Items where Division is "School of Architecture, Design and the Built Environment" and Year is 2000

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Number of items: 110.


AL-HABAIBEH, A. and GINDY, N., 2000. A new approach for systematic design of condition monitoring systems for milling processes. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 107, pp. 243-251. ISSN 0924-0136

AMIN, N. and SU, D., 2000. Utilisation of JAVA applets for gear design optimization. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Gearing, Transmission and Mechanical Systems, Nottingham.

ANUMBA, C., DUKE, A., BOUCHLAGHEM, N. and WHYTE, J., 2000. Perspectives on a shared construction project model. International Journal of Co-operative Information Systems, 9 (3), pp. 283-313. ISSN 0218-8430

ANUMBA, C.J., BALDWIN, N., BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., PRASAD, B., CUTTING-DECELLE, A.F., DUFAU, J. and MOMMESIN, M., 2000. Methodology for integrating CE concepts in a steelwork construction project. Concurrent Engineering - Research and Application Journal (CERA), 8 (3), pp. 199-212. ISSN 1036-293X


BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 2000. Contribution on Arabian archaeology and traditional architecture. In: 34th Seminar for Arabian Studies, London, 21-24 July 2000, London.

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 2000. Contribution on Omani traditional architecture and archaeology. In: Historic Oman: Cultures, Contacts, Environment, British Museum, London, July 17-19 2000, London.

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 2000. From the twilight of cultural memory: the 'Bumah' in the mosques of central Oman. In: Proceedings of the seminar for Arabian studies. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 13-25. ISBN 0308-8421; 2-503-50632-1

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 2000. Manah: the deserted enchantress. In: Z. AL, ed., Tribute. Muscat: Apex, pp. 161-176.

BEACHAM, N., BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., SEDEN, R. and SHER, W.D., 2000. Using computer imagery and visualisation in construction education. In: 25th Australian Universities Building Education Association (AUBEA) Annual Conference, Curtin University of Technology Perth, W. Australia, July 2000, Perth.

BEACHAM, N., BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M. and SHER, W., 2000. Implementing computer imagery and visualisation in teaching, learning and assessment. In: International Conference on Construction Information Technology, Hong Kong, 17-18 January 2000, Hong Kong.

BEACHAM, N., BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M. and SHER, W.D., 2000. Using computer imagery in teaching, learning and assessment in construction. In: CIB W89 Conference on 'Building Education and Research', Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia, May 2000, Atlanta.

BOUCHLAGHEM, N., 2000. Optimising the design of building envelopes for thermal performance. Automation in Construction, 10 (1), pp. 101-112. ISSN 0926-5805

BOUCHLAGHEM, N., 2000. Review of 'Better construction briefing', by P. Barrett, and K. Stanley. Engineering Construction and Architectural Management, 7 (4), pp. 437-438.

BOUCHLAGHEM, N., 2000. Visualisation in architecture engineering and construction. International Journal of Computer Integrated Design and Construction, 2 (4), pp. 205-206. ISSN 1466-5115

BOUCHLAGHEM, N., BEACHAM, N. and SHER, W., 2000. Computer visualisation in civil engineering education. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 14 (2), pp. 134-140. ISSN 0887 3801

BOUCHLAGHEM, N., KHOSROWSHAHI, F. and WHYTE, J., 2000. Virtual reality as a visualisation tool, benefits and constraints. International Journal of Computer Integrated Design and Construction, 2 (4), pp. 216-224. ISSN 1466-5115

BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., HASSANEN, M., REZGUI, Y., COOPER, G., BARRETT, P. and AUSTIN, S.A., 2000. An IT framework to support construction briefing. In: Proceedings of Construction Information Technology 2000, South Africa.

BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., HASSANEN, M., REZGUI, Y., COOPER, G., BARRETT, P. and AUSTIN, S.A., 2000. IT tools and support for improved briefing. In: Proceedings of Construction Information Technology 2000, CIB W78 and IABSE, Reykjavik.

BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M. and WHYTE, J.K., 2000. The use of 3D modelling and VR in house building: a lesson from Japan. In: Proceedings of Construction Information Technology 2000, CIB W78 and IABSE, Reykjavik.


CASAMAYOR, J., 2000. B-Lux stand. SIDI. Valencian International Furniture Fair (FIM), Valencia, Spain, 2000.

CHILTON, J.C., 2000. Book review: Beyond the cube: the architecture of space frames and polyhedra. Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures: IASS, 41 (132), p. 132.

CHILTON, J.C., 2000. The Britannia and Conwy tubular bridges of Robert Stephenson. In: Bridging Large Spans from Antiquity to the Present: Proceedings of IASS Symposium, Sanayi-i Nefise Vakfi, Istanbul, 2000, Istanbul.

CHILTON, J.C., 2000. Heinz Isler. London: Thomas Telford. ISBN 0727728784

CHILTON, J.C., 2000. Reciprocal frame structures. In: Animal architecture: Gaia research report. Edinburgh: Gaia, p. 3.

CHILTON, J.C., 2000. Space grid structures. Oxford: Architectural Press. ISBN 0750632755

CHILTON, J.C., 2000. Thrown shells: the potter's wheel as a form generator. In: Structural Morphology: Bridge between Civil Engineering and Architecture [conference proceedings], Delft, The Netherlands.

CHILTON, J.C., 2000. When is a dome not a dome? 20th century lightweight and tensile domes. In: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain. Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain, pp. 131-146. ISBN 953925404

CHILTON, J.C. and DEVULDER, T., 2000. An historic timber reciprocal structure: the Chapter House roof, Lincoln Cathedral. In: Bridging Large Spans from Antiquity to the Present: Proceedings of IASS Symposium, Sanayi-i Nefise Vakfi, Istanbul, 2000, Istanbul.

COOPER, T., 2000. Product development implications of sustainable consumption,. The Design Journal, 3 (2), pp. 46-57. ISSN 1460-6925

COOPER, T., 2000. Sustainable consumption and product life. In: Challenges for Science and Engineering in the 21st century, INES World Conference, Stockholm, June 2000, Stockholm.

COOPER, T., 2000. Understanding the drivers. In: Regeneration Through Refurbishment Conference, Bradford, April 2000, Bradford.

COOPER, T., 2000. WEEE, WEEE, WEEE, WEEE, all the way home? An evaluation of proposed electrical and electronic waste legislation. European Environment, 10 (3), pp. 121-130. ISSN 0961-0405

COOPER, T., 2000. A longer life for products. In: Forest to Product, Parnham Trust Seminar, Hooke Park, Beaminster, March 2000, Beaminster.

COOPER, T. and EVANS, S., 2000. Products to services. A report for Friends of the Earth. London: Friends of the Earth.

COOPER, T. and MAYERS, K., 2000. Prospects for household appliances. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University (E-SCOPE).

CRISP, A.R. and SOLOMONIDES, I.P., 2000. Environment in engineering education - new approaches to curricula content. In: Proceedings of the 22nd SEED Annual Design Conference and 7th National Conference on Product Design, Brighton.

CUTTING-DECELLE, A.F., ANUMBA, C.J., BALDWIN, A.N., BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M. and GRUNINGER, M., 2000. Towards a unified specification of construction process information. In: R. GONÇALVES, A. STEIGER-GARÇAO and R. SCHERER, eds., Product and process modelling in building and construction: proceedings of the 3rd ECPPM Conference, 25-27 September 2000. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema, pp. 199-207. ISBN 9058091791


DARKWA, K., 2000. Development of pressurised hot water powered engine. In: Applied Energy Research Forum, Joint Seminar, Power 2000 and Nottingham Trent University.

DARKWA, K., 2000. Effects of melting temperature and phase change zone of PCM in heating application. In: Workshop of Annexe 10, International Energy Agency (IEA), June 2000, Stockholm, Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden.

DARKWA, K., 2000. Evaluation of regenerative phase change drywalls: low energy buildings application. International Journal of Energy Research, 23 (99), pp. 1205-1212.

DARKWA, K., 2000. Mathematical evaluation of phase change wall systems for reducing energy consumption in buildings and CO2 emissions in the UK. Journal of Architectural Science Review, 43 (4), pp. 221-228.

DARKWA, K., 2000. Modelling of an internal combustion engine-powered desiccant cooling system. In: 32nd International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation (ISATA), June 2000, Vienna, Austria, Vienna, Austria.

DARKWA, K., 2000. Thermochemical energy storage in inorganic oxides: an experimental evaluation. Journal of Applied Thermal Engineering, 18 (6), pp. 387-400.

DE, S., 2000. Modelling the uptake of soil water at different depths by tea (Camellia sinensis) plants. Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 28 (1), pp. 87-101.

DE, S. and ERWIN, S., 2000. Professional agricultural engineer and the Open University agricultural engineering graduate. OUR Engineering Technology Journal, 5 (1), pp. 27-35.


ECCLES, T., 2000. Accounting for property in the UK: research into the contradicting legal and professional framework paradigms. In: The Cutting Edge, 2000.

ECCLES, T., 2000. Professionals and professionalism. Environments by Design, 3 (2), pp. 2-5.

EVANS, R.D., 2000. Geophysical and non destructive testing of highway foundations. TRL Journal of Research, 3 (1). ISSN 1464-7907


GANAH, A., ANUMBA, C. and BOUCHLAGHEM, N., 2000. The use of visualisation to communicate design information to construction sites. In: Annual Conference of the Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM), Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, 6-8 September 2000, Glasgow.

GIBB, K., MACKAY, D. and WHITE, M., 2000. A comparative analysis of Scottish property rents. Journal of Property Investment and Finance, 18 (3), pp. 332-351.

GOODHEW, S.M.R., GRIFFITHS, R., WATSON, L. and SHORT, D., 2000. Some preliminary studies of the thermal properties of Devon cob walls. In: Terra 2000, 8th International Conference on the Study and Conservation of Earthen Architecture.

GREENWOOD, J.R., 2000. Teaching of geosynthetics in UK universities. In: Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Geosynthetics, Bologna, Italy.


HENDERSHOTT, P. and WHITE, M., 2000. Taxing and subsidising housing investment: the rise and fall of housings favoured status. Journal of Housing Research, 11 (2), pp. 257-276.


JAYNE, M., 2000. High voltage overhead transmission lines and public perceptions of risk. London: RICS.

JAYNE, M., 2000. Local taxation. In: W.H. REES and R.E.H. HAYWARD, eds., Valuation: principles into practice: a handbook for advanced students and practitioners. London: Estates Gazette. ISBN 728203472

JAYNE, M., 2000. Rating. In: W.H. REES and R.E.H. HAYWARD, eds., Valuation: principles into practice: a handbook for advanced students and practitioners. London: Estates Gazette, pp. 419-452. ISBN 728203472

JAYNE, M., 2000. An analysis and comparison of public perceptions of the risks of certain land based activities, to aid sustainable development [transcripts]. In: RICS Cutting Edge, London, UK, 2000.

JAYNE, M. and HALLSWORTH, A., 2000. Problems surrounding the retail market in complex conurbations: the casse of Stoke on Trent, UK. Journal of Property Management, 18 (4), pp. 206-217. ISSN 0263-7472

JAYNE, M. and MEADEN, D., 2000. The environment and the construction profession. ASI Journal, 11 (6). ISSN 0956-4241


KIMMANCE, A.G., ANUMBA, C.J., BALDWIN, N. and BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., 2000. Integrated models for product and process information: a keystone of concurrent engineering for site management. In: 17th International CODATA Conference, Baveno, Italy, 15-19 October 2000, Baveno.

KNIGHT, A. and WATSON, P., 2000. ASI's contribution to professional development and the Construction Industry Board Common Learning Outcomes Framework. ASI Journal, 12 (4).

KNIGHT, A. and WATSON, P., 2000. Changes to the Investors in People Standard. In: RICS Construction and Building Research Conference, University of Greenwich, 30 August - 1 September 2000, Greenwich.

KNIGHT, A. and WATSON, P., 2000. Obtaining a sustainable surveying profession for the new millennium. ASI Briefing (19).


MANSFIELD, J.R., 2000. Investment potential within the residential private rented sector. Property Management, 18 (1), pp. 34-45. ISSN 0263-7472

MANSFIELD, J.R., 2000. Much discussed, much misunderstood: a critical evaluation of the term obsolescence. In: The RICS Cutting Edge Conference, London, 6-8 September 2000, London.

MANSFIELD, J.R., 2000. 'Refurbishment' reconsidered: definitional problems in theory and practice. In: The RICS COBRA Conference, Greenwich, 30 August - 1 September 2000, London.

MANSFIELD, J.R. and REYERS, J., 2000. Conservation refurbishment projects: a comparative assessment of risk management approaches. In: The RICS Cutting Edge Conference, London, 6-8 September 2000, London.

MEDJDOUB, B. and YANNOU, B., 2000. Separating topology and geometry in space planning. Computer-Aided Design, 32 (1), pp. 39-61. ISSN 0010-4485

MOHAMMAD, F.A. and KRYLOV, V.V., 2000. Finite element calculation of elasto-dynamic fields generated by a point source in the layered ground. In: Spring Conference on Acoustics, ACOUSTICS 2000: Research into Practice, Liverpook, UK, 17-18 April 2000.


NORRIS, J.E. and GREENWOOD, J.R., 2000. In situ shear and pull out testing to demonstrate the enhanced shear strength of root reinforced soil. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Landslides, Cardiff, UK.


PASQUIRE, C.L. and KING, J.H.L., 2000. Project team performance within the Scottish water market based private finance initiative. In: Proceedings of the 16th Annual ARCOM Conference, Glasgow.

PILGRIM, M., BOUCHLAGHEM, N., HOLMES, M. and LOVEDAY, D., 2000. Visualisation of performance data sets in synthetic environments. In: International Conference of Information Visualisation, London, 17-20 July 2000, London.

PILGRIM, M., BOUCHLAGHEM, N., HOLMES, M. and LOVEDAY, D., 2000. Visualisation of performance data sets in synthetic environments. In: Proceedings of Construction Information Technology 2000, CIB W78 and IABSE, Reykjavik.

POON, J., POTTS, K. and COOPER, P., 2000. CONBPS: an expert system to improve the efficiency of the construction process. In: Proceedings of the UK National Conference on Objects and Integration for Architecture, Watford.

POON, J., POTTS, K. and COOPER, P., 2000. Development of construction best practice expert system. In: Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) Doctoral Research Workshop, University of Loughborough, Loughborough, 16 February 2000, Loughborough.

POON, J., POTTS, K. and COOPER, P., 2000. Practitioners' opinions on a new construction process model. In: Proceedings of the Construction and Building Research (COBRA) Conference, Greenwich.

POON, J., POTTS, K. and COOPER, P., 2000. The knowledge acquisition process within a new construction model. In: Proceedings of the Bizarre Fruit Postgraduate Research Conference on the Built and Human Environment, Salford.


REAVLEY, G., 2000. Arizona dream - film review. Scope: an Online Journal of Film and Television Studies. ISSN 1465-9166

REZGUI, Y., BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., HASSANEN, M., COOPER, G., BARRETT, P. and AUSTIN, S.A., 2000. Managing the brief: the CoBrITe approach. In: ECPPM 2000 Conference, Portugal, 25-27 September 2000, Portugal.

RIZZUTO, J.P., SAIDANI, M. and CHILTON, J.C., 2000. The self-supporting multi-reciprocal grid (MRG) system using notched elements. Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures: IASS, 41 (132), pp. 125-131.


SHELBOURN, M., AOUAD, G. and HOXLEY, M., 2000. Building pathology and case-based-reasoning - forging new links to develop computer-aided-learning tools. In: Postgraduate Research in the Built Environment Conference, Salford,UK, March 2000, Salford, UK.

SHELBOURN, M., AOUAD, G. and HOXLEY, M., 2000. Integrating a case-based-reasoning application with virtual reality to portray building pathology movies. In: International Conference on Construction Information Technology, Reykjavik, Iceland, 28-30 June 2000, Reykjavik, Iceland.

SLOAN, B., BOON, K.L. and PASQUIRE, C.L., 2000. Current development in electronic commerce: what it means for the property and construction industry. RICS. ISBN 1842190148

SONG, Y., SU, D. and GENTLE, C.R., 2000. 3D virtual manufacturing of worm gear drives. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Gearing, Transmission and Mechanical Systems, Nottingham.

SONG, Y., SU, D. and GENTLE, C.R., 2000. Optimum design of spiroid gears with the aid of 3D virtual manufacturing. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Adaptive Computing in Design and Manufacture, Plymouth.

SONG, Y.L. and CHEN, J.F., 2000. Structural behaviour of short steel-concrete composite spun tubular columns. Magazine of Concrete Research, 52 (6), pp. 411-418. ISSN 0024-9831

SU, D., 2000. Advancement in mechanical design research. In: Proceedings, 4th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing, Hangzhou.

SU, D., 2000. Internet-based engineering research review and the utilisation of an integrated design and manufacturing system over the Internet. In: International Forum on Internet-based Design and Manufacturing, Hangzhou, China, 2000, Hangzhou, China.

SU, D., 2000. Proceedings of the International Conference on Gearing, Transmissions and Mechanical Systems. Professional Engineering Publishing. ISBN 1860582605

SU, D. and AMIN, N., 2000. Gear design optimisation over the Internet. In: D. SU, ed., Internet-based engineering- application and case studies. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University in association with Professional Engineering Publishing Ltd., pp. 61-80. ISBN 1842330217

SU, D. and GOLISKI, D.I., 2000. A CAD package with multimedia features for belt drive design. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanics and Materials in Design, Orlando.

SU, D. and QIN, S., 2000. Integration of numerical analysis, 3D simulation and finite element analysis for optimum design of worm gears. In: Proceedings of the International Manufacturing Conference in China, Hong Kong.

SU, D., SONG, Y. and GENTLE, C.R., 2000. Numerical analysis of spiroid gears with localised tooth contact manufactured by a new economic method. International Journal of Gearing and Transmissions (3), pp. 38-46.

SU, D., SONG, Y. and GENTLE, C.R., 2000. Numerical modelling of spiroid gears with localized tooth contact. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Gearing, Transmission and Mechanical Systems, Nottingham.

SU, D., SONG, Y. and GENTLE, C.R., 2000. A novel approach of obtaining localised tooth contact for spiroid gear drives. In: Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Baltimore.

SU, D., WAKELAM, M. and JAMBUNATHAN, K., 2000. Integration of knowledge-based system, artificial neural networks and multimedia for gear design. Journal of Material Processing Technology, 107 (13), pp. 53-59.

SU, D., YANG, F. and GENTLE, C.R., 2000. Analysis of tooth stresses, mesh stiffness and loaded transmission errors of involute worm gears. International Journal of Gearing and Transmissions (3), pp. 36-44.

SU, D., YANG, F. and GENTLE, C.R., 2000. Finite element analysis for ZI worm gears with localised tooth contact. In: Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Baltimore.

SU, Z. and SU, D., 2000. A new model for leather quality test. Journal of the Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists, 84, pp. 122-126.

SUCIU, C., 2000. Switch mode emulation of large value capacitors in the rotor circuit to improve the induction motor performance. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

SUN, M., AOUAD, G., BAKIS, N., BIRCHALL, S. and SWAN, W., 2000. Integrated information management and exchange for water treatment projects. In: R. FRUCHTER, F. PENA-MORA and W.M.K. RODDIS, eds., Computing in civil and building engineering: proceedings of the eighth international conference. Reston, Virginia: American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 130-137. ISBN 0784405131

SWAFFIELD, L.M. and PASQUIRE, C.L., 2000. Improving early cost advice for mechanical and electrical services. RICS Research Papers, 3 (15), p. 49. ISSN 1354-506X

SWAFFIELD, L.M. and PASQUIRE, C.L., 2000. Improving early cost advice for mechanical and electrical services by considering functions and client/design team communication. Journal of Financial Management in Construction and Property, 5 (12), pp. 3-13.

SWAFFIELD, L.M., PASQUIRE, C.L. and TYLER, A.H., 2000. Can building form and function be used to predict the costs of mechanical and electrical services? RICS Research Papers, 3 (6), pp. 1-28. ISSN 1354-506X


WHYTE, J. and BOUCHLAGHEM, N., 2000. Applications and customer focus in Japanese house building. In: CONVR 2000, Conference on Construction Applications of VR: Current Initiatives and Future Challenges, Middlesborough, 4 -5 September 2000, Middlesborough.

WHYTE, J. and BOUCHLAGHEM, N., 2000. Visualising the home of the future. Building Homes.

WHYTE, J. and BOUCHLAGHEM, N., 2000. Volume house building and distributed virtual reality. In: DCNet00, Online Conference, 18-21 December 2000.

WHYTE, J. and BOUCHLAGHEM, N., 2000. Volume house building and distributed virtual reality. International Journal of Design Computing, 3. ISSN 1329-7147

WHYTE, J., BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., THORPE, A. and MCCAFFER, R., 2000. From CAD to virtual reality: standards, data exchange and interactive 3D building design tools. Automation in Construction, 10 (1), pp. 43-55. ISSN 0926-5805


YANG, F., SU, D. and GENTLE, C.R., 2000. Mesh stiffness and tooth stress calculation for worm gears using finite element method. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Gearing, Transmission and Mechanical Systems, Nottingham.

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