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ABDULHAMID, S. and DALWAI, T., 2024. CEO characteristics and dividend payout policies: evidence from emerging market. In: N. MANSOUR and L.M. BUJOSA VADELL, eds., Sustainability and financial services in the digital age: Proceedings from the 3rd Finance, Accounting, and Law in the Digital Age Conference, Salamanca, Spain, 2024. Springer proceedings in business and economics . Cham: Springer, pp. 157-171. ISBN 9783031675102

ABDULKARIM, H., CHEN, G. and KUMAMOTO, S., 2024. Impact of paradoxical leadership on employee resilience: in the context of Saudi Arabia. In: Proceedings of the British Academy of Management Conference (BAM 2024). British Academy of Management.. (Forthcoming)

ABDULLAH, S.I.N.W., KIT TENG, P. and MAT DELI, M.B., 2024. Towards sustainable consumption: the role of tourists. In: The key to a thriving future for organizations and society. Malaysia: Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM Press), pp. 92-102. ISBN 9786294861640

ABDULLAH, S.I.N.W., TENG, P.K., LIM, B.J.H. and COKKI, C., 2024. Navigating mobile marketing: unveiling mobile game in-app purchase intentions of Gen-Ys. In: B. BARBOSA, ed., Contemporary trends in innovative marketing strategies. IGI Global, pp. 278-303. ISBN 9798369312315

ACKRILL, R., 2024. Integrating economics into the teaching of European Union politics. In: V. GRAVEY and C. HUGGINS, eds., Teaching European Union politics. Elgar Guides to Teaching . Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 123-137. ISBN 9781839103704

ADAMIDIS, V. and WEBB, L., 2024. The role of tradition in classical and contemporary argument. In: B.N. LARSON and E.C. BRITT, eds., Rhetorical traditions and contemporary law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 45-74. (Forthcoming)

AKBAR, M.B., LAWSON, A. and TOMASELLA, B., 2024. What a waste! How charities can help use food wisely. In: S.-L. MITCHELL and F. HYDE, eds., The future of charity marketing. Routledge studies in marketing . Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9781032500713

AKKERMAN, R., HAIJEMA, R., KUNZ, M., DE LEEUW, S., NGUYEN, V., SCHELLEKENS, H. and VAN DER STELT, G., 2024. Supply chain resilience capabilities in European food supply chains: the impact of COVID-19 in the Netherlands. In: S. DE LEEUW, R. AKKERMAN and R. ROMERO-SILVA, eds., Frontiers in agri-food supply chains: frameworks and case studies. Burleigh Dodds series in Agricultural Science . Cambridge: Burleigh Dodds. ISBN 9781801462716

AL MAWAALI, T., AL HASHAR, O.N.K., AL ALAWI, N., DALWAI, T., MOHAMMADI, S.S. and BEN MAAOUIA, M., 2024. Business strategy and earnings management: financial versus non-financial firms. In: A. HAMDAN, B. ALAREENI and R. KHAMIS, eds., Digital technology and changing roles in managerial and financial accounting: theoretical knowledge and practical application. Leeds: Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 129-139. ISBN 9781804559734

AL-MUHAYA, M.A., AL-HADHRAMI, T., KAIWARTYA, O. and BROWN, D.J., 2024. A comprehensive comparison in time-slotted frame protocols in LoRaWAN IoT technology. In: 2023 IEEE Smart World Congress (SWC). IEEE. ISBN 9798350319811

ALMUHAYA, M., AL-HADHRAMI, T., KAIWARTYA, O. and BROWN, D.J., 2024. MBMD-LoRa scalable LoRaWAN for Internet of Things: a multi-band multi-data rate approach. In: N.-T. NGUYEN, B. FRANCZYK, A. LUDWIG, M. NUNEZ, J. TREUR, G. VOSSEN and A. KOZIERKIEWICZ, eds., Advances in computational collective intelligence: 16th International Conference, ICCCI 2024, Leipzig, Germany, September 9–11, 2024, proceedings, part II. Communications in Computer and Information Science . Cham: Springer, pp. 54-67. ISBN 9783031702587

ALSHAHMY, S. and SAHINER, M., 2024. Enhancing the issuance and monitoring of sustainable finance instruments through AI. In: T. WALKER, D. GRAMLICH and A. SADATI, eds., Artificial intelligence, finance, and sustainability: economic, ecological, and ethical implications. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 217-241. ISBN 9783031662041

ANTÓN, D., AL-HABAIBEH, A., CARRETERO AYUSO, M.J. and MARRERO, M., 2024. Assessing indoor hygrothermal conditions in unfavourable scenarios: open windows in a residential building in the coastal Mediterranean summer climate. In: C. RUBIO BELLIDO and M. TORRES GONZÁLEZ, eds., Towards low and positive energy buildings: thermal comfort, climate change, and energy efficiency approaches. Green energy and technology . Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 111-136. ISBN 9783031708503

ANTÓN, D., AMARO-MELLADO, J.-L., RICO-DELGADO, F. and DÍAZ-CAÑETE, P., 2024. Exploring the accessibility of deformed digital heritage models. In: B. TEJEDOR HERRÁN and D. BIENVENIDO-HUERTAS, eds., Diagnosis of heritage buildings by non-destructive techniques. Woodhead Publishing series in civil and structural engineering . London: Woodhead Publishing, pp. 275-302. ISBN 9780443160011

ANTÓN, D., AMARO-MELLADO, J.L. and AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2024. Investigating the use of 3D laser scanning to detect damage features in heritage buildings. In: B. TEJEDOR HERRÁN and D. BIENVENIDO-HUERTAS, eds., Diagnosis of heritage buildings by non-destructive techniques. Woodhead Publishing series in civil and structural engineering . London: Woodhead Publishing, pp. 219-244. ISBN 9780443160011

ANTÓN, D., LEÓN MUÑOZ, M.A., INFANTE PEREA, M.M., MARTÍN DEL RÍO, J.J. and CANTILLANA MERCHANTE, C., 2024. Técnicas de levantamiento arquitectónico aplicadas al arte textil sacro. In: D. VALVERDE CANTERO, J.M. CAÑIZARES MONTÓN, J.A. BARRERA VERA and P. RODRÍGUEZ NAVARRO, eds., Pensar dibujando. Proceedings of XVI International Conference of the Asociación de Profesores de Expresión Gráfica Aplicada a la Edificación APEGA 2023. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica de València, pp. 24-34. ISBN 9788413961149

ASSA-AGYEI, K., OWA, K., OLAJIDE, F. and AL-HADHRAMI, T., 2024. A multi-chaotic key expansion for Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm. In: 2024 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC). IEEE. ISBN 9798350371000


BAGULEY, T., PAUTZ, N., SMITH, H., JUSTICE, L. and GUEST, D., 2024. Memory. In: P. BANYARD, G. DILLON, C. NORMAN and B. WINDER, eds., Essential psychology. 4th ed. SAGE Publications. ISBN 9781529666564 (Forthcoming)

BARTOLI, A., 2024. Supporting social workers: the role of supervision. In: R. CLAWSON, L. WARWICK and R. FYSON, eds., The child protection handbook. 4th ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 75-84. ISBN 9780702079771

BATHAEI JAVARESHK, M., WATKINS, M., JOBLING, P. and SIENA, L., 2024. Impacts of generative AI on engineering and product design students' performance. In: E. BOHEMIA, L. BUCK, H. GRIERSON, J. KIM, I. STORER and T. WHITEHEAD, eds., DS 131: Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (EPDE 2024). The Design Society, pp. 19-24. ISBN 9781912254200

BENNETT, T.C., INGHAM, M.P., COLLOFF, M.F., SMITH, H.M.J. and FLOWE, H.D., 2024. Technological advances in the administration of lineups. In: E. PICA, D. ROSS and J. POZZULO, eds., The impact of technology on the criminal justice system. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9781032346342 (Forthcoming)

BENNETT, T.C., SMITH, H.M.J. and FLOWE, H.D., 2024. Advances and future prospects in evolving face matching technologies for crime prevention and investigation. In: E. PICA, D. ROSS and J. POZZULO, eds., The impact of technology on the criminal justice system. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9781032346342 (Forthcoming)

BIBB, R., EGGBEER, D., PATERSON, A. and IQBAL MOHAMMED, M., 2024. Research applications case study 6—biomodeling with bio-inspired soft materials. In: Medical modeling: the application of advanced design and additive manufacturing techniques in medicine. Elsevier, pp. 743-763. ISBN 9780323957335

BIRD, J.J., BARNES, C.M. and LOTFI, A., 2024. AI generated art: latent diffusion-based style and detection. In: N. NAIK, P. JENKINS, P. GRACE, L. YANG and S. PRAJAPAT, eds., Advances in computational intelligence systems: contributions presented at the 22nd UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence (UKCI 2023), September 6–8, 2023, Birmingham, UK. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (1453). Cham: Springer, pp. 157-169. ISBN 9783031475078

BIRD, J.J., WRIGHT, D., SUMICH, A. and LOTFI, A., 2024. Generative AI in psychological therapy: perspectives on computational linguistics and large language models in written behaviour monitoring. In: PETRA '24: proceedings of the 17th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments. New York City: ACM, pp. 322-328. ISBN 9798400717604

BOHORAN, T.A., KAMPAKTSIS, P.N., MCCANN, G.P. and GIANNAKIDIS, A., 2024. Fast-tracking the deep residual network training for arrhythmia classification by leveraging the power of dynamical systems. In: 17th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems (SITIS 2023) proceedings. IEEE. ISBN 9798350370928

BOHORAN, T.A., KAMPAKTSIS, P.N., MCLAUGHLIN, L., LEB, J., MOUSTAKIDIS, S., MCCANN, G.P. and GIANNAKIDIS, A., 2024. Embracing uncertainty flexibility: harnessing a supervised tree kernel to empower ensemble modelling for 2D echocardiography-based prediction of right ventricular volume. In: W. OSTEN, ed., Proceedings of SPIE: Sixteenth International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2023). Bellingham, Washington: SPIE. ISBN 9781510674622

BORALESSA, K., IHIANLE, I.K., MACHADO, P., YAHAYA, S.W. and LOTFI, A., 2024. Input-adaptation approach for human activity recognition. In: PETRA '24: proceedings of the 17th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments. New York City: ACM, 369 - 374. ISBN 9798400717604

BOUARAR, A.C., MOULOUDJ, K., ABDULLAH, S.I.N.W., ABDELOUAHAD, N., ATAMNIA, A., KEBAB, M. and MOULOUDJ, S., 2024. Intention to adopt Islamic financing in Algeria: extending TPB. In: A. RAFIKI and A. SAREA, eds., Innovative ventures and strategies in Islamic business. IGI Global, pp. 27-50. ISBN 9798369339800

BOULE, J.-P., 2024. Il y a toujours quelque chose qui revient. Une forme de chorégraphie intime, intérieure et extérieure: entretien avec Abdella Taïa. In: S. TEMPLE, ed., Connivences et convergences avec Ralph Heyndels: contributions, témoignages, hommages. Caen: Traverses. ISBN 9782494521254

BOWES, A. and CULVIN, A., 2024. Social media and online activism in women's rugby: from #IAmEnough to #ICare. In: S. LAWRENCE, J. HILL and R. MOWATT, eds., Routledge handbook of sport, leisure, and social justice. London: Routledge, pp. 459-470. ISBN 9781003389682

BRAITHWAITE, N. and TRENCHER, L., 2024. Building a student community for social change: how institutional collaboration and peer learning supports a strategy for embedding sustainability within fashion business education. In: T. WALL, L.V. TREVISAN, W.L. FILHO and A. SHORE, eds., Sustainability in business education, research and practices. World Sustainability Series . Cham, Switzerland: Springer. ISBN 9783031559952 (Forthcoming)

BRAITHWAITE, N. and TRENCHER, L., 2024. A green community for change, through sustainable development and entrepreneurship in the fashion business curriculum. In: L. TRENCHER, ed., North American and European perspectives on sustainability in higher education. Springer. (Forthcoming)

BRAUNEIS, A., MESTEL, R. and RAUCH, M., 2024. Financial economics of automated market makers. In: H. CRONQVIST and D.-J. PELY, eds., The Elgar companion to decentralized finance, digital assets, and blockchain technologies. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 167-190. ISBN 9781035307753

BRIGGS-GOODE, A., BAXTER, G., OUTTRAM, T. and CHILDS, J., 2024. Nottingham lace: stories of industrial decline and textile heritage. In: J. CIRKLOVÁ, ed., Prague - heritages: past and present - built and social. AMPS Proceedings Series (35.3). AMPS (Architecture, Media, Politics, Society), pp. 516-524.

BROOK, E.E., SIENA, F.L. and RIDING, G.T., 2024. A hole in one: breaking barriers & creating communities by engaging product design students with creative model making & collaboration events. In: H. GRIERSON, E. BOHEMIA, L. BUCK, J. KIM, I. STORER and T. WHITEHEAD, eds., DS 131: Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2024). The Design Society, pp. 67-72. ISBN 9781912254200

BROOKES, G. and WRIGHT, D., 2024. Critical discourse studies and migration. In: W.L. ALLEN and C. VARGAS-SILVA, eds., Handbook of research methods in migration. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 136-152. ISBN 9781800378025

BROWN, A., 2024. Soundwalking in contested space. In: V. ČERVIAKOV, ed., Walking is still honest. About being and moving together. Vilnius, Lithuania: Vilnius Academy of Arts Press, pp. 83-99. ISBN 9786094474040


CAYGILL, T., 2024. The legislature. In: J. WILLETT and A. GIOVANNINI, eds., An introduction to UK politics: place, pluralism, and identities. London: SAGE, pp. 205-224. ISBN 9781529602890

CHAPMAN, A., HARRISON, C.L., JONES, C., THORNTON, J., WORLEY, R. and WYATT, J.C., 2024. Sociotechnical considerations for accessibility and equity in AI for healthcare. In: WWW'24: companion proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2024. New York: Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 1158-1161. ISBN 9798400701726

CHAPPELL, D., 2024. A superconvergent convolution quadrature method for time-dependent dynamical energy analysis. In: Proceedings of ISMA2024 including USD2024. Leuven: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, pp. 4014-4019.

CHEHEB, I., 2024. An investigation into the impact of occlusion on facial emotion recognition in the wild. In: PETRA '24: proceedings of the 17th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments. ACM. ISBN 9798400717604

CHIMIMBA, P., RASHID, A., ADIGÜZEL, F. and GRZEGORCZYK, M., 2024. Continuance usage of voice assistants in the online fashion industry during the online shopping journey: an exploratory research on ethnic consumers. In: BAM2024 proceedings. London: British Academy of Management.

CHOWDHURY, R. and MAHONEY, I., 2024. Future directions in frameworks of holistic approaches in (re)integration and (re)settlement. In: I. MAHONEY and R. CHOWDHURY, eds., Holistic responses to reducing reoffending. Routledge frontiers of criminal justice . Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 203-214. ISBN 9781032378657

CHOWDHURY, R. and MAHONEY, I., 2024. Holistic responses as an approach to addressing minority needs in reducing reoffending. In: I. MAHONEY and R. CHOWDHURY, eds., Holistic responses to reducing reoffending. Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice . Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 101-120. ISBN 9781032378657

CLEGHORN, L. and COUNTY, K., 2024. Caribbean perspectives on domestic violence: a systematic review of frames and responses to domestic violence. In: W.C. WALLACE, ed., The Palgrave handbook of Caribbean criminology. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 333-350. ISBN 9783031523779

CLOVIS, J. and CAIAZZO, S., 2024. Lending efficiency in European banks: a stochastic frontier analysis. In: M. VEYSEL KAYA and P. CHODNICKA-JAWORSKA, eds., Conference proceedings of “2nd RSEP International Multidisciplinary Conference” 28-29 May 2024, Istanbul, Turkiye. Ankara, Turkey: BC Grup Inc., pp. 26-40. ISBN 9786259841830

COOKE, M., PARADIS, K., SHARP, L.-A., WOODS, D. and SARKAR, M., 2024. Seeking clarity on psychological safety: tackling myths and misconceptions in competitive sport. In: A. WHITEHEAD and J. COE, eds., Myths of sport performance. Sequoia Books, pp. 169-181. ISBN 9781914110382


DE LEEUW, S., AKKERMAN, R. and ROMERO-SILVA, R., 2024. Studying agri-food supply chains: an analytical framework. In: S. DE LEEUW, R. AKKERMAN and R. ROMERO-SILVA, eds., Frontiers in agri-food supply chains: frameworks and case studies. Burleigh Dodds series in Agricultural Science . Cambridge: Burleigh Dodds. ISBN 9781801462716

DEMIRALAY, S., GENCER, H.G. and BAYRACI, S., 2024. Time-scale behaviour of co-movements between renewable energy stocks and other financial assets. In: N. KETENCI, ed., Transition to the circular economy model: the case of Turkey. Cham: Springer, pp. 105-132. ISBN 9783031526992

DI BONITO, M., DE FEUDIS, M., SMITH, B. and ZHANG, H., 2024. Extraction and characterization of pore water from contaminated soils. In: Environmental geochemistry: site characterization, data analysis, case histories, and associated health issues. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 271-328. ISBN 9780443138010

DUODU, R., LINKE, D. and LEO, J.C., 2024. Fluorescent labeling of outer membrane proteins using the SpyCatcher-SpyTag system. In: R. IEVA, ed., Transmembrane β-barrel proteins: methods and protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology (2778). New York, NY: Humana, pp. 53-63. ISBN 9781071637333


EARLE, S., BLACKBURN, M., CHAMBERS, L., DOWNING, J., FLEMMING, K., HALE, J., MARSTON, H.R., O'DELL, L., SINASON, V. and WHITNEY, S., 2024. 'I could cry all day, every day, about my losses': caring for young adults with life-shortening conditions — families' experiences of disruption and loss. In: K. JONES and J. HORNE, eds., Understanding the grief and loss experiences of carers: research, practitioner and personal perspectives. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 27-40. ISBN 9781032564043

ECKERSLEY, P., 2024. Balancing cooperative federalism with local autonomy: subnational governments and governance in Germany. In: C.N. AVELLANEDA and R.A. BELLO-GÓMEZ, eds., Handbook on subnational governments and governance. Elgar Handbooks in Public Administration and Management . Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 299-311. ISBN 9781803925363


FAKOUSH, H. and MACHIN, R., 2024. Countering dominant immigration trends: an evaluation of the implication of bespoke UK resettlement schemes. In: B. SOJKA, S. KÖPPE, A. PARMA and R. CEFALO, eds., Analysis and debate in social policy, 2024. Social Policy Review (36). Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 172-193. ISBN 9781447373575

FALEH, M. and ALSHAMASI, S., 2024. Learning from tradition in the face of globalization: a comparative study of vernacular and modern housing in the oases of Tunisia and Saudi Arabia. In: M. GILLEM, H. ISSA and A. SARASMITA, eds., Traditional dwelling and settlements. IASTE Working Paper Series (333). International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments, pp. 51-72.

FERNÁNDEZ-VALDERRAMA, P., ANTÓN, D., MARÍN-GARCÍA, D. and CARRETERO-AYUSO, M.J., 2024. Adapting agile scrum methodology for the subject of building project design in university teaching. In: D. BIENVENIDO-HUERTAS, M.L. DE LA HOZ-TORRES and A.J. AGUILAR AGUILERA, eds., Teaching innovation in architecture and building engineering: challenges of the 21st century. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 275-291. ISBN 9783031596438

FINEBERG, N.A., GRANT, D., DEMETROVICS, Z., BRAND, M., BURKAUSKAS, J., CORAZZA, O., GANSNER, M., GENTILE, D.A., GJONESKA, B., GRIFFITHS, M.D., KIRÁLY, O., POTENZA, M.N. and WEINSTEIN, A.M., 2024. Problematic internet use: a general perspective. In: D.A. CHRISTAKIS and L. HALE, eds., Handbook of children and screens: digital media, development, and well-being from birth through adolescence. Cham: Springer, pp. 179-185. ISBN 9783031693618


GAZZARD, M., HICKS, H., IHIANLE, I.K., BIRD, J.J., HASAN, M.M. and MACHADO, P., 2024. WeedScout: real-time autonomous blackgrass classification and mapping using dedicated hardware. In: M.N. HUDA, M. WANG and T. KALGANOVA, eds., Towards autonomous robotic systems: 25th annual conference, TAROS 2024, London, UK, August 21–23, 2024, proceedings, part I. Lecture notes in computer science . Cham: Springer. ISBN 9783031720581

GORDON, S., 2024. Policy paired with technology. In: K. NIINIMÄKI, ed., Recycling and lifetime management in the textile and fashion sector. Boca Raton: CRC Press, pp. 195-213. ISBN 9780367490836

GRIFFITHS, M.D., STAVROPOULOS, V., PONTES, H.M., CARBONELL, X., KING, D.L., LIN, C.-Y., DEMETROVICS, Z. and KIRÁLY, O., 2024. Gaming disorder among children and adolescents. In: D.A. CHRISTAKIS and L. HALE, eds., Handbook of children and screens: digital media, development, and well-being from birth through adolescence. Cham: Springer, pp. 187-194. ISBN 9783031693618

GRIFFITHS, M.D., CALADO, F., FINO, E., KIRCABURUN, K. and PONTES, H.M., 2024. Technology-mediated problematic behaviors. In: I.M. MARTIN and D.W. STEWART, eds., Maladaptive consumer behavior: theory, research, and intervention. Palgrave studies in marketing, organizations and society . Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 73-101. ISBN 9783031601989


HASAN, M.M., RAHMAN, M.M., ALI, M.M. and MACHADO, P., 2024. QuantoTrace: quantum error correction as a service for robust quantum computing. In: Proceedings: 6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information and Communication Technology (ICEEICT). IEEE, pp. 616-621. ISBN 9798350385779

HE, Y., RAMANATHAN, U., YEONG, A. and RAMANATHAN, R., 2024. Supply chain resilience for the present and the future based on reflections on the past: examining the role of technology. In: BAM2024 proceedings. British Academy of Management. (Forthcoming)

HILL, R., 2024. Consequences for the mental health of families of responders to pandemics, major incidents, and emergencies. In: R. WILLIAMS, V. KEMP, K. PORTER, T. HEALING and J. DRURY, eds., Major incidents, pandemics and mental health: the psychosocial aspects of health emergencies, incidents, disasters and disease outbreaks. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 293 - 300. ISBN 9781009019330

HILL, R., 2024. Reaching beyond mitigation and adaptation: using resilience structures and psychological theory to plan and manage the impacts of a changing climate in our homes and communities. In: M.G. ABDELMONEM, ed., Home, family and climate change: understanding the power of home to transform societies in the face of climate emergency. Policy report. York: University of York, pp. 67-70.

HODGSON, N., 2024. Melisende of Jerusalem. In: E. JACKSON and J. HARRISON, eds., Medieval women: voices & visions. London: British Library, pp. 124-127. ISBN 9780712355902

HODGSON, N., 2024. Women and movement. In: E. JACKSON and J. HARRISON, eds., Medieval women: voices & visions. London: British Library. ISBN 9780712355902

HOLLAND, P., BREWSTER, C. and KOUGIANNOU, N.K., 2024. The changing nature of work, employment and flexibility. In: P. HOLLAND, C. BREWSTER and N.K. KOUGIANNOU, eds., Work, employment and flexibility: innovation, technology and the changing world of work. Future of work and employment . Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 2-13. ISBN 9781035309351

HOLLAND, P., KOUGIANNOU, N.K. and BREWSTER, C., 2024. Innovation, technology and the changing world of work. In: P. HOLLAND, C. BREWSTER and N.K. KOUGIANNOU, eds., Work, employment and flexibility: innovation, technology and the changing world of work. Future of work and employment . Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 242-247. ISBN 9781035309351

HUGGINS, R., ZHAO, Y. and THOMPSON, P., 2024. Behavioural profiling and entrepreneurial ecosystems: a psychocultural analysis of entrepreneur type in deprived areas. In: R. HUGGINS, P. THOMPSON, F. KITAGAWA, C. THEODORAKI and D. PROKOP, eds., Entrepreneurial ecosystems in cities and regions: emergence, evolution, and future. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 440-460. ISBN 9780192866264

HUGHES-RILEY, T., SHAHIDI, A.M., MARASINGHE, K., RAHEMTULLA, Z., EHELAGASTHENNA, M., EBRAHIMI, P., ARM, R., OLIVEIRA, C., HOLMQUIST, L.E. and DIAS, T., 2024. Wearable electronic textiles for healthcare, wellbeing, and protective applications. In: CHI 24: extended abstracts of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York: ACM. ISBN 9798400703317

HURREN, E. and KING, S., 2024. Circulation, circularity and the place of institutions in nineteenth century England and Wales. In: C. BEARDMORE, ed., Navigating the nineteenth century institution. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 177-202. ISBN 9781036404413


IBIDUNNI, A.S., OGUNDANA, O. and OLOKUNDUN, M.A., 2024. Innovation and entrepreneurial capacities as facilitators of sustainable development in sub-Saharan Africa’s informal economy. In: A.S. IBIDUNNI, O.M. OGUNDANA and M.A. OLOKUNDUN, eds., Innovation, entrepreneurship and the informal economy in sub–Saharan Africa: a sustainable development agenda. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9783031462924 (Forthcoming)

ILIEVA, J. and TSILIGKIRIS, V., 2024. Globally engaged and locally relevant - revisiting higher education. In: L. WANG, P.G. ALTBACH and H. DE WIT, eds., International dimensions and trends in higher education in troubled times: insights from key global publications 2018–2023 in international higher education. Leiden: Brill, pp. 379-381. ISBN 9789004713888

ILIEVA, J. and TSILIGKIRIS, V., 2024. The future of UK universities’ transnational education engagement. In: L. WANG, P.G. ALTBACH and H. DE WIT, eds., International dimensions and trends in higher education in troubled times: insights from key global publications 2018–2023 in international higher education. Global perspectives on higher education (055). Leiden: Brill, pp. 362-365. ISBN 9789004713901


JAYAKUMAR, S., SADIQ, A.S., HAMDARE, S. and KAIWARTYA, O., 2024. Driving safely in the digital age: securing connected cars against cyber threats. In: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Control and Intelligent Systems (I2CACIS). IEEE. (Forthcoming)

JOHNSON, T., WOODWARD, K. and KANJO, E., 2024. Emotion on the edge: air quality sensors decoded as a real-world emotion indicator. In: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 267-272. ISBN 9798350304367

JONES, S.A. and NOPPENEY, U., 2024. Multisensory integration and causal inference in typical and atypical populations. In: Y. GU and A. ZAIDEL, eds., Advances of multisensory integration in the brain. Singapore: Springer, pp. 59-76. ISBN 9789819976102

JONES, I., 2024. Men’s experience of grief and loss across dual emotional domains. In: K. JONES and M. ROBB, eds., Men and loss: new perspectives on bereavement, grief and masculinity. Routledge Key Themes in Health and Society . Oxon: Routledge, pp. 112-123. ISBN 9781032368238


KAILL, N., MOHAMMED, M., BIBB, R., RAHIMIFARD, S., QURONFULEH, B. and MARDINA, Z., 2024. Investigating the impact of decontamination on recycled ABS viability in additive manufacturing. In: Proceedings of the 35th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF2024). Austin, Texas: University of Texas at Austin, pp. 991-999.

KAWAF, F., 2024. Screencast videography: capturing experience in virtual worlds. In: F. KAWAF and O. DEKEL-DACHS, eds., Visual methods in marketing and consumer research. Routledge Studies in Marketing . Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 77-98. ISBN 9781032316826

KAWAF, F. and DEKEL-DACHS, O., 2024. Introduction to visual methods. In: F. KAWAF and O. DEKEL-DACHS, eds., Visual methods in marketing and consumer research. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1-7. ISBN 9781032316826

KENNEA, P., MALCOLM, R., SIENA, F.L., STEWART, J. and CUTTS, A., 2024. The power of the pen/pencil: developing a design sketching syllabus to help 1st year product design students communicate effectively. In: C. GRAY, P. HEKKERT, L. FORLANO and P. CIUCCARELLI, eds., Conference proceedings: DRS2024: Boston. DRS biennial conference series . Design Research Society.

KING, S. and YATES, M., 2024. Life-cycle and the navigation of the new poor law workhouse: the case of casuals and vagrants. In: C. BEARDMORE, ed., Navigating the nineteenth-century institution: asylum and workhouse. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 20-44. ISBN 9781036404413

KIT TENG, P., ABDULLAH, S.I.N.W. and JIT HENG, B.L., 2024. Edible insects in business perspective towards achieving SDG16. In: The key to a thriving future for organizations and society. Malaysia: Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM Press), pp. 113-123. ISBN 9786294861640

KOBEISSE, S. and HOLMQUIST, L.E., 2024. Moving inside the box: interacting with interpretation of historical artefacts through tangible augmented reality. In: W.-H. CHENG, W.-T. CHU, J. LIU, M. KIM and W. ZHANG, eds., MMAsia '23: Proceedings of the 5th ACM International Conference on Multimedia in Asia. ACM. ISBN 9798400702051

KONIOS, A., GARCIA-CONSTANTINO, M., EKERETE, I., MUSTAFA, M.A., LOPEZ-NAVA, I.H. and ALTAMIRANO-FLORES, Y.V., 2024. Use of thermal sensor data for personalised mood detection in activities of daily living (ADLs). In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing & Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI 2024). Lecture notes in networks and systems . Cham: Springer Cham.

KOUGIANNOU, N.K. and HOLLAND, P., 2024. Workplace communication in the age of virtual flexibility. In: P. HOLLAND, C. BREWSTER and N.K. KOUGIANNOU, eds., Work, employment and flexibility: innovation, technology and the changing world of work. Future of work and employment . Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 134-148. ISBN 9781035309351

KOUGIANNOU, N.K. and MENDONÇA, P., 2024. Exploring the shifting landscape of work and employment: the interplay between technology, flexibility, and regulation. In: P. HOLLAND, C. BREWSTER and N.K. KOUGIANNOU, eds., Work, employment and flexibility: innovation, technology and the changing world of work. Future of work and employment . Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 14-34. ISBN 9781035309351

KUSHNIR, I., 2024. Introduction. In: I. KUSHNIR, K. SOOD, M. SANG AH-PARK, H. ZHONG and N. SERRET, eds., Education and sustainable development in the context of crises: international case studies of transformational change. Bingley: Emerald. (Forthcoming)


LANDSTRÖM, K. and CRAWLEY, H., 2024. Migration research, coloniality and epistemic injustice. In: H. CRAWLEY and J.K. TEYE, eds., The Palgrave handbook of South–South migration and inequality. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 83-104. ISBN 9783031398131

LE, P., NGUYEN, T.N. and LE, C., 2024. Navigating the green path: the role of climate incentives in shaping eco-innovation and firm policies. In: V.Q. TRINH, ed., Climate governance and corporate eco-innovation: a framework for sustainable companies. Sustainable Finance . London: Springer Nature, pp. 65-96. ISBN 9783031564222

LIANG, H., KOGOU, S., BUTLER, L. and CHEUNG, C.S., 2024. An interdisciplinary study of the Selden map of China (early seventeenth century): from spectral imaging and machine learning to art history and cartography. In: D. LANGE and B. VAN DER LINDE, eds., Maps and colours: a complex relationship. Brill. ISBN 9789004467354

LUMBER, R., 2024. Ecological peace and character strengths. In: R.M. NIEMIEC, ed., Peace psychology and character strengths: integrating science and practice. Peace psychology book series . Cham: Springer, pp. 207-226. ISBN 9783031669279

LUSSANA, S., 2024. Friendship. In: S. LIPSETT-RIVERA, ed., A cultural history of love in the Age of Empire. Cultural histories (Vol. 5). London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 65-83. ISBN 9781350119598


MACRORIE, R., ARBABI, H., EADSON, W., HANNA, R., MCCLUSKEY, K.C., SIMPSON, K. and WADE, F., 2024. Support place-based and inclusive supply chain, employment and skills strategies for housing-energy retrofit. In: A. CROWTHER, C. FOULDS, R. ROBISON and G. GLADKYKH, eds., Strengthening European energy policy: governance recommendations from innovative interdisciplinary collaborations. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 73-85. ISBN 9783031664809

MAHONEY, I. and CHOWDHURY, R., 2024. Situating holistic approaches to reducing reoffending. In: I. MAHONEY and R. CHOWDHURY, eds., Holistic responses to reducing reoffending. Routledge frontiers of criminal justice . Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1-16. ISBN 9781032378657

MAHONEY, I., TEAGUE, K., CUNLIFFE, M. and WINDER, B., 2024. Sexual abuse, safeguarding and prevention in sport. In: B. WINDER, K. HOCKEN, R. LIEVESLEY, C. HARPER, N. BLAGDEN, H. SWABY and P. BANYARD, eds., Sexual crime: victims and survivors. Sexual crime . Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan Cham, pp. 67-92. ISBN 9783031466250

MARGETTS, R., 2024. Modelling a three-wheeled electric car. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Bond Graph Modeling and Simulation ICBGM 2024. San Diego, California: Society for Modeling & Simulation International.

MASTERS, L., 2024. On the pillars of Pan-Africanism: an emerging AU foreign policy. In: M. CHAROUNTAKI, C. KOURTELIS and D. IRRERA, eds., Non-state actors and foreign policy agency: insights from area studies. Non-state actors in international relations . Cham: Springer, pp. 25-41. ISBN 9783031518843

MASTERS, L., 2024. On the pillars of pan-Africanism: an emerging AU foreign policy. In: M. CHAROUNTAKI, C. KOURTELIS and D. IRRERA, eds., Non-state actors and foreign policy agency: insights from area studies. Non-state actors in international relations . Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 25-41. ISBN 9783031518843

MASTERS, L., 2024. A diplomatic conduit: the role of science diplomacy in Africa. In: S. BOTHA and J.-A. VAN WYK, eds., Key issues in African diplomacy: developments and achievements. Bristol University Press, pp. 121-136. ISBN 9781529222579

MAT DELI, M., ABDULLAH, S.I.N.W. and HARUN, S.N., 2024. Integrated energy management systems for sustainable urban communities in society 5.0 in Malaysia. In: The key to a thriving future for organizations and society. Malaysia: Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM Press), pp. 46-59. ISBN 9786294861640

MATTHEWS, C., 2024. Knowing stuff: myths, science and reality. In: A. WHITEHEAD and J. COADY, eds., Myths of sport performance. Sequoia Books. (Forthcoming)

MATTHEWS, C. and ALHASHIMI, R., 2024. Ethical caring in academic supervision: brain damage in the field and moving beyond the ethics of ‘toxic green stuff’. In: K. HUGHES, G. SYKES, A. TARRANT and J. HUGHES, eds., F**k ups in social research: what to do when research goes wrong. Sage. (Forthcoming)

MCLOUGHLIN, E., FLETCHER, D., GRAHAM, H.L., ARNOLD, R., MADIGAN, D.J., SLAVICH, G.M. and MOORE, L.J., 2024. Cumulative lifetime stressor exposure and health in elite athletes: the moderating role of perfectionism. In: R.J. SCHINKE, ed., Mental health in sport and physical activity: selected writings from the ISSP Academy of Science. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9781032603964

MEUSKENS, I., LEO, J.C. and LINKE, D., 2024. Recombinant expression and overproduction of transmembrane β-barrel proteins. In: R. IEVA, ed., Transmembrane β-barrel proteins: methods and protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology (2778). New York, NY: Humana, pp. 31-41. ISBN 9781071637333

MOLTHAN-HILL, P., LEDLEY, T.S., BLAJ-WARD, L. and MBAH, M.F., 2024. Climate change education at universities: relevance and strategies for every discipline. In: Handbook of climate change mitigation and adaptation. New York: Springer, pp. 1-70. ISBN 9781461464310

MORTON, N., 2024. Does the Templar master Gerard of Ridefort deserve his reputation as an arrogant fool? A re-examination of the battle of Cresson. In: P. EDBURY and P. WEBSTER, eds., Military orders and Crusades: essays presented to Helen Nicholson. Abingdon: Routledge. (Forthcoming)

MULLA, F. and CHOWDHURY, R., 2024. Surviving sexual abuse cloaked in spiritual abuse. In: B. WINDER, K. HOCKEN, R. LIEVESLEY, C. HARPER, N. BLAGDEN, H. SWABY and P. BANYARD, eds., Sexual crime: victims and survivors. Sexual crime . Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 247-266. ISBN 9783031466250

MUNK, T., 2024. Concluding remarks, the merger of the online and offline worlds. In: T. MUNK and M. KENNEDY, eds., Victimisation in the digital age: an online/offline continuum approach. Routledge studies in crime and society . Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 239-251. ISBN 9781032714080

MUNK, T. and AHMAD, J., 2024. Deception as an online weapon: does the truth matter? In: T. MUNK and M. KENNEDY, eds., Victimisation in the digital age: an online/offline continuum approach. Routledge studies in crime and society . Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 98-118. ISBN 9781032714080

MUNK, T., CRAWFORD, Z.A., DOORNBOS, E., FAISAL, A., GRAHAM, N., HARRIS, E., JACKSON, C.A., KENNEDY, M.C., MEGGYESFALVI, B. and RODRIGUEZ, S., 2024. Navigating the online-offline continuum: exploring victims, spaces, and dangers. In: T. MUNK and M. KENNEDY, eds., Victimisation in the digital age: an online/offline continuum approach. Routledge studies in crime and society . Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 14-32. ISBN 9781032714080


NEMETH, S. and HOLMQUIST, L.E., 2024. Conjoint control: a practical approach to implementing physical interfaces in real-world settings. In: UNSPECIFIED Berlin: Springer. (Forthcoming)

NEWMAN, K., STACK, R., RENNOLDSON, M., ZYSK, E., SUNDIN, E. and PREMKUMAR, P., 2024. Health psychology. In: Essential psychology. London: SAGE, pp. 576-598. ISBN 9781529666571

NGUYEN, H.D. and WATLING, D., 2024. Voluntary intentions: an attribution perspective. In: BAM2024 proceedings. London: British Academy of Management.


OLANIYAN, R., HINGUN, A. and JOHNSTON, P., 2024. Conceptualising the transformative impact of generative AI on the humanisation of brand creative narrative practices. In: BAM2024 proceedings. London: British Academy of Management.

OLDRIDGE, L. and RIDGWAY, M., 2024. The road less travelled to academia. In: The lives of early career researchers: HEPI report 169. Oxford: Higher Education Policy Institute, pp. 31-35. ISBN 9781915744180

ONOSHAKPOR, C. and OGUNDANA, O.M., 2024. Motivating entrepreneurial activities to achieve sustainable development in sub-Saharan Africa. In: A.S. IBIDUNNI, O.M. OGUNDANA and M.A. OLOKUNDUN, eds., Innovation, entrepreneurship and the informal economy in Sub–Saharan Africa: a sustainable development agenda. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 93-120. ISBN 9783031462924


PEIRSON-SMITH, A. and CLAXTON, S., 2024. Waste not, want not: re-routing garment and textile waste streams to create circular fashion design eco-systems in Bangladesh and beyond. In: K. NIINIMÄKI, ed., Recycling and lifetime management in the textile and fashion sector. Abingdon: CRC Press, pp. 115-143. ISBN 9780367490836

POBEREZHSKAYA, M. and MARTUS, E., 2024. Climate obstruction in Russia: surviving a resource-dependent economy, an authoritarian regime, and a disappearing civil society. In: R.J. BRULLE, J.T. ROBERTS and M.C. SPENCER, eds., Climate obstruction across Europe. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 214-242. ISBN 9780197762042 (Forthcoming)


QUINONES, C. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2024. Workaholism. In: P.M. BAL, ed., Encyclopedia of organizational psychology. Elgar Encyclopedias in Business and Management . Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 736-743. ISBN 9781803921754


RAIDEN, A., KING, A. and OPOKU, A., 2024. Social value, the built environment and the Sustainable Development Goals. In: A. OPOKU, ed., Elgar companion to the built environment and the Sustainable Development Goals. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 372-386. ISBN 9781035300020

RAIDEN, A. and MANU, E., 2024. An ethnography of co-creating collaboration, innovation, and value. In: D. OSWALD and L. OLDE SCHOLTENHUIS, eds., Embracing ethnography: doing contextualised construction research. Routledge, pp. 239-252. ISBN 9781003379584

RANJBAR, S., LAKHI, M., BODAGHI, M., SAYAH IRANI, M. and ZOLFAGHARIAN, A., 2024. Silicone elastomer soft robots via 4D printing. In: A. ZOLFAGHARIAN and M. BODAGHI, eds., Smart materials in additive manufacturing. Volume 3, 4D-printed robotic materials, sensors, and actuators. Additive Manufacturing Materials and Technologies . Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 167-201. ISBN 9780443136733

RANKIN, B. and BOLTON-KING, R.S., 2024. Chapter 1: forensic science. In: N. NICDAEID and P.C. WHITE, eds., Crime scene to court: the essentials of forensic science. 5th ed. London: Royal Society of Chemistry, pp. 1-36. ISBN 9781839168000

RENWICK, D., CLARK, I. and CRICHTON, R., 2024. The limitations of individual analysis and alternative framing of employee green behaviour. In: Green human resource management: a view from the Global South countries. Accounting, finance, sustainability, governance and fraud . Singapore: Springer, pp. 11-30. ISBN 9789819971039 (Forthcoming)

ROESER, J., WOOD, C. and PHELAN, H., 2024. Language and literacy. In: P. BANYARD, G. DILLON, C. NORMAN and B. WINDER, eds., Essential psychology. 4th ed. London: SAGE Publications, pp. 626-648. ISBN 9781529666564

ROLPH, C., 2024. The end of the road and start of the journey: defending the thesis in a viva. In: C. ROLPH, ed., Supervising doctoral candidates. Surviving and thriving in academia . Leeds: Emerald, pp. 187-199. ISBN 9781837970513

ROMERO-SILVA, R., AKKERMAN, R. and DE LEEUW, S., 2024. Understanding and improving global agri-food supply chains in an interconnected world: a systems approach. In: S. DE LEEUW, R. AKKERMAN and R. ROMERO-SILVA, eds., Frontiers in agri-food supply chains: frameworks and case studies. Burleigh Dodds series in Agricultural Science . Cambridge: Burleigh Dodds. ISBN 9781801462716


SARKAR, M. and HILTON, S.J., 2024. Environmental and sociocultural influences on resilience in competitive sport. In: L. DAVIS, R. KEEGAN and S. JOWETT, eds., Social psychology in sport. Human Kinetics, pp. 319-334. ISBN 9781718201811

SHAHID, S., POLKINGHORNE, M. and BOBEVA, M., 2024. Exploring success factors underpinning the delivery of UN SDG-4 quality education projects in Pakistan. In: M.H. BILGIN, H. DANIS, E. DEMIR and M. ZIPPERLING, eds., Eurasian business and economics perspectives: proceedings of the 41st Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference. Eurasian studies in business and economics . Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 227-244. ISBN 9783031558122

SHALA, A. and KELLEZI, B., 2024. Gender violence, recognition and state responsibilities. In: V. MUSLIU and I.M. CHAO, eds., Feminist encounters in statebuilding: the role of women in making the state in Kosovo. Routledge Studies in Intervention and Statebuilding . Routledge. ISBN 9781032536484

SHER, A., LANGFORD, D., VILLAGRA, F. and AKANYETI, O., 2024. Automatic scoring of chair sit-to-stand test using a smartphone. In: G. PANOUTSOS, M. MAHFOUF and L.S. MIHAYLOVA, eds., Advances in computational intelligence systems: contributions presented at the 21st UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence, September 7–9, 2022, Sheffield, UK. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (1454). Cham: Springer, pp. 170-180. ISBN 9783031555671

SHOAIB, M., TAKO, A., FAYAD, R. and VARGAS-PALACIOS, A., 2024. Towards using simulation to evaluate the circular economy of small medical devices. In: Proceedings of the 2024 Winter Simulation Conference. Winter Simulation Conference. (Forthcoming)

SIENA, F., MALCOLM, R., KENNEA, P., STEWART, J. and CUTTS, A., 2024. The trajectory of design sketching: an inquiry into educational pathways, higher education transitions & design sketching syllabus development for 1st year product design students. In: H. GRIERSON, E. BOHEMIA, L. BUCK, J. KIM, I. STORER and T. WHITEHEAD, eds., DS 131: Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (EPDE 2024). The Design Society, pp. 330-335. ISBN 9781912254200

SIENA, F., RUSSELL, S., WINFIELD, K., MALCOLM, R., STEWART, J., HURFORD, T., WOOLLEY, J., DODL, A. and SALTER, S., 2024. Product design education for deaf & hard of hearing learners: examining the four year undergraduate learners experience. In: H. GRIERSON, E. BOHEMIA, L. BUCK, J. KIM, I. STORER and T. WHITEHEAD, eds., DS 131: Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2024). The Design Society, pp. 318-323. ISBN 9781912254200

SIENA, F.L., MALCOLM, R., KENNEA, P., FORBES, C. and STEWART, J., 2024. Reimagining design fundamentals: deschooling 1st year product design students. In: H. GRIERSON, E. BOHEMIA, L. BUCK, J. KIM, I. STORER and T. WHITEHEAD, eds., DS 131: Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2024). The Design Society, pp. 324-329. ISBN 9781912254200

SIMBA, A., 2024. Reassessing Western biases: an African perspective of entrepreneurship and innovation. In: Reference module in social sciences. Elsevier. ISBN 9780443157851

SINGH, K., DUBEY, R.S., RENWICK, D.W.S. and CRICHTON, R., 2024. Utilizing technology for sustainable resource management solutions: an introduction. In: K. SINGH, R.S. DUBEY, D.W.S. RENWICK and R. CRICHTON, eds., Utilizing technology for sustainable resource management solutions. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global, pp. 1-13. ISBN 9798369323465 (Forthcoming)

SLOAM, J. and HENN, M., 2024. Youthquake for the progressive left: making sense of the collapse of youth support for the Conservatives. In: D. JACKSON, K. PARRY, E. HARMER, D. LILLEKER, S. WRIGHT, J. FIRMSTONE and E. THORSEN, eds., UK election analysis 2024: media, voters and the campaign. Early reflections from leading academics. Poole: Centre for Comparative Politics & Media Research at Bournemouth University, p. 2. ISBN 9781910042366

SMITH MCGLOIN, R. and YOUNG, M.J., 2024. Working with non-academic collaborators. In: C. ROLPH, ed., Supervising doctoral candidates. Surviving and thriving in academia . Emerald, pp. 75-90. ISBN 9781837970513 (Forthcoming)

SUJEE, S., OTHMANI, S.H. and DALWAI, T., 2024. Toward a knowledge-based economy: empowering higher education in Oman with AI for vision 2040 achievement. In: N. MANSOUR and L.M. BUJOSA VADELL, eds., Finance and law in the metaverse world: regulation and financial innovation in the virtual world. Contributions to finance and accounting . Cham: Springer, pp. 133-142. ISBN 9783031675461

SUJEE, S., SOLANKI, R. and DALWAI, T., 2024. Empowering business growth: unleashing AI, IoT, and Blockchain integration strategies. In: B. ALAREENI and A. HAMDAN, eds., Navigating the technological tide: the evolution and challenges of business model innovation. Proceedings of the International Conference on Business and Technology (ICBT2024), volume 2. Cham: Springer, pp. 350-359. ISBN 9783031674365

SUMICH, A., LENZONI, S., THOMAS, C., STEVENSON, N., STANDEN, B., HARDY, A., HEYM, N. and XING, Y., 2024. Beneficial effects on subjective mood and brain function of biophilic quality in university environments shown in virtual reality. In: I. FAJNEROVÁ, P. GAMITO, D.J. BROWN, E. ROSENLUND HØEG and N. SHOPLAND, eds., The 15th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies. Proceedings. Klecany, Czech Republic: National Institute of Mental Health, Czech Republic, pp. 106-108. ISBN 9788087142639

SUN, J., JIANG, H., BUCHANAN, M., WAIN, R. and CHEN, X., 2024. MXene-based fibre optic Fabry-Perot interferometer for heavy metal detection. In: O. MATOBA, J.A. SHAW and C.R. VALENTA, eds., SPIE Future Sensing Technologies 2024. Proceedings of SPIE (13083). Washington: SPIE. ISBN 9781510674899

SUN, J., JIANG, H., COUTTS, A.S., ZHU, W., HUNT, J. and CHEN, X., 2024. Graphene integrated optical biosensor for detection of breast cancer cell media. In: I. GANNOT and K. ROODENKO, eds., Optical Fibers and Sensors for Medical Diagnostics, Treatment, and Environmental Applications XXIV. Proceedings of SPIE (12835). SPIE. ISBN 9781510669291

SUN, J., POVEDA-WONG, L., JIANG, H., CASCANTE-VINDAS, J., CRUZ, J.L., ANDRÉS, M.V. and CHEN, X., 2024. Hybrid optical fibre grating for label-free biodetection. In: K. KALLI, P. PETERKA and C.-A. BUNGE, eds., Specialty Optical Fibres VIII. Proceedings of SPIE (13001). SPIE.

SWANN, M., MACHADO, P., IHIANLE, I.K., YAHAYA, S., ZORRIASSATINE, F. and OIKONOMOU, A., 2024. SmartAntenna: enhancing wireless range with autonomous orientation. In: M.N. HUDA, M. WANG and T. KALGANOVA, eds., Towards autonomous robotic systems: 25th annual conference, TAROS 2024, London, UK, August 21–23, 2024, proceedings, part I. Lecture notes in computer science . Cham: Springer. ISBN 9783031720581


TAPIA, F., PRADEL, P. and BIBB, R., 2024. A conceptual model of industrial design practice. In: J. MALMQVIST, M. CANDI, R.J. SÆMUNDSSON, F. BYSTRÖM and O. ISAKSSON, eds., DS 130: Proceedings of NordDesign 2024, Reykjavik, Iceland, 12th - 14th August 2024. [Glasgow]: The Design Society, pp. 626-634. ISBN 9781912254217

TERRILL, D.J. and CHOWDHURY, R., 2024. Muslim males and forensic mental health: current challenges and the value of cultural competence. In: I. MAHONEY and R. CHOWDHURY, eds., Holistic responses to reducing reoffending. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 121-142. ISBN 9781032378657

THACKER, A., 2024. "Rest. Stay": life in the hotels of Katherine Mansfield. In: A. GASSTON and G. KIMBER, eds., Katherine Mansfield and London. Katherine Mansfield studies . Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 165-180. ISBN 9781399539166

THOMAS, C., XING, Y., KNIGHT, A. and BROWN, D., 2024. Existential biophilic VR therapy – developing a protocol for care settings. In: I. FAJNEROVÁ, P. GAMITO, D.J. BROWN, E. ROSENLUND HØEG and N. SHOPLAND, eds., Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies (ICDVRAT 2024). Prague: National Institute of Mental Health, Czech Republic. ISBN 9788087142639

TOWNSEND, K. and NIEDDERER, K., 2024. Embodied craft practices: mindful flow, creativity, and collaboration as drivers for wellbeing. In: N. NIMKULRAT and C. GROTH, eds., Craft and design practice from an embodied perspective. London: Routledge, pp. 66-79. ISBN 9781032356815

TSELONI, A. and HUNTER, J., 2024. Crime inequalities and distributive justice during the crime drop: Evidence from England and Wales in relation to crime incidences and offenders. In: S. FARRALL and S. MCVIE, eds., Handbook on crime and inequality. Edward Elgar. ISBN 9781800883598 (Forthcoming)

TWIGGER HOLROYD, A., 2024. Finding solidarity in Fashion Fictions. In: D. BRUGGEMAN, ed., Practicing solidarity: critical fashion and agency that matters. Arnhem: ArtEZ Press.

TWIGGER HOLROYD, A., 2024. Writing sustainable fashion worlds. In: A. SCHRAMME and N. VERBOVEN, eds., Sustainability and the fashion industry: can fashion save the world? Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9781032659053


VINOTH, S., CHINNASAMY, G. and DALWAI, T., 2024. Performance of indebted companies using a machine learning approach. In: N. MANSOUR and L.M. BUJOSA VADELL, eds., Sustainability and financial services in the digital age: Proceedings from the 3rd Finance, Accounting, and Law in the Digital Age Conference, Salamanca, Spain, 2024. Springer proceedings in business and economics . Cham: Springer, pp. 321-340. ISBN 9783031675102


WALIA, K. and BREEDON, P., 2024. Assembly Complexity Index (ACI): a framework to evaluate assembly process for validating a modular robotic design. In: AFHE International: human factors in design, engineering, and computing. New York: AHFE International. ISBN 9781964867359

WANE, P., 2024. Online-offline harms: when worlds collide. In: T. MUNK and M.C. KENNEDY, eds., Victimisation in the digital age: an online/offline continuum approach. Routledge studies in crime and society . Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 33-48. ISBN 9781032714080

WHITE, M., 2024. Housing market liquidity. In: K. GIBB, C. LEISHMAN, A. MARSH, G. MEEN, R. ONG VIFORJ and C. WATKINS, eds., The Routledge handbook of housing economics. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 133-149. ISBN 9780367347178

WHYSALL, Z., CHEN, H., KARANIKA-MURRAY, M. and HEWITT, M., 2024. Biases in presenteeism decision-making: is working whilst unwell the default option? In: BAM2024 proceedings. London: British Academy of Management.

WILDE, D., HEYM, N., ABELL, L., WILLIAMS, G. and FINO, E., 2024. Personality. In: P. BANYARD, G. DILLON, C. NORMAN and B. WINDER, eds., Essential psychology. London: Sage. ISBN 9781529666571

WITTEL, A. and BACHMANN, G., 2024. Solidarity in the digital commons. In: K. SCHMIDT and J. VAN LOON, eds., Herausforderung Solidarität: Konzepte – Kontroversen – Perspektiven [Challenge of solidarity: concepts - controversies - perspectives]. K'Universale - Interdisziplinäre Diskurse zu Fragen der Zeit (10). Bielefeld: Transcript, pp. 283-301. ISBN 9783837661019

WOOD, P., 2024. The inner development goals – changing educational systems to meet the challenge of human generated global crises. In: I. KUSHNIR, K. SOOD, M.S.-A. PARK, H. ZHONG and N. SERRET, eds., Education and sustainable development in the context of crises: international case studies of transformational change. Leeds: Emerald, pp. 125-139. ISBN 9781837977765

WRIGHT, D., 2024. The importance of context in analysing the incitement of violence: a case study of an online community. In: S. RÜDIGER and D. DAYTER, eds., Manipulation, influence and deception: the changing landscape of persuasive language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 157-176. ISBN 9781009098724 (Forthcoming)

WU, W., ZHANG, W., SADIQ, S., TSE, G., KHALID, S.G., FAN, Y. and LIU, H., 2024. Chapter 27 - an up-to-date systematic review on machine learning approaches for predicting treatment response in diabetes. In: S. DASH, S.K. PANI, W. SUSILO, B.M.Y. CHEUNG and G. TSE, eds., Internet of things and machine learning for type I and type II diabetes: use cases. London: Elsevier, pp. 397-409. ISBN 9780323956864


XING, Y., KAR, P., BIRD, J.J., SUMICH, A., CARPENTER VAN BARTHOLD, B., KNIGHT, A. and LOTFI, A., 2024. Exploring machine learning applications for biophilic art displays to promote health and well-being. In: PETRA '24: proceedings of the 17th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments. New York, NY: ACM. ISBN 9798400717604

XYGKOU, A., CHEE ANG, S., SIRIARAYA, P., KOPECKI, J., COVACI, A., KANJO, E. and SHE, W.J., 2024. Mindtalker: navigating the complexities of AI-enhanced social engagement for people with early-stage dementia. In: CHI '24: Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York, United States: Association for Computing Machinery. ISBN 9798400703300


ZAIN, M.Z.M., AB WAHID, M., BODAGHI, M. and ZOLFAGHARIAN, A., 2024. Spoon4PD: a smart tool 3D printed for Parkinson’s disease. In: A. ZOLFAGHARIAN and M. BODAGHI, eds., Smart materials in additive manufacturing. Volume 3, 4D-printed robotic materials, sensors, and actuators. Additive Manufacturing Materials and Technologies . Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 235-248. ISBN 9780443136733

ZHANG, W., KHALID, S.G., SADIQ, S., LIU, H. and WONG, J.Y.H., 2024. Chapter 1 - a systematic review on intelligent diagnosis of diabetes using rule-based machine learning techniques. In: S. DASH, S.K. PANI, W. SUSILO, B.M.Y. CHEUNG and G. TSE, eds., Internet of things and machine learning for type I and type II diabetes: use cases. London: Elsevier, pp. 3-16. ISBN 9780323956864

ZOLFAGHARIAN, A. and BODAGHI, M., 2024. Robotic materials 4D printing. In: A. ZOLFAGHARIAN and M. BODAGHI, eds., Smart materials in additive manufacturing. Volume 3, 4D-printed robotic materials, sensors, and actuators. Additive Manufacturing Materials and Technologies . Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 1-11. ISBN 9780443136733

ZOLFAGHARIAN, A., JARRAH, H.R. and BODAGHI, M., 2024. How to teach 4D printing for metamaterials and soft robotics. In: F. TOUCHARD and F. SARASINI, eds., Additive manufacturing of polymer-based composite materials: materials, processes, and properties. Woodhead Publishing Series in Composites Science and Engineering . Cambridge, MA: Woodhead Publishing, pp. 185-201. ISBN 9780443159176

ZORRIASSATINE, F., BURTON, E., BOYD, J., NASER, A. and LOTFI, A., 2024. Cross-species insights: drawing lessons between bird lameness detection and human gait anomaly detection. In: PETRA '24: proceedings of the 17th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments. New York City: ACM, 359 - 364. ISBN 9798400717604

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