Browse by Type
UNSPECIFIED 2003. Founders' tales: from hagiography to historiography in images of founders'. In: BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group Conference, Sacred Texts, University of Oxford.
UNSPECIFIED 2003. Le manque de demarcation entre le travail et la maison: la dynamique familiale et les trajectoires chez des couples a double carriere. In: Habitat et vie urbaine, PUCA, Paris.
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6, P., 2003. Entitlement cards: benefits, privacy and data protection risks, costs and wider social implications. In: Information Commissioner's Conference, 'Entitlement cards: the issues', 15 January 2003.
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ABBOTT, F., 2003. Curating digital arts. In: Public Seminar Series on Curation, 2003.
ABDELMONEM, M.G. and SELIM, G., 2003. Contemporary Islamic architecture in the Arab world. In: 18th Middle East History and Theory Conference, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, United States, 9-10 May 2003.
ADAIR, A., BERRY, J., MCGREAL, S., POON, J., HUTCHISON, N., WATKINS, C. and GIBB, K., 2003. Benchmarking urban regeneration property performance in the UK. In: 19th American Real Estate Society Conference, Monterey, California, USA, 2-5 April 2003, Monterey.
ADAIR, A., BERRY, J., MCGREAL, S., POON, J., HUTCHISON, N., WATKINS, C. and GIBB, K., 2003. Investment performance within urban regeneration locations. In: 10th Conference of the European Real Estate Society, Helsinki, Finland, 10-13 June 2003, Helsinki.
ADAIR, A., BERRY, J., MCGREAL, S., POON, J., HUTCHISON, N., WATKINS, C. and GIBB, K., 2003. Investment performance within urban regeneration locations. In: UK Regional Property Investment Conference, London, July, 2003, London.
AGAFONOV, E. and BARGIELA, A., 2003. Automation of interactions with terminal-based applications. In: UK SIM'2003, Oxford, 2003, Oxford.
AGAFONOV, E. and BARGIELA, A., 2003. A methodology for accurate link travel time estimation. In: Proceedings of the 17th European Simulation Multiconference, Nottingham, UK.
AIREY, G.D., RAHMAN, M.M. and COLLOP, A.C., 2003. The influence of crude source and penetration grade on the interaction of crumb rubber and bitumen. Asphalt Rubber. In: Asphalt Rubber 2003 Conference, Brasilia, Brazil, Brasilia.
ALBERTSEN, K., LELEU, I. and KARANIKA, M., 2003. European examples of good practice in the prevention of work-relate stress. In: Work, Stress and Health: New Challenges in a Changing Workplace. Conference of the American Psychological Association in collaboration with NIOSH, Toronto, Canada, 20-22 March 2003, Toronto.
ALLAN, J., ALLEN, T. and SHERKAT, N., 2003. Automated assessment of children's handwritten sentence responses. In: Proceedings 7th International Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) Conference, Loughborough, UK.
ALLISON, I. and MERALI, Y., 2003. Software process improvement: towards an emergent perspective. In: Proceedings of 8th Conference of the UK Academy of Information Systems, University of Warwick.
ANDRIOTIS, K., 2003. Host, guests and transformation of the coast: implications for sustainable tourism development in Crete. In: International Scientific Conference: Sustainable Tourism Development and the Environment, University of the Aegean, Chios Island, Greece, 2-5 October 2003.
ANUMBA, C.J., RUIKAR, D., AZIZ, Z., CARRILLO, P. and BOUCHLAGHEM, D., 2003. Towards a web of construction knowledge and services. In: Proceedings 4th Joint International ASCE Workshop on IT in Civil Engineering, Nashville.
ARISTODEMOU, E., PAIN, C., DE, O., GODDARD, A. and HARRIS, C., 2003. Subsurface properties determination from nuclear well-logging data using neural networks. In: Proceedings of the 44th Annual Symposium of the Society of Professional Well-Log Analysts, Galveston, Texas.
ARNOLD, J., 2003. Women on the Web: towards a cyberpsychology of gender, identity and space in the academic workplace - a feminist critical review. In: BPS section, Women and Psychology Conference, Northampton, UK, July 2003, Northampton.
ARNOLD, J. and LARKIN, J., 2003. Women on the Web: towards a cyberpsychology of gender, identity and space in the academic workplace- a feminist review. In: Visions of Humanity in Cyberculture, Cyberspace and Science Fiction Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, August 2003, Prague, Czech Republic.
ARNOLD, J. and MILLER, H., 2003. Methods for a critical cyberpsychology: investigating the real world of the web. In: Virtual Methods Symposium, Guilford, UK, September 2003, Guilford.
BAIRD, J., 2003. Magic! Writing and transformation in photography. In: Image and Critique, Image-Thought-Text, Lakeside Arts Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK, 2003, Nottingham.
BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 2003. Conservation of an oasis settlement: the case of Manah. In: Regional Conference on the Conservation of Earthen Structures in Arab Countries. UNESCO/ Government of Oman, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 15-17 December 2003, Muscat.
BARGIELA, A., 2003. Fuzzy hyperbox classification. In: WISC'2003, Warsaw, Poland, November 2003, Warsaw, Poland.
BARGIELA, A., 2003. Granular computing: algorithms of information granulation. In: Invited lecture, University of Bari, Italy, July 2003, Bari, Italy.
BARGIELA, A., 2003. Granular computing: granular worlds and applications. In: Invited lecture, University of Bari, Italy, July 2003, Bari, Italy.
BARGIELA, A., 2003. Granular computing: methodology and mathematical framework. In: Invited lecture, University of Bari, Italy, July 2003, Bari, Italy.
BARNES, P., 2003. Towards an economic theory of management fraud and corporate failure. In: Conference on Frauds, Fakes and Deceptions, Nottingham, UK, September 2003, Nottingham, UK.
BARNES, P., 2003. The auditor's going concern decision and Types I and II errors: The Coase Theorem, transaction costs, bargaining power and attempts to mislead. In: AAA Southeast Region Conference, 2003.
BARRETT, D.J.K., MENNEER, T., PHILLIPS, L., CAVE, K.R. and DONNELLY, N., 2003. The breakdown of efficient search for multiple, same dimension targets. In: Experimental Psychology Society, Exeter meeting, Exeter, April, 2003, Exeter.
BARRETT, D.J.K. and ROSE, D., 2003. Scene-based and object-centered facilitation: evidence for attention at multiple levels of spatial description. In: 26th European Conference of Visual Perception, Paris, France, September, 2003, Paris, France.
BARRETT, D.J.K. and ROSE, D., 2003. The spatio-temporal constraints of object-based priming. In: Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Sarasota, Florida, USA, May, 2003, Sarasota, Florida, USA.
BARTON, H., 2003. Policing at the crossroads. In: British Academy of Management, 2003.
BARTON, H. and DELBRIDGE, R., 2003. Frustration's the name, HRM's my game: a perspective on the role of HR managers in contemporary manufacturing. In: 7th Conference on International Human Resource Management, 2003.
BARTON, H. and DELBRIDGE, R., 2003. The changing role of managers in US and UK automotive manufacturing. In: 3rd Conference on 'Innovation within HRM', Dutch HRM Network, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, November, 2003, Enschede, The Netherlands.
BAXTER, M.J., BEARDAH, C.C., COOL, H.E.M. and JACKSON, C.M., 2003. Compositional data analysis in archaeometry. In: CoDaWork03: Compositional Data Analysis Workshop, Girona, Spain, 2003, Girona, Spain.
BEARDAH, C.C., BAXTER, M.J., COOL, H.E.M. and JACKSON, C.M., 2003. Compositional data analysis of archaeological glass: problems and possible solutions. In: CoDaWork03: Compositional Data Analysis Workshop, Girona, Spain, 2003, Girona, Spain.
BEARDAH, C.C., BAXTER, M.J., PAPAGEORGIOU, I. and CAU, M.A., 2003. 'Mixed-mode' approaches to the grouping of ceramic artefacts using S-Plus. In: The Digital Heritage of Archaeology: CAA2002, Hellenic Ministry of Culture.
BELL-BOULE, A., HUNT, N. and FRANIC, A., 2003. The impact of wars on mental health professionals in Serbia. In: Congress of Primary Health Care in Serbia and Montenegro, 2003.
BENCSIK, M. and BOWTELL, R., 2003. A novel MRI gradient coil structure for passive acoustic noise attenuation. In: International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine International Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 2003.
BENCSIK, M. and BOWTELL, R., 2003. A novel MRI gradient coil structure for passive acoustic noise attenuation. In: Workshop on Current Issues in MR Safety of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Münich, Germany, 2003.
BENCSIK, M., BOWTELL, R. and BOWLEY, R., 2003. Problems with equating E with -dA/dt in assessing peripheral nerve stimulation due to switched magnetic field gradients. In: Workshop on Current Issues in MR Safety of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Münich, Germany, 2003.
BENCSIK, M., BOWTELL, R. and BOWLEY, R., 2003. Problems with equating E with -dA/dt in assessing peripheral nerve stimulation due to switched magnetic field gradients. In: International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine International Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 2003.
BENNETT, M., 2003. James VI and I and the fringes of the enlarged kingdom. In: 1603: the Historical and Cultural Consequences of the Accession of James I, Centre for Renaissance Studies, Hull University, Hull, June 2003.
BENNETT, M., 2003. James VI and Patrick Stewart: demonization of the individual and government. In: Seventeenth Century Centre Conference, July 2003.
BENNETT, M., 2003. James VI and the fringes of the kingdom. In: James VI and I - Quartercentenary Perspectives, University of Reading, Reading, July 2003.
BERRY, E., 2003. The forthcoming Partnership Bill: what can we expect? [public lecture]. In: IALS, 2003.
BINNER, J.M., CHEN, S., ELGAR, T., NILSSON, B. and TEPPER, J.A., 2003. An inflation forecasting experiment using non-linear dynamic models. In: Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Applications of AI in Finance and Economics, Las Vegas, USA.
BIRRINGER, J., 2003. Body art and technological transformations: rhythms of real time. In: The Flesh Made Text: Bodies, Theories and Cultures in the Post-Millennial Era, School of English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, 14 May 2003, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of English.
BLAND, J.A., 2003. Optimal layout using ant colony optimisation. In: OR Society Conference on Local Search, London, UK, 1-3 June 2003, London, UK.
BLISMAS, N.G., GIBB, A.G.F., PASQUIRE, C.L. and ALDRIDGE, G.B., 2003. Changing perceptions of value in construction standardisation and pre-assembly. In: 2nd International Conference on Innovation in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, Loughborough University, Loughborough, June 2003, Loughborough.
BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., ANUMBA, C.J., SHANG, H., CEN, M., MILES, J. and TAYLOR, M., 2003. Concurrent engineering at conceptual design stage in the AEC industry. In: Proceedings of the 10th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering, Madeira.
BOULTON, H., 2003. [Conference presentation]. In: Using Discussion to Support Work Experience, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, April 2003, Nottingham.
BOWDEN, P.R., 2003. Building a lexicon for a Kernewek MT system. In: Traitement Automatique des Langues Minoritaires et des Petits Langues, Batz-sur-Mer, France.
BOWPITT, G., HIGHAM, P. and PUNTHA, H., 2003. Parental involvement and the politics of Sure Start evaluation. In: [Conference], Coventry University Centre for Social Justice, 2003.
BOWTELL, R., BENCSIK, M. and BOWLEY, R., 2003. Reducing peripheral nerve stimulation due to switched transverse field gradients using an additional concomitant field coil. In: Workshop on Current Issues in MR Safety of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Münich, Germany, 2003.
BOWTELL, R., BENCSIK, M. and BOWLEY, R., 2003. Reducing peripheral nerve stimulation due to switched transverse field gradients using an additional concomitant field coil. In: International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine International Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 2003.
BRABER, N., 2003. Emotion and the use of modal particles in East and West Berlin. In: Proceedings of the 12th Postgraduate Linguistics Conference.
BRADSHAW, P. and POWELL, S., 2003. Online communities for school leaders. In: Virtual Communities Conference, July 2003.
BROCKLEHURST, D., BOUCHLAGHEM, D., PITFIELD, D.E. and PALMER, G., 2003. Overview of design issues relating to racecourse circulation. In: Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics Conference, University of Greenwich, 2003.
BRUNSDEN, V., WOODWARD, L. and REGEL, S., 2003. Organisational stress in Fire Brigade's Union officials. In: Fire Service College Research Event, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire, November 2003, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire.
BUNCE, G., 2003. Integrating textile patterns and garment shapes. In: Surface Design Conference, Aarhus Tekniske Skole, Aarhus, Denmark, 26 September 2003, Aarhus Tekniske Skole, Aarhus, Denmark.
BURTON, G., MANN, G. and CLARKE, E., 2003. Use of colostrum as an ergogenic aid by elite athletes. In: Proceedings of the International Science and Medicine Pre-Olympic Congress, Athens, Greece, 2003, Athens.
BYFORD, J.T., 2003. Antisemitic hate crime in post-Milosevic Serbia: conspiratorial nature of contemporary anti-Semitism and the implications of hate crimes research. In: International Hate Crimes Conference, Nottingham Centre for the Study of Hate Crimes, Nottingham, UK, 22-23 February 2003, Nottingham.
BYFORD, J.T., 2003. Historical revisionism, repression and the representations of Bishop Nikolaj Velimirovic in contemporary Serbian culture. In: Annual Conference of the British Association of Slavonic and East European Studies, Cambridge, March 2003, Cambridge.
BYFORD, J.T., 2003. Martyrdom as a 'replacement myth': evidence of repression in the social remembering of Bishop Nikolaj Velimirovic. In: International Conference on Nationalist Myths and Modern Media, London, UK, 2003, London.
BYROM, T., 2003. The emotional costs of education. In: Conference, The University of Nottingham, June 2003, Nottingham.
BYRON, C., 2003. Houses of twig and bone: Chaucer's Hous of Fame re-visioned. In: Manchester Middle English Seminar, Manchester, UK.
CABLE, N.T., ELLIOTT, K.J., REILLY, T. and KINGSLAND, C., 2003. Do changes in the concentration of reproductive hormones during pregnancy influence maximum force production? In: 50th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, San Francisco, USA, 28 May 2003.
CANT, R. and LANGENSIEPEN, C., 2003. A multiscale method for automated inpainting. In: Proceedings of the 17th European Simulation Multiconference, Nottingham.
CHAPPLE, W., 2003. Accounting for waste in regional productivity measurement. In: European Association of Environmental Resource Economists (EAERE) 12th Annual Conference, Bilbao, Spain, 27-30 June 2003.
CHAPPLE, W., 2003. Environmental taxation and frontier analysis: insights and implications of using DEA in the analysis of taxation. In: VIII European Workshop of Efficiency and Productivity, University of Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain, 25-27 September 2003.
CHAPPLE, W. and MOON, J., 2003. CSR in Asia and globalisation in international comparative perspectives on corporate social responsibility. In: Academy of Management Meeting 2003, Seattle, Washington, United States, 1-6 August 2003.
CHAPPLE, W., MORRISON-PAUL, C. and HARRIS, R., 2003. The measurement of environmental productivity. In: Economics of CSR Conference, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York, United States, 24-26 October 2003.
CHENG, R., 2003. Can the application of Confucianism principles stimulate successful strategies for Hong Kong's declining manufacturing industry? In: Manchester Metropolitan University Business School Symposium, Manchester, March, 2003, Manchester.
CHENG, R., 2003. An evaluation of the branding strategies between Hong Kong (HK) and United Kingdom (UK) fashion clothing retailers. In: British Academy of Management Conference, Harrogate, September, 2003, Harrogate.
CHEONG, S.P.C., ANUMBA, C.J., HILL, R. and BOUCHLAGHEM, D., 2003. Improving client satisfaction through functional briefing, winds of change: integration and innovation in construction. In: Proceedings ASCE Construction Research Congress, Honolulu.
CHEONG, S.P.C., ANUMBA, C.J., HILL, R. and BOUCHLAGHEM, D., 2003. Improving client satisfaction through whole life performance. In: Proceedings of 3rd International Postgraduate Research Conference, Lisbon.
CHILTON, J.C. and DEVULDER, T., 2003. Environmental aspects of the Inland Revenue amenity building, Nottingham, UK. In: TechTextil Symposium, Frankfurt, April, 2003 [conference proceedings], Frankfurt.
CHILTON, J.C. and DEVULDER, T., 2003. Some environmental aspects of tensile membrane enclosures. In: Textile Roofs 2003, Berlin, June, 2003 [conference proceedings].
CHOY, K.W., HOPGOOD, A.A., NOLLE, L. and O'NEILL, B.C., 2003. Inter-process communication for SARNet [presentation]. In: The Embedded Systems Show ESS, London, 14-16 May, 2003, London.
CLUGHEN, L. and BRUNSDEN, V., 2003. What students need...: analysis of student needs in the Faculty of Humanities. In: The Nottingham Trent University 5th Annual Teaching and Learning Conference, Nottingham, 8 April 2003, Nottingham.
COLLINS, P.R., 2003. The role of external examiners. In: European Educational Conference, Bruges, Belgium.
COOPER, T., 2003. Britain's sustainable consumption strategy: signals at the starting line. In: Empowering the Consumer in the 21st Century: Institute of Consumer Sciences International Research Conference, Cardiff, July 2003, Cardiff.
COOPER, T., 2003. Durability and the inconsistent consumer. In: Time in Design: Eternally Yours Conference, Eindhoven, October 2003, Eindhoven.
CORDEN, R. and OGDEN, A., 2003. Metacognition in young writers. In: UKLA Annual International Conference, Cambridge, 2003, Cambridge.
CORK, C.R. and FOSTER, P.W., 2003. The distribution of twist in a fluid-jet false-twist system. In: Fiber Society Symposium: Advanced Flexible Materials and Structures: Engineering with Fibers, Loughborough University, Loughborough, 30 June - 2 July 2003, Loughborough.
COY, J., AL-HABAIBEH, A., PARKIN, R.M., JACKSON, M.R., WHITBY, D.R. and SENIOR, M., 2003. Low cost thermal imaging system for condition-based maintenance of mail sorting machines. In: Proceedings of the 15th international conference on postal automation, Windsor, UK.
DALETSKII, A. and KALYUZHNYJ, A., 2003. Permutations in tensor products of factors and L2 Betti numbers of configuration spaces. In: Proceedings of V International Conference 'Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, Kiev, Ukraine.
DARKWA, K., 2003. Development of phase change drywall systems. In: Conference on Technological Developments in the Built Environment, BRE, Garston, Watford, UK, 23 September 2003, BRE, Garston, Watford.
DARKWA, K., 2003. Thermal assessment of integrated phase change drywall systems. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Portsmouth, USA.
DELBRIDGE, R. and BARTON, H., 2003. Managing Kaizen: the role of specialists in continuous improvement. In: 18th Annual Employment Research Unit Conference at Cardiff Business School, Cardiff, 2003, Cardiff.
DIAS, T., WIJESIRIWARDANA, R. and MUKHOPADHYAY, S., 2003. Knitted strain gauges. In: SPIE's International Symposium on Microtechnologies for the New Millennium 2003, May 2003.
DIAS, T., WIJESIRIWARDANA, R. and MUKHOPADHYAY, S., 2003. Resistive fibre-mesh transducers. In: 7th IEEE Conference of Wearable Computers, October 2003.
DILLON, G., UNDERWOOD, J. and OKUBAYASHI, T., 2003. Communicating by text messages: a return to flexible spelling? In: ECER, Hamburg, Germany, 17 September 2003.
DINGWALL, R., 2003. [Invited speaker]. In: 6th Scandinavian Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation Congress, Stavanger, Norway, 4-6 September 2003, Stavanger, Norway.
DISNEY, J., 2003. Challenging assumptions in transport planning. In: TRICS Transport and Development Conference, London, November 2003, London.
DISNEY, J., 2003. Practical implementation of a university inter-site bus service in the deregulated environment. In: Travel Plan Co-ordination Conference, University of Aston, Birmingham, UK, December 2003, University of Aston.
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DOAK, J., 2003. Restorative cautioning: the experience of police-led pilots in Northern Ireland. In: Criminal Justice Reform: Looking to the Future, Queen's University, Belfast, 16-17 May 2002.
DWYER, P., 2003. Older international migrants and social security in the European Union. In: European Science Foundation Scientific Network on Older Migrants in Europe, York, UK, 23-26 October 2003, York.
DWYER, P., 2003. Older migrants, the European Union and social policy. In: European Science Foundation Scientific Network on Older Migrants in Europe, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 15-18 May 2003, Dubrovnik.
DWYER, P., 2003. Welfare rights and responsibilities under New Labour. In: Annual Interdisciplinary Day Conference for Postgraduate Students in the Social Sciences and Humanities, Department of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield, UK, 10 June 2003, Department of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield.
EATOUGH, V. and SMITH, J.A., 2003. I was like a wild person: An interpretive phenomenological analysis of female anger and aggression. In: International Human Science Research Conference, Stockholm.
ELDER, C. and PRATT, M., 2003. Entanglement and the modern Australian rhythm method: Lantana's lessons in policing sexuality and gender. In: Institute for International Studies Annual Workshop (Art and Social Change), Rafferty's Resort, Lake Macquarie, NSW, Australia, 08-10 December, 2003, Lake Macquarie, NSW, Australia.
ELLIOTT, K.J., CABLE, N.T., REILLY, T. and DIVER, M., 2003. Effect of cyclical changes in bioavailable oestradiol and testosterone on maximum force production in females. In: 50th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, San Francisco, USA, 28 May 2003.
ELLIS, A.D., MERKENS, H.W., VISSER, E.K., SCHILDER, M.B.H. and VAN, R., 2003. Effects of high concentrate versus high fibre diets on equine digestive parameters in relation to performance, animal behaviour and welfare. In: 54th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Animal Science, Rome, Italy, 2003, Rome, Italy.
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ELNOKALY, A., CHILTON, J.C. and WILSON, R., 2003. Environmental performance of spaces enclosed or semi-enclosed by fabric membrane structures. In: Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures, CIMNE, Barcelona, 2003 [conference proceedings].
ELNOKALY, A., CHILTON, J.C. and WILSON, R., 2003. Thermal performance of spaces enclosed by fabric membrane structures. In: Structural Membranes 2003, Barcelona, May, 2003 [conference proceeding], Barcelona.
ELNOKALY, A., CHILTON, J.C. and WILSON, R., 2003. Use of fabric membrane topology as an intermediate environment modifier. In: Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA), Santiago, Chile, November, 2003 [conference proceedings], Santiago, Chile.
EVANS, S. and COOPER, T., 2003. Consuming to last: the complexities and contradictions of optimising product life in contemporary society. In: British Sociological Association Annual Conference, York, April 2003, York.
EVANS, S. and COOPER, T., 2003. Waste not, want not? An exploration of the effect of consumer behaviour on the service life of three categories of household product. In: Chartered Institution of Wastes Management Annual Conference, Paignton, June 2003, Paignton.
FERRY, E., 2003. Home and away: domesticity and empire in the work of Lady Barker. In: Women's History Network Conference, Aberdeen University, September 2003, Aberdeen.
FISHER, T. and RUST, C., 2003. Growing our own - recruiting high quality research students by stealth. In: Proceedings of 3rd Conference on Doctoral Education in Design, Tsukuba, Japan.
FISHER, T. and SHIPTON, J., 2003. In and out of the twilight zone: understanding packaging re-use. In: Product Life and The Throwaway Society Conference, Centre for Sustainable Consumption, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, May, 2003, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield.
FLETCHER, D. and TANSLEY, C., 2003. A biographical account of 'Entrepreneurial responsiveness', theatre management and performance. In: European Academy of Management, Milan, April 2003, Milan, Italy.
FOSTER, C., 2003. Managing diversity in retailing: a layering approach to recognising individual differences. In: 7th Triennal AMS/ACRA Retailing Conference, Columbus, Ohio, USA, November, 2003, Columbus, Ohio.
FOSTER, C. and HARRIS, L., 2003. Managing diversity and HR practice: challenges and constraints for the operational manager. In: Innovating HRM?, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands.
FOSTER, C. and HARRIS, L., 2003. Managing diversity in organisations: easy to talk about but difficult to do. In: 11th IERA (International Employment Relations Association) Annual Conference, University of Greenwich, London, July, 2003, University of Greenwich.
FOSTER, P.W., WICKRAMASINGHE, G.L.D., GUNASEKERA, U.S.W. and CORK, C.R., 2003. False-twist texturing - a new approach. In: Fiber Society Symposium: Advanced Flexible Materials and Structures: Engineering with Fibers, Loughborough University, Loughborough, 30 June - 2 July 2003, Loughborough.
FULFORD, T., 2003. Romantic Biography Symposium. In: Romantic Biography Symposium, Paul Mellon Centre for British Art, Yale, 2003, Paul Mellon Centre for British Art, Yale.
GARWOOD-GOWERS, A., 2003. Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis. In: Genomics Conference, Nottingham University, Nottingham, 2 September 2003, Nottingham University.
GARWOOD-GOWERS, A., 2003. Using incompetent minors for the benefit of others. In: Healthcare Law and Our Children Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK, 10 May 2001, Nottingham Trent University.
GARWOOD-GOWERS, A., 2003. Why active euthanasia is intrinsically wrong. In: Symposium on Decision Making at the End of Life: Legal and Ethical Issues, Middlesex University, Middlesex, UK, 4 December 2003, Middlesex University.
GENTLE, C.R., CRISP, A.R. and LORD, J., 2003. Inclusive product design (ethics and sustainability): project teaching using a major study project as the vehicle (School of Engineering, Nottingham Trent University). In: Conference, organised by IED working group for Design Education Teaching, Bournemouth University, September 2003, Bournemouth.
GERMON, R., 2003. Capacity of millimetre-wave Broadband fixed wireless access systems. In: Wireless Broadband Forum 2003, Cambridge, UK, 26 November 2003.
GILBERTSON, D.D., BIRD, M., HUNT, C., MCLAREN, S., STEPHENS, M., ROSE, J. and PYATT, F.B., 2003. Past human activity and geomorphological change in a guano-rich tropical cave: the late quaternary succession in the guano cave of Niah, Sarawak. In: [conference] University of Tapei, Taiwan, 2003, Taiwan.
GILL-BROWN, V., 2003. Looking cool - sunglasses and modern leisure. In: Conference of the Leisure Studies Association: 'Leisure and Visual Culture', Roehampton University of Surrey, July 2003, Surrey.
GOATCHER, J. and BRUNSDEN, V., 2003. Delivering large Level One modules: challenges and solutions. In: The Nottingham Trent University 5th Annual Teaching and Learning Conference, Nottingham, 8 April 2003, Nottingham.
GOODHEW, S.M.R., TURPIN-BROOKS, S. and TAPP, T., 2003. E-learning in design, construction and property: case studies in motivation. In: CIB Working Commission W89, Building Education and Research (BEAR) Conference, Salford, March, 2003, Salford.
GOODRUM, A., 2003. Making it: inventing biography, globalising industry in New Zealand designer fashion. In: Geographies of Fashion Session, New Zealand Geographical Society Conference, University of Auckland, July 2003.
GOODRUM, A., 2003. Making it: inventing biography, globalising industry in New Zealand designer fashion. In: Australian Women's Studies Conference, University of Queensland, Brisbane, July 2003.
GOODRUM, A., 2003. Making it: inventing biography, individualising creativity and going global in the New Zealand designer fashion industry. In: Making an Appearance: Fashion, Dress and Consumption Conference, University of Queensland, Brisbane, July 2003.
GORFIN, L. and MCGLAUGHLIN, A., 2003. Listening to the disempowered groups: a case study examining the expressed needs of adults with a learning disability. In: Proceedings of the British Psychological Society.
GORFIN, L. and MCGLAUGHLIN, A., 2003. Listening to the oppressed groups. In: Centre for Social Justice Annual Conference: Engaging with Local Communities, April 2003.
GREEN, B., TENGNAH, C., COLEMAN, C., JOHANSSON, I. and BUTTON, L., 2003. A comparative study of the impact of an international placement on the lives and practices of nurses. In: 5th International Collaborative Conversations Conference, Bournemouth, England, 8-11 September 2003.
GREENWOOD, J.R., 2003. Geosynthetics: protecting the environment. In: Proceedings of the 1st IGS UK Chapter National Geosynthetics Symposium, Nottingham.
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RODRIGUEZ, C. and CHILTON, J.C., 2003. Deployable rings with plates and straight bars. In: Proceedings of IASS Symposium, Taipei, 2003, Taipei.
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ROWBOTHAM, J., 2003. 'I was like that when a lad': masculinity and culpability in convictions and sentencing, c1850-1900. In: International Association for the History of Crime and Criminal Justice Conference, Paris, France, June 2003, Paris.
ROWBOTHAM, J., 2003. A very British conspiracy: the 1875 'trial' of the Maharajah of Baroda [keynote speaker]. In: Oxford Brookes Law and History Conference Workshop, Oxford, June 2003, Oxford.
ROYSTON, P., 2003. Beyond finance theory: how framing influences the behaviour of real estate investors. In: 10th European Real Estate Society Conference, Helsinki, Finland, June 2003, Helsinki, Finland.
RUMNEY, P., 2003. Teaching and creativity. In: ACE Artsmark Awards, Northampton Theatre Royal, Northampton, 2003, Northampton.
RUMNEY, P., 2003. Theatre for Young People [keynote speaker]. In: Spark Festival, Leicester, 2003, Leicester.
RUMNEY, P., 2003. Young people and reading. In: ACA Conference, Worcester College Oxford, Oxford, 2003, Worcester College Oxford.
RUMNEY, P., 2003. The designer as writer. In: '2D>3D' SBTD Education Conference, Sheffield Crucible, Sheffield, 2003, Sheffield.
RUMNEY, P., 2003. The writer's authentic voice. In: EXPO, Writernet, Soho Theatre, London, 2003, London.
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SERGEANT, M.J.T., 2003. Evolution and olfaction; the role of sexual orientation in body odour. In: Human Behavior and Evolution Society Annual Conference, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA, 6 June 2003, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA.
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SERGEANT, M.J.T., 2003. Evolution, olfaction and sexual orientation. In: Summer School on Human Olfaction, University of Dresden Medical School, Dresden, Germany, July 2003, University of Dresden Medical School, Dresden, Germany.
SERGEANT, M.J.T., 2003. Olfaction and male sexual orientation. In: The Psychobiology Section of the British Psychological Society, Old Dungeon Ghyll, The Lake District, UK, 12 September 2003, Old Dungeon Ghyll, The Lake District.
SERGEANT, M.J.T., 2003. The evolution of sexual orientation. In: Cafe Scientifique, Wax Cafe, Nottingham, UK, 24 March 2003, Wax Cafe, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
SHANG, H., ANUMBA, C.J., BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., MILES, J., CEN, M. and TAYLOR, M., 2003. An integrated architecture for concurrent conceptual design. In: 2nd International Conference on Innovation in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC), Loughborough University, Loughborough, 25-27 June 2003, Loughborough.
SHANG, H., ANUMBA, C.J., BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., MILES, J.C., CEN, M. and TAYLOR, M., 2003. Web-based risk assessment system for construction. In: Proceedings 9th Conference of the Chinese Automation & Computing Society, Luton.
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TALBOT, M., 2003. All the world and her handgun: empowerment with the NRA. In: Gender and Globalisation: Cultures, Identities and Development. Conference for Delhi-Sunderland Higher Education Link, University of Sunderland, Sunderland.
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WOOD, R.T.A., GRIFFITHS, M.D., DAVIES, M.N.O. and CHAPPELL, D., 2003. A typology of UK adolescent lottery and scratchcard players. In: 12th International Conference on Gambling and Risk-Taking, Vancouver, Canada, May, 2003, Vancouver, Canada.
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WRIGHT, P., 2003. Plenary speaker at: 'Smart Bombs/Dumb Wars' conference. In: Smart Bombs/Dumb Wars Conference, organised jointly by University of East London and the Institute of Education, 08 November, 2003, London.
WRIGHT, P., 2003. Stanley Spencer in China [lecture series]. In: English Department Lecture series, University of Newcastle, 12 February, 2003, Newcastle.
WRIGHT, P., 2003. The village that died for England [lecture]. In: Bath Music Festival, Holburne Museum of Art, 22 May, 2003.
YIP, A.K.T., 2003. Lesbian and gay Christians and relationship values. In: Leeds University Chaplaincy and Christian Focus Group & the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement Yorkshire and Cleveland Group Meeting, Leeds, UK, Leeds.
YIP, A.K.T., 2003. Managing dissident sexual identities: narratives of British non-heterosexual Muslims. In: The 6th Conference of the European Sociological Association, University of Murcia, Spain, 23 September, 2003, University of Murcia.
YIP, A.K.T., 2003. Queering religious texts: an exploration of non-heterosexual Christians' and Muslims' strategies in constructing sexuality-affirming hermeneutics. In: Annual Conference of the British Sociological Association Sociology of Religion Study Group, Plater College, Oxford, UK, 09 April, 2003, Plater College, Oxford.
YIP, A.K.T., 2003. Researching non-heterosexual Muslims in Britain: methodological considerations and empirical themes. In: International Society for the Sociology of Religion Conference, University of Turin, Italy, 21 July, 2003, University of Turin.
YIP, A.K.T., 2003. The stories of older lesbians and gay men. In: Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement Nottingham Group Meeting, Nottingham, UK, 16 May, 2003, Nottingham.
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ZHANG, M., 2003. The roles of knowledge and technology in the process of industrialisation: an East Asian perspective. In: ASEAT (Advances in the Economic and Social Analysis of Technology) 2003 Conference on the theme of Knowledge and Economic and Social Change: New Challenges to Innovation Studies, Manchester School of Management, UMIST, Manchester, 07-09 April, 2003, Manchester.