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ABUBAKRE, M., VIVIER, E. and OZOLINA, A., 2020. How do digital platforms influence community organizing and inequalities? Lessons from community use of a locally developed digital platform in South Africa. In: 36th EGOS Colloquium: Organizing for a Sustainable Future: Responsibility, Renewal and Resistance, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, 2-4 July 2020.
ADENIYI, O., BROWN, A. and WHYSALL, P., 2020. Retail concentration - deliberate or not? In: Geographical Information Science Research UK Conference (GISRUK) 2020, London [virtual], 21-23 July 2020.
AJIBOYE, T., RESNICK, S. and HARVEY, J., 2020. Customer engagement behaviour on social media platforms: how are SME fashion retailers engaging. In: CERR 2020 5th Colloquium on European Research in Retailing, University of Valencia, Spain, 1-2 September 2020.
AL-FADHLI, H.M. and AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2020. SWOT analysis for the current and future utilisation of solar energy technologies in Kuwait. In: The 12th International Conference on Applied Energy, Bangkok, Thailand (virtual), 1-10 December 2020.
AL-HABAIBEH, A., POKUBO, D., FIATI, K., AGYEKUM-MENSAH, G., DANIEL, S.H. and MASSOUD, H., 2020. An investigation into the sustainability of the current fuels used for cooking in Ghana to inform future energy policies. In: The 12th International Conference on Applied Energy, Bangkok, Thailand (virtual), 1-10 December 2020.
ALKHTIB, A., WAMATU, J., MERSHA, A., ALKHTIB, A., ESHETE, M., KEMAL, S., TOLERA, A., BEYAN, M. and RISCHKOWSKY, B., 2020. Cultivar-dependent variation in lentil (Lens culinaris L.) and implications for selecting food-feed varieties. In: International Conference on Pulses, 18 April 2016. (Unpublished)
ALLEN, D., VARDAMAN, J., VAIMAN, V., CHOI, D., ELVIRA, M., KOSEOGLU, G., MISHRA, S.K., POSTHUMA, R., WELLER, I., WHYSALL, Z. and ZHANG, M., 2020. Global talent retention: perspectives from around the globe. In: 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM) 2020, Vancouver, Canada, 7-11 August 2020.
ALLISON, S., HOWARTH, R. and SHARP, H., 2020. Professional competence frameworks and personalisation: their role in employability. In: CABS Learning Teaching and Student Experience Conference, Online, 14-18 September 2020.
ALLISON, S., WOODALL, T., ALLISON, A., DALE, S., ARMANNSDOTTIR, G. and GREGSON, I., 2020. Exploring the factors found to contribute to people’s motivation to cycle: the impact of new infrastructure in Nottingham city. In: Cycling and Society 2020 symposium, Virtual, 10-11 September 2020.
ALLISON, S., WOODALL, T., ALLISON, A., DALE, S., ARMANNSDOTTIR, G. and GREGSON, I., 2020. Exploring the segmentation profiles of those new to cycling and who have increased their cycling: the impact of new infrastructure in Nottingham city. In: Cycling and Society 2020 symposium, Virtual, 10-11 September 2020.
ALLISON, S., WOODALL, T., DALE, S., ARMANNSDOTTIR, G., GREGSON, I. and ALLISON, A., 2020. Exploring the themes emerging from qualitative comments from an on-street cycling survey: the impact of new infrastructure in Nottingham city. In: Cycling and Society 2020 symposium, Virtual, 10-11 September 2020.
ALUKO, O., OTT, U., ODUSANYA, K. and SIWALE, J., 2020. Overcoming the liability of outsidership: a configurational analysis of African transnational entrepreneurs in the UK. In: European International Business Academy, Virtual, 10-12 December 2020.
AMAR, H., MUHAMMAD RAFI-UL-SHAN, P., TEHRANI, J. and DHILLON, M., 2020. An interpretivist view of philosophical and methodological implications of grounded theory methodology in business and management studies. In: BAM Conference 2020, Virtual - In the cloud, 2-4 September 2020.
ANDRADA, M.E., DE CASTRO CARDOSO FERREIRA, J., PORTUGAL, D. and COUCEIRO, M., 2020. Testing different CNN architectures for semantic segmentation for landscaping with forestry robotics. In: IROS 2020 Workshop on Perception, Planning and Mobility in Forestry Robotics (WPPMFR 2020), Las Vegas, NV, USA (virtual workshop), 29 October 2020.
ATKIN, C., GUEST, D., HOWARD, C. and BAGULEY, T., 2020. The impact of test format on change detection performance in imagery, VWM and VSTM. In: Experimental Psychology Society meeting, Virtual, 02 July 2020.
ATKIN, C., GUEST, D., HOWARD, C., BAGULEY, T. and BAKER, J., 2020. The same or different? Capacity limitations in visual imagery versus visual memory of simple structured objects. In: Cognitive Science, Virtual, 14 July 2020.
BAKAS, D., TRIANTAFYLLOU, A. and KONSTANTAKOPOULOU, I., 2020. Commodity price uncertainty and international trade. In: 46th Annual Conference of the Eastern Economic Association, Boston, MA, United States, 27 February - 1 March 2020.
BENBOW, P. and MACHIN, R.J., 2020. Promoting well-being through social work legal education. In: Nottingham Trent University Centre for Legal Education Conference 2020: Impact and Wellbeing, Nottingham, 22-26 June 2020.
BEZAI, N., MEDJDOUB, B., FADLI, F., CHALAL, M. and AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2020. Autonomous vehicles and smart cities- future directions of ownership vs shared mobility. In: 56th ISOCARP Virtual World Planning Congress: Post-Oil City, Planning for Urban Green Deals, Doha, Qatar, 8 November 2020 - 4 February 2021.
BLAJ-WARD, L. and HANLEY, C., 2020. Colouring outside the lines: using design thinking and (reverse) mentoring to develop critically confident academic writers. In: Pandemic Partnerships and Power (RAISE Partnership SIG), University of Chester, UK [virtual], 02 September 2020.
BOWE, M., WAKEFIELD, J., KELLEZI, B., MCNAMARA, N., HARKIN, L. and JOBLING, R., 2020. Food poverty and overcoming the stigma: the role of social identity dynamics in promoting positive food bank helping transactions. In: 2nd UK Research Conference on Food and Poverty: Evidence for Change, Kings College London, 23 June 2020.
BRAITHWAITE, N., 2020. These shoes were made for talking. In: Eleventh Conference on the Image, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 9-10 September 2020.
BRAITHWAITE, N., 2020. When the shoe fits: shoes, nostalgia and the embodiment of memories. In: Nostalgia: 2nd Global Interdisciplinary Conference, Bratislava, Slovakia, 3-4 July 2020.
BREEDON, P., 2020. Additive manufacturing technologies and functionally graded materials for applications in medical device design. In: International Conference on Aspects of Materials Science and Engineering (ICAMSE 2020), Panjab University, Chandigarh, India, 29-30 May 2020.
CAPILUPPI, A. and AJIENKA, N., 2020. Towards a dependency-driven taxonomy of software types. In: 3rd International Workshop on Software Health: SoHeal 2020, Seoul, South Korea, 03 July 2020.
CHAPPLE, W., RUSSON, J. and OZOLINA, A., 2020. Disciplinary conversations on sustainability impact: epistemic bubbles and silent spaces. In: 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada [virtual], 7-11 August 2020.
CHING, J., 2020. Responsibility rights and capability as an integrating value: from practice validity to valid practice. In: Harmonising Legal Education: Aligning the Stages in Lifelong Learning for Lawyers, Bond University, Australia [virtual], 01-03 October 2020.
COCKER, E., 2020. Being in the midst: Kairotic thinking-in-action. In: International Conference On Live Coding, Limerick, 05-07 February 2020.
COLE, M., STEWART, K. and CRAANE, I., 2020. The Donald Watson Archive Research Project. In: 1st Annual Meeting of the International Association of Vegan Sociologists: Worldly Togetherness?, Online, 8 August 2020.
COOK, D. and PICH, C., 2020. Unity in diversity? Exploring the challenges and opportunities of managing an unprecedented major sport event – the case of UEFA Euro 2020. In: 2020 EASM 28th European Association for Sport Management Virtual Conference, 21-25 September 2020.
COOK, J.N., SABARWAL, A., CLEWER, H. and NAVARAJ, W., 2020. Tactile sensor array laden 3D-printed soft robotic gripper. In: IEEE Sensors 2020, Virtual, WTC Rotterdam, Netherlands, 25-28 October 2020.
COX, M., CARNEY, S., HOYLES, L., ROY, S., WILLIAMS, R., BREUER, J., CHALKER, V. and MOFFATT, M., 2020. Legionella pneumophila typing by direct sequencing of clinical and environmental samples. In: American Thoracic Society 2020 International Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, 15-20 May 2020.
DAWSON, S., MCLEAN, S. and HOYLES, L., 2020. Effects of trimethylamine N-oxide on the growth and metabolism of gut bacteria. In: Microbiology Society Annual Conference 2020 [cancelled], Edinburgh, 30 March - 3 April 2020.
DE CASTRO CARDOSO FERREIRA, J., 2020. Forestry robotics — the right bet at the right time? In: IROS 2020 Workshop on Perception, Planning and Mobility in Forestry Robotics (WPPMFR 2020), Las Vegas, NV, USA (virtual workshop), 29 October 2020.
DENONCOURT, J., 2020. The IP film club: asynchronous and synchronous teaching and learning. In: Online, On Track: Designing IP Teaching for Online Learning. Intellectual Property Awareness Network (IPAN), Webinar hosted by City University, London, 8 July 2020.
DEVILAT, B., LANUZA, F., ABDELMONEM, G., DESAI, J. and JIGYASU, R., 2020. Launch seminar: '3D for Heritage India' research project. In: '3D for Heritage India' Research Project, India, 11 December 2020.
DHILLON, M., BENTLEY, Y. and AMAR, H., 2020. Interpretive view of Indian manufacturing SME employers for not adopting green supply chain management practices in their firms. In: e-LRN 2020 Web Special Conference, Virtual, 9-11 September 2020.
ECKERSLEY, P., KERN, K., HAUPT, W. and MÜLLER, H., 2020. Cities, climate change, and multi-level governance in the German Länder. In: International Institute of Administrative Sciences Annual Conference, Online, 23-26 June 2020.
ECKERSLEY, P., KERN, K., HAUPT, W. and MÜLLER, H., 2020. Cities, climate change, and multi-level governance in the German Länder. In: International Institute for Administrative Sciences 90th Anniversary Conference, Online, 15 December 2020.
FURLOTTI, M., 2020. What makes knowledge diffuse within the lab? The role of autonomy and person-project fit. In: EURAM 2020, Dublin [Online], 4-6 December 2020.
GALLELLALAGE, R., 2020. Pathway to accessible and sustainable clean water to communities in developing economies through a collaborative support model: a case study in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Sri Lanka. In: Aligning Local Interventions with the UN Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs). Second International Conference at the Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development, Virtual conference via the Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development, De Montfort University, Leicester, 2 July 2020.
GALLELLALAGE, R., GALANAKIS, K., OXBORROW, L. and ARMANDOTTIR, G., 2020. An action research approach in the development of an action-based training namely the Pop-up Pathway for the women micro-retail pop-up owners to survive in the UK retail market beyond five years. In: British Academy of Management Annual Conference (BAM2020), Conference in the Cloud (virtual conference), 2-4 September 2020.
GALLELLALAGE, R., WIJEYARATNE, O. and ADENIYI, O., 2020. Development of a conceptual framework to study customer buying behaviour during a pandemic crises. In: 18th Annual International Conference on Marketing, Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER), Athens, Greece, 29 June - 2 July 2020.
GARCIA, L., JALAN, I. and SHEIKH, N., 2020. An 'entreprenoorial' journey: investigating challenges and creative practices of female entrepreneurs in Pakistan. In: British Academy of Management BAM2020 Conference in the Cloud, Virtual, 2-4 September 2020.
GEE, R., 2020. Researching change and continuity of the 'life-career'; the trials, tribulations, and benefits of doing longitudinal case study. In: School of Social Science research methods seminar series, Nottingham Trent University, 29 March 2020.
GIBSON, L., MUSOKE, D., WINTER, J., IKHILE, D., LUBEGA, G., BUGEMBE, H. and NAKIRIJA, M., 2020. Access to healthcare: community health promotion and education in Uganda. In: UN75 at NTU Conference, Virtual, 24-26 November 2020.
GOODWIN, P., CRISTINO, F., GUEST, D. and HOWARD, C., 2020. Visual foraging: feature versus conjunction targets and effects of display segmentation. In: Applied Vision Association (AVA) Christmas Meeting, Virtual, 21 December 2020.
HAN, W. and HUANG, Y., 2020. The trade-off between trust and distrust in supply chain partnership. In: 27th EurOMA Conference, Coventry, 26 June 2020.
HEINZ, H., GALANAKIS, K., BUENO VEGA, C. and VALERO-SILVA, N., 2020. Human-centric business models as an approach for financially viable positive energy districts. In: British Academy of Management (BAM) 2020 Conference. "Conference in The Cloud", 2-4 September 2020.
HEMANS, E., 2020. Rising to the challenge of global entrepreneurship: an insight into the UK's approach. In: Brno International Teaching Week 2020, Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic, 19-22 October 2020.
HEMANS, E., 2020. The new barriers to developing a fairer society: are food banks contributing to the vicious circle that is widening the poverty gaps in our cities and communities? In: IESD Second Annual Conference: Aligning Local Interventions with the UN SDGs, De Montfort University, Leicester, 2 July 2020.
HILL, R., 2020. Wellbeing of emergency service staff and their families. In: Emergency Responders Research Symposium: Mental Health & Wellbeing, London, 30 January 2020.
HILL, R., GUEST, D., HOPKINSON, A., TOWLER, A. and PICKFORD, R., 2020. Presentation - First UK 10kV rapid review analysis. In: LRF Chair's Call, C19 National Foresight Group, 28 April 2020.
HILL, R., GUEST, D., PICKFORD, R., HOPKINSON, A., DASZKIEWICZ, T., WHITTON, S., REED, I., TOWLER, A. and CREGO, J., 2020. Presentation - Second UK 10kV rapid review analysis. In: LRF Chair's Call, C19 National Foresight Group, 30 June 2020.
HJORTH, D., PAINTER, M. and JALAN, I., 2020. The political process of entrepreneurial leadership in organization-creation: the case of a new major museum. In: EGOS, Hamburg, 9 July 2020.
HOLLIS, D. and WRIGHT, A., 2020. “Ella says…” How authority in eponymous firms is authored through ventriloquial acts. In: 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada/Virtual, 7-11 August 2020.
HOMEWOOD, M.J., 2020. SQE offers chance to create high quality courses where technology enhances learning. In: LegalEdCon North, The Lowry, Manchester, United Kingdom, 30 January 2020.
HOMEWOOD, M.J., 2020. The SQE. In: Legal Futures Conference, London, 11 March 2020.
HOMEWOOD, M.J., 2020. Technology enhanced learning at Nottingham Law School: predictive analytics. In: LegalEdCon 2020, Online, 14 May 2020.
HUNT, K., 2020. Learning Aesthetics from People who are Visually Impaired (LAPVI): using visual research methods to better understand the language of touch. In: Normal Now! Art and Dis/ability in a Digital World, Online, arranged by the Department of Culture and Aesthetics, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, 29 October 2020.
HUNT, K., 2020. Sensing beyond sight: sensorial empathy and the language of touch. In: School of Art and Design Research Conference 2020, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 18-19 June 2020.
HUNTER, J., PICKFORD, R. and CLARK, I., 2020. Vulnerable workers and exploitative workplaces. In: Gangmaster Labour Abuse Authority, 15 October 2020.
JALAN, I., 2020. From periphery to core: researching, and researching with, emotion in organisations. In: 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2020), [virtual], 7-11 August 2020.
JEPPESEN, F. and BJERREGAARD, T., 2020. Strategizing for digital transformation: an ethnography of framing across multiple initiatives. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, 07-11 August 2020.
JIDONG, D., 2020. Beyond the PhD - excursus on postdoctoral funding applications. In: The British International Studies Association (BISA) Event, Online, 2 October 2020.
JIDONG, D., 2020. Studying while black in the UK: what do they have to do to get through? In: UK Association of Black Psychologists (UK Abpsi), Online, 30 October 2020.
JIDONG, D., FRANCIS, C. and MWANKON, S., 2020. Maternal mental health and child well-being among African and Caribbean population (Nigeria, Kenya and UK). In: CIMH 2020. Culture and International Mental Health Conference: Turning The World Upside Down, Online via Zoom, 18 December 2020.
KAHYALAR, N. and MARGUERIE, M., 2020. Teaching and learning in time of Covid-19: 5 ways of teaching, learning and engaging students. In: Teaching, Learning and Personal Tutoring: a Virtual Mini Conference, Virtual, 11 September 2020.
KEMP, F., LÖFGREN, A. and MARRIOTT, M., 2020. Caregiver experiences of Autistic Spectrum Disorder assessments within a community CAMHS setting: an IPA study. In: British Psychological Society, Division of Clinical Psychology Conference 2020, St John's, Solihull, 22-23 January 2020.
KERN, K., ECKERSLEY, P. and HAUPT, W., 2020. Policy diffusion and upscaling of climate policies in German cities. In: European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference Online, Virtual event, 24-28 August 2020.
LAWTON, C., 2020. Skate urbanism - imagining towns and cities for wheeled urban sports. In: The final Sport4Values Conference, Online, 29 September 2020.
LEE, L.W., MCCARTHY, I.P. and YU, Y., 2020. Attributing blame in customer-to-customer interactions in online and face-to-face environments: structured abstract. In: Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 14-17 July 2020.
LOPEZ DALLARA, M.L., GALANAKIS, K., STATHOPOULOU, E. and VALERO-SILVA, N., 2020. Business models in energy communities: an analysis through legal lenses. In: Innovating our Common Future, Online conference, 7-10 June 2020.
LOURENÇO, D., DE CASTRO CARDOSO FERREIRA, J. and PORTUGAL, D., 2020. 3D local planning for a forestry UGV based on terrain gradient and mechanical effort. In: IROS 2020 Workshop on Perception, Planning and Mobility in Forestry Robotics (WPPMFR 2020), Las Vegas, NV, USA (virtual workshop), 29 October 2020.
LU, C., 2020. Development of vertical farming in the UK and EU countries. In: International Conference on Plant Factory and LED Lighting, Online by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 17 June 2020.
LU, C., 2020. Sustainable agriculture through innovative vertical farming. In: Interreg North-West Europe REAMIT Networking Symposium 2020, Nottingham, 9 January 2020.
MACHIN, R., 2020. Take-up of Universal Credit in the UK: the challenges created by a digital by default social security benefit. In: InGRID - Expert Workshop 'Non-Take-Up and Coverage of Social Benefits', Federal Public Service , Brussels, Belgium, 12 March 2020.
MACHIN, R., 2020. UK social security reforms during austerity and COVID-19. In: NTU UN75 - What Are The Effects Of Poverty In One Of The Richest Nations?, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 24 November 2020.
MARIAPPANADAR, S., KULIK, C., KRAMER, R. and RENWICK, D., 2020. Sustainable HRM: spanning boundaries between corporate environmentalism and work practices. In: 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM) 2020, Vancouver, Canada, 6-12 August 2020.
MARRIOTT, M., 2020. Academic partnerships beyond DClinPsy: enabling and utilising the resources of universities for the benefits of clinical practice. In: British Psychological Society, Division of Clinical Psychology Conference 2020, St John's, Solihull, 22-23 January 2020.
MCCUAIG, F., WINTER, J., THOMAS, J., MCVICKER, G. and HOYLES, L., 2020. Genotypic and phenotypic characterisation of the Klebsiella oxytoca complex. In: Microbiology Society Annual Conference 2020 [cancelled], Edinburgh, 30 March - 3 April 2020.
MOLTHAN-HILL, P., 2020. Are you concerned about the climate crisis? A climate literacy PDW focused on experiential learning curriculum for climate science, justice, and taking action. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM 2020), Online, 6-11 August 2020.
MOLTHAN-HILL, P., 2020. Carbon and climate literacy – community learning on how to act on climate change. In: RCE Europe 2020, RCE East Midlands [virtual], 24-25 November 2020.
MOLTHAN-HILL, P., 2020. Carbon literacy training for business schools. In: Virtual Global PRME Forum, 17 June 2020.
MOLTHAN-HILL, P., 2020. Carbon literacy training for business schools. In: Scientists4Future, Online, 8-29 September 2020.
MOLTHAN-HILL, P., 2020. Oikos Curriculum Academy workshop for students, early career researchers, faculty representatives and other stakeholders. In: Oikos Curriculum Academy 2020, Online, 3-5 April 2020.
MOLTHAN-HILL, P. and KAPMAIER, F., 2020. Carbon literacy training with interactive climate simulation EnROADS. In: 7th Responsible Management Education Research Conference, Chur, Switzerland, 18-21 October 2020.
MOLTHAN-HILL, P. and WELTON, R., 2020. Carbon literacy training for business schools. In: A Climate Emergency for Business Schools: A Social Licence to Teach & Learn, Online, 21 October 2020.
MUNOZ-GARCIA, F., STATHOPOULOU, E. and ESPINOLA-ARREDONDO, A.F., 2020. Regulators and environmental groups: better together or apart? In: 35th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association (EEA), Online, 24-28 August 2020.
MURPHY, P., 2020. Public management after Covid: will things ever be the same again? The central/local government interface accountability and assurance for public services. In: 34th British Academy of Management Annual Conference 2020, Online, 2 December 2020.
MURPHY, P., 2020. The central/local government interface: Accountability and assurance for public services. In: British Academy of Management Conference in the Cloud, Online, 2-4 September 2020.
MURPHY, P., 2020. The impact of Covid-19 on places and spaces. In: Workshop of the Places Board of the Local Enterprise partnership (D2N2), 2020.
MURPHY, P., 2020. A liminal policy landscape. In: A Joint Event from BAM and the Irish Academy of Management, Online webinar, 26 June 2020.
MURPHY, P., MURPHY, J., MACINTOSH, R., MACCARTHY, A., GLENNON, R., KELLIHER, F. and GALAVAN, R., 2020. A liminal policy landscape: England. In: The Public Sector Post Covid19: Joint BAM and Irish Academy of Management event, Queen's University, Belfast, 26 June 2020.
NGUYEN, T. and CHEAH, J., 2020. Bank determinants of efficiency: evidence from US states and the District of Columbia. In: International Conference on Business and Finance - ICBF 2020, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 27-28 August 2020.
NWACHUKWU, N., 2020. Work to live or live to work? Connecting the dots linking work-family demands as a psychosocial hazard. In: Work-Family Conflict: Connecting the Dots, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, 12 May 2020.
PAINTER, M., VIVIER, E. and KARAKILIC, E., 2020. Ethical self-formation in climate-change discourses online. In: 80th Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Virtual, 7-11 August 2020.
PEARCE, K., 2020. 'But they'll hate it!' Using MS Teams in SCALE-UP workshops to overcome accounting students' resistance to active learning and group-work at Nottingham Trent University. In: Learning Teaching and Student Experience, Belfast, 11-13 May 2020.
PEARCE, K., 2020. Using MS Teams to aid collaborative learning. In: TiLT Collaborative Learning, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 16 June 2020.
PROWLE, M. and TSILIGKIRIS, V., 2020. The impact of AI on the practice of management accounting in relation to performance management. In: Performance Management & The Impact of AI Analytics, British Academy of Management, 15 July 2020.
RAFI-UL-SHAN, P.M., AMAR, H., RANDEREE, K. and KHAN, M., 2020. Managing risks in the UK Halal meat supply chains: a multiple case study. In: e-LRN 2020 Special Web Conference, Virtual, 9-11 September 2020.
RAIDÉN, A., 2020. Social value, common good, and Covid-19. In: 36th Annual Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) Conference, Virtual, 8 September 2020.
RAZA-ULLAH, T. and BENGTSSON, M., 2020. Does size matter in competitor collaborations? The effect of firm size on creating private and common value from coopetition. In: 36th Colloquium of the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Hamburg, Germany (Virtual), 2-4 July 2020.
ROESER, J., TORRANCE, M., ANDREWS, M. and BAGULEY, T., 2020. No scope for planning – language pre-planning as mixture process. In: AMLaP 2020 Conference, Online via Zoom and Gather, 3-5 September 2020.
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SAMRA-FREDERICKS, D. and HAY, A., 2020. Re-humanising management practice: insights from an ethnomethodological study of senior managers’ everyday interactional learning. In: 36th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Hamburg, Germany (Online), 2-4 July 2020.
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SLADE, K. and MACKENZIE, J.-M., 2020. Why do people die by suicide? In: National Probation Service WSPD Webinar Series 2020, Online, 7 September 2020.
SMITH, H., ANDREWS, S., BAGULEY, T., COLLOFF, M., DAVIS, J., WHITE, D., ROCKEY, J. and FLOWE, H., 2020. Performance of typical and superior face recognisers on a novel interactive face matching procedure. In: 8th Face Science Symposium, Online, 17 November 2020.
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TAHERI, S., KIAN, R., SABET, E. and ALLAHI, F., 2020. The impact of cash-based interventions on the dignity enhancement in persistent humanitarian refugee crises. In: The 38th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society "Hindsight in 2020: Learning from the Past to Inspire the Future", Bergen, Norway, 19-23 July 2020.
TOKBOLAT, S., NAIZABEKOV, Y. and MARIANI, S., 2020. The impacts of different façade types on energy use in residential buildings. In: 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020), Tallinn, Estonia, 6-9 September 2020.
TSILIGKIRIS, V., 2020. Greece TNE webinar. In: British Council International Education Services webinar, London, 08 July 2020.
TWIGGER HOLROYD, A., 2020. Fashion fictions: exploring alternative fashion worlds together. In: Pivot 2020: Designing a World of Many Centers, Tulane University (online), New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, 4 June 2020.
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UDEOZOR, V., 2020. The making of innovative entrepreneurs in business schools: lessons from a resource constrained environment. In: Academy of Management 2020, Vancouver, Canada, 7-11 August 2020. (Forthcoming)
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VIVIER, E., 2020. Public leadership and the power to structure: challenging the notion of 'shared power' in collaboration. In: 5th Public and Political Leadership (PUPOL) International Conference, Leiden University, The Hague, Netherlands (online), 15-16 October 2020.
WANG, J., WANG, J., TAN, L. and WANG, Y., 2020. Investment decisions through strategic thinking: evidence from Fund of Funds (FoF) managers. In: BAM Strategy SIG Virtual Conference, Virtual, 1 September 2020.
WHYSALL, Z., 2020. Avoiding unintended consequences of diversity initiatives: the importance of permeating organisational culture. In: CIPD Applied Research Conference (ARC 2020), Dublin City University Business School, Dublin, Ireland, 22 January 2020.
WHYSALL, Z., 2020. Presenteeism: how to change behaviour. In: Health and Wellbeing at Work 2020, NEC, Birmingham, 10-11 March 2020.
WHYSALL, Z., 2020. The impact of organisational culture and business strategy incongruence on employee wellbeing: competing values & psychological contract violations. In: 14th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference, Online (Cyprus), 2-4 September 2020.
WHYSALL, Z. and BRUCE, A., 2020. Human capital evaluation in private equity investment decisions: contemporary practice & challenges. In: 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM) 2020, Vancouver, Canada, 7-11 August 2020.
WHYSALL, Z. and BRUCE, A., 2020. Human capital evaluation in private equity investment decisions: contemporary practice and challenges. In: 35th EIASM Workshop on Strategic Human Resource Management, Minho, Portugal, 23-24 April 2020.
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WILLIAMS, J. and WRIGHT, D., 2020. Pronominal ambiguity and ascriptions of responsibility in the UK daily coronavirus briefings. In: 46th Conference of the Japan Association for English Corpus Studies (JAECS), Virtual, 3-4 October 2020.
WILLIAMS, J. and WRIGHT, D., 2020. “The more we restrict contact, the more we slow the spread of infection”: ambiguity, responsibility and political action in the UK coronavirus briefings. In: Corpora and Discourse International Conference 2020, University of Sussex, 17-19 June 2020.
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