Items where Division is "School of Social Sciences" and Year is 2003

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 367.

Journal article

6, P., 2003. Entitlement cards: do the Home Secretary's proposals comply with data protection principles? Part I. World Data Protection Report, 3 (3), pp. 18-23. ISSN 1473-3579

6, P., 2003. Entitlement cards: do the Home Secretary's proposals comply with data protection principles? Part II. World Data Protection Report, 3 (4), pp. 13-19. ISSN 1473-3579

6, P., 2003. Giving consumers of British public services more choice: what can be learned from recent history? Journal of Social Policy, 32 (2), pp. 239-270. ISSN 0047-2794

6, P., 2003. Institutional viability: a neo-Durkheimian theory. Innovation: Vienna and Abingdon, 16 (4), pp. 395-416. ISSN 1351-1610

6, P., 2003. Marked cards? Government Computing. ISSN 1462-2467

6, P., 2003. Review of Hood, Christopher, Rothstein, Henry and Baldwin, Robert: 'The government of risk: understanding risk regulation régimes'. Journal of Risk Research, 6 (1), pp. 88-93.

6, P., 2003. Review of McLaverty,O. (ed): 'Public participation and innovations in community governance'. Public Administration, 81 (4), pp. 900-902.

6, P., 2003. What is there to feel? a neo-Durkheimian theory of the emotions. European Journal of Psychotherapy, Counselling and Health, 5 (3), pp. 263-290. ISSN 1364-2537

ALDRIDGE, M. and DINGWALL, R., 2003. Teleology on television: implicit models of evolution in broadcast wildlife and nature programmes. European Journal of Communications, 18 (4), pp. 435-453.

BAILEY, D., 2003. The contribution of work-based supervision to interprofessional learning on a masters programme in Community Mental Health. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 17 (3), pp. 306-307. ISSN 1356-1820

BALDWIN, J.S., ALLEN, P.M., WINDER, B. and RIDGWAY, K., 2003. Simulating the cladistic evolution of manufacturing. Innovation: Organization & Management, 5 (2-3), pp. 144-156. ISSN 1447-9338

BALL, L.J., LUCAS, E.M., MILES, J.N.V. and GALE, A., 2003. Inspection times and the selection task: what eye-movements reveal about relevance effects. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 56, pp. 1053-1077. ISSN 1747-0218

BARRETT, D.J.K., BRADSHAW, M.F. and ROSE, D., 2003. Endogenous shifts of attention operate within multiple coordinate frames: evidence from a feature-priming task. Perception, 32 (1), pp. 41-52. ISSN 0301-0066

BELMONTE, M.K. and YURGELUN-TODD, D.A., 2003. Anatomic dissociation of selective and suppressive processes in visual attention. NeuroImage, 19 (1), pp. 180-189. ISSN 1053-8119

BELMONTE, M.K. and YURGELUN-TODD, D.A., 2003. Functional anatomy of impaired selective attention and compensatory processing in autism. Cognitive Brain Research, 17 (3), pp. 651-664. ISSN 0926-6410

BRODIE, E.E., WHYTE, A. and WALLER, B., 2003. Increased motor control of a phantom leg in humans results from the visual feedback of a virtual leg. Neuroscience Letters, 341 (2), pp. 167-169. ISSN 0304-3940

BRUNSDEN, V. and HILL, R., 2003. Editorial: introduction to the special issue. Fire Safety, Technology and Management, 8 (3), p. 5.

BRUNSDEN, V., WOODWARD, L. and REGEL, S., 2003. Occupational stress and post-traumatic reactions in fire-fighters and control room staff. Fire Safety, Technology and Management, 8 (3), pp. 11-14.

BUDD, T.W., HALL, D.A., GONÇALVES, M.S., AKEROYD, M.A., FOSTER, J.R., PALMER, A.R., HEAD, K. and SUMMERFIELD, A.Q., 2003. Binaural specialisation in human auditory cortex: an fMRI investigation of interaural correlation sensitivity. NeuroImage, 20 (3), pp. 1783-1794.

BUTTON, G., MASON, D. and SHARROCK, W., 2003. Disempowerment and resistance in the print industry? Reactions to surveillance-capable technology. New Technology Work and Employment, 18 (1), pp. 50-61. ISSN 0268-1072

BYFORD, J.T., 2003. Anti-Semitism and the Christian Right in post-Milosevic Serbia: From conspiracy theory to hate crime. Internet Journal of Criminology.

BYFORD, J.T., 2003. Review of John B. Allcock, Explaining Yugoslavia. Europe-Asia Studies, 55 (3), pp. 491-492. ISSN 0966-8136

CASSADAY, H.J., NORMAN, C., SHILLIAM, C.S., VINCENT, C. and MARSDEN, C.A., 2003. Intraventricular 5, 7-DHT lesions disrupt acquisition of working memory task rules but not performance once learned. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 27 (1), pp. 147-156. ISSN 0278-5846

CHAN, C.K., 2003. Protecting the ageing poor or strengthening the market economy: the case of the Hong Kong Mandatory Provident Fund. International Journal of Social Welfare, 12 (2), pp. 123-131. ISSN 1369-6866

CRUNDALL, D., CHAPMAN, P., PHELPS, N. and UNDERWOOD, G., 2003. Eye movements and hazard perception in police pursuit and emergency response driving. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 9 (3), pp. 163-174.

DANDEKER, C. and MASON, D., 2003. Diversifying the uniform? The participation of minority ethnic personnel in the British armed services. Armed Forces and Society, 29 (4), pp. 481-507. ISSN 0095-327X

DAY, K., GOUGH, B. and MCFADDEN, M., 2003. Women who drink and fight: a discourse analysis of working class women's talk. Feminism and Psychology, 13 (2), pp. 141-158.

DINGWALL, R., 2003. LSA and the 'Pax Americana' (comments on Lynn Mather's presidential address). Law and Society Review, 37 (2), pp. 315-321.

DINGWALL, R., 2003. Review of W Cockerham, ed., 'The Blackwell companion to medical sociology'. Social Science and Medicine, 56 (7), pp. 1605-1606.

DINGWALL, R. and KIDD, K., 2003. After the fall…: capitulating to the routine in professional work. Penn State Law Review, 108 (1), pp. 67-87.

DINGWALL, R. and NERLICH, B., 2003. Genes, instincts and social interaction. Svensk Neuropsykologi, 15 (34), pp. 16-17.

DINGWALL, R., NERLICH, B. and HILLYARD, S., 2003. Biological determinism and symbolic interaction: hereditary streams and cultural roads. Symbolic Interaction, 26 (4), pp. 631-644.

FANNON, D., SIMMONS, A., TENNAKOON, L., O'CEALLAIGH, S., SUMICH, A., DOKU, V., SHEW, C. and SHARMA, T., 2003. Selective deficit of hippocampal N-acetylaspartate in antipsychotic-naive patients with schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry, 54 (6), pp. 587-598. ISSN 0006-3223

FRASER, I., 2003. Charles Taylor on transcendence: Benjamin, Bloch and beyond. Philosophy and Social Criticism, 29 (3), pp. 297-314. ISSN 0191-4537

FRASER, I., 2003. Charles Taylor, Marx and Marxism. Political Studies, 51 (4), pp. 759-774. ISSN 0032-3217

GALE, T.M., LAWS, K.R., FRANK, R.J. and LEESON, V.C., 2003. Basic-level visual similarity and category-specificity. Brain and Cognition, 53, pp. 229-231. ISSN 0278-2626

GONÇALVES, M.S. and HALL, D.A., 2003. Connectivity analysis with structural equation modelling: an example of the effects of voxel selection. NeuroImage, 20 (3), pp. 1455-1467.

GOODSON, S., HALFORD, J., JACKSON, H. and BLUNDELL, J., 2003. Paradoxical effect of sucrose: behaviour or metabolism? A reply to E.L. Gibson and L. Thibault. Appetite, 41 (1), pp. 105-106. ISSN 0195-6663

GORFIN, L. and MCGLAUGHLIN, A., 2003. Housing for adults with a learning disability: 'I want to choose, but they don't listen'. Housing, Care and Support, 6 (3), pp. 4-8. ISSN 1460-8790

GRIFFITHS, M., 2003. Action plan - Problem gambling. Psychologist, 16 (11), pp. 582-584. ISSN 0952-8229

GRIFFITHS, M., 2003. Internet abuse in the workplace: issues and concerns for employers and employment counselors. Journal of Employment Counseling, 40 (2), pp. 87-96. ISSN 0022-0787

GRIFFITHS, M. and COOPER, G., 2003. Online therapy: implications for problem gamblers and clinicians. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 31 (1), pp. 113-135. ISSN 0306-9885

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. 7 top tips to beat techno-stress. Health and Wellness Magazine.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. The BPS social psychology conference and how to organize it. Social Psychological Review, 5, pp. 35-40. ISSN 1369-7862

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Cyberaffairs- A new area for psychological research. OCR Revision Conference Guide, pp. 8-10.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Daily lottery draw will be bad for health and wealth. Daily Telegraph, p. 29.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Do videogames contribute to childhood obesity? British Medical Journal (Online).

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Dot cons: exploitation and fraud on the Internet - part 2. The Criminal Lawyer, 134, pp. 3-5. ISSN 0956-7429

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Elephants tears (Notes and Queries, G2). The Guardian, p. 18.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Empirical studies in the social psychology of gambling. Proceedings of the British Psychological Society, 11, p. 222.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Exploitation and fraud on the Internet: some common practices. The Criminal Lawyer, 132, pp. 5-7. ISSN 0956-7429

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Felt. The Guardian (Friday Review), p. 5.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Flawed perspective. The Guardian (Life), p. 23.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Fruit machine addiction in females: a case study. eGambling: Electronic Journal of Gambling Issues (EJGI) (8). ISSN 1494-5185

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Gambling advertising and problem gambling: is there a relationship? Youth Gambling International Newsletter, 3, pp. 1-2.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. High stakes. The Guardian, p. 7. ISSN 0261-3077

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. How to increase your productivity. PsyPAG Quarterly, 49, pp. 11-12.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. How to stop Internet plagiarism. PsyPAG Quarterly, 46, pp. 68-71.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Instant-win products and prize draws: are these forms of gambling? Electronic Journal of Gambling Issues: eGambling (EJGI), 9. ISSN 1494-5185

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Internet gambling: issues, concerns, and recommendations. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 6 (6), pp. 557-568. ISSN 1094-9313

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. [John Humphrys and Mastermind] [letter]. The Guardian, p. 27.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Lottery dangers. The Times, p. 23.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Mobile phone crime: a new area of concern for the criminal justice system? Justice of the Peace, 167, pp. 484-486. ISSN 0956-7429

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. More tips on being child-friendly in health settings. British Medical Journal (Online).

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. More tips on listening skills. British Medical Journal (Online).

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Netting fraudsters. Daily Telegraph, p. 19.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Occupational health issues concerning internet use in the workplace. Work and Stress, 16, pp. 283-287.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. One hit wonders. The Guardian (Friday Review), p. 3.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Online auction fraud: the fastest growing crime? Justice of the Peace, 167, pp. 621-622.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Online identity fraud. Justice of the Peace, 167, pp. 724-726.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Outrageous stars. Q magazine, p. 6.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Peer review: How objective is it? British Medical Journal (Online).

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Poster presentations: A rejoinder to Jacobs. British Medical Journal (Online).

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Problem gambling. The Psychologist: Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 16, pp. 582-584. ISSN 0952-8229

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Raising gambling awareness through advertising. GamCare News, 16, p. 14.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Self-promotion: how to raise your personal profile. Psy-PAG Quarterly Newsletter, 48, pp. 52-55.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Should gamblers be worried? World Online Gambling Law Report, 2 (8), pp. 10-11. ISSN 1477-2922

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Speaking to patients' relatives: Further tips and advice. British Medical Journal (Online).

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Technology and gambling: the social impact of internet gambling. Society for the Study of Gambling Newsletter, 36, pp. 18-28.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Tips on ... how to increase productivity. British Medical Journal, 326. ISSN 0959-535X

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Tips on... Keeping fresh and motivated. British Medical Journal, 327 (142).

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Tips on... beating 'techno stress'. British Medical Journal, 326. ISSN 0959-535X

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Tips on... being successful in your job. British Medical Journal, 326. ISSN 0959-535X

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Tips on... business travel abroad. British Medical Journal, 327. ISSN 0959-535X

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Tips on... creating time for yourself. British Medical Journal, 327. ISSN 0959-535X

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Tips on... getting ahead. Student British Medical Journal, 11, p. 107. ISSN 0966-6494

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Tips on... getting ahead. British Medical Journal, 326. ISSN 0959-535X

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Tips on... giving poster presentations. British Medical Journal, 326. ISSN 0959-535X

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Tips on... leading a team. Student British Medical Journal, 11, p. 459. ISSN 0966-6494

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Tips on... leading a team. British Medical Journal, 326. ISSN 0959-535X

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Tips on... networking. British Medical Journal, 326. ISSN 0959-535X

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Tips on... raising your profile at work. British Medical Journal, 327. ISSN 0959-535X

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Tips on... supporting your colleagues. British Medical Journal, 327. ISSN 0959-535X

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Tips on... telephone skills. British Medical Journal, 327. ISSN 0959-535X

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Videogames: advice for parents and teachers. Education and Health, 21 (3), pp. 48-49. ISSN 0265-1602

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. What is it good for ? The Guardian, p. 23.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Whence the schnoz? (Notes and Queries, G2). The Guardian, p. 18.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Writing short stories: Some further tips. British Medical Journal (Online).

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. The probability of your number coming up (Notes and Queries, G2). The Guardian, p. 18.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. The psychology of risk: a reply to Easton. British Medical Journal (Online).

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. The theraputic use of videogames in childhood and adolescence. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 8, pp. 547-554. ISSN 1359-1045

GRIFFITHS, M.D. and AASVED, M., 2003. The psychodynamics and psychology of gambling. Addiction Today, 15 (82), p. 25.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., DAVIES, M.N.O. and CHAPPELL, D., 2003. Breaking the stereotype: the case of online gaming. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 6 (1), pp. 81-91. ISSN 1094-9313

GRIFFITHS, M.D. and LADOUCEUR, R., 2003. Understanding and treating the pathological gambler. Journal of Substance Use, 8 (1), p. 65. ISSN 1465-9891

GRIFFITHS, M.D. and MCMURRAN, M., 2003. Motivating offenders to change: A guide to enhancing engagements in therapy. Social Psychological Review, 5, pp. 86-87.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., PARKE, A. and IRWING, P., 2003. Personality traits in pathological gambling: sensation-seeking, deferment of gratification and competitiveness as risk factors. Proceedings of the British Psychological Society, 11, p. 222.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., PARKE, A. and PARKE, J., 2003. Violence in gambling environments: a cause for concern? Justice of the Peace, 167, pp. 424-426.

GRIFFITHS, M.D. and PARKE, J., 2003. If music be the food of gambling. The Psychologist: Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 16, p. 514. ISSN 0952-8229

GRIFFITHS, M.D. and PARKE, J., 2003. The psychology of the fruit machine. Psychology Review, 9 (4), pp. 12-16. ISSN 1764-6504

GRIFFITHS, M.D., SHEVLIN, M., BANYARD, P. and DAVIES, M.N.O., 2003. Love me, love my lectures? Psy-PAG Quarterly, 47, pp. 35-38.

GRIFFITHS, M.D. and SMEATON, M., 2003. Internet gambling and social responsibility. World Online Gambling Law Report, 2 (3), pp. 8-9. ISSN 1477-2922

GRIFFITHS, M.D. and WOOD, R.T.A., 2003. Videogame playing and gambling in adolescents: common risk factors. Proceedings of the British Psychological Society, 11, p. 222.

GRIGOLO, M., 2003. Sexualities and the ECHR: Introducing the Universal Sexual Legal Subject. European Journal of International Law, 14 (5), pp. 1023-1044. ISSN 0938-5428

HALL, D.A., 2003. Auditory pathways: are 'what' and 'where' appropriate? Current Biology, 13 (10), pp. 406-408.

HALL, D.A., HART, H.C. and JOHNSRUDE, I.S., 2003. Relationships between human auditory cortical structure and function. Audiology and Neuro-Otology, 8 (1), pp. 1-18.

HALL, D.A. and MOORE, D.R., 2003. Auditory neuroscience: the salience of looming sounds. Current Biology, 13 (3), PR91-R93.

HARDILL, I., 2003. Growing old in England: economic and social issues. Local Economy, 18 (4), pp. 337-346. ISSN 0269-0942

HARDILL, I. and BAINES, S., 2003. Doing one's duty? Voluntary work and the 'new economy'. Local Economy, 18 (2), pp. 102-108. ISSN 0269-0942

HARDILL, I. and GREEN, A., 2003. Remote working - altering the spatial contours of work and home in the new economy. New Technology Work and Employment, 18 (3), pp. 212-222. ISSN 0268-1072

HAROLD, D., PEIRCE, T., MOSKVINA, V., LOVESTONE, S., POWELL, J., FOY, C., ARCHER, N., WALTER, S., EDMONDSON, A., MCILROY, S., CRAIG, D., PASSMORE, P.A., GOATE, A., HARDY, J., O'DONOVAN, M., WILLIAMS, J., LIDDELL, M., OWEN, M.J., JONES, L., MYERS, A., JONES, S., HOLLINGWORTH, P. and MOORE, P., 2003. Sequence variation in the CHAT locus shows no association with late-onset Alzheimer's disease. Human Genetics, 113 (3), pp. 258-267. ISSN 0340-6717

HART, H.C., HALL, D.A. and PALMER, A.R., 2003. The sound-level dependent growth of auditory cortical activation, as measured using fMRI, is different for low- and high-frequency tones. Hearing Research, 179 (12), pp. 104-112.

HART, H.C., PALMER, A.R. and HALL, D.A., 2003. Amplitude and frequency-modulated stimuli activate common regions of human auditory cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 13 (7), pp. 773-781.

HEAPHY, B., YIP, A.K.T. and THOMPSON, D., 2003. The social and policy implications of non-heterosexual aging. Quality in Ageing, 4 (3), pp. 30-35.

HILL, R. and BRUNSDEN, V., 2003. Surviving disaster; firefighters as victims - preliminary findings. Fire Safety, Technology and Management, 8 (3), pp. 21-24.

HOLDAWAY, S., 2003. Police race relations in England and Wales: theory, policy and practice. Police and Society, 7 (1), pp. 49-75.

HOLDAWAY, S., 2003. Victimization with constabularies in England and Wales: the legacy of immigration. International Review of Victimology, 10 (2), pp. 137-156.

HOLDAWAY, S., 2003. The final warning: appearance and reality. Journal of Criminal Justice, 3 (4), pp. 351-368.

HORSLEY, R.R. and CASSADAY, H.J., 2003. Preliminary experiment finds no effect of 1mg/kg of d-amphetamine on overshadowing in the rat. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 17 (3).

JOINSON, A.N. and BANYARD, P., 2003. Seeking alcohol information on the Internet. Aslib Proceedings, 55, pp. 313-319. ISSN 0001-253X

JONES, G., 2003. Testing two cognitive theories of insight. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 29 (5), pp. 1017-1027. ISSN 0278-7393

KEENAN, W.J.F., 2003. Rediscovering the theological in sociology: foundation and possibilities. Theory, Culture & Society, 20 (1), pp. 19-41. ISSN 0263-2764

KEENAN, W.J.F., 2003. Review of 'Death, ritual and belief: the rhetoric of funerary rites' by Douglas Davies. Culture and Religion, 4 (2), pp. 259-261.

KONDEL, T.K., MORTIMER, A.M., LEESON, V.C., LAWS, K.R. and HIRSCH, S.R., 2003. Intellectual differences between schizophrenic patients and normal controls across the adult lifespan. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 25 (8), pp. 1045-1056. ISSN 1380-3395

LANSDALE, M.W. and PADOVANI, S., 2003. Balancing search and retrieval in hypertext: context-specific trade-offs in navigational tool use. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 58 (1), pp. 125-149. ISSN 1071-5819

LAWS, K.R., 2003. Gender differences in lexical size across categories. Personality and Individual Differences, 36, pp. 23-32. ISSN 0191-8869

LAWS, K.R. and AKHTAR, S., 2003. Naming feature centrality: an advantage for living things. Brain and Cognition. ISSN 0278-2626

LAWS, K.R., GALE, T.M. and LEESON, V.C., 2003. The influence of surface and edge-based visual similarity on object recognition. Brain and Cognition, 53 (2), pp. 232-234. ISSN 0278-2626

LAWS, K.R., LEESON, V.C. and GALE, T.M., 2003. Inflated and contradictory category naming deficits in Alzheimer's disease? Brain and Cognition, 53 (2), pp. 416-418. ISSN 0278-2626

MANN, D., SUTTON, M. and TUFFIN, R., 2003. The evolution of hate: social dynamics in white racist newsgroups. Internet Journal of Criminology.

MARSHALL, J., JENNINGS, P., SCOTT, A., FLUCK, R.J. and MCINTYRE, C.W., 2003. Glycemic control in diabetic CAPD patients assessed by continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS). Kidney International, 64 (4), pp. 1480-1486. ISSN 0085-2538

MOORE, R., 2003. Restorative justice: overview and critique. Criminology Seminar Series.

NORMAN, C. and CASSADAY, H.J., 2003. Amphetamine increases aversive conditioning to diffuse contextual stimuli and to a discrete trace stimulus when conditioned at higher footshock intensity. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 17 (1), pp. 67-76. ISSN 0269-8811

PARKE, J. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Self-delusion in gambling as a coping mechanism. Proceedings of the British Psychological Society, 11, p. 222.

PECK, E. and 6, P., 2003. Much obliged: how courageous is Labour prepared to be in enforcing healthy behaviour? Health Service Journal, pp. 12-14. ISSN 0300-8347

PILCHER, J., WILLIAMS, J. and POLE, C., 2003. 'Rethinking adulthood: families, transitions, and social change'. Sociological Research Online, 8 (4), pp. 181-185. ISSN 1360-7804

PRINCE, C. and ALLISON, S., 2003. Corporate university developments in the UK SME sector. Journal of Worplace Learning, 15 (5), pp. 229-239. ISSN 1366-5626

SERGEANT, M.J.T., 2003. Review of 'The scent of Eros: mysteries of odour in human sexuality' by James V. Kohl & Robert T. Francouer. Human Nature Review, 3, pp. 284-288. ISSN 1476-1084

SERGEANT, M.J.T., 2003. Review of the 2003 Annual Meeting of the Psychobiology Section of the BPS. PsyPAG quarterly, 49, pp. 40-42.

SERGEANT, M.J.T., 2003. Review of the PsyPAG Winter Workshop (II): The use of fMRI in current psychological research. Psy-PAG Quarterly, 47, pp. 39-41.

SHEVLIN, M., WALKER, S., DAVIES, M.N.O., BANYARD, P. and LEWIS, C.A., 2003. Can you judge a book by its cover? Evidence of self-stranger agreement on personality at zero acquaintance. Personality and Individual Differences, 35 (6), pp. 1373-1383. ISSN 0191-8869

SHORE, S.E., SUMNER, C.J., BLEDSOE, S.C. and LU, J., 2003. Effects of contralateral sound stimulation on unit activity of ventral cochlear nucleus neurons. Experimental Brain Research, 153 (4), pp. 427-435. ISSN 0014-4819

SMITH, G., 2003. Actions for damages against the police and attitudes of claimants. Policing and Society, 13 (4), pp. 413-422. ISSN 1043-9463

STEVENS, T., WILDE, D., HUNT, J. and AHMEDZAI, S.H., 2003. Overcoming the challenges to consumer involvement in cancer research. Health Expectations, 6 (1), pp. 81-88. ISSN 1369-7625

STEVENS, T., WILDE, D., PAZ, S., AHMEDZAI, S.H., RAWSON, A. and WRAGG, D., 2003. Palliative care research protocols: a special case for ethical review? Palliative Medicine, 17 (6), pp. 482-490. ISSN 0269-2163

STILLER, J., NETTLE, D. and DUNBAR, R.I.M., 2003. The small world of Shakespeare's plays. Human Nature, 14 (4), pp. 397-408. ISSN 1045-6767

SUMICH, A.L., KUMARI, V. and SHARMA, T., 2003. Neuroimaging sexual arousal: research and clinical utility. British Journal of Hospital Medicine, 64 (1), pp. 28-33. ISSN 1759-7390

SUMMERFIELD, A.Q., STACEY, P.C., ROBERTS, K.L., FORTNUM, H.M. and BARTON, G.R., 2003. Economic analysis and cochlear implantation. International Congress Series, 1254, pp. 313-319. ISSN 0531-5131

SUMNER, C.J., LOPEZ-POVEDA, E.A., O’MARD, L.P. and MEDDIS, R., 2003. Adaptation in a revised inner-hair cell model. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 113 (2), pp. 893-901. ISSN 0001-4966

SUMNER, C.J., O’MARD, L.P., LOPEZ-POVEDA, E.A. and MEDDIS, R., 2003. A nonlinear filter-bank model of the guinea-pig cochlear nerve: rate responses. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 113 (6), p. 3264. ISSN 0001-4966

SUNDIN, E.C. and HOROWITZ, M.J., 2003. Horowitz's 'Impact of event scale'. Evolution of 20 years of use. Psychosomatic Medicine, 65 (5), pp. 870-876. ISSN 1534-7796

SUTTON, M., 2003. Race hatred and the far right on the Internet. Criminal Justice Matters, 48, pp. 26-27. ISSN 0962-7251

SUTTON, M. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Emails with unintended criminal consequences. The Criminal Lawyer, 130, pp. 6-8. ISSN 0956-7429

SZABO, A. and UNDERWOOD, J.D.M., 2003. Cybercheats: is information and communication technology fuelling academic dishonesty? Active Learning in Higher Education, 5 (2), pp. 180-199. ISSN 1469-7874

TILLEY, N., 2003. Understanding crime, liberalism, and science. Criminal Justice Ethics, 22 (1), pp. 50-55. ISSN 0731-129X

TRIGG, R. and WOOD, V.A., 2003. The validation of the subjective index of physical and social outcome (SIPSO). Clinical Rehabilitation, 17 (3), pp. 283-289. ISSN 0269-2155

TSELONI, A. and PEASE, K., 2003. Repeat victimisation: 'boosts' or 'flags'? British Journal of Criminology, 43 (1), pp. 196-212. ISSN 1464-3529

UMEH, K., 2003. Social cognitions and past behavior as predictors of behavioral intentions related to cardiovascular health. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 33 (7), pp. 1417-1436. ISSN 0021-9029

UMEH, K. and DIMITRAKAKI, V., 2003. Breast cancer detection in asymptomatic women: health beliefs implicated in secondary prevention. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 8 (2), pp. 96-115. ISSN 1071-2089

UNDERWOOD, G., CHAPMAN, P., BERGER, Z. and CRUNDALL, D., 2003. Driving experience, attentional focusing, and the recall of recently inspected events. Transportation Research Part F, 6 (4), pp. 289-304.

UNDERWOOD, G., CHAPMAN, P., BROCKLEHURST, N., UNDERWOOD, J. and CRUNDALL, D., 2003. Visual attention while driving: sequences of eye fixations made by experienced and novice drivers. Ergonomics, 46 (6), pp. 629-646. ISSN 0014-0139

UNDERWOOD, J., 2003. Student attitudes towards socially acceptable and unacceptable group working practices. British Journal of Psychology, 94 (3), pp. 319-338. ISSN 0007-1269

UNDERWOOD, J. and SZABO, A., 2003. Academic offences and e-learning: individual propensities in cheating. British Journal of Educational Technology, 34 (4), pp. 467-477. ISSN 0007-1013

WARREN, C.A.B., BARNES-BRUS, T., BURGESS, H., WIEPOLD-LIPPISCH, L., HACKNEY, J., HARKNESS, G., KENNEDY, V., DINGWALL, R., ROSENBLATT, P.C., RYEN, A. and SHUY, R., 2003. After the interview. Qualitative Sociology, 26 (1), pp. 93-111.

WATTS, S. and STENNER, P., 2003. On normativity, meaninglessness and the centrality of the self: a reply to Good and Brown. Operant Subjectivity, 26 (3), pp. 182-189. ISSN 0193-2713

WATTS, S. and STENNER, P., 2003. Q methodology, quantum theory and psychology. Operant Subjectivity, 26 (3), pp. 155-173.

WHITTY, M.T., 2003. Coping and defending: age differences in maturity of defense mechanisms and coping strategies. Aging & Mental Health: An International Journal, 7 (2), pp. 123-132.

WHITTY, M.T., 2003. Cyber-flirting: playing at love on the Internet. Theory and Psychology, 13 (3), pp. 339-357. ISSN 0959-3543

WHITTY, M.T., 2003. Pushing the wrong buttons: men's and women's attitudes towards online and offline infidelity. CyberPsychology and Behavior, 6 (6), pp. 569-579.

WHITTY, M.T., 2003. Review of 'Gender and the restructured university'. Journal of Family Studies, 9 (2), pp. 282-283.

WHITTY, M.T. and CARR, A.N., 2003. Cyberspace as potential space: considering the web as a playground to cyber-flirt. Human Relations, 56 (7), pp. 861-891. ISSN 0018-7267

WIGGINS, S. and POTTER, J., 2003. Attitudes and evaluative practices: category vs. item and subjective vs. objective constructions in everyday food assessments. British Journal of Social Psychology, 42 (4), pp. 513-531. ISSN 0144-6665

WILD, J., 2003. How many more must die before front-line issues are addressed? Community Care, pp. 24-27. ISSN 0307-5508

WILD, J., 2003. Want answers? Don't ask Laming. Community Care, pp. 38-39. ISSN 0307-5508

WILLIAMS, G., 2003. Stress at work: has the HSE got it right? The Psychologist: Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 16 (10), p. 512.

WRIGHT, C.Y. and WEEKES, D., 2003. Race and gender in the contestation and resistance of teacher authority and school sanctions: the case of African Caribbean pupils in England. Comparative Education Review, 47 (1), pp. 3-20. ISSN 0010-4086

YIP, A.K.T., 2003. Reflections on Islam and homosexuality. Anthropology Today, 19 (5), pp. 19-20. ISSN 0268-540X

YIP, A.K.T., 2003. Sexuality and the church. Sexualities, 6 (1), pp. 60-64. ISSN 1363-4607

YIP, A.K.T., 2003. Spirituality and sexuality: the religious beliefs of non-heterosexual Christians in Great Britain. Theology and Sexuality, 9 (2), pp. 137-154. ISSN 1355-8358

Authored book

BANYARD, P. and STAPLETON, M., 2003. AS psychology: student unit guides 2540/2541. Deddington, Oxfordshire: Philip Allan Updates.

FABES, R., PAYNE, B. and WOOD, J., 2003. Who says nothing ever happens around here? Leicester: National Youth Agency.

HEAPHY, B., YIP, A.K.T. and THOMPSON, D., 2003. Lesbian, gay and bisexual lives over 50: report on the project: 'The social and policy implications of non-heterosexual ageing'. Nottingham: York House Publications. ISBN 1897650132

HORNER, N., 2003. What is social work? contexts and perspectives. Exeter: Learning matters. ISBN 1903300827

MURPHY, E. and DINGWALL, R., 2003. Qualitative methods and health policy research. New York: Aldine de Gruyter.

Chapter in book

AHEARNE, M., 2003. A dangerous obsession? Gambling and social stability. In: J. ROWBOTHAM and K. STEVENSON, eds., Behaving badly: social panic and moral outrage - Victorian and modern parallels. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 127-141. ISBN 754609650

AINSWORTH, S., MAJOR, N., UNDERWOOD, J. and GRIMSHAW, S., 2003. REDEEM: simple intelligent tutoring systems from usable tools. In: S. MURRAY, S. BLESSING and S. AINSWORTH, eds., Authoring tools for advanced technology learning environments. Dordrecht; London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 1-26. ISBN 1402017723

ARNOLD, J. and MILLER, H., 2003. Towards a cyberpsychology of gender, identity and space in the academic workplace - a feminist review. In: Visions of humanity in cyberculture, cyberpunk and science fiction. Learning Solutions.

BELLAMY, C., 2003. E-government. In: T. BOVAIRD and E. LÖFFLER, eds., Public management and governance. London: Routledge, pp. 113-126. ISBN 415252466

BULLOCK, K. and TILLEY, N., 2003. From strategy to action: the development and implementation of problem-oriented projects. In: K. BULLOCK and N. TILLEY, eds., Crime reduction and problem-oriented policing. Cullompton: Willan, pp. 89-125. ISBN 1843920506

BULLOCK, K. and TILLEY, N., 2003. The role of research and analysis: lessons from the crime reduction programme. In: J. KNUTTSON, ed., Problem-oriented policing: from innovation to mainstream. Monsey, NY: Criminal Justice Press, pp. 147-181. ISBN 1881798372

EATOUGH, V. and SMITH, J.A., 2003. I feel like a scrambled egg in my head: An idiographic case study of meaning, making and anger using interpretative phenomenological analysis. In: Psychology and Psychotherapy. UNSPECIFIED.

GOUGH, B., 2003. Deconstructing reflexivity. In: L. FINLAY and B. GOUGH, eds., Reflexivity: a practical guide for researchers in health & social sciences. Oxford: Blackwell Science.

GOUGH, B., 2003. Shifting researcher positions during a group interview study: a reflexive analysis and review. In: L. FINLAY and B. GOUGH, eds., Reflexivity: a practical guide for researchers in health & social sciences. Oxford: Blackwell Science.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Adolescent gambling: risk factors and implications for prevention, intervention, and treatment. In: D. ROMER, ed., Reducing adolescent risk: toward an integrated approach. Thousand Oaks, Calif.;London: Sage Publications, pp. 223-238. ISBN 761928359

GRIFFITHS, M.D. and PARKE, J., 2003. The environmental psychology of gambling. In: G. REITH, ed., Gambling: who wins? Who loses? Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, pp. 277-292. ISBN 1591020735

HENN, M., WEINSTEIN, M. and WRING, D., 2003. Alienation and youth in Britain. In: G. TAYLOR and M. TODD, eds., Democracy and protest. London: Merlin Press, pp. 196-217. ISBN 0850365384

HOLDAWAY, S., 2003. Ethnicity, crime, and policing. In: M. HOLBORN, ed., Developments in sociology. Causeway Press, pp. 15-29.

HOPKINS, B., 2003. Policing bad behaviour: interrogating the dilemmas. In: J. ROWBOTHAM and K. STEVENSON, eds., Behaving badly? Offensive behaviour and 'crime'. London: Ashgate.

JONES, G. and RITTER, F.E., 2003. Production systems and rule-based inference. In: L. NADEL, ed., Encyclopedia of cognitive science. London: Nature Publishing Group, pp. 741-747. ISBN 333792610

KALVIAINEN, M. and MILLER, H., 2003. Researching user's understanding of objects: an on-line tool. In: Design and emotion, episode III: the design of everyday things. London: Taylor & Francis.

MASON, D., 2003. Changing ethnic disadvantage: an overview. In: D. MASON, ed., Explaining ethnic differences: changing patterns of disadvantage in Britain. Bristol: Policy. ISBN 1861344686

MASON, D., 2003. Changing patterns of ethnic disadvantage in employment. In: D. MASON, ed., Explaining ethnic differences: changing patterns of disadvantage in Britain. Bristol: Policy. ISBN 1861344686

MCKAY, J., 2003. Corruption and scandal in German politics. In: J. NEWELL and M. BULL, eds., Corruption in contemporary politics. New York: Palgrave. ISBN 333802985

MCGLAUGHLIN, A. and GRAYSON, A., 2003. A cross sectional and prospective study of crying in the first year of life. In: S.P. SHOHOV, ed., Advances in psychological research. New York: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 53-74.

NERLICH, B. and DINGWALL, R., 2003. Deciphering the human genome: the semantic and ideological foundations of genetic and genomic discourse. In: R. DIRVEN, R. FRANK and M. PÜTZ, eds., Cognitive models in language and thought: ideology, metaphors and meanings. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, pp. 395-428.

RICHARDSON, M., JONES, G., TORRANCE, M. and THORNE, G., 2003. Identifying the task variables that influence assembly complexity. In: P. MCCABE, ed., Contemporary ergonomics (2003). London: Taylor & Francis, pp. 513-518. ISBN 415309948

SUTTON, M., 2003. Theft, stolen goods and the market reduction approach. In: J. SHAPLAND, H.J. ALBRECHT and J. DITTON, eds., The informal economy: threat and opportunity in the city. Freiburg: Max-Planck Institute. ISBN 3861130580

TILLEY, N., 2003. Community policing, problem-oriented policing and intelligence-led policing. In: T. NEWBURN, ed., Handbook of policing. Cullompton: Willian, pp. 311-339. ISBN 1843920204

WILDE, L., 2003. The young Marx. In: D. BOUCHER and P. KELLY, eds., Political thinkers: from Socrates to present. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 404-418. ISBN 198781946

YIP, A.K.T., 2003. The self as the basis of religious faith: spirituality of gay, lesbian, and bisexual Christians. In: L. DAVIE, L. WOODHEAD and P. HEELAS, eds., Predicting religion: Christian, secular and alternative futures. London: Ashgate, pp. 135-146. ISBN 754630099

Conference contribution

UNSPECIFIED 2003. Founders' tales: from hagiography to historiography in images of founders'. In: BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group Conference, Sacred Texts, University of Oxford.

UNSPECIFIED 2003. Le manque de demarcation entre le travail et la maison: la dynamique familiale et les trajectoires chez des couples a double carriere. In: Habitat et vie urbaine, PUCA, Paris.

6, P., 2003. Dirty institutions, costly workaround and fragile settlements: understanding lay knowledge. In: Max Planck Institute Conference on 'The Value of Inconsistency', Villa Olmo, Como, Italy, August 2003, Villa Olmo, Como.

6, P., 2003. Entitlement cards: benefits, privacy and data protection risks, costs and wider social implications. In: Information Commissioner's Conference, 'Entitlement cards: the issues', 15 January 2003.

6, P., 2003. The governance of technology: concepts, trends, theory, normative principles and research agenda [white paper]. In: ESRC Science in Society Programme Workshop, Demographic Governance of Technological Change in an Era of Globalisation, FLAD (Luso-American Development Foundation), Lisbon, Portugal, February 2003, FLAD, Lisbon.

ALBERTSEN, K., LELEU, I. and KARANIKA, M., 2003. European examples of good practice in the prevention of work-relate stress. In: Work, Stress and Health: New Challenges in a Changing Workplace. Conference of the American Psychological Association in collaboration with NIOSH, Toronto, Canada, 20-22 March 2003, Toronto.

ARNOLD, J., 2003. Women on the Web: towards a cyberpsychology of gender, identity and space in the academic workplace - a feminist critical review. In: BPS section, Women and Psychology Conference, Northampton, UK, July 2003, Northampton.

ARNOLD, J. and LARKIN, J., 2003. Women on the Web: towards a cyberpsychology of gender, identity and space in the academic workplace- a feminist review. In: Visions of Humanity in Cyberculture, Cyberspace and Science Fiction Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, August 2003, Prague, Czech Republic.

ARNOLD, J. and MILLER, H., 2003. Methods for a critical cyberpsychology: investigating the real world of the web. In: Virtual Methods Symposium, Guilford, UK, September 2003, Guilford.

BARRETT, D.J.K., MENNEER, T., PHILLIPS, L., CAVE, K.R. and DONNELLY, N., 2003. The breakdown of efficient search for multiple, same dimension targets. In: Experimental Psychology Society, Exeter meeting, Exeter, April, 2003, Exeter.

BARRETT, D.J.K. and ROSE, D., 2003. Scene-based and object-centered facilitation: evidence for attention at multiple levels of spatial description. In: 26th European Conference of Visual Perception, Paris, France, September, 2003, Paris, France.

BARRETT, D.J.K. and ROSE, D., 2003. The spatio-temporal constraints of object-based priming. In: Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Sarasota, Florida, USA, May, 2003, Sarasota, Florida, USA.

BOWPITT, G., HIGHAM, P. and PUNTHA, H., 2003. Parental involvement and the politics of Sure Start evaluation. In: [Conference], Coventry University Centre for Social Justice, 2003.

BRUNSDEN, V., WOODWARD, L. and REGEL, S., 2003. Organisational stress in Fire Brigade's Union officials. In: Fire Service College Research Event, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire, November 2003, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire.

BYFORD, J.T., 2003. Antisemitic hate crime in post-Milosevic Serbia: conspiratorial nature of contemporary anti-Semitism and the implications of hate crimes research. In: International Hate Crimes Conference, Nottingham Centre for the Study of Hate Crimes, Nottingham, UK, 22-23 February 2003, Nottingham.

BYFORD, J.T., 2003. Historical revisionism, repression and the representations of Bishop Nikolaj Velimirovic in contemporary Serbian culture. In: Annual Conference of the British Association of Slavonic and East European Studies, Cambridge, March 2003, Cambridge.

BYFORD, J.T., 2003. Martyrdom as a 'replacement myth': evidence of repression in the social remembering of Bishop Nikolaj Velimirovic. In: International Conference on Nationalist Myths and Modern Media, London, UK, 2003, London.

CLUGHEN, L. and BRUNSDEN, V., 2003. What students need...: analysis of student needs in the Faculty of Humanities. In: The Nottingham Trent University 5th Annual Teaching and Learning Conference, Nottingham, 8 April 2003, Nottingham.

DILLON, G., UNDERWOOD, J. and OKUBAYASHI, T., 2003. Communicating by text messages: a return to flexible spelling? In: ECER, Hamburg, Germany, 17 September 2003.

DINGWALL, R., 2003. [Invited speaker]. In: 6th Scandinavian Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation Congress, Stavanger, Norway, 4-6 September 2003, Stavanger, Norway.

DWYER, P., 2003. Older international migrants and social security in the European Union. In: European Science Foundation Scientific Network on Older Migrants in Europe, York, UK, 23-26 October 2003, York.

DWYER, P., 2003. Older migrants, the European Union and social policy. In: European Science Foundation Scientific Network on Older Migrants in Europe, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 15-18 May 2003, Dubrovnik.

DWYER, P., 2003. Welfare rights and responsibilities under New Labour. In: Annual Interdisciplinary Day Conference for Postgraduate Students in the Social Sciences and Humanities, Department of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield, UK, 10 June 2003, Department of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield.

EATOUGH, V. and SMITH, J.A., 2003. I was like a wild person: An interpretive phenomenological analysis of female anger and aggression. In: International Human Science Research Conference, Stockholm.

GOATCHER, J. and BRUNSDEN, V., 2003. Delivering large Level One modules: challenges and solutions. In: The Nottingham Trent University 5th Annual Teaching and Learning Conference, Nottingham, 8 April 2003, Nottingham.

GORFIN, L. and MCGLAUGHLIN, A., 2003. Listening to the disempowered groups: a case study examining the expressed needs of adults with a learning disability. In: Proceedings of the British Psychological Society.

GORFIN, L. and MCGLAUGHLIN, A., 2003. Listening to the oppressed groups. In: Centre for Social Justice Annual Conference: Engaging with Local Communities, April 2003.

GREEN, B., TENGNAH, C., COLEMAN, C., JOHANSSON, I. and BUTTON, L., 2003. A comparative study of the impact of an international placement on the lives and practices of nurses. In: 5th International Collaborative Conversations Conference, Bournemouth, England, 8-11 September 2003.

HARDILL, I., 2003. Ageing and urban regeneration. In: Regions for All Ages Conference, 11 March 2003.

HARDILL, I., 2003. A tale of two nations: juggling work and home in the new economy. In: ESRC Seminar Series: Work, Life and Time in the New Economy, Gender Institute, London School of Economics, London, UK, 30 May 2003, Gender Institute, LSE.

HARDILL, I. and CRAMPTON, A., 2003. Moving experiences: representing urban living in a post industrial city. In: AAG Annual Conference, New Orleans, USA, March 2003, New Orleans.

HARDILL, I. and GUILLEMOT, L., 2003. A tale of two countries: British retirement migration to France. In: Gateway 6, Pisa, Italy, 12 April 2003, Pisa.

HARDILL, I., SPRADBERY, J., ARNOLD-BOAKES, J. and MARRUGAT, M.L., 2003. Issues facing English speaking migrants who retire to Spain. In: Gerontology Conference, July 2003.

HENN, M. and WEINSTEIN, M., 2003. First-time voters attitudes towards party politics in Britain. In: Liberal Democratic Party National Office, London, UK, 5 June 2003, London.

HENN, M. and WEINSTEIN, M., 2003. First-time voters attitudes towards party politics in Britain. In: Conservative Party National Office, London, 3 April 2003, London.

HIGHAM, P., 2003. Ethics for social work research. In: ESRC Training Workshop for Social Work PhD Students, University of Bradford, Bradford, UK, 2003, University of Bradford.

HILL, R. and BRUNSDEN, V., 2003. Firefighters as victims. In: Fire Service College Research Event, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire, November 2003, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire.

HOPKINS, B. and POLLOCK, E., 2003. A tale of two anomies: some observations on the contribution of criminological theory to explaining hate crime. In: Inaugural Symposium of the Nottingham Centre for the Study and Reduction of Hate Crimes, Galleries of Justice (NCSRHC and SOLON), Nottingham, UK, 21-22 February 2003, Galleries of Justice (NCSRHC and SOLON), Nottingham.

HORNER, N., 2003. The links between student experiences of placements and future employment choices. In: Practice Learning Conference, Imperial College, London, UK, April 2003, Imperial College, London.

JONES, G. and NEVILLE, L.V., 2003. The nature and development of insight. In: British Psychological Society: Cognitive Section, Reading, Reading.

KEENAN, W.J.F., 2003. Founders' tales: from hagiography to historiography in images of founders. In: BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group Conference: Sacred Texts, University of Oxford, 9-12 April 2003, Oxford, UK.

KEENAN, W.J.F., 2003. 'Shock and awe': mediations and mutations in 'The Arts' (sacred and profane). In: BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group. Sacred Texts, University of Oxford, 9-12 April 2003, Oxford, UK.

KEENAN, W.J.F., 2003. 'Shock and awe': mediations, meditations and mutations in 'the arts' (sacred and profane). In: BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group Conference: Sacred Texts, Plater College, Oxford, 9-12 April 2003, Oxford.

LARKIN, R.F. and SNOWLING, M.J., 2003. Is SLI a more severe form of dyslexia? A focus on children's spelling. In: The Summer Workshop, The University of York (2003).

LARKIN, R.F. and SNOWLING, M.J., 2003. Is SLI a severe form of dyslexia? A focus on children's spelling [Poster presentation]. In: British Psychological Society Developmental Conference, Coventry (2003).

LARKIN, R.F. and SNOWLING, M.J., 2003. The effects of wider language skills on spelling: a focus on morphology [Poster presentation]. In: Medical Research Council Conference, York..

LARKIN, R.F. and SNOWLING, M.J., 2003. The effects of wider language skills on spelling: a focus on morphology [Poster presentation]. In: The Child Language Seminar, Newcastle-upon Tyne [2003].

LOVE, K.J., 2003. Heidegger and knowledge. In: Theory, Culture and Society Seminar, Nottingham, 2003, Nottingham.

LOVE, K.J., 2003. A political analysis. In: WSSD 2002, Nottingham.

MCKAY, J., 2003. Round table: the state of the parties: the PDS. In: Association for the Study of German Politics Annual Conference, University of Strathclyde, April 2003, University of Strathclyde.

MCKAY, J., 2003. Women's quotas in Germany: part of the problem or part of the solution? In: ECPR general conference, Marburg, Germany, September 2003, Marburg, Germany.

MCKAY, J., 2003. A close shave: the German federal election 2002. In: German Federal Election 2002, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK, January 2003, Nottingham Trent University.

MILLER, H., 2003. Objects and identity. In: British Psychological Society Social Psychology Section Conference, London, September 2003, London.

MILLER, H. and KALVIAINEN, M., 2003. User information for designers: a visual research package. In: International Conference on Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA, June 2003, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA.

MOORE, R., 2003. The restorative prison: 'old wine in a new bottle' or a major transformation in penal thinking and application. In: British Society of Criminology Conference, University of Wales, Bangor, Wales, UK, 24-26 June 2003, University of Wales, Bangor.

MOORE, R., 2003. The restorative prisons project. In: Socio-Legal Studies Association Conference, Nottingham Law School, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK, 14-16 April 2003, Nottingham Law School, Nottingham Trent University.

O'NEILL, M., 2003. Addressing the state of the Union: the EU's constitutional end-game [public lecture]. In: Socrates/Erasmus Programme, Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 14-16 October 2003, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

O'NEILL, M., 2003. Constitutionalising the European Union: towards finalite. Part one: confronting the EU's polity problem: democratic deficits, limited legitimacy, de-coupled institutions and global crises [public lecture]. In: Socrates/Erasmus Programme, Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 14-16 October 2003, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

O'NEILL, M., 2003. Constitutionalising the European Union: towards finalite. Part two: The European Convention on the Future of Europe - constitutionalising the Union [public lecture]. In: Socrates/Erasmus Programme, Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 14-16 October 2003, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

O'NEILL, M., 2003. From European Economic Community to European Union and beyond? Introducing the EU: a crash course from Community to Union. (1) From catharsis to community: the EEC in the making, 1945-1957. In: [Workshop organised by the European Studies Across Borders], Novi Sad, Serbia, August 2003.

O'NEILL, M., 2003. International governance for the new Century; the lessons of European integration. In: Postgraduate Seminar on European Integration, Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolya University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2003, Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolya University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

O'NEILL, M., 2003. Nothing succeeds like success: from European Community to European Union and beyond? In: [Workshop organised by the European Studies Across Borders], Novi Sad, Serbia, August 2003.

O'NEILL, M., 2003. Prospects for EU citizenship. In: Conference Proceedings of the 2nd European Cultural and Educational Forum, 18-21 December 2003, Bruges, Bruges.

O'NEILL, M., 2003. Reconciliation and peaceful co-existence seen through the lens of European integration studies: comparing the Western and Eastern European experiences [keynote paper]. In: Conference at the official launch of the Centre for Advanced European Studies and Research (CAESAR), November 2003.

O'NEILL, M., 2003. Towards a meaningful European citizenship? Developments since the Treaty of Maastricht and into the far blue yonder! In: Bi-annual EU Policy Simulation Conference, Buffalo University, New York, USA, April 2003, Buffalo University, New York.

SERGEANT, M.J.T., 2003. Evolution and olfaction; the role of sexual orientation in body odour. In: Human Behavior and Evolution Society Annual Conference, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA, 6 June 2003, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA.

SERGEANT, M.J.T., 2003. Evolution and sexuality; the role of body odour in attraction. In: The London Metropolitan University [Conference], London, UK, 27 February 2003.

SERGEANT, M.J.T., 2003. Evolution, olfaction and sexual orientation. In: Summer School on Human Olfaction, University of Dresden Medical School, Dresden, Germany, July 2003, University of Dresden Medical School, Dresden, Germany.

SERGEANT, M.J.T., 2003. Olfaction and male sexual orientation. In: The Psychobiology Section of the British Psychological Society, Old Dungeon Ghyll, The Lake District, UK, 12 September 2003, Old Dungeon Ghyll, The Lake District.

SERGEANT, M.J.T., 2003. The evolution of sexual orientation. In: Cafe Scientifique, Wax Cafe, Nottingham, UK, 24 March 2003, Wax Cafe, Nottingham, United Kingdom.

SMITH, G., 2003. Liability matters: Equality before the law and public accountability in the human rights era, policing the police: the challenges. In: Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland Conference, Belfast.

SMITH, G., 2003. Police crimes: offences committed by the police officers when falsely purporting to be in the execution of their duty. In: International Hate Crimes Conference, Nottingham.

SOMEKH, B., UNDERWOOD, J.D.M. and DILLON, G., 2003. The test bed maturity model: determining the effects of technology in complex environments. In: BECTA Annual Research Conference, London, 13 June 2003.

TOOR, S., 2003. Asian criminality: responding to racially motivated offending. In: International Hate Crimes Conference, Nottingham, UK, February 2003, Nottingham.

UNDERWOOD, J., DILLON, G. and OKUBAYASHI, T., 2003. How technology shapes orthography: are conventional spellings on the way out (again)? In: CAL2003, Queens University, Belfast, 8 April 2003.

WEINSTEIN, M., 2003. First-time voters attitudes towards party politics in Britain. In: Conservative Party National Office Conference, 3 April 2003.

WEINSTEIN, M., 2003. Political activity and youth in Britain. In: European Consortium for Political Research, Joint Sessions, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, April 2003, University of Edinburgh.

WEINSTEIN, M. and HENN, M., 2003. First-time voters attitudes towards party politics in Britain. In: Labour Party National Office, London, UK, 25 June 2003, London.

WEINSTEIN, M. and HENN, M., 2003. First-time voters attitudes towards party politics in Britain. In: Citizenship Foundation 'Post-16 Citizenship Seminar', London, UK, 4 July 2003, London.

WEINSTEIN, M. and HENN, M., 2003. First-time voters attitudes towards party politics in Britain. In: Liberal Democratic Party fringe event 'Generation Y', London, UK, 24 September 2003, London.

WEINSTEIN, M. and HENN, M., 2003. Virgin voters - research into first time voters in Great Britain [online]. In: Virgin voters - research into first time voters in Great Britain, 2003.

WHITE-SANSOM, L., 2003. Stalking and domestic violence: a matter of hate? In: International Hate Crimes Conference, Nottingham, UK, February 2003, Nottingham.

WHITTY, M.T., 2003. Cyber-flirting: an examination of how men and women flirt on the Internet. In: Broadening the Band:AOIR Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, 16-19 October, 2003, Toronto, Canada.

WHITTY, M.T., 2003. Cyber-flirting: an examination of men's and women's flirting behaviour both offline and on the Internet [invited talk]. In: Trinity College, Ireland, 14 November, 2003, Ireland.

WHITTY, M.T., 2003. Dealing with spam in the workplace. In: [a series of seminars on spam across Australia with SurfControl], Australia.

WHITTY, M.T., 2003. It's only on the Internet, no harm in having fun: representations of unfaithful Internet relationships. In: 8th European Congress of Psychology, Vienna, Austria, 6-11 July, 2003, Vienna, Austria.

WHITTY, M.T., 2003. Logging onto love: an examination of men and women's flirting behaviour both offline and on the Internet. In: SASP, Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia, 24-27 April, 2003, Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia.

WILLIAMS, D. and BRUNSDEN, V., 2003. The impact of the Omagh bombing on victim support volunteers. In: VIII European Conference on Traumatic Stress, Berlin, 22-25 May 2003, Berlin.

WILLIAMS, G. and ALBERY, I.P., 2003. Neuroticism biases work stressor-strain links and should be statistically controlled [poster presentation]. In: 5th Annual Conference of European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, Berlin, 20-21 November 2003, Berlin.

WILLIAMS, G. and ALBERY, I.P., 2003. Testing the mediating/moderating role of neuroticism in stress-strain relationships among health care workers. In: Stress & Anxiety Research (STAR) Society 24th International Conference [on] Stress and Anxiety, Lisbon, Portugal, 10-12 July 2003, Lisbon.

WOOD, R.T.A., GRIFFITHS, M.D., DAVIES, M.N.O. and CHAPPELL, D., 2003. Gambling without money: electronic gaming and intrinsic motivation. In: 12th International Conference on Gambling and Risk-Taking, Vancouver, Canada, May, 2003, Vancouver, Canada.

WOOD, R.T.A., GRIFFITHS, M.D., DAVIES, M.N.O. and CHAPPELL, D., 2003. A typology of UK adolescent lottery and scratchcard players. In: 12th International Conference on Gambling and Risk-Taking, Vancouver, Canada, May, 2003, Vancouver, Canada.

YIP, A.K.T., 2003. Lesbian and gay Christians and relationship values. In: Leeds University Chaplaincy and Christian Focus Group & the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement Yorkshire and Cleveland Group Meeting, Leeds, UK, Leeds.

YIP, A.K.T., 2003. Managing dissident sexual identities: narratives of British non-heterosexual Muslims. In: The 6th Conference of the European Sociological Association, University of Murcia, Spain, 23 September, 2003, University of Murcia.

YIP, A.K.T., 2003. Queering religious texts: an exploration of non-heterosexual Christians' and Muslims' strategies in constructing sexuality-affirming hermeneutics. In: Annual Conference of the British Sociological Association Sociology of Religion Study Group, Plater College, Oxford, UK, 09 April, 2003, Plater College, Oxford.

YIP, A.K.T., 2003. Researching non-heterosexual Muslims in Britain: methodological considerations and empirical themes. In: International Society for the Sociology of Religion Conference, University of Turin, Italy, 21 July, 2003, University of Turin.

YIP, A.K.T., 2003. The stories of older lesbians and gay men. In: Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement Nottingham Group Meeting, Nottingham, UK, 16 May, 2003, Nottingham.

Edited book

BULLOCK, K. and TILLEY, N., 2003. Crime reduction and problem-oriented policing. Cullompton, Devon: Willan.

FINLAY, L. and GOUGH, B., 2003. Reflexivity: a practical guide for researchers in health & social sciences. Oxford: Blackwell Science.

MASON, D., 2003. Explaining ethnic differences: changing patterns of disadvantage in Britain. Bristol: Policy. ISBN 1861344686

Newspaper or popular journal contribution

GRIFFITHS, M., 2003. Good on paper? [letter]. Times Higher Education, p. 17.

GRIFFITHS, M., 2003. Unenjoyable sex [letter]. Times Higher Education, p. 17.

GRIFFITHS, M., 2003. A gossip-free space to think. Times Higher Education, p. 25.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Bang for the buck [letter]. Times Higher Education, p. 15.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Clare Short - chart loser [letter]. The Guardian, p. 21. ISSN 0261-3077

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. David Beckham: the psychology. Daily Star, p. 21.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Don's Diary (under the knife and over the moon). Times Higher Education Supplement, p. 17. ISSN 0049-3929

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Gambling addiction. OCR Psychology AS/A2 Revision Conference Guide, pp. 5-12.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Gr8 nus 4U? Times Higher Education Supplement, p. 19. ISSN 0049-3929

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Law change is a gamble [letter]. The Guardian, p. 23. ISSN 0261-3077

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Nowadays, its good to gamble. Times Higher Education Supplement, p. 13. ISSN 0049-3929

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Online gaming: what the researchers are trying to achieve. Nottingham Evening Post, pp. 6-7.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Sitting ducks [letter]. The Guardian, p. 5. ISSN 0261-3077

GRIFFITHS, M.D., DAVIES, M.N.O. and CHAPPELL, D., 2003. Addictive signs [letter]. The Guardian, p. 27. ISSN 0261-3077

MOORE, J. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. So what looks best on Britney? Daily Star, pp. 28-29.

WILLIAMS, G., 2003. Don's diary: novice to grandmaster in two short years. Times Higher Education (37813).

Professional or trade journal contribution

JENNINGS, P., 2003. DAFNE programme yields flexible diabetes management. Nursing in Practice, 10, pp. 35-36. ISSN 1473-9445

Research report for external body

6, P., 2003. Entitlement cards: benefits, privacy and data protection risks, costs and wider social implications. Wilmslow: Office of the Information Commissioner.

ABBAS, A., HARRISON, J., MACDONALD, R., MOORE, R., SHILDRICK, T. and SIMPSON, M., 2003. Dordrecht project: first report. UNSPECIFIED.

BRIGGS, P., 2003. A scoping evaluation of Ashfield Health Living Project. UNSPECIFIED.

BRIGGS, P. and SCOTT, F., 2003. An analysis of existing training and development of programmes, and the design of a more effective training and development framework and implementation plan for Connexions Norfolk Partnership. UNSPECIFIED.

EUROPEAN AGENCY FOR SAFETY and HEALTH AT WORK, 2003. Mainstreaming occupational safety and health into education [Fact Sheet 52]. Bilbao, Spain: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.

EUROPEAN AGENCY FOR SAFETY and HEALTH AT WORK, 2003. Management of occupational safety and health in the education sector [Fact Sheet 45]. Bilbao, Spain: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.

EUROPEAN AGENCY FOR SAFETY and HEALTH AT WORK, 2003. Occupational safety and health in the education sector [Fact Sheet 46]. Bilbao, Spain: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.

EUROPEAN AGENCY FOR SAFETY and HEALTH AT WORK, 2003. Preventing psychosocial risks at work: European perspectives [Forum Issue 9]. Bilbao, Spain: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.

EUROPEAN AGENCY FOR SAFETY and HEALTH AT WORK, 2003. Prevention of violence to staff in the education sector [Fact Sheet 47]. Bilbao, Spain: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.

EYRE, A. and BRUNSDEN, V., 2003. Essex County Fire and Rescue Service: stress management programme progress report. Essex: Essex County Fire & Rescue Service.

GORFIN, L. and MCGLAUGHLIN, A., 2003. Assessment of housing and support needs for adults with a learning disability living with carers over 70 in North Nottinghamshire: final report. Nottingham: Nottingham County Council.

GREGSON, M., 2003. Holden McAllister Partnership & Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust (2003): The legacy: A study of the needs of GB victims and survivors of the Northern Ireland 'Troubles.'. Warrington: The Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Trust.

GREGSON, M. and SANDHU, S., 2003. HMP (2003) : Local evaluation of Hull Children's Fund: First report. Hull: Hull Children's Fund.

GREGSON, M., SMITH, D. and MORGAN, J., 2003. Between the lines: An evaluation of the secured car park award scheme. London: Home Office.

HALSEY, K., JOHNSON, A., FLETCHER-MORGAN, C. and KINDER, K., 2003. Evaluation of truancy sweep follow-ups. National Foundation for Educational Research.

HENN, M. and WEINSTEIN, M., 2003. First time voters attitudes towards party politics in Britain. [Economic and Social Research Council End of Award Report]. Research TV.

HENN, M. and WEINSTEIN, M., 2003. Virgin voters- Research into first time voters in Great Britain [on-line]. Research TV. UNSPECIFIED.

HOLDAWAY, S., 2003. Evaluation of the Street Crime Initiative. Report to South Yorkshire Police. South Yorkshire Police.

HOPKINS, B. and ORROCK, E., 2003. Youth crime: A base audit of youth work interventions in England that impact on young people as perpetrators or as victims of crime. Leicester: National Youth Association.

KENDALL, S., KINDER, K., HALSEY, K., FLETCHER-MORGAN, C. and WHITE, R., 2003. An evaluation of alternative initiatives. Nottingham: DfES.

MOORE, R., SAPSFORD, R., HARPER, P., HARRISON, J. and SIMPSON, M., 2003. Restorative prison project: interim report. Teesside: School of Social Sciences and Law, University of Teesside.

PARKE, J., 2003. The psychology of Internet gambling. UNSPECIFIED.

SUTTON, M., 2003. How burglars and shoplifters sell stolen goods in Derby: describing and understanding the local illicit markets. Derby: Derby Community Safety Partnership.

TOOR, S. and KENNEDY, J., 2003. Evaluation of the 'Out of the Blue: One Stop Crime Prevention Shop.'. UNSPECIFIED.

UNDERWOOD, J.D.M. and SZABO, A., 2003. Plagiarism: is there a problem in tertiary education? JISC Plagiarism Advisory Service.

WOOD, R.T.A., 2003. An investigation of subjective time loss whilst playing video games [Research Grant Report for the British Academy]. British Academy.

YIP, A.K.T., 2003. A minority within a minority: British non-heterosexual Muslims [End of award report for the Economic & Social Research Council]. Ecomomic & Social Research Council.


DUNN, A.K., 2003. A dual route account of vision for action and perception: the effects of the Judd illusion on pointing and line matching. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

MOORE, C., 2003. Reconceptualising the phenomenon of war: the NATO intervention in Kosovo. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

WILLIAMS, G.A., 2003. Intrapersonal and extrapersonal factors in stressor perceptions, coping and strain among NHS staff. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.


MAGUIRE, K. and PYBUS, L., 2003. Evaluation of postgraduate study in health and safety.

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