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ABBASS, J.K. and AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2015. A comparative study of using spindle motor power and eddy current for the detection of tool conditions in milling processes. In: 2015 IEEE 13th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), Cambridge, 22-24 July 2015.
ABIDI, H., DE LEEUW, S. and KLUMPP, M., 2015. What explains supply chain success of projects in humanitarian supply chains? In: POMS (Production and Operations Management Society) 26th Annual Conference, Washington D.C., United States, 8-11 May 2015, Washington D.C., United States.
ABYANKYAR, P., KLUMPES, P., WANG, P. and TANG, L., 2015. The impact of the adoption of hedge accounting rules on enterprise risk management adoption practices by multinationals. In: Institute of Risk Management ERM Special Interest Group Workshop, London, 12 June 2015.
ACKRILL, R., 2015. Transnational policy governance: scoping the limits of existing models and frameworks with an application to sustainability. In: UACES 45th Annual Conference, University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain, 7-9 September 2015.
AIKEN, V., 2015. The risky terrain of student writing. In: BESA Conference, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff, July 2015.
ALI, S., RAIDÉN, A. and KIRK, S., 2015. Social capital in Jordan: wasta in employment selection [forthcoming]. In: The International Conference on Organization and Management (ICOM), Abu Dhabi, UAE, 22-23 November 2015, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
ALJEAID, D., MA, X. and LANGENSIEPEN, C., 2015. A new biometric ID-based cryptography protocol and security analysis using Petri nets. In: 6th Annual International Conference on ICT: Big Data, Cloud and Security (ICT-BDCS 2016), Singapore, 27-28 July 2015.
ALVES, J.D., FERREIRA, J.F., LOBO, J. and DIAS, J., 2015. Brief survey on computational solutions for Bayesian inference. In: 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2015): Workshop on Unconventional Computing for Bayesian Inference, Hamburg, Germany, 28 September 2015.
ANKRAH, N.A., MANU, E. and BOOTH, C., 2015. Beyond sustainable buildings: eco-efficiency to eco-effectiveness through cradle-to-cradle design. In: 7th International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, Lisbon, Portugal, 1-5 July 2015.
APPIAH, S., KNIGHT, A., COFFEY, C. and MORLEDGE, R., 2015. A theoretical framework for selecting building procurement routes. In: RICS Construction and Building Research Conference, Australia, 4-5 September 2015.
APPS, C., STERZING, T., O'BRIEN, T., CHEUNG, J. and LAKE, M., 2015. Irregular shoe midsole deformations simulate the movement variability of running on uneven surfaces. In: The 12th Footwear Biomechanics Symposium, Liverpool, July 2015.
APPS, C., STERZING, T., O'BRIEN, T., CHEUNG, J. and LAKE, M., 2015. Lower limb biomechanics during the forward lunge: the influence of a shoe with irregular deformations of the midsole. In: The 25th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Glasgow, July 2015.
ARMANNSDOTTIR, G., PICH, C. and WOODALL, T., 2015. Gender and marketing: an exploration into the perceptions of marketing and marketers form the perspective of male and female undergraduates in HE UK. In: Academy of Marketing Annual Conference 2015, Limerick, Ireland, 2015.
ASRAR, M., AL-HABAIBEH, A. and HOUDA, M.R., 2015. A comparative study between visual, near infrared and infrared images for the detection of veins for intravenous cannulation. In: AITA 2015 - Advanced Infrared Technology and Applications, Pisa, Italy, 29 September - 2 October 2015.
AWOJIDE, O., HODGKINSON, I.R. and RAVISHANKAR, M.N., 2015. How middle managers draw on cultural resources to rationalise their behaviours during the orchestration of ambidexterity. In: 29th Annual British Academy of Management Conference, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, 8-10 September 2015.
BAKAS, D. and CHORTAREAS, G., 2015. Openness, inflation dynamics and output-inflation trade-offs. In: 14th EEFS Conference, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Brussels, Belgium, 11-14 June 2015.
BAKAS, D. and CHORTAREAS, G., 2015. The output-inflation trade-off: international panel data evidence. In: 2nd Annual Conference of the International Association for Applied Econometrics (IAAE), University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, 25-27 June 2015.
BAKAS, D. and CHORTAREAS, G., 2015. The output-inflation trade-off: international panel data evidence. In: 47th Money, Macro and Finance Research Group (MMF) Annual Conference, Cardiff University, Cardiff, 9-11 September 2015.
BANERJEE, R., QUINN, B. and DUNN, A., 2015. Some insights into consumers' motivations for purchasing local food. In: Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Limerick, Ireland, 07-09 July 2015.
BANERJEE, S., RAMANATHAN, R. and RAMANATHAN, U., 2015. Development and validation of a conceptual framework in offshore IT outsourcing. In: BAM Annual Conference 2015, United Kingdom, 8-10 September 2015.
BARBERA, C., JONES, M., KORAC, S., SALITERER, I. and STECOLLINI, I., 2015. Bouncing back and bouncing forward – European municipalities' responses to financial shocks from a comparative perspective. In: IRSPM 2015 Shaping the Future - Reinvention or Revolution? Panel G101 Public Accounting and Accountability; Obfuscation or Transparency, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, 30 March - 1 April 2015.
BARBERA, C., JONES, M., KORAC, S., SALITERER, I. and STECOLLINI, I., 2015. Bouncing back and bouncing forward – applying an alternative perspective on European municipalities’ responses to financial shocks. In: Public Management Research Association Conference, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 11-13 June 2015.
BARTON, H. and MATTHEWS, R., 2015. Lean policing. ‘Reality or rhetoric?’. In: IRSPM, Birmingham, April 2015, Birmingham.
BARTON, H. and MATTHEWS, R.L., 2015. A knowledge creation perspective on ‘LEAN’ approaches to policing in England and Wales. In: Euroma, Switzerland, 2015, Switzerland.
BIERMANN, F., 2015. Farmer knowledge needs in Georgia. In: UNDP Agricultural Extension Conference, Tbilisi, Georgia, 7-9 December 2015.
BIERMANN, F., 2015. Friendship markets. In: [conference], University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany, 3 February 2015.
BIERMANN, F., 2015. Friendship markets. In: Armenian Economic Association Annual Conference, Yerevan, Armenia, 19-21 June 2015.
BIERMANN, F., 2015. Friendship markets. In: [Presentation], Kiev School of Economics, Kiev, Ukraine, 4 June 2015.
BIERMANN, F., 2015. Friendship markets. In: FREE Network Retreat, Vilnius, Lithuania, 25-27 September 2015.
BIERMANN, F., 2015. Friendship markets. In: [Presentation], Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia, 18 September 2015.
BINDER, J., BUGLASS, S., BETTS, L. and UNDERWOOD, J., 2015. Toward the unknown region: social media data as sociometric markers. In: British Psychological Society, Developmental Section and Social Section Annual Conference, Manchester, 9-11 September 2015.
BINDER, J., BUGLASS, S.L. and HALDER, M., 2015. Managing online network diversity: the complexities of social spheres. In: BPS Annual Conference 2015, Liverpool, May 2015.
BINDER, J., BUGLASS, S.L. and HALDER, M., 2015. Self-report does not equal self-report: levels of personalisation of data in social media research. In: CASMA 2015, Nottingham, January 2015.
BISIGNANO, A., 2015. Exploring the relationship between sustainability and organizational identity in family businesses. In: FERC 2015, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, USA, 4-7 June 2015, Burlington, VT.
BISIGNANO, A., 2015. Networks and timing in the internationalisation of creative industries. In: Academy of International Business UK&I, Manchester, April 2015, Manchester.
BISIGNANO, A. and DI BONITO, M., 2015. An investigation of 'space' and social networks in creative clusters. In: International Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference (ISBE 2015), Technology & Innovation Centre, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 11-12 November 2015.
BISIGNANO, A., PALERMO, O. and LUBERTO, G., 2015. Identity and the mobilization of a gendering discourse in women entrepreneurs. In: DIANA 2015, Boston, MA, June 2015, Boston, MA.
BOULTON, H., 2015. Literacy and technology: towards best practice. In: Association of Information Technology in Teacher Education Conference, London, 4 July 2015.
BOULTON, H., 2015. Literacy and technology: towards best practice. In: 14th Learning and Teaching Conference, Hong Kong, 2015.
BOULTON, H., 2015. Supporting transnational students in the transition to doctoral study through online technologies. In: European Conference of Educational Research, Budapest, Hungary, 8-10 September 2015.
BOULTON, H., 2015. Supporting transnational students in the transition to doctoral study through online technologies. In: International Learning and Teaching Conference, Singapore, 28 September - October 2015.
BOULTON, H. and CSIZMADIA, A., 2015. Supporting transnational students in the transition to doctoral study through online technologies. In: European Conference of Educational Research, Budapest, Hungary, 8-10 September 2015.
BOULTON, H. and HRAMIAK, A., 2015. Literacy and technology: towards best practice. In: International Conference: Assessment for Learning in Higher Education 2015, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong, 13-15 May 2015.
BRAITHWAITE, N., 2015. Fashion mapping: capturing style and meaning through the everyday practice of dress. In: The Fashion Project: Exploring Critical Issues: 7th Global Meeting, Mansfield College, Oxford, 24-26 September 2015.
BRAITHWAITE, N., 2015. Fashioning stories: what clothing and shoes can reveal and disguise about the self. In: Marginalised Mainstream, Institute of English Studies, Senate House, University of London, London, 28 November 2015.
BRANCO ILLODO, I., PEREIRA HEATH, T. and TYNAN, C., 2015. Complexity of dyadic gift giving forms: a new framework. In: 18th Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Bari, Italy, 15-18 July 2015.
BRIGGS-GOODE, A. and GLAZZARD, M., 2015. An internet of soft things. In: Futurescan 3: Intersecting Identities, Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, 11-12 November 2015.
BRINDLEY, C., 2015. What the Dickens? Representations of women's entrepreneurship in the work of Charles Dickens. In: 18th Annual Irish Academy of Management Conference, National University of Ireland Galway (NUI Galway), 3-4 September 2015, Galway, Ireland.
BROWN, A., 2015. OpenCity. In: In the Flow: People, Media, Materialities, ACSIS Conference, Linköping University, Norrköping, Sweden, 15-17 June 2015, Norrköping, Sweden.
BROWN, V. and MURPHY, P., 2015. Internal communication strategies: an evaluation of their use during major service configurations and mergers. In: Annual Conference on Fire-Related Research and Developments 2015 (RE15), National Fire Services College, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire, 12 November 2015.
BUGLASS, S.L., BINDER, J., BETTS, L. and UNDERWOOD, J., 2015. Do our online social network characteristics make us vulnerable? In: Alternative Futures Conference 2015, Nottingham, January 2015.
BUGLASS, S.L., BINDER, J.F., BETTS, L.R. and UNDERWOOD, J., 2015. When 'friends' collide: the impact of social heterogeneity on online vulnerability. In: BPS (British Psychological Society) Developmental Section & Social Section Annual Conference, The Palace Hotel, Manchester, 9-11 September 2015.
CANDON, D., 2015. The effect of cancer on the labor supply of employed men over the age of 65. In: Irish Economic Association, Dublin, Ireland, 7 May 2015.
CARO, O., ZUBILLAGA, A., FRADUA, L. and FERNANDEZ NAVARRO, J., 2015. Influence of pitch zone in game area dimension in professional Spanish football. In: 8th World Congress on Science & Football, Copenhagen, Denmark, 20 May 2015.
CARPENTIERI, B., 2015. Preconditioned Krylov subspace methods for solving high-frequency cavity problems in electromagnetics. In: 1st URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference (URSI AT‐RASC), ExpoMeloneras Convention Centre, Gran Canaria, Spain, 18-22 May 2015.
CASSIDY, K., DISTON, S. and KENNEDY, C., 2015. An exploration of the emotional content of online venting in a UK Health care service context. In: QUIS14, The 14th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management, Shanghai, China, 18-21 June 2015.
CAVEN, V., 2015. Home makers: the professional identity of the architect and creation of living space. In: Standing Conference on Organisational Symbolism (SCOS), Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 11-14 July 2015.
CHAN, C.K., 2015. Show us you are poor and a good citizen: public assistance eligibility in Chinese main cities. In: Integrating International Research, Policy and Practice in Developing Welfare Services Conference, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, 16-17 September 2015, Guangzhou.
CHAPPLE, W., 2015. CSR: from nice to necessary. In: Corporate Responsibility: Connecting the Private Sector with the Media Conference, Singapore, 7 April 2015.
CHAPPLE, W., 2015. Theoretical approaches towards the reduction of the ecological footprint. In: Ecuador Responsible Business Week, Quito, Ecuador, 16-22 November 2015.
CHAPPLE, W., MUTHURI, J. and MCCARTHY, L., 2015. Systems of governance in a developing country context: co-governance, complementarity and competitiveness. In: 5th World Sustainability Forum, Basel, Switzerland, 7-9 September 2015.
CHEN, G. and WU, T., 2015. Work colleagueship, friendship or both: a case study of employment relations in a Taiwanese hotel resort. In: 33rd International Labour Process Conference, Athens, Greece, 13-15 April 2015, Athens, Greece.
CHING, J., 2015. "I just want to get in!": justice as access to the legal profession. In: Legal Education and Access to Justice, Australian Law Teachers Association Conference, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, 16-18 July 2015, Melbourne, Australia.
CHMURA, T., 2015. Cooperation and trust - Scottish referendum. In: University of Michigan Economics Seminar Series, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States, 13 July 2015.
CHMURA, T., 2015. Wage discrimination - Chinese migrant workers. In: Florida State Behavioural Workshop, Tallahassee, Florida, United States, 16-17 July 2015.
CHMURA, T., 2015. Wage discrimination - Chinese migrant workers. In: ESA World Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States, 20-21 August 2015.
CLARKE, S., 2015. What can autoethnography tell us about the process of going mad and authentic recovery in a therapeutic community environment? In: The Consortium of Therapeutic Communities (TCTC) Annual International Conference, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, 19-21 October 2015.
COCKER, E., 2015. Kairos time: the performativity of timing and timeliness … or; between biding one’s time and knowing when to act. In: 1st PARSE Biennial Research Conference on TIME, Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 4-6 November 2015.
COCKER, E., 2015. Live coding/weaving - Penelopean mêtis and the weaver-coder’s kairos. In: First International Conference on Live Coding (ICLC2015), University of Leeds, 13-15 July 2015.
COCKER, E., 2015. Live coding/weaving - Penelopean mêtis and the weaver/coder’s kairos. In: Threads and Codes Symposium, Goldsmiths, London, 6 March 2015.
COCKER, E., GANSTERER, N. and GREIL, M., 2015. Choreo-graphic figures: the notion > < notation of figuring. In: How to Do Things with Art Conference, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark, 11-13 November 2015.
COCKER, E. and LEE, J., 2015. Care + Attend. In: Unconditional Love, Society for Artistic Research Spring Event, Chelsea College of Arts/University of the Arts London, London, 30 April - 1 May 2015.
COHEN, C., 2015. We’re all screwed now? 'Pro-feminist' depictions of female on male rape – a Foucauldian analysis. In: British Society of Criminology Conference: Criminology: Voyages of Critical Discovery, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, 30 June - 3 July 2015.
COLE, C., 2015. Climate change and the repair, reuse culture. In: Climate Change Showcase and Networking Event, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 4 December 2015.
COLMEKCIOGLU, N., 2015. Anti-consumption attitude formation on religiously endorsed products. In: 6th PhD Experience Conference, Hull University, Hull, August 2015.
CONSTERDINE, A. and TAYLOR, W., 2015. A re-appraisal of power in the coach-athlete relationship. In: 3rd International Coaching Conference, Manchester Metropolitan University, Crewe, 9-10 September 2015.
CONSTERDINE, A. and TAYLOR, W., 2015. A re-conceptualisation of power in the coach-athlete relationship(s). In: 10th ICCE Global Coach Conference, Veirumäki, Finland, 23-25 August 2015.
COOK, D. and ANAGNOSTOPOULOS, C., 2015. Relationship marketing in 140 characters or less: the case of community trusts in English football. In: European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference 2015: Uncertainty is a Great Opportunity, Warsaw, Poland, 17-20 June 2015.
COSTALAGO MERUELO, A., MACHADO, P., APPIAH, K. and MCGINNITY, T.M., 2015. Si elegans: a computational model of C. elegans muscle response to light. In: 3rd International Congress on Neurotechnology, Electronics and Informatics, Lisbon, Portugal, 2015.
CUNNINGHAM, J.R. and LEE, L.W., 2015. Are health websites ready for the mobile world? A study of readability among traditional and mobile websites. In: 2013 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference, Monterey, California, United States, 14-18 May 2013.
DANIEL, E.I., PASQUIRE, C. and DICKENS, G., 2015. Exploring the implementation of the Last Planner® System through IGLC community: twenty one years of experience. In: 23rd Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, Perth, Australia, 29-31 July 2015, Perth.
DASKOU, S. and IOANNIDIS, A., 2015. An investigation of the quality of buyer-seller relationships: evidence from the textile industry. In: 27th Business & Economics Society International (B&ESI) Conference 2015, Albufeira, Algarve, Portugal, 6-9 July 2015.
DE AVILLEZ, M., 2015. Contextualising social entrepreneurship in developing economies: the micro-foundations of transcultural embeddedness. In: 31st EGOS Colloquium: Organizations and the Examined Life: Reason, Reflexivity and Responsibility, Athens, Greece, 2-4 July 2015.
DE AVILLEZ, M., 2015. Women in Mozambique: how sources of finance interplay with social entrepreneurial practices. In: ESRC SME Finance Seminar Series, Haydn Green Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Nottingham, 15 September 2015.
DENONCOURT, J., 2015. Commercialising and IP strategies for medical innovation. In: IP Commercialization and Strategy for Medical Innovation Workshop, Nottingham Legal Advice Centre, Nottingham Law School, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 3 December 2015.
DENONCOURT, J., 2015. True and fair intellectual property information: a corporate governance issue. In: University of Nottingham Business School Research Series, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, 4 November 2015.
DENONCOURT, J., 2015. A crash course in IP for designers. In: Nottingham Creative IP Project, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, November 2015.
DENONCOURT, J., 2015. A crash course in IP for designers. In: Nottingham Creative IP Project, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, January 2015.
DENONCOURT, J., 2015. A crash course in IP for designers. In: Nottingham Creative IP Project, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, February 2015.
DENONCOURT, J., 2015. A crash course in IP for designers. In: International Association for the Advancement of Research and Teaching in Intellectual Property (ATRIP), 34th Annual Congress 2015, Cape Town, South Africa, 28 September 2015.
DENONCOURT, J., 2015. A crash course in IP for designers. In: European Intellectual Property Teachers’ Network (EIPTN), 8th Annual Workshop, University of Riga, Latvia, 29-30 June 2015.
DENONCOURT, J., 2015. A crash course in IP for designers. In: Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference 2015, University of York, York, 5-7 September 2015.
DENONCOURT, J. and JOHNSON, N., 2015. A crash course in IP for designers. In: Legal Education and Access to Justice Conference, Nottingham Law School, Centre for Legal Education, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 19-21 June 2015.
DUNN, A.K., 2015. Looks like a bad ‘un: context, culpability and face research. In: 32nd BPS Cognitive Pyschology Section Annual Conference, University of Kent, Canterbury, 1-3 September 2015.
DYE, E.R., HUGHES-RILEY, T., PARSLOW, S.T., NEWTON, M.I. and MORRIS, R.H., 2015. A Low Cost Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry Sensor. In: 2nd International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications (ESCA), [online] Basel, Switzerland, 15-30 November 2015.
EBIRERI, J. and PALONI, A., 2015. The relationship between the expansion of the banking sector and export specialization in developing countries. In: 25th Post-Keynesian Study Group Annual Workshop, SOAS, University of London, 29 May 2015.
EBIRERI, J. and PALONI, A., 2015. The relationship between the expansion of the banking sector and export specialization. In: Nankai-Glasgow Workshop on the Chinese Economy, Nankai University, Nankai, China, 22 October 2015.
ECKERSLEY, P., 2015. Civic pride and political expediency: the enduring founding principles for local government in Germany and England. In: 65th Political Studies Association Annual International Conference, Sheffield City Hall, Sheffield, 30 March - 1 April 2015.
EHRET, M. and NICHOLSON, J., 2015. The potential of open business models for green innovation: a case study of Hull. In: ESRC Seminar Series - Green Innovation: Making it Work, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 22 April 2015.
EHRET, M. and WIRTZ, J., 2015. Service enterprise - the contribution of business services to the uncertainty-sharing and the stimulation of enterprising activity. In: 24th Annual Frontiers in Service Conference 2015, San Jose, California, USA, 9-12 July 2015.
ELGARGNI, M.A. and AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2015. Analytical and comparative study of using a CNC machine spindle motor power and infrared technology for the design of a cutting tool condition monitoring system. In: 2015 IEEE 13th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), Cambridge, 22-24 July 2015.
ESTES, Z., GUEST, D., GIBBERT, M. and MAZURSKY, D., 2015. Brand names and slogans guide visual attention. In: 2015 Meeting of the European Marketing Academy, Leuven, Belgium, May 2015.
FADIPE, T., 2015. [Conference contribution]. In: Link15: Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Research Conference, East Midlands Conference Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, 20 July 2015.
FAN, J., MINFORD, P. and OU, Z., 2015. The role of fiscal policy in Britain’s Great Inflation. In: 16th EBES Conference, Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey, May 2015, Istanbul.
FANSHAWE, S., AL-HABAIBEH, A. and SHAKMAK, B., 2015. An innovative design and evaluation of a stratified hot water storage system - the Water Snake. In: 2015 IEEE Jordan Conference on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing Technologies (AEECT), Amman, Jordan, 3 November 2015.
FEARNALL-WILLIAMS, H., 2015. What does carrying out a "history of the present" involve? A conceptual and methodological reflection on employing Foucault's genealogical method. In: The Quadrangular Early Career Track Conference, Lancaster University Management School, Lancaster University, Lancaster, 14-15 September 2015.
FERNANDEZ NAVARRO, J., FRADUA, L., ZUBILLAGA, A., CARO, O. and MCROBERT, A., 2015. Influence of styles of play on possession performance indicators in elite soccer. In: 8th World Congress on Science & Football, Copenhagen, Denmark, 20-23 May 2015.
FERNANDEZ NAVARRO, J., RUIZ RUIZ, C., ZUBILLAGA, A. and FRADUA, L., 2015. Análisis de la efectividad de las acciones defensivas de presión en campo contrario en La Liga Española. In: Congreso Mundial de Entrenadores de Fútbol. Centenario de la RFAF 1915-2015, Sevilla, Spain, 12-14 June 2015.
FERREIRA, J.F., LANILLOS, P. and DIAS, J., 2015. Fast exact Bayesian inference for high-dimensional models. In: 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2015): Workshop on Unconventional Computing for Bayesian Inference, Hamburg, Germany, 28 September 2015.
FERRY, E., 2015. ‘By no means an unimportant item in human well-being’: Mrs Oliphant’s Dress (1878). In: Textual Fashion Conference: Representing Fashion and Clothing in Word and Image, University of Brighton, Brighton, 8-10 July 2015.
FERRY, E., 2015. ‘So teach us to number our days’: women and Cropthorne War Memorials (1920). In: Women, Gender and the First World War: Home Fronts and War Fronts Conference, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, 10 October 2015.
FIGUEIREDO, D. and HENN, M., 2015. Contemporary Latin American leaders in comparative perspective: a discourse analysis of the ideological rhetorics of Hugo Chávez, Evo Morales and José Mujica. In: Alternative Futures Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 25 February 2015.
FISHER, T. and MAFFEI, N., 2015. Unstable surfaces: slippery meanings of shiny things. In: The Skin of Objects: Re-thinking Surfaces in Visual Culture, University of East Anglia, Sainsbury Centre, Norwich Castle, Norwich, 27 June 2015.
FOSTER, C. and BRINDLEY, C., 2015. Poetry in motion: creative networking in micro retail. In: British Academy of Management, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, September 2015, Portsmouth.
FREUDENTHAL, D., PINE, J.M., JONES, G. and GOBET, F., 2015. Defaulting effects contribute to the simulation of cross-linguistic differences in optional infinitive errors. In: 37th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2015), Pasadena, California, 23-25 July 2015, Pasadena, California.
GANN, R., LOVE, K. and HOLLAND, D., 2015. Neither customers nor partners: the shifting politics of student engagement. In: NTU Politics and International Relations Divisional Seminar Series, Nottingham, 13 May 2015.
GAUNTLETT, D. and TWIGGER HOLROYD, A., 2015. Making, and making a difference. In: Research Through Design: Twenty-First Century Makers and Materialities, Microsoft Research Cambridge, Cambridge, 25-27 March 2015.
GERRY, F. and SJÖLIN, C., 2015. Achieving the G20 gender equality target by tackling sexual exploitation through legal uniformity, extra territoriality and corporate responsibility. In: 4th International Conference on Law, Regulation and Public Policy, Singapore, 8 June 2015, Singapore.
GITTENS, D. and HUFFORD, A., 2015. The freedom of the sketch and the tyranny of the digital image. In: AIARG 2015 Conference, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 30-31 January 2015.
GOND, J., GRUBNIC, S., HERZIG, C. and MOON, J., 2015. Strategizing sustainability through management control: insights into inhibitors and facilitators from two case studies. In: 27th International Congress on Social and Environmental Accounting Research and Emerging Scholars Colloquium (CSEAR), Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, Surrey, 24-27 August 2015.
GOODSON, S., PEARS, M. and PEARSON, S., 2015. Attentional bias modification: single session effects on behavioural and neurological measures with high and low self-esteem. In: British Psychological Society Annual Conference, Liverpool, July 2015.
GOODSON, S., PEARSON, S. and TURNER, K., 2015. We are what we see! In: British Psychological Society Annual Conference, Liverpool, July 2015.
GOUS, G., DUNN, A.K., BAGULEY, T. and STACEY, P., 2015. The effect of variations in fundamental frequency (F0) and speech rate on speaker perception and recognition accuracy using a synthesised voice sample. In: 32nd BPS Cognitive Pyschology Section Annual Conference, University of Kent, Canterbury, 1-3 September 2015.
GREGSON, I., 2015. Creating a typology of day cycle tourists: the challenges faced by the Peak District National Park in using digital media to communicate with emerging cycle user groups. In: Adventure Tourism Research Association [ATRA] 2015: 4th International Adventure Conference, Sheffield, 2015.
GUEST, D., KENT, C. and ADELMAN, J.S., 2015. Is it really all relative? The role of relative judgment in absolute identification. In: 19th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP 2015), Paphos, Cyprus, 17–20 September 2015.
HACKETT, V., PASQUIRE, C., STRATTON, R. and KNIGHT, A., 2015. The use of first run studies to develop standard work in liquefied natural gas Plant refurbishment. In: 23rd Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, Perth, Australia, 29-31 July 2015.
HAGEN, R., 2015. The nature of academic praxis. In: Durham Symposium on Small Business & Enterprise Development, St Aidan's College, Durham University, Durham, 15-16 September 2015.
HAGUE, R., 2015. Fostering compassion as a civic and environmental good. In: Alternative Futures 2015, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 2015, Nottingham.
HAMBLIN, F., 2015. Fo Hamblin: Choreography of making. In: Crafting Anatomies Symposium, Bonington Gallery, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 30 January 2015.
HAN, W., 2015. How joint venture business environment and vertical partnering relationship influence performance. In: 2015 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Pennsylvania Convention Cente, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 1-4 November 2015.
HARDY, A., GYEKYE, K. and WAINWRIGHT, C., 2015. What do others think is the point of design and technology education? In: PATT29 Plurality and Complementarity of Approaches in Design & Technology Education, Marseille, France, 7-10 April 2015, Marseille, France.
HARRADINE, D., MURPHY, P. and PROWLE, M., 2015. Strategic financial leadership in a time of austerity: the National Health Service prospective. In: IRSPM 2015 Shaping the Future - Reinvention or Revolution? Panel G102 Performance Management of Hybrid Governance in the Age of Austerity (SIG on Accounting and Accountability), Birmingham, 30 March - 1 April 2015, Birmingham.
HARRADINE, D., MURPHY, P. and PROWLE, M., 2015. An examination of the pre-admission decision making factors resulting in pressures on Accident and Emergency at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. In: Alternative Futures Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 25 February 2015, Nottingham.
HARRADINE, D., MURPHY, P. and PROWLE, M.J., 2015. Accident and emergency services: an examination of the decision making processes that result in A&E attendances as opposed to alternative care and diagnostic options. In: Alternative Futures Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 25 February 2015, Nottingham.
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ROXBURGH, E.C. and EVENDEN, R., 2015. "Most people think you're a fruit loop": an exploratory study of clients' experiences of seeking support for anomalous experiences. In: 58th Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association and the 39th Society for Psychical Research International Annual Conference, University of Greenwich, London, 16-19 July 2015.
ROXBURGH, E.C. and EVENDEN, R., 2015. "Most people think you're a fruit loop": an exploratory study of clients' experiences of seeking support for anomalous experiences. In: Compassionate Wellbeing 'Spirituality and Wellbeing' Conference, Derby Enterprise Centre, Derby, 14-15 November 2015.
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SANDERS, K., JØRGENSEN, F., VAN ROSSENBERG, Y., WANG, Y., SHIPTON, H., LI, X., DYSVIK, A., RODRIGUES, R. and WONG, I., 2015. High performance work systems and innovative behavior: do HR strength and national culture matter? In: Academy of Management Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 2015, Vancouver.
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