchester, 24 March 1998, Winchester.

LIDDLE, J., 1998. Promoting partnerships and fostering enterprise in regional regeneration: the case of Visual Arts UK 1997. In: International Conference on Public/Private Partnerships, Lublijana, Slovenia, May 1998, Lublijana.

LIDDLE, J., 1997. Scenario planning after 1997 general election: the implications for leisure services in the North East (local government in the North East). In: ILAM Conference, Leisure and the Millennium, Riverside Park, Chester-le-Street, 1997, Chester-le-Street.

CORCORAN, J. and LIDDLE, J., 1997. Urban regime theory in practice. A regeneration regime in the NE? Inter-agency partnerships and the case of Siemens UK. In: Political Studies Association Conference, University of Ulster in Jordanstown, Newtownabbey, N. Ireland, 1997.

LIDDLE, J., 1996. Adapting urban regime theory to the Northern region: some reflections on regional regeneration. In: 26th Annual Public Administration Conference, University of Northumbria, Newcastle, 2-4 September, 1996, Newcastle.

LIDDLE, J., 1996. Researching in the Northern region and linkages to cybernetics. In: Business Cybernetics Research Day. King Alfred's College of Higher Education, Winchester, 25 June, 1996, Winchester.

LIDDLE, J., 1996. A regional regime in the North East? In: PPSG Research Breviate, St. Chads, University of Durham, Durham, 22 October, 1996, Durham.

Edited book

DIAMOND, J., LIDDLE, J., SOUTHERN, A. and OSEI, P., 2009. Urban regeneration management: international perspectives. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9780415451932

DIAMOND, J., LIDDLE, J., SOUTHERN, A. and TOWNSEND, A.R., 2006. Managing the city. Abingdon: Routledge.

Journal editorship

LIDDLE, J. and MURPHY, P., 2012. Public Money & Management. Abingdon: Routledge.

LIDDLE, J. and DIAMOND, J., 2009. Regeneration and the third sector: challenges, opportunities, co-operation or co-option? [special issue]. UNSPECIFIED.

LIDDLE, J. and DIAMOND, J., 2009. Regeneration management and globalisation: developing a synthesis [special issue]. UNSPECIFIED.

LIDDLE, J., COAFFEE, J. and DIAMOND, J., 2008. Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal [special issue]. UNSPECIFIED.

LIDDLE, J., 2008. Public Administration Quarterly [special issue]. UNSPECIFIED.

LIDDLE, J. and DIAMOND, J., 2008. Public policy and management in local governance partnerships [special issue]. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 123-125.

LIDDLE, J. and DIAMOND, J., 2007. Regeneration [special issue]. UNSPECIFIED.

LIDDLE, J. and DIAMOND, J., 2007. Regeneration management [special issue]. UNSPECIFIED.

LIDDLE, J. and DIAMOND, J., 2006. Learning in regeneration [special issue]. UNSPECIFIED.

LIDDLE, J. and LAFFIN, M., 2006. New perspectives on partnership [special issue]. UNSPECIFIED.

LIDDLE, J. and DIAMOND, J., 2005. What are we learning from the partnership experience? [special issue]. UNSPECIFIED.

Newspaper or popular journal contribution

LIDDLE, J., 2002. Regional and local regeneration. .

Professional or trade journal contribution

LIDDLE, J., 2008. Commissioning of services: regional and local dimensions. .

LIDDLE, J. and DIAMOND, J., 2008. Regeneration management research network: nearly 10 years on. .

LIDDLE, J., 2007. Leading the public sector: the need for new skills? Imagine (4), pp. 20-21.

LIDDLE, J. and SMITH, S., 2004. How understanding complexity could aid regeneration: a practitioners' guide. .

Research report for external body

LIDDLE, J., 2004. City of Durham Economic Development Strategy. Durham: Durham City Council.

LIDDLE, J., 2004. City of Durham Environmental Health Strategy. Durham: Durham City Council.

LIDDLE, J., 2004. City of Durham Leisure Strategy. Durham: Durham City Council.

LIDDLE, J., 1988. Recruitment difficulties, skill shortages and training requirements in the Teesside travel to work area. UNSPECIFIED.

Working paper

TRUEMAN, M., ALI, B., CORNELIUS, N. and LIDDLE, J., 2007. Doing good in a post industrial city: public policy communications and regeneration. Bradford: Bradford University School of Management.

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