Items where Division is "Nottingham Business School" and Year is 2013

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ABDELHADI, A., FOSTER, C. and WHYSALL, P., 2013. Arabic social and cultural influences on aberrant consumer behaviour: an exploratory study of Libyan marketers. In: Academy of Marketing Conference 2013, Marketing Relevance, University of South Wales, Cardiff, 8-11 July 2013.

ABDELHADI, A., FOSTER, C., WHYSALL, P. and RAWWAS, M., 2013. Attitudes towards shoplifting: a preliminary cross-cultural study of consumers. In: EAERCD (European Association for Education and Research in Commercial Distribution) Conference, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain, 3-5 July 2013.

ABDI, H., DE LEEUW, S. and KLUMPP, M., 2013. Measuring success in humanitarian supply chains. In: 2013 POMS Conference, Denver, 2013, Denver.

ABDI, H., KLUMPP, M. and DE LEEUW, S., 2013. Measuring success in humanitarian supply chains. International Journal of Business and Management Invention, 2 (8), pp. 31-39. ISSN 2319-8028

ABDO, H., 2013. Exploring the effectiveness of the green deal and the carbon price floor as policy tools for decarbonising the UK’s future economy and securing electricity supply. In: 11th Eurasia Business and Economics (EBES) Conference, Yekaterinburg, Russia, 12-14 September 2013, Yekaterinburg, Russia.

ABDO, H., 2013. Exploring the effectiveness of the green deal and the carbon price floor as policy tools for decarbonising the UK’s future economy and securing electricity supply [forthcoming]. Oil, Gas and Energy Law. ISSN 1875-418X

ABDO, H., 2013. Osborne shoots for energy security, but shale gas is no silver bullet. The Conversation.

ABDO, H. and AL-GABERY, A., 2013. Exploring the effects of oil and gas reserves disclosures on the market value of oil and gas companies. Online Journal of Social Sciences Research, 2 (8), pp. 225-236. ISSN 2277-0844

ABDO, H. and DUNNE, T., 2013. A preliminary investigation of the role of IFRS 6 in harmonising accounting for extractive industries. In: Joint Annual Conference of British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA), Northern Area Group and Interdisciplinary Perspectives Special Interest Group, Nottingham, 9-10 September 2013, Nottingham.

ABOAGYE-NIMO, E., RAIDÉN, A., KING, A. and TIETZE, S., 2013. A safety culture shaped by common sense. In: S.D. SMITH and D.D. AHIAGA-DAGBUI, eds., Proceedings of the 29th Annual ARCOM Conference, Reading, 2-4 September 2013. Reading: ARCOM, pp. 323-333. ISBN 9780955239076

ABUBAKRE, M., RAVISHANKAR, M.N. and COOMBS, C., 2013. Achieving IT diffusion within the fragments: an IT culture perspective. In: 21st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2013), Utrecht, Netherlands, 5-8 June 2013.

ACKRILL, R., 2013. Cutting the cost of the CAP: has it taken economic meltdown to deliver? In: The euro crisis - a catalyst for change? Examining the effects of the financial crisis on European Union policy, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, 18-19 April 2013.

ACKRILL, R., 2013. Regulating international business beyond sovereign borders: the problem of extra-territorial implementation in EU biofuels policy. In: 26th Annual Conference of the European Business Ethics Network, Lille, France, 12-14 September 2013, Lille.

ACKRILL, R. and KAY, A., 2013. Build it and they will come: challenges in biofuels market creation. In: International Conference on Governing Sustainable Biofuels: Markets, Certification and Technology, Copenhagen, Denmark, 19-20 November 2012.

ACKRILL, R. and KAY, A., 2013. The CAP after 2013: a break from the past or more of the same? In: 20th Council for European Studies International Conference of Europeanists, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 25-27 June 2013, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 25-27 June 2013.

ACKRILL, R., KAY, A. and ZAHARIADIS, N., 2013. Ambiguity, multiple streams, and EU policy. Journal of European Public Policy, 20 (6), pp. 871-887. ISSN 1350-1763

ADAMS, E., SABET, E., SPENCER, A. and YAZDANI, B., 2013. Quality management approach in construction equipment manufacturing. In: Proceedings of 24th Annual POMS (Production and Operations Management Society) Conference, Denver, Colorado, United States, 3-6 May 2013, Denver, Colorado.

ADDISON, S. and CHEN, G., 2013. A balancing act: trust and identity dilemma in the RAF. In: Work, Employment and Society Conference 2013, Warwick University, Coventry, 3-5 September 2013, Coventry.

AGAG, G. and ELBELTAGI, I., 2013. A framework for electronic business ethics: a comparison study between the UK and Egypt. In: T.W. BYNUM, W. FLEISHMAN, A. GERDES, G.M. NIELSEN and S. ROGERSON, eds., ETHICOMP 2013: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference: The Possibilities of Ethical ICT, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark 12-14 June 2013. Kolding, Denmark: University of Southern Denmark, pp. 14-24. ISBN 9788792646729

AHAMMAD, M.F. and AKANNI, M., 2013. National cultural distance and cross border acquisition performance. In: 4th International Conference on Economics, Business & Management, Sydney, Australia, 8-9 December 2013, Sydney, Australia.

AHAMMAD, M.F. and GLAISTER, K.W., 2013. The pre-acquisition evaluation of target firms and cross border acquisition performance. International Business Review, 22 (5), pp. 894-904. ISSN 0969-5931

AL AMERI, M.H.M., 2013. An evaluation of tourism development as diversification strategy in the United Arab Emirates. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

AL-HABAIBEH, A., MOHAMED, A.M.A. and ABDO, H., 2013. An investigation into the current utilisation and prospective of renewable energy resources and technologies in Libya. Renewable Energy, 50, pp. 732-740. ISSN 0960-1481

AL-SHAMI, A., LOTFI, A. and COLEMAN, S., 2013. Intelligent synthetic composite indicators with application. Soft Computing, 17 (12), pp. 2349-2364. ISSN 1432-7643

ALDRUGI, A. and ABDO, H., 2013. Determining the motives or reasons that make companies disclose environmental information. In: 3rd International Conference on Financial Management and Economics (ICFME), Barcelona, Spain, 10-11 August 2013, Barcelona.

ALDRUGI, A.M., 2013. Environmental disclosure in the Libyan oil and gas sector. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

ALI, S.H., RAIDÉN, A. and KIRK, S., 2013. Wasta in the Jordanian culture: a study in the banking sector. International Journal of Innovations in Business, 6 (6).

ALI, S.H., RAIDÉN, A. and KIRK, S., 2013. The effect of Wasta on business conduct and HRM conduct in Jordan. In: 27th Annual British Academy of Management Conference (BAM2013), Liverpool, 10-12 September 2013.

ALUKO, O. and KNIGHT, H., 2013. From corner store to superstore: a tale of co-evolution. In: 13th Annual World Family Business Research Conference, University of St Gallen, St Gallen, Switzerland, 3-5 July 2013.

ALUKO, O. and KNIGHT, H., 2013. The political activities of a family firm: politics, coevolution and family exit. In: ISBE 2013 Conference, Cardiff, 12-13 November 2013.

AMPONSAH-TAWIAH, K., JAIN, A., LEKA, S., HOLLIS, D. and COX, T., 2013. Examining psychosocial and physical hazards in the Ghanaian mining industry and their implications for employees’ safety experience. Journal of Safety Research: a Safety and Health Research Forum, 45, pp. 75-84. ISSN 0022-4375

APPELBAUM, E., BATT, R. and CLARK, I., 2013. Implications of financial capitalism for employment relations research: evidence from breach of trust and implicit contracts in private equity buyouts. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 51 (3), pp. 498-518. ISSN 0007-1080

ASUMENG, M. and KUMAKO, S.K., 2013. Industrial and organisational psychology. In: C.S. AKOTIA and C.C. MATE-KOLE, eds., Contemporary psychology: readings from Ghana. University of Ghana readers: Social sciences series (3). Accra, Ghana: Digibooks Ghana for the University of Ghana, pp. 1-17. ISBN 9789988191535

AWOJIDE, O., 2013. The impact of middle management involvement in creating organisational ambidexterity. In: Midlands Regional Doctoral Colloquium, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, 30 April 2013.

AWOJIDE, O., HODGKINSON, I.R. and RAVISHANKAR, M.N., 2013. The influence of middle management behaviours on the creation and development of contextual ambidexterity. In: 27th Annual British Academy of Management Conference, Liverpool, 10-12 September 2013, Aintree Racecourse, Liverpool, 10-12 September 2013.


BAKAS, D., PANAGIOTIDIS, T. and PELLONI, G., 2013. Labor reallocation: panel evidence from U.S. States. Rimini, Italy: The Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis.

BARNARD, A., DE MOTTE, C., BAILEY, D., ELLICOTT, D., KERLIN, L. and RESNICK, S., 2013. Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for substance misuse services in Nottinghamshire. Final report. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

BARTON, H., 2013. 'Lean' policing; initial findings from a study of 5 UK police forces. In: 24th Annual POMS 2013 Conference, Denver, Colorado, 3-6 May 2013. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 0615784908

BARTON, H., 2013. 'Lean' policing? New approaches to business process improvement across the UK police service. Public Money and Management, 33 (3), pp. 221-224. ISSN 0954-0962

BARTON, H., 2013. Managing for the future in higher education: a case study on 'lean' implementation within a UK business school. In: 15th IAMB Conference Proceedings, Lisbon, 17-19 April 2013, Lisbon.

BARTON, H., 2013. Operationalizing a police performance management system. In: 24th Annual POMS 2013 Conference, Denver, Colorado, 3-6 May 2013. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 0615784908

BARTON, H. and ALBERY, D., 2013. Changes in governance and accountability of the UK police service. In: 13th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management, Istanbul, 26-29 June 2013, Istanbul.

BARTON, H. and ALBERY, D., 2013. The future of UK policing: exploring the rationale behind the election of police and crime commissioners in November, 2012. In: British Academy of Management Conference, Liverpool, 10-12 September 2013, Liverpool.

BARTON, H. and VALERO-SILVA, N., 2013. Policing in partnership: a case study in crime prevention. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 27 (7), pp. 543-553. ISSN 0951-3558

BATTY, M.J., MOLDAVSKY, M., FOROUSHANI, P.S., PASS, S., MARRIOTT, M., SAYAL, K. and HOLLIS, C., 2013. Implementing routine outcome measures in child and adolescent mental health services: from present to future practice. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 18 (2), pp. 82-87. ISSN 1475-3588

BEDDEWELA, E. and HERZIG, C., 2013. Corporate social reporting by MNCs’ subsidiaries in Sri Lanka. Accounting Forum, 37 (2), pp. 135-149. ISSN 0155-9982

BENGTSSON, M., JOHANSSON, M., NÄSHOLM, M. and RAZA-ULLAH, T., 2013. A systematic review of coopetition: levels and effects on different levels. In: The 13th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM 2013), Istanbul, Turkey, 26 - 29 June 2013.

BIERMANN, F., 2013. Estimating the fiscal impacts of the proposed Georgian LSG reform. In: [presentation], US Embassy, Tbilisi, Georgia, 17 September 2013.

BIERMANN, F., 2013. Smallholder farmers and information sharing. In: FREE Network Retreat, Sigtuna, Sweden, 27-29 September 2013.

BIERMANN, F., 2013. Task assignment with controlled and autonomous agents. In: [conference], University of Leicester, Leicester, 30 January 2013.

BIERMANN, F., LABADZE, L. and MEKERISHVILI, G., 2013. Trade relations of Georgia. A report for the Business Association of Georgia. Georgia: Business Association of Georgia.

BIERMANN, F.M., DOGHONADZE, N., KELBAKIANI, G. and LIVNY, E., 2013. Estimating the fiscal impacts of the proposed Georgian LSG reform. USAID.

BJERREGAARD, T. and LAURING, J., 2013. Managing contradictions of corporate social responsibility: the sustainability of diversity in a frontrunner firm. Business Ethics: A European Review, 22 (2), pp. 131-142. ISSN 0962-8770

BLACKLEY, N. and RESNICK, S., 2013. How can academics market themselves to retail practitioners: time for a multi-channel approach? In: Academy of Marketing Conference, University of South Wales, Cardiff, 8-11 July, 2013.

BLEHER, D., BRUNN, C., MOON, J. and CHAPPLE, W., 2013. Impact Measurement and Performance Analysis of CSR (IMPACT). Deliverable 6.5: brief summary report for optimisation of tools. Freiburg, Germany: Oeko institute.

BOS, R.T., PAINTER-MORLAND, M. and GROSS, C., 2013. Bedrijfsethiek: filosofische perspectieven. Linden, BS. ISBN 9789461050359

BRANCO ILLODO, I., TYNAN, C. and PEREIRA HEATH, T., 2013. Gift-giver’s attachment styles and the experience of emotions. In: 46th Academy of Marketing Conference: Marketing Relevance, University of South Wales, Cardiff, 8-11 July 2013.

BRINDLEY, C., RESNICK, S., CHENG, R. and FOSTER, C., 2013. Marketing healthcare: a healthy challenge? In: D. JOBBER and F. CHADWICK-ELLIS, eds., Principles and practices of marketing. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, pp. 392-394. ISBN 9780077140007

BROWN, A., ANGUS, K. and HASTINGS, G., 2013. Product placement on television: the dangers for public health. Cancer Research UK Health Policy Group.

BROWN, D.M. and WHYSALL, P., 2013. Viewing the strategy-performance relationship through a reputational lens: a longitudinal study of leading retailers. Strategic Change, 22 (34), pp. 129-144. ISSN 1099-1697

BRUCE, A. and SKOVORODA, R., 2013. Bankers' bonuses and the financial crisis: context, evidence and the rhetoric–policy gap. Business History, 55 (2), pp. 139-160. ISSN 0007-6791

BRUNN, C., MOON, J. and CHAPPLE, W., 2013. Impact Measurement and Performance Analysis of CSR (IMPACT). Report on synthesis assessment of the relationship between CSR implementation & motivation and CSR performance & impacts. Freiburg, Germany: Oeko institute.

BRUNSDEN, V., HILL, R., GOATCHER, J. and MURPHY, P., 2013. NTU Emergency Services Research Unit. Nottingham Trent University.

BUCHER, M., DIETRICH, D. and HAUCK, A., 2013. Business cycles, bank credit and crises. Economics Letters, 120 (2), pp. 229-231. ISSN 0165-1765

BUGLEAR, J., 2013. Export credit problems: opinion. Times Higher Education.

BUGLEAR, J., 2013. Practical statistics: a handbook for business students. Kogan Page.

BUGLEAR, J., 2013. Quality standards can suffer in overseas export. Times Higher Education, 30.

BUNYAN, S. and COLLINS, A., 2013. Digital exclusion despite digital accessibility: empirical evidence from an English city. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 104 (5), pp. 588-603. ISSN 0040-747X


CANDON, D., 2013. The effects of cancer on older workers in the English labour market. In: European Doctoral Group in Economics, Cambridge, 7 September 2013.

CANDON, D., 2013. The effects of cancer on older workers in the English labour market. In: Irish Society of New Economists, Maynooth, Ireland, 5 September 2013.

CASSIDY, K., BARON, S., ELLIOTT, D. and EFSTATHIADIS, G., 2013. Marketing managers' perceptions of value cocreation. Service Science, 5 (1), pp. 4-16. ISSN 2164-3970

CASSIDY, K., RESNICK, S., BLACKLEY, N. and WHYSALL, P., 2013. Barriers to university-industry research relationship: the case of UK academics and retailers. In: International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing, Rennes, France, September 2013, Rennes.

CASSIDY, K., RESNICK, S. and WHYSALL, P., 2013. Retail Navigator final report. Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).

CAVEN, V., LAWLEY, S. and BAKER, J., 2013. Performance, gender and sexualised work. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 32 (5), pp. 475-490. ISSN 2040-7149

CAVEN, V. and NAVARRO ASTOR, E., 2013. The potential for gender equality in architecture: an Anglo-Spanish comparison. Construction Management and Economics, 31 (8), pp. 874-882. ISSN 0144-6193

CAVEN, V., NAVARRO ASTOR, E. and DIOP, M., 2013. Vulnerable workers in a precarious profession: the case of women architects in the UK, Spain and France. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Conference on Vulnerable Workers in Precarious Work, Toulouse, Toulouse Business School, September 2013.

CAVEN, V. and WILLIAMSON, P., 2013. On-line recruitment methods and implications for diversity. In: Proceedings of 6th Annual Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference, Athens University of Business and Economics, Athens, July 2013.

CHAMISA, E., HAMUTYINEI, P. and MANGENA, M., 2013. Financial reporting in hyperinflationary economies: some determinants of accounting policy preferences. In: African Accounting and Finance Association, Makerere Business School, Kampala, Uganda, September 2013, Kampala, Uganda.

CHAMISA, E., HAMUTYINEI, P. and MANGENA, M., 2013. Financial reporting in hyperinflationary economies: some determinants of accounting policy preferences. In: British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA) Conference, Newcastle, April 2013, Newcastle.

CHAPPLE, W., HERZIG, C., MOON, J. and SLAGER, R., 2013. The dynamics of corporate social responsibility in Asia. In: New CSR dynamics? Institutions and Systems in a More Challenging Era, Kuala Lunpur, Malaysia, August 2013.

CHAPPLE, W., MOON, J., HERZIG, C. and SLAGER, C., 2013. The dynamics of corporate social responsibility in Asia. In: European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium, Montréal, Canada, 4-6 July 2013.

CHEN, G., 2013. Am I a researcher or a lab technician: a case study of skill utilisation in a UK chemical engineering organisation. In: 31st International Labour Process Conference, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, United States, 18-20 March 2013, New Brunswick, New Jersey, United States.

CHEN, G., PROCTER, S. and NESS, M., 2013. Assessing the impact of surviving redundancy on shop floor employee attitudes in a UK manufacturing organisation: a quantitative comparison of survivors and newcomers. In: British Academy of Management (BAM) HR SIG workshop, 2013, Newcastle University Business School, Newcastle upon Tyne, 9-10 April, 2013., Newcastle upon Tyne.

CLARK, I., 2013. Templates for financial control? Management and employees under the private equity business model. Human Resource Management Journal, 23 (2), pp. 144-159. ISSN 0954-5395

CLARK, S., 2013. Identity threat, tension and (re)creation: the financial advisers narrative journey towards a new identity during a time of regulatory change. In: BAM (British Academy of Management) 2013: Managing to Make a Difference, University of Liverpool Management School, Liverpool, 10-12 September 2013.

CLARKE, J. and MURPHY, P., 2013. Fire and rescue services: embracing equality and diversity. In: The Public Administration Committee (PAC) Annual Conference 2013, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, 9-11 September 2013, Edinburgh.

COLEMAN, S. and LEONE, V., 2013. Time-series characteristics of UK commercial property returns: testing for multiple changes in persistence. In: Proceedings of the 24th International Business Research Conference, Las Vegas, USA.

COLLINS, A., FRASER, G. and SNOWBALL, J., 2013. Rhino poaching: supply and demand uncertain. Science, 340 (6137), p. 1167. ISSN 0036-8075

COLLINS, A., SCORCU, A.E. and ZANOLA, R., 2013. Read the book and see the film? The consumption of different versions of cultural goods. Applied Economics Letters, 20 (16), pp. 1516-1520. ISSN 1350-4851

CONSIDINE, P. and HINGLEY, M., 2013. The impact of organisational culture and structure on CSR and the creation of shared value: a case study of the Co-operative Banking Group. In: ICA Global Research Conference: Cooperatives During Crisis and Post-Crisis Period, Cultural Center, European University Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, 12-15 June 2013, Nicosia, Cyprus.

CORNISH, S., 2013. Is there a need to define the role of art therapy in specialist CAMHS in England? Waving not drowning. A systematic literature review. ATOL: Art Therapy Online, 4 (1). ISSN 2044-7221

CRAMWINCKEL, F., DE CREMER, D. and VAN DIJKE, M., 2013. Dirty hands make dirty leaders?! How the touching of dirty objects leads to higher rewards for unethical followers. Journal of Business Ethics, 115 (1), pp. 93-100. ISSN 0167-4544

CROSS, R., 2013. pptx. In: UNSPECIFIED, Nottingham.

CRUTZEN, N. and HERZIG, C., 2013. A review of the empirical research in management control, strategy and sustainability. In: L. SONGINI, A. PISTONI and C. HERZIG, eds., Accounting and control for sustainability. Studies in managerial and financial accounting (26). Bingley: Bradford, pp. 165-195. ISBN 9781780527666


DABIĆ, M., POTOCAN, V., NEDELKO, Z. and MORGAN, T.R., 2013. Exploring the use of 25 leading business practices in transitioning market supply chains. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 43 (10), pp. 833-851. ISSN 0960-0035

DE LEEUW, S., DULLAERT, W., PENDER, K. and FARAHANI, R., 2013. Factors determining warehouse locations in the European fashion and consumer electronics industry. In: Proceedings of the EurOMA 2013 Conference, Dublin, Ireland.

DE LEEUW, S., GROTENHUIS, R. and VAN GOOR, A., 2013. Measuring supply chain complexity: evidence from wholesalers [forthcoming]. International Journal of Operations & Production Management. ISSN 0144-3577

DE LEEUW, S., GUTIERREZ GUTIERREZ, L. and DUBBERS, R., 2013. Logistics services and Lean Six Sigma implementation: a case study. Review of Economics and Business Literature, 58 (3), pp. 211-230. ISSN 2034-7677

DEVLIN, J.F., ENNEW, C.T., MCKECHNIE, S. and SMITH, A., 2013. Would you believe it? A detailed investigation of believability in comparative price advertising. Journal of Marketing Management, 29 (7-8), pp. 793-811. ISSN 0267-257X

DISNEY, J., 2013. Demographic change: What will this mean for transport in Britain?

DISTON, S., 2013. Exploring critical factors affecting customer emotions during the service encounter with frontline staff. In: British Academy of Management Conference: Managing to Make a Difference, Liverpool, September 2013, Liverpool.

DOYLE, O., LOGUE, C., HARMON, C., HECKMAN, J. and MOON, S., 2013. Measuring investment in human capital formation: an experimental analysis of early life outcomes. In: Sixth Economics and Psychology One-Day Conference, National University of Ireland Maynooth, Maynooth, Ireland, 29 November 2013.

DOYLE, O., LOGUE, C., HARMON, C., HECKMAN, J. and MOON, S.H., 2013. Measuring investment in human capital formation: an experimental analysis of early life outcomes. In: Annual Health Econometrics Workshop (AHEW 2013), University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, 3-5 October 2013.

DURRANI, I.H., 2013. Exploring variations in the relative technical efficiency in providing school education: a case study of Sindh, Pakistan. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.


EHRET, M., 2013. Emergence of business markets - a critical realist foundation. Industrial Marketing Management, 42 (3), pp. 316-323. ISSN 0019-8501

EHRET, M., 2013. Service contracts and the allocation of entrepreneurial rights across industrial networks. In: 29th Annual IMP Conference: Building and Managing Relationships in a Global Network: Challenges and Necessary Capabilities, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 30 August 2013 - 2 September 2013.

EHRET, M., KASHYAP, V. and WIRTZ, J., 2013. Business models: impact on business markets and opportunities for marketing research. Industrial Marketing Management, 42 (5), pp. 649-655. ISSN 0019-8501

ETMEKTZOGLOU, A., 2013. The impact of the financial crisis on industrial relations in Greek industry. DBA, Nottingham Trent University.


FAN, J. and ARGHYROU, M., 2013. UK fiscal policy sustainability, 1955–2006. The Manchester School, 81 (6), pp. 961-991. ISSN 1467-9957

FAN, J., MINFORD, P. and OU, Z., 2013. The fiscal theory of the price level – identification and testing for the UK in the 1970s. London: Centre for Economic Policy Research.

FEARNALL-WILLIAMS, H., 2013. The "impact" of STS research? In: 3rd Mini STS PhD Conference, Lancaster University, Lancaster, January 2013.

FILATOTCHEV, I. and ALLCOCK, D., 2013. Corporate governance in IPOs. In: D.M. WRIGHT, D.S. SIEGEL, K. KEASEY and I. FILATOTCHEV, eds., The Oxford handbook of corporate governance. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 421-448. ISBN 9780199642007

FISHER, C., LOVELL, A. and VALERO-SILVA, N., 2013. Business ethics and values: individual, corporate and international perspectives. Harlow: Pearson Education. ISBN 9780273781288

FOSTER, C. and RESNICK, S., 2013. Service worker appearance and the retail service encounter: the influence of gender and age. The Service Industries Journal, 33 (2), pp. 236-247.

FRATIANNI, M. and MARCHIONNE, F., 2013. The banking bailout of the subprime crisis: was the bang worth the buck? Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 23, pp. 240-264. ISSN 1042-4431

FRATIANNI, M. and MARCHIONNE, F., 2013. The fading stock market response to announcements of bank bailouts. Journal of Financial Stability, 9 (1). ISSN 1572-3089

FRIMPONG, K.O., 2013. Professionalising counter fraud specialists (fraud investigators) in the UK public sector: a focus upon Department for Work and Pensions, National Health Service and the Local Authority. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

FURLOTTI, M. and LAMPEL, J., 2013. "Relational signals, informal norms and formalization in multifirm projects". Academy of Management Proceedings, 2013 (1), p. 15317. ISSN 0065-0668


GHOSH, B. and HERZIG, C., 2013. The role of consultants in disseminating environmental management accounting in a developing country context. In: 16th Environmental Management Accounting Network European Conference, Technical University Dresden, Dresden, Germany, 21-22 March 2013.

GODEMANN, J., HERZIG, C. and MOON, J., 2013. Integrating sustainability into business schools: evidence from United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education (UNPRME) Sharing of Information in Progress (SIP) reports. In: R. ATFIELD and P. KEMP, eds., Enhancing education for sustainable development in business and management, hospitality, leisure, marketing, tourism. York: The Higher Education Academy.

GODHANIA, S., RAMANATHAN, U. and WILLIAMS, N., 2013. Dynamic capabilities of UK fashion SMEs: case study approach. In: Logistics Research Network Conference, Birmingham, U.K., September 2013.

GOODERHAM, P.N., ZHANG, M. and JORDAHL, A., 2013. Foreign operating modes and ownership forms: Case A: Durable and unstable IJVs. In: P.N. GOODERHAM, B. GRØGAARD and O. NORDHAUG, eds., International management: theory and practice. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 36-54. ISBN 9781781004388

GOWOREK, H., FISHER, T., COOPER, T., WOODWARD, S. and HILLER, A., 2013. Consumers' attitudes towards sustainable fashion, clothing usage and disposal. In: M.A. GARDETTI and A.L. TORRES, eds., Sustainability in fashion and textiles: values, design, production and consumption. Sheffield: Greenleaf, pp. 376-392. ISBN 9781906093785

GOWOREK, H., FISHER, T., COOPER, T., WOODWARD, S. and HILLER, A., 2013. Excessive speed/short lives: insights into consumer attitudes and behaviour towards clothing lifetimes. In: European Round Table on Sustainable Consumption and Production (ERSCP) conference, Istanbul, 4-7 June 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.

GOWOREK, H. and MOLTHAN-HILL, P., 2013. Embedding CSR within the undergraduate business curriculum: the development of a sustainable organisation module. In: J. AHMAD and D. CROWTHER, eds., Education and corporate social responsibility: international perspectives. Bingley: Emerald, pp. 57-76. ISBN 9781781905890


HAN, W., 2013. Review of supply chain partnership process in joint ventures: example as Chinese automotive industry. In: T. CHOU, ed., Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on the Modern Development of Humanities and Social Science (MDHSS 2013), Hong Kong, China, 1-2 December 2013. Advances in intelligent systems research, 47 . Atlantis Press, pp. 95-100. ISBN 9789078677901

HARRADINE, D., 2013. The changing role of doctors in the management of change. In: Royal College of Anaesthetists, Sherwood Hospitals NHST, July 2013.

HARRADINE, D. and PROWLE, M.J., 2013. The Thatcher legacy: the long shadow over public sector reform. Public Services.

HAUCK, A. and VOLLMER, U., 2013. Emergency liquidity provision to public banks: rules versus discretion. European Journal of Political Economy, 32, pp. 193-204. ISSN 0176-2680

HEALEY, N., 2013. Is UK transnational education 'one of Britain's great growth industries of the future'? Higher Education Review, 45 (3), pp. 6-35. ISSN 0018-1609

HEALEY, N., 2013. Why do English universities really franchise degrees to overseas providers? [in press]. Higher Education Quarterly, 67 (2), pp. 180-200. ISSN 0951-5224

HERZIG, C., 2013. CSR impact – from CSR to CIAM: Corporate Impact Assessment and Management. Practitioners handbook. CSR Impact.

HERZIG, C. and MOON, J., 2013. Discourses on corporate social ir/responsibility in the financial sector. Journal of Business Research, 66 (10). ISSN 0148-2963

HERZIG, C. and PIANOWSKI, M., 2013. Betriebliche Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung [corporate sustainability reporting]. In: A. BAUMAST and J. PAPE, eds., Betriebliches Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement [Corporate sustainability management]. Stuttgart: UTB/Ulmer, pp. 335-359. ISBN 3825236765

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