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6, P., 2001. Authority: emotional dynamics. In: Affects, Ethics and Citizenship, May 2001.

6, P., 2001. I represent you; you're sovereign; now change: the deliberate attempt by government to change citizens' cultures and moral characters. In: Department of Politics, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK, January 2001, Department of Politics, Nottingham Trent University.

6, P., 2001. Joined-up government across the world: a very preliminary and speculative attempt to compare some of the 'usual suspect' countries to find an explanation for their differences and to draw out some practical lessons. In: British Academy Conference, 'Joined Up Government', British Academy, London, UK, October 2001, London, UK.

6, P., 2001. Profiles, networks, risk and hoarding: public policy and the dynamics of social mobility and social cohesion. In: Performance and Innovation Unit seminar on "Social Mobility", London, March 2001.

6, P., 2001. Tomorrow's government- holistic, digital, syndicated. In: Performance and Innovation Unit- Strategic Thinkers Seminar on Future Structures of Central Governments, London, June 2001, London, UK.

6, P., 2001. The governance of friends and acquaintances: public policy and social networks. In: Social Networks and Social Exclusion, London, UK, March 2001, London.


ACKERS, L. and DWYER, P., 2001. Resourceful citizens? Retirement migration and social citizenship in the EU. In: British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference, Stirling University, Stirling, Scotland, UK, September 2001, Stirling University.

AL-DABASS, D., EVANS, D. and SIVAYOGANATHAN, S., 2001. A distributed parallel architecture using client server model for parameter tracking algorithms. In: Simulation in industry.

AL-HABAIBEH, A., PARKIN, R.M. and JACKSON, M.R., 2001. Applications of low-cost infrared thermal imager for condition based maintenance of machinery [poster presentation]. In: SET for Britain, House of Commons, London, 3 December 2001, London.

ALLEN, D.P., 2001. The sharing excellence and keynote projects. In: Conference Report: GLAD 9th National Conference, Manchester, UK.

ALLEN, D.P. and KELLY, C., 2001. Key skills and graduate employability. In: The Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, York, UK, 2001, York, UK.

ALLEN, D.P. and STAINTON, C., 2001. The promise of learning outcomes. In: Improving University Teaching 26th Annual Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2001, Johannesburg, South Africa.

AMIN, N. and SU, D., 2001. Development of an online gear catalogue using Java database connectivity. In: International Conference on Mechanical Transmission, Chonqing, China, 5-9 April 2001, Chonqing.

APOSTOLAKIS, C. and LIDDLE, J., 2001. Assessing the development of sub-regional and local strategic partnerships: a comparison of Leicester, and Durham and Northumberland. In: Second Research Management Research Workshop, UDBS and the International Centre for Regional Regeneration and Development, Van Mildert College, University of Durham, Durham, 7 November 2001, Durham.

ARCHEE, R. and WHITTY, M.T., 2001. Enhancing student access to the university: the integration of online and course-based material for the visually impaired. In: ED-MEDIA, Tampere, Finland, 25-30 June, 2001, Tampere, Finland.

ARIADURAI, S.A., DE, S. and RATNAWEERA, H.G.P.A., 2001. Design of below ground rainwater harvesting tanks. In: The 4th Symposium on Domestic Roof Water Harvesting in the Humid Tropics, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2001, Colombo.

ARISTODEMOU, E. and THOMAS-BETTS, A., 2001. Determination of hydraulic conductivities using geophysical data. In: 63th EAGE Conference and Technical Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 10th June 2001, Amsterdam.

ARNOLD, J. and HYLTON, P., 2001. 'That makes me sick that does.' The shifting boundaries of identity: students constructs of self in response to emotive and socially challenging images. In: BPS Social Psychology Section Conference, Nottingham, UK, September 2001, Nottingham.

ARNOLD, J. and MILLER, H., 2001. Breaking away from home? Cyberculture and gendered academic identities on the web. In: Constructing Cyberculture(s) Performance, Pedagogy and Politics in Online Spaces Conference, Maryland, USA, April 2004, Maryland, USA.

ASHFORTH-FROST, S., CHEONG, B.C.Y. and IRELAND, P.T., 2001. Near wall flow characteristics beneath a turbulent impinging jet. In: Proceedings of the 5th world conference on exp heat transfer, 'Fluid mechanics, and thermodynamics', Thessaloniki.


BANYARD, P., 2001. Researching health seeking behaviour on the Internet: the relative merits of real-life and experimental data. In: Northern Ireland Branch of the British Psychological Society, Cavan, Northern Ireland, 2001.

BANYARD, P., 2001. Teaching psychology: past, present and future? In: BPS North West of England Branch: 200 years of Psychology, Where Will Psychology be in 100 Years?, Manchester, 2001.

BARGIELA, A., 2001. Computational intelligence in software design and maintenance. In: IFSA/NAFIPS'2001, Vancouver, Canada, July 2001, Vancouver, Canada.

BARGIELA, A., 2001. Granular clustering with partial supervision. In: Research Workshop Presentation at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 2001, Tokyo.

BARGIELA, A., 2001. Information and uncertainty in systems modelling. In: Invited lecture at Osaka Prefecture University, Osaka, Japan, 2001, Osaka, Japan.

BARGIELA, A. and PEDRYCZ, W., 2001. Granular clustering with partial supervision. In: Modelling and Simulation 2001: 15th European Simulation Multiconference 2001, Prague, Czech Republic, 609 June 2001, Prague, Czech Republic.

BEARDAH, C.C. and BAXTER, M.J., 2001. Grouping ceramic compositional data: an S-Plus implementation. In: Computing archaeology for understanding the past, proceedings - computer applications and quantitative methods in archaeology, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

BEAVER, G., 2001. Innovation and the emergent enterprise. In: 11th Small Business and Enterprise Development Conference, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK, 28 April 2001, University of Leicester.

BEAVER, G., 2001. Innovation, entrepreneurship and technology in small and medium sized enterprises: case illustrations of Bookham Technology and Powderject. In: 31st European Small Business Seminar, Dublin, Republic of Ireland, 12 September 2001, Dublin, Ireland.

BELAVKIN, V.P. and KOLOKOLTSOV, V.N., 2001. Stochastic evolutions as boundary value problems. In: RYMS Kokyuroku 1227: Infinite Dimensional Analysis and quantum Probability Theory, Kyoto, Japan.

BENNADJI, M., BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., LOVEDAY, D. and HOLMES, M., 2001. Engineering assessment of building design options at sketch design stage. In: 18th Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture PLEA, Brazil, 7-9 November 2001, Brazil.

BENNETT, M., 2001. Between the lines: writers and experience in the civil wars. In: Society of Military History Conference, Institute for Strategic Studies, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, May 2001.

BENNETT, M., 2001. Sheep and goats: religion and royalism in a provincial army. In: Religion and Society Conference, St Mary's College, Strawberry Hill, Twickenham, April 2001.

BENNETT, M., 2001. The devil and the union: the European influences behind the union of crowns. In: Seventeenth Century Studies Conference, University of Durham, Durham, July 2001.

BINNER, J.M., GAZELY, A. and CHEN, S.H., 2001. Neural networks, VECM's and Divisia money: evidence from Taiwan. In: 2nd CeNDEF Workshop on Economic Dynamics, Amsterdam, 2001, Amsterdam.

BLAND, J.A., 2001. Space planning by ant colony optimisation. In: CO-2001 Conference, University of Greenwich, London, 12-14 July, London.

BOULTON, H., 2001. [Conference presentation]. In: The Development of Education, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, April, 2001, Nottingham.

BOULTON, H., 2001. [Conference presentation]. In: Diversifying Learning: Is ELearning the Answer? Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, April 2001, Nottingham.

BOWEN, R., 2001. [Conference presentation]. In: World Council of Associations for Technology Education Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 2001, Cape Town, South Africa.

BOWEN, R., 2001. [Conference presentation]. In: CRIPT Conference: 'Creating the Future', Birmingham, 2001, Birmingham.

BOWEN, R., 2001. [Conference presentation]. In: DATA Conference: The Design and Technology Association Annual Conference, Coventry, 2001, Coventry.

BOWERS, K.H., HILLER, D.M. and EVANS, R.D., 2001. Minitunnels - an option for the urban environment? In: Proceedings of Underground Construction 2001 Symposium, London.

BRADSHAW, P., CHAPMAN, C. and GEE, A., 2001. NPQH interim developments. In: BERA 2001, September 2001.

BRUNSDEN, V. and FORREST, S., 2001. Alternative factor structures of the impact of events scale: a confirmatory analytic approach. In: The British Psychological Society Northern Ireland Branch Annual Conference, Donegal, Republic of Ireland, May 2001, Donegal, Republic of Ireland.

BYFORD, J.T., 2001. Yugoslav military and the Orthodox Right: the proliferation of conspiracy theories at the time of the war with NATO. In: PSA Communist and Post-Communist Politics Specialist Group Annual Conference, SSEES, February 2001.

BYRON, C., 2001. Renderers: transcribing the 'rural city'. In: Migrant Cartographies, Universities of Leiden and Amsterdam, Netherlands, 15-18 March 2001, Leiden and Amsterdam.


CAVEN, V., 2001. Constructing a career: women architects at work. In: 17th Annual EGOS Colloquium, Lyon, France, June 2001, Lyon, France.

CHAN, C.K. and SOMERVILLE, P., 2001. Human dignity and the 'Third Way': the case of housing policy. In: Housing Studies Association Conference on 'Housing Imaginations: New concepts, New Theories, New Researchers', Cardiff, UK, 4-5 September 2001, Cardiff.

CHEN, X., SU, D. and LI, Z., 2001. Network-supported collaborative design based on dynamic data exchange. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Aided Industrial Design and Conceptual Design, Jina, China.

CHEN, X., YIN, Y. and SU, D., 2001. Collaborative computer aided design over the Internet/Intranet. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Commerce Engineering: New Challenges of Global Manufacturing in the 21st Century, Xi'an, China.

CHILTON, J.C. and DEVULDER, T., 2001. Reciprocal ring structure of the Chapter House roof Lincoln Cathedral [printed extended abstract; conference paper no. TP007 on CD-ROM]. In: Theory, Design and Realization of Shell and Spatial Structures: Proceedings of IASS Symposium, Nagoya, Japan, 2001, Nagoya, Japan.

CLARKE, E. and WISEMAN, J., 2001. Effect of varying trypsin inhibitor activity of full fat soya beans on pancreatic weight and amino acid digestibility in broiler chicks. In: WPSA (UK): Proceedings of Spring Meeting, 2001.

COLLINS, P.R., 2001. The rocky road to partnerships. In: International Education and Practice Qualifications forum, Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), Brussels, Belgium, 2001, Brussels, Belgium.

COLLINS, P.R. and MORSANYI, L., 2001. Retail change and development in Hungary, with special reference to real estate development in Budapest. In: European Real Estate Conference, Alicante, Spain, June 2001, Alicante, Spain.

COLLINS, P.R. and MORSANYI, L., 2001. Retailing and retail real estate development- pre and post transition with special reference to shopping centres. In: The End of Socialism Conference, Wesminster University, London, UK, 2001, Westminster University, London, UK.

COOPER, T., 2001. Design for life. In: Abstracts of the 1st International Conference on (Eco)Design for Profit: Achieving Commercial Success, Sheffield.

COOPER, T., 2001. Key findings for consumers. In: Prospects for Household Appliances Seminar, Sheffield, May 2001, Sheffield.

COOPER, T., 2001. Prospects for domestic appliances. In: Energy Future Workshop, Consumers Association Research and Testing Centre/Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, Milton Keynes, February 2001, Milton Keynes.

COOPER, T., 2001. Prospects for household appliances. In: Industry Council for Electronics Equipment Recycling Research Seminar, London, February 2001, London.

COOPER, T., 2001. The use and disposal of household appliances. In: National Household Hazardous Waste Forum, Sheffield, January 2001, Sheffield.

COOPER, T. and EVANS, S., 2001. Applying the 3S concept: a British case study. In: Towards Sustainable Product Design: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference, Amsterdam.

CORDEN, R., CULLEN, G. and JOHNSON, J., 2001. Teaching reading and writing links. In: UKRA Annual International Conference, Canterbury, 2001, Canterbury.

CRANTON, W.M. and THOMAS, C.B., 2001. Materials processing for thin film electroluminescent displays. In: Proceedings Materials Week, Munich, Germany.

CRANTON, W.M., THOMAS, C.B., KOUTSOGEORGIS, D.C., MASTIO, E.A., CRAVEN, M., STEVENS, R., RANSON, R.M., SETHU, M., RUDIGER, J., BARROS, S.O., LIEW, A., TSAKONAS, C. and THENG, P., 2001. Materials processing and device engineering for laterally emitting thin film electroluminescent miniature displays [oral presentation]. In: Proceedings of the SID Microdisplay Conference 2001, Colorado, USA, August 2001.

CRANTON, W.M., THOMAS, C.B., KOUTSOGEORGIS, D.C., RANSON, R.M., LIEW, S.C., TSAKONAS, C., SETHU, M. and STEVENS, R., 2001. A review of display technologies utilising thin film electroluminescence. In: Proceedings of the International Display Manufacturing Conference, Seoul, Korea, January 2001.

CUTTING-DECELLE, A.F., ANUMBA, C.J., BALDWIN, N. and BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., 2001. PSL: a common language for the representation and exchange of process information in construction. In: 1st International Conference on 'Innovation In Architecture, Engineering And Construction (AEC)' Loughborough University, Loughborough, 18-20 July 2001, Loughborough.

CUTTING-DECELLE, A.F., YOUNG, R.I.M., ANUMBA, C.J., BALDWIN, A.N. and BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., 2001. The application of PSL to product design across construction and manufacturing. In: The 8th ISPE International Conference On Concurrent Engineering, West Coast Anaheim Hotel, California, 28 July 28 - 1 August 2001, California.


DARKWA, K., 2001. Experimental evaluation of low energy liquid-based dehumidifier. In: Renewable Energy Symposium, Institute of Sustainable Development in Business, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, February 2001, Nottingham, UK.

DARKWA, K., 2001. Multimedia-based energy management tool for manufacturing system. In: Symposium on intelligent systems for advanced manufacturing, Newton, Massachusetts, USA, 28-31 October 2001, Newton, Mass..

DARKWA, K. and O'CALLAGHAN, P.W., 2001. Energy management strategy for a sustainable energy economy. In: International Conference on Sustainable Economic Development and Sound Resource Management in Central Asia, Uzbekistan, 3 October 2001, Uzbekistan.

DAVIDSON, H.P.B. and REDGATE, S.E., 2001. Activity in your stable? In: Companion Animal Behaviour Therapy Study Group/European Society for Veterinary Clinical Ethology Study Day, Birmingham, 4 April 2001.

DE, L., MADRIGAL, J.A., BENESIK, M., CAVE, G.W.V., SELMAN, A., REES, R.C., TRAVERS, P.J. and DODI, I.A., 2001. Artificial super para magnetic nano APC for active and adoptive immunotherapy. In: Symposium of the International Society of Molecular Evolution, Guananacaste, Costa Rica, 8-12 January 2001, Guananacaste, Costa Rica.

DELBRIDGE, R. and BARTON, H., 2001. Crossing boundaries in the learning factory: evidence of cross-functional and inter-organizational knowledge transfer in the auto components industry. In: 7th International Conference of the European Operations Management Association in Ghent, Belgium, June, 2001, Ghent, Belgium.

DELBRIDGE, R. and BARTON, H., 2001. Managing Kaizen: the role of specialists in continuous improvement. In: British Academy of Management Conference, Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, September, 2001, Edinburgh.

DEVULDER, T., CHILTON, J.C. and WILSON, R., 2001. Environmental aspects of widespan tensile membrane structures [printed extended abstract; conference paper no. TP003 on CD-ROM]. In: Theory, Design and Realization of Shell and Spatial Structures: Proceedings of IASS Symposium, Nagoya, Japan, 2001, Nagoya, Japan.

DIAS, T. and FERNANDO, A., 2001. Special yarn delivery systems for processing low modulus yarns. In: Proceedings of the Technical Textiles Conference, Bolton.

DIAS, T. and HEENKENDA, N., 2001. Weft knitted structures for textile composites. In: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Composite Engineering, Tenerife.

DIAS, T. and LANAROLLE, G., 2001. Automated setting of circular knitting machines. In: Proceedings of the 6th Asian Textile Conference, Hong Kong.

DILLON, G., UNDERWOOD, J. and LAMB, S., 2001. Structured conversations with 'Bubble dialogue'. In: Postgraduate Seminar Series, Cumberland Lodge, Egham, 2001.

DILLON, G., UNDERWOOD, J. and LAMB, S., 2001. Structured story writing with bubble dialogue. In: BPS Annual Developmental and Educational Sections Conference, University of Worcester, September 2001.

DOUGHTY, D., HARRIS, L. and KIRK, S., 2001. Devolution versus centralisation: the debate continues. In: Irish Academy of Management Conference, September 2001.

DUNN, A. and THOMPSON, P., 2001. Illusion decrement in a pointing task. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DUNN, A. and THOMPSON, P., 2001. Pointing at the Judd Illusion: the dorsal stream is susceptible (Abstract), Perception 30 (supplemental). In: UNSPECIFIED.


EATOUGH, V., 2001. Women's anger and aggression: the importance of self and meaning from an interpretative phenomenological analysis perspective. In: 3rd Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis Conference, Northampton University, Northampton, 11-12 July 2001.

EATOUGH, V., 2001. Women's anger and aggression: the importance of self and meaning from an interpretative phenomenological analysis perspective. In: Interpretative phenomenological analysis and social psychology symposium, BPS Social Psychological Conference, University of Surrey, 2001.

ELLIS, A.D. and HILL, J., 2001. Effect of dental condition on short term intake rates of various concentrate feeds. In: European Association of Animal Science, Budapest, Hungary, 2001, Budapest.

ELLIS, A.D. and HILL, J., 2001. Kinetics of forage feed particles in horses before and after dental treatment. In: Proceedings of the 52nd European Association of Animal Science, Budapest.

ELLIS, A.D. and KNAAP, J., 2001. The influence of nutrition on the development and prevention of osteochondrosis - a comprehensive review. In: Proceedings of the 52nd European Association of Animal Science, Budapest.

EVANS, J.P.O., HON, H.W. and ROBINSON, M., 2001. Development of an Integrated multiple view dual-energy X-ray camera. In: The Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) Proceedings of the Third Aviation Security Technology Symposium, Atlantic City, USA.


FEWKES, A., 2001. The water saving potential of domestic grey water re-use systems. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Economic Development and Sound Regional Resources Management, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

FISHER, C.M., HARRIS, L., KIRK, S., LEOPOLD, J. and LEVERMENT, Y., 2001. Job satisfaction: themodernisation project: dynamics in NHS hospitals. In: Annual Conference of European Groupof Public Administration, Vaasa, Finland, September, 2001, Vaasa, Finland.

FISHER, T., 2001. Morals made material: or 'put that down, it's disgusting!': discourses of materials in consumption. In: Fourth European Academy of Design Conference, Aveiro Portugal, 9-12 April, 2001, Aveiro Portugal.

FLETCHER, D. and TANSLEY, C., 2001. Facilitating learning in business research methodology at Masters level. In: 9th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Nottingham Business School, The Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK, 27 June - 7 July 2001, Nottingham, UK.

FORREST, S. and EATOUGH, V., 2001. Adult indirect aggression: the many covert ways we hurt our loved ones. In: BPS Psypag Annual Conference, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, 23 July 2001, University of Sheffield.

FORREST, S., LEWIS, C.A., FRANCIS, L.J. and SHEVLIN, M., 2001. Confirmatory factor analysis of the French translation of the abbreviated form of the revised Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQR-A). In: British Psychological Society Northern Ireland Branch Annual Conference, Virginia, Republic of Ireland, 11-13 May 2001.

FORREST, S., SHELVIN, M. and ADAMSON, G., 2001. The performance of fit indices in structural equation models: The influence of sample size, parameter magnitude, and model misspecification. In: The British Psychological Society Northern Ireland Branch Annual Conference, The Park Hotel, Virginia, Co. Cavan, Republic of Ireland, 11-13 May 2001, The Park Hotel, Virginia, Co. Cavan, Republic of Ireland.

FOSTER, C., 2001. Interpretations of equal opportunities and managing diversity in UK high street retailing. In: Annual Conference of EBEN UK (the UK Association of the European Business Ethics Network), Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, April, 2001, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham.

FOSTER, C. and NEWELL, S., 2001. Managing diversity and equal opportunities - some practical implications. In: 4th International Conference on Ethics & Human Resource Management: Professional Development and Practice, Middlesex University, April, 2001, Middlesex University.

FULFORD, T., 2001. Dicourses of slavery and abolition. In: Plenary Session, 2001.

FULFORD, T., 2001. Jane Austen Society. In: S.A.S., University of London, London, UK, 2001, University of London.

FULFORD, T., 2001. NASSR International Conference. In: NASSR International Conference, Seattle, USA, 2001, Seattle.

FULFORD, T., 2001. Romantic Wales. In: Plenary Session, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK, 2001, University of Wales, Aberystwyth.


GALLIMORE, P., BAUM, A., CROSBY, N., MCALLISTER, P. and GRAY, A., 2001. Client influence in the performance measurement valuation process. In: International Real Estate Society Meeting, Alyeska, Alaska.

GALLIMORE, P., BAUM, A., CROSBY, N., MCALLISTER, P. and GRAY, A., 2001. The influence of valuers on the commercial property market: the UK experience. In: Towards a European Property Marke t- TEGOVA/IPD Conference, Berlin, Germany, November 2001, Berlin.

GALLIMORE, P. and DIAZ, J., 2001. Multicultural examination of variation in residential value judgements. In: RICS Property Research Conference, Oxford, UK, September 2001, Oxford.

GALLIMORE, P. and GRAY, A., 2001. Investor sentiment in property markets - some problems of measurement. In: European Real Estate Society Conference, Alicante, Spain, July 2001, Alicante, Spain.

GANAH, A., ANUMBA, C. and BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., 2001. Computer visualisation as a communication tool in construction. In: Proceedings 5th International Conference on Information Visualisation, London.

GANAH, A., ANUMBA, C.J. and BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., 2001. Computer visualisation for site level operations. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Postgraduate Research in Built and Human Environment, Salford.

GANAH, A., ANUMBA, C.J. and BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., 2001. A survey on the use of visualisation tools to communicate buildability information. In: Proceedings of the RICS Research Foundation Construction and Building Research Conference: COBRA 2001, Glasgow.

GOODRUM, A., 2001. Ivy League with a glottal stop: juxtaposition, individuality and the Paul Smith woman. In: Women's Studies Network Annual Conference, Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education, July 2001.

GOODYEAR, A., NOLLE, L., HOPGOOD, A.A., PICTON, P.D. and BRAITHWAITE, N.S.J., 2001. A seven harmonic actively compensated Langmuir probe for the GEC Cell [short paper]. In: 54th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Pennsylvania, USA, 09-12 October, 2001, Pennsylvania, USA.

GRATTAN, J.P. and PYATT, F.B., 2001. Toxicity of the soils and sediments in Wadi Feynan, Jordan: environmental significance. In: Jordan International Conference, 2001, Jordan.


HARDILL, I., 2001. Entrepreneurship and local economic development in the East Midlands, UK. In: 'Initiative entrepreneuriale' seminar of CARTA (CNRS laboratoire de geographie humaine et sociale), Univeristé d'Angers, France, 31 January 2001, Univeriste d'Angers.

HARDILL, I., 2001. Home or away? intra-familial dynamics and trajectories amongst dual career households. In: 'Gender and Work, Space and Time' Session, AAG, New York, USA, 27 February - 3 March 2001, New York.

HARDILL, I., 2001. Household structure, spatial mobility and urban growth. In: AAG, New York, USA, 27 February - 3 March 2001, New York.

HARDILL, I., 2001. Nouvelles manieres de travailler: une analyse du teletravail et du travail independant dans les secteurs ruraux et semi-ruraux de la region East Midlands, Royaume-Uni paper. In: Nouveux Enjeux de l'Industrie dans les Territoires a Dominante Rurale, Universite Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2001, Universite Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand.

HARDILL, I. and GRAHAM, D.T., 2001. The tyranny of time: balancing work and home in dual career households. In: Gateway 4 'The New Economy, Labour, Work and Welfare a Regional Perspective' RSA Conference, Gdansk, Poland, September 2001, Gdansk.

HARRIS, L., 2001. Achieving the balance in approaches to human resourcing between the employee rights' agenda and encouraging care for the individual. In: Ethics and Human Resource Management Conference, Middlesex University, Middlesex, UK, April 2001, Middlesex University.

HARRIS, L., 2001. Devolving and organising human resourcing activities - contrasting approaches in UK public sector organisations. In: EGOS 17th colloquium, Lyon, 5-7 July 2001, Lyon, France.

HARRIS, L., 2001. Employee rights - better employment relationships or the growth of the organisational rule book? In: 16th Annual Employment Research Conference: Politics, Public Policy and the Employment Relationship, Cardiff Business School, 10-11 September 2001, Cardiff.

HARRIS, L., 2001. The limitations of a defensive, compliance model in developing positive approaches to human resourcing in small businesses. In: Small Business and Enterprise Development Conference, Univeristy of Leicester, Leicester, UK, March 2001, University of Leicester.

HARRIS, L., DOUGHTY, D. and KIRK, S., 2001. Reorganising the HR function in the public sector. In: Irish Academy of Management Conference, Magee University, Londonderry, UK, 6-7 September 2001.

HARRIS, L., FISHER, C., KIRK, S., LEVERMENT, Y. and LEOPOLD, J., 2001. Job satisfaction and the modernisation project: the dynamics of expectations and satisfaction in NHS hospitals. In: Annual Conference of the European Group of Public Administration, Vaasa, Finland, September 2001, Vaasa, Finland.

HENHAM, R., 2001. Developing a theoretical framework for the contextual analysis of the relationship between sentencing law and policy. In: European Society of Criminology Conference, University of Lausanne, September 2001, Lausanne.

HENHAM, R., 2001. Social theory, rights and criminal justice. In: 15th Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology, University of Melbourne, February 2001, Melbourne.

HENHAM, R. and FINDLAY, M., 2001. Theory and methodology in the comparative contextual analysis of trial process. In: International Criminal Trial Project Seminar, Nottingham Law School, Jockey's Fields, London, March 2001, London.

HENN, M. and WEINSTEIN, M., 2001. Disinterested 'Youth'? Measuring differences within British youth of levels of political (dis)engagement. In: Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association, Lincoln University, Lincoln, UK April 2004, Lincoln University.

HENN, M. and WEINSTEIN, M., 2001. Youth and voting behaviour in Britain. In: American Political Science Association 2001 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 3-4 September 2001, San Francisco.

HOCKEN, K. and BRUNSDEN, V., 2001. The traumatic effects of imprisonment during a custodial sentence. In: The British Psychological Society Northern Ireland Branch Annual Conference, Donegal, Republic of Ireland, May 2001.

HODGKINSON, M., 2001. Are face to face orientation events an important component of on-line programmes? In: 26th International Conference Improving University Teaching, Rand Afrikaans University, Johannesburg, South Africa, 9-12 July 2001, Johannesburg, South Africa.

HOPKINS, B., 2001. Fires and frying pans: the dilemmas of policing bad behaviour. In: Behaving Badly? Offensive Behaviour and Crime Solon Annual Conference, Galleries of Justice (Museum of Law/The Nottingham Trent University), Nottingham, UK, 19-21-September 2001, Galleries of Justice (Museum of Law/The Nottingham Trent University), Nottingham.

HORNER, N., 2001. 'Is this just a correspondence course with knobs on?' an introduction to the NTU Distance Learning Social Work Programme. In: Annual Teaching and Learning Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK, April 2001, Nottingham Trent University.

HOXLEY, M. and CODAY, A., 2001. Portable test equipment for commercial building surveys - help or hindrance? In: Proceedings of the RICS Construction and Building Research Conference, Glasgow.


IDAN, C.K., YUSUF, Y.Y. and DARKWA, K., 2001. Quality function deployment - past, present and future directions. In: 16th International Conference on Production Research ICPR-16, Prague, Czech Republic, 29 July - 3 August 2001, Prague, Czech Republic.

IDAN, C.K., YUSUF, Y.Y. and DARKWA, K., 2001. A framework for the application of QFD in construction. In: 16th International Conference on Production Research ICPR-16, Prague, Czech Republic, 29 July - 3 August 2001, Prague, Czech Republic.


JAYNE, M., 2001. Issues that perplex academics and practitioners alike [transcripts]. In: 6th American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association Conference, Cancun, Mexico, 2001, Cancun, Mexico.

JAYNE, M. and REILLY, R., 2001. Variance in valuation comprising self-other perceptions of variance [transcripts]. In: RICS Cutting Edge, Oxford, UK, 2001, Oxford.

JAYNE, M. and SKERRATT, G., 2001. Ethical investors and property [transcripts]. In: RICS Cutting Edge, Oxford, UK, 2001, Oxford.

JENNINGS, D., 2001. Teaching strategic management: A case study in the diffusion of innovation in education. In: Association for Business Simulation and Experiential Learning [Conference], San Diego, USA, 2001, San Diego.

JENNINGS, D., CHANG, J., LEE, M. and NG, K., 2001. Strategic management and the case method: survey and evaluation in Hong Kong. In: Association for Business Simulation and Experiential Learning [Conference], San Diego, USA, 2001, San Diego.

JOHNSON, D., 2001. Teaching elastic analysis of concrete continua in the late 20th century. In: Pre-concrete Communication Conference, UMIST, BCA, Crowthorne, 2001, BCA, Crowthorne.

JONES, L., ELLIS, A.D. and HILL, J., 2001. Application of pairing feed faeces NIR spectra in equine feed evaluation. In: Proceedings of the 52nd European Association of Animal Science, Budapest.


KAMOCHE, K., 2001. Beyond formal mechanisms: human resource management in Thailand and Vietnam. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, August, 2001, Washington.

KAMOCHE, K., 2001. Riding the typhoon: human resource management in Hong Kong hotels. In: Hawaii Conference on Business, Hawaii, USA, June, 2001, Hawaii.

KAMOCHE, K., CUNHA, J.V. and CUNHA, M.P., 2001. Indian music, therapy and the real-world: new directions in organizational improvisation. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, August, 2001, Washington.

KAMOCHE, K., CUNHA, M.P. and CUNHA, J.V., 2001. Knowledge, improvisation and appropriation. In: European Academy of Management, Barcelona, Spain, April, 2001, Barcelona.

KAMOCHE, K., CUNHA, M.P. and CUNHA, J.V., 2001. Shopping for new glasses: looking beyond jazz in the study of organizational improvisation. In: Hawaii Conference on Business, Hawaii, USA, June, 2001, Hawaii.

KAMOCHE, K., CUNHA, M.P. and CUNHA, J.V., 2001. A grounded model of organizational improvisation. In: First International Symposium on Organizational Improvisation, Lisbon, Portugal, June, 2001, Lisbon.

KAMOCHE, K., CUNHA, M.P., CUNHA, J.V. and CUNHA, R.C., 2001. A prospectus for researching organizational improvisation. In: First International Symposium on Organizational Improvisation, Lisbon, Portugal, June, 2001, Lisbon.

KAMOCHE, K., HORWITZ, F.M. and CHEW, I.K.H., 2001. The diffusion of high performance work practices across the southern Afro-Asian context. In: Asia-Pacific Researchers in Organizations, Baptist University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, December, 2001, Hong Kong.

KAMOCHE, K. and MUUKA, G.N., 2001. Human resource management in Africa: the challenge for the new millennium. In: International Academy of African Business and Development, Washington, DC, USA, April 2001, Washington DC.

KEENAN, W.J.F., 2001. Apocalyptic art: offending/transcending Bourgeois-Puritan moral sensibility. In: Sociology and Policy Studies Divisional Seminar, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK, 14 February 2001, Nottingham, UK.

KEENAN, W.J.F., 2001. The visible and the invisible. In: BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group. Symbols, Art, Dress, Liturgy: Embodiment and Performance. Fashioning the Holy: a Challenge for Late Modern Art and Design, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 9-12 April 2001, Oxford, UK.

KNIGHT, A.D., 2001. The professions: a conceptual analysis. In: Proceedings of 4th Annual International Business and Economics Conference (IBEC), Greenbay, USA.

KNIGHT, A.D., GRIFFITH, A. and KING, A.P., 2001. Supply side short-circuiting in design and build projects. In: Proceedings of 4th Annual International Business and Economics Conference (IBEC), Greenbay, USA.

KNIGHT, A.D., KING, A.P. and GRIFFITH, A., 2001. Understanding the dynamics of novation: a contractor's perspective. In: Proceedings of ARCOM 2001, Salford, UK.

KNIGHT, A.D., KING, A.P. and GRIFFITH, A., 2001. An exploration of the cohesiveness in the client team: a case study approach. In: Proceedings of Cobra, 2001, Glasgow Caledonian University.

KODELI, I., MAUCEC, M., ALDAMA, D., ARISTODEMOU, E. and DE, O., 2001. Comparison of Monte Carlo and deterministic transport calculations for nuclear well-logging applications. In: Conference on Nuclear Energy in Central Europe, Nuclear Society of Slovenia, Portoroz, Slovenia, 2001, Portoroz, Slovenia.

KOLOKOLTSOV, V.N., 2001. Mathematics of the Feynmann path integral. In: Proceedings of the International Mathematical Conference FILOMAT 2001, Nis, Serbia.


LASHLEY, C. and ROWSON, B., 2001. When is a franchise not a franchise? When it's a British pub. In: Paper presented to the Tenth Annual CHME Research Conference 2001, London, UK.

LEAHY, C., 2001. Electronic role-play as a means for construction of knowledge online. In: Proceedings of the international conference CALL and the challenge of change, Exeter, September 2001, Exeter, UK.

LEAHY, C., 2001. Globalisation, ICT and language teaching - moving towards a new pedagogy. In: Globalisation, Foreign Languages and Intercultural Learning. The Impact of Global Economic and Social Change on International Communication Skills for the Higher Education Sector. SIETAR Conference, South Bank University, London, February, 2001, London.

LIDDLE, J., 2001. Public/private agencies for business development and support: a comparison of SW Greece and NE England. In: VIIth International Conference on Public Private Partnerships: the Enterprise Governance, University of Twente, Enschede, Holland, 6-9 June 2001, Enschede.

LIDDLE, J., 2001. Public/private partnerships for business development: a comparison of South West Greece and North East England. In: VIIth International Conference on Public Private Partnerships - The Enterprise Governance, University of Twente, Netherlands, 06-09 June, 2001.

LIDDLE, J., 2001. RDAs, SRPs and LSPs and regeneration in the NE. In: University of Sunderland Research Seminar Series, St Peter's Campus, University of Sunderland Business School, Sunderland, 14 November 2001, Sunderland.

LIDDLE, J., 2001. Research on local strategic partnerships: participant observation. In: Durham Business School Doctoral Colloquium, Durham, August 2001, Durham.

LIDDLE, J., 2001. Sub-regional partnerships as a vehicle for delivering an economic strategy. In: RTPI Northern Branch Seminar, Civic Centre, Sunderland, 13 June 2001, Sunderland.

LIDDLE, J., 2001. An analysis of the new competences required by public servants in a changing local and regional governance: the case of the North East of England. In: 31st Annual Conference of the Public Administration Committee, Civil Service College, Sunningdale, 3-5 September 2001, Sunningdale.

LYCOURIS, S., 2001. Interdisciplinary choreographic explorations. In: MTAC2001, Irvine, California, 2-4 November 2001, Irvine,California.


MACKAY, C., 2001. The struggle for the good life. In: Critical Management Studies UMIST Conference, Manchester, UK, July 2001, Manchester, UK.

MANSFIELD, J.R., 2001. Property depreciation: unravelling the characteristics of obsolescence. In: CAST: The Built Environment Conference, Nottingham, 14 March 2001, Nottingham, UK.

MANSFIELD, J.R., 2001. Refurbishment: some difficulties with a full definition. In: 7th International Conference on Inspection, Appraisal, Repairs and Maintenance of Buildings and Structures, Nottingham, 11-13 September 2001, Nottingham, UK.

MANSFIELD, J.R. and REYERS, J., 2001. A practitioner perspective on risk management in conservation refurbishment projects. In: RICS COBRA Conference, Glasgow, 3-5 September 2001, Glasgow.

MCCAFFREY, E., 2001. Le nationalisme, l’ordre et le journal d’une femme de chambre. In: Quatrième Colloque Octave Mirbeau, Angers, France, May 2001, Angers, France.

MCELWEE, G., 2001. Barriers to diversification. In: Academy of Marketing, Cardiff City Hall, Cardiff, July 2001, Cardiff.

MCELWEE, G., 2001. The farmer as entrepreneur: barriers to diversification. In: Academy of Marketing Symposium, 26th Annual Symposium on the Marketing Entrepreneurship, University of Kingston, January 2001, Kingston.

MCELWEE, G. and WARREN, L., 2001. The farmer as entrepreneur: barriers to diversification. In: AM/AMA 6th Annual Research Symposium, The Marketing Entrepreneurship Interface, 10-12 January 2001.

MCHALE, G. and NEWTON, M.I., 2001. Frenkel's method and the dynamic wetting of heterogeneous planar surfaces. In: International Workshop of Nanocapillarity: Wetting of Heterogenous Surface and Porous Solid, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, 25-27 June 2001, Princeton, NJ, USA.

MCHALE, G. and NEWTON, M.I., 2001. Global geometry and the equilibrium shapes of liquid drops on fibers. In: International Workshop on Nanocapillarity: Wetting of Heterogenous Surface and Porous Solid, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, 25-27 June 2001, Princeton, NJ, USA.

MCKAY, J., 2001. The PDS tests the West. In: Political Studies Association Annual Conference, Manchester, UK, April 2001, Manchester.

MCKAY, J., 2001. Women in German politics: between critical mass and gender equality. In: ECPR General Conference, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, September 2001, University of Kent.

MILLER, H., 2001. People and objects: a taxonomy of interactions. In: Towards a Social Psychology of Objects/Artefacts symposium, London School of Economics, London, UK, December 2001, London School of Economics.

MILLER, H., 2001. Using Web pages to support electronic assessment. In: Learning and Teaching Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, April 2001, Nottingham Trent University.

MILLER, H., 2001. Using Web-based information to support computer-administered assessment. In: E-Innovation Symposium, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK, December 2001, Nottingham Trent University.

MILLER, H. and KALVIAINEN, M., 2001. Objects for an enjoyable life: social and design aspects. In: International Conference on Affective Human Factor Design, Singapore, June 2001, Singapore.

MOSS, K., 2001. Context-based learning in physical sciences. In: LTSN Workshop, Nottingham Trent University, July 2001, Nottingham.


NEEDHAM, D., 2001. A case study of case studies: producing real world learning within the business classroom. In: Seventh International Literacy and Education Research Network (LERN) Conference on Learning, RMIT University, Melbourne, 5-9 July 2000., Melbourne.

NEWELL, S., TANSLEY, C. and HUANG, J., 2001. Knowledge creation in an ERP project team: the unexpected debilitating impact of social capital. In: Paper for the Enterprise Systems Track (IEW), Boston, USA.

NOLLE, L., GOODYEAR, A., HOPGOOD, A.A., PICTON, P.D. and BRAITHWAITE, N.S., 2001. Automated control of an actively compensated Langmuir probe system using simulated annealing. In: Proceedings of ES2001, 21st SGAI International Conference on Knowledge Based Systems and Applied Artificial Intelligence.

NOLLE, L., GOODYEAR, A., HOPGOOD, A.A., PICTON, P.D. and BRAITHWAITE, N.S., 2001. On step width adaptation in simulated annealing for continuous parameter optimisation. In: Proceedings of the 7th Fuzzy Days Symposium, International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Dortmund, Germany.

NOLLE, L., HOPGOOD, A.A., PICTON, P.D. and BRAITHWAITE, N.S., 2001. Modelling the DC bias in a GEC standard reference reactor using multilayer perceptrons. In: Proceedings of the 7th International MENDEL Conference on Soft Computing, Brno, Czech Republic.

NOLLE, L., HOPGOOD, A.A., PICTON, P.D. and BRAITHWAITE, N.S.J., 2001. Advanced optimisation and control of low temperature plasma processes. In: Technological Plasma Initiative Meeting, Warwick, 17-18 December, 2001, Warwick.

NOLLE, L., WONG, K.C.P. and HOPGOOD, A.A., 2001. DARBS: a distributed blackboard system. In: Proceedings of ES2001, 21st SGAI International Conference on Knowledge Based Systems and Applied Artificial Intelligence.


O'NEILL, M., 2001. Convergence or complacency? European integration and the challenge of Eastern enlargement. In: [Joint Conference], Institut fur Politikwissenschaft, Wilhelms Westfalisches Universitate, Munster, Germany, 3 December 2001.

O'NEILL, M., 2001. Quality assurance, curriculum design and cross-border co-operation in higher education. In: Keynote paper delivered at Novo Sad University, Serbia and Subotica, Serbia, 2001.

O'NEILL, M., 2001. Structural funds, regional policy in the EU: The prospects for South East European enlargement. In: University of Turgu Jui Romania [conference], 2001.

O'NEILL, M., 2001. The regional and structural policy of the European Union: assumptions, developments, problems and expectations. In: Institut fur Politikwissenschaft [conference], Westfalische Wilhelms Universitat, Munster, Germany, 5 December 2001, Westfalische Wilhelms Universitat, Munster.

OTT, U.F., 2001. Adverse selection in an international joint venture - incentives for the cultural adaptation process. In: 27th Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy (EIBA), ESCP European School of Management, Paris, France, 13-15 December 2001.

OTT, U.F., 2001. Double adverse selection in an international joint venture: cost incentives. In: 27th Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy (EIBA), ESCP European School of Management, Paris, France, 13-15 December 2001.

OTT, U.F., 2001. Signalling skills in an international joint venture. In: 27th Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy (EIBA), ESCP European School of Management, Paris, France, 13-15 December 2001.


PEDRYCZ, W. and BARGIELA, A., 2001. Information granulation: a search for data structures. In: KES 2001. 5th International Conference on Knowledge Based Intelligent Information Engineering Systems and Allied Technology, Osaka, Japan, 6-8 September 2001, Osaka, Japan.

PERRY, C.C. and SHAFRAN, K.L., 2001. The systematic study of aluminium speciation in medium concentrated aqueous solutions. In: 4th Keele Meeting on Aluminium, Keele, UK, 25-27 February 2001, Keele, UK.

PILGRIM, M., BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., LOVEDAY, D. and HOLMES, M., 2001. A mixed reality system for building form and data representation. In: 5th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV01), London, 25-27 July 2001, London.

POON, J., POTTS, K. and COOPER, P., 2001. Identification of success factors in the construction process. In: Proceedings of the Construction and Building Research (COBRA) Conference, Glasgow.

PRATT, M., 2001. Going out to the straight community: television and Heteronormative logics in representations of homosexuality on French television. In: Staff/Student Seminar Program, Department of French Studies, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 2001, Sydney, Australia.

PRATT, M., 2001. Queering PAC(t)S: civil solidarity contracts in France - approches socio-anthropologiques des sexualité. In: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, France, 2001, Paris, France.

PRATT, M., 2001. Queering PAC(t)S: the case of civil solidarity contracts in France. In: Sexuality and Space (CLAGS), City University, New York, USA, February, 2001, New York, USA.

PRATT, M., 2001. The diary of Neaud's body. In: Dear Diary: New Approaches to an Established Genre, University of Sussex, 2001, Sussex.

PRATT, M., 2001. The diary of Neaud's body: approaching the subject of heterocentricity. In: Women and Radical Social Change (Institute for International Studies Annual Symposium), Pacific International, Waterfront Resort, The Entrance, NSW, 24-26 September, 2001, NSW, Australia.

PRATT, M., 2001. The diary of Neaud's body: approaching the subject of heteronormativity. In: Australian Society of French Studies Conference, Canberra ACT, Australia, July, 2001, Canberra, Australia.

PROCTOR, G. and TYRER, J., 2001. The aerodynamics of the bra: ergonomic experimentation of the human body through performance. In: 2D to 3D Symposium, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK, 2001.

PYATT, F.B. and PYATT, A.J., 2001. Biology of Niah: a cave of archaeological importance in the rain forest of Sarawak, Malaysia. In: [conference], University of Leicester, 2001, Leicester.


RAIDÉN, A.B., DAINTY, A.R.J. and NEALE, R.H., 2001. The development of a strategic employee resourcing framework (SERF) for construction. In: ARCOM Doctoral Research Workshop on Simulation and Modelling in Construction, Edinburgh University, 26 October 2001, Edinburgh.

RAITHBY, M. and HIGHAM, P., 2001. Growing old, disabled: Independence or institutionalisation? Placements for disabled people in old age. In: Quality in Later Life: Rights, Rhetoric and Reality, British Society for Gerontology, 2001.

REDGATE, J., 2001. Fuzzy power factor control in a variable load circuit. In: International conference on fuzzy logic and technology; EUSFLAT 2001 Leicester, UK, September 2001, Leicester.

REZGUI, Y., BODY, S., BOUCHLAGHEM, N., HASSANEN, M., COOPER, C., BARRETT, P. and AUSTIN, S., 2001. A proposed IT-based approach for managing the construction brief effectively. In: CIB W78, Information Technology for Construction Conference, Mpumaplanga, South Africa, 29 May - 1 June 2001, Mpumaplanga, South Africa.

RIZZUTO, J.P., SAIDANI, M. and CHILTON, J.C., 2001. Joints and orientation of module elements in multi-reciprocal grid (MRG) systems [printed extended abstract; conference paper no. TP138 on CD-ROM]. In: Theory, Design and Realization of Shell and Spatial Structures: Proceedings of IASS Symposium, Nagoya, Japan, 2001, Nagoya, Japan.

ROTHWELL, F., 2001. More core than before. In: British Academy of Management, Cardiff, September 2001.

ROWBOTHAM, J., 2001. Crime reporting: stereotypes of race and gender. In: 4th Annual Conference, Working Group on Law, Culture and the Humanities, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA, March 2001, Austin.

ROWBOTHAM, J., 2001. 'Home and away': exporting British legal attitudes. In: Social Science History Association, Chicago, USA, November 2001, Chicago.

ROWBOTHAM, J., 2001. Home impacts of colonial violence. In: International Conference on the History of Violence, Liverpool, July 2001, Liverpool.

ROWBOTHAM, J., 2001. The moral statistics of the British Empire: missionaries, British law and cultural change in the Victorian age. In: Law, Culture and the Humanities Conference, Austin, Texas, USA, March 2001, Austin.

ROWBOTHAM, J., 2001. An unlikely collusion? The culture of crime reporting in The Times, and Reynolds Miscellany. In: Social History Society Annual Conference, Belfast, January 2001, Belfast.

RUMNEY, P., 2001. Spitting in the wind. In: Colloquium on Cultural Identity and Young People's Theatre, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 2001, Nottingham.


SHAW, M., 2001. Repeat victimisation. In: Seminar for Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary Divisional Commanders and Other Agencies (including local authority and Victim Support) on Repeat Victimisation and Consultation on Strategy Development, Dumfries, Scotland, February 2001.

SHAW, M., 2001. Repeat victimisation. In: Tayside Police Divisional Commanders on Repeat Victimisation and Consultation of Strategy Development, Dundee, Scotland, March 2001.

SHAW, M., 2001. Repeat victimisation. In: Seminar for Northern Constabulary Divisional Commanders on Repeat Victimisation and Consultation on Strategy Development, Inverness, Scotland, February 2001.

SHAW, M., 2001. Repeat victimisation. In: Seminar for Central Scotland Police Divisional Commanders and Other Agencies (including Victim Support and Women's Aid) on Repeat Victimisation and Consultation of Strategy Development, Stirling, Scotland, February 2001.

SIMMONS, E.A., CONNOR, J., CRAIG, J. and WEST, R.C., 2001. Twentieth century changes in landscape pattern in a UK lowland agricultural landscape. In: GISRUK 2001, TH Huxley School, Imperial College, Wye, Kent, 2001, Wye, Kent.

SMITH, D.J. and TRANFIELD, D., 2001. Strategic suppliers: new patterns of innovation in high technology industries. In: The Future of Innovation Studies, Eindhoven, Netherlands.

SMITH, G., 2001. Written from history: Nineteenth Century police neglect of duty statutes. In: Behaving Badly Conference, Nottingham.

SOBANIA, A., EVANS, J.P.O. and ROBINSON, M., 2001. Automatic extraction of 3D information from binocular stereoscopic X-ray images. In: PREP, University of Keele, April 2001.

SONG, Y. and SU, D., 2001. Gear solid modeling and tooth contact analysis: state of the art. In: International Conference on Mechanical Transmission, Chonqing, China, 5-9 April 2001, Chonqing, China.

SONG, Y., SU, D., LANAKIEV, A. and GENTLE, C.R., 2001. Loaded multi-tooth contact analysis of spiroid gears by surface-to-surface contact analysis using Finite Element method. In: International Conference on Mechanical Transmission, Chonqing, China, 5-9 April 2001, Chonqing, China.

SU, D., 2001. Design engineering: higher education and resource discovery over the Internet. In: 4th International Conference on Computer Aided Industrial Design and Conceptual Design, Jinan, China, 16-20 October 2001, Jinan, China.

SU, D., AMIN, N., CHEN, X. and WANG, Y., 2001. Internet/Intranet based integrated design of mechanical transmission systems. In: 8th Drive and Control Conference, London, 13-15 March 2001, London.

SU, D., AMIN, N. and HULL, J.B., 2001. An Internet-based system of gear design optimization using Java servlets. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Aided Industrial Design and Conceptual Design, Jina, China.

SU, D. and LI, J., 2001. Development and advances of research in spline joints. In: International Conference on Mechanical Transmission, Chonqing, China, 5-9 April 2001, Chonqing, China.

SU, D., SONG, Y. and GENTLE, C.R., 2001. Optimum design and numerical simulation of helicon gears with localised tooth contact. In: International Conference on Mechanical Transmission, Chonqing, China, 5-9 April 2001, Chonqing, China.


TANSLEY, C., 2001. Staff development strategies in learning and teaching technologies: knowledge management via strategic exchange or communicates of practice? In: European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), 17th Colloquium, 5-7 July 2001, Universitaire Manufacture des Tabacs, Lyon, France, 5-7 July 2001, Lyon, France.

TAYLOR, L., 2001. Garden paths and blind alleys: a researcher's perspective. In: IATEFL TD / TR 5th International Conference, Ankara, Turkey, September, 2001, Ankara, Turkey.

TAYLOR, L., 2001. Investigating hidden criteria in EFL writing tests. In: IATEFL Conference, Brighton, April, 2001, Brighton.

TAYLOR, L., 2001. Teaching English through ICT and vice versa: symbiosis and synergy. In: Teaching and Learning Conference, Nottingham Trent University, April, 2001, Nottingham.

TEPPER, J.A., POWELL, H.M. and PALMER-BROWN, D., 2001. Corpus-based connectionist parsing. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Natural Language Parsing and Neural Networks.

TOOR, S., 2001. Where are the girls? Researching minority ethnic girls and crime. In: The Inonian Conference 2001: Facing the Challenges of the New Millennium, Corfu, Greece, May 2001, Corfu, Greece.

TSAKONAS, C., MIAS, C., LIEW, S.C., OSWALD, C., KOUTSOGEORGIS, D.C., CRANTON, W.M. and DUDHIA, M., 2001. Highly conductive ITO coating for frequency selective structures. In: Proceedings of Telematics Automotive 2001, Birmingham, UK, 10-15 March 2001.

TU, W. and QIU, H., 2001. The research on the smoothing technology in the distributed multimedia end systems [in Chinese]. In: 7th National Youth Communication Conference, Nanjing, China, October 2001, Nanjing, China.


WAGEALLA, W., OSMAN, T. and BARGIELA, A., 2001. Error detection algorithm for agent-based distributed applications. In: 2nd Agent-based Simulation Workshop 2001, Passau, Germany, May 2001, Passau, Germany.

WALLACE, R.G., 2001. Assessing the unfamiliar. In: Variety in Chemistry Teaching Meeting, Lancaster, UK, September 2001, Lancaster, UK.

WALLACE, R.G., 2001. Rethinking the education of chemists - the odyssey is over, time for action! In: Plenary 2001, a Chemical Odyssey, Aveiro, Portugal.

WALLACE, R.G. and LOWRY, R., 2001. Using games to achieve educational objectives - expand your mind! In: Variety in Chemistry Teaching Meeting, Lancaster, UK, September 2001, Lancaster, UK.

WALTERS, A., 2001. Bare undertakings in directors' disqualification proceedings. In: Paper presented to the Company Law section of the SPTL annual conference, Glasgow.

WALTERS, A., 2001. Preference law. In: Centre for Commercial Law Seminars, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK, 2001, Nottingham.

WALTERS, A., 2001. The impact of the Insolvency Act 2000 on disqualification proceedings: a quicker turnaround for disqualified directors? In: Paper presented to the Insolvency Lawyers' Association annual conference 2001, Bradford, UK.

WATSON, P., KNIGHT, A.D. and KING, A.P., 2001. The concept and function of project management. In: Proceedings of Cobra, 2001, Glasgow Caledonian University.

WHITTY, M.T., 2001. Cyber talk: social psychology approaches to online relationships. In: The British Psychology Society, Social Psychology Section, Annual Conference, 2001, University of Surrey, 18-20 July, 2001, University of Surrey.

WHITTY, M.T., 2001. Tangled web of deceit. In: SASP, Melbourne, Australia, 12-15 July, 2001, Melbourne, Australia.

WHYTE, J. and BOUCHLAGHEM, N., 2001. IT innovation within the construction organisation. In: CIB W78, Information Technology for Construction Conference, Mpumaplanga, South Africa, 29 May - 1 June 2001, Mpumaplanga, South Africa.

WONG, K.H., POLIAKOFF, J.F. and THOMAS, P.D., 2001. Automated compensation for distortions from a single-perspective optical triangulation scanner. In: Proceedings of the 3rd conference on postgraduate research in electronics, photonics, communications and software (PREP2001), Keele, UK.

WOOD, R.T.A. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2001. Characteristics of youth problem lottery and scratchcard gambling. In: Canadian Foundation on Compulsive Gambling Innovation 2001 Conference, Toronto, Canada, April, 2001, Toronto.

WOOD, R.T.A. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2001. Targeting prevention and intervention programs for adolescents: where do we go next ? In: Wisconsin Council on Problem Gambling Third Annual State-wide Conference, Wasau, Wisconsin, March, 2001, Wasau, Wisconsin.

WOODALL, T., 2001. Six Sigma service quality: Christian Grönroos revisited. In: AM2001: Academy of Marketing Conference, University of Cardiff, 2-4 July 2001.

WOODFIELD, R., 2001. Ernst Gombrich's contributions to Kritische Berichte. In: Colloquium on art history and the German philosophical tradition.

WOODFIELD, R., 2001. Gombrich's 1955 lecture to the British Psychological Society: 'Art History and the psychology of perception.'. In: Congreso E.H. Gombrich (Viena 1909- Londrea 2001).

WRIGHT, P., 2001. Behemoth: the symbolic power of the tank [lecture]. In: Lecture at the Advanced Study Center, International Institute, University of Michigan, 03 April, 2001.

WRIGHT, P., 2001. Reflections on the cultural life of the English countryside [lecture]. In: The 2001 Proms Lecture, broadcast on Radio Three from the Victoria and Albert Museum, 19 August, 2001.

WRIGHT, P., 2001. Stanley Spencer and place; a loss of Eden [lecture on Stanley Spencer]. In: Tate Britain Conference, 22 March, 2001.

WRIGHT, P., 2001. The politics of the past [lecture]. In: Historians and their Publics Conference, organised by the Royal Historical Society and the Department of History at the University of York, 20 April, 2001.


YIP, A.K.T., 2001. Bisexuality and spirituality: the narratives of male and female bisexual Christians in the United Kingdom. In: Association of Sociology of Religion Annual Conference, Sheraton Anaheim Hotel, Los Angeles, USA, 17 August, 2001, Sheraton Anaheim Hotel, Los Angeles.

YIP, A.K.T., 2001. Managing sexuality and religious faith: Stories of lesbian, gay and bisexual Christians. In: Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement Nottingham Group Meeting, Nottingham, UK, Nottingham.

YONG, Y.S., EVANS, J.P.O. and ROBINSON, M., 2001. Automated extraction of 3D information from dual-energy X-ray images. In: PREP, University of Keele, April 2001.


ZHANG, M. and COORAY, N., 2001. Sustainable industrialisation in large developing economies: China and Indonesia compared. In: UNU/IAS Colloquium, Tokyo, Japan, 14 June, 2001, Tokyo, Japan.

ZHANG, S., POWELL, H., EVETT, L. and PALMER-BROWN, D., 2001. Methods for concept extractionusing ANNs and stemming analysis and their portability across domains. In: Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on natural language processing and neural networks.

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