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Journal article

SICA, S., SALUTARI, P., DI MARIO, A., RUTELLA, S., ORTU LA BARBERA, E., STORTI, S., DE STEFANO, V., MENICHELLA, G., PIERELLI, L. and ZINI, G., 1993. Autologous transplantation of peripheral blood progenitor cells mobilized by chemotherapy with or without G-CSF (filgrastim) in resistant lymphoproliferative diseases: enhanced hemopoietic recovery with filgrastim primed progenitors. Haematologica, 78 (6), pp. 383-388. ISSN 0390-6078

SICA, S., MORACE, G., LA ROCCA, L.M., ETUK, B., DI MARIO, A., PAGANO, L., ZINI, G., RUTELLA, S. and LEONE, G., 1993. Rhinocerebral zygomycosis in acute lymphoblastic leukaernia. Mycoses, 36 (9-10), pp. 289-291. ISSN 0933-7407

LU, C., XU, H. and ZHAO, Y., 1993. Physiological analysis on long shelf-life in ripening mutants (rin, nor, alc) tomato and their F1. Journal of Jiangsu Agricultural College/Jiangsu Nongxueyuan Xuebao, 14 (4), pp. 61-66. ISSN 1000-2049

YU, W., XU, H., YANG, R. and LU, C., 1993. Study on factors affecting facultative parthenocarpy and fruit development in tomato. Acta Horticulturae Sinica/Yuanyi Xuebao, 20 (4), pp. 369-373. ISSN 0513-353X

MCMANUS, I.C., RICHARDS, P., WINDER, B.C., SPROSTON, K.A. and VINCENT, C.A., 1993. The changing clinical experience of British medical students. The Lancet, 341 (8850), pp. 941-944. ISSN 0140-6736

XU, H., YU, W., LU, C., YANG, R. and LI, H., 1993. The breeding and application of good quality, multi-resistance, high yield and pink fruit Sukang tomato varieties for fresh market. Jiangsu Journal of Agricultural Sciences/Jiangsu Nongye Xuebao, 12 (1), pp. 22-23. ISSN 1000-4440

MCMANUS, I.C., WINDER, B.C., SPROSTON, K.A., STYLES, V.A. and RICHARDS, P., 1993. Why do medical school applicants apply to particular schools? Medical Education, 27 (2), pp. 116-123. ISSN 0308-0110

MCMANUS, I.C., SPROSTON, K.A., WINDER, B.C. and RICHARDS, P., 1993. The experience of medical education: changing perceptions of final-year students. Medical Education, 27 (1), p. 103. ISSN 0308-0110

WINDER, B.C., SPROSTON, K.A., MCMANUS, I.C. and RICHARDS, P., 1993. Aptitudes and career preferences in medical school applicants. Medical Education, 27 (1), p. 106. ISSN 0308-0110

SPROSTON, K.A., WINDER, B.C. and MCMANUS, I.C., 1993. Sex differences in career aspirations and knowledge of medical school applicants. Medical Education, 27 (1), pp. 107-108. ISSN 0308-0110

PRESTON, D. and SMITH, A.J., 1993. APL: Current State of Play within Management Education in the UK. Journal of Management Development, 12 (8), pp. 27-38. ISSN 0262-1711

PRESTON, D. and SMITH, A.J., 1993. Accrediting Managers’ Learning: The Way Forward for Executive Development? Executive Development, 6 (5), pp. 12-14. ISSN 0953-3230

DE LEEUW, S., 1993. Achieving customer satisfaction. Logistiek Management, 12, pp. 27-30.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1993. Addictions: looking to the future. Clinical Psychology Forum, 62, p. 16.

DICKENSON, J.M. and HILL, S.J., 1993. Adenosine-A(1)-Receptor Stimulated Increases in Intracellular Calcium in the Smooth-Muscle Cell-Line, Ddt(1)Mf-2. British Journal of Pharmacology, 108 (1), pp. 85-92. ISSN 0007-1188

STEPHENSON, T.J., ROYDS, J.A., BLEEHEN, S.S., SILCOCKS, P.B. and REES, R.C., 1993. Antimetastatic Nm23 Gene-Product Expression in Keratoacanthoma and Squamous-Cell Carcinoma. Dermatology, 187 (2), pp. 95-99. ISSN 1018-8665

INKSTER, I., 1993. Antitheses on peculiarity - or, a dialogue on labour organisation and the Japanese economy, circa 1960-1980. East Asia, International Review of Economic, Political and Social Development, 6, pp. 111-119.

SMITH, A.J. and PRESTON, D., 1993. Apl: the Relationship Between Rhetoric and Reality. Management Learning, 24 (4), pp. 395-405. ISSN 0047-5688

REDMAN, T. and MCELWEE, G., 1993. Appraising employee performance: a vital organisational activity? Education and Training, 35 (2).

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1993. Are computer games bad for children? The Psychologist: Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 6, pp. 401-407.

WRIGHT, P., 1993. Aufruhr im letzten Politbüro. Freibeuter, 58, pp. 149-156.

WILLIAMS, P., 1993. Colonial discourse. The Year's Work in English Studies.

BAXTER, M.J., 1993. Comment on D. Tangri and R.S.V. Wright: 'Multivariate analysis of compositional data...'. Archaeometry, 35, pp. 112-115.

SMITH, D., 1993. Company-based projects: using action learning to develop consultancy skills. Journal of Management Development, 11 (1), pp. 12-24. ISSN 0262-1711

WALLACE, R.G., MURRAY, R. and RICHARDS, J., 1993. Controversies: feels like a 2(I). Chemistry in Britain, 29 (299).

DICKENSON, J.M. and HILL, S.J., 1993. Coupling of Histamine-H1 and Adenosine-A1-Receptors to Phospholipase-C in Ddt1Mf-2 Cells - Synergistic Interactions and Regulation by Cyclic-Amp. Biochemical Society Transactions, 21 (4), pp. 1124-1129. ISSN 0300-5127

INGHAM CLARK, C.L., GROVER, R., POCKLEY, A.G. and WOOD, R.F.M., 1993. Delayed-start cyclosporine immunosuppression reduces graft cell migration after small bowel transplantation. Transplantation, 56, pp. 1284-1286.

TURNER, M.D., HANDEL, S.E., WILDE, C.J. and BURGOYNE, R.D., 1993. Differential effect of brefeldin A on phosphorylation of the caseins in lactating mouse mammary epithelial cells. Journal of Cell Science, 106, pp. 1221-1226.

MCELWEE, G. and PENNINGTON, G., 1993. Dimensions of quality: implications for managing HE institutions at the strategic level. International Journal of Educational Management, 7 (3).

LASHAM, A. and DARLISON, M.G., 1993. Direct sequencing of lambda DNA from crude lysates using an improved linear amplification technique. Molecular and Cellular Probes, 7 (1), pp. 67-73. ISSN 0890-8508

LEAR, P.A., INGHAM CLARK, C.L., CRANE, P.W., POCKLEY, A.G. and WOOD, R.F.M., 1993. Donor cell infiltration of recipient tissue as an indicator of small bowel allograft rejection in the rat. Transplant International, 6, pp. 85-88.

SMITH, A.J., 1993. EMPLOYER SPONSORSHIP OF MBAs. Librarian Career Development, 1 (4), pp. 21-28. ISSN 0968-0810

INKSTER, I., 1993. Education, human capital and technical change in Japan - a skeptical evaluation. East Asia, International Review of Economic, Political and Social Development, 6, pp. 99-110.

CUNLIFFE, I.A., BENSON, M.T., REES, R.C. and RENNIE, I.G., 1993. Effect of Topical Antiglaucoma Medications on the Proliferation of Il-2 Stimulated Lymphocytes. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 34 (4), p. 724. ISSN 0146-0404

WEBSTER, G.A. and POCKLEY, A.G., 1993. Effect of red cell lysis protocols on the expression of rat peripheral blood lymphocyte subset and activation antigens. Journal of Immunological Methods, 163, pp. 115-121.

NEWTON, M.I., MCHALE, G. and SMITH, D., 1993. Electroformed thin gold-films on regularly corrugated substrates. Vacuum, 44 (10), pp. 1001-1003. ISSN 0042-207X

DAVIES, S.P. and CASTELL, A.M., 1993. Embodying theory in intelligent tutoring systems: an evaluation of plan based accounts of programming skill. Computers and Education, 20 (1), pp. 89-96.

BREACH, M., 1993. Engineering surveying at Nottingham Trent [education profile]. Surveying World, pp. 44-45.

THOMAS, R., MCELWEE, G. and HOLMES, G., 1993. Environmental scanning and the information-gathering behaviour of head teachers. International Journal of Educational Management, 9 (5), pp. 27-30.

GRIFFITHS, M.D. and DUFF, J.S., 1993. Etiologies of excessive behaviour: a study of non-professional peoples' beliefs. Addiction Research, 1, pp. 199-206.

HENHAM, R., 1993. The European context of sentencing violent offenders. International Journal of the Sociology of Law, 21, p. 265.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1993. Factors in problem adolescent fruit machine gambling: results of a small postal survey. Journal of Gambling Studies, 9, pp. 31-45.

PYATT, F.B. and BEAUMONT, H., 1993. Five years post-Chernobyl; accumulation of g -radioactivity in intertidal organisms (Skye, UK). Environmental Management and Health, 4 (1), pp. 30-34.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1993. Fruit machine addiction in adolescence: a case study. Journal of Gambling Studies, 9, pp. 387-399.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1993. Fruit machine addiction: a possible treatment? Clinical Psychology Forum, 55, p. 23.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1993. Fruit machine gambling: the importance of structural characteristics. Journal of Gambling Studies, 9, pp. 101-120.

WOODS, G., 1993. Gay re-readings of the Harlem Renaissance poets. Journal of Homosexuality, 26, pp. 127-142.

PEKINER, C., CULLUM, N.A., HUGHES, J.N., HARGREAVES, A.J., MAHON, J., CASSON, I.F. and MCLEAN, W.G., 1993. Glycation of Brain Actin in Experimental Diabetes. Journal of Neurochemistry, 61 (2), pp. 436-442. ISSN 0022-3042

FORSYTHE, S.J., 1993. Green Greens. New Scientist, 138 (1876), p. 58. ISSN 0262-4079

CRANTON, W.M., SPINK, D.M., STEVENS, R. and THOMAS, C.B., 1993. Growth and dielectic characterization of yttrium oxide thin films deposited on SI by r.f.- magnetron sputtering. Thin Solid Films, 226 (1), pp. 156-160.

TALBOT, M. and GOUGH, V., 1993. 'Guilt over games boys play': coherence as a focus for examining the constitution of heterosexual subjectivity on a problem page. Liverpool studies in language and discourse (1), pp. 3-20.

BREACH, M., 1993. Gyro teach-in. Surveying World.

CLARK, I., 1993. HRM: prescription, description and concept. Personnel Review, 22 (4), pp. 17-25. ISSN 0048-3486

CARMAN, R.M., GARNER, A.C. and KLIKA, K.D., 1993. Halogenated terpenoids. XXVII. Dibromo epoxy derivatives of (R)-()-limonene. Australian Journal of Chemistry, 46 (2), pp. 233-238.

PAGE, P.C.B., ALLIN, S.M., COLLINGTON, E.W. and CARR, R.A.E., 1993. High diastereofacial selectivity in asymmetric mannich reactions of acyl dithiane oxide enolates. The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 58, pp. 6902-6904. ISSN 0022-3263

THOMAS, C.B. and CRANTON, W.M., 1993. High efficiency ZnS:Mn ac thin film electroluminescent device structure. Applied Physics Letters, 63 (23), pp. 3119-3121.

WHITE, T.E., DICKENSON, J.M. and HILL, S.J., 1993. Histamine H(1)-Receptor-Mediated Inositol Phospholipid Hydrolysis in Ddt(1)Mf-2 Cells - Agonist and Antagonist Properties. British Journal of Pharmacology, 108 (1), pp. 196-203. ISSN 0007-1188

DICKENSON, J.M. and HILL, S.J., 1993. Homologous and Heterologous Desensitization of Histamine H(1)-Receptors and Atp-Receptors in the Smooth-Muscle Cell-Line, Ddt(1)Mf-2 - the Role of Protein-Kinase-C. British Journal of Pharmacology, 110 (4), pp. 1449-1456. ISSN 0007-1188

GROVER, R., INGHAM CLARK, C.L., POCKLEY, A.G., LEAR, P.A. and WOOD, R.F.M., 1993. Host cell infiltration of the intraepithelial compartment in small bowel transplantation. Transplantation Proceedings, 25, p. 900. ISSN 0041-1345

BAYJOO, P., REES, R.C., GOEPEL, J.R. and JACOB, G., 1993. The Hsn Fibrosarcoma, An Experimental Liver-Tumor and the Pathology of Its Cryodestruction. International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology, 6 (1), pp. 59-66. ISSN 0394-6320

TARONI, F., VERDERIO, E., DWORZAK, F., WILLEMS, P.J., CAVADINI, P. and DIDONATO, S., 1993. Identification of a common mutation in the carnitine palmitoyltransferase II gene in familial recurrent myoglobinuria patients. Nature Genetics, 4, pp. 314-320.

MACKAY, A.R., GOMEZ, D.E., COTTAM, D.W., REES, R.C., NASON, A.M. and THORGEIRSSON, U.P., 1993. Identification of the 72-Kda (Mmp-2) and 92-Kda (Mmp-9) Gelatinase Type-Iv Collagenase in Preparations of Laminin and Matrigel(Tm). Biotechniques, 15 (6), pp. 1048-1051. ISSN 0736-6205

GOODRIDGE, J., 1993. Identity, authenticity, class: John Clare and the mask of Chatterton. Angelaki, 1 (2), pp. 131-148.

MANSFIELD, L.P. and FORSYTHE, S.J., 1993. Immunomagnetic Separation As An Alternative to Enrichment Broths for Salmonella Detection. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 16 (3), pp. 122-125. ISSN 0266-8254

DUTT, S., 1993. India in strife: the Ayodhya crisis. New Zealand International Review (2), pp. 26-27.

BENSON, M.T., COOKE, K., REES, R.C. and RENNIE, I.G., 1993. Inhibition of Interleukin-6 Production by Human Retinal-Pigment Epithelium by Incubation with Dexamethasone Or Cyclosporine-A. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 34 (4), p. 1020. ISSN 0146-0404

RENNISON, M.E., KERR, M., ADDEY, C.P.V., HANDEL, S.E., TURNER, M.D., WILDE, C.J. and BURGOYNE, R.D., 1993. Inhibition of constitutive protein secretion from lactating mouse mammary epithelial cells by FIL (Feedback Inhibitor of Lactation) a secreted milk protein. Journal of Cell Science, 106, pp. 641-648.

KNIGHT, C.R.L., REES, R.C., PLATTS, A., JOHNSON, T. and GRIFFIN, M., 1993. Interleukin-2-Activated Human Effector Lymphocytes Mediate Cytotoxicity by Inducing Apoptosis in Human Leukemia and Solid Tumor Target-Cells. Immunology, 79 (4), pp. 535-541. ISSN 0019-2805

BAJAJ, P., LAWRY, J., SHENTON, G. and REES, R.C., 1993. Interleukin-6 and Tumor-Necrosis-Factor-Alpha Synergistically Block S-Phase Cell-Cycle and Up-Regulate Intercellular-Adhesion Molecule-1 Expression on Mcf7 Breast-Carcinoma Cells. Cancer Letters, 71, pp. 143-149. ISSN 0304-3835

DICKENSON, J.M. and HILL, S.J., 1993. Intracellular Cross-Talk Between Receptors Coupled to Phospholipase-C Via Pertussis-Toxin-Sensitive and Insensitive G-Proteins in Ddt(1)Mf-2 Cells. British Journal of Pharmacology, 109 (3), pp. 719-724. ISSN 0007-1188

RICE, C.R., ROBINSON, K.J. and WALLIS, J.D., 1993. Intramolecular Interactions in Dimethyl 2,2'-Bipyridine-3,3'-Dicarboxylate. Acta Crystallographica Section C-Crystal Structure Communications, 49, pp. 1980-1982. ISSN 0108-2701

ALLEN, T.J., CURTISS, K.M. and ORTON, J.W., 1993. Investigation into the effects of device variation on the performance of optoelectronic neural networks. IEE Electronics Letters, 29 (24), pp. 2131-2132.

SISLEY, K., RENNIE, I.G., COTTAM, D.W., CURTIS, D., PARSONS, M.A. and REES, R.C., 1993. Investigation of A Potential Marker for Metastatic Spread in Posterior Uveal Melanoma. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 34 (4), p. 965. ISSN 0146-0404

WOODS, G., 1993. James Kirkup and gay poetry. PN Review, 92, p. 11.

GOODRIDGE, J., 1993. John Clare at 200: a memory lost? British Association for Romantic Studies Bulletin, 5, pp. 11-12.

HUDSON, R.F. and WALLIS, J.D., 1993. Lone-Pair Lone-Pair Interactions. Journal of Molecular Structure, 300, pp. 363-372. ISSN 0022-2860

SISLEY, K., CURTIS, D., RENNIE, I.G. and REES, R.C., 1993. Loss of Heterozygosity of the Thyroid-Hormone Receptor-B in Posterior Uveal Melanoma. Melanoma Research, 3 (6), pp. 457-461. ISSN 0960-8931

BELBIN, D., 1993. Love, time travel. Ambit, 132, pp. 50-60. ISSN 0002-6972

SMITH, A.J., 1993. Management Development Evaluation and Effectiveness. Journal of Management Development, 12 (1), pp. 20-32. ISSN 0262-1711

BROWN, C.V., GEIM, A.K., FOSTER, T.J., LANGERAK, C.J.G.M. and MAIN, P.C., 1993. Mesoscopic fluctuations in high magnetic fields - change in behaviour due to boundary diffusion. Physical Review B, 47 (16), pp. 10935-10938.

GROVER, R., LEAR, P.A., INGHAM CLARK, C.L., POCKLEY, A.G. and WOOD, R.F.M., 1993. Method for diagnosing rejection in small bowel transplantation. British Journal of Surgery, 80, pp. 1024-1026.

HARVEY, R.J., KIM, H.C. and DARLISON, M.G., 1993. Molecular cloning reveals the existence of a fourth-gamma subunit of the vertebrate brain GABA(A) receptor. FEBS Letters, 331, pp. 211-216. ISSN 0014-5793

SHACKLEY, M., 1993. Monastic rituals and extinct animals. Anthropozoos, 8 (2), pp. 82-84.

HARRISON, P.G. and HARRISON, C.C., 1993. Nanoparticulate tin(IV) oxide entrapped in amorphous matrices. Topical Issues in Glass, 1, pp. 65-66.

ROYDS, J.A., STEPHENSON, T.J., REES, R.C., SHORTHOUSE, A.J. and SILCOCKS, P.B., 1993. Nm23 Protein Expression in Ductal Insitu and Invasive Human Breast-Carcinoma. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 85 (9), pp. 727-731. ISSN 0027-8874

BREACH, M., 1993. The Nottingham Trent University [education profile]. Surveying World.

BROWN, C.V., LANGERAK, C.J.G.M., MAIN, P.C., EAVES, L., FOSTER, T.J., HENINI, M., TEUNISSEN, P.A.A. and PERENBOOM, J.A.A.J., 1993. Observation of the fractional quantum hall effect in GAAs-(Ga,AL)AS quantum well structures. Physica B, 184, pp. 81-85.

FITZGERALD, P.L., 1993. On the linearisation of classical membrane dynamics. Physics Letters B, 318, pp. 433-437.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1993. Pathological gambling: possible treatment using an audio playback technique. Journal of Gambling Studies, 9, pp. 295-297.

DINGWALL, R., 1993. Pharmacy practice and the social sciences. Pharmaceutical Journal, 251 (10), pp. 59-61.

PLATTS, K.E., LAWRY, J., HANCOCK, B.W. and REES, R.C., 1993. Phenotypic and Cell-Cycle Analysis of Human Peripheral-Blood Mononuclear-Cells Activated with Interleukin-2 and Or Okt3. Experimental Cell Research, 208 (1), pp. 154-160. ISSN 0014-4827

AICHER, A., MILLER, K., REICH, E. and HAUTMANN, R., 1993. Photosensitization of human bladder-carcinoma cells-invitro by 9-acetoxy-tetra-n-propylporphycene (ATPPn) bound to liposomes from soyaphosphatidylcholine. Optical Engineering, 32 (2), pp. 342-346. ISSN 0091-3286

HENN, M., 1993. Polls, politics and perestroika: the emergence of political opinion polling in Central and Eastern Europe. European Business and Economic Development, 1 (5), pp. 11-17. ISSN 0966-8004

EDLEY, N., 1993. Prince Charles - our flexible friend: accounting for variations in constructions of identity. Text - Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of Discourse, 13 (3), pp. 397-422. ISSN 0165-4888

KEENAN, W.J.F., 1993. Principles of postmodern pedagogy: towards a constitution for university classroom culture in the new age. Reflections on Higher Education, 5, pp. 90-109. ISSN 0954-2396

WILLIAMS, P., 1993. Problems of post-colonialism. Paragraph, 16 (1), pp. 91-102. ISSN 0264-8334

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1993. Productive writing. The New Academic, 3, pp. 29-30.

GRIFFITHS, M.D. and MCMURRAY, G., 1993. Publication amongst clinical psychologists: some personal reflections. Clinical Psychology Forum, 51, p. 3.

SENEVIRATNE, M., JAMES, R. and GRAHAM, C., 1993. Publicising the bank and building societies Ombudsman schemes. Consumer Policy Review, 3 (2), p. 85.

KOENIG, J.Q., LARSON, T.V., HANLEY, Q.S., REBOLLEDO, V.N., DUMLER, K., CHECKOWAY, H., WANG, S.Z., LIN, D. and PIERSON, W.E., 1993. Pulmonary function changes in children associated with fine particulate matter. Environmental Research, 63, pp. 26-38.

MCELWEE, G., 1993. Quality: find the definition and then start the journey. Quality Assurance in Education, 1 (2).

BOULÉ, J.-P., 1993. Radioscopie: Jacques Chancel/Jean-Paul Sartre. Romanistische Zeitschrift für Literaturgeschichte (Cahiers D'histoire des Littératures Romanes), 17.

COTTAM, D.W. and REES, R.C., 1993. Regulation of Matrix Metalloproteinases - Their Role in Tumor Invasion and Metastasis. International Journal of Oncology, 2 (6), pp. 861-872. ISSN 1019-6439

HOLMES, L. and JOYCE, P., 1993. Rescuing the useful concept of managerial competence: from outcomes back to process. Personnel Review, 22 (6), pp. 37-52.

GOODRIDGE, J., 1993. Review of 'Customs in common' by E.P. Thompson. The John Clare Society Journal, 12, pp. 75-76.

TALBOT, M., 1993. Review of Guy Cook's 'The discourse of advertising'. Liverpool studies in language and discourse, 1, pp. 80-83.

DINGWALL, R., 1993. Review of M Stacey, 'Regulating British medicine'. Sociology of Health and Illness, 15 (4), pp. 557-559.

DINGWALL, R., 1993. Review of PK Manning, 'Organizational communication'. Contemporary Sociology, 22 (3), pp. 427-428.

GLENCORSE, T.A., DARLISON, M.G., BARNARD, E.A. and BATESON, A.N., 1993. Sequence and novel distribution of the chicken homologue of the mammalian gamma-aminobutyric acid(A) receptor gamma1 subunit. Journal of Neurochemistry, 61 (6), pp. 2294-2302. ISSN 0022-3042

BOULÉ, J.-P. and KEEFE, T., 1993. Simone de Beauvoir as interviewer of Sartre: convergence and divergence. Simone de Beauvoir Studies, 10.

SINGH, A.K., RENNIE, I.G., REES, R.C., COTTOM, D.W., LAWRY, J. and PARSONS, M.A., 1993. Size of Melanoma and Proliferation Index. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 34 (4), p. 965. ISSN 0146-0404

PYATT, F.B., CLAYSON, P. and STOREY, D.M., 1993. Some effects of lead nitrate pollution on the freshwater triclads Polycelis felina and P. tenuis. International Journal of Environmental Education and Information, 12 (1), pp. 45-49.

GREENWOOD, J.R. and ZYTYNSKI, M., 1993. Stability analysis of reinforced slopes. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 12, pp. 413-424.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1993. Staff induction: some personal reflections. The New Academic, 2 (2), p. 7.

BONNER, T.M., PYATT, F.B. and STOREY, D.M., 1993. Studies on the mobility of the limpet Patella vulgata in acidified sea water. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 43, pp. 313-320.

HARGREAVES, A.J. and MCLEAN, W.G., 1993. Subcellular-Distribution and Immunological Detection of Retrograde Axonally Transported Proteins in Acrylamide and Diabetic Neuropathies. Neuroscience Letters, 163 (2), pp. 201-204. ISSN 0304-3940

DE LEEUW, S.L.J.M. and VAN DE HEIJDE, P.G.E.M., 1993. Synergie in de fysieke distributie: 1+1>2? Bedrijfskunde, 65 (1), pp. 35-43.

PILKINGTON, M. and WALLIS, J.D., 1993. Synthesis and Stability of the Cyclic Sulfamidate of N-Trityl-L-Serine Methyl-Ester. Journal of the Chemical Society-Chemical Communications (24), pp. 1857-1858. ISSN 0022-4936

HAYES, N., 1993. Tammany Hall resurrected? Images of Labour caucus rule in Nottingham 1956-60. Transactions of the Thoroton Society (98), pp. 136-144.

HANNIGAN, B.M., WILKINSON, Y.A., MCKELVEY-MARTIN, V.J. and MCKENNA, P.G., 1993. Thymidine kinases: the enzymes and their clinical usefulness. Cancer Biotherapy, 8 (3), pp. 189-197.

BACON, C.M., LAWRY, J. and REES, R.C., 1993. Tnf-Alpha Protects Sw742 Human Colon-Carcinoma Cells Against Non-Mhc-Restricted Cytolysis. Immunology Letters, 38 (3), pp. 215-222. ISSN 0165-2478

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1993. Tolerance in gambling: an objective measure using the psychophysiological analysis of male fruit machine gamblers. Addictive Behaviors, 18, pp. 365-372.

TORRANCE, M., THOMAS, G.V. and ROBINSON, E.J., 1993. Training in thesis writing - an evaluation of three conceptual orientations. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 63, pp. 170-184.

RICE, C.R. and WALLIS, J.D., 1993. Trans Deformation of A Carbon Carbon Triple Bond in Response to Incipient Nucleophilic-Attack - the X-Ray Crystal-Structure of Ethyl 3-(2-Nitrophenyl)Propynoate at 150 K. Journal of the Chemical Society-Chemical Communications (6), pp. 572-574. ISSN 0022-4936

VERDERIO, E., CAVADINI, P., DIDONATO, S. and TARONI, F., 1993. Two novel sequence polymorphisms of the human carnitine palmitoyltransferase II (CPT-1) gene. Human Molecular Genetics, 2 (3), p. 334.

HARRISON, N., LI, X.C., HOPKINSON, I., STRATFORD, S.E. and ORPEN, A.G., 1993. Ultraviolet-Visible-Near-Infrared and Exafs Study of Co-Ii Coordination Chemistry in Post-Doped Silica Sol-Gel Glasses. Journal of the Chemical Society-Faraday Transactions, 89 (22), pp. 4115-4122. ISSN 0956-5000

MCHALE, G. and NEWTON, M.I., 1993. Underlying conduction in electroformed gold and silver films. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 12 (3), pp. 125-127. ISSN 0261-8028

MCELWEE, G., 1993. Upward appraisal in practice: an illustrative example using the QUALED model. Education and Training, 35 (2).

MCELWEE, G. and REDMAN, T., 1993. Upward appraisal of lecturers: lessons from industry. Education and Training, 35 (2).

BROWN, D., 1993. Virtual reality, virtually unlimited. British Journal of Special Education, 20 (1), p. 12.

WESTGATE, D.P.G. and CORDEN, R., 1993. What we thought about things; expectations, context and small group talk. Language and Education, 7 (2), pp. 115-126. ISSN 0950-0782

DINGWALL, R. and GREATBATCH, D., 1993. Who is in charge? Rhetoric and reality in the study of mediation. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, pp. 367-385.

MAGUIRE, K., 1993. Who sees local authority information? An evaluation of a health promotion campaign. Environmental Health. ISSN 0013-9270

MONTEITH, S., 1993. Writing for re-vision. New Formations: A Journal of Culture, Theory, Politics, 20, pp. 173-180. ISSN 0950-2378

BARNES, P. and HUAN, H.D., 1993. The auditor's going concern decision: some UK evidence concerning independence and competence. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 20 (2), pp. 213-228. ISSN 0306-686X

ROWBOTHAM, J., 1993. The case for female capability in the works of Augusta Evans Wilson. Over Here, 13 (2).

PHILLIPS, C.J. and PROWLE, M.J., 1993. The economics of a reduction in smoking: a case study from Heartbeat Wales. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (47), pp. 15-23.

PRICE BA, CUMBERLAND, N.S., INGHAM CLARK, C.L., POCKLEY, A.G., LEAR, P.A. and WOOD, R.F.M., 1993. The effect of rejection and graft-versus-host disease on small intestinal microflora and bacterial translocation after rat small bowel transplantation. Transplantation, 56, pp. 1072-1076.

DICKENSON, J.M., WHITE, T.E. and HILL, S.J., 1993. The effects of elevated cyclic-amp levels on Histamine-H1-Receptor-Stimulated Inositol Phospholipid Hydrolysis and calcium mobilization in the smooth-muscle cell-line Ddt1Mf-2. Biochemical Journal, 292, pp. 409-417. ISSN 0264-6021

SHACKLEY, M., 1993. The land of Lo Nepal/Tibet; the first 8 months of tourism. Tourism Management, 15 (10), pp. 17-26.

SMITH, A. and SCHLESINGER, A., 1993. A model for village and community renewal? Town & Country Planning, 62 (7), pp. 186-188.

HUTTON, M.L., HARVEY, R.J., EARLEY, F.G.P., BARNARD, E.A. and DARLISON, M.G., 1993. A novel invertebrate GABA(A) receptor-like polypeptide - sequence and pattern of gene expression. FEBS Letters, 326, pp. 112-116. ISSN 0014-5793

PYATT, F.B., 1993. An outline of project work in ecology/environmental biology for expedition participants. International Journal of Environmental Education and Information, 12 (3), pp. 213-216.

PYATT, F.B. and AARON, B., 1993. A preliminary appraisal of some effects of acidification upon the freshwater algae, Carteria sp., Spirogyra sp., and Volvox globator. International Journal of Environmental Education and Information, 11 (3), pp. 201-207.

UFF, C.R., POCKLEY, A.G. and PHILLIPS, R.K.S., 1993. A rapid microplate-based fluorometric assay for phagocytosis. Immunological Investigations, 22, pp. 407-413.

WU, Z. and CHE, J., 1993. A study on the cross-section data econometric model [in Chinese]. Journal of Research on Financial and Economic Problems, 111.

GODBER, S.X., ROBINSON, M. and EVANS, P., 1993. A versatile robot vision system using line-scan sensors. OE/Aerospace Science and Sensing, Intelligent Information Systems, Applications of AI XI: Machine Vision and Robotics, Orlando, USA, April, 1993, 1964, pp. 159-169. ISSN 1019-0716

Authored book

WILLIAMS, P. and CHRISMAN, L., 1993. Colonial discourse and post-colonial theory : a reader. Columbia University Press.

BELMONTE, M.K., 1993. Computer science, and why: science, language, and literature. Unionville, New York: Trillium Press. ISBN 9780898245301

BENNETT, M., 1993. Constables' accounts. London: Historical Association.

SU, D., CARDEN, P.J. and DRUCE, G., 1993. Contact stress in disc cams with roller followers. 93001 (Ringbound). London: ESDU International PLC. ISBN 0856798436

SMITH, A.J., 1993. Corporate sponsorship of MBAs. Loughborough University Business School research series, 1993 (7). Loughborough: Loughborough University Business School.

BELBIN, D., 1993. Det, du frygter mest af alt. Copenhagen: Sesam.

BREACH, M. and DEVINE, G., 1993. Engineering surveying: case study. Hobson's Casebook.

DRANSFIELD, R., 1993. Environmental education. Shell Education Service.

FISHER, T., 1993. Exploring carved wood. Crafts Council.

HARNESS, S., PUGH, K., SHERKAT, N. and WHITROW, R., 1993. Fast Icon and Character-Recognition for Universal Access to Wimp Interfaces for the Blind and Partially Sighted. UNSPECIFIED.

DRANSFIELD, R. and OAKES, B., 1993. If you mean business. Shell Education Service.

BELBIN, D., 1993. Lammende tåke. Oslo: Semik.

TAYLOR, L., 1993. Pronunciation in action. New York: Prentice Hall. ISBN 0013950916

BRITTAIN, P. and COX, R., 1993. Retail management. Pitman Publishing.

BELBIN, D., 1993. Shoot the teacher. London: Scholastic.

WRIGHT, P., 1993. A journey through ruins. Flamingo.

Chapter in book

ROBINSON, M., GODBER, S.X. and EVANS, P., 1993. 3D X-ray image manipulation. In: Substance Identification Technologies: Signal and Image Processing for Detection Systems, Innsbruck, Austria, October 1993. SPIE, pp. 483-487. ISBN 0819413666

KIRK, S.H., 1993. Animal genetic engineering. In: A.T. BURNS, ed., Strategies for engineering organisms. Butterworth Heinemann, pp. 165-196.

SU, D., 1993. Application of a knowledge based, integrated-system approach to the conceptual design of a power transmission system. In: W. KUO, ed., Quality through engineering design: Proceedings of the Conference, Bangalore, India, 11-14 January 1993 (Advances in Industrial Engineering). Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., pp. 417-427.

LARSON, T.V., HANLEY, Q.S., KOENIG, J.Q. and BERNSTEIN, O., 1993. Calculation of aerosol dose. In: U. MOHR, ed., Advances in controlled clinical inhalation studies. Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.

USHERWOOD, P.N.R., MELLOR, I., BREEDON, L., HARVEY, R.J., BARNARD, E.A. and DARLISON, M.G., 1993. Channels formed by M2 peptides of a putative glutamate receptor subunit of locust. In: Y. PICHON, ed., Comparative molecular neurobiology. Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag, pp. 241-249.

WALLACE, R.G. and MURRAY, R., 1993. Co-operation in chemistry labs. In: K. EXLEY and I. MOORE, eds., Innovations in science teaching. Standing Conference on Educational Developments.

KIRK, S.H., 1993. Control of gene expression: the trp operon and other regulatory mechanisms. In: A.T. BURNS, ed., Genome management in prokaryotes. Butterworth Heinemann, pp. 185-204.

BELBIN, D., 1993. Different ways of getting drunk. In: G. GORDON and D. HUGHES, eds., Best short stories of 1993. London: Heinemann, pp. 36-48.

DE LEEUW, S., 1993. Distribution requirements en resources planning. In: Handboek industriële automatisering. Deventer: Kluwer.

WOODS, G., 1993. Easy ride: episodes in a British academic career. In: S. MCCONNELL-CELI, ed., Twenty-first century challenge: lesbians and gays in education, bridging the gap. Red Bank, New Jersey: Lavender Crystal Press, pp. 12-19.

INKSTER, I., 1993. Eikoku to Nihon no Sangyo Kakumei ni Okeru Gijutsu Henkaku ni miru Shakaiteki Haikei ni tsuite no Hikaku Kento (Comparative treatment of the social context of technological change during the industrial revolutions of Britain and Japan). In: Bunka no hon'yaku kanosei (Translatability of culture). Tokyo: Jimbun Shoin, pp. 134-146.

TALBOT, M., 1993. Encyclopedia of language and linguistics. In: J. MEY, ed., UNSPECIFIED Pergamon, pp. 3524-3527.

KIDNER, D.W., 1993. Experimentation in hypnosis: towards an adequate methodology. In: G.T. LEWITH and D. ALDRIDGE, eds., Clinical research methodology for the complementary therapies. London: Hodder and Stoughton.

WOODS, G., 1993. Gay re-readings of the Harlem Renaissance poets. In: E.S. NELSON, ed., Critical essays: gay and lesbian writers of color. New York: Haworth Press, pp. 127-142.

WOODS, G., 1993. High culture and high camp: the case of Marcel Proust. In: D. BERGMAN, ed., Camp grounds: style and homosexuality. Boston: University of Massachusetts Press, pp. 121-133. ISBN 870238779

BELBIN, D., 1993. Home for Christmas. In: Mysterious Christmas tales. London: Scholastic Children's Books, pp. 215-244.

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 1993. Housing and modern built environment in Oman. In: A. ELGOHARY, ed., Proceedings of the 10th inter-schools conference on development. University College London, pp. 43-54. ISBN 1898932001

DRUGGAN, P., FORSYTHE, S.J. and SILLEY, P., 1993. Indirect impedance for microbial screening in the food and beverage industry. In: R. KROLL and A. GILMOUR, eds., Applications of new techniques in food and beverage microbiology. Academic Press.

SHACKLEY, M., 1993. Landscape, game and tourism. In: M.K. SELLY, ed., Deserts. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 424-430.

GODBER, S.X., ROBINSON, M. and EVANS, P., 1993. Line-scan inspection systems for the manufacturing environment. In: Ninth National Conference on Manufacturing Research, Bath, September, 1993. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 341-345. ISBN 0185790007

WRIGHT, P., 1993. Local distinctiveness; on the curiosities and perils of the English approach. In: S. CLIFFORD and A. KING, eds., Local distinctiveness. London: Common Ground, pp. 37-46.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1993. Modernité, rationalité et baguette du pain: quelques propos sur la gestion de la police en Europe. In: E. CHALUMEAU and C. GORGEON, eds., Systèmes de police compares et cooperation. Paris: IHESI, pp. 21-36.

DARLISON, M.G., HUTTON, M.L. and HARVEY, R.J., 1993. Molluscan ligand-gated ion-channel receptors. In: Y. PICHON, ed., Comparative molecular neurobiology. Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag, pp. 48-64.

HEALEY, N., 1993. Monetary policy. In: G. JORDAN and N. ASHFORD, eds., Public policy and the nature of the new right. Pinter, pp. 59-80.

BARNARD, E.A., SUTHERLAND, M., ZAMAN, S., MATSUMOTO, M., NAYEEM, N., GREEN, T., DARLISON, M.G. and BATESON, A.N., 1993. Multiplicity, structure, and function in GABA(A) receptors. In: H. HIGASHIDA, T. YOSHIOKA and K. MIKOSHIBA, eds., Molecular basis of ion channels and receptors involved in nerve excitation, synaptic transmission and muscle contraction. New York: New York Academy of Sciences, pp. 116-125.

DINGWALL, R., 1993. Negligence litigation and the practice of midwifery. In: J. ALEXANDER, V. LEVY and S. ROCH, eds., Midwifery practice: further advances. Basingstoke: Macmillan Education, pp. 172-184.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1993. Organising the probation service: a perspective on policy-making. In: K. BOTTOMLEY, T. FOWLES and R. REINER, eds., Criminal justice: theory and practice. London: British Society of Criminology, pp. 204-225.

WILLIAMS, P., 1993. Political correctness. In: V. SHEPHERD, ed., Aspects of communication. Birmingham: University of Aston.

COOPER, J., CHALLIS, L.J., OUALI, F.F., BENEDICT, K.A. and MELLOR, G.J., 1993. Quantum oscillations in the cyclotron photo emission from a 2-dimensional electron-gas. In: M. MEISSNER and R.O. POHL, eds., Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter VII: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 377-378. ISBN 0387563954

HOLDAWAY, S., 1993. Race issues policy and practice. In: P. SENIOR, ed., Race and social work. Sheffield: Joint Centre for Social Work Training, pp. 9-14.

LOTFI, A. and TSOI, A.C., 1993. Redundant rule elimination using an adaptive membership function scheme through expert knowledge and exemplars. In: Australia and New Zealand Conference on Intelligent Information Systems (ANZIIS93), December 1993. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 448-452. ISBN 8642222912

KIRK, S.H., 1993. Regulation of gene expression: control by repressor/activator proteins. In: A.T. BURNS, ed., Genome management in prokaryotes. Butterworth Heinemann, pp. 169-184.

CHILTON, J.C., 1993. Space grids. In: British Steel teaching programme for architects [unit 7.1]. UNSPECIFIED.

GODBER, S.X., ROBINSON, M. and EVANS, P., 1993. Stereoscopic line-scan systems for robotic control. In: Intelligent Autonomous Systems: IAS3, Pittsburgh, USA, February, 1993. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 2-13. ISBN 9051991223

OUALI, F.F., XIN, Z., CHALLIS, L.J., COOPER, J., JEZIERSKI, A.F. and HENINI, M., 1993. Studies on the phonon emission from the current entry and exit points in the quantum Hall regime. In: M. MEISSNER and R.O. POHL, eds., Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter VII: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 375-376. ISBN 0387563954

KAMOCHE, K., 1993. Toward a model of HRM for Africa. In: J.B. SHAW, P.S. KIRKBRIDE and K.M. ROWLAND, eds., Research in personnel and human resources management. JAI Press.

O'NEILL, M., 1993. Towards a green and pleasant continent: the European Community's environment policy [seminar paper]. In: Europe's Promethean Legacy: Environmental Issues and Ecological Politics in the European Community. Nottingham Trent University, pp. 97-134. ISBN 0905488261

KIRK, S.H., 1993. Translation. In: A.T. BURNS, ed., Genome management in prokaryotes. Butterworth Heinemann, pp. 139-168.

MCELWEE, G., 1993. Upward appraisal and the implications for higher education. In: M. SHAW and E. ROPER, eds., Quality In education and training. Kogan page.

KIRK, S.H., 1993. Use of enzymes in molecular biology and biotechnology: enzymes other than restriction endonucleases. In: R.D. BARKER, ed., Technological applications of biocatalysts. Butterworth Heinemann, pp. 275-298.

KIRK, S.H., 1993. Use of enzymes in molecular biology and biotechnology: restriction and associated enzymes. In: R.D. BARKER, ed., Technological applications of biocatalysts. Butterworth Heinemann, pp. 247-274.

GIBSON, I., BROWN, D. and COBB, S., 1993. Virtual reality and rapid prototyping. In: Virtual reality in engineering. Institution of Electrical Engineers, pp. 51-63.

WOODS, G., 1993. William Seward Burroughs. In: E.S. NELSON, ed., Contemporary gay American novelists: a bio-bibliographical critical sourcebook. Westport, Connecticut: Green wood Press, pp. 37-45.

MEYERHOF, W., DARLISON, M.G. and RICHTER, D., 1993. The elucidation of neuropeptide receptors and their subtypes through the application of molecular biology. In: F. HUCHO, ed., Neurotransmitter receptors. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 339-357.

WOODS, G., 1993. The injured sex: Hemingway's voice of masculine anxiety. In: J. STILL and M. WORTON, eds., Textuality and sexuality: reading theories and practices. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 160-172. ISBN 719036046

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1993. A study of the cognitive activity of fruit machine players. In: W.R. EADINGTON and J.A. CORNELIUS, eds., Gambling behavior and problem gambling. Reno, Nevada: University of Nevada Press, pp. 85-109.

Conference contribution

MEDJDOUB, B. and MACULET, R., 1993. Maintien de cohérence par propagation de contraintes dans un système constructif du bâtiment. In: 01'DESIGN: Table ronde francophone sur les sciences de la conception, Gammarth, Tunisia, November 1993.

HEMANS, E., 1993. The local authority response to racial harassment. In: Federation of Black Housing Organisations 10th National Conference, 23-25 July 1993.

LOTFI, A. and TSOI, A.C., 1993. Adaptive membership function scheme for fuzzy inference systems. In: First Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium, Singapore, November, 1993.

MCCLEAN, I.P., THOMAS, C.B., SPINK, M., CRANTON, W.M. and STEVENS, R., 1993. Analysis of ZnS:Mn ACTFEL devices exhibiting memory through donor centre capture and emission. In: SID International Symposium, 1993.

ODDEY, A., 1993. Breathing space. In: SCUDD Conference, University of Lancaster, 1993.

PEPPER, A., 1993. Cataloguing creative holography: an historical necessity or contemporary illusion? In: SPIE Proceedings, Quebec.

GREENWOOD, J.R., 1993. Description, classification & specification of chalk for use in earthworks. In: International Conference on Engineered Fills, Newcastle, September, 1993, Newcastle, UK.

ODDEY, A., 1993. Devising and Documentation. In: Centre for Performance Research, Cardiff, 1993.

O'NEILL, M., 1993. Europe's environmental dilemma: past legacies, present crises [seminar paper]. In: Europe's Promethean Legacy: Environmental Issues and Ecological Politics in the European Community, Brussels.

PASQUIRE, C.L., 1993. Evaluation of risk as a measurement technique for builders quantities. In: Measurement and Contractors, Nottingham Trent University, 1993, Nottingham.

CHILTON, J.C., WESTER, T. and YU, J., 1993. Exploring structural morphology using CAD. In: Proceedings of the ECAADE '93 Conference: Education in Computer-Aided Architectural Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, November, 1993, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

KEENAN, W.J.F., 1993. From uniform habits to personal styles. In: De-Traditionalisation Conference, Centre for the Study of Cultural Values, Lancaster University, 9-12 July 1993, Lancaster.

MCELWEE, G., 1993. Going beyond the managerial technicism of the 1990s, towards the development of a 'corporate culture'. In: Professions and Management in Britain, Stirling University School of Management, Stirling, Scotland, August 1993, Stirling.

WOODFIELD, R., 1993. Gombrich on style and culture. In: Research Seminar of the Department of Aesthetics at the Jagiellonian University, Cracow, 1993, Cracow.

ODDEY, A., 1993. Innovations in contemporary British devised theatre since 1970 [keynote paper]. In: University of Antwerp, Belgium, 1993.

SU, D. and SWANNELL, M.J., 1993. Integrating CAD packages into the design and manufacture of a disc cam. In: Proceedings of the Managing Integrated Manufacturing Conference, Keele.

GODBER, S.X., ROBINSON, M. and EVANS, P., 1993. Line-scan vision systems. In: International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Device Engineering: Computer Vision for Industry, Munich, Germany, June, 1993, Munich.

KING, C.M., WILKINSON, Y.A. and MCKENNA, P.G., 1993. Mutation and the ageing process. In: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of The European Environmental Mutagen Society.

WOODFIELD, R., 1993. On form and expression in the photograph. In: Annual Conference of the Scandinavian Society of Aesthetics, 1993.

WOODFIELD, R., 1993. On semiotics and the photograph. In: Research Seminar of the Swire School of Design, Hong Kong, 1993, Hong Kong.

WOODFIELD, R., 1993. On theoretical approaches to photography. In: Research Seminar of the Department of Aesthetics at the Jagiellonian University, Cracow, 1993, Cracow.

GODBER, S.X., ROBINSON, M. and EVANS, P., 1993. Panoramic viewing using a 3D line-scan camera technique. In: Tactical Technologies and Wide Area Surveillance International Symposium, Chicago, U.S.A., November 1993, Chicago.

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 1993. Progress and housing in Oman. In: 10th Inter-Schools Conference on Development, Bartlett School of Planning and Architecture, UCL, London, 29-30 March 1993, London.

WILKINSON, Y.A., MCKINNEY, M.W. and MCKENNA, P.G., 1993. RFLP analysis of spontaneous and mutagen-induced mutations at the APRT locus in Friend cells. In: Proceedings of The XVII International Congress of Genetics.

GEIM, A.K., MAIN, P.C., TABORYSKI, R., CARMONA, H., BROWN, C.V., FOSTER, T.J., OAKESHOT, R.B.S. and VEJE, E., 1993. Reflection of ballistic electrons by diffusive 2-dimensional contacts. In: 6th International Conference on Modulated Semiconductor Structures, Garmisch Partenkir, Germany, 23-27 August 1993, Garmisch Partenkir, Germany.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1993. Reform of Criminal Justice Agencies through rational planning: the case of the English probation service. In: Proceedings of 11th International Congress on Criminology, Budapest.

JONES, R.H. and GREENWOOD, J.R., 1993. Relationship testing for acceptability assessment of cohesive soils. In: International Conference on Engineered Fills, Newcastle, September, 1993, Newcastle, UK.

GEIM, A.K., MAIN, P.C., BROWN, C.V., TABORYSKI, R., CARMONA, H., FOSTER, T.J., LINDELHOF, P.E. and EAVES, L., 1993. Resonant tunneling between edge states in mesoscopic wires. In: 10th International Conference on Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems (EP2DS-10), Newport, RI, USA, 31 May - 4 June 1993, Newport, RI, USA.

ECCLES, T., 1993. Some concerns with the vocabulary and culture of the valuation of land and buildings. In: European Real Estate Conference 'European Real Estate: An Agenda for Research', Reading University, Reading, July 1993, Reading.

EVANS, J.P.O., GODBER, S.X. and ROBINSON, M., 1993. Stereoscopic X-ray systems for airport security applications. In: 4th European Workshop on Three-Dimensional TV, Rome, Italy, October, 1993, Rome.

GODBER, S.X., PETTY, R., ROBINSON, M. and EVANS, P., 1993. Stereoscopic line-scan systems using rotational movement. In: 4th European Workshop on Three-Dimensional TV, Rome, Italy, October, 1993, Rome.

LIANG, H., SUBRAHMANYAN, R., EKERS, R.D. and PIERRE, M., 1993. Sunyaev-Zel'dovic Effect with the Australia Telescope. In: Observational cosmology: Proceedings of an International Symposium.

DARKWA, K., 1993. Thermal energy storage in the building sector. In: Workshop in Energy Systems for the Built Environment, Cranfield University, 1993.

GIBSON, I., BROWN, D., COBB, S. and EASTGATE, R., 1993. Virtual reality and rapid prototyping: conflicting or complementary? In: Proceedings of the 4th Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium.

BARNES, P., 1993. Why do bidders do badly out of mergers? Some empirical evidence from the UK. In: Western Social Science Association (Finance), Corpus Christi, Texas, USA, April 1993, Corpus Christi, Texas, USA.

JAYNE, M., 1993. The impact of environmental issues on the work of the chartered surveyor. In: RICS Environmental Management Skills Panel, 1993.

O'FARRELL, F., BRENNAN, L.A., BARNETT, Y.A. and HANNIGAN, B.M., 1993. The response of Lymphoid cells to oxidative stress. In: Proceedings of the Winter Meeting of The Society for Free Radical Research (Europe).

JAYNE, M., 1993. The role of the estate manager in the corporate environmental policy statement. In: RICS Environmental Management Skills Panel, 1993.

WILKINSON, Y.A., NELSON, A.A. and MCKENNA, P.G., 1993. The significance of APRT for DNA excision repair processes in Friend cells. In: Proceedings of The XVII International Congress of Genetics.

NELSON, A.A., WILKINSON, Y.A. and MCKENNA, P.G., 1993. The significance of adenine phosphoribosyltransferase or DNA excision repair in Friend erythroleukaemia cells. In: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of The European Environmental Mutagen Society.

PEPPER, A., 1993. A single beam recording system for creative holography and education. In: SPIE Proceedings, Quebec.

ECCLES, T., 1993. The vocabulary of development. In: The European Faculty of Lane Use and Development Conference 'The Theory and Practice of the Evaluation of Land and Buildings', Kingston University, London, April 1993, London.


BURNETT, K., 1993. Set and costume designs for 'Brighton Rock'. Leeds: Quarry Theatre, West Yorkshire Playhouse.

Edited book

O'NEILL, M., 1993. Europe's Promethean legacy: environmental issues and ecological politics in the European Community. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University. ISBN 0905488261

WOODFIELD, R., 1993. Kunst und Kritik [by E.H. Gombrich]. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.

GALLAGHER, G., REES, R.C. and REYNOLDS, C.W., 1993. Methods in tumour immunobiology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

GOODRIDGE, J., 1993. The poet John Clare 1793-1864. Helpston: The John Clare Society.


WILLIAMS, G., 1993. Gerard Williams solo show. Aldebaran, Espace d'Art Contemporain, Baillargues, France, 1993.

WILLIAMS, G., 1993. Gerard Williams solo show. Galerie 102, Düsseldorf, Germany, 1993.

WILLIAMS, G., 1993. Gerard Williams solo show. Todd Gallery, London, 1993.

Journal editorship

GOODRIDGE, J., 1993. The John Clare Society Journal. John Clare Society. ISBN 0950921890

Newspaper or popular journal contribution

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1993. Don's diary. Times Higher Education Supplement, p. 14. ISSN 0049-3929

WRIGHT, P., 1993. Antique roadshow. .

WRIGHT, P., 1993. Asphalt and old lace. .

WRIGHT, P., 1993. Beastly trials of the last Politburo. .

GOODRIDGE, J., 1993. E.P.Thompson, 1924-1993. , pp. 10-11.

WRIGHT, P., 1993. Ghetto blaster. .

WRIGHT, P., 1993. Nostalgia for the old new towns. .

WRIGHT, P., 1993. Olde England outfoxed. .

WRIGHT, P., 1993. One's realm. .

WRIGHT, P., 1993. Our island story. .

WRIGHT, P., 1993. Science of style. .

BREACH, M., 1993. Star trekking across Mill Lakes. .

WRIGHT, P., 1993. Variations on a scheme. .

WRIGHT, P., 1993. Where there's a Will? .

WRIGHT, P., 1993. The bottle thrower. .

WRIGHT, P., 1993. The debate about culture. .

WRIGHT, P., 1993. The empire strikes back. .

WRIGHT, P., 1993. The last acre of truth. .

WRIGHT, P., 1993. A night in a ghoulish tunnel. .

WRIGHT, P., 1993. The stain on St George's flag. .

WRIGHT, P., 1993. A train of thought. .

Professional or trade journal contribution

PASQUIRE, C.L., 1993. Getting the message across. , p. 6.

ECCLES, T., 1993. Non-cognate conversion courses. , p. 60.

DINGWALL, R., 1993. Review of CL Bosk, 'All God's mistakes: genetic counseling in a pediatric hospital'. , pp. 39-40.

DINGWALL, R., 1993. Review of DN Berg and KK Smith, 'The self in social inquiry: researching methods'. , pp. 124-125.

SMITH, A.J., 1993. The controversial MBA. Training Tomorrow, 1993, pp. 23-25. ISSN 0957-0004

PASQUIRE, C.L., 1993. A higher degree of expertise. , p. 15.

Research report for external body

HAGEN, R., 1993. CATSME Project - North of England SMEs - Phase 2 of the FLAIR EUROPE Project (01/09/92 to 01/11/93): Research report to Lingua, EU. UNSPECIFIED.

CHILTON, J.C. and CHOO, B.S., 1993. Design examples for Eurocode EC5 guidance documents: report to Timber Research and Development Association. UNSPECIFIED.

PROWLE, M.J., 1993. Financing the NHS: longer term policy themes. School for Advanced Urban Studies, University of Bristol.

SUTTON, M., 1993. From receiving to thieving: the market for stolen goods and the incidence of theft. London: Home Office.

DINGWALL, R. and SHAPLAND, J., 1993. Reforming British policing: missions and structures. Sheffield: Faculty of Law, University of Sheffield; School of Social Sciences, University of Nottingham.

GREENWOOD, J.R., 1993. Specification for ground investigation. Thomas Telford.

ECCLES, T. and SMITH, Y., 1993. An investigation into the learning experience of overseas students. School of Surveying.

HOLDAWAY, S., 1993. The resignation of black and Asian officers from the police service. The Home Office.


CARTLEDGE, T.G. and KIRK, S.H., 1993. Book review: 'Microorganisms in alkaline environments' by K. Horikoshi. Biotechnology Education, 1993.


BREACH, M., 1993. The BEng (hons) in engineering surveying [video].

BREACH, M. and SARGENT, P.T.H., 1993. Survey education at Nottingham Trent University [poster paper].

BREACH, M., 1993. A solution to the problems of teaching the gyrotheodolite to large numbers [poster paper].

KANDHOLA, M., 1993. [work featured in:] Rencontres au noir: black British photography [film documentary]. Rencontres d'Arles: Ten-8.

This list was generated on Tue Mar 11 13:48:43 2025 UTC.