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Journal article

MONTEITH, S., 1994. Across the kitchen table: establishing the dynamics of an interracial friendship. European Journal of American Culture, 14 (2), pp. 19-35. ISSN 1466-0407

CASTLETON, C.W.M. and LONG, M.W., 1994. Spin-charge separation in the one dimensional Hubbard model with longer range hopping. Physica C: Superconductivity, 235240 (4), pp. 2209-2210. ISSN 0921-4534

TESTA, U., MARTUCCI, R., RUTELLA, S., SCAMBIA, G., SICA, S., BENEDETTI PANICI, P., PIERELLI, L., MENICHELLA, G., LEONE, G., MANCUSO, S. and PESCHLE, C., 1994. Autologous stem cell transplantation: release of early and late acting growth factors relates with hematopoietic ablation and recovery. Blood, 84 (10), pp. 3532-3539. ISSN 0006-4971

LU, C., XU, H., YANG, R. and YU, W., 1994. Physiological analysis of fruit ripening mutants and their application in breeding for long shelf-life. Jiangsu Journal of Agricultural Sciences/Jiangsu Nongye Xuebao, 10 (3), pp. 5-10. ISSN 1000-4440

LU, C., XU, H. and ZHAO, Y., 1994. Inheritance of storage property in tomato fruits. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 21 (2), pp. 71-76. ISSN 0513-353X

PILCHER, J., 1994. Mannheim's sociology of generations: an undervalued legacy. The British Journal of Sociology, 45 (3), pp. 481-495. ISSN 0007-1315

GREENHAFF, P.L., NEVILL, M.E., SODERLUND, K., BODIN, K., BOOBIS, L.H., WILLIAMS, C. and HULTMAN, E., 1994. The metabolic responses of human type I and II muscle fibres during maximal treadmill sprinting. The Journal of Physiology, 478 (1), pp. 149-155. ISSN 0022-3751

SICA, S., PAGANO, L., SALUTARI, P., DI MARIO, A., RUTELLA, S. and LEONE, G., 1994. Acute parotitis during induction therapy including L-asparaginase in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Annals of Hematology, 68 (2), pp. 91-92. ISSN 0939-5555

MONTEITH, S., 1994. Liberating voices, telling stories. European Journal of American Culture, 14 (1), pp. 62-78. ISSN 1466-0407

CARMAN, R.M., GARNER, A.C. and ROBINSON, W.T., 1994. a -1,2,3,4,5,6-Hexabromocyclohexane. Australian Journal of Chemistry, 47 (7), pp. 1395-1399.

CARMAN, R.M., GARNER, A.C. and KLIKA, K.D., 1994. 2,9-Dihydroxy- and 2,10-dihydroxy-1,8-cineole. Two new possum urinary metabolites. Australian Journal of Chemistry, 47 (8), pp. 1509-1521.

PYATT, F.B., PYATT, A.J. and MOULD, N., 1994. Accumulation of lead and zinc from a metalliferous spoil tip stream by the algae Ulothrix sp. and Spirogyra sp. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 45, pp. 57-59.

MCELWEE, G., 1994. Achieving change through re-alignment and re-definition. Quality Assurance in Education, 2 (3).

DE LEEUW, S., 1994. Achieving customer satisfaction. I en L: Tijdschrift voor Inkoop en Logistiek, 10 (3), pp. 50-51.

GRATTAN, J.P. and PYATT, F.B., 1994. Acid Damage to Vegetation Following the Laki Fissure Eruption in 1783 - An Historical Review. Science of the Total Environment, 151 (3), pp. 241-247. ISSN 0048-9697

WEBSTER, G.A., BOWLES, M.J., KARIM, M.S., WOOD, R.F.M. and POCKLEY, A.G., 1994. Activation antigen expression on peripheral blood neutrophils following rat small bowel transplantation: NKR-P1 is a novel antigen preferentially expressed during allograft rejection. Transplantation, 58, pp. 707-712.

WEBSTER, G.A., BOWLES, M.J., KARIM, M.S., WOOD, R.F.M. and POCKLEY, A.G., 1994. Activation antigen expression on peripheral blood neutrophils: a novel marker of rejection following rat small bowel transplantation. Transplantation Proceedings, 26, p. 1522. ISSN 0041-1345

JAYNE, M., 1994. Air quality and the chartered surveyor. Chartered Surveyor Monthly. ISSN 0946-3311

MAGUIRE, K., 1994. 'All in the mind' a look at mental illness and learning difficulties and their health and safety implications for managers. The Safety Practitioner.

HARVEY, R.J., CHINCHETRU, M.A. and DARLISON, M.G., 1994. Alternative splicing of a 51-nucleotide exon that encodes a putative protein kinaseC phosphorylation site generates two forms of the chicken gamma-aminobutyric acid(A) receptor beta2 subunit. Journal of Neurochemistry, 62 (1), pp. 10-16. ISSN 0022-3042

COON, H., HICKS, A.A., BAILEY, M.E.S., HOFF, M., HOLIK, J., HARVEY, R.J., JOHNSON, K.J., DARLISON, M.G., REIMHERR, F., WENDER, P. and BYERLEY, W., 1994. Analysis of GABA(A) receptor subunit genes in multiplex pedigrees with manic depression. Psychiatric Genetics, 4 (3), pp. 185-191. ISSN 0955-8829

LONG, M.W., CASTLETON, C.W.M. and HAYWARD, C.A., 1994. Analytic correlation functions for the one-dimensional Hubbard model with short-range hopping in the strong-coupling limit. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 6 (33), pp. 6581-6598. ISSN 0953-8984

HANNIGAN, B.M., RICHARDSON, S.M., WILKINSON, Y.A. and MCKENNA, P.G., 1994. Antioxidant enzymes and DNA repair: both prevent cellular accumulation of ROS-induced damage. Irish Journal of Medical Science, 163, p. 108.

DARLISON, M.G., HARVEY, R.J., ALBRECHT, B.E. and KIM, H.C., 1994. Approaches to the elucidation of the subunit compositions of GABA-A receptor subtypes. Journal of Neurochemistry, 63. ISSN 0022-3042

WOODS, G., 1994. Ashbery's abnormalcy. PN Review, 99, pp. 70-71.

GELLERA, C., VERDERIO, E., FLORIDIA, G., FINOCCHIARO, G., MONTERMINI, L., CAVADINI, P., ZUFFARDI, O. and TASSE, C., 1994. Assignment of the human carnitine palmitoyltransferase II gene (CPT1) to chromosome 1p32. Genomics, 24, pp. 195-197.

PYATT, F.B. and BIRCH, P., 1994. Atmospheric erosion of metalliferous spoil tips: some localised effects. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 3 (4), pp. 51-53.

HENHAM, R., 1994. Attorney General's references and sentencing policy. Criminal Law Review, p. 499.

PILKINGTON, M., TAYYIP, S. and WALLIS, J.D., 1994. Attractive Interactions Between An Alkyne Group and 2 Carbonyl Oxygen-Atoms - the Crystal-Structure and Molecular-Structure of 2,2'-Ethynylenedibenzoic Acid at 150-K. Journal of the Chemical Society-Perkin Transactions 2 (12), pp. 2481-2484. ISSN 0300-9580

HARRISON, C.C. and SHAW, P.A., 1994. Bacterial involvement in the production of silcretes? Bulletin de l'Institut Oceanographique, 14, pp. 291-296.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1994. Beating the fruit machine: systems and ploys both legal and illegal. Journal of Gambling Studies, 10, pp. 287-292.

PEPPER, A., 1994. Beyond the gallery ghetto. The Creative Holography Index, 2 (2).

DICKENSON, J.M., BULMER, S., WHITTAKER, A., SALWEY, M., HAWLEY, J. and HILL, S.J., 1994. Bradykinin B2-Hydroxytryptamine and 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-Ht2)-Receptor Stimulated Increases in Intracellular Calcium in Cultured Guinea-Pig Aortic Smooth-Muscle Cells. Biochemical Pharmacology, 47 (6), pp. 947-952. ISSN 0006-2952

SENEVIRATNE, M., JAMES, R. and GRAHAM, C., 1994. Building societies, customer complaints and the Ombudsman. Anglo-American Law Review (214).

UFF, C.R., REID, S.D., WOOD, R.F.M. and POCKLEY, A.G., 1994. CD44 expression on enterocytes: an indicator of rejection following rat small bowel transplantation. Transplantation Proceedings, 26, p. 1553. ISSN 0041-1345

RODGERS, S., REES, R.C. and HANCOCK, B.W., 1994. Changes in the Phenotypic Characteristics of Eosinophils from Patients Receiving Recombinant Human Interleukin-2 (Rhil-2) Therapy. British Journal of Haematology, 86 (4), pp. 746-753. ISSN 0007-1048

WEBSTER, G.A., BOWLES, M.J., KARIM, M.S., WOOD, R.F.M. and POCKLEY, A.G., 1994. Characterisation of blood lymphocyte subsets following rat small bowel transplantation. Transplantation Proceedings, 26, p. 1554. ISSN 0041-1345

DICKENSON, J.M. and HILL, S.J., 1994. Characteristics of [H-3] Mepyramine Binding in Ddt(1)Mf-2 Cells - Evidence for High-Affinity Binding to A Functional Histamine-H-1 Receptor. European Journal of Pharmacology: Molecular Pharmacology, 268 (2), pp. 257-262. ISSN 0922-4106

JAYNE, M., 1994. Climatic change and the chartered surveyor. Chartered Surveyor Monthly. ISSN 0946-3311

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1994. Co-existent fruit machine addiction and solvent abuse in adolescence: a cause for concern? Journal of Adolescence, 17, pp. 491-498.

WILLIAMS, P. and YOUSAF, N., 1994. Colonial discourse/postcolonial theory. The Year's Work in Cultural and Critical Theory, 4 (1), pp. 124-135.

SISLEY, K., RENNIE, I.G. and REES, R.C., 1994. Comparison of the Loss of Heterozygosity of Chromosome-3 Markers Between Subsets of Uveal Melanomas. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 35 (4), p. 1928. ISSN 0146-0404

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1994. Computer game playing in children and adolescents: a cause for concern? Media Education Journal, 16, pp. 27-30.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1994. Computer games and clinical psychology: issues of concern. Clinical Psychology Forum, 68, pp. 25-28.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1994. Computer games: harmless or addictive? Education and Health, 12, pp. 28-30.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1994. Computer games: threat or therapy? Science and Public Affairs, pp. 20-22.

SMITH, D., 1994. Computer simulation applications in service operations: a case study from the leisure industry. The Service Industries Journal, 14 (3), pp. 395-408. ISSN 0264-2069

CHILTON, J.C., 1994. Conference report and review of papers presented at IASS-ASCE Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, April, 1994 for IASS Working Group 15: Structural Morphology. SMS Newsletter (5), pp. 6-7.

HENHAM, R., 1994. Criminal justice and sentencing policy for drug offenders. International Journal of the Sociology of Law, 22, p. 223.

PLATTS, K.E., BENSON, M.T., REES, R.C. and RENNIE, I.G., 1994. Cytokine Modulation of Integrin Molecule Expression on Retinal-Pigment Epithelial (Rpe) Cells. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 35 (4), p. 2042. ISSN 0146-0404

REES, R.C. and BACON, C.M., 1994. Cytokines and Their Receptors. Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology and Immunology, pp. 429-445.

DE LEEUW, S., 1994. DRP is geen paardemiddel! I en L: Tijdschrift voor Inkoop en Logistiek, 10 (4), pp. 14-18.

MCINTYRE, C.A., HORNE, C.J., LAWRY, J. and REES, R.C., 1994. The Detection of Intracytoplasmic Interleukin-2 in Jurkat E6.1 and Human Peripheral-Blood Mononuclear-Cells Using Direct Conjugate, 2-Color, Immunofluorescent Flow-Cytometry. Journal of Immunological Methods, 169 (2), pp. 213-220. ISSN 0022-1759

BAUMGARTNER, B.J., HARVEY, R.J., DARLISON, M.G. and BARNES, E.M., 1994. Developmental up-regulation and agonist-dependent down-regulation of GABA(A) receptor subunit messenger RNAs in chick cortical neurons. Molecular Brain Research, 26, pp. 9-17. ISSN 0169-328X

PAGE, P.C.B., ALLIN, S.M., COLLINGTON, E.W. and CARR, R.A.E., 1994. Diastereoselective electrophilic amination of ketone enolates in 2-substituted 2-acyl-1,3 dithiane 1-oxides. Tetrahedron Letters, 35, pp. 2427-2430. ISSN 0040-4039

OTT, U., 1994. Die landwirtschaftlichen Genossenschaften in der Europäischen Union - der Einfluß der Mitglieder. Zeitschrift für das gesamte Genossenschaftswesen, 44 (1), pp. 277-281. ISSN 0044-2429

HARGREAVES, A.J., GLAZIER, A.P., FLASKOS, J., MULLINS, F.H. and MCLEAN, W.G., 1994. The Disruption of Brain Microtubules In-Vitro by the Phospholipase Inhibitor P-Bromophenacyl Bromide. Biochemical Pharmacology, 47 (7), pp. 1137-1143. ISSN 0006-2952

DINGWALL, R., 1994. Does 'caveat emptor' alone help potential users of mediation? Negotiation Journal, 9, pp. 331-334.

HEALEY, N., 1994. Doing business in Eastern Europe: a situational analysis. European Business Review, 94 (3).

BOWLES, M.J., WEBSTER, G.A., WOOD, R.F.M. and POCKLEY, A.G., 1994. Effect of anti-CD4 monoclonal antibody therapy on rat small bowel allograft survival. Transplantation Proceedings, 26, p. 1605. ISSN 0041-1345

KARIM, M.S., WEBSTER, G.A., WOOD, R.F.M. and POCKLEY, A.G., 1994. Effect of intrathymic injection of donor splenocytes on rat small bowel allograft survival. Transplantation Proceedings, 26, pp. 1583-1584. ISSN 0041-1345

PRICE BA, CUMBERLAND, N.S., INGHAM CLARK, C.L., POCKLEY, A.G., LEAR, P.A. and WOOD, R.F.M., 1994. Effect of small bowel transplantation, denervation and ischaemia on rat intestinal microflora. Transplant International, 7, pp. 334-339.

HEATH, S.K., KOENIG, J.Q., MORGAN, M.S., CHECKOWAY, H., HANLEY, Q.S. and REBOLLEDO, V.N., 1994. Effects of sulfur dioxide exposure on African-American and caucasian asthmatics. Environmental Research, 66, pp. 1-11.

NEWTON, M.I. and MCHALE, G., 1994. Electroluminescence and electron-emission in planar mim structures. International Journal of Electronics, 76 (5), pp. 717-721. ISSN 0020-7217

PAGE, P.C.B., ALLIN, S.M., COLLINGTON, E.W. and CARR, R.A.E., 1994. Enantioselective synthesis of (R)-(-)-2,6-dimethylheptanoic acid: the first application of the DiTOX asymmetric building block. Tetrahedron Letters, 35, pp. 2607-2608. ISSN 0040-4039

JAYNE, M., 1994. Energy efficiency and the chartered surveyor. Chartered Surveyor Monthly. ISSN 0946-3311

STEVENS, R., THOMAS, C.B. and CRANTON, W.M., 1994. Enhancing the brightness of thin-film electroluminescent displays by improving the emission process. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 15 (3), pp. 97-99.

JAYNE, M., 1994. Environmental issues and the chartered surveyor. Chartered Surveyor Monthly. ISSN 0946-3311

FENN, P., HERMANS, D. and DINGWALL, R., 1994. Estimating the cost of compensating victims of medical negligence. British Medical Journal, 309, pp. 389-391.

SWEENEY, E.A., CHIPMAN, J.K. and FORSYTHE, S.J., 1994. Evidence for Direct-Acting Oxidative Genotoxicity by Reduction Products of Azo Dyes. Environmental Health Perspectives, 102, pp. 119-122. ISSN 0091-6765

HARVEY, R.J., KIM, H.C. and DARLISON, M.G., 1994. Expression patterns of the GABA(A) receptor alpha1-, beta2-, gamma2- and gamma4-subunit genes in chick retina. Neuroscience Research Communications, 15 (2), pp. 95-102. ISSN 0893-6609

MCHALE, G., ROWAN, S.M. and NEWTON, M.I., 1994. Frenkel method and the spreading of small spherical droplets. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 27 (12), pp. 2619-2623. ISSN 0022-3727

HICKS, A.A., BAILEY, M.E.S., RILEY, B.P., KAMPHUIS, W., SICILIANO, M.J., JOHNSON, K.J. and DARLISON, M.G., 1994. Further evidence for clustering of human GABA(A) receptor subunit genes - localization of the alpha(6)-subunit gene (GABRA6) to distal chromosome 5q by linkage analysis. Genomics, 20 (2), pp. 285-288. ISSN 0888-7543

BARNETT, Y.A., EGER, K., ERIKSSON, S., FOLKERS, G., HANSEN, P.E., HOFBAUER, R., KOMITOWSKI, D., MILON, A. and MUNCH-PETERSEN, B., 1994. Gene technology-based antimetabolite design: The use of an in vitro protein expression system to facilitate antimetabolite design for virally-induced human diseases and malignant conditions. Biotechnology Advances, 12, pp. 663-668.

DONNELLY, E., BARNETT, Y.A. and MCCULLOUGH, W., 1994. Germinating conidiospores of Aspergillus amino acid auxotrophs are hypersensitive to heat shock, oxidative stress and DNA damage. FEBS Letters, 355, pp. 201-204.

WOODFIELD, R., 1994. Gombrich on art, style and culture. Nordisk Estetisk Tidskrift, 12, pp. 79-94.

WOODFIELD, R., 1994. Gombrich, formalism and the description of works of art. British Journal of Aesthetics, 34 (2), pp. 134-145.

CLARK, I., 1994. HRM – the reinvention of modern management? Personnel Review, 23 (5), pp. 15-24. ISSN 0048-3486

ODDEY, A., 1994. How to shop: the lecture, an interview with Bobby Baker. Contemporary Theatre Review, pp. 85-94. ISSN 7186-5599

MONTERMINI, L., WANG, H., VERDERIO, E., TARONI, F., DIDONATO, S. and FINOCCHIARO, G., 1994. Identification of 5' regulatory regions of the human carnitine palmitoyltransferase II gene. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1219, pp. 237-240.

KEENAN, W.J.F., 1994. In pursuit of postmodern excellence: the new age exam board in the condition of late modernity. Reflections on Higher Education, 6, pp. 64-71. ISSN 0954-2396

HARRISON, C.C. and LU, Y., 1994. In vivo and in vitro studies of polymer controlled silicification. Bulletin de l'Institut Oceanographique, 14, pp. 151-158.

SMITH, D.J., 1994. Incorporating risk in capital budgeting decisions using simulation. Management Decision, 32 (3), pp. 20-26. ISSN 0025-1747

REID, S.D., UFF, C.R., WOOD, R.F.M. and POCKLEY, A.G., 1994. Increased ICAM-1 and LFA-1 expression with developing rejection following rat small bowel transplantation. Transplantation Proceedings, 26, p. 1519. ISSN 0041-1345

SPAMPINATO, C.P., COLOMBO, S.L. and ANDREO, C.S., 1994. Interaction of analogues of substrate with NADP-malic enzyme from maize leaves. Photosynthesis Research, 39, pp. 67-73.

DICKENSON, J.M. and HILL, S.J., 1994. Interactions Between Adenosine-A(1)-Receptor and Histamine-H-1-Receptor. International Journal of Biochemistry, 26 (8), pp. 959-969. ISSN 0020-711X

HEALEY, N., 1994. International call for British Telecom: an assessment of BT’s internationalization strategy. Business and the Contemporary World (3).

FEATHERSTONE, M., 1994. Interview with Alessandra Giannattasio. Revista Tempo Presente, 1 (7).

HIX, G.B., SLADE, R.C.T., MOLLOY, K. and DUCOURANT, B., 1994. Investigations of structure and conductivity in the so-called tin zeolites. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 4, pp. 1913-1920.

HIX, G.B., ROUILLARD, Y., SLADE, R.C.T. and DUCOURANT, B., 1994. Investigations of structure and protonic conductivity in composites of hydrous antimony(V) oxide and mordenite. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 4, pp. 1921-1926.

DINGWALL, R. and FENN, P., 1994. Is NHS indemnity working and is there a better way? British Journal of Anaesthesia, 73, pp. 69-77.

DIAS, T. and LAU, K., 1994. Knittability of high-modulus yarns. Journal of the Textile Institute, 85 (2), pp. 173-190.

WEBSTER, G.A., BOWLES, M.J., KARIM, M.S., WOOD, R.F.M. and POCKLEY, A.G., 1994. Light scatter characteristics of peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets: a means of monitoring rat small bowel transplant recipients. Transplantation Proceedings, 26, p. 1555. ISSN 0041-1345

GODBER, S.X., PETTY, R., ROBINSON, M. and EVANS, P., 1994. Line-scan vision systems using rotational movement. ISPRS Commission V Intercongress Symposium: Close Range Imaging Systems and Their Performance, Melbourne, Australia, March, 1994, pp. 109-113. ISSN 0256-1840

LOGAN, I.D., CRAIG, H.E. and BARNETT, Y.A., 1994. Low intensity laser irradiation induced DNA repair in X-ray damaged Friend erythroleukaemia and HL60 cells. Laser Therapy, 6, p. 30.

DINGWALL, R., 1994. Managing clinical claims and risks: 13. Clinician in Management, 3 (51), pp. 21-22.

WILDE, L., 1994. Marx's concept of human essence and its radical critics. Studies in Marxism, 1, pp. 23-44.

HAMDY, F.C., FADLON, E.J., COTTAM, D., LAWRY, J., THURRELL, W., SILCOCKS, P.B., ANDERSON, J.B., WILLIAMS, J.L. and REES, R.C., 1994. Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 Expression in Primary Human Prostatic Adenocarcinoma and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. British Journal of Cancer, 69 (1), pp. 177-182. ISSN 0007-0920

GRITSONIE, P., PILKINGTON, M., WALLIS, J.D. and POVEY, D.C., 1994. Methyl Dl-3-Benzyl-2,2-Dioxo-1,2,3-Oxathiazolidine-4-Carboxylate - An Intermediate for Amino-Acid Synthesis. Acta Crystallographica Section C-Crystal Structure Communications, 50, pp. 763-765. ISSN 0108-2701

HOLDAWAY, S., 1994. Modernity, rationality and the baguette: cooperation and management of policing in Europe. The European Journal of Criminal Policy and Research, 1 (4), pp. 53-70.

POCKLEY, A.G. and MONTGOMERY, P.C., 1994. Modulation of mitogen and alloantigen-induced lymphocyte proliferation by rat lacrimal gland-derived factors. Biochemical Society Transactions, 22. ISSN 1470-8752

DARLISON, M.G., STÜHMER, T., HARVEY, R.J., DAUTZENBERG, F.M., KIM, H.C., ZIMMERMANN, C., AMAR, M., BERMUDEZ, I. and VAN, M., 1994. Molecular characterisation and functional expression of molluscan ion-channel receptors that can be activated by either gamma-aminobutyric acid or l-glutamate. Netherlands Journal of Zoology, 44, pp. 473-485. ISSN 0028-2960

HAYES, N., 1994. Municipal subsidy and Tory minimalism: building the Nottingham Playhouse, 1942-1963. Midland History (19), pp. 128-146.

BOWEN, R., 1994. My top ten. The Big Paper, 23.

LONG, M.W., CASTLETON, C.W.M. and HAYWARD, C.A., 1994. Nagaoka ferromagnetism versus long-range hopping in the one-dimensional Hubbard model. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 6 (14), pp. 2757-2772. ISSN 0953-8984

CASSAGNEAU, T., HIX, G.B., JONES, D.J., MAIRELES-TORRES, P., RHOMARI, M. and ROZIÈRE, J., 1994. Nano/nanocomposite systems: in situ growth of particles and clusters of semiconductor metal sulfides in porous silica-pillared layered phosphates. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 4, pp. 189-195.

NEAL, D.B., NEWTON, M.I. and MCHALE, G., 1994. Negative differential resistance in thin metal-films with a cadmium arachidate overlayer. International Journal of Electronics, 76 (5), pp. 771-775. ISSN 0020-7217

ROYDS, J.A., REES, R.C. and STEPHENSON, T.J., 1994. Nm23 - A Metastasis Suppressor Gene. Journal of Pathology, 173 (3), pp. 211-212. ISSN 0022-3417

ROYDS, J.A., CROSS, S.S., SILCOCKS, P.B., SCHOLEFIELD, J.H., REES, R.C. and STEPHENSON, T.J., 1994. Nm23 Antimetastatic Gene-Product Expression in Colorectal-Carcinoma. Journal of Pathology, 172 (3), pp. 261-266. ISSN 0022-3417

ROYDS, J.A., SILCOCKS, P.B., REES, R.C. and STEPHENSON, T.J., 1994. Nm23 protein expression in thyroid neoplasms. Pathologica, 86, pp. 240-243.

BARNETT, Y.A., 1994. Nutrition and the ageing process. British Journal of Biomedical Science, 51, pp. 278-287.

MURPHY, P., 1994. One step forward? The East Midlands regional planning guidance. Town & Country Planning, 63 (10), pp. 263-264. ISSN 0040-9960

KOENIG, J.Q., COVERT, D.S., PIERSON, W.E., HANLEY, Q.S., REBOLLEDO, V., DUMLER, K. and MCKINNEY, S., 1994. Oxidant and acid aerosol exposure in healthy subjects and subjects with asthma. Part I: Effects of oxidants, combined with sulfuric or nitric acid, on the pulmonary function of adolescents with asthma. Research Reports Health Effects Institute, 70, pp. 1-36.

KING, C.M., WILKINSON, Y.A. and MCKENNA, P.G., 1994. Oxidant induced biomolecule damage and the ageing process. Irish Journal of Medical Science, 163, p. 107.

FEATHERSTONE, M., 1994. Para uma sociologia da cultural posmoderna. Revista Brasiliera de Ciencias Sociais.

MAGUIRE, K., 1994. Perceptions of meat and food: some implications for health promotion strategies. British Fod Journal, 96 (2), pp. 11-17. ISSN 0007-070X

WOODS, G., 1994. Poems of black African manhood. PerVersions: The International Journal of Gay and Lesbian Studies, 1, pp. 22-37.

DAVIS, J., CARDOSI, M.F. and VAUGHAN, D.H., 1994. Preparation of a novel polymer film based on salicylaldoxime and its influence on aqueous copper electrochemistry. Analytical Letters, 27, pp. 1931-1944.

BAXTER, M.J., 1994. Principal component analysis in archaeometry. Archaeologia e Calcolatori, 5, pp. 23-38.

SMITH, A.J. and SMITH, I.G., 1994. The Process of Management Education: An Innovative Approach to Outcomes Evaluation. Management Learning, 25 (4), pp. 527-542. ISSN 1350-5076

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1994. Productive writing in the education system. The Psychologist: Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 7, pp. 460-462.

SPAMPINATO, C.P., PAIROBA, C.F., COLOMBO, S.L., BENEDIKTTSON, I. and ANDREO, C.S., 1994. Properties of DNA polymerase from petunia 'Mitchell' chloroplast. Inhibitory effect of flavonoides. Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 58 (5), pp. 822-825.

MCKINNEY, M.W., WILKINSON, Y.A. and MCKENNA, P.G., 1994. RFLP analysis of UV-induced mutations at the adenine phosphoribosyltransferase locus in wild-type and thymidine kinase minus Friend cells. Irish Journal of Medical Science, 163, p. 103.

WRIGHT, P., 1994. Radioactive anecdotes. British Studies (4), pp. 1-2.

JAYNE, M., 1994. Radon and the surveyor. Chartered Surveyor Monthly. ISSN 0946-3311

ELIOPOULOS, A.G., KIARIS, H., REES, R.C., SIVRIDIS, E., PARSONS, M.A. and SPANDIDOS, D.A., 1994. Ras Gene-Mutations Are A Rare Event in Human Uveal and Cutaneous Melanomas. Oncology Reports, 1 (3), pp. 571-575. ISSN 1021-335X

FEATHERSTONE, M., 1994. Re-charting the life course. Gerontologia.

GEIM, A.K., MAIN, P.C., TABORYSKI, R., CARMONA, H., BROWN, C.V., FOSTER, T.J., OAKESHOT, R.B.S. and VEJE, E., 1994. Reflection of ballistic electrons by diffusive 2-dimensional contacts. Solid State Electronics, 37, pp. 1005-1009.

GEIM, A.K., MAIN, P.C., TABORYSKI, R., VEJE, E., CARMONA, H.A., BROWN, C.V., FOSTER, T.J. and EAVES, L., 1994. Reflection of ballistic electrons from diffusive regions. Physical Review B, 49 (3), pp. 2265-2268.

WILLIAMS, P., 1994. Regional identity / racial identity in Jackie Kay. Voz y Forma.

SUNDIN, E.C., ARMELIUS, B. and NILSSON, T., 1994. Reliability studies of scales of psychological capacities. A new method to assess psychological change. Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought, 17, pp. 591-615.

DALETSKII, A., 1994. Representations of canonical commutation relations defined by Gaussian measure and Gaussian cocycle. Random Operators and Stochastic Equations, 2 (1), pp. 87-93. ISSN 0926-6364

MAIN, P.C., GEIM, A.K., CARMONA, H.A., BROWN, C.V., FOSTER, T.J., TABORYSKI, R. and LINDELHOF, P.E., 1994. Resistance fluctuations in the quantum hall regime. Physical Review B, 50 (7), pp. 4450-4455.

GEIM, A.K., MAIN, P.C., BROWN, C.V., TABORYSKI, R., CARMONA, H., FOSTER, T.J., LINDELHOF, P.E. and EAVES, L., 1994. Resonant tunneling between edge states in mesoscopic wires. Surface Science, 305 (1-3), pp. 624-628. ISSN 0039-6028

DINGWALL, R., 1994. Review of A Grubb, ed., 'Choices and decisions in health care'. British Medical Journal, pp. 557-559.

DINGWALL, R., 1994. Review of P Rock, 'The social world of an English crown court'. Contemporary Sociology, 23 (6), pp. 863-864.

DINGWALL, R., 1994. Review of PC Weiler et al., 'A measure of malpractice'. International Journal of the Sociology of Law, 22 (2), pp. 171-173.

LONG, M.W., CASTLETON, C.W.M. and HAYWARD, C.A., 1994. Ring exchange and the Heisenberg and Hubbard models. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 6 (44), pp. 9359-9382. ISSN 0953-8984

DICKENSON, J.M. and HILL, S.J., 1994. Selective Potentiation of Histamine H-1-Receptor Stimulated Calcium Responses by 1,4-Dithiothreitol in Ddt(1)Mf-2 Cells. Biochemical Pharmacology, 48 (9), pp. 1721-1728. ISSN 0006-2952

DALETSKII, A., 1994. Semiclassical approximations for one class of infinite dimensional pseudo differential equations. , pp. 114-125.

HARVEY, R.J., SCHMITT, B., HERMANS-BORGMEYER, I., GUNDELFINGER, E.D., BETZ, H. and DARLISON, M.G., 1994. Sequence of a drosophila ligand-gated ion-channel polypeptide with an unusual amino-terminal extracellular domain. Journal of Neurochemistry, 62 (6), pp. 2480-2483. ISSN 0022-3042

HUDSON, R.F., WALLIS, J.D. and HANSELL, D.P., 1994. Short Interactions Between Heterocyclic Sulfur-Atoms and Thiocarbonyl Sulfur Or Carbonyl Oxygen-Atoms. Heterocycles, 37 (3), pp. 1933-1950. ISSN 0385-5414

OZTURK, T., POVEY, D.C. and WALLIS, J.D., 1994. Short Intermolecular S...S Contacts in A Reaction-Product from the Cyclic Sulfate Ester of Dimethyl L-Tartrate and 2-Thioxo-1,3-Dithiole-4,5-Dithiolate. Tetrahedron, 50 (38), pp. 11205-11212. ISSN 0040-4020

WOOD, R.F.M. and POCKLEY, A.G., 1994. Small bowel transplantation. Transplantation Reviews, 8, pp. 64-72.

WOOD, R.F.M. and POCKLEY, A.G., 1994. Small bowel transplantation. Transplant Immunology, 2, pp. 163-166.

HARRISON, C.C., MCGIVERON, J.K. and LI, X., 1994. Spectroscopic studies of post-doped gel silicas. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2, pp. 855-859.

BAXTER, M.J., 1994. Stepwise Discriminant-Analysis in Archaeometry - A Critique. Journal of Archaeological Science, 21 (5), pp. 659-666. ISSN 0305-4403

MCELWEE, G., 1994. Strategic quality management: policy issues in further and higher education. Transition, 94 (2).

HARRISON, C.C. and LUO, Z., 1994. Studies of mixed silica/alumina and silica/boric oxide materials. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2, pp. 73-79.

XIN, Z., OUALI, F.F., CHALLIS, L.J., COOPER, J., JEZIERSKI, A.F. and HENINI, M., 1994. Studies of the asymmetry of phonon emission from hot carriers in the quantum Hall regime of GaAs. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 9 (5), pp. 800-802. ISSN 0268-1242

DICKENSON, J.M., 1994. Synergistic Interactions Between Adenosine-A(1)-Adrenoceptors and Alpha(15)-Adrenoceptors in Ddt(1)Mf-2 Cells. Biochemical Society Transactions, 22 (4). ISSN 0300-5127

CRAGGS, J., KIRK, S.H. and AHMAD, S.I., 1994. Synergistic action of near UV and phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan on the killing of phage T7: role of superoxide radicals and hydrogen peroxide. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B-Biology (24), pp. 123-128.

DICKENSON, J.M., 1994. Synergistic interactions between adenosine A(1)- and alpha(15)-adrenoceptors in DDT(1)MF-2 cells. Biochemical Society Transactions, 22 (4). ISSN 0300-5127

THOMAS, C.B., MCCLEAN, I.P., STEVENS, R. and CRANTON, W.M., 1994. TFEL optoelectronic integrated circuit on SI. Electronics Letters, 30 (16), pp. 1350-1351.

MCHALE, G., NEWTON, M.I. and NEAL, D.B., 1994. Thin-film metal-insulator metal structure with a Langmuir-Blodgett overlayer. Vacuum, 45 (8), pp. 897-900. ISSN 0042-207X

BREACH, M., 1994. Three dimensional resection. Surveying and Land Information Systems (USA), 54 (1), pp. 21-25.

GODBER, S.X., EVANS, P. and ROBINSON, M., 1994. Three-dimensional X-ray imaging techniques. ISPRS Commission V Intercongress Symposium: Biostereometrics and Medical Imaging, Melbourne, Australia, March, 1994, pp. 114-117. ISSN 0256-1840

WYSE, J.P., MERCER, T.H. and GLEESON, N.P., 1994. Time-of-day dependence of isokinetic leg strength and associated interday variability. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 28 (3), pp. 167-170. ISSN 0306-3674

FLASKOS, J., MCLEAN, W.G. and HARGREAVES, A.J., 1994. The Toxicity of Organophosphate Compounds Towards Cultured Pc12 Cells. Toxicology Letters, 70 (1), pp. 71-76. ISSN 0378-4274

JOHNSON, T.S., KNIGHT, C.R.L., ELALAOUI, S., MIAN, S., REES, R.C., GENTILE, V., DAVIES, P.J.A. and GRIFFIN, M., 1994. Transfection of Tissue Transglutaminase Into A Highly Malignant Hamster Fibrosarcoma Leads to A Reduced Incidence of Primary Tumor-Growth. Oncogene, 9 (10), pp. 2935-2942. ISSN 0950-9232

MULLINS, F.H., HARGREAVES, A.J., LI, J.Y., DAHLSTROM, A. and MCLEAN, W.G., 1994. Tyrosination State of Alpha-Tubulin in Regenerating Peripheral-Nerve. Journal of Neurochemistry, 62 (1), pp. 227-234. ISSN 0022-3042

DUTT, S., 1994. UNITWIN and the UNESCO University Chairs programme. Friends of UNESCO Newsletter, p. 3.

DUTT, S., 1994. United Kingdom universities and UNESCO. Friends of UNESCO Newsletter, p. 3.

CARMONA, H.A., GEIM, A.K., LANGERAK, C.J.G.M., FOSTER, T.J., BROWN, C.V., MAIN, P.C. and BEAUMONT, S.P., 1994. Universal conductance fluctuations in a multi-subband quantum well. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 6 (27), pp. 5129-5136. ISSN 0953-8984

BARNES, P. and FIRMAN, R., 1994. The Vale of Belvoir and Newark Plaster Co. Ltd (1867-73): a case study in business history and finance. Transactions of the Thoroton Society.

SHACKLEY, M., 1994. When is the past? Authenticity and the commoditization of heritage. Heritage Management, 15 (5), pp. 396-397.

KIDNER, D.W., 1994. Why psychology is mute about the environmental crisis. Environmental Ethics, 16 (4), pp. 359-376.

SENEVIRATNE, M., GRAHAM, C. and JAMES, R., 1994. The banks, the Ombudsman and complaint procedures. Civil Justice Quarterly, pp. 253-269.

BOULÉ, J.-P., 1994. The body in 'Being and nothingness'. Review Journal of Philosophy and Social Science, 19.

COOKE, W.D., WILD, J.P., CORK, C.R. and FANG-LU, L., 1994. The characterisation of archaeological textile fibres using advanced image analysis software. Archaeological Textiles Newsletter (1819), pp. 16-17.

KAMOCHE, K., 1994. A critique and a proposed reformulation of strategic HRM. Human Resource Management Journal, 4 (4), pp. 29-43. ISSN 0954-5395

LOGAN, I.D., WILKINSON, Y.A. and MCKENNA, P.G., 1994. A cytogenetic analysis of the effects of low level therapeutic lasers on Friend erythroleukaemia cells. Irish Journal of Medical Science, 163, p. 97.

COOPER, T., 1994. The durability of consumer durables. Business Strategy and the Environment, 3 (1), pp. 23-30. ISSN 0964-4733

RICHARDSON, P.R., CUNLIFFE, I.A., REES, R.C. and RENNIE, I.G., 1994. The effect of Tnf, Il-1 and Il-6 on the proliferation of human tenons capsule fibroblasts in tissue-culture. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 35 (4), p. 1433. ISSN 0146-0404

SENEVIRATNE, M. and JAMES, R., 1994. The effect of complaints and Ombudsman decision on banks and building societies. Consumer Policy Review, p. 66.

HARRISON, C.C., HARRISON, P.G. and MCGIVERON, J.K., 1994. The effect of preparative conditions on the morphology of indium oxide and hydroxide. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2, pp. 295-299.

DUMLER, K., HANLEY, Q.S., BAKER, C., LUCHTEL, D.L., ALTMAN, L.C. and KOENIG, J.Q., 1994. The effects of ozone on lactate-dehydrogenase release from human and primate respiratory epithelial cells. Toxicology Letters, 70, pp. 203-209.

JONES, D.R.E., THOMPSON, R.J., AMIRCHETTY RAO, S. and IMRIE, H., 1994. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for complement regulatory proteins and membrane-bound immunoglobulins on intact red blood cells. Journal of Immunological Methods, 177 (12), pp. 235-242.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1994. An exploratory study of gambling cross addictions. Journal of Gambling Studies, 10, pp. 371-384.

LOGAN, I.D., BRISTOW, H.E. and BARNETT, Y.A., 1994. The induction of DNA repair in X-ray irradiated Friend erythroleukaemia and human myeloid HL60 cells by low intensity laser irradiation. Laser Therapy, 6, pp. 189-194.

HEALEY, N., 1994. The international debt crisis: the end of the beginning, not yet the beginning of the end. Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review (188), pp. 75-98.

KING, C.M., GILLESPIE, E.S., MCKENNA, P.G. and BARNETT, Y.A., 1994. An investigation of mutation as a function of age in humans. Mutation Research, 316, pp. 79-90.

PATTINSON, V.A., BUTCHER, D.P. and LABADZ, J.C., 1994. The management of water colour in peatland catchments. Journal of the Institution of Water and Environmental Management, 8 (3), pp. 298-307. ISSN 0951-7359

TSELONI, A., OSBORN, D.R. and PEASE, K., 1994. The modelling of threats: evidence from the British Crime Survey. International Review of Victimology, 3, pp. 235-261.

DIAS, T., CHOY, P.K. and ATKINSON, J., 1994. A new yarn feed system for the flat bed knitting machine. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 209, pp. 151-154.

LONG, M.W., CASTLETON, C.W.M. and HAYWARD, C.A., 1994. The one dimensional Hubbard model with first, second and third nearest neighbour hopping in the strong coupling limit. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 6 (2), pp. 481-493. ISSN 0953-8984

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1994. A preliminary investigation of undergraduate students' attitudes towards psychology practicals. Psychology Teaching Review, 3, pp. 130-132.

HEALEY, N. and LEVINE, P., 1994. The right mandate for the bank. European Brief, 2 (1), pp. 61-63.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1994. The role of cognitive bias and skill in fruit machine gambling. British Journal of Psychology, 85, pp. 351-369.

NELSON, A.A., WILKINSON, Y.A. and MCKENNA, P.G., 1994. The significance of adenine phosphoribosyltransferase for DNA repair in Friend erythroleukaemia cells. Irish Journal of Medical Science, 163, p. 101.

HEALEY, N., 1994. The transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe: a political, economic, social and technological analysis. The Columbia Journal of World Business (1), pp. 62-71.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1994. The use of study packs in small groups as a form of learning: a qualitative survey of student opinion. Psychology Teaching Review, 3, pp. 118-124.

TORRANCE, M., THOMAS, G.V. and ROBINSON, E.J., 1994. The writing strategies of graduate research students in the social sciences. Higher Education, 27 (3), pp. 379-392.

TUCKMAN, A., 1994. The yellow brick road: total quality management and the restructuring of organizational culture. Organization Studies, 15 (5), pp. 728-751.

Authored book

BELBIN, D., 1994. Avenging angel. New York: Scholastic. ISBN 9780590553100

PASQUIRE, C.L., 1994. Builders' quantities for contractors management. CIOB. ISBN 1853800600

FEATHERSTONE, M., 1994. Cultura del consumo e postmodernismo. Rome: Edizioni Seam.

BELBIN, D., 1994. Deadly secrets. London: Scholastic.

DRANSFIELD, R., 1994. Economics on course. Stanley Thornes.

BAXTER, M.J., 1994. Exploratory multivariate analysis in archaeology. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

ORTON, P.A., AYANDOKUN, K., SHERKAT, N. and THOMAS, P.D., 1994. A Fiber Optic Rotary Motion Sensor for the Real-Time Condition Monitoring of Rotating Machinery. UNSPECIFIED.

BELBIN, D., 1994. Final cut. London: Scholastic.

ACKRILL, R.W., 1994. Information sources on the Common Agriculture Policy. London: EIA.

HOCK, K., 1994. Kann denn Werbung witzig sein? [Exhibition catalogue]. Köln: Photokina Exhibition Centre. ISBN 3928193155

FEATHERSTONE, M., 1994. Kultur, kropp och konsumtion. Stockholm: Brutus Ostlings Bokforlag.

BURNETT, K. and HALL, P.R., 1994. Make Space! UK Design for Performance 1991 - 1994: exhibition catalogue. London: Society of British Theatre Designers. ISBN 952930900

WILDE, L., 1994. Modern European socialism. Aldershot: Dartmouth. ISBN 185521539X

SENEVIRATNE, M., 1994. Ombudsmen in the public sector. Open University Press.

TIVERS, J., 1994. Oxford: the medieval walled town. Oxford: Oxford Brookes University. ISBN 9780000000000

SHERKAT, N., BIRCH, M. and THOMAS, P., 1994. Real-Time Vision for Automatic Lace Cutting. UNSPECIFIED.

WOODS, G., 1994. This is no book: a gay reader. Nottingham: Mushroom Books. ISBN 0907123260

YOUNGS, T., 1994. Travellers in Africa: British travelogues 1850-1900. Manchester: Manchester University Press. ISBN 071903969X

AYANDOKUN, K., ORTON, P.A., SHERKAT, N. and THOMAS, P.D., 1994. An optical rotary motion sensor for the real-time condition monitoring of rotating machinery. UNSPECIFIED.

Book contribution

DINGWALL, R. and EEKELAAR, J.M., 1994. Judgements of Solomon: psychology and family law. In: Training pack: The welfare of the child: assessing evidence in children cases. London: The Magistrates Association.

WHITE, C.A., 1994. Magic shoes: lighting design. In: Make SPACE! [exhibition catalogue]. Theatre Design Umbrella.

SOLANKI, M., 1994. [Poems included in anthology]. In: Parnassus of world poets. Madras: Parnassus.

INKSTER, I., 1994. The development of science and technology [essay]. In: The Cambridge encyclopedia of Australia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 270-272. ISBN 0521365112

Chapter in book

PILCHER, J., 1994. Who should do the dishes? Three generations of Welsh women talking about men and housework. In: J. AARON, T. REES, S. BETTS and M. VINCENTELLI, eds., Our sisters' land: the changing identities of women in Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press. ISBN 9780708312476

WILDE, C.J., ADDEY, C.V.P., BURGOYNE, R.D., CLARK, A.J., HANDEL, S.E., KERR, M.A., MCCLENAGHAN, M., RENNISON, M.E., SIMONS, J.P. and TURNER, M.D., 1994. Autocrine regulation of milk protein secretion. In: K. OKAMURA, ed., Animal cell technology: basic and applied aspects. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

DE LEEUW, S., 1994. DRP: wanneer toe te passen? In: Handboek logistiek. Alphen aan den Rijn: Samson.

WANG, Z.M., EZUGWU, E.O. and SU, D., 1994. Deep hole precision-machining method of difficult-to-cut materials. In: E. USUI, ed., Advancement of intelligent production. Elsevier Science, pp. 437-441.

BELBIN, D., 1994. Different ways of getting drunk. In: G. GORDON and D. HUGHES, eds., The Minerva book of short stories. London: Mandarin, pp. 36-48.

DINGWALL, R. and GREATBATCH, D., 1994. Divorce mediation - the virtues of formality? In: J.M. EEKELAAR and M. MACLEAN, eds., Oxford readings in socio-legal studies: family law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 391-399.

POWALKA, R.K., SHERKAT, N., EVETT, L.J. and WITROW, R.J., 1994. Dynamic cursive script recognition, a hybrid approach. In: C. FAURE, P. KEUSS, G. LORETTE and A. VINTER, eds., Advances in handwriting and drawing: a multidisciplinary approach. Europia, pp. 137-154. ISBN 2909285022

PASQUIRE, C.L., 1994. Early incorporation of specialist design capability. In: Proceedings of CIB Procurement Systems Symposium. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 259-268. ISBN 9627757012

SU, D., 1994. Effects of design-kinematic parameters on loading capacity of disc cams with the translating followers. In: G.R. PENNOCK, ed., Machine elements and machine dynamics. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, pp. 541-546.

WOODFIELD, R., 1994. Expression, form and Kunstwissenschaft. In: L.O. ÅHLBERG and T. ZAIN, eds., Aesthetic matters: essays presented to Göran Sörbom on his 60th birthday. Uppsala: Uppsala University, pp. 154-163.

DINGWALL, R., 1994. Family autonomy and civic virtue. In: M. MACLEAN and J. KURCZEWSKI, eds., Families, politics and the law: perspectives for East and West Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 53-66.

POWALKA, R.K., SHERKAT, N. and WITROW, R.J., 1994. Feature extraction: on the importance of zoning information in cursive script recognition. In: S. IMPEDOVO, ed., Progress in image analysis and processing. World Scientific, pp. 342-349. ISBN 2909285022

LOTFI, A. and TSOI, A.C., 1994. Importance of membership functions: a comparative study on different learning methods for fuzzy inference systems. In: Third IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Orlando, Florida, USA, June, 1994. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 1791-1796. ISBN 078031896X

GOODRIDGE, J. and KELSEY, T., 1994. John Clare: the trespasser. In: H. HAUGHTON, A. PHILLIPS and G. SUMMERFIELD, eds., John Clare in context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 87-129. ISBN 521445477

DINGWALL, R., 1994. Law and medicine. In: J. GABE, D. KELLEHER and G. WILLIAMS, eds., Challenging medicine. London: Routledge, pp. 46-64.

LIDDLE, J. and MARTIN, S., 1994. Managing enterprising local authorities: approaches to the europeanisation of UK local government. In: P. CURWEN, B. RICHARDSON, S. NWANKWO and L. MONTANHEIRO, eds., The public sector in transition. Sheffield: Pavic, pp. 153-162. ISBN 0863394590

WILDE, L., 1994. Marx Against the social contract. In: D. BOUCHER and P. KELLY, eds., The social contract and its critics. London: Routledge, pp. 164-174.

INKSTER, I., 1994. Meiji economic development in perspective - revisionist comments on the industrial revolution in Japan. In: W.J. MACPHERSON, ed., The industrialisation of Japan. Oxford: Blackwell.

DARLISON, M.G., 1994. Molecular characterization of GABA-gated chloride ion channels from complex and simple nervous systems. In: C. PERACCHIA, ed., Handbook of membrane channels: molecular and cellular physiology. San Diego: Academic Press, pp. 303-315.

CHILTON, J.C., CHOO, B.S. and POPOVIC, O., 1994. Morphology of some 3-dimensional beam grillage structures in architecture and nature. In: Natürliche Konstruktionen 9: Evolution of Natural Structures, Sonderforchungsbereich 230, Stuttgart, October, 1994 [conference proceedings]. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 19-24. ISBN 3927078085

SMITH, A.J. and WADE, W.B., 1994. Off site support for flexible learners: learning in no man's land. In: W. WADE, K. HODGKINSON, A. SMITH and J. ARFIELD, eds., Flexible learning in higher education: proceedings of the Marketing Education Group Conference. Teaching and learning in higher education . London: Kogan Page, pp. 46-57. ISBN 0749414189

SMITH, A.J., 1994. Off site support for flexible learners: learning in no man's land. In: W. WADE, K. HODGKINSON, A. SMITH and J. ARFIELD, eds., Flexible learning in higher education: proceedings of the Marketing Education Group Conference. Teaching and learning in higher education . London: Kogan Page, pp. 112-119. ISBN 0749414189

WHITE, C.A., 1994. On recycling Hamlet: a consideration of the play's staging. In: I. CLARKE, ed., Hamlet: essays. Loughborough: Loughborough Theatre Texts, pp. 47-65. ISBN 1898726019

HOLDAWAY, S., 1994. On the beat: some academic whistle blowing. In: G. VINTEN, ed., Whistle blowing: subversion or corporate citizenship. London: Chapman, pp. 174-192.

GODBER, S.X., PETTY, R.S., ROBINSON, M. and EVANS, P., 1994. One-dimensional sensors for robotics control. In: International Dedicated Conference on Robotics, Motion and Machine Vision, Aachen, Germany, November, 1994. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 345-352. ISBN 0947719695

BUCKLAND, P.C., HOUSLEY, R., PYATT, F.B. and TURNER, R.C., 1994. Paint, date, bog stratigraphy and murder: some comments on Lindow Man. In: R. LUFF and P. ROWLEY-CONWAY, eds., Whither environmental archaeology? Proceedings of the Environmental Archaeology Association Conference, Cambridge. Oxford: Oxbow Books. ISBN 0946897697

WRIGHT, P., 1994. Palaces of the mind. In: A. BARNETT, ed., Power and the throne. Vintage, pp. 157-163.

UNSPECIFIED 1994. [Provision of sample calculations and guidance comments]. In: J.C. CHILTON, ed., TRADA, eurocode 5 design examples F: flexural members. Timber Research and Development Association. ISBN 1899615059

UNSPECIFIED 1994. [Provision of sample calculations and guidance comments]. In: J.C. CHILTON, ed., TRADA, eurocode 5 design examples C: compression members. Timber Research and Development Association. ISBN 1899615067

HOLDAWAY, S., 1994. Recruitment, resignation and the police sub-culture. In: M. STEVENS and S. BECKER, eds., Care and control in the police service. Basingstoke: Macmillan, pp. 67-84.

MONTGOMERY, P.C., O'SULLIVAN, N.L., MARTIN, L.B., SKANDERA, C.A., PEPPARD, J.V. and POCKLEY, A.G., 1994. Regulation of lacrimal gland immune responses. In: D.A. SULLIVAN, ed., Lacrimal gland, tear film and dry eye syndromes: basic science and clinical relevance. New York: Plenum, pp. 161-168.

PROWLE, M.J., 1994. Resource allocation in the NHS: from Bevan to Thatcher. In: M. BURROWS, R. DYSON, P.M. JACKSON and H. SAXTON, eds., Management for hospital doctors. Butterworth-Heinemann.

CHILTON, J.C., CHOO, B.S. and COULLIETTE, P., 1994. Retractable roofs using the reciprocal frame. In: IABSE Report: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, Zurich, September, 1994 [conference proceedings]. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 49-54. ISBN 385748-084X

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 1994. Settlement planning and housing in modern Oman: a climatologically appropriate solution? In: Buildings and the environment. Watford: Central Institute of Building (CIB).

WOOD, R.F.M., INGHAM CLARK, C.L. and POCKLEY, A.G., 1994. Small bowel transplantation. In: R.V. HEATLEY, ed., Gastrointestinal and hepatic immunology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 235-246.

WILDE, L., 1994. Swedish social democracy and the world market. In: R. PALAN and B. GILLS, eds., Transcending the state-global divide: a neo-structuralist agenda in international relations. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, pp. 189-202. ISBN 1555873952

BARNES, P., 1994. Thin trading and stock market efficiency: the case of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange. In: I. IBRAHIM and O. YONG, eds., Understanding the behavioural patterns of stock prices. Leeds: Leeds Publications.

EVANS, J.P.O., GODBER, S.X. and ROBINSON, M., 1994. Three-dimensional X-ray imaging techniques. In: Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology: Stereoscopic Displays and Applications V, California, U.S.A., February, 1994. SPIE, pp. 161-165. ISBN 0819414727

SHACKLEY, M., 1994. Tourism management in Mustang. In: S.C. BAGRI and O.P. KADARI, eds., Tourism development: challenges and opportunities. Srinigar: Gharwahl University, pp. 76-85.

GILLESPIE, T., 1994. Under pressure: Rape Crisis centres, multi-agency work and strategies for survival. In: C. LUPTON and T. GILLESPIE, eds., Working with violence. Basingstoke: Macmillan.

GODBER, S.X., ROBINSON, M. and EVANS, P., 1994. Versatile stereoscopic line-scan imaging systems. In: Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology: Cameras, Scanners and Image Acquisition Systems II, California, U.S.A., February, 1994. SPIE, pp. 189-194. ISBN 0819414689

BELBIN, D., 1994. The buyers. In: A. FINNIS, ed., 13 more tales of horror. London: Scholastic Children's Books, pp. 251-288.

BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., 1994. A computer simulation game for building. In: R. ARMSTRONG, F. PERCIVAL and D. SAUNDERS, eds., Simulation and gaming yearbook, interactive learning. London: Kogan Page, pp. 197-208. ISBN 0749412135

WILDE, L., 1994. The demise of the Swedish model. In: A. NOVE and I. THATCHER, eds., Markets and socialism. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 309-319.

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 1994. The deserted village of Manah: an Ibadi-Omani settlement: a brief description of settlement pattern and dwellings. In: C. COCKBURN, ed., Architecture and planning in the developing world. University of York, pp. 37-43. ISBN 0904761428

TORRANCE, M. and THOMAS, G.V., 1994. The development of writing skills in doctoral research students. In: R.G. BURGESS, ed., Postgraduate education and training in the social sciences: processes and products. London: Jessica Kingsley, pp. 105-123.

ROWBOTHAM, J., 1994. An exercise in nostalgia: Clare and enclosure. In: J. GOODRIDGE, ed., The independent spirit: John Clare and the self-taught tradition. Helpston: John Clare Society. ISBN 0952254123

WOODS, G., 1994. The other other of more of the same? Women's representations of homosexual men. In: G. GRIFFIN, ed., Difference in view: women and modernism. London: Taylor & Francis, pp. 27-36. ISBN 748401350

GODBER, S.X., PETTY, R., ROBINSON, M. and EVANS, P., 1994. A panoramic line-scan imaging system for teleoperator control. In: Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology: Stereoscopic Displays and Applications V, California, U.S.A., February, 1994. SPIE, pp. 247-257. ISBN 0819414727

SU, D. and JAMBUNATHAN, K., 1994. A prototype knowledge-based integrated system for power transmission design. In: E. USUI, ed., Advancement of intelligent production. Elsevier Science, pp. 45-50.

O'NEILL, M., 1994. The road to the single European market. In: Meeting of the Heads of Pickup Europe Regional Centres and representatives of the DTI held at South Bank University, 1994. University of Nottingham and Bradford University. ISBN 0905488261

BURGOYNE, R.D., HANDEL, S.E., SUDLOW, A.W., TURNER, M.D., KUMAR, S., SIMONS, P., BLATCHFORD, D.R. and WILDE, C.J., 1994. The secretory pathway for milk protein secretion and its regulation. In: C.J. WILDE, M. PEAKER and C.H. KNIGHT, eds., Intercellular signalling in the mammary gland. New York: Plenum Press.

Conference contribution

PYATT, F.B., 1994. 137Cs pollution in the Outer Hebrides. In: University of Sheffield [conference], 1994, Sheffield.

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 1994. Affordability: some recent findings from the Indian scene. In: Proceedings of the second symposium on housing for the urban poor: housing, poverty and developing countries.

TALBOT, M., 1994. Almost uncontrollable urges in women's popular fiction. In: 17th Annual Conference of the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language and Gender, Florida, USA, September 1994, Florida.

O'NEILL, M., 1994. Beyond the single market: the EU's commercial policy. In: Meeting of the Heads of Pickup Europe Regional Centres and representatives of the DTI held at South Bank University, 1994.

COPIN, N.J., GREENWOOD, J.R., MORGAN, R.P.C. and CHURCHER, D., 1994. CIRIA field evaluation and demonstration trials for bioengineering. In: International Conference on Vegetation and Slopes, Oxford, September, 1994, Oxford, UK.

CORDEN, R. and HAYES, M., 1994. Changing perceptions: what we want, what we need & what we get. In: SRHE Conference, York University, York, December, 1994, York.

TALBOT, M., 1994. Coherence and heterosexuality in a problem page. In: 10th Sociolinguistics Symposium, Lancaster University, 23-25 March, 1994, Lancaster.

ECCLES, T., 1994. Constructing urban development policies: contradictions of environmental development. In: European Environment Conference, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, September 1994, Nottingham.

DE LEEUW, S., 1994. Designing distribution management systems. In: Advanced Summer Institute in Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering, Patras, Greece, 1994, Patras, Greece.

DE LEEUW, S., 1994. Distribution control design needs more conceptual knowledge. In: Derde Landelijke AIO-onderzoeksdag Bedrijfskunde, Amersfoort, Netherlands, 1994, Amersfoort, Netherlands.

PYATT, F.B., 1994. Ecological monitoring of environmental pollution. In: University of Poznan [conference], Poland, 1994, Poland.

SU, D., 1994. Gearbox KBIS: a prototype knowledge-based integrated system for gearbox design. In: Proceedings of the International Gear Conference, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

WOODFIELD, R., 1994. Gombrich on style and culture. In: Vintermote held at the Department of Aesthetics, University of Uppsala, Sweden, 1994, Uppsala.

DINGWALL, R., 1994. [Invited speaker]. In: Familles et Justice Conference, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, July 1994, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

TALBOT, M., 1994. 'It felt good to kill': schoolboy dreams in the novels of James Herbert. In: Poetics and Linguistics Association Conference, Sheffield Hallam University, 8-11 April, 1994, Sheffield.

DIAS, T., 1994. Knitting of flat shaped 2-D and 3-D forms. In: Proceedings of the International Conference 'Textiles for Composites', Manchester.

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 1994. Manah: an Ibadi-Omani settlement. In: 11th Inter-Schools Conference at York, University of York, 28-29 March 1994, York.

CHILTON, J.C., CHOO, B.S. and YU, J., 1994. Morphology of reciprocal frame 3-dimensional grillage structures. In: Spatial Lattice and Tension Structures, Atlanta, Georgia, April, 1994 [conference proceedings].

WHITE, C.A., 1994. 'Movement in the theatre space'. Performance past and present: current trends in theatre research. In: IFTR, International Federation for Theatre Research XIIth World Congress, Moscow, 1994, Moscow.

WALLACE, R.G., 1994. New approaches to running and assessing practical work on degree courses. In: The Royal Society of Chemistry Annual Chemical Congress, Liverpool, April 1994, Liverpool.

WOODFIELD, R., 1994. On contemporary British aesthetics [conference paper]. In: Slovakian Society of Aesthetics, Bratislava, Slovakia, Bratislava.

CHILTON, J.C., 1994. Polygonal living: some environment-friendly buildings with reciprocal roofs. In: Application of Structural Morphology to Architecture, Stuttgart, October, 1994 [conference proceedings], Stuttgart.

O'NEILL, M., 1994. Power in the European Union: the institutions and policy-making processes. In: Meeting of the Heads of Pickup Europe Regional Centres and representatives of the DTI held at South Bank University, 1994.

BARNES, P., 1994. Predicting takeover targets: some methodological issues and an empirical study. In: Western Social Science Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 1994, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

BARNES, P., 1994. Predicting takeover targets: some methodological issues and an empirical study. In: School of Finance and Management Science, St Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, September 1994, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

BARNES, P., 1994. Predicting takeover targets: some methodological issues and an empirical study. In: Finance Department, Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia, September 1994, Malaysia.

BARNES, P., 1994. Predicting takeover targets: some methodological issues and an empirical study. In: Centre for Research in Financial Services, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, September 1994, Singapore.

COOPER, T., 1994. Product durability: how to achieve it. In: Wuppertal Institute Workshop on Eco-Efficient Services, Wuppertal, September 1994, Wuppertal.

WALLACE, R.G., 1994. Sandwich or side order? In: What Can Higher Education Do for the Chemical Industry? The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, November 1994, Cambridge.

HENHAM, R., 1994. Sentencing policy and the Court of Appeal. In: Prisons 2000 Conference, Leicester University, April 1994, Leicester.

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 1994. Settlement planning and housing in modern Oman: a critical view [poster presentation]. In: Building and the Environment International Conference, BRE, Watford, 16-20 May 1994, Watford.

PEPPER, A. and KRANTZ, E.P., 1994. Single exposure color mixing technique for rainbow 'shadow' holograms. In: SPIE Proceedings, San Jose, California.

EVANS, J.P.O., ROBINSON, M. and GODBER, S.X., 1994. Stereoscopic imaging systems for both robotic use and the decommissioning of nuclear power plants. In: ETAR '94: Emerging Technologies in Advanced Robotics, Windermere, September, 1994, Windermere.

KAMOCHE, K., 1994. Strategic human resource management within a resource-capability view of the firm. In: [Seminars], Chulalongkorn and Thai Chamber of Commerce Universities, Bangkok, Thailand, July, 1994, Bangkok.

KAMOCHE, K., 1994. Strategic human resource management within a resource-capability view of the firm. In: BUIRA HRM study group, Templeton College, Oxford, January, 1994, Oxford.

DAVIES, S.P. and CASTELL, A.M., 1994. Structuring concurrent descriptions of the design activity. In: Proceedings of the 7th Annual Conference, AI & Cognitive Science '94.

CORDEN, R. and HAYES, M., 1994. Teacher training: a comment on Circular 14/93. In: World Congress on Action Research, Bath University, Bath, July, 1994, Bath.

BREACH, M., 1994. Teaching the gyrotheodolite to large numbers. In: International Society for Mining Surveying !X Congress, Prague, 1994.

LOTFI, A., ANDERSEN, H.C. and TSOI, A.C., 1994. Towards matrix formulation of fuzzy rule-based systems. In: Third International Workshop on Rough Sets and Soft Computing (RSSC'94), San Jose, California, USA, November, 1994, San Jose, California, USA.

WOODFIELD, R., 1994. Tradition and bildung. In: Joint Meeting of the Hellenic and British Societies of Aesthetics, Athens, 1994, Athens.

CARMONA, H.A., GEIM, A.K., LANGERAK, C.J.G.M., FOSTER, T.J., BROWN, C.V., MAIN, P.C. and BEAUMONT, S.P., 1994. Universal conductance fluctuations in a multi-subband quantum-well. In: 4th International Symposium on Research in High Magnetic Fields, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 29-31 August 1994.

ECCLES, T., 1994. Valuation in Europe: some educational issues. In: European Real Estate Society Inaugural Conference, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 1994, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

ECCLES, T., 1994. Water - public resource and private asset. In: European Faculty of Land Use and Development Conference 'Protection and Management of Water Resources through Land Use Planning', Strasbourg, France, June 1994, Strasbourg, France.

BUCHANAN, D., PRESTON, D., SMITH, A.J. and JORDAN, S., 1994. When two worlds collide: conducting management research in a medical environment. In: 8th British Academy of Management Annual Conference, Management School, Lancaster University, Lancaster, 12-14 September 1994.

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 1994. Who can have a 'pucca' house in India? In: 2nd Symposium on Housing for the Poor, Housing, Poverty and Developing Countries. Birmingham 11-14 April 1994, Birmingham.

WOODFIELD, R., 1994. Wittgenstein and Popper on aesthetics. In: Annual Conference of the Hungarian Association of Aesthetics, 1994.

PEPPER, A. and KRANTZ, E.P., 1994. The art of collaboration: a conflict of disciplines or constructive relationship. In: SPIE Proceedings, Lake Forest, USA.

CORDEN, R., 1994. The changing nature of the pedagogical relationship in ITT. In: BERA Conference, Oxford University, Oxford, September, 1994, Oxford.

TALBOT, M., 1994. The construction of masculinity in a British tabloid. In: 2nd Nordic Language and Gender Conference, Tromsø, Norway, 3-5 November, 1994, Tromsø.

KAMOCHE, K., 1994. The integration-differentiation puzzle: a resource-capability perspective in international HRM. In: 4th Conference on IHRM, Gold Coast, Australia, July, 1994, Gold Coast.

ECCLES, T., 1994. An investigation into the learning experience of overseas students: a case study for the teaching of built environment studies in British universities. In: 13th ISSED Conference 'Staff and Student Development in a Multi-Cultural Setting', Cape Town, South Africa, June 1994, Cape Town, South Africa.

DE LEEUW, S., 1994. A method for designing distribution control systems. In: 1st International Conference of the European Management Association, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, 1994, Cambridge.

LIANG, H., 1994. A multi-wavelength mass estimate of a z=0.31 cluster. In: Clusters of Galaxies: Proceedings of the 29th Rencontre de Moriond, 14th Moriond Astrophysics Meetings.


WHITE, C.A., 1994. Magic shoes: lighting design for the 'Make SPACE!' exhibition of design for theatre and alternative spaces, 8 November - 3 December 1994.

BURNETT, K., 1994. Set and costume designs for 'The Day after Tomorrow'. Cottesloe, London: National Theatre.

Digital or visual media

PERKINS, S. and SWADEL, P., 1994. A little death. [Digital or Visual Media]

Edited book

GOODRIDGE, J., 1994. The John Clare cycle: sculptures by Tom Bates. Helpston: The John Clare Society.

LUPTON, C. and GILLESPIE, T., 1994. Working with violence. Basingstoke: Macmillan.

GOODRIDGE, J., 1994. The independent spirit: John Clare and the self-taught tradition. Helpston: The John Clare Society. ISBN 0952254123


WILLIAMS, G., 1994. Gerard Williams solo show. The Showroom, London, 1994.

WILLIAMS, G., 1994. Gerard Williams solo show. Galerie du Tableau, Marseille, France, 1994.

HOCK, K., 1994. Kann denn Werbung witzig sein? Exhibition held at the Photokina Exhibition Centre, Cologne, Germany, September, 1994. .

BURNETT, K. and HALL, P.R., 1994. Make Space! UK Design for Performance 1991 - 1994: open exhibition for the Society of British Theatre Designers, Upper Campfield Market, Manchester, 1994. .

MAIER, D., 1994. Recent paintings. .

Journal editorship

GOODRIDGE, J., 1994. The John Clare Society Journal. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 0952254107

Newspaper or popular journal contribution

WRIGHT, P., 1994. Every dogma has its day. .

BARNES, P., 1994. Hard and loanly. .

WRIGHT, P., 1994. Harvesting a future from rocky ground. .

WRIGHT, P., 1994. How the Hobbits saved the world. .

WRIGHT, P., 1994. Ill at ease in the health system. .

WRIGHT, P., 1994. Keeping the hills alive. .

WRIGHT, P., 1994. Little England engulfed in a sea of sleaze. .

WRIGHT, P., 1994. A Martian in Farnham. .

WRIGHT, P., 1994. More ahead than abreast. .

WRIGHT, P., 1994. Order beneath blue skies. .

WRIGHT, P., 1994. The Oxbridge mafia. .

WRIGHT, P., 1994. Radical, romantic and wrong. .

WRIGHT, P., 1994. Rebuilding olde England. .

WRIGHT, P., 1994. Sad aisle lands of dreams. .

WRIGHT, P., 1994. Sign of the times. .

WRIGHT, P., 1994. Spectator sports. .

WRIGHT, P., 1994. There's nowt so funny as folk. .

WRIGHT, P., 1994. Villages of the doomed. .

WRIGHT, P., 1994. Wrapped in the tatters of the flag. .

WRIGHT, P., 1994. A good murder. .

WRIGHT, P., 1994. The nerd in a gilded cage. .

WRIGHT, P., 1994. The war goes on. .

Professional or trade journal contribution

PASQUIRE, C.L., 1994. CPI is 'unworkable' says survey. , p. 5.

ECCLES, T., 1994. Environmental education. , p. 13.

ECCLES, T., 1994. Metrication. , p. 60.

ECCLES, T., 1994. An investigation into the learning experience of overseas students: a review of work to date. , p. 3.

Research report for external body

COOPER, T., 1994. Beyond recycling: the longer life option. London: New Economics Foundation.

HAGEN, R., FULLER, E., FERGUSON, W. and JACKSON, G., 1994. GR/G.18681 SERC: "General management information adopted for specific customer/sales marketing use" (02/02/92 - 09/02/94): report to EPSRC. EPSRC.

ECCLES, T., 1994. How green is the surveyor? School of Surveying.

LABADZ, J.C., 1994. Reservoir and catchment management in areas of high erosion and reservoir sedimentation. Report to Yorkshire Water, contract WR4. UNSPECIFIED.

DOWERS, S. and BAXTER, M.J., 1994. Social class impact on sports participation: research report for the English and Scottish Sports Councils. English and Scottish Sports Councils.

HAGEN, R., 1994. Training as an entrepreneurial business - complete development programme for SME teachers and trainers: summary report. CEDEFOP.

ECCLES, T., 1994. The great green con. School of Surveying.

COOL, H.E.M. and BAXTER, M.J., 1994. The quantification of Roman vessel glass assemblages: research report for English Heritage. English Heritage.

NEW, B., SOLOMON, M., DINGWALL, R. and MCHALE, J.V., 1994. A question of give and take: improving the supply of donor organs for transplantation. London: Kings Fund Institute.

Working paper

TALBOT, M., 1994. Jeanette Winterson's 'Sexing the cherry'. Odense: Odense University Press, pp. 25-32.

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