Items where Division is "School of Social Sciences" and Year is 2012

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 411.

ALVES-PINTO, A., SOLLINI, J. and SUMNER, C.J., 2012. Signal detection in animal psychoacoustics: analysis and simulation of sensory and decision-related influences. Neuroscience, 220, pp. 215-227. ISSN 0306-4522

ANDREASSEN, C.S., GRIFFITHS, M.D., HETLAND, J. and PALLESEN, S., 2012. Development of a Work Addiction Scale. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 53, pp. 265-272.

AUER, M., SCHNEEBERGER, A. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2012. Theoretical loss and gambling intensity: a simulation study. Gaming Law Review and Economics, 16 (5), pp. 269-273. ISSN 1097-5349

BAGULEY, T., 2012. Calculating and graphing within-subject confidence intervals for ANOVA. Behavior Research Methods, 44 (1), pp. 158-175. ISSN 1554-351X

BAGULEY, T., 2012. Can we be confident in our statistics? Psychologist, 25 (2), pp. 128-129. ISSN 0952-8229

BAGULEY, T., 2012. Serious stats: a guide to advanced statistics for the behavioral sciences. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230577176

BAILEY, D. and KERLIN, L., 2012. What is the impact of health trainer interventions within a mental health setting? International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 14 (3), pp. 139-150. ISSN 2049-8543

BAILEY, D. and LIYANAGE, L., 2012. The Role of the Mental Health Social Worker: Political Pawns in the Reconfiguration of Adult Health and Social Care. British Journal of Social Work, 42 (6), pp. 1113-1131. ISSN 0045-3102

BANYARD, P. and UNDERWOOD, J., 2012. E-learning: the dark side? eLearning Papers (28). ISSN 1887-1542

BARNARD, A., 2012. The self in social work. Social Work and Social Sciences Review: an International Journal of Applied Research, 15 (3), pp. 101-118. ISSN 0953-5225

BARTOLI, A. and TEDAM, P., 2012. Protecting Children: Developing Basic Skills(e-learning programme) by Dr Liz Davies and Kate Cairns, Akamas, Bedford 2011. £35-40 + VAT. Available: Child Abuse Review, 21 (5), pp. 378-381. ISSN 0952-9136

BEHERA, A., HOGG, D., HOWARD, C.J., GILCHRIST, I.D. and TROSCIANKO, T., 2012. Visual attention-based approach for prediction of abnormalities in CCTV video surveillance. In: Joint AVA/BMVA Annual Meeting, Cardiff, Wales, 26 May 2011.

BENSON, L., NORMAN, C. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2012. The role of impulsivity, sensation seeking, coping, and year of study in student gambling: a pilot study. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 10, pp. 461-473.

BERCZIK, K., SZABÓ, A., GRIFFITHS, M.D., KURIMAY, T., KUN, B. and DEMETROVICS, Z., 2012. Exercise addiction: symptoms, diagnosis, epidemiology, and etiology. Substance Use and Misuse, 47, pp. 403-417.

BETTS, L. and HARTLEY, J., 2012. The effects of changes in the order of verbal labels and numerical values on children's scores on attitude and rating scales. British Educational Research Journal, 38 (2), pp. 319-331. ISSN 0141-1926

BETTS, L. and STILLER, J., 2012. Children‘s dislike of peers as a predictor of school adjustment and relationship quality. In: Negative Ties and Social Networks Workshop, Budapest, Hungary, 19-20 April, 2012, Budapest, Hungary.

BETTS, L.R. and ELDER, T.J., 2012. The role of social identity threat in determining intergroup trust. In: B.R. CURTIS, ed., Psychology of trust. Nova, pp. 53-74.

BETTS, L.R. and HOUSTON, J.E., 2012. The effects of cyber bullying on children’s school adjustment. In: J. JIA, ed., Educational stages and interactive learning: from kindergarten to workplace training. IGI Global, pp. 209-230.

BETTS, L.R. and HOUSTON, J.E., 2012. The effects of cyberbullying on children’s school adjustment. In: J. JIA, ed., Educational stages and interactive learning: from kindergarten to workplace training. Pennsylvania: IGI Global.

BETTS, L.R., ROTENBERG, K.J., TRUEMAN, M. and STILLER, J., 2012. Examining the components of children's peer liking as antecedents of school adjustment. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 30 (2), pp. 303-325. ISSN 0261-510X

BIGGINS, A., COTTEE, G. and WILLIAMS, G., 2012. Arts audiences and participants research. A report prepared for Arts Derbyshire. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

BINDER, J., HOWES, A. and SMART, D., 2012. Harmony and tension on social network sites: side effects of increasing online interconnectivity. Information, Communication & Society, 15 (9), pp. 1279-1297. ISSN 1369-118X

BINDER, J., ROBERTS, S. and SUTCLIFFE, A., 2012. Closeness, loneliness, support: core ties and significant ties in personal communities. Social Networks, 34 (2), pp. 206-214. ISSN 0378-8733

BIRON, C. and KARANIKA-MURRAY, M., 2012. Distilling principles of organizational stress interventions. In: International Process Evaluation Partnership (IPEP) meeting, Improving Organizational Interventions for Stress and Well-being: Addressing Process and Context Issues (European Association of Work & Organisational Psychology small groups meeting), Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, May 2012.

BIRON, C., KARANIKA-MURRAY, M. and COOPER, C., 2012. Improving organizational interventions for stress and well-being: addressing process and context. London: Routledge. ISBN 9781848720565

BIRON, C., KARANIKA-MURRAY, M. and COOPER, C.L., 2012. Organizational interventions for stress and well-being – an overview. In: C. BIRON, M. KARANIKA-MURRAY and C.L. COOPER, eds., Organizational stress and well-being interventions: addressing process and context. London: Routledge, pp. 1-18. ISBN 9781848720565

BLAGDEN, N., 2012. 'I didn’t do it ... yes you did': new ways of thinking about denial in sexual offenders [invited keynote speech]. In: NOTA, Edinburgh, Scotland.

BLAGDEN, N., 2012. Investigating the rehabilitative climate of a prison. In: European Association of Psychology and Law conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, 2012, Nicosia, Cyprus.

BLAGDEN, N., 2012. Pedophiles psychological and sexual identities. In: 31st Annual Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA), Denver, Colorado, USA, 2012, Denver, Colorado, USA.

BLAGDEN, N., 2012. Policing and psychology. Exeter: Learning Matters/Sage Publications. ISBN 9780857254658

BLAGDEN, N., 2012. Working constructively with denial in sexual offenders [invited workshop]. In: NOTA, Edinburgh, Scotland.

BLAGDEN, N., PEMBERTON, S. and COLLIER, C.J., 2012. Rape of adults. In: B. WINDER and P. BANYARD, eds., A psychologist's casebook of crime: from arson to voyeurism. London: Palgrave-Macmillan. ISBN 023024274X

BLAGDEN, N., WINDER, B., GREGSON, M. and THORNE, K., 2012. The practical utility of using repertory grids with sexual offenders maintaining their innocence: a case study. British Journal of Forensic Practice, 14 (4), pp. 269-280. ISSN 1463-6646

BLAGDEN, N., WINDER, B. and HAMES, C., 2012. Investigating the rehabilitative climate of a therapeutically-orientated prison. London: Ministry of Justice.

BLAKEMAN, P. and FORD, L., 2012. Working in the real world: a review of sociological concepts of health and well-being and their relation to modern mental health nursing. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 19 (6), pp. 482-491. ISSN 1351-0126

BLANEY, L. and BRUNSDEN, V., 2012. Resilience: a pilot study of stress and coping in the fire rescue service in Canada & the United Kingdom (UK). Buckinghamshire: Buckinghamshire Fire & Rescue Service.

BOSWORTH, M. and KELLEZI, B., 2012. Quality of life in detention: results from the MQLD questionnaire data collected in IRC Yarl's Wood, IRC Tinsley House and IRC Brook House, August 2010 - June 2011. Oxford: Centre for Criminology, University of Oxford.

BOWER, S., SUOMI, S.J. and PAUKNER, A., 2012. Evidence for kinship information contained in the rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) face. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 126 (3), pp. 318-323. ISSN 0735-7036

BOYDA, D., SHEVLIN, M., MALLETT, J., MURPHY, J. and HOUSTON, J.E., 2012. Confirmatory factor analysis of the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire – brief: an alternative models approach [forthcoming]. Psychosis: Psychological, Social and Integrative Approaches.

BRANNEY, P., GOUGH, B., MADILL, A. and MORGAN, M., 2012. The violence of an idealised family: a Kleinian psychoanalytic reading of Te Rito [in press]. In: A. GULERCE, ed., Critical explorations through psychoanalysis: in-between dynamics of psychic singularity and praxis of universal solidarity. Basingstoke: Palgrave.

BROWN, H., WEIGHALL, A., HENDERSON, L.M. and GASKELL, M.G., 2012. Enhanced recognition and recall of new words in 7- and 12-year-olds following a period of offline consolidation. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 112 (1), pp. 56-72. ISSN 0022-0965

BROWN, L.A., 2012. Consumption of fish and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids: impact on cognitive function in older age and dementia. In: L.M. RIBY, M.A. SMITH and J.K. FOSTER, eds., Nutrition and cognitive performance: a lifespan perspective. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 212-240. ISBN 9780230299894

BROWN, L.A., BROCKMOLE, J.R., GOW, A.J. and DEARY, I.J., 2012. Processing speed and visuo-spatial executive function predict visual working memory ability in older adults. Experimental Aging Research, 38, pp. 1-19.

BROWN, L.A., HORNE, A. and WESLEY, R., 2012. Ageing effects on visual working memory and the role of stimulus abstractness. In: British Psychological Society Cognitive Section Conference, Glasgow, 2012, Glasgow.

BROWN, L.A., NIVEN, E.H., LOGIE, R.H. and ALLEN, R.J., 2012. Effects of ageing on visual working memory and binding: investigating encoding processes. In: 14th Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, 2012., Atlanta, Georgia.

BRUNSDEN, V., 2012. Approaching the visual: perspectives from media studies, curatorship, and qualitative psychology. In: Annual Conference of the British Psychological Society, London, 18-20 April 2012, London.

BRUNSDEN, V., 2012. Bolstering employability: ideas for innovative assessments to benefit students’ CVs. In: Nottingham Trent University Annual Learning and Teaching Conference: Assessment for Learning, Nottingham, 27-28 March 2012, Nottingham.

BRUNSDEN, V., 2012. Enhancing employability through assessment. In: School of Social Sciences Staff Development Week, Nottinmgham Trent University, Nottingham, 13-16 February 2012, Nottingham.

BRUNSDEN, V., 2012. The Olympics – the UK’s biggest peacetime security challenge [blog post dated July 25 2012]. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

BRUNSDEN, V., 2012. Post-trauma interventions to enhance wellbeing and buffer stress. In: Health and Wellbeing @ Work, NEC Birmingham, Birmingham, 6-7 March 2012, Birmingham.

BRUNSDEN, V., GOATCHER, J. and EASTHOPE, L., 2012. [Visual methods workshop]. In: Qualitative Methods in Psychology Section (QMiP) Annual Conference, London, 18 April 2012, London.

BRUNSDEN, V., HILL, R. and MAGUIRE, K., 2012. The impact of process issues on stress interventions in the emergency services. In: C. BIRON, M. KARANIKA-MURRAY and C. COOPER, eds., Improving organizational interventions for stress and well-being: addressing process and context. London: Routledge. ISBN 9781848720565

BRUNSDEN, V. and LAWRENCE, L., 2012. An occupational hazard: managing traumatic incidents in the fire and rescue service. In: R. JOHNSON and R. HAIGH, eds., Complex trauma and its effects: perspectives on creating an environment for recovery. Hove: Pavilion Publishing & Media Ltd., pp. 155-162. ISBN 9781908993700

BRUNSDEN, V., ROBINSON, J., GOATCHER, J. and HILL, R., 2012. Using multimedia artworks to disseminate psychological research on attacks on firefighters. In: P. VANNINI, ed., Popularizing research: engaging new genres, media, and audiences. New York: Peter Lang. ISBN 9781433111815

CARBONELL, X., CHAMARRO, A., BERANUY, M., GRIFFITHS, M.D., OBERT, U., CLADELLAS, R. and TALARN, A., 2012. Problematic Internet and cell phone use in Spanish teenagers and young students. Anales de Psicologia, 28, pp. 789-796.

CERELLA, A., 2012. Religion and political form: Carl Schmitt's genealogy of politics as critique of Jürgen Habermas's post-secular discourse. Review of International Studies, 38 (5), pp. 975-994. ISSN 0260-2105

CHECHLACZ, M., ROTSHTEIN, P., ROBERTS, K.L., BICKERTON, W.-L., LAU, J.K.L. and HUMPHREYS, G.W., 2012. The prognosis of allocentric and egocentric neglect: evidence from clinical scans. PLoS ONE, 7 (11), e47821. ISSN 1932-6203

CHEN, G.M., YODER, K.J., GANZEL, B.L., GOODWIN, M.S. and BELMONTE, M.K., 2012. Harnessing repetitive behaviours to engage attention and learning in a novel therapy for autism: an exploratory analysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 3. ISSN 1664-1078

CHILTON, R., PIRES-YFANTOUDA, R. and WYLIE, M., 2012. A systematic review of motivational interviewing within musculoskeletal health. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 17 (4), pp. 392-407. ISSN 1354-8506

CLARK, D.P.A., BAGULEY, T. and DUNN, A.K., 2012. Testing the exclusivity effect in location memory [oral presentation]. In: 29th BPS Cognitive Psychology Section Annual Conference, Glasgow, 29-31 August 2012., Glasgow.

COYNE, E., FARRINGTON-FLINT, L., UNDERWOOD, J. and STILLER, J., 2012. Sensitivity to rime unit frequency and children's early word-reading strategies. Journal of Research in Reading, 35 (4), pp. 393-410.

CRANWELL, J. and SEYMOUR-SMITH, S., 2012. Monitoring and normalising a lack of appetite and weight loss: a discursive analysis of an online support group for bariatric surgery. Appetite, 58 (3). ISSN 0195-6663

CRUNDALL, D., CHAPMAN, P., TRAWLEY, S., COLLINS, L., VAN LOON, E., ANDREWS, B. and UNDERWOOD, G., 2012. Some hazards are more attractive than others: drivers of varying experience respond differently to different types of hazard. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 45. ISSN 0001-4575

CRUNDALL, D., CRUNDALL, E., CLARKE, D. and SHAHAR, A., 2012. Why do car drivers fail to give way to motorcycles at T-junctions? Accident Analysis & Prevention, 44 (1). ISSN 0001-4575

CRUNDALL, E., CRUNDALL, D. and STEDMON, A.W., 2012. Negotiating left-hand and right-hand bends: a motorcycle simulator study to investigate experiential and behaviour differences across rider groups. PLoS ONE, 7 (1). ISSN 1932-6203

CURRIE, G., DINGWALL, R., KITCHENER, M. and WARING, J., 2012. Let's dance: organization studies, medical sociology and health policy. Social Science and Medicine, 74 (3), pp. 273-280.

DADDOW, O., 2012. The UK media and ‘Europe’: from permissive consensus to destructive dissent. International Affairs, 88 (6), pp. 1219-1236. ISSN 1468-2346

DALE-HEWITT, V., SLADE, P., WRIGHT, I., CREE, M. and TULLY, C., 2012. Patterns of attention and experiences of post-traumatic stress symptoms following childbirth: an experimental study. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 15 (4), pp. 289-296. ISSN 1434-1816

DAMODARAN, L., OLPHERT, C.W. and SANDHU, J., 2012. Evaluation of the partnership arrangement between Nottinghamshire County Council and Faith in Families. Loughborough: Loughborough University.

DAMODARAN, L., OLPHERT, C.W. and SANDHU, J., 2012. Evaluation of the partnership arrangement between Nottinghamshire County Council and Faith in Families. Windsor: College of St George, Windsor Castle.

DANEL, D.P., FEDUREK, P., COETZEE, V., STEPHEN, I.D., NOWAK, N., STIRRAT, M., PERRETT, D.I. and SAXTON, T.K., 2012. A cross-cultural comparison of population-specific face shape preferences (Homo sapiens). Ethology, 118 (12), pp. 1173-1181. ISSN 0179-1613

DANIELS, K., KARANIKA-MURRAY, M., MELLOR, N. and VAN VELDHOVEN, M., 2012. Moving policy and practice forward: beyond prescriptions for job characteristics. In: C. BIRON, M. KARANIKA-MURRAY and C.L. COOPER, eds., Improving organizational interventions for stress and well-being: addressing process and context. London: Routledge, pp. 313-332. ISBN 9781848720565

DAVENPORT, K., HOUSTON, J. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2012. Excessive eating and compulsive buying behaviours in women: an empirical pilot study examining reward sensitivity, anxiety, impulsivity, self-esteem and social desirability. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 10, pp. 474-489.

DE MOTTE, C., BAILEY, D. and WARD, J., 2012. How does prison visiting affect female offenders' mental health? Implications for education and development. The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, 7 (4), pp. 170-179. ISSN 1755-6228

DELFABBRO, P.H., KING, D.L. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2012. Behavioural profiling of problem gamblers: a critical review. International Gambling Studies, 12, pp. 349-366.

DEMETROVICS, Z. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2012. Behavioral addictions: past, present and future. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 1 (1), pp. 1-2. ISSN 062-5871

DEMETROVICS, Z., URBÁN, R., NAGYGYÖRGY, K., FARKAS, J., GRIFFITHS, M.D., PÁPAY, O. and OLÁH, A., 2012. The development of the Problematic Online Gaming Questionnaire (POGQ). PLoS ONE, 7 (5): e36417.

DENNY, R., 2012. Identity cards and political commitment: a study in the formation, operationalisation and measurement of a concept. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

DILLON, G. and UNDERWOOD, J., 2012. Computer mediated imaginative storytelling in children with autism. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 70 (2), pp. 169-178.

DILLON, G. and UNDERWOOD, J., 2012. Parental perspectives of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders transitioning from primary to secondary school in the United Kingdom. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 27 (2), pp. 111-121. ISSN 1088-3576

DINGWALL, R., 2012. How did we ever get into this mess? The rise of ethical regulation in the social sciences. In: K. LOVE, ed., Ethics in social research. Bingley: Emerald, pp. 3-25. ISBN 9781780528786

DINGWALL, R., BALMER, A. and GOULDEN, M., 2012. BBSRC sustainable bioenergy scenario tool. Swindon: Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council.

DINGWALL, R., DEGLOMA, T. and NEWMAHR, S., 2012. Editors' introduction: 'Symbolic Interaction' - Serving the whole interactionist family. Symbolic Interaction, 35 (1), pp. 1-5.

DOUGLAS, E., WILLIAMS, G. and ORFORD, J., 2012. Tensions and triumphs of community psychology in research and practice. In: Workshop (1 hour) at British Psychological Society Annual Conference, London, 18-20 April 2012, London.

DUNN, A. and WHEATLEY, K., 2012. Pathogen load priming influences voice and face compound preferences [poster presentaion]. In: 1st Nordic Evolutionary Psychology Meeting 2012, University of Turku, Turku, Finland, 13-14 September 2012, Turku.

DUNN, A.K., 2012. Blogging, the tipping point, and free will. PsyPAG Quarterly (85), pp. 31-32.

DUNN, A.K., 2012. Butcher, baker… experiment maker [keynote speaker]. In: British Psychological Society (Wessex Branch) Careers Conference 2012, Southampton Solent University, Southampton, 2012, Southampton.

DUNN, A.K., 2012. Size-contrast illusion with coins. Viperlib.

DUNN, A.K., 2012. Vile bodies and the ultimate pulling-T-shirt [keynote speaker]. In: Undergraduate Research Methods Event, Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool, 2012, Liverpool.

DUNN, A.K. and CHAMBERS, L., 2012. Implicit health status evaluations shift preferences in female body shape for males and females [poster presentation]. In: European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association (EHBEA), 7th Annual Conference, Durham, 25-28 March 2012, Durham.

DUNN, A.K. and GRICE, H., 2012. Disrupting the face overshadowing effect in a short-term memory recognition task using face inversion. In: 29th BPS Cognitive Psychology Section Annual Conference, Ear-witness Testimony (voice-face processing) Symposium, Glasgow, 29-31 August 2012., Glasgow.

DUNN, J.T., BAGULEY, T., HORSLEY, R. and LANSDALE, M., 2012. The effects of stimuli repetition exposure on spatial memory independence [poster presentation]. In: International Conference on Thinking, Birkbeck College and University College, London, July 2012, London.

DUNN, J.T., BAGULEY, T., LANSDALE, M. and HORSLEY, R., 2012. Learning to overcome exclusivity in long-term spatial memory. In: Spatial Cognition, Bavaria, Germany, 2012, Rome.

DUNN, J.T., BAGULEY, T., LANSDALE, M. and HORSLEY, R., 2012. Spatial memory exclusivity: investigating the effect of semantics and distinctiveness on location memory integration. In: International Conference on Spatial Cognition, La Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, 2012, Rome.

DUNN, T. and CASTRO, A., 2012. Postmodern society and the individual: the structural characteristics of postmodern society and how they shape who we think we are. The Social Science Journal, 49 (3), pp. 352-358.

DUNN, T.J., 2012. The role of expertise, semantics, and learning in spatial memory. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

DURIE, R., LUNDY, C. and WYATT, K., 2012. Researching with communities: towards a leading edge theory and practice for community engagement. Swindon: Arts and Humanities Research Council.

DUTT, S., 2012. Human security in South Asia and the role of the UN and its agencies. In: S. DUTT and A. BANSAL, eds., South Asian security: 21st century discourses. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9780415618915

DUTT, S., 2012. Striving to promote shared values: UNESCO in the troubled world of the twenty-first century. India Quarterly, 68 (2), pp. 187-194. ISSN 0974-9284

DUTT, S., 2012. Theorizing regional security. In: S. DUTT and A. BANSAL, eds., South Asian security: 21st century discourses. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9780415618915

DUTT, S., 2012. The nuclear non-proliferation regime and the future of India-US nuclear energy co-operation. In: S. DUTT and A. BANSAL, eds., South Asian security: 21st century discourses. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9780415618915

DUTT, S. and BANSAL, A., 2012. South Asian security: 21st century discourses. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9780415618915

ELHINNAWY, H., 2012. Rethinking gender in the new Muslim public sphere. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN 9783846542330

ESTES, Z., GIBBERT, M., GUEST, D. and MAZURSKY, D., 2012. A dual-process model of brand extension: taxonomic feature-based and thematic relation-based similarity independently drive brand extension evaluation. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 22, pp. 86-101.

EUROPEAN AGENCY FOR SAFETY and HEALTH AT WORK, 2012. Training teachers to deliver risk education: examples of mainstreaming OSH into teacher training programmes. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.

FERRARI, P.F., VANDERWERT, R.E., PAUKNER, A., BOWER, S., SUOMI, S.J. and FOX, N.A., 2012. Distinct EEG amplitude suppression to facial gestures as evidence for a mirror mechanism in newborn monkeys. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24 (5), pp. 1165-1172. ISSN 0898-929X

FIDALGO, R., TORRANCE, M., ROBLEDO, P. and GARCÍA, J.-N., 2012. Evaluating cognitive self-regulation instruction for developing students’ writing competence. In: M. TORRANCE, D. ALAMARGOT, M. CASTELLÓ, F. GANIER, O. KRUSE, A. MANGEN, L. TOLCHINSKY and L. VAN WAES, eds., Learning to write effectively: current trends in European research. Bingley: Emerald. ISBN 9781780529288

FUSTER, H., OBERST, U., GRIFFITHS, M.D., CARBONELL, X., CHAMARRO, A. and TALARN, A., 2012. Psychological motivation in online role-playing games: a study of Spanish World of Warcraft players. Anales de Psicologia, 28, pp. 274-280.

GANPAT, S.M. and LIEM, M.C.A., 2012. Homicide in the Netherlands. In: M.C.A. LIEM and W.A. PRIDEMORE, eds., Handbook of European homicide research: patterns, explanations, and country studies. New York: Springer, pp. 329-341. ISBN 9781461404668

GHUMAN, D. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2012. A cross-genre study of online gaming: player demographics, motivation for play, and social interactions among players. International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning, 2 (1), pp. 13-29. ISSN 2155-7136

GOATCHER, J., HOUSTON, J. and BRUNSDEN, V., 2012. Signs of entitlement: the relationship between leisure, heritage and rights. In: Alternative Futures Conference II, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 22 February 2012, Nottingham.

GOUGH, B., 2012. Promoting nutrition in men's health [in press]. In: J. RIPPE, ed., Lifestyle medicine. CRC Press.

GOUGH, B. and MADILL, A., 2012. Subjectivity in psychological science: from problem to prospect [in press]. Psychological Methods.

GOUGH, M., 2012. Spirituality and Social Work. British Journal of Social Work, 42 (1), pp. 195-197. ISSN 0045-3102

GOUGH, M. and KERLIN, L., 2012. Limits of Mental Capacity Act Training for residential care homes. Journal of Adult Protection, 14 (6), pp. 271-279. ISSN 1466-8203

GOULDEN, M. and DINGWALL, R., 2012. Managing the future? Models, scenarios and the control of uncertainty. In: T. RYLEY and L. CHAPMAN, eds., Transport and climate change. Bingley: Emerald, pp. 9-37. ISBN 9781780524405

GOW, R.V., RUBIA, K., TAYLOR, E., VALLÉE-TOURANGEAU, F., MATSUDAIRA, T., IBRAHIMOVIC, A. and SUMICH, A., 2012. Abnormal centro-parietal ERP response in predominantly medication-naïve adolescent boys with ADHD during both response inhibition and execution. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 29 (2), pp. 181-189. ISSN 0736-0258

GRAYSON, A., EMERSON, A., HOWARD-JONES, P. and O’NEIL, L., 2012. Hidden communicative competence: case study evidence using eye-tracking and video analysis. Autism: The International Journal of Research & Practice, 16 (1), pp. 80-95. ISSN 1362-3613

GRIFFITHS, M., 2012. Jimmy Savile, paedophilia and necrophilia. The Independent.

GRIFFITHS, M., 2012. Tips on... conference travel abroad. PsyPag Quarterly, 83, pp. 4-6. ISSN 1746-6016

GRIFFITHS, M., 2012. The psychology of online and offline bingo. i-Gaming Business Affiliate, p. 38.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2012. Addiction sans drogue, quand le cerveau a le gout de jeu. Fantasmes et realities du virtuel [special issue], 30 (1), pp. 51-55.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2012. Can gambling be a transferable skill? i-Gaming Business Affiliate, p. 58.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2012. Facebook addiction: concerns, criticisms and recommendations. Psychological Reports, 110 (2), pp. 518-520. ISSN 0033-2941

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2012. Gambling in the cloud: is this the next big thing for the gaming industry? World Online Gambling Law Report, 11 (3), pp. 4-5.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2012. Gambling on Facebook? A cause for concern? World Online Gambling Law Report, 11 (9), pp. 10-11.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2012. Gambling, stigma, and the rise of online bingo. i-Gaming Business Affiliate, pp. 34-35.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2012. Internet gambling, player protection and social responsibility. In: R. WILLIAMS, R. WOOD and J. PARKE, eds., Routledge handbook of Internet gambling. London: Routledge, pp. 227-249.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2012. Internet sex addiction: a review of empirical research. Addiction Research and Theory, 20 (2), pp. 111-124. ISSN 1606-6359

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2012. Making online friends with someone you've never met [article in Chinese]. Tansao (Winter), pp. 37-38.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2012. Mind games (a brief psychosocial overview of in-play betting). i-Gaming Business Affiliate, p. 44.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2012. Self-exclusion services for online gamblers: are they about responsible gambling or problem gambling? World Online Gambling Law Report, 11 (6), pp. 9-10.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2012. Video game addiction in children [article in Chinese]. Tansao (Summer), pp. 36-37.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2012. What is addiction and how can it be defined? Recovery Academy Bulletin (Summer), pp. 6-7.

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