Items where Author is "Jaspal, R"
GIFFORD, A.J., JASPAL, R., JONES, B.A. and MCDERMOTT, D.T., 2025. The role of identity resilience, mistrust of science, and pre-exposure prophylaxis stigma in predicting human immunodeficiency virus pre-exposure prophylaxis acceptability and self-efficacy among men who have sex with men in the United Kingdom: a structural equation model. HIV Medicine. ISSN 1464-2662 (Forthcoming)
GIFFORD, A.J., JASPAL, R., JONES, B.A. and MCDERMOTT, D.T., 2025. ‘Why are PrEP gays always like this … ’: psychosocial influences on U.K.-based men who have sex with men’s perceptions and use of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis. Psychology and Sexuality. ISSN 1941-9899
JASPAL, R., GARDNER, S., ZWACH, P., GREEN, M. and BREAKWELL, G.M., 2022. Trust in science, homonegativity, and HIV stigma: experimental data from the United Kingdom and Germany. Stigma and Health. ISSN 2376-6972
BATTERSBY, I., BOWER, M., DAMMERY-QUIGLEY, G., DANSON, D., HARRISON, S., HEYMANN, D., HUNTER, E., JASPAL, R., MAUDLING, R., SHOTTON, J., WHITE, S. and WILSON, P.B., 2022. Perspectives from the Royal Society of Medicine 'One Health: The Missing Link' conference and Soulsby Lecture 2021. CABI One Health, 2022.
JASPAL, R., 2021. Panic buying in the community as a coping strategy in response to COVID-19. Health Psychology Update, 30 (2), pp. 3-10. ISSN 0954-2027
BREAKWELL, G., FINO, E. and JASPAL, R., 2021. The Identity Resilience Index: development and validation in two UK samples. Identity. ISSN 1528-3488
DA-SILVA-LOPES, B.-C., GIL-DA-SILVA-LOPES, P. and JASPAL, R., 2021. Exposure to COVID-19 risk representations and state depressive symptoms in a United Kingdom sample: a preliminary experimental study. Studies in Psychology. ISSN 0210-9395
ASSI, M., MAATOUK, I. and JASPAL, R., 2021. Depressive and anxious symptomatology in a Lebanese sample during the COVID-19 outbreak. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education. ISSN 1463-5240
FINO, E., JASPAL, R., LOPES, B., WIGNALL, L. and BLOXSOM, C., 2021. The Sexual Risk Behaviors Scale (SRBS): development and validation in a university student sample in the UK. Evaluation and the Health Professions, 44 (2), pp. 152-160. ISSN 0163-2787
BREAKWELL, G.M., FINO, E. and JASPAL, R., 2021. COVID-19 preventive behaviours in White British and Black, Asian and minority ethnic people in the UK. Journal of Health Psychology. ISSN 1359-1053
MAATOUK, I., ASSI, M. and JASPAL, R., 2021. Self-harm and suicidal ideation during the COVID-19 outbreak in Lebanon: a preliminary study. Journal of Health Research. ISSN 0857-4421
JASPAL, R., 2021. Chemsex, identity processes and coping among gay and bisexual men. Drugs and Alcohol Today. ISSN 1745-9265
MAATOUK, I., ASSI, M. and JASPAL, R., 2021. Predicting sexual risk and sexual health screening in a sample of university students in Lebanon: a cross-sectional study. Journal of American College Health. ISSN 0744-8481
JASPAL, R. and BREAKWELL, G.M., 2021. Social support, perceived risk and the likelihood of COVID-19 testing and vaccination: cross-sectional data from the United Kingdom. Current Psychology. ISSN 1046-1310
MAATOUK, I., ASSI, M. and JASPAL, R., 2021. Managing HIV prevention in the Eastern Mediterranean Region during the COVID19 outbreak: challenges and opportunities. Academia Letters.
NERLICH, B. and JASPAL, R., 2021. Social representations of ‘social distancing’ in response to COVID-19 in the UK media. Current Sociology. ISSN 0011-3921
JASPAL, R., 2021. Identity threat and coping among British South Asian gay men during the COVID-19 lockdown. Sexuality & Culture. ISSN 1095-5143
LOPES, B., YU, H., BORTOLON, C. and JASPAL, R., 2021. Fifty shades of darkness: a socio-cognitive information-processing framework applied to narcissism and psychopathy. Journal of Psychology. ISSN 0022-3980
JASPAL, R., LOPES, B., WIGNALL, L. and BLOXSOM, C., 2021. Predicting sexual risk behavior in British and European Union university students in the United Kingdom. American Journal of Sexuality Education. ISSN 1554-6128
BREAKWELL, G.M., FINO, E. and JASPAL, R., 2021. The COVID-19 Preventive Behaviors Index: development and validation in two samples from the United Kingdom. Evaluation & the Health Professions. ISSN 0163-2787
JASPAL, R. and LOPES, B., 2021. Discrimination and mental health outcomes in British Black and South Asian people during the COVID-19 outbreak in the UK. Mental Health, Religion and Culture, 24 (1), pp. 80-96. ISSN 1367-4676
JASPAL, R., ERIKSSON, P. and NYNÄS, P., 2021. Identity, threat and coping among gay men living with HIV in Finland. Cogent Psychology, 8 (1): 1878980.
BREAKWELL, G. and JASPAL, R., 2020. Identity change, uncertainty and mistrust in relation to fear and risk of COVID-19. Journal of Risk Research. ISSN 1366-9877
JOLLEY, D. and JASPAL, R., 2020. Discrimination, HIV conspiracy theories and pre-exposure prophylaxis acceptability in gay men. Sexual Health, 17 (6), pp. 525-533. ISSN 1448-5028
JASPAL, R., 2020. Stigma and HIV concealment motivation among gay men living with HIV in Finland. Journal of Homosexuality. ISSN 0091-8369
JASPAL, R. and BREAKWELL, G., 2020. Socio-economic inequalities in social network, loneliness and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. ISSN 0020-7640
JASPAL, R. and BAYLEY, J., 2020. HIV and gay men: clinical, social and psychological aspects. London: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9789811572258
JASPAL, R., 2020. Trans women and HIV: social psychological perspectives. London: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9783030575441
LOPES, B., BORTOLON, C. and JASPAL, R., 2020. Paranoia, hallucinations and compulsive buying during the early phase of the COVID-19 outbreak in the United Kingdom: a preliminary experimental study. Psychiatry Research, 293: 1368239. ISSN 0165-1781
JASPAL, R., FINO, E. and BREAKWELL, G., 2020. The COVID-19 Own Risk Appraisal Scale (CORAS): development and validation in two samples from the United Kingdom. Journal of Health Psychology. ISSN 1359-1053
MAATOUK, I., ASSI, M. and JASPAL, R., 2020. Emerging impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on sexual health in Lebanon. Sexually Transmitted Infections. ISSN 1368-4973
JASPAL, R., LOPES, B. and BREAKWELL, G., 2020. British national identity and life satisfaction in ethnic minorities in the United Kingdom. National Identities. ISSN 1460-8944
REHMAN, Z., JASPAL, R. and FISH, J., 2020. Service provider perspectives of minority stress among Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic lesbian, gay and bisexual people in the UK. Journal of Homosexuality. ISSN 0091-8369
JASPAL, R., 2020. Content analysis, thematic analysis & discourse analysis. In: G.M. BREAKWELL, D.B. WRIGHT and J. BARNETT, eds., Research methods in psychology. London: Sage. ISBN 9781526488923 (Forthcoming)
JASPAL, R., ASSI, M. and MAATOUK, I., 2020. The potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health outcomes in societies with economic and political instability: the case of Lebanon. Mental Health Review Journal, 25 (3), pp. 215-219. ISSN 1361-9322
JASPAL, R. and FEROZALI, R., 2020. Social representations of Britishness among British South Asian gay men. South Asian Diaspora. ISSN 1943-8192
JASPAL, R. and NERLICH, B., 2020. HIV stigma in UK press reporting of a case of intentional HIV transmission. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine. ISSN 1363-4593
JASPAL, R., LOPES, B. and LOPES, P., 2020. Predicting social distancing and compulsive buying behaviours in response to COVID-19 in a United Kingdom sample. Cogent Psychology, 7 (1): 1800924. ISSN 2331-1908
JASPAL, R. and NERLICH, B., 2020. Social representations, identity threat and coping amid COVID-19. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 12 (S1), S249-S251. ISSN 1942-9681
DA SILVA LOPES, B. and JASPAL, R., 2020. Understanding the mental health burden of COVID-19 in the United Kingdom. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 12 (5), pp. 465-467. ISSN 1942-9681
JASPAL, R. and LOPES, B., 2020. Psychological wellbeing facilitates accurate HIV risk appraisal in gay & bisexual men. Sexual Health, 17 (3), pp. 288-295. ISSN 1448-5028
JASPAL, R., 2020. Chemsex among men who have sex with men: a social psychological approach. In: S. RUTTER and M. CROSTON, eds., Psychological perspectives in HIV care: an inter-professional approach. London: Routledge. ISBN 9780415792783
REHMAN, Z., LOPES, B. and JASPAL, R., 2020. Predicting self-harm in an ethnically diverse sample of lesbian, gay and bisexual people in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 66 (4), pp. 349-360. ISSN 0020-7640
JASPAL, R., 2020. Social representation, identity and HIV prevention: the case of PrEP among gay men. In: Z. DAVY, A. CRISTINA SANTOS, C. BERTONE, R. THORESON and S.E. WIERINGA, eds., The SAGE handbook of global sexualities. London: Sage. ISBN 9781526424129 (Forthcoming)
JASPAL, R. and PAPALOUKAS, P., 2020. Identity, connectedness, and sexual health in the gay sauna. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. ISSN 1868-9884
MAATOUK, I., ASSI, M. and JASPAL, R., 2020. How can we enhance sexual health outcomes in men who have sex with men in Lebanon? BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health. ISSN 2515-1991
MAATOUK, I. and JASPAL, R., 2020. Barriers to HIV treatment as prevention (TasP) in men who have sex with men in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Journal of Public Health, 42 (4), e513-e515. ISSN 1741-3842
JASPAL, R., LOPES, B. and WIGNALL, L., 2020. The Coping with Identity Threat Scale: development and validation in a university student sample. Identity, 20 (4), pp. 225-238. ISSN 1528-3488
JASPAL, R., LOPES, B. and LOPES, P., 2020. Fear, social isolation and compulsive buying in response to COVID-19 in a religiously diverse UK sample. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 23 (5), pp. 427-442. ISSN 1367-4676
JASPAL, R., 2020. Honour beliefs and identity among British South Asian gay men. In: M.M. IDRISS, ed., Men, masculinities and honour-based abuse. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9780367204440
JASPAL, R., 2020. Parental reactions to British South Asian young men who identify as gay. Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 16 (4), pp. 402-417. ISSN 1550-428X
ASSI, M., MAATOUK, I. and JASPAL, R., 2020. Psychological distress and self-harm in a religiously diverse sample of Lebanese students. Mental Health, Religion and Culture, 23 (7), pp. 591-605. ISSN 1367-4676
MAATOUK, I. and JASPAL, R., 2020. Religion, male bisexuality and sexual risk in Lebanon. In: A.K.-T. YIP and A. TOFT, eds., Bisexuality, religion and spirituality: critical perspectives. Routledge studies in the sociology of religion . Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9780367030209
JASPAL, R., 2020. Sexual health perceptions among first-year students at a British university. American Journal of Sexuality Education, 15 (2), pp. 158-179. ISSN 1554-6128
JASPAL, R., LOPES, B. and MAATOUK, I., 2020. Social identity and attitudes toward HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis: a structural equation model. Journal of Social Service Research, 46 (3), pp. 331-344. ISSN 0148-8376
MITHA, K., ADATIA, S. and JASPAL, R., 2020. The construction of national and religious identities amongst Australian Isma’ili Muslims. Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture, 26 (6), pp. 791-810. ISSN 1350-4630
JASPAL, R., LOPES, B. and REHMAN, Z., 2019. A structural equation model for predicting depressive symptomatology in Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic gay, lesbian and bisexual people in the UK. Psychology & Sexuality. ISSN 1941-9899
JASPAL, R. and BAYLEY, J., 2019. A minority within a minority? Identity and sexual health in Black and minority ethnic men who have sex with men in the United Kingdom. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 30 (6), pp. 607-609. ISSN 1055-3290
JASPAL, R., 2019. Antisemitism and anti-Zionism in British Muslim communities. In: J.G. CAMPBELL and L.D. KLAFF, eds., Unity and diversity in contemporary antisemitism: the Bristol–Sheffield Hallam Colloquium on contemporary antisemitism. Antisemitism studies . Boston: Academic Studies Press. ISBN 9781618119667
MCLEOD, C., NERLICH, B. and JASPAL, R., 2019. Fecal microbiota transplants: emerging social representations in the English-language print media. New Genetics and Society, 38 (3), pp. 331-351. ISSN 1463-6778
MAATOUK, I. and JASPAL, R., 2019. HIV in men who have sex with men in Lebanon: clinical and psychosocial aspects. BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, 45 (3), pp. 175-176. ISSN 2515-1991
LOPES, B.C., KAMAU, C. and JASPAL, R., 2019. Coping with perceived abusive supervision: the role of paranoia. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 26 (2), pp. 237-255. ISSN 1548-0518
BARBER, T.J., BOROK, T., SUCHAK, T., WEATHERALL, A., DOCHERTY, T., GAMBLE, N., PRALAT, R., JASPAL, R. and COCKER, C., 2019. Having children outside a heterosexual relationship: options for persons living with HIV. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 95 (2), pp. 99-101. ISSN 1368-4973
JASPAL, R., 2019. Coping with threatened faith identities: insights from social psychology. In: A. ROSOWSKY, ed., Aspects of performance in faith settings: heavenly acts. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN 9781527521933
LOPES, B., KAMAU, C. and JASPAL, R., 2019. The roles of socioeconomic status, occupational health and job rank on the epidemiology of different psychiatric smptoms in a sample of UK workers. Community Mental Health Journal, 55 (2), pp. 336-349. ISSN 0010-3853
JASPAL, R., LOPES, B., BAYLEY, J. and PAPALOUKAS, P., 2019. A structural equation model to predict pre-exposure prophylaxis acceptability in men who have sex with men in Leicester, UK. HIV Medicine, 20 (1), pp. 11-18. ISSN 1464-2662
WILLIAMSON, I., PAPALOUKAS, P., JASPAL, R. and LOND, B., 2019. 'There’s this glorious pill': gay and bisexual men in the English midlands navigate risk responsibility and pre-exposure prophylaxis. Critical Public Health, 29 (5), pp. 560-571. ISSN 0958-1596
JASPAL, R., LOPES, B. and MAATOUK, I., 2019. The attitudes toward pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) scale: development and validation. Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services, 18 (2), pp. 197-205. ISSN 1538-1501
JASPAL, R., 2019. The social psychology of gay men. Cham: Springer International Publishing. ISBN 9783030270568; 9783030270575
JASPAL, R., 2018. HIV and gay men in the era of antiretroviral therapy. Psychology of Sexualities Review, 9 (2), pp. 2-15. ISSN 2047-1467
JASPAL, R., KENNEDY, L. and TARIQ, S., 2018. Human immunodeficiency virus and trans women: a literature review. Transgender Health, 3 (1), pp. 239-250. ISSN 2380-193X
COLLINS, L.C., JASPAL, R. and NERLICH, B., 2018. Who or what has agency in the discussion of antimicrobial resistance in UK news media (2010–2015)? A transitivity analysis. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine, 22 (6), pp. 521-540. ISSN 1363-4593
JASPAL, R. and PAGE, M., 2018. Enhancing HIV prevention and care among men who have sex with men: insights from social psychology. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 94 (7), pp. 472-473. ISSN 1368-4973
JASPAL, R., DA SILVA LOPES, B.C. and KAMAU, C., 2018. Epidemic of poor mental health among low-paid workers. The Conversation.
JASPAL, R., NAMBIAR, K.Z., DELPECH, V. and TARIQ, S., 2018. HIV and trans and non-binary people in the UK. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 94 (5), pp. 318-319. ISSN 1368-4973
RIBEIRO, B., HARTLEY, S., NERLICH, B. and JASPAL, R., 2018. Media coverage of the Zika crisis in Brazil: the construction of a 'war' frame that masked social and gender inequalities. Social Science & Medicine, 200, pp. 137-144. ISSN 0277-9536
JASPAL, R., 2018. Enhancing sexual health, self-identity and wellbeing among men who have sex with men: a guide for practitioners. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. ISBN 9781785923227
JASPAL, R., LOPES, B., JAMAL, Z., YAP, C., PACCOUD, I. and SEKHON, P., 2018. HIV knowledge, sexual health and sexual behaviour among Black and minority ethnic men who have sex with men in the UK: a cross-sectional study. Sexual Health, 16 (1), p. 25. ISSN 1448-5028
JASPAL, R., 2018. Perceptions of HIV testing venues among men who have sex with men in London and the Midlands, United Kingdom. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 30 (4), pp. 336-355. ISSN 1053-8720
JASPAL, R. and NERLICH, B., 2017. Polarised press reporting about HIV prevention: social representations of pre-exposure prophylaxis in the UK press. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine, 21 (5), pp. 478-497. ISSN 1363-4593
DARAMILAS, C. and JASPAL, R., 2017. Measuring patient satisfaction: insights from social psychology. Social Psychological Review, 19 (1), pp. 20-35. ISSN 1369-7862
MITHA, K., ADATIA, S. and JASPAL, R., 2017. Two cultures, one identity: formulations of Australian Isma'ili Muslim identity. Contemporary Islam, 11 (1), pp. 41-60. ISSN 1872-0218
JASPAL, R., 2017. Coping with perceived ethnic prejudice on the gay scene. Journal of LGBT Youth, 14 (2), pp. 172-190. ISSN 1936-1653
JASPAL, R., 2017. Gay men's construction and management of identity on Grindr. Sexuality & Culture, 21 (1), pp. 187-204. ISSN 1095-5143
JASPAL, R. and WILLIAMSON, I., 2017. Identity management strategies among HIV-positive Colombian gay men in London. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 19 (12), pp. 1374-1388. ISSN 1369-1058
JASPAL, R., LOPES, B., JAMAL, Z., PACCOUD, I. and SEKHON, P., 2017. Sexual abuse and HIV-risk behaviour among black and minority ethnic men who have sex with men in the UK. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 20 (8), pp. 841-853. ISSN 1367-4676
JASPAL, R., 2017. Social identity theory. In: F.M. MOGHADDAM, ed., The SAGE encyclopedia of political behavior. Sage. ISBN 9781483391168; 9781483391144
JASPAL, R. and DARAMILAS, C., 2016. Perceptions of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among HIV-negative and HIV-positive men who have sex with men (MSM). Cogent Medicine, 3: 1256850. ISSN 2331-205X
JASPAL, R., NERLICH, B. and VAN VUUREN, K., 2016. Embracing and resisting climate identities in the Australian press: sceptics, scientists and politics. Public Understanding of Science, 25 (7), pp. 807-824. ISSN 0963-6625
JASPAL, R. and NERLICH, B., 2016. A ‘morning-after’ pill for HIV? Social representations of post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV in the British print media. Health, Risk & Society, 18 (5-6), pp. 225-246. ISSN 1369-8575
JASPAL, R., 2016. Grindr, chemsex and self-esteem. FS Magazine (155), pp. 30-31.
DARAMILAS, C. and JASPAL, R., 2016. HIV diagnosis and identity processes among men who have sex with men (MSM) in London, Athens and New York. Social Psychological Review, 18 (2), pp. 6-16. ISSN 1369-7862
JASPAL, R., 2016. What is it really like to be Black or Asian and gay? Outlife.
JASPAL, R., 2016. Antisemitism and anti-Zionism: representation, cognition and everyday talk. London: Routledge. ISBN 9781315567341
JASPAL, R., CARRIERE, K.R. and MOGHADDAM, F.M., 2016. Bridging micro, meso, and macro processes in social psychology. In: J. VALSINER, G. MARSICO, N. CHAUDHARY, T. SATO and V. DAZZANI, eds., Psychology as the science of human being. Annals of theoretical psychology (13). Cham: Springer, pp. 265-276. ISBN 9783319210933
JASPAL, R. and TAKHAR, O.K., 2016. Caste and identity processes among British Sikhs in the Midlands. Sikh Formations, 12 (1), pp. 87-102. ISSN 1744-8727
FISH, J., PAPALOUKAS, P., JASPAL, R. and WILLIAMSON, I., 2016. Equality in sexual health promotion: a systematic review of effective interventions for black and minority ethnic men who have sex with men. BMC Public Health, 16 (1): 810.
JASPAL, R., 2016. 'I have two homelands': constructing and managing Iranian Jewish and Persian Israeli identities. Israel Affairs, 22 (2), pp. 423-443. ISSN 1353-7121
JASPAL, R. and BREAKWELL, G., 2016. Identity process theory: identity, social action and social change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781316617915
JASPAL, R., 2016. Islam and homosexuality. In: The Wiley Blackwell encyclopedia of gender and sexuality studies. John Wiley and Sons. ISBN 9781405196949
JASPAL, R., 2016. Muslim LGB people. In: A.E. GOLDBERG, ed., The SAGE encyclopedia of LGBTQ studies. SAGE Publications, Inc.. ISBN 9781483371306
JASPAL, R., 2016. Pre-exposure prophylaxis in the UK: Identity, stigma and activism. In: P. REILLY, A. VENETI and D. ATANASOVA, eds., Politics, protest, emotion: interdisciplinary perspectives. Montreal, Quebec: Pressbooks, pp. 162-168.
JASPAL, R., 2015. Antisemitism and anti-Zionism in Iran: the effects of identity, threat, and political trust. Contemporary Jewry, 35 (3), pp. 211-235. ISSN 0147-1694
JASPAL, R., 2015. ESOL: an opportunity for challenging homophobia. Language Issues, 26 (1), pp. 21-28. ISSN 0268-5833
LOPES, B. and JASPAL, R., 2015. Paranoia predicts out-group prejudice: preliminary experimental data. Mental Health, Religion and Culture, 18 (5), pp. 380-395. ISSN 1367-4676
JASPAL, R., 2015. The experience of relationship dissolution among British South Asian gay men: identity threat and protection. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 12 (1), pp. 34-46. ISSN 1868-9884
JASPAL, R., 2015. The Ashgate research companion to contemporary religion and sexuality. Journal of Contemporary Religion, 30 (2), pp. 353-357. ISSN 1353-7903
JASPAL, R., 2015. Constructing and protecting identity in a diverse higher education context. Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education, 19 (4), pp. 127-134. ISSN 1360-3108
JASPAL, R., 2015. Globalising hatred: the new Antisemitism, by Denis MacShane, London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2008, ISBN 0753823098. Israel Affairs, 21 (4), pp. 701-704. ISSN 1353-7121
JASPAL, R., 2015. Identity, social‐psychological aspects of. In: J. STONE, R.M. DENNIS, P.S. RIZOVA, A.D. SMITH and X. HOU, eds., The Wiley Blackwell encyclopedia of race, ethnicity, and nationalism. John Wiley and Sons. ISBN 9781405189781
JASPAL, R., 2015. Migration and identity processes among first-generation British South Asians. South Asian Diaspora, 7 (2), pp. 79-96. ISSN 1943-8192
JASPAL, R., 2015. Non-heterosexual British Asian men: social representations, identity and social relations. In: J.D. WRIGHT, ed., International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences. 2nd ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 861-866. ISBN 9780080970875
JASPAL, R., 2015. Psychological warfare in the Arab-Israeli conflict, by Ron Schleifer (2014). New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. Israel Affairs, 21 (4), pp. 704-707. ISSN 1353-7121
JASPAL, R., NERLICH, B. and LEMAŃCYZK, S., 2014. Fracking in the Polish press: geopolitics and national identity. Energy Policy, 74, pp. 253-261. ISSN 0301-4215
JASPAL, R., TURNER, A. and NERLICH, B., 2014. Fracking on YouTube: exploring risks, benefits and human values. Environmental Values, 23 (5), pp. 501-527. ISSN 0963-2719
JASPAL, R. and CINNIRELLA, M., 2014. Hyper-affiliation to the religious in-group among British Pakistani Muslim gay men. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 24 (4), pp. 265-277. ISSN 1052-9284
JASPAL, R. and COYLE, A., 2014. Threat, victimhood, and peace: debating the 2011 Palestinian UN state membership bid. Digest of Middle East Studies, 23 (1), pp. 190-214. ISSN 1949-3606
JASPAL, R. and NERLICH, B., 2014. Fracking in the UK press: threat dynamics in an unfolding debate. Public Understanding of Science, 23 (3), pp. 348-363. ISSN 0963-6625
AMIOT, C.E. and JASPAL, R., 2014. Identity integration, psychological coherence and identity threat: linking identity process theory and notions of integration. In: R. JASPAL and G.M. BREAKWELL, eds., Identity process theory: identity, social action and social change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 155-174. ISBN 9781139136983
JASPAL, R. and NERLICH, B., 2014. When climate science became climate politics: British media representations of climate change in 1988. Public Understanding of Science, 23 (2), pp. 122-141. ISSN 0963-6625
JASPAL, R., 2014. Arranged marriage, identity, and well-being among British Asian gay men. Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 10 (5), pp. 425-448. ISSN 1550-428X
JASPAL, R., 2014. Delegitimizing Jews and Israel in Iran's International Holocaust Cartoon Contest. Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, 13 (2), pp. 167-189. ISSN 1472-5886
JASPAL, R., NERLICH, B. and CINNIRELLA, M., 2014. Human responses to climate change: social representation, identity and socio-psychological action. Environmental Communication, 8 (1), pp. 110-130. ISSN 1752-4032
NERLICH, B. and JASPAL, R., 2014. Images of extreme weather: symbolising human responses to climate change. Science as Culture, 23 (2), pp. 253-276. ISSN 0950-5431
JASPAL, R., 2014. Representing the 'Zionist regime': mass communication of anti-Zionism in the English-language Iranian press. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 41 (3), pp. 287-305. ISSN 1353-0194
JASPAL, R., 2014. Representing the Arab Spring in the Iranian press: Islamic awakening or foreign-sponsored terror? Politics, Groups, and Identities, 2 (3), pp. 422-442. ISSN 2156-5503
JASPAL, R., 2014. Sexuality, migration and identity among gay Iranian migrants to the UK. In: R. SNOWDON and Y. TAYLOR, eds., Queering religion, religious queers. Routledge studies in religion (38). London: Routledge. ISBN 9780415843881
JASPAL, R., 2014. Social psychological debates about identity. In: R. JASPAL and G.M. BREAKWELL, eds., Identity process theory: identity, social action and social change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 3-19. ISBN 9781139136983
BARDI, A., JASPAL, R., POLEK, E. and SCHWARTZ, S.H., 2014. Values and identity process theory: theoretical integration and empirical interactions. In: R. JASPAL and G.M. BREAKWELL, eds., Identity process theory: identity, social action and social change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 175-200. ISBN 9781139136983
JASPAL, R., NERLICH, B. and KOTEYKO, N., 2013. Contesting science by appealing to its norms: readers discuss climate science in the Daily Mail. Science Communication, 35 (3), pp. 383-410. ISSN 1075-5470
JASPAL, R., 2013. British Sikh identity and the struggle for distinctiveness and continuity. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 23 (3), pp. 225-239. ISSN 1052-9284
KOTEYKO, N., JASPAL, R. and NERLICH, B., 2013. Climate change and 'climategate' in online reader comments: a mixed methods study. The Geographical Journal, 179 (1), pp. 74-86. ISSN 0016-7398
JASPAL, R., 2013. Anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism in Iran. Israel Affairs, 19 (2), pp. 231-258. ISSN 1353-7121
JASPAL, R. and SITARIDOU, I., 2013. Coping with stigmatized linguistic identities: identity and ethnolinguistic vitality among Andalusians. Identity, 13 (2), pp. 95-119. ISSN 1528-3488
JASPAL, R., 2013. Israel in the Iranian media: demonizing the "Zionist regime". Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, 7 (1), pp. 77-86. ISSN 2373-9789
O'HARA, S., HUMPHREY, M., JASPAL, R., NERLICH, B. and POBEREZHSKAYA, M., 2013. Public perception of shale gas extraction in the UK: how people's views are changing. Nottiingham: University of Nottingham.
NERLICH, B. and JASPAL, R., 2013. UK media representations of carbon capture and storage: actors, frames and metaphors. Metaphor and the Social World, 3 (1), pp. 35-53. ISSN 2210-4070
JASPAL, R. and CINNIRELLA, M., 2013. The construction of British national identity among British South Asians. National Identities, 15 (2), pp. 157-175. ISSN 1460-8944
JASPAL, R., 2012. Disfigurement: the challenges for identity and the strategies for coping. Psychological Studies, 57 (4), pp. 331-335. ISSN 0974-9861
JASPAL, R. and CINNIRELLA, M., 2012. The construction of ethnic identity: insights from identity process theory. Ethnicities, 12 (5), pp. 503-530. ISSN 1468-7968
JASPAL, R., 2012. 'I never faced up to being gay': sexual, religious and ethnic identities among British Indian and British Pakistani gay men. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 14 (7), pp. 767-780. ISSN 1369-1058
JASPAL, R., 2012. Coping with religious and cultural homophobia: emotion and narratives of identity threat among British Muslim gay men. In: P. NYNÄS and A. KAM-TUCK YIP, eds., Religion, gender and sexuality in everyday life. London: Routledge. ISBN 9781409445838
NERLICH, B. and JASPAL, R., 2012. Metaphors we die by? Geoengineering, metaphors, and the argument from catastrophe. Metaphor and Symbol, 27 (2), pp. 131-147. ISSN 1092-6488
JASPAL, R. and CINNIRELLA, M., 2012. Identity processes, threat, and interpersonal relations: accounts from British Muslim gay men. Journal of Homosexuality, 59 (2), pp. 215-240. ISSN 0091-8369
O'HARA, S., HUMPHREY, M., JASPAL, R., NERLICH, B. and POBEREZHSKAYA, M., 2012. Shale gas extraction in the UK: what the people think. University of Nottingham.
JASPAL, R. and SIRAJ, A., 2011. Perceptions of 'coming out' among British Muslim gay men. Psychology and Sexuality, 2 (3), pp. 183-197. ISSN 1941-9899
JASPAL, R., 2011. Delineating ethnic and religious identities in research with British South Asians. Psychological Studies, 56 (2), pp. 241-244. ISSN 0974-9861
JASPAL, R., 2011. Caste, social stigma and identity processes. Psychology and Developing Societies, 23 (1), pp. 27-62. ISSN 0971-3336
JASPAL, R. and YAMPOLSKY, M.A., 2011. Social representations of the Holocaust and Jewish Israeli identity construction: insights from identity process theory. Social Identities, 17 (2), pp. 201-224. ISSN 1350-4630
JASPAL, R., 2011. Priscila, (white) queen of the desert, by Damien Riggs: New York, Peter Lang, 2006, ISBN 0820486582. Psychology and Sexuality, 2 (1), pp. 99-102. ISSN 1941-9899
JASPAL, R. and CINNIRELLA, M., 2010. Coping with potentially incompatible identities: accounts of religious, ethnic, and sexual identities from British Pakistani men who identify as Muslim and gay. British Journal of Social Psychology, 49 (4), pp. 849-870. ISSN 0144-6665
JASPAL, R. and CINNIRELLA, M., 2010. Media representations of British Muslims and hybridised threats to identity. Contemporary Islam, 4 (3), pp. 289-310. ISSN 1872-0218
JASPAL, R., 2010. Identity threat among British Muslim gay men. The Psychologist, 23, pp. 640-641. ISSN 0952-8229
JASPAL, R. and COYLE, A., 2010. "Arabic is the language of the Muslims–that's how it was supposed to be": exploring language and religious identity through reflective accounts from young British-born South Asians. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 13 (1), pp. 17-36. ISSN 1367-4676
JASPAL, R. and COYLE, A., 2010. 'My language, my people': language and ethnic identity among British‐born South Asians. South Asian Diaspora, 2 (2), pp. 201-218. ISSN 1943-8192
JASPAL, R. and COYLE, A., 2009. Language and perceptions of identity threat. Psychology & Society, 2 (2), pp. 150-167. ISSN 2041-5893
JASPAL, R., 2009. ‘Insider’ or ‘outsider’? Conducting qualitative psychological research with British South Asians. PsyPAG Quarterly, 71, pp. 11-17. ISSN 1746-6016
JASPAL, R., 2009. Language and social identity: a psychosocial approach. Psych-Talk, 64, pp. 17-20. ISSN 2396-863X
JASPAL, R. and COYLE, A., 2009. Reconciling social psychology and socio-linguistics can have some benefits: language and identity among second generation British Asians. Social Psychological Review, 11 (2), pp. 3-14. ISSN 1369-7862