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ABDO, H., 2014. Mineral resources governance, the UK petroleum fiscal regime: a historical evaluation. In: A. TAVIDZE, ed., Progress in economics research. New York: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 61-82. ISBN 9781633213029
ABOAGYE-NIMO, E., RAIDÉN, A. and KING, A., 2014. Understanding the role of local safety groups in managing safety practices between micro construction firms and principal contractors. In: A.B. RAIDÉN and E. ABOAGYE-NIMO, eds., Proceedings of the 30th Annual ARCOM Conference, Portsmouth, 1-3 September 2014. United Kingdom: Association of Researchers in Construction Management, pp. 381-390. ISBN 9780955239083
ABUBAKRE, M., COOMBS, C. and RAVISHANKAR, M.N., 2014. The influence of organizational culture on the outcome of an IS implementation. In: Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Information Systems - Building a Better World through Information Systems (ICIS 2014), Auckland, New Zealand, 14-17 December 2014. Association for Information Systems. ISBN 9780615157887
ACAMPORA, G., APPIAH, K., HUNTER, A. and VITIELLO, A., 2014. Interoperable services based on activity monitoring in ambient assisted living environments. In: 2014 IEEE Symposium on Intelligent Agents (IA) [Orlando, Florida, United States, 9-12 December 2014]: proceedings. New York, NY: IEEE, pp. 81-88. ISBN 9781479944897
ACAMPORA, G., CASTIGLIONE, A. and VITIELLO, A., 2014. A fuzzy logic based reputation system for E-markets. In: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE) [Beijing, China, 6-11 July 2014]. New York, NY: IEEE, pp. 865-872. ISBN 9781479920730
ACAMPORA, G. and COSMA, G., 2014. A hybrid computational intelligence approach for efficiently evaluating customer sentiments in e-commerce reviews. In: 2014 IEEE Symposium on Intelligent Agents (IA) [Orlando, Florida, 9-12 December 2014]: proceedings. New York, NY: IEEE, pp. 73-80. ISBN 9781479944897
ACAMPORA, G., ISHIBUCHI, H. and VITIELLO, A., 2014. A comparison of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for the ontology meta-matching problem. In: 2014 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) [Beijing, 6-11 July 2014]. New York, NY: IEEE, pp. 413-420. ISBN 9781479966264
ACAMPORA, G., REFORMAT, M. and VITIELLO, A., 2014. Extending FML with evolving capabilities through a scripting language approach. In: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE) [Beijing, China, 6-11 July 2014]. New York, NY: IEEE, pp. 857-864. ISBN 9781479920730
AGAG, G. and ELBELTAGI, I., 2014. E-retailing ethics in Egypt and its effect on customer repurchase intention. In: K. KIMPPA, D. WHITEHOUSE, T. KUUSELA and J. PHAHLAMOHLAKA, eds., ICT and Society: 11th IFIP TC 9 International Conference on Human Choice and Computers HCC11 2014, Turku, Finland, 30 July – 1 August 2014. Proceedings. IFIP advances in information and communication technology, 431 . Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 1-14. ISBN 9783662442081
AHMADI, M., 2014. Analyzing the impact of double skin façade on building energy performance. In: A. BILAL, A. RATNAYAKA, A. ZOBENBULLER, C. COINTOT, D. HARBIDGE, D. WHATMAN, E. MBISE, F. AL-HASHIMI, G. MARTÍNEZ-ARELLANO, G. ROGERS, I. GOSTAUTAS, J. TAYLOR, K. TRYTKO, L. PISCICELLI, M. AHMED, M. ALASHAB, M. MAHMOOD, S. WILSON, T. ELFAYEZ and Y. LIAO, eds., Breaking Boundaries 2014: First Annual Professional Research Practice Conference, Nottingham Trent University, 15 May 2014. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University: Graduate School, pp. 168-173. ISBN 9780992995706
AIVAS, S.A.W., 2014. Kurdish online journalism: shifting boundaries of privacy rights during the coverage of the 2014 general election campaigns. In: A. BILAL, A. RATNAYAKA, A. ZOBENBULLER, C. COINTOT, D. HARBIDGE, D. WHATMAN, E. MBISE, F. AL-HASHIMI, G. MARTÍNEZ-ARELLANO, G. ROGERS, I. GOSTAUTAS, J. TAYLOR, K. TRYTKO, L. PISCICELLI, M. AHMED, M. ALASHAB, M. MAHMOOD, S. WILSON, T. ELFAYEZ and Y. LIAO, eds., Breaking Boundaries 2014: First Annual Professional Research Practice Conference, Nottingham Trent University, 15 May 2014. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University: Graduate School, pp. 103-107. ISBN 9780992995706
AL-HADHRAMI, T., NIGHTINGALE, J., WANG, Q. and GRECOS, C., 2014. Network-aware scalable video monitoring system for emergency situations with operator-managed fidelity control. In: N. KEHTARNAVAZ and M.F. CARLSOHN, eds., Real-Time Image and Video Processing 2014. Proceedings of SPIE-IS&T, 9139 . Bellingham, Washington: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). ISBN 9781628410877
ALHOULA, W. and HARTLEY, J., 2014. Static and time-dependent shortest path through an urban environment. In: Proceedings of the 2014 Science and Information Conference, London, 27-29 August 2017. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 1027-1029. ISBN 9780989319317
ALLISON, S., HILLER, A. and BROWN, A., 2014. Amy’s story: case study prepared for Fahy, J. and Jobber, D., 2014. In: Foundations of marketing. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill.
ALMERBATI, N., FORD, P. and DEAN, L., 2014. From vernacular to personalised and sustainable. In: F. MADEO and M.A. SCHNABEL, eds., Across: architectural research through to practice: 48th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA). Sydney: Architectural Science Association, pp. 479-490. ISBN 9780992383510
ALREHAILI, A., 2014. The re-structuring of broadcasting methods and preferences during the North African insurgencies of 2011. In: A. BILAL, A. RATNAYAKA, A. ZOBENBULLER, C. COINTOT, D. HARBIDGE, D. WHATMAN, E. MBISE, F. AL-HASHIMI, G. MARTÍNEZ-ARELLANO, G. ROGERS, I. GOSTAUTAS, J. TAYLOR, K. TRYTKO, L. PISCICELLI, M. AHMED, M. ALASHAB, M. MAHMOOD, S. WILSON, T. ELFAYEZ and Y. LIAO, eds., Breaking Boundaries 2014: First Annual Professional Research Practice Conference, Nottingham Trent University, 15 May 2014. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University: Graduate School, pp. 135-140. ISBN 9780992995706
ALZAIN, A.M., CLARK, S. and IRESON, G., 2014. Libyan higher education system: challenges and achievements. In: 2014 IEEE 6th Conference on Engineering Education (ICEED 2014): Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 9-10 December 2014. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, pp. 67-72. ISBN 9781479945948
ALZHRANY, S., 2014. Family adaptibility and cohesion scale (faces), development, part of the impact of Internet usage on family cohesion project. In: A. BILAL, A. RATNAYAKA, A. ZOBENBULLER, C. COINTOT, D. HARBIDGE, D. WHATMAN, E. MBISE, F. AL-HASHIMI, G. MARTÍNEZ-ARELLANO, G. ROGERS, I. GOSTAUTAS, J. TAYLOR, K. TRYTKO, L. PISCICELLI, M. AHMED, M. ALASHAB, M. MAHMOOD, S. WILSON, T. ELFAYEZ and Y. LIAO, eds., Breaking Boundaries 2014: First Annual Professional Research Practice Conference, Nottingham Trent University, 15 May 2014. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University: Graduate School, pp. 87-92. ISBN 9780992995706
AMIOT, C.E. and JASPAL, R., 2014. Identity integration, psychological coherence and identity threat: linking identity process theory and notions of integration. In: R. JASPAL and G.M. BREAKWELL, eds., Identity process theory: identity, social action and social change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 155-174. ISBN 9781139136983
ANYAMELUHOR, N. and PEYTCHEV, E., 2014. Routing And Communication Path Mapping In VANETS. In: F. SQUAZZONI, F. BARONIO, C. ARCHETTI and M. CASTELLANI, eds., Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS 2014), Brescia, Italy, 27-30 May 2014. European Council for Modelling and Simulation, pp. 359-363. ISBN 9780956494481
APPIAH, K., HUNTER, A., LOTFI, A., WALTHAM, C. and DICKINSON, P., 2014. Human behavioural analysis with self-organizing map for ambient assisted living. In: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), Beijing, China, 6.7.2014. IEEE, pp. 2430-2437. ISBN 9781479920730
ARIVAZHAGAN, A., WANG, S. and WEIDONG, L., 2014. A cloud based feature recognition system to support collaborative and adaptive process planning. In: ASME 2014 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, collocated with the JSME 2014 International Conference on Materials and Processing and the 42nd North American Manufacturing Research Conference, Detroit, Michigan, 9 June 2014. ASME. ISBN 9780791845806
BAIG, A. and MANNING, G., 2014. Campylobacter association with the human host. In: S.K. SHEPPARD, ed., Campylobacter ecology and evolution. Norfolk: Caister Academic Press, pp. 99-110. ISBN 9781908230362
BAL, J., ISSA, A. and MA, X., 2014. Orchestrating new markets using cloud services. In: L.M. CAMARINHA-MATOS and H. AFSARMANESH, eds., Collaborative systems for smart networked environments: 15th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 6-8, 2014. Proceedings. Springer International Publishing, pp. 161-168. ISBN 9783662526057
BARDI, A., JASPAL, R., POLEK, E. and SCHWARTZ, S.H., 2014. Values and identity process theory: theoretical integration and empirical interactions. In: R. JASPAL and G.M. BREAKWELL, eds., Identity process theory: identity, social action and social change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 175-200. ISBN 9781139136983
BELCHER, S., 2014. Shaun Belcher and Moogee the art dog at Thinking Through Drawing 2012. In: A. BREW, M. FAVA and A. KANTROWICZ, eds., Thinking Through Drawing 2012: drawing in STEAM. 123Draw in association with Loughborough University, Teachers College, Columbia University and University of the Arts London, pp. 16-30.
BEMAND, E., LIANG, H. and BENCSIK, M., 2014. Non-invasive methods for in-situ assessing and monitoring of the vulnerability of rock-art monuments. In: T. DARVILL and A.P. BATARDA FERNANDES, eds., Open-air rock-art conservation and management: state of the art and future perspectives. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 244-258. ISBN 9780415843775
BENNETT, M., 2014. "A Constable to keep the peace": the violent context of Oliver Cromwell's Protectorate. In: F. JACOBS, ed., Diktaturen ohne Gewalt? Wie Diktatoren ihre Macht behaupten. Würzburg, Germany: Königshausen & Neumann, pp. 53-77. ISBN 9783826052668
BERCZIK, K., GRIFFITHS, M.D., SZABÓ, A., KURIMAY, T., URBÁN, R. and DEMETROVICS, Z., 2014. Exercise addiction. In: K. ROSENBERG and L. FEDER, eds., Behavioral addictions: criteria, evidence and treatment. New York: Elsevier, pp. 317-342. ISBN 9780124077249
BETTS, L.R., 2014. Cyber bullying behaviours. In: M. KHOSROW-POUR, ed., Encyclopedia of information science and technology. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, pp. 6727-6735. ISBN 9781466658882
BETTS, L.R., 2014. The role of siblings for children's self-esteem. In: J.H. BORDERS, ed., Handbook on the psychology of self-esteem. New York: Nova, pp. 91-102. ISBN 9781631172250
BEVIR, M., DADDOW, O. and HALL, I., 2014. Performing Euroscepticism: the UK press and Cameron’s Bloomberg speech. In: M. BEVIR, O. DADDOW and I. HALL, eds., Interpreting global security. London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 1-16. ISBN 9780415825375
BIDDLECOMBE, S.J., 2014. Baldric of Bourgueil and the Familia Christi. In: M. BULL and D. KEMPF, eds., Writing the early crusades: text, transmission and memory. Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, pp. 9-23. ISBN 9781843839200
BILLIEUX, J., DELEUZE, J., GRIFFITHS, M.D. and KUSS, D.J., 2014. Internet gaming addiction: the case of massively multiplayer online role playing games [forthcoming]. In: N. EL-GABALY, G. CARRÀ and M. GALANTER, eds., The textbook of addiction treatment: international perspectives. New York: Springer.
BINGHAM, A., 2014. Cats and dogs and wild berries. In: G. KELLY and C. ROBSON, eds., Celluloid ceiling: women film directors breaking through. Women and the arts . Twickenham: Supernova Books, pp. 233-238. ISBN 9780956632906
BLACKMAN, S. and WILSON, A., 2014. Psychotic (e)states: where anti-social behaviour is merged with recreational drug use to signify the social problem group. In: S. PICKARD, ed., Anti-social behaviour in Britain: Victorian and contemporary perspectives. Basingstoke: Palgrave. ISBN 9781137399304
BOSWORTH, M. and KELLEZI, B., 2014. Citizenship and belonging in a women's immigration detention centre. In: C. PHILIPS and C. WEBSTER, eds., New directions in race and ethnicity. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9780415540483
BOULTON, H., 2014. Cross cultural comparison: the introduction of new technology with postgraduate students in Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. In: K.C. LI and K.S. YUEN, eds., Emerging modes and approaches in open and flexible education. Hong Kong: Open University of Hong Kong Press, pp. 103-117. ISBN 9789888238057
BOULTON, H., 2014. Perceptions of a 'flipped classroom' approach to teaching and learning: a case study. In: A. KWAN, E. WONG, T. KWONG, P. LAU and A. GOODY, eds., Research Development in Higher Education: Higher Education in a Globalized World - Refereed papers from the 37th HERDSA Annual International Conference, Hong Kong, China, 7-10 July 2014. Milperra, N.S.W., Australia: Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA), pp. 61-70. ISBN 9780908557967
BRAITHWAITE, N., 2014. The Dr Marten's boot. In: A. LYNCH and M.D. STRAUSS, eds., Ethnic dress in the United States: a cultural encyclopedia. Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press. ISBN 9780759121485
BRAITHWAITE, N., 2014. Sequins, snakeskin and stilettos: shoe design and the study of material agency. In: P. HUNT-HURST and S. RAMSAMY-IRANAH, eds., Fashion and its multi-cultural facets. Witney: Inter-Disciplinary Press. ISBN 9781848883093
BRAITHWAITE, N., 2014. The flat cap. In: A. LYNCH and M.D. STRAUSS, eds., Ethnic dress in the United States: a cultural encyclopedia. Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press. ISBN 9780759121485
BRAITHWAITE, N., 2014. The trench coat. In: A. LYNCH and M.D. STRAUSS, eds., Ethnic dress in the United States: a cultural encyclopedia. Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press. ISBN 9780759121485
BRETHERTON, P., SILVA, C.F. and KERR, S., 2014. Make them count! Corporate social responsibility as an expression of the Olympic and Paralympic values. In: D. CHATZIEFSTATHIOU and N. MÜLLER, eds., Olympism, Olympic education and learning legacies. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 280-289. ISBN 9781443854030
BRINDLEY, C., FOSTER, C. and WHEATLEY, D., 2014. Career transitions in marketing: from corporate life to self-employment. In: L. KELLY, ed., Entrepreneurial women: new management and leadership models. Vol. 1. Santa Barbara, California: Praeger, pp. 121-138. ISBN 1440800774
BROWN, A., 2014. 'Help - for a life without tobacco': public health branding campaign [case study]. In: G. HASTINGS and C. DOMEGAN, eds., Social marketing: from tunes to symphonies. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 344-349. ISBN 9780415683739
BROWN, G., BRADY, G. and LETHERBY, G., 2014. Young mothers in the UK: push and pull factors relating to choices to stay home or not. In: E. REID BOYD and G. LETHERBY, eds., Stay-at-home mothers: dialogues and debates. Bradford, Canada: Demeter Press, pp. 97-111. ISBN 9781927335444
BROWN, S. and DHARMASASMITA, A., 2014. Integrating the three pillars of sustainability: social, environmental and economic. In: P. MOLTHAN-HILL, ed., The business student's guide to sustainable management: principles and practice. Sheffield: Greenleaf Publishing, pp. 42-83. ISBN 9781783531202
BRYSON, C. and HARDY, C., 2014. Nottingham tales: diverse student journeys through their undergraduate degrees. In: C. BRYSON, ed., Understanding and developing student engagement. Routledge/SEDA, pp. 25-46.
BULL, R., LEMON, M., FLEMING, P., STUART, G. and EVERITT, D., 2014. Digitally engaging and empowering employees for energy demand reduction. A new approach for the next generation? In: 2014 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficieny in Buildings Conference Proceedings, Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, California, United States, 17-24 August 2014. Washington, D.C.: American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, pp. 57-69.
BURNETT, K., 2014. Addressing the absent: drawing and scenography. In: A. ANDERSON and S. PANTOUVAKI, eds., Presence and absence: the performing body. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, pp. 1-28. ISBN 9781848882638
BURTON, E.J., SCHOLEY, D. and WILLIAMS, P., 2014. Types, properties and processing of bio-based animal feed. In: K. WALDRON, ed., Advances in biorefineries: biomass and waste supply chain exploitation. Woodhead Publishing series in energy . Amsterdam: Woodhead Publishing. ISBN 9780857095213
CARO, O., FRADUA, L., ZUBILLAGA, A. and FERNANDEZ-NAVARRO, J., 2014. Analysis of small game areas of 4vs4 and 7vs7 in Spanish professional football. In: J. CABRI, P. PEZARAT CORREIA and J. BARREIROS, eds., Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Sports Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2014), Volume 1: PerSoccer. Setúbal: SCITEPRESS - Science and and Technology Publications, pp. 231-235. ISBN 9789897580574
CARPENTIERI, B., LIAO, J. and SOSONKINA, M., 2014. Variable block algebraic recursive multilevel solver (VBARMS) for sparse linear systems. In: M. BADER, A. BODE, H.-J. BUNGARTZ, M. GERNDT, G.R. JOUBERT and F. PETERS, eds., Parallel computing: accelerating computational science and engineering (CSE). Advances in parallel computing (25). Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press, pp. 163-172. ISBN 9781614993803
CARPENTIERI, B., LIAO, J. and SOSONKINA, M., 2014. Variable block multilevel iterative solution of general sparse linear systems. In: R. WYRZYKOWSKI, J. DONGARRA, K. KARCZEWSKI and J. WAŚNIEWSKI, eds., Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics: 10th International Conference, PPAM 2013, Warsaw, Poland, September 8-11 2013. Revised Selected Papers, Part II. Lecture notes in computer science (8385). Berlin: Springer, pp. 520-530. ISBN 9783642551949
CAVEN, V., KIRK, S. and WANG-COWHAM, C., 2014. Expatriation and repatriation: case study in the Asia-Pacific [forthcoming]. In: M.F. ÖZBILGIN, D. GROUTSIS and W.S. HARVEY, eds., International human resource management. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 179-193. ISBN 9781107669543
CAVEN, V., NAVARRO ASTOR, E. and DIOP, M., 2014. A cross-national study of ‘usurpatory’ practices and resigned accommodation by women architects in the UK, Spain and France. In: N. STEAD, ed., Women, practice, architecture: resigned accommodation and ‘usurpatory’ practice. London: Routledge. ISBN 9780415745192
CHADWICK, E., 2014. Terrorism and self-determination [forthcoming]. In: B. SAUL, ed., Research handbook on terrorism and international law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN 9780857938800
CHEN, T. and BAHSOON, R., 2014. Symbiotic and sensitivity-aware architecture for globally-optimal benefit in self-adaptive cloud. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems - SEAMS 2014, Hyderabad, India, 31 May - 7 June 2014. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): New York NY, pp. 85-94. ISBN 9781450328647
CHEN, Y.Y., FERRER, X., WIRATUNGA, N. and PLAZA, E., 2014. Sentiment and preference guided social recommendation. In: L. LAMONTAGNE and E. PLAZA, eds., Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development: 22nd International Conference, ICCBR 2014, Cork, Ireland, 29 September - 1 October 2014. Proceedings. Lecture notes in computer science, 8765 . Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 79-94. ISBN 9783319112084
CHING, J., 2014. A large-scale simulation, practitioners, their feelings and the Verfremdungseffekt. In: C. STREVENS, R. GRIMES and E. PHILLIPS, eds., Legal education: simulation in theory and practice. London: Ashgate. ISBN 9781472412591
COATES, G., HAWE, G.I., WRIGHT, N.G. and AHILAN, S., 2014. Agent-based modelling and inundation prediction to enable the identification of businesses affected by flooding. In: D. PROVERBS and C.A. BREBBIA, eds., Flood recovery, innovation and response IV. WIT transactions on ecology and the environment (184). Southampton: WIT Press, pp. 13-22. ISBN 9781845647841
COFFEY, M., 2014. Green chemistry: classroom implementation of an educational board game illustrating environmental sustainable development in chemical manufacturing. In: K.D. THOMAS and H.E. MUGA, eds., Handbook of research on pedagogical innovations for sustainable development. IGI Global, pp. 453-473. ISBN 9781466658561
COTTEY, A. and UNDERHILL, N., 2014. Ireland, China and The EU – foreign policy in a Europeanised context. In: H. FAN and J.-C. GOTTWALD, eds., The Irish Asia strategy and its China relations. Bremen: EHV Academicpress, pp. 185-192. ISBN 9783867418959
CSIZMADIA, A., 2014. Development and validation of an instrument to determine trainee computer science teachers’ perceptions of computational thinking. In: A. BILAL, A. RATNAYAKA, A. ZOBENBULLER, C. COINTOT, D. HARBIDGE, D. WHATMAN, E. MBISE, F. AL-HASHIMI, G. MARTÍNEZ-ARELLANO, G. ROGERS, I. GOSTAUTAS, J. TAYLOR, K. TRYTKO, L. PISCICELLI, M. AHMED, M. ALASHAB, M. MAHMOOD, S. WILSON, T. ELFAYEZ and Y. LIAO, eds., Breaking Boundaries 2014: First Annual Professional Research Practice Conference, Nottingham Trent University, 15 May 2014. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University: Graduate School, pp. 78-85. ISBN 9780992995706
CUMMINGS, L., 2014. Clinical pragmatics and theory of mind. In: A. CAPONE, F. LO PIPARO and M. CARAPEZZA, eds., Perspectives on linguistic pragmatics. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 23-56. ISBN 9783319010137
CUMMINGS, L., 2014. Pragmatic disorders and theory of mind. In: L. CUMMINGS, ed., The Cambridge handbook of communication disorders. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 559-577. ISBN 9781107021235
CUMMINGS, L., 2014. Pragmatics. In: N. WHITWORTH and R.-A. KNIGHT, eds., Methods in teaching clinical phonetics and linguistics. Guildford: J&R Press, pp. 167-191. ISBN 9781907826191
CURTIS, B.L. and NOONAN, H.W., 2014. Castles Built on Clouds: Vague Identity and Vague Objects. In: K. AKIBA and A. ABASNEZHAD, eds., Vague objects and vague identity: new essays on ontic vagueness. Logic, epistemology, and the unity of science, 33 . Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, pp. 305-326. ISBN 9789400779778
DADDOW, O., 2014. Britain, the world, and Europe. In: B. JONES and P. NORTON, eds., Politics UK. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 18-37. ISBN 9781447921400
DADDOW, O. and GASKARTH, J., 2014. From value protection to value promotion: interpreting British security policy. In: M. BEVIR, O. DADDOW and I. HALL, eds., Interpreting global security. Routledge advances in international relations and global politics . Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 73-91. ISBN 9780415825375
DAIM, T.U., ARALICA, Z., DABIĆ, M., ÖZDEMIR, D. and BAYRAKTAROGLU, A.E., 2014. Researching Innovative Capacity of Local Subsidiaries in Selected CEE Countries. In: T.U. DAIM, R. NESHATI, R. WATT and J. EASTHAM, eds., Technology development: multidimensional review for engineering and technology managers. Innovation, technology, and knowledge management . Cham, Switzerland: Springer International, pp. 277-300. ISBN 9783319056500
DANIEL, E.I., PASQUIRE, C. and AMEH, O.J., 2014. The magic of the Last Planner® System for Nigerian construction. In: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, IGLC-22, Oslo, Norway, June 2014. Norway: IGLC/Akademika Forlag, pp. 605-616. ISBN 9788232104611
DASTAGIR, N., SALINET, J., VANHEUSDEN, F.J., ALMEIDA, T.P., LI, X., CHU, G.S., NG, G.A. and SCHLINDWEIN, F.S., 2014. Spatiotemporal behaviour of high dominant frequency during persistent atrial fibrillation. In: A. MURRAY, ed., Computing in Cardiology 2014. Computing in Cardiology, 41 . Piscataway, N.J.: IEEE, pp. 653-656. ISBN 9781479943463
DAVEY, R.H., 2014. Tess Jaray, moving through space. In: R.H. DAVEY, A. WILDING and J. STEZAKER, eds., The art of Tess Jaray. London: Ridinghouse. ISBN 9781905464807
DAY, A., 2014. How is context biasing in verb processing affected by relational Information? In: A. BILAL, A. RATNAYAKA, A. ZOBENBULLER, C. COINTOT, D. HARBIDGE, D. WHATMAN, E. MBISE, F. AL-HASHIMI, G. MARTÍNEZ-ARELLANO, G. ROGERS, I. GOSTAUTAS, J. TAYLOR, K. TRYTKO, L. PISCICELLI, M. AHMED, M. ALASHAB, M. MAHMOOD, S. WILSON, T. ELFAYEZ and Y. LIAO, eds., Breaking Boundaries 2014: First Annual Professional Research Practice Conference, Nottingham Trent University, 15 May 2014. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University: Graduate School, pp. 52-56. ISBN 9780992995706
DE ROSA, A.S., FINO, E. and BOCCI, E., 2014. Addressing healthcare on-line demand and supply relating to mental illness: knowledge sharing about psychiatry and psychoanalysis through social networks in Italy and France. In: A. KAPOOR and C. KULSHRESTHA, eds., Dynamics of competitive advantage and consumer perception in social marketing. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, pp. 16-18. ISBN 9781466644304
DELFABBRO, P.H., KING, D.L. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2014. The technological convergence of gambling and gaming practices. In: A. RICHARD, A. BLASZCZYNSKI and L. NOWER, eds., The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of disordered gambling. Chichester: Wiley, pp. 327-346.
DEVILAT, B. and GAGE, S., 2014. The role of the record and the paradox of the original: implications for the re-construction of historic buildings affected by earthquakes in Chile. In: N. GU, S. WATANABE, H. ERHAN, M.H. HAEUSLER, W. HUANG and R. SOSA, eds., Rethinking comprehensive design: speculative counterculture: proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2014). Hong Kong: Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA), pp. 317-326. ISBN 9789881902658
DHARMASASMITA, A., KENNEDY, E., PUNTHA, H. and HOLMES, R., 2014. Climate change and greenhouse gas management. In: P. MOLTHAN-HILL, ed., The business student's guide to sustainable management: principles and practice. Sheffield: Greenleaf Publishing, pp. 276-320. ISBN 9781783531202
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JARUNRATANASRI, P., 2014. Comparative law approach to proposed legislative framework to protect digital copyright on the Internet in Thailand. In: A. BILAL, A. RATNAYAKA, A. ZOBENBULLER, C. COINTOT, D. HARBIDGE, D. WHATMAN, E. MBISE, F. AL-HASHIMI, G. MARTÍNEZ-ARELLANO, G. ROGERS, I. GOSTAUTAS, J. TAYLOR, K. TRYTKO, L. PISCICELLI, M. AHMED, M. ALASHAB, M. MAHMOOD, S. WILSON, T. ELFAYEZ and Y. LIAO, eds., Breaking Boundaries 2014: First Annual Professional Research Practice Conference, Nottingham Trent University, 15 May 2014. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University: Graduate School, pp. 27-31. ISBN 9780992995706
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JOHNSON, C.T. and EVANS, R.D., 2014. Non-destructive assessment of the rate of hydration and strength gain of concrete. In: S. LAMBOT, A. GIANNOPOULOS, L. PAJEWSKI, F. ANDRÉ, F. SLOB and C. CRAEYE, eds., Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR 2014), Square Brussels Meeting Centre, Brussels, Belgium, 30 June - 4 July 2014. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 893-898. ISBN 9781479967896
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KHALID, A. and KHAN, Z.H., 2014. Multi-objective optimization for error compensation in intelligent micro-factory CPS. In: Z.H. KHAN, A.B.M.S. ALI and Z. RIAZ, eds., Computational intelligence for decision support in cyber-physical systems. Studies in computational intelligence, 540 . Singapore: Springer Singapore, pp. 67-103. ISBN 9789814585354
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LONG, Y., 2014. Legal education for international lawyers in China. In: A. BILAL, A. RATNAYAKA, A. ZOBENBULLER, C. COINTOT, D. HARBIDGE, D. WHATMAN, E. MBISE, F. AL-HASHIMI, G. MARTÍNEZ-ARELLANO, G. ROGERS, I. GOSTAUTAS, J. TAYLOR, K. TRYTKO, L. PISCICELLI, M. AHMED, M. ALASHAB, M. MAHMOOD, S. WILSON, T. ELFAYEZ and Y. LIAO, eds., Breaking Boundaries 2014: First Annual Professional Research Practice Conference, Nottingham Trent University, 15 May 2014. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University: Graduate School, pp. 73-77. ISBN 9780992995706
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