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Number of items: 409.

ABDELMONEM, M.G., 2014. Homes of modernity: European influences on the architecture of home in Cairo at the turn of twentieth century. In: 48th Annual Meeting of the Middle Eastern Studies Association (MESA), Washington DC, United States, 22-25 November 2014.

ABDELMONEM, M.G., 2014. Spaces that revolt: narratives of everyday revolution in Cairo. In: 4th World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 18-22 August 2014.

ABDO, H., 2014. Investigating the effectiveness of UK energy policy in promoting renewable investments and reducing carbon emissions. In: 7th International Conference: 'An Enterprise Odyssey: Leadership, Innovation and Development for Responsible Economy', Zagreb, Croatia, 4-7 June 2014.

ABUBAKAR, S., ABDULMAJEED, A. and AWOJIDE, O., 2014. The impact of service quality on customer satisfaction in the Nigerian telecommunication industry. In: The Academy of International Business Sub-Saharan Africa Conference on the Internationalization of African Firms and the Prospects for Western and Eastern Multinationals, Raira University, Kenya, 13-15 August 2014.

ABUBAKRE, M. and DAVID-WEST, O., 2014. Trust in electronic banking. In: 7th IADIS International Conference on Information Systems 2014, Madrid, Spain, 28 February - 2 March 2014, Madrid, Spain.

ACAMPORA, G., COSMA, G. and OSMAN, T., 2014. An extended neuro-fuzzy approach for efficiently predicting review ratings in E-markets. In: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing, 6-11 July 2014, Beijing.

ACKRILL, R., 2014. Is the multiple streams framework useful for analysing transnational policy dynamics? The case of EU biofuels policy implementation. In: Workshop on the Future of the Multiple Streams Framework: Moving Policy Theory Forward, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 16-17 October 2014.

ACKRILL, R., 2014. When is policy failure? The dynamics of biofuels policies in the EU and US. In: LKY School of Public Policy Conference on Policy Failures, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 20-21 February 2014.

ADEGBILE, A., 2014. Strategic foresight and innovation: 25 years review and reflection. In: 4th COSINUS International Conference, Bordj-Bou-Arreridj, Algeria, 23-25 September 2014.

AGHAJANI, H., INCE, N.F., ZEHTABCHI, S., SERGOT, P. and OMURTAG, A., 2014. Automated classification of EEG recorded in the emergency department. In: 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 26-30 August 2014.

AKHURST, J., LOVELL, J., HART, A. and WILLIAMS, G., 2014. Community psychology in action & research: innovative approaches to health promotion and social justice. In: Community Psychology Festival, Bloomsbury Baptist Church, London, 28-29 November 2014.

ALBISTON, G., OSMAN, T. and PEYTCHEV, E., 2014. Modelling trust in semantic web applications. In: Proceedings of the 2014 UKSim-AMSS 16th International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation, Cambridge.

ALCOCK, S., GREENHALGH, K., TAYLOR, L. and MURPHY, P., 2014. Relying on reservists? The UK Government’s strategic defence and security review: who pays for Gareth? In: PAC Conference Liverpool 2014, Liverpool.

ALJEAID, D., MA, X. and LANGENSIEPEN, C., 2014. Biometric identity-based cryptography for e-Government environment. In: 2014 Science and Information Conference (SAI), London, 27-29 August 2014, London.

ALLETTO, A., BRUCCOLERI, M., MAZZOLA, E. and RAMANATHAN, U., 2014. Role of collaborative supply chain of innovation in firm’s performance. In: EurOMA 2014, Palermo, Italy.

ALLISON, S., 2014. An enhancement to PESTLE: encouraging structure, evidence and insight in the macro marketing audit [poster presentation]. In: Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, 7-10 July 2014, Bournemouth.

ALLISON, S., ARMANNSDOTTIR, G. and PRESTON, S., 2014. Voucher promotions and loyalty in luxury restaurants. In: Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, 7-10 July 2014, Bournemouth.

ALLISON, S., HOWARTH, R. and ANDERSON, S., 2014. Should I stay or should I go?: A study of the factors influencing attendance at live football matches. In: Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, 7-10 July 2014.

ALLISON, S., HOWARTH, R. and ANDERSON, S., 2014. Should I stay or should I go?: Should I stay or should I go?: A study of the factors influencing attendance at live football matches. In: Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, 7-10 July 2014, Bournemouth.

ALUKO, O. and KNIGHT, H., 2014. Family businesses are from Mars, business advisers are from Venus: investigating the role of communication forms between accountants and small family businesses. In: 10th Workshop on Family Firms Management Research, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Bergamo, Italy, 23-24 May 2014.

ALZUHAIR, M., BENABID, A. and KANJO, E., 2014. NFC based applications for visually impaired people - review. In: EEE International Conference Multimedia and Expo Workshops (ICMEW), Chengdu, China, 14-18 July 2014, Chengdu, China.

ALZUHAIR, M., BENABID, A. and KANJO, E., 2014. User involvement for the development of indoor navigation system for the visually impaired. In: 3rd International Conference on User Science and Engineering 2014 (i-USEr 2014), Malaysia, 2-5 September 2014, Malaysia.

APPS, C., DING, R. and CHEUNG, J., 2014. Running on an unpredictable irregular surface changes lower limb biomechanics and subjective perception compared to running on a regular surface. In: The 4th Congress of the International Foot and Ankle Biomechanics Community, Busan, Korea, April 2014.

APPS, C., DING, R., CHEUNG, J. and STERZING, T., 2014. Individual and generalized lower limb muscle activity and kinematic adaptations during running on an unpredictable irregular surface. In: The 4th Congress of the International Foot and Ankle Biomechanics Community, Busan, Korea, April 2014.

APPS, C., DING, R., CHEUNG, J. and STERZING, T., 2014. Individual and generalized lower limb muscle activity and kinematic adaptations during walking on an unpredictable irregular surface. In: The 4th Congress of the International Foot and Ankle Biomechanics Community, Busan, Korea, April 2014.

ARMANNSDOTTIR, G., BRINDLEY, C., FOSTER, C. and WHEATLEY, D., 2014. Marketing women in Iceland: challenges of establishing a company. In: Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Conference, 2014, Manchester, November 2014.

ARMANNSDOTTIR, G., BRINDLEY, C., FOSTER, C. and WHEATLEY, D., 2014. An exploration of Icelandic marketing entrepreneurs. In: 2014 Diana International Research Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2014.

ARTHUR, L. and MARSH, P., 2014. Pedagogy: leading technology. In: International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands, 4-5 September 2014.

AWOJIDE, O., 2014. How middle managers deploy cultural resources during the orchestration of ambidextrous activities. In: Midlands Regional Doctoral Colloquium, Nottingham University Business School, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, 11 April 2014.

AWOJIDE, O., 2014. How middle managers draw on cultural values to rationalise their behaviours during the orchestration of organisational ambidexterity. In: Loughborough School of Business and Economics Doctoral Conference, Loughborough University, Loughborough, 2014.

AWOJIDE, O., GORUWA, S. and ABDULMAJEED, T., 2014. An analysis of the effectiveness of MTN's internationalization strategy in Africa. In: The Academy of International Business Sub-Saharan Africa Conference on the Internationalization of African Firms and the Prospects for Western and Eastern Multinationals, Raira University, Kenya, 13-15 August 2014.

AWOJIDE, O., HODGKINSON, I.R. and RAVISHANKAR, M.N., 2014. An empirical study of middle managers' exploratory, exploitative, and ambidextrous behaviours on an engineering improvement project. In: 28th Annual British Academy of Management Conference, Belfast Waterfront, Belfast, Northen Ireland, 9-11 September 2014.

BAGULEY, T. and KAYE, W.S., 2014. What predicts confidence in long-term memory for location? [oral presentation]. In: 31st BPS Cognitive Psychology Section Annual Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 3-5 September 2014, Nottingham.

BAKAS, D. and CHORTAREAS, G., 2014. The output-inflation trade-off: international evidence from panel data methods. In: 13th EEFS Conference, Centre for Planning and Economic Research (KEPE) and the Department of Economics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, 12-15 June 2014.

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 2014. Keynote presentation: achieving success at the doctoral level. In: CADBE Doctoral Student Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 9-10 June 2014, Nottingham.

BANERJEE, R. and QUINN, B., 2014. Consumers' motivations behind purchasing local food and stakeholders' approaches: a communication perspective. In: British Academy of Management, Belfast, UK, 10 March 2014.

BARBERA, C., JONES, M., SALITERER, I. and STECCOLINI, I., 2014. European local authorities’ financial resilience in the face of austerity: a comparison across Austria, Italy and England. In: International Conference on Next Steps for Public Administration in Theory and Practice: Looking Backward and Moving Forward, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China, 16-18 November 2014, Guangzhou.

BASSER, H., AKIB, S., CHERAGHI, R., KARAMI, H., JAHANGIRZADEH, A., AMIRMOJAHEDI, M. and NAJI, S., 2014. Experimental and numerical investigation of scour phenomena at rectangular bridge abutment. In: 7th International Conference on Scour and Erosion (ICSE 2014), Perth, Western Australia, Australia, 2-4 December 2014.

BATES, M., BREHENY, A., BROWN, D., BURTON, A. and STANDEN, P., 2014. Using a blended pedagogical framework to guide the application of serious games in non-formal contexts. In: Interactive Technologies and Games (ITAG), Nottingham, October 2014, Nottingham.

BENGTSSON, M., RAZA-ULLAH, T. and VANYUSHYN, V., 2014. Linking coopetition tensions with performance: the mediating role of ambidexterity. In: 6th EIASM workshop on coopetition, Umeå, Sweden, 22-23 May 2014.

BENTLEY, Y., RAMANATHAN, U. and BOLUARTE, J., 2014. Sustainable logistics management in UK companies. In: ISL 2014, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, July 2014.

BERMPEI, T. and MAMATZAKIS, E., 2014. The impact of M&A advisory fees on the investment bank performance. Is there convergence during crisis? In: INFINITI 2014, University of Florence, Florence, Italy, June 2014, Florence, Italy.

BIAN, Z., YANG, Q. and LU, C., 2014. Effects of per-harvest continuous LED lighting on reducing nitrate content and improving nutritional compounds in hydroponic lettuce. In: International Conference on Vertical Farming and Urban Agriculture 2014, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, 9-10 September 2014.

BIERMANN, F., 2014. Friendship markets. In: [Presentation], Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, 2 December 2014.

BIERMANN, F., 2014. Task assignment with controlled and autonomous agents. In: [conference], University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany, 7 January 2014.

BIERMANN, F., 2014. Task assignment with controlled and autonomous agents. In: RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany, 27 February 2014.

BIERMANN, F., 2014. Vocational training for job seekers in Georgia: technical assistance for the Ministry of Labor, Health, and Social Affairs. In: Ministry of Health, Labor, and Social Affairs of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia, 5 August 2014.

BIERMANN, F., 2014. A measure to compare matchings in marriage markets. In: Armenian Economic Association Annual Conference, 20-22 June 2014.

BISIGNANO, A. and PALERMO, O., 2014. An exploration of managerial issues in the inward internationalisation of family-run SMEs. In: ISBE 2014, Manchester, November 2014, Manchester.

BLAGDEN, N., 2014. "It would have been easier if I murdered her": making sense of denial in sexual offenders and the implications for treatment. In: 13th International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO) Conference, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 3-6 September 2014, Porto, Portugal.

BLAGDEN, N., SLADE, K. and HAMILTON, P., 2014. If you don’t gel with prisoners, then it affects how they use the services’: a preliminary investigation of the importance of relationships in promoting engagement with prison-based resettlement interventions. In: Alternative Futures Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, February 2014.

BLANEY, L., WILLIAMS, G.A., HILL, R. and BRUNSDEN, V., 2014. From Florence Nightingale to Kathy Charmaz: The methodological journey to constructivist grounded theory with firefighters. In: Emergency Services Conference: Second Biennial Event. Themes in Planning, Response and recovery (ES2014), Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 11 November 2014.

BORDOGNA, C., 2014. Transnational education partnership development: a new research agenda. In: British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference 2014, Institute of Education, London, 23-25 September 2014.

BORDOGNA, C.M., 2014. Investigating Sino-British partnership development through the practices of faculty. In: Higher Education Academy Annual Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, 2 July 2014.

BOULTON, H., 2014. Cross-cultural comparison: the introduction of new technology with postgraduate students in Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. In: International Conference on Open and Flexible Education, The Open University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, 16-17 January 2014, Hong Kong SAR.

BOULTON, H., 2014. Literacy and technology: towards best practice. In: Society for Research in Higher Education International Conference, Cardiff, 10-12 December 2014.

BOULTON, H., 2014. Supporting teachers in becoming digitally wise: how can CPD support teachers? In: Education ICT National Conference, QEII Conference Centre, London, 10 June 2014.

BRAITHWAITE, N., 2014. Dizzy heights: the history of high heels. In: [conference], The Scottish Arts Club, Edinburgh, 18 July 2014.

BRAITHWAITE, N., 2014. In conversation with Kobe Levi. In: [conference], Northampton Museums and Galleries, Northampton, 21 May 2014.

BRANCO ILLODO, I. and SAUNDERS, J., 2014. Diamonds are a boy’s best friend: an analysis of ulterior altruism in expensive gift giving. In: Proceedings of the 47th Academy of Marketing Conference: Marketing Dimensions: People, Places and Spaces, Bournemouth, 7-10 July 2014.

BREEDON, P., RUSSELL, A., LOGAN, P., NEWELL, O., O'BRIEN, B., BAINES, D., HALL, P. and EDMANS, J., 2014. First for Stroke: Using the Microsoft 'Kinect' as a facial paralysis stroke rehabilitation tool. In: International Digital Health and Care Congress: Improving Health Through the Use of Technology, The King's Fund, London, 10-12 September 2014.

BROWN, D., COSMA, G., ACAMPORA, G., SEYMOUR-SMITH, S. and CLOSE, A., 2014. An intelligent serious game for supporting African and African Caribbean men during pre- and post-diagnosis of prostate cancer. In: 2014 International Conference on Interactive Technologies and Games (iTAG), Nottingham, 16 October 2014, Nottingham.

BUDD, J., DIERENFELD, E. and WHITEHOUSE-TEDD, K., 2014. Preliminary evaluation of the efficacy of Steadfast© joint supplement in captive exotic felids (Arabian leopard and cheetah). In: Comparative Nutrition Society 2014 Symposium, Flat Rock, North Carolina, 1-5 August 2014.

BUDD, J., SOILEMETZIDOU, S. and WHITEHOUSE-TEDD, K., 2014. Evaluation of Arabian ungulate pathology at the Breeding Centre for Endangered Arabian Wildlife, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. In: International Conference on Diseases of Zoo and Wild Animals, Warsaw, Poland, May 2014, Warsaw, Poland.

BUDD, J., WHITEHOUSE-TEDD, K., SOILEMETZIDOU, S. and LEWIS, J., 2014. Anaesthetic induction protocols in Arabian leopards (Panthera pardus nimr). In: International Conference on Diseases of Zoo and Wild Animals, Warsaw, Poland, May 2014, Warsaw, Poland.

BUGLASS, S.L., BINDER, J., BETTS, L. and UNDERWOOD, J., 2014. Ever present risk? Online vulnerability in ego-centric networks. In: BPS Social Section Annual Conference 2014, Canterbury, September 2014.

BUGLASS, S.L., BINDER, J., BETTS, L. and UNDERWOOD, J., 2014. Online vulnerability in ego-centric networks. In: EMU Research Conference 2014, Leicester, September 2014.

BULL, M. and TAYLOR, C., 2014. Teaching reflective practice: can Human Resource Management (HRM) learn from research in other disciplines. In: 25th SPACE Network Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 23-25 April 2014.

CARLISLE, Y., 2014. Collaborating curriculum for the promotion of the global mindset. In: Going Global Conference, British Council, Miami, Florida, USA, 2014.

CARLISLE, Y., 2014. From Melton Mowbray to Moscow: internationalising faculty. In: Ignite Session at EAIE 2014, Prague, Czech Republic, 16-19 September 2014.

CARLISLE, Y., 2014. The use of soft power: innovating bachelor level education. In: Going Global Conference, British Council, Miami, Florida, USA, 2014.

CASSIDY, K., BARON, S. and PATTERSON, A., 2014. Creating cathartic moments in services marketing. In: AMA SERVSIG 2014 - International Service Research Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, 13-15 June 2014.

CASSIDY, K., DISTON, S. and KENNEDY, C., 2014. Understanding cathartic online complaining behaviour: the case of the NHS. In: AMA SERVSIG 2014 - International Service Research Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, 13-15 June 2014.

CAVEN, V., NAVARRO ASTOR, E. and DIOP, M., 2014. Precarious practice: a cross-national study of women architects. In: Gender, Work and Organisation Conference, Keele, July 2014.

CAVEN, V., NAVARRO ASTOR, E. and DIOP, M., 2014. A cross-national study of diversity initiatives in the UK, Spain and France. In: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference, Munich Technical University, Munich, Germany, June 2014.

CHAMISA, E., MANGENA, M. and HAMUTYINEI, P., 2014. The relative and incremental value relevance of historical and inflation-adjusted financial statements. In: Annual Conference of the African Accounting and Finance Association, Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, South Africa, 3-5 September 2014, Cape Town, South Africa.

CHAPPLE, W., 2014. Certification in corporate sustainability and responsibility at a global level. In: Ecuador Responsible Business Week, Quito; Guayaquil; Morona Santiago, Ecuador [Nationwide speaking tour], 14-19 December 2014.

CHAPPLE, W., 2014. Systems of governance for complementarity and competitiveness. In: Business in Development: New Avenues for Complementarity and Collaboration: International Symposium, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria, 30 June 2014.

CHAPPLE, W., 2014. The dynamics of corporate social responsibility in Asia: a six country study. In: INSEAD Social Innovation Research Seminars and Workshop Series, INSEAD Europe Campus, Fontainebleu, France, 2 December 2014.

CHAPPLE, W., MOON, J., SLAGER, R. and HERZIG, C., 2014. The dynamics of corporate social responsibility in Asia: a 6 country study. In: 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, 1-5 August 2014.

CHAPPLE, W., POURYOUSEFI, S., BEAL, B. and MARTINUZZI, A., 2014. Corporate impact assessment and management panel. In: Society for Business Ethics 2014 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 31 July - 3 August 2014. (Unpublished)

CHEN, G., 2014. Moving from the East to West: construction of professional identity as an expatriate. In: Fifth Asian Conference on the Social Sciences 2014, Osaka, Japan, 12-15 June 2014, Osaka, Japan.

CHERNBUMROONG, S., LOTFI, A. and LANGENSIEPEN, C., 2014. Prediction of mobility entropy in an ambient intelligent environment. In: IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI 2014), Orlando, Florida, 9-12 December 2014, Orlando, Florida.

CHING, J., 2014. Learning and teaching within the legal services organisation: a collaborative clinic. In: Nottingham Law School Centre for Legal Education First Annual Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 7-8 February 2014, Nottingham.

CHING, J., 2014. The Legal Education and Training Review in England and Wales: predicting skills, ethics and standards for the future. In: Legal Education in the Twenty-First Century: An International Conference of Legal Educators, Atlanta John Marshall Law School/Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi, Istanbul and Ankara, Turkey, 4-7 May 2014, Istanbul, Ankara.

CHING, J., 2014. Portia, Gwyneth, Christabel, Yvonne, She-Hulk or Ashley? Women legal academics, their identities and their responsibilities. In: WG Hart Workshop: Legal Education and Training and the Professions, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London, 23-24 June 2014, London.

CHING, J., 2014. The judge and the Jedi II: the academy strikes back. In: Association of Law Teachers: 49th Annual Conference: Responding to Change, Leeds, 13-15 April 2014, Leeds.

CHING, J., TWYCROSS, H., HOMEWOOD, M.J. and JARMAN, J., 2014. Client interviewing in diverse contexts: its global implications [panel]. In: Global Legal Skills-9, John Marshall Law School Chicago/University of Verona, 21-23 May 2014.

CLARK, I. and THOMPSON, A., 2014. Managing health care assistants? The frontier of control in NHS modernization and skill-mix strategies? In: International Labour Process Conference, King's College, London, 7-9 April 2014.

CLARKE, S., 2014. Evaluation of an acceptance-based psychological intervention for people with osteoarthritis: a feasibility randomised controlled trial. In: British Psychological Society Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference, York, 10-12 September 2014.

CLAYTON, J. and VICKERS, T., 2014. Researching new migrant experiences in the North East of England: dimensions and challenges of purposeful co-production. In: RGS/IBG Annual International Conference 2014, RGS-IBG, London, 26-29 August 2014.

CLEGG, H. and ROXBURGH, E.C., 2014. Phantom limbs in the therian community. In: Consciousness & Experiential Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society 2014 Annual Conference, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, 4-6 September 2014.

CLOUGH, A. and HAMBLIN, F., 2014. Gestures of making: an exploration of material/body dialogue through art process. In: Tracing Gestures: The Art and Archaeology of Bodily Communication Conference, Institute of Archaeology, UCL, London, November 2014.

COCKER, E., 2014. Between close reading and liquid writing: word slips towards movement and materiality. In: Word into Image Symposium, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, 10 July 2014.

COCKER, E., 2014. The Italic I: towards a lexicon for reflecting on the arc of falling. In: Fall Narratives: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland, 18-19 June 2014.

COCKER, E., GANSTERER, N. and GREIL, M., 2014. Choreo-graphic figures: deviations from the line. In: Body Diagrams: On the Epistemic Kinetics of Gesture Conference, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany, 23-27 September 2014.

COCKER, E., GANSTERER, N. and GREIL, M., 2014. Choreo-graphic figures: deviations from the line. In: SARN: Swiss Artistic Research Network Parenthesis Conference, Geneva University of Art and Design (HEAD), Geneva, Switzerland, 6-7 November 2014.

COHEN, C., 2014. All rape victims are not equal: the phenomenon of the invisibilised man. In: British Society of Criminology Conference: Crime, Justice, Welfare: Can the Metropole Listen?, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, 9-12 July 2014.

COLE, C., OSMANI, M., QUDDUS, M.A. and WHEATLEY, A.D., 2014. Moving towards zero waste in a UK local authority area: challenges to the introduction of separate food waste collections. In: ICEWM 2014: 16th International Conference on Environment and Waste Management, Copenhagen, Denmark, 12-13 June 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark.

COOK, D. and ANAGNOSTOPOULOS, C., 2014. MK Dons FC and AFC Wimbledon: moving the goalposts and rising from the ashes. In: European Association for Sport Management (EASM) Conference 2014: Social and Commercial Impact of Sport, Coventry, 9-12 September 2014.

DANIEL, E.I., PASQUIRE, C. and DICKENS, G., 2014. Social perspective of planning in construction: the UK experience. In: Proceedings of the 30th Annual ARCOM Conference, Portsmouth, UK, 1-3 September 2014, Portsmouth.

DASKOU, S., 2014. Problematizing CRM practice: considerations and concerns. In: 24th Business & Economics Society International (B&ESI) Conference 2014, Florence, Italy, 6-9 July 2014.

DE AVILLEZ, M., 2014. Exploring etic and emic social entrepreneurship in the context of a sub-Saharan country. In: Africa Research Group Seminar, University of Nottingham, 29 April 2014.

DENONCOURT, J., 2014. Film in business law education: learning or just entertaining? [poster presentation]. In: Proceedings of the Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Nottingham.

DENONCOURT, J., 2014. IP debt finance: should company law take the lead? In: Society of Legal Scholars, University of Nottingham, September 2014, Nottingham.

DENONCOURT, J., 2014. IP finance in the EU and beyond ... does law matter? In: Intellectual Property and Venture Capital: the Secrets to Building Innovation Ecosystems, symposium sponsored by Kyushu University and the University of Tokyo held at the University of Tokyo, Japan, 4-5 September 2014, Tokyo, Japan.

DENONCOURT, J., 2014. Spin offs, intangible assets and debt finance. In: Global University Venturing 2014 Conference, London, 21-22 October 2014, London.

DENONCOURT, J., 2014. A crash course in IP for designers. In: Nottingham Creative IP Project, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, June 2014.

DENONCOURT, J., 2014. A crash course in IP for designers. In: Nottingham Creative IP Project, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, October 2014.

DHARMASASMITA, A., PUNTHA, H., MOLTHAN-HILL, P. and SIMMONS, E., 2014. Food for thought: an interdisciplinary approach. In: Copernicus-Alliance (CA) Conference: "Education for Sustainability: Building Capacity in Higher Education", Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 3 October 2014.

DISTON, S., 2014. Creating ‘cathartic’ moments in services marketing. In: 8th American Marketing Association SERVSIG 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece, 13-15 June 2014, Thessaloniki.

DOWNES, B. and KEEGAN, A., 2014. Dsyfunctional leadership: a view from the professional coach. In: 14th European Academy of Management (EURAM) Annual Conference, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain, 4-7 June 2014.

DOYLE, O., LOGUE, C., HARMON, C., HECKMAN, J. and MOON, S.H., 2014. Early skill formation and the efficiency of parental investment: a randomized controlled trial of home visiting. In: Seminar at Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics (WISE), Xiamen University, China, 27 October 2014.

DUNN, A.K., WHEATLEY, K. and O'MEARA, C., 2014. Effects of pathogen priming on judgements of face and voice attractiveness and health [oral presentation]. In: 31st BPS Cognitive Psychology Section Annual Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 3-5 September 2014, Nottingham.

EAMES, R., SABET, E. and YAZDANI, B., 2014. A new lean toolbox for knowledge intensive firms: case of UK business schools. In: 25th Annual POMS Conference Atlanta, GA, USA, 9-12 May 2014, Atlanta, GA.

ECKERSLEY, P., 2014. Climate change mitigation in English and German municipalities: dynamic governance versus persistent government? In: 64th Political Studies Association Annual International Conference, Midland Hotel, Manchester, 14-16 April 2014.

ECKERSLEY, P., 2014. Hierarchy and compromise in English and German municipal development projects. In: European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, 3-6 September 2014.

EDDEN, R., 2014. Is it the placement that counts? A small scale phenomenological study of ‘gap year’ accounting and finance students. In: ASET Annual Conference 2014: The Placement and Employability Professionals’ Conference, Northumbria University, City Campus, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2-4 September 2014.

EDMANS, J., LOGAN, P., RUSSELL, A., CHILDS, P., O'BRIEN, B., NEWELL, O., HALL, P. and BREEDON, P., 2014. Use of a service user group in the development of a rehabilitation system. In: UK Stroke Forum 2014, Harrogate International Conference Centre, Harrogate, 2-4 December 2014.

EDWARDS, H. and ROBSON, J., 2014. How to commit the perfect crime - designing teaching materials which develop storytelling abilities in trainee advocates. In: Applied Legal Storytelling Conference, City University London, London, 22-24 July 2014, London.

EHRET, M., 2014. Financial socialism- implications from US and Canadian experience in the recent financial crisis. In: Austrian School of Economics Biennial Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 30 October 2014 -1 November 2014.

EHRET, M., 2014. A contractual perspective on business model innovation. In: Business Model Innovation Workshop, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, 1-2 December 2014, Cambridge.

ELLIOTT, H., WINDER, B., LIEVESLEY, R., NORMAN, C. and HOCKEN, K., 2014. The utility of qualitative methods in the evaluation of pharmacological treatment for convicted male sexual offenders. In: ATSA (Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers) 33rd Annual Research and Treatment Conference, San Diego, California, 29 October - 1 November 2014.

EVENDEN, R. and ROXBURGH, E.C., 2014. Clinical parapsychology in the UK: counselling for anomalous experiences. In: 18th Annual Conference of the Transpersonal Section of the British Psychological Society: Contextualising Mindfulness: Between the Sacred and the Secular, Sunley Conference Centre, Northampton, 10-12 October 2014.

FENG, Z., CAI, Q., TENG, W. and ZHANG, L., 2014. How to facilitate BYD’s entering into private new energy vehicle market. In: International Symposium on Green Sustainable Mobility, Beijing, China, May 2014.

FERNANDEZ NAVARRO, J., FORD, P., SCOTT, M., FRADUA, L., ZUBILLAGA, A. and MCROBERT, A., 2014. Attacking and defensive styles of play in elite soccer. In: 19th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2-5 July 2014.

FERRIS, G. and GEE, R., 2014. Adoption of professional identity as playing a role and entering a group. In: Association of Law Teachers 49th Annual Conference, Leeds, 13-15 April 2014.

FERRY, E., 2014. 'A concomitant orgy of destruction': the political lace designs of W. H. Pegg. In: Lace: The Transgressive Thread, Lace Research Network Conference, University for the Creative Arts, Farnham, Surrey, 16 May 2014.

FOARD, N. and HENN, M., 2014. Disconnected? Online political engagement among young people. In: Alternative Futures Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 26 February 2014.

FOSTER, C., BRINDLEY, C. and WHEATLEY, D., 2014. Marketing career transitions: women marketers embedded in the profession? In: British Academy of Management, University of Ulster, Belfast, Northern Ireland, September 2014.

FOSTER, C., WHEATLEY, D. and BRINDLEY, C., 2014. Women in the marketing profession: an exploration. In: Gender, Work & Organization 8th Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference, Keele University, Keele, Staffordshire, 24-26 June 2014.

FURLOTTI, M., PODOYNITSYNA, K. and MAUER, R., 2014. Means versus goals: the moderating role of opportunity belief on the central focus of entrepreneurial decision-making. In: 34th Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, London, Ontario, Canada, 4-7 June 2014, London, Ontario, Canada.

GAMLIN, A., BREEDON, P. and BENACHIR, M., 2014. Virtual reality simulation deployment in a lean manufacturing environment. In: Interactive Technologies and Games Conference, ITAG 2014, The Council House, Nottingham, 16-17 October 2014.

GAMLIN, A., BREEDON, P. and MEDJDOUB, B., 2014. Immersive Virtual Reality Deployment in a Lean Manufacturing Environment. In: Interactive Technologies and Games (iTAG), 2014 International Conference, The Council House, Nottingham, 16-17 October 2014.

GEE, R., 2014. Alternative visions of employability: the role of critical pedagogy. In: SRHE Annual Research Conference 2014, Newport, South Wales, 10-12 December 2014.

GKIMITZOUDIS, T., BETTS, L. and SPENSER, K.A., 2014. Young people’s cyber victimisation experiences and cyber bullying behaviours: the role of technological confidence, time spent online, and wellbeing. In: British Psychological Society Developmental Psychology Section Annual Conference 2014, Amsterdam, 3-5 September 2014.

GODHANIA, S. and RAMANATHAN, U., 2014. Dynamic capability in UK fashion SME. In: POMS 2014, Singapore, June 2014.

GOJE, H., GALANAKIS, K. and NESHAMBA, F., 2014. Teaching model for entrepreneurship education in Nigeria. In: Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) 37th Annual Conference 2014, Manchester, 5-6 November 2014, Manchester.

GOND, J., HERZIG, C. and MOON, J., 2014. Unpacking management control systems to balance the profit-sustainability tensions: the roles of integration, distribution and co-ordination. In: 26th International Congress on Social and Environmental Accounting Research and Emerging Scholars Colloquium (CSEAR), University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Scotland, 26 August 2014.

GOODERHAM, P., ZHANG, M. and JORDAHL, A., 2014. Developing social trust in IJVs: the characteristics of effective boundary spanners in Western-Chinese IJVs. In: 40th EIBA Annual Conference, Uppsala, Sweden, 11-13 December 2014, Uppsala.

GORRY, J., 2014. Re-visioning secularism and secularity. In: Alternative Futures Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, February 2014, Nottingham.

GOUS, G., DUNN, A.K., BAGULEY, T. and STACEY, P., 2014. Earwitness memory: factors that influence voice recognition accuracy across the lifespan [poster presentation]. In: 31st BPS Cognitive Psychology Section Annual Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 3-5 September 2014.

GUEST, D., 2014. Feature processing and target representations in dual target search. In: British Psychological Society Cognitive Psychology Section Annual Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 3-5 September 2014, Nottingham.

GUTIERREZ-HUERTER, G., CHAPPLE, W., MOON, J. and HERZIG, C., 2014. Social responsibility reporting of multinational corporations' subsidiaries: between implicit and explicit forms. In: The 14th European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM) 2014: Waves and Winds of Strategic Leadership for Sustainable Competitiveness, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain, 4-7 June 2014.

HACKETT, V., PASQUIRE, C., STRATTON, R. and KNIGHT, A., 2014. Use of a pilot study to assess the development of Virtual First Run Studies (VFRS. In: 22nd Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, Oslo, Norway, 2014.

HAGUE, R., 2014. Liberty is the mother of virtue’: Wollstonecraft’s republican balancing of self-government and active citizenship. In: CONCEPT Conference: Republicanism and Secularism, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, 16 December 2014, Nottingham.

HAGUE, R., 2014. Rebel and republican: reading Mary Wollstonecraft for a ‘green’ ethics. In: PSA Conference, Environmental Politics Specialist Group, Manchester, 14-16 April 2014, Manchester.

HARRIS, T., 2014. The soundINCLUSION Project: valuing music in the SEND context. In: School of Education Research Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 25 September 2014.

HARRISON, B., 2014. Banking Union: progress, problems and prospects [invited speaker and keynote speaker]. In: Fifth Annual Conference on The Future of Europe, Bucharest, Romania, 14-15 November 2014, Bucharest.

HAY, A. and SAMRA-FREDERICKS, D., 2014. Re-thinking MBA learning through strategists’ everyday work: insights from an ethnomethodological study. In: EGOS Colloquium, Rotterdam, 3-5 July 2014, Rottterdam.

HENN, M., 2014. Engaging young people in the democratic process [invited opening paper]. In: Community Engagement and the Individual Electoral Registration (IER) Experience Conference, Local Area Research and Intelligence Association (LARIA), Manchester, 16 April 2014, Manchester.

HENN, M., 2014. Political and constitutional issues and challenges at the 2014 European Assembly elections. In: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Workshop, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 12 May 2014.

HENN, M. and FOARD, N., 2014. Will compulsory voting fix the disconnect between young people and the political process in Britain? In: Alternative Futures Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 26 February 2014.

HEYM, N., 2014. Associations of the PID-5 with the psychoticism-psychopathy and schizotypy continuum in the normal population [poster presentation]. In: 17th European Conference on Personality (ECP17), Lausanne, Switzerland, 15-19 July 2014.

HOCKEN, K., WINDER, B., LIEVESLEY, R., ELLIOTT, H., NORMAN, C. and KAUL, A., 2014. The use of anti-libidinal medication with intellectually disabled sex offenders: client characteristics and response. In: Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers 33rd Annual Research and Treatment Conference, San Diego, California, USA, 29 October - 1 November 2014.

HOLLIS, D., LEKA, S., JAIN, A., ANDREOU, N.J. and ZWETSLOOT, G., 2014. Policy-level interventions in occupational health: what works and when – a UK case study analysis. In: 11th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, London, 14-16 April 2014.

HOMEWOOD, M.J., 2014. Twittery vision: the use of Twitter for student engagement. In: Association of Law Teachers 49th Annual Conference, Leeds, 13-15 April 2014.

HOMEWOOD, M.J., 2014. Twittery vision: the use of Twitter for student engagement. In: NTU Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 9 December 2014.

HOWARD, C.J. and GUEST, D., 2014. Individual differences in spatial memory and multiple object tracking. In: BPS Cognitive Psychology Section Annual Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, September 2014.

HOWARD, C.J. and GUEST, D., 2014. Relationship of spatial memory to spatial and temporal aspects of multiple object tracking. In: European Conference on Visual Perception, Belgrade, Serbia, 24-28 August 2014.

HOWARTH, R., 2014. Accessing the power of experience through work‐based management and leadership degrees. In: Decisions at 18 Conference 2014, Manchester, 28-29 April 2014.

HUNTER, J. and WAHIDIN, A., 2014. Examining crime, ethnicity and gender within zones of transition and stability in Nottingham. In: BSC, Liverpool, 12 July 2014, Liverpool.

INDRAYANTI, I., SHIPTON, H., SANDERS, K. and KOUGIANNOU, K., 2014. Achieving wellbeing at work: a multilevel study on human resource practices and human resource process. In: Joint BAM HRM SIG and ESRC Seminar Series: Sustaining Employee Wellbeing in the 21st Century Conference, Manchester, 8-9 May 2014, Manchester.

IORAS, F., KANER, J., ARRAIZ, M. and ABRUDAN, V., 2014. Comparative study on teaching methods for environmental courses. In: ICERI 2014: 7th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville, Spain, 17-19 November 2014.

IRHOMA, A., 2014. Analysis of environmental sustainability issues at the Libyan petroleum industry. In: Life Beyond PhD Conference, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, 26-29 August 2014, Windsor.

IRHOMA, A., 2014. Life cycle assessment of Libyan crude oil. In: Annual College Research Conference and Festival, Nottingham, 20 June 2014, Nottingham.

ISIAQ, S. and OSMAN, T., 2014. Ontology modelling methodology for temporal and interdependent applications. In: Proceedings of the 2014 UKSim-AMSS 16th International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation, Cambridge.

JAHANGIRZADEH, A., AKIB, S., BASSER, H., KIMIAEI, K. and KARAMI, H., 2014. Effect of collar shapes in reduction of local scour around the bridge piers. In: 7th International Conference on Scour and Erosion (ICSE 2014), Perth, Western Australia, Australia, 2-4 December 2014.

JALAN, I., 2014. Re-shaping work, identity and social citizenship: an ethnographic account. In: 30th EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies) Colloquium, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 3-5 July 2014.

JIA, X., TENNANT, A., LANGLEY, R.J., HURLEY, W. and DIAS, T., 2014. A knitted textile waveguide. In: Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference (LAPC 2014), Loughborough, 10-11 November 2014.

JOHNSON, A. and WRIGHT, D., 2014. Identifying idiolect in (forensic) authorship attribution: an n-gram textbite approach. In: Sociolinguistics Symposium 20, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland, 15-18 June 2014.

JOHNSON, A. and WRIGHT, D., 2014. n-gram textbites in the Enron email corpus: combining corpus-stylistic, computational, and case study approaches to authorship attribution. In: The Regional Conference of the International Association of Forensic Linguists (IAFL), Sfax, Tunisa, 12-14 December 2014.

JOHNSON, S., SMITH, R. and PARNHAM, S., 2014. How students can support teaching through the student mentor scheme at NTU. In: Proceedings of the Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Nottingham.

JONES, G., 2014. Digit span is not a pure measure of short-term memory capacity. In: British Psychological Society: Cognitive Section, Nottingham, Nottingham.

JONES, G., 2014. Reversing the syllable-based word length effect in short-term memory. In: Experimental Psychology Society London Meeting, University College London, 9-10 January 2014, London.

JONES, G., 2014. Simple interactions between short-term memory and long-term knowledge explain large amounts of developmental phenomena. In: British Psychological Society: Developmental Section Annual Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3-5 September 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

JONES, M., 2014. Turning around (again?): lessons from the experiences of poorly performing local authorities. In: PAC 2014: Public Leadership in an Age of Austerity: Contestability and Conflict? Liverpool, 9-11 June 2014, Liverpool.

JONES, M. and MURPHY, P., 2014. Financial resilience in local government and municipalities: an exploration of Anglo-Italian experiences... (...and Austria too!). In: JFMPS Annual Conference, London, 1 July 2014., London.

JONES, M. and STECCOLINI, I., 2014. UK municipalities’ financial resilience under austerity: facing crises and looking ahead. In: 8th International EIASM Public Sector Conference, Edinburgh, 2-4 September 2014, Edinburgh.

JONES, M., STECCOLINI, I., GUARINI, E. and BARBERA, C., 2014. Financial resilience in local governments and municipalities: an international exploration of English, Italian and Austrian experiences. In: PAC 2014: Public Leadership in an Age of Austerity: Contestability and Conflict? Liverpool, 9-11 June 2014, Liverpool.

KANJO, E., 2014. Exploiting customer emotional responses to rate shops and enhance customer experience. In: IEEE AICCSA Conference, Doha, Qatar, 2014, Doha, Qatar.

KANJO, E., 2014. Overview of mobile sensing for special needs: lessons learned from I Can Workshop. In: S-CUBE 2014: The 5th International Conference on Sensor Systems and Software, Warwick, 6-7 October 2014, Warwick.

KANJO, E. and ALSAFADI, L., 2014. Zone-based indoor mobile noise monitoring. In: The Sixth International Conference on Mobile Computing, Applications and Services Conference (Mobicase), Austin, Texas, 6-7 November 2014, Austin, Texas.

KAY, A. and ACKRILL, R., 2014. Challenges in extra-territorial policy and business implementation: EU biofuels policy. In: 5th ECPR Regulatory Governance Conference: Regulatory Governance between Global and Local, Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI), Barcelona, Spain, 25-27 June 2014.

KELES, H.O., BARBOUR, R.L., AGHAJANI, H. and OMURTAG, A., 2014. Investigation of the neurovascular coupling from simultaneous fNIRS-EEG system using the triplet holder. In: fNIRS (Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy) 2014 Biennial Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 10-12 October 2014.

KENT, C., GUEST, D., BILLER, A. and ADELMAN, J., 2014. Of mice and mens: mouse trajectories reveal perceptual encoding rates. In: 2014 London Meeting of the Experimental Psychology Society, London, January 2014.

KERR, H.-Y., 2014. Consuming leisure, consuming lifestyle: women's access to the Bubble through the lifestyle magazine, Hanako, in the Japanese Bubble Economy (1986-1991). In: 3rd Japan Foundation/BAJS Post-Graduate Workshop, London, 6 February 2014.

KHAN, S., ABDO, H. and AL-GHABBAN, A., 2014. Exploring the effects of consumer awareness of energy efficiency in Saudi Arabia. In: 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Systems and the Environment (ISSE 2014), American University of Sharjah, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, 12-13 February 2014, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.

KHRUSHCHEVA, O. and POBEREZHSKAYA, M., 2014. The 'Great Russian Arctic Game' in the political discourse of Russian leaders. In: 55th ISA Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada, 26-29 March 2014, Toronto, Canada.

KIAN MANESH RAD, E. and SUN, M., 2014. Taxonomy of project complexity indicators in energy megaprojects. In: International Scientific Conference: People, Buildings And Environment 2014 (PBE2014), Kroměříž, Czech Republic, 15-17 October 2014.

KING, D. and BREEDON, P., 2014. Cooperative object recognition: behaviours of an artificially evolved swarm. In: Ants 2014, 9th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence, Brussels, Belgium, 10-12 September 2014.

KING, D. and LEARMONTH, M., 2014. Doing critical management studies. In: Durham Business School seminar series, University of Durham, 2014, Durham.

KING, D. and LEARMONTH, M., 2014. Doing management critically: an experiment in critically engaged scholarship. In: 74th Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2014, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1-5 August 2014, Philadelphia.

KING, D. and LEARMONTH, M., 2014. The contribution of organizational (auto) ethnography to a critical understanding of management practice: and how things might be changed. In: 30th EGOS Colloquium, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 3–5 July 2014, Rotterdam.

KING, L., ROE, C.A. and ROXBURGH, E.C., 2014. A transpersonal understanding of experiences of spirituality in individuals with epilepsy. In: 18th Annual Conference of the Transpersonal Section of the British Psychological Society: Contextualising Mindfulness: Between the Sacred and the Secular, Sunley Conference Centre, Northampton, 10-12 October 2014.

KITSON-BOYCE, R.J., BLAGDEN, N., WINDER, B. and DILLON, G., 2014. Prison-based circles of support and accountability: a new approach to sex offender reintegration. In: The Sixth Annual Postgraduate Criminology Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, August 2014.

KITSON-BOYCE, R.J., BLAGDEN, N., WINDER, B. and DILLON, G., 2014. Prison-based circles of support and accountability: an overview. In: 29th Annual PsyPAG Postgraduate Student Conference, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff, June 2014.

KLUMPES, P., 2014. Case study on coordination of cybersecurity risk management in the UK insurance sector. In: IFOA Risk and Investment Conference, Celtic Manor Resort, Wales, 1 June 2014.

KLUMPES, P., 2014. Financial sustainability of the public sector. In: CIPFA IGE Seminar, London, 4 October 2014, London.

KNOX, K.T., 2014. The ambiguity that surrounds information strategy. In: InSite 2014: Informing Science and IT Education Conference, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia, 30 June - 4 July 2014, Wollongong.

KOUGIANNOU, K. and WALLIS, M., 2014. 'To hell with it': a case study examination of trust, legitimacy and stakeholder relations in the Milaki plant. In: 28th Annual British Academy of Management Conference (BAM2014), Belfast, Northern Ireland, 9-11 September 2014.

KROLL, V.R., DUNN, A.K., HOWARD, C. and BAGULEY, T., 2014. Visual processing of human body and non-body distractors in natural scenes. In: 31st BPS Cognitive Psychology Section Annual Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 3-5 September 2014.

KUKSA, I. and FISHER, T., 2014. Design and personalisation: by a person or for a person? In: CENTRIC 2014 Conference Proceedings, pp. 44-47.

KUMAKO, S.K., 2014. Setting an agenda for health and safety in Ghanaian organizations: a focus on psychosocial risks and employee health and well-being. In: 4th Annual Joint Conference of the Department of Psychiatry and the Department of Psychology, University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, Ghana, 24 October 2014.

KUMAKO, S.K., 2014. Workplace bullying: a silent epidemic in Ghanaian organization. In: 4th Annual Joint Conference of the Department of Psychiatry and the Department of Psychology, University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, Ghana, 24 October 2014.

KUMAKO, S.K., LEKA, S. and JAIN, A., 2014. Workplace bullying and its impact on employee well-being in Ghana's oil and gas industry. In: Annual Medicine and Health Sciences Faculty Postgraduate Research Forum, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, 26-27 June 2014.

KUMAR, V., EAKAMBARAM, A. and ARIVAZHAGAN, A., 2014. FEM analysis to optimally design end mill cutters for milling of Ti-6Al-4V. In: 12th Global Congress On Manufacturing and Management, GCMM, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, India, 8-10 December 2014, Vellore.

KUSS, D.J., 2014. Hooked on the Internet: the prevalence, risk, theory and presenting problem of Internet addiction. In: General Online Research Conference, Köln, Germany, 5-7 March 2014, Köln, Germany.

KUSS, D.J., 2014. Online gaming addiction: compensating for lack of (real life) social skills? In: Symposium on Evaluating the Impact of Online Video Game Play on Inter- and Intrapersonal Sociability, 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris, France, 8-13 July 2014, Paris, France.

LANGMEAD, K., 2014. Aligning theory, practice and methodology for criticality: a theoretical reflection on the role of action research in the study of democratic and economic practice in worker cooperatives. In: What's So Critical About Your Critical Management Studies PhD?, University of Leicester, Leicester, 16 September 2014.

LANGMEAD, K., 2014. Maintaining cooperative social-economic characteristic: the role of organisational form and relations. In: UK Society for Co-operative Studies Annual Conference, University of Exeter, Exeter, 2014.

LANGMEAD, K., 2014. Supporting diverse economies thinking in social enterprises through deliberative democratic practice. In: Diverse Alternatives: Living, Working and Playing Differently in the Capitalist Mainstream, University of Leicester, Leicester, March 2014.

LANGMEAD, K., 2014. The role of democracy in challenging capitalocentrism to avoid co-optation and retain cooperatives' dual characteristic. In: Cooperatives in Local and Regional Development, ICA-CCR International Research Conference, Pula, Croatia, 25-28 June 2014.

LANGMEAD, K., 2014. The role of democracy in challenging dominant neoliberal narratives and revitalising cooperatives' transgressive potential. In: 6th International Social Innovation Research Conference, University of Northampton, Northampton, 1-3 September 2014.

LANILLOS, P., FERREIRA, J.F. and DIAS, J., 2014. Evaluating the influence of automatic attentional mechanisms in human-robot interaction. In: 9th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction: HRI: a bridge between Robotics and Neuroscience (Workshop 4), Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany, 3 March 2014.

LAWLEY, S., 2014. Sport, space and social change: heterotopia and marginalised sexual identities. In: SCOS, Utrecht, July 2014, Utrecht.

LEINSTER, J., 2014. Using the lens of the psychological contract to illumate the first year experience of undergraduates at Nottingham Business School. In: European First Year Experience Network (EFYE) 2014 Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 9-11 June 2014.

LEWIS, J., CASSIDY, K. and RESNICK, S., 2014. ‘Clicks to bricks’: a multi–channel opportunity. In: 21st International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services Science, Bucharest, Romania, July 2014, Bucharest.

LIEVESLEY, R., WINDER, B. and ELLIOTT, H., 2014. Understanding the pharmacological treatment of sexual offenders: a service user perspective. In: International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO) Conference, Porto, Portugal, 03-06 September 2014.

LIEVESLEY, R., WINDER, B. and ELLIOTT, H., 2014. Understanding the pharmacological treatment of sexual offenders: a service user perspective. In: Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA) Conference, San Diego, California, 29 October 2014.

LIU, C. and MINFORD, P., 2014. Comparing behavioural and rational expectations for the US post-war economy. In: Quantitative Economics Conference, Beijing, China, 10-13 July 2014.

LOGAN, P., BREEDON, P., HALL, P., NEWELL, O., CHILDS, B., RUSSELL, A., O'BRIEN, B., EDMANS, J. and WATTS, S., 2014. Face To face: an exploratory trial of a facial rehabilitation tool. In: UK Stroke Forum 2014, Harrogate International Conference Centre, Harrogate, 2-4 December 2014.

LOPEZ-FERNANDEZ, O., KUSS, D.J., BILLIEUX, J. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2014. Internet and gaming addictions: a systematic literature review of clinical studies [poster presentation]. In: 16th Congress of the International Society of Addiction Medicine (ISAM), Yokohama, Japan, 2-6 October 2014.

LOPEZ-FERNANDEZ, O., KUSS, D.J., GRIFFITHS, M.D. and BILLIEUX, J., 2014. Problematic mobile phone use: a comprehensive review of measurements [poster presentation]. In: 16th Congress of the International Society of Addiction Medicine (ISAM), Yokohama, Japan, 2-6 October 2014.

LOVE, K., 2014. Badiou, metapolitics and the provenance of prescription. In: Alternative Futures IV Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 26 February 2014, Nottingham.

LOVE, K., 2014. The political is personal: quisnity, touch and the ontopolitics of typology [keynote address]. In: Typus und Person. Wie man dem Menschen gerecht wird, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstad, Eichstätt and Ingolstadt, Bavaria, 3-5 July 2014., Eichstätt and Ingolstadt, Bavaria.

LU, C., 2014. Vertical farming for future sustainable agriculture and food security. In: Vertical Farming and the Future of Food Conference, FACT, Liverpool, 10 October 2014.

LU, C. and HODGMAN, C., 2014. Systems biology, potential outputs – gene regulatory network analysis. In: GFS-II-SJU, Shanghai, China, 14-17 October 2014.

LU, C. and WU, P., 2014. Transcriptomic analysis of M8 mutant associated with Pi use efficiency in rice. In: Next Generation Sequencing Conference (NGS) 2014, Barcelona, Spain, 2-4 June 2014.

LUONG, A. and ZHANG, M., 2014. Small firms' internationalization process: a gradual or born-global approach? In: 74th Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, 1-5 August 2014, Philadelphia.

MAKHLOUF, Y., VINOGRADOV, D. and KELLARD, N., 2014. Country-level effects of global commodity price determinants: evidence from 72 countries. In: 10th BMRC-DEMS Conference on Macro and Financial Economics/Econometrics, Brunel University London, London, 28-30 May 2014.

MAKHLOUF, Y., VINOGRADOV, D. and KELLARD, N., 2014. Country-level effects of global commodity price determinants: evidence from 72 countries. In: The 12th INFINITI Conference on International Finance, Monash University Prato Centre, Prato, Italy, 9-10 June 2014.

MAO, L., 2014. Looking for early morning dew: originality in undergraduate dissertation supervision. In: Third Symposium on the Supervision of Research Students (SSRS) in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (TCSL), Nanjing University, China, 11-13 July 2014.

MAO, L., 2014. Seek refuge from the storm. In: 4th Global Conference: Gender and Love, Mansfield College, University of Oxford, Oxford, 24-26 September 2014.

MAO, L., 2014. The commodification of glamorous Chinese housewife. In: School of Arts and Humanities Annual Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 19-20 June 2014.

MARTIN, D., COOPER, S.B., HOBSON, R.M., ROBERTSON, J., HARRIS, R. and SALE, C., 2014. Effect of beta-alanine supplementation on 20km cycling time trial performance and cognitive function. In: European Congress of Sports Science, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2014.

MARTÍNEZ-ARELLANO, G., CANT, R. and NOLLE, L., 2014. Prediction of jet engine parameters for control design using genetic programming. In: 2014 UKSim-AMSS 16th International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation, Cambridge, 26-28 March 2014.

MATOUSEK, R., NGUYEN, T.N. and STEWART, C., 2014. Bank structure in a developing country: a non-structural method – equilibrium approach. In: 50th Annual British Accounting & Finance Association (BAFA) Conference, London School of Economics, London, 14-16 April 2014.

MATOUSEK, R., NGUYEN, T.N. and STEWART, C., 2014. Efficiency in the banking sector of a developing country. In: Vietnam International Conference in Finance (VICIF-2014), Vietnam Finance Association International (VFAI) and Hanoi Foreign Trade University, Hanoi, Vietnam, 5-6 June 2014.

MAZHAR, M.U., 2014. Carbon management in universities. In: International Energy Policies & Programmes Evaluation Conference (IEPPEC), Berlin, Germany, 9-11 September 2014.

MCCOLGAN, P., HILLIER, D. and TSEKERIS, A., 2014. Executive stock options and corporate acquisition decisions. In: European Accounting Association Annual Congress, Tallinn, Estonia, 21-23 May 2014.

MCCOLGAN, P., HILLIER, D. and TSEKERIS, A., 2014. Incentive compensation vs. SOX: evidence from corporate acquisition decisions. In: Financial Management Association Annual Meeting 2014, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 15-18 October 2014.

MCCOLGAN, P., HILLIER, D., TSEKERIS, A. and PRESTHUS, A.S., 2014. Incentive compensation vs SOX: evidence from corporate acquisition decisions. In: Financial Management Association European Conference 2014, Maastricht, Netherlands, 11-13 June 2014.

MCNAMARA, N., 2014. The role of online community identity in structuring responses to stress in stigmatised groups. In: 17th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Oudemanhuispoort - University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 9-12 July 2014.

MEIER, F. and MANGENA, M., 2014. Corporate governance mechanisms and the attribution of performance outcomes in the narrative section of UK listed firms' annual reports. In: British Accounting and Finance Association Annual Conference, London School of Economics, London, 14-16 April 2014, London.

MEIER, F., MANGENA, M. and LI, J., 2014. The cost of equity capital effects of attribution statements on corporate financial performance outcomes in the annual report - an empirical analysis of UK listed firms. In: British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA) Annual Conference 2014, London School of Economics, London, 14-16 April 2014.

MORENO, M.A., BRAITHWAITE, N. and COOPER, T., 2014. Moving beyond the circular economy. In: Going Green - CARE INNOVATION 2014, Vienna, Austria, 17-20 November 2014.

MORENO, M.A., PISCICELLI, L. and COOPER, T., 2014. Using the Values-Practice Framework to adopt lifetime optimising behaviours: the case of maintenance. In: SCORAI Europe Workshop, Royal Society of Arts, London, 30 September - 2 October 2014, London.

MURPHY, P., 2014. Local financial and fiduciary management in the UK: a strategic state firework fallen to earth or a financial management initiative awaiting re-ignition? In: PAC and TPAC 2014: Public Leadership in an Age of Austerity: Contestability and Conflict? Liverpool, 2014, Liverpool.

MURPHY, P., 2014. Public sector reform and the strategic state. In: CIPFA North East 4th Annual Conference, Sage, Gateshead, 28 November 2014, Gateshead.

MURPHY, P., 2014. Reflections on the changing local government and public sector landscape. In: National Leisure and Cultural Services Forum, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, October 2014, Kenilworth, Warwickshire.

MURPHY, P., 2014. The strategic positioning of public value in the theory, policy and practice of public management in England. In: Alternatives Futures Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 26 February 2014, Nottingham.

MURPHY, P., 2014. The strategic state and its application to three inter-related areas of public service improvement. In: Alternatives Futures Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 26 February 2014, Nottingham.

MURPHY, P. and GREENHALGH, K., 2014. Assessing the new fire and risk management arrangements for the Republic of Ireland. In: Annual Conference on Fire-Related Research and Developments 2014 (RE14), National Fire Services College, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire, 13 November 2014, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire.

MURPHY, P. and GREENHALGH, K., 2014. Assessing the new fire and risk management framework for the Republic of Ireland. In: PAC Conference Liverpool 2014, Liverpool.

MURPHY, P. and JONES, M., 2014. A strategic state firework fallen to earth or a financial management initiative awaiting re-ignition? Local financial and fiduciary management in the UK. In: IRSPM 2014: Intersections: Governance, Democracy, Accountability. D1 Special Interest Group: Accounting and Accountability, Ottawa, 9-11 April 2014, Ottowa.

MUTALE, G., DUNN, A.K., STILLER, J. and LARKIN, R., 2014. Pathogen priming affects preferences for male and female body weight [oral presentation]. In: 31st BPS Cognitive Psychology Section Annual Conference, Nottingham, 3-5 September 2014, Nottingham.

MUTCH, A., 2014. The business of religion: lending and the Church of Scotland in the eighteenth century. In: 30th EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies) Colloquium, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 3–5 July 2014, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

NARAYANAN, A., LAVY, S. and BETTS, L.R., 2014. Attachment orientations, probabilistic orientation, and resilience in India, Israel, and the United Kingdom. In: American Psychological Association 122nd Annual Convention 2014, Washington Convention Center, Washington, D.C., United States, 7-10 August 2014.

NDASI, W., 2014. Modelling online customers' responses to E-tailers' affiliate and cause-related marketing communications. In: Academy of Marketing Conference, Bournemouth, 7-10 July 2014.

NICHOLSON, J. and EHRET, M., 2014. Dialectic critical realism and an expanded agenda for industrial marketing. In: IMP Conference 2014, Bordeaux, France, 1-6 September 2014.

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O'HARE, L., 2014. Resting alpha and visual task performance. In: Applied Vision Association Christmas Meeting, London, 16 December 2014.

O'HARE, L., POLLUX, P. and CLARKE, A., 2014. Excessive neural responses and visual discomfort. In: Scottish Vision Group meeting, Troon, UK, 21-23 March 2014.

O'HARE, L., POLLUX, P. and CLARKE, A., 2014. Excessive neural responses and visual discomfort. In: 37th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP) 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, 24 -28 August 2014.

O'NEILL, M., 2014. Reasoned protest or irrational revolt? The politics of Euroscepticism. In: International Conference on EU Integration and Disintegration, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, October 2014.

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PAINTER-MORLAND, M., 2014. Academic Response to Richard Straub. In: Philosophy of Management International Conference, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 14-16 July 2014.

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PAINTER-MORLAND, M., KIRK, S., DESLANDES, G. and TANSLEY, C., 2014. 'Talent' is more than a word: the (im)possibility of ethical reflection within talent management. In: Ethics of Leadership and HRM Session, Critical Management Stream, American Academy of Management Conference 2014, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 1-5 August 2014.

PAINTER-MORLAND, M., MOLTHAN-HILL, P., GOWOREK, H. and SABET, E., 2014. Integrating sustainability and ethics into management education. In: EBEN (European Business Ethics Network) Annual Conference 2014, Berlin, Germany, 12-14 June 2014.

PALERMO, O. and BISIGNANO, A., 2014. Exploring entrepreneurs’ mobilization of a gendering discourse. In: ISBE 2014, Manchester, November 2014, Manchester.

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PEART, S., 2014. Bullying as an institutionally exclusionary practice. In: JORSEN (Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs) 6th Invitation Research Seminar.

PEART, S., BYROM, T. and DE BRITO, G., 2014. Bringing about change - encouraging homeless young people into education. In: Nottingham Trent University School of Education, 3rd Research Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, Nottingham.

PERRIN, C., BLAGDEN, N., WINDER, B. and DILLON, G., 2014. Exploring the impact of peer-support roles on offenders in prison and in the community post-release. In: Prisoners Education Trust Academic Symposium, Oxford Centre for Criminology, University of Oxford, Oxford, 16 September 2014.

PICH, C., 2014. Understanding the relationship between the communicated political brand identity and understood political brand image of David Cameron’s UK Conservative Party. In: 19th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy, 3-4 April 2014, Milan, Italy.

PICH, C. and DEAN, D., 2014. The challenges of exploring internal political brand identity and external political brand image in the context of David Cameron’s Conservative Party. In: 2014 Academy of Marketing Conference, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, 2014, Bournemouth.

PITCHER, G.S., 2014. Management accounting in support of strategy - a strategy as practice perspective. In: 28th Annual British Academy of Management Conference (BAM2014), Belfast, Northern Ireland, 9-11 September 2014.

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POORREZAEI, M. and HEINZE, A., 2014. Consumer engagement persuasion process in online brand communities: social influence theory perspective. In: 28th Annual British Academy of Management Conference, Belfast Waterfront, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 9-11 September 2014.

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RAIDÉN, A. and RÄISÄNEN, C., 2014. Striving to achieve it all: men and work-family-life balance in Sweden and the UK - implications for well-being and HRM. In: Joint BAM HRM SIG and the ESRC Seminar Series: Sustaining Employee Wellbeing in the 21st Century Conference, Manchester, 8-9 May 2014.

RAMANATHAN, R., PHILPOT, E., DUAN, Y. and RAMANATHAN, U., 2014. Big data and analytics in logistics: some preliminary findings with UK firms. In: POMS 2014, Singapore, July 2014.

RAMANATHAN, U., 2014. Will smart operations help better planning and replenishment? Empirical study. In: POMS 2014, Singapore, July 2014.

RAMANATHAN, U. and BENTLEY, Y., 2014. Will supply chain collaboration help achieve green sustainability? An empirical study. In: EurOMA 2014, Palermo, Italy.

RAMANATHAN, U., SUBRAMANIAN, N. and PARROTT, G., 2014. Moderating effect of promotions in retail services: a critical view on role of operations. In: POMS 2014, NITIE (National Institute of Industrial Engineering), Mumbai, India.

RASHID, A. and BARNES, L., 2014. Country of origin construct on fashion retail brands. In: Innovation from Fibre to Fashion, 89th Textile Institute World Conference, Wuhan, China, 2-6 December 2014.

RASHID, A., BARNES, L. and WARNABY, G., 2014. Country of origin branding in fashion retail brands. In: 11th International CIRCLE Conference, The University of Manchester, Manchester, 23-26 April 2014.

RESNICK, S., CASSIDY, K. and LEWIS, J., 2014. From 'clicks to bricks': a route to multichannel retailing: case study. In: 47th Academy of Marketing Conference (AM2014), Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, 7-10 July 2014.

ROBERTS, J. and LU, C., 2014. Global food security and the Centre for Urban Agriculture. In: International Conference on Vertical Farming and Urban Agriculture 2014, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, 9-10 September 2014.

ROBSON, J., 2014. Criminal advocacy training after Jeffrey. In: International Advocacy Teaching Conference 2014, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 27-28 June 2014, Nottingham.

ROE, C.A. and ROXBURGH, E.C., 2014. What can we learn from an exploration of the phenomenology of spiritualist mental mediumship? In: 18th Annual Conference of the Transpersonal Section of the British Psychological Society: Contextualising Mindfulness: Between the Sacred and the Secular, Sunley Conference Centre, Northampton, 10-12 October 2014.

ROESER, J., JÄGER, L., BENZ, L. and VASISHTH, S., 2014. Encoding and retrieval interference in dependency resolution. In: 27th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 13-15 March 2014.

ROSBOROUGH, J., LEWIS, J. and WOODALL, T., 2014. Being smart about smart meters: engagement antecedents and the fuel poor. In: Academy of Marketing Conference: Marketing Dimensions: People, Places and Spaces, Bournemouth University, Poole, 7-10 July 2014.

ROSBOROUGH, J. and MITCHELL, S., 2014. MyWaitrose: a pointless way to engage. In: BAM2014 British Academy of Management Conference, Belfast, 9-11 September 2014.

ROSBOROUGH, J. and PYBUS, L., 2014. The effectiveness of consultancy projects as a learning tool. In: Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2014, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, April 2014.

ROSSITER, W., 2014. Economic development in the East Midlands: experience, prospects, challenges. In: East Midlands Business Network, Trent Bridge, Nottingham, 10 June 2014.

ROSSITER, W., 2014. Rescaling economic strategy in the East Midlands: strategy, evidence, policy. In: Policy & Politics Conference 2014: The Challenges of Leadership and Collaboration in the 21st Century, Marriott Hotel, Bristol, 16-17 September 2014.

ROWLETT, P., 2014. Development and evaluation of a partially-automated approach to the assessment of undergraduate mathematics. In: Proceedings of the 8th British Congress of Mathematics Education, Nottingham.

ROWLETT, P., SOUTH, A. and SUMNER, R., 2014. Engaging mathematics students via e-assessment and screen annotation. In: Proceedings of Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Nottingham.

ROXBURGH, E.C. and EVENDEN, R., 2014. Counselling for anomalous experiences. In: Qualitative Research on Mental Health 5 (QRMH5), MAICh, Chania, Crete, Greece, 2-4 September 2014.

ROXBURGH, E.C. and RIDGEWAY, S., 2014. Exploring the meaning in meaningful coincidences. In: Qualitative Research on Mental Health 5 (QRMH5), MAICh, Chania, Crete, Greece, 2-4 September 2014.

ROXBURGH, E.C. and RIDGWAY, S., 2014. Synchronicity in the clinical setting. In: 18th Annual Conference of the Transpersonal Section of the British Psychological Society: Contextualising Mindfulness: Between the Sacred and the Secular, Sunley Conference Centre, Northampton, 10-12 October 2014.

ROXBURGH, E.C. and ROE, C.A., 2014. Reframing voices and visions using a spiritual model: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of anomalous experiences in mediumship. In: Qualitative Research on Mental Health 5 (QRMH5), MAICh, Chania, Crete, Greece, 2-4 September 2014.

RÄISÄNEN, C. and RAIDÉN, A., 2014. Exploring the unknown in the known: female academics’ inquiry into male academics’ work-life coping strategies. In: The 9th Annual Liverpool Symposium on Current Developments in Ethnographic Research in the Social and Management Sciences, Ipswich, 27-29 August 2014, Ipswich.

RÄISÄNEN, C. and RAIDÉN, A., 2014. Work-life balance in the knowledge economy: a conceptual dichotomy that does not hold. In: Nordic Working Life Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 11-13 June 2014, Gothenburg.

SALVIA, G. and COOPER, T., 2014. The role of design as a catalyst for sustainable DIY. In: SCORAI (Europe) and Kingston University, Sustainable Consumption Workshop, Royal Society of Arts, London, 30 September - 1 October 2014, London.

SARPONG, D., ADEGBILE, A. and ABDRAZAK, A., 2014. On wheels to triple helix model of innovation: the case of Malaysia. In: The 4th COSINUS International Conference, Bordj-Bou-Arreridj, Algeria, 23-25 September 2014.

SAUNDERS, L., KITSON-BOYCE, R.J. and ELLIOTT, H., 2014. The Safer Living Foundation: circles of support and accountability. In: The Second Annual HMP Whatton Conference, HMP Whatton, Whatton, Nottinghamshire, June 2014.

SHABBIR, H.A., AYYUB, R. and COLMEKCIOGLU, N., 2014. Non Muslim consumer perceptions of Halal products. In: World Halal Summit 2014, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, November 2014.

SHAHTAHMASSEBI, G. and MOYEED, R., 2014. Bayesian modelling ultra-high frequency financial data via particle filters. In: 8th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics (CFE 2014), University of Pisa, Italy, 6-8 December 2014.

SHANKAR, B., GUPTA, S.K., TAUBE, W.R. and AKHTAR, J., 2014. Dependence of field plate parameters on dielectric constant in a 4H-SiC Schottky diode. In: 2014 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Emerging Electronics (ICEE), Bengaluru, India, 3-6 December 2014.

SHANKS, B. and ZHANG, X., 2014. Exploring the commitment of temporary agency workers. In: The 18th International Academy of Management and Business Conference, Rome, Italy, September 2014, Rome, Italy.

SIEBERS, L.Q., 2014. Business model transformation: lessons from retail TNCs' expansion in China. In: The British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference, Belfast, 9-11 September 2014, Belfast.

SIEBERS, L.Q. and KAMOCHE, K., 2014. Socialisation and transmission of culture and values: Chinese practices in Africa. In: 14th European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference, Valencia, Spain, 4-7 June 2014, Valencia.

SMITH, H., DUNN, A.K., BAGULEY, T. and STACEY, P., 2014. Integrated processes in person perception: matching novel faces and voices [oral presentation]. In: 31st BPS Cognitive Psychology Section Annual Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 3-5 September 2014, Nottingham.

SMITH, H.M.J., DUNN, A., BAGULEY, T. and STACEY, P.C., 2014. Concordant cues in unfamiliar person perception: matching faces and voices. In: Annual PsyPAG Conference, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff, July 2014, Cardiff.

SONNEX, C., ROE, C.A. and ROXBURGH, E.C., 2014. Making magic(k): essential aspects of successful neo-pagan spell work. In: 38th Society for Psychical Research (SPR) International Annual Conference, York, 5-7 September 2014.

SONNEX, C., ROE, C.A. and ROXBURGH, E.C., 2014. Monkeys' paws, poppets, sheep and goats; or the necessary components of successful spells. In: 18th Annual Conference of the Transpersonal Section of the British Psychological Society: Contextualising Mindfulness: Between the Sacred and the Secular, Sunley Conference Centre, Northampton, 10-12 October 2014.

SONNEX, C., ROE, C.A. and ROXBURGH, E.C., 2014. Pagan spellcasting: discovering the homogenous among the heterogeneous. In: Nineteenth Joint Postgraduate Conference on Religion and Theology: Spiritual Exercises, Bristol, 7-8 March 2014.

SONNEX, C., ROE, C.A. and ROXBURGH, E.C., 2014. Paganism in practice: finding the homogeneous within the heterogeneous. In: British Psychological Society (BPS) Transpersonal Psychology Section 18th Annual Conference, Northampton, 10-12 October 2014.

SPENSER, K. and KITSON-BOYCE, R.J., 2014. Whatton Circles: the first prison-based circles project. In: 1st International Circles of Support and Accountability Conference, CosmoCaixa, Barcelona, November 2014, Barcelona.

SPENSER, K.A. and BETTS, L.R., 2014. “People think it’s a harmless joke when really it could be hurting someone”: young people’s experiences of cyber bullying. In: British Psychological Society Annual Conference 2014, International Convention Centre, Birmingham, 7-9 May 2014.

STACEY, P., MURPHY, T., SUMNER, C., KITTERICK, P. and ROBERTS, K.L., 2014. The effect of degrading the auditory signal on the ability to locate a talking face. In: 31st BPS Cognitive Psychology Section Annual Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 3-5 September 2014.

STATHOPOULOU, E. and VARVARIGOS, D., 2014. Corruption entry and pollution. In: 13th Conference on Research on Economic Theory and Econometrics, 2014, Milos Conference Center, Milos, Crete, 13-17 July 2014.

STECCOLINI, I., GUARINI, E., BARBERA, C. and JONES, M., 2014. Financial resilience in local authorities: an exploration of Anglo-Italian experiences. In: IRSPM 2014: Intersections: Governance, Democracy, Accountability. D1 Special Interest Group: Accounting and Accountability, Ottawa, 9-11 April 2014, Ottawa.

STECCOLINI, I. and JONES, M., 2014. UK municipalities’ financial resilience in the face of austerity: facing crises and looking ahead. In: EGPA Annual Conference, PSG XII Public Sector Financial Management, Speyer, Germany, 8-12 September 2014, Speyer, Germany.

STEPHENS, S., SABET, E. and YAZDANI, B., 2014. Supply chain strategies for the fast moving industries. In: 21st Annual EUROMA Conference, Palermo, Italy, 20-25 June 2014, Palermo.

STERZING, T., APPS, C., DING, R. and CHEUNG, J., 2014. Walking on an unpredictable irregular surface changes lower limb biomechanics and subjective perception compared to walking on a regular surface. In: The 4th Congress of the International Foot and Ankle Biomechanics Community, Busan, Korea, April 2014.

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STRATTON, R., 2014. Applying TOC thinking to health and social care – theory and practice [invited speaker]. In: 13th International TOC PA conference, Johannesburg, South Africa, May 2014, Johannesburg, South Africa.

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STRATTON, R., WEST, W. and WILSON, A., 2014. A holistic solution for community health and social care. In: 12th TOCICO International Conference, Washington, USA, June 2014, Washington, USA.

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VICKERS, T., 2014. Applying the Marxist theory of crisis to understand increasing conditionality in the UK migration and welfare regimes. In: Contested Migration Regimes: European Perspectives and Beyond, Mid-Term Conference of the ESA Research Network 35: Sociology of Migration, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 13-14 November 2014.

VICKERS, T., 2014. Can participatory video research achieve change beyond the local? Reflections on research with 'new migrants' in North East England. In: Visual In-Sights: Theory, Method, Practice Conference, Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, 26-27 June 2014.

VICKERS, T., 2014. Refugees, asylum policy and the working class. In: Migrant Work Futures Symposium, University of Southampton, Southampton, August 2014.

VICKERS, T., 2014. Theorising the intersection between local labour processes in North East England and international divisions of labour. In: BSA Annual Conference, University of Leeds, Leeds, 23-25 April 2014.

VICKERS, T., 2014. The reserve army of labour and international migration to Britain: developing a conceptual model. In: Centre for Research on Migration, Refugees and Belonging Seminar, University of East London, London, December 2014.

VICKERS, T., 2014. The role of UK immigration policy 1999-2014 in stratifying the working class and enforcing precarity and exploitation. In: Migrating In, Migrating Out: How to (Re)think "Migrants'" Struggles Conference, New Left Perspectives and Social Center "Xaspel", Sofia, Bulgaria, 8-9 May 2014.

VICKERS, T., CRAIG, G. and ATKIN, K., 2014. Research with black and minority ethnic people using social care services. In: NIHR and INVOLVE Webinar, January 2014.

VICKERS, T. and RUTTER, A., 2014. Fostering divisions in a cold climate: depictions of immigrants and the working class on British television in 2014. In: Social Work Action Network Annual Conference, Durham University, Durham, April 2014.

WAHIDIN, A., 2014. Women’s experience of imprisonment: the case for penal abolition. In: Staffordshire University, School of Arts and Humanities, 20 March 2014, Staffordshire.

WAHIDIN, A., 2014. A libertarian criminology or are criminologists zoo keepers of deviancy? In: Penal Law, Abolitionism and Anarchism, European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control and Hulsman Foundation, Galleries of Justice, Nottingham, 25-27 April 2014., Nottingham.

WAHIDIN, A., 2014. The violence of incarceration and the politics of state sanctioned sexual violence against females members of the IRA. In: British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2014 - Changing Society, Leeds, 23–25 April 2014, Leeds.

WAHIDIN, A., 2014. The violence of incarceration – strip searching of women at Armagh Gaol. In: Prison Policy and Practice, Faculty of Socio-legal Studies and Criminal Justice, University of Toronto, 1 October 2014, Toronto.

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WAKELIN, E., 2014. Bosnia and Herzegovina: the need for belonging in a state of minorities. In: UACES 44th Annual Conference, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, 1-4 September 2014.

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WALLIS, M., 2014. Reclaiming the individual embedded in society: the contribution of ethnography to fundamental questions of corporate social responsibility. In: 25th Annual Conference of the International Association for Business and Society (IABS 2014), Sydney, Australia, 19-24 June 2014.

WALTON, H., BOWE, M. and BRUNSDEN, V., 2014. An exploration of place-identity, memory and well-being in older individuals using photo voice. In: British Psychological Society Annual Conference 2014, International Convention Centre, Birmingham, 7-9 May 2014.

WATKINS, M.A., 2014. Teaching the YouTube generation: exploring the benefits of an interactive teaching approach in sustainable product design. In: Global Valencia. 4th Valencia Global 2014, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería del Diseño Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain, 19-20 June 2014, Valencia.

WHEATLEY, D., 2014. Subjective well-being and engagement in arts, culture and sport. In: AHE Annual Conference, London, July 2014, London.

WHITEHOUSE-TEDD, K., HEBELLMANN, L., STRICK, J., VERCAMMEN, P. and DIERENFELD, E., 2014. Dietary evaluation of rare ungulate species at the Breeding Centre for Endangered Arabian Wildlife, United Arab Emirates. In: Comparative Nutrition Society 2014 Symposium, Flat Rock, North Carolina, 1-5 August 2014.

WHYSALL, P., 2014. Retailers and deprivation: an exploratory study. In: British Academy of Management Conference, Belfast, September 2014, Belfast.

WHYSALL, Z., 2014. Coaching culture: what is it and how can organisations develop one? In: British Psychological Society 4th International Congress of Coaching Psychology, Bloomsbury, London, 11-12 December 2014.

WHYSALL, Z.J. and MCTAVISH, A.-M., 2014. Enhancing the value of ‘consultancy projects’ as a pedagogical tool at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. In: British Academy of Management Annual Conference, Belfast, 9-11 September 2014, Belfast.

WILLIAMS, G., 2014. Sensitising undergraduate students and service users about power, privilege, and marginalisation: a critical community psychology perspective. In: Community Psychology Festival, Bloomsbury Baptist Church, London, 28-29 November 2014.

WILLIAMS, G.J. and LARKIN, R.F., 2014. The contribution of reading, spelling and writing speed to measures of writing quantity and quality in secondary school children. In: The Conference on Writing Research, Utrecht & Amsterdam, 14 August 2014.

WILLIAMS, H., 2014. The hybrid nature of the e-HRM professional: an identity perspective. In: The Fifth International e-HRM Conference, University of Albany, New York, 30-31 July 2014.

WILLIAMS, N.C., JOHNSONS, M.A., SHARPE, G.R. and HUNTER, K.A., 2014. Supplementation of prebiotic galactooligosaccharide reduces severity of exercise induced asthma (EIA) in physically active asthmatics: a pilot study. In: European Respiratory Society Lung Science Conference, Estoril Portugal.

WILSON, A., 2014. Fractured communities: using a community conflict model to explain how negative portrayals of young people shape an interpretation of hostile intent. In: British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2014 - Changing Society, University of Leeds, Leeds, 23–25 April 2014, Leeds.

WILSON, A., 2014. Innocent actions and perceived intent: What part do (mis)perceptions of anti-social behaviour and young people play in shaping interpretations hostility and hate? Crime, justice, welfare: can the metropole listen? In: British Society of Criminology Annual Conference, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, 10-12 July 2014, Liverpool.

WILSON, A., 2014. Muggings, moral panic and the crisis: a social and theoretical construction. In: British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2014 - Changing Society, University of Leeds, Leeds, 23–25 April 2014, Leeds.

WINDER, B., BLAGDEN, N. and LIEVESLEY, R., 2014. A qualitative analysis of the accounts of Christian individuals serving time in custody for a sexual offence. In: 13th International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO) Conference, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 3-6 September 2014, Porto, Portugal.

WINDER, B., HOCKEN, K., LIEVESLEY, R., ELLIOTT, H., NORMAN, C. and PAYNE, N., 2014. Evaluation of the use of anti-libidinal medication with convicted sex offenders with high levels of sexual preoccupation. In: [Presentation], Alliant International University, California, United States, 2014.

WINDER, B., HOCKEN, K., LIEVESLEY, R., ELLIOTT, H., NORMAN, C. and PAYNE, N., 2014. Evaluation of the use of anti-libidinal medication with convicted sex offenders with high levels of sexual preoccupation. In: [Presentation to psychiatrists and psychologists], Folsom State Prison, Represa, California, United States, 2014.

WINDER, B., HOCKEN, K. and SMITH, L., 2014. The development and validation of two screening measures to help in the identification of intellectually disabled (ID) offenders. In: HMP Whatton Conference 2014, HMP Whatton, Whatton, Nottinghamshire, June 2014.

WINDER, B., LIEVESLEY, R. and ELLIOTT, H., 2014. A case study approach to understanding pharmacologically treated sexual offenders: understanding the journeys of high risk male sex offenders receiving medication to reduce sexual preoccupation and/or hypersexuality. In: ATSA (Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers) 33rd Annual Research and Treatment Conference, San Diego, California, 29 October - 1 November 2014.

WINDER, B., LIEVESLEY, R., ELLIOTT, H., HOCKEN, K. and NORMAN, C., 2014. Evaluation of the use of anti-libidinal medication with convicted sex offenders with high levels of sexual preoccupation. In: Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA) Conference, San Diego, California, 29 October 2014.

WOODALL, T., ARMANNSDOTTIR, G. and PICH, C., 2014. Projection and personality: a provisional study of aspiring marketers. In: Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, 7-10 July 2014.

WRIGHT, D., 2014. "Idiolect and the uniqueness of encoding": twenty years of corpora and forensic authorship analysis. In: The Seventh Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies (IVACS) International Conference, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, 19-21 June 2014.

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ZHAI, X., APPIAH, K., EHSAN, S., HU, H., GU, D., MCDONALD-MAIER, K., CHEUNG, W.M. and HOWELLS, G., 2014. Detecting compromised programs for embedded system applications [forthcoming]. In: ARCS 2014 (Architecture of Computing Systems), Park Inn Hotel, Luebeck, Germany, 25-28 February 2014, Luebeck, Germany.

ZHANG, M., 2014. Paradigm change of mobility in the twenty-first century. In: Management Division Research Seminar Series, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 26 November 2014, Nottingham.

ZHANG, M., 2014. Sustainable mobility: conceptualization and contextualization. In: Research Seminar at Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen NHH, Bergen, Norway, 22 October 2014, Bergen.

Ó NÉILL, C., 2014. Abrahamic religious belief, double effect and the law: uneasy alliances? In: College of St Hild and St Bede Postgraduate Colloquium, Durham University, Durham, 2014.

Ó NÉILL, C., 2014. Medical law and the use of a religious-inspired principle in a so-called secular legal system. In: College of St Hild and St Bede Senior Common Room Postgraduate Symposium, Durham University, Durham, 2014.

Ó NÉILL, C., 2014. Significance of a religious inspired principle in English medical law: an analysis of double effect. In: Matariki Workshop on Research Ethics, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany, 2014.

Ó NÉILL, C., 2014. The doctrine of double effect in English Law: alive and kicking? In: Durham CELLS (Centre for Ethics and Law in the Life Sciences) Postgraduate Conference, Durham University, Durham, 2014.

Ó NÉILL, C., 2014. The relevance of double effect in English Medical law. In: Newcastle Law School PGR Conference 2014: the Challenges for Legal Thought in a Contemporary Society, Newcastle Law School, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, 3-4 April 2014.

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